#yandere sandman
aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Please excuse me, but the links on your masterlists aren't working. Maybe you could redo the links?
Of course, I don't know why they're not working and I'll fix them soon, but for now I'll leave the links here, I hope it works this time:
Yandere BTS Masterlist
Yandere BLACKPINK Masterlist
Yandere ITZY Masterlist
Yandere Stray Kids Masterlist
Yandere Greek Mythology Masterlist
Yandere Egyptian Mythology Masterlist
Yandere Historical Characters Masterlist
Yandere TVD/TO Masterlist
Yandere House of the Dragon Masterlist
Yandere Percy Jackson Masterlist
Yandere Harry Potter Masterlist
Yandere Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Masterlist
Yandere Attack on Titan Masterlist
Yandere Marvel Masterlist
Yandere The Sandman Masterlist
Yandere Outlander Masterlist
Yandere Wednesday Masterlist
Love Letters Masterlist
New Masterpost here
If any of the links aren't working (within each masterlist), let me know. Last time I checked just now they are all working fine.
~ Lady L
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starlight-writes · 5 months
His Ruby - Chapter 9
Summary: What if the ruby became a person, and Dream would stop at nothing to possess her?
Morpheus/F!Original Character
A/N: I have a longer note on AO3, but if you're coming back after such a long hiatus, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
Taglist: @gorgeourrific-nerd @dotieeee
“Good morning,” Morpheus says when she opens the door. Ariel blinks up at him, having expected one of his servants instead. She’s used to Morpheus just barging into her room whenever he’d like, not knocking and waiting for a response.
“Hi,” Ariel says cautiously. It’s strange to see him standing before her after everything that has happened. She isn’t sure whether to be on her guard or to play nicely in the hopes he’ll finally let her out of this damn room.
“I would like for you to accompany me to the throne room,” he says, face blank except for the slightest bit of hope hiding in his eyes.
“Now?” she says, already eyeing the threshold to her room.
“As we had discussed, I will be attending to matters within the Dreaming so that I can work while keeping an eye on you,” he says stoically, then softens his voice. “You had also expressed a desire to leave your room.”
Ariel’s heart pounds in her chest. It’s nowhere near the level of freedom she craves, but it’s more than she’s had for over two days now.
Morpheus extends his hand over the doorway to her, leaving it hovering in front of her.
It’s more than just an invitation, but also a question - will she work with him? Try to meet him halfway?
Ariel doesn’t want to give him an inch. She doesn’t want to touch him, doesn’t want him to give him even the chance to take his power from her. She doesn’t want to feel the spark of electricity between them that makes her lust for him.
She wonders, would meeting halfway mean giving up her chance at freedom, at having her own choices, her own life? And would she sacrifice those things for the promise of happiness Morpheus has made to her?
Or, she thinks, would giving him the impression of cooperation grant her enough trust for her to finally break free of her bonds?
It’s a fine line she would have to walk, to both try to earn Morpheus’ trust while also keeping her own goals in mind. The building attraction between them only makes it more difficult.
Ariel steels herself, then takes Morpheus hand, and he pulls her over the threshold.
[keep reading on ao3]
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oneandonlyizabelle · 2 years
Now I need dark/yandere Morphius/Dream of the endless fics.
This man literally imprisoned his ex in Hell, just because she didn’t accept his offer to be his queen. If that doesn’t scream yandere/obsessive then I don’t know what does.
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inorganicone2230 · 2 months
When is part seven of this waking nightmare coming. That is one of the best yandere Morpheus fanfic I ever read. Please update.
Thank you, but I'm sorry to say that it probably won't be getting done for some time still. Unfortunately, my ability to write depends solely on my interest in the fandom, and currently, I am far too focused on another one of my stories at present and our dear Morpheus isn't even in my wheelhouse at the moment. 😅
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densewentz · 8 months
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In His Spot Day 10 (Fursona) and 11 (Yandere) got lumped together and shaken into some Dreamling fluff! (feat. some particularly unfortunate grad students)
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phlegmykins · 2 years
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attackurheart88 · 4 months
Ooo if it’s okay, can I please request a Soft Yandere Morpheus x fem!innocent!human!reader where she somehow accidentally ends up in The Dreaming and Morpheus is fully ready to let out his wrath at her intrusion, but after talking to her spending time with her, he decides he doesn’t want her to leave, ever, and intends to make her his Queen
You weren't supposed to be here.
Morpheus watched in the shadows as the woman hummed peacefully to herself weaving flowers unaware of the danger lurking behind her. As soon as Mathew alerted him to your presence, Morpheus teleported over in anger. It was only a few months since his capture and his dislike of humans had increased greatly. The dreaming was the only place where he could live peacefully without any worries or fears he would not let a human ruin it.
The birds flew away and the deer and squirrels were quick to scurry. Once Morpheus made himself known the happiness in the air dissipated. He watched as you tensed finally feeling his presence and turned.
“Who are you?” his voice wasn't raised yet it carried such force you were quick to back up. “You're not supposed to be here.” he snarled.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn't know I just sorta appeared.” Your voice was so soft and sweet. It suited you. “I didn't mean to trespass, my name is Y/n.” Morpheus stared blankly at your outstretched hand. You were being kind? Why? You were clearly afraid so why go through the trouble? Was it a trick? A way to get into his head?
A small peep drew his attention behind you. There was a bird wounded by your feet. Morpheus anger sparked up again. “You dare come into this forest and harm its inhabitants.” A sudden force flings you back into a tree.
“Ow.” you slid down painfully watching in horror as he made his way closer. “Wait, please! I didn't hurt it. It fell from a tree I was trying to rebuild its nest.” your small hands were held up as you explained. Morpheus took notice of the small scratches and cuts on your fingers.
As quickly as that anger came it lessened.
One look at your doe eyes and tender expression had Morpheus’s head running. It contained glimpses of fear but no hint of lies. You were telling the truth.
Releasing you, Morpheus took a step back and waved his hand.
The bird flew in circles now fully healed and the scars that once littered your hand vanished.
“Incredible,” you whispered. “Thank….you.” But he was gone.
Morpheus made his way back to his palace. Scouring through the books of his library for information on you. He should have banished you, threatened you, captured you. But he didn't. He couldn't. Despite the way he acted he couldn't find any fault with you. Nor did you harbor any sort of anger, hatred, or evil in you. You were too kind. The animals of Fiddler’s Green were not welcoming to strangers and would have attacked if you held bad intentions. Instead, they danced and sang to entertain you, to please you.
Why? Why were you here? Why was the dreaming so welcoming to you? Why was it he found it difficult to hurt you? Why did he feel the urge to touch you, kiss you, devour you.
Morpheus wasn’t new to the feeling of love. But the emotions inside his chest were different. They weren’t pure or sweet or gentle. They were fierce dangerous addicting. It was only a few hours since he saw you. But his mind was flooding with images of you and impure thoughts. Thought to take you to own you to take your innocence and corrupt it. Your sweet voice will be for him to hear, your soft eyes his to gaze at, and your body? His to ravage.
You were a virgin he was sure of it. He could smell it on you, innocence and purity radiating in waves just begging to be taken away.
“Lucienne.” The woman walked over. “My lord. Have you taken care of the intruder?” “Just about to.” Morpheus smiled to himself. Lucienne furrowed her brows confused.
“Prepare a room. I want it fit for a queen.”
For the next few days, Morpheus waits anxiously for your return. He's made all the proper preparations for you transitioning as his queen. A large bed, mountains of presents, and in case there are any resisting, some lovely chains to keep you still. But he's sure he won't need them for long. Soon enough you’ll learn your place and accept your new role happily. Unlike his former lovers, there will be no mistakes as you’ll never be allowed to leave his side.
Your sniffles and sobs could be heard echoing throughout the room. Morpheus is there with his arms around you. Gentle rubs on your hair as he whispers in your ear to console you.
“I-I want to go home,” you repeated for the hundredth time. Morpheus only smiled and shook his head. “This is your home, now love.” he cooed. “There is nowhere else for you to be.”
You will soon love him and depend on him for everything. Morpheus would become you're only priority as you his. Anyone who gets in the way of that, friend or foe will suffer the consequences.
As his darling, be sure to be obedient and never escape or look in another person’s direction. The consequences will be severe. You could be starved for a couple of days or perhaps be delivered the bloody head of the man who dared to talk to you.
Morpheus is passionate about his love but is equally cruel. Slowly he’ll break you down with love and punishments until you're his perfect wife where he’ll be able to love you and cherish you to his heart's content.
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
can you write a love/romantic letter 💌 , gender, neutral reader from the show sandman and the letter is from Dream AKA lord Morpheus please and thank 😊🥰 ❤️❤️❤️
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My beloved dreamer,
My heart was captured by an intense and overwhelming passion and you are to blame. Every thought I have is dedicated to you, and the very idea of ​​being away from you causes me anguish beyond description.
I have been watching your steps in my Kingdom, visiting your deepest desires and yearnings. My presence at your side, although invisible, has been a constant in your dream nights. Through the dreamlike landscapes, I have witnessed the beauty of your soul so close and personal.
I feel a deep, mysterious connection between us, something that transcends barriers of time and space. My love for you grows every moment, and the desire to protect and keep you only for me is something that consumes me.
I must request for you to forgive me for any pain my actions may have caused or may cause. My intention is only to take care of you in the best way I know how even if that means taking extreme measures.
I realize that my emotions can be overwhelming, sometimes even frightening and misunderstood, but that's only because the love I feel for you is infinite and uncontrollable. I would do anything to keep you safe, to preserve our love forever.
Remember, my love, that everything I do is because I cannot bear the thought of losing you. You are my reason for existing, the light that guides my way through the darkness of the world. I promise to love you, protect you, and care for you, even if it means going beyond conventional boundaries.
With everlasting love,
Dream of the Endless.
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starlight-writes · 2 years
His Ruby - Prologue
Summary: What if the ruby became a person, and Dream would stop at nothing to possess her?
Dream/Female OC
A/N: Inspired by @oneandonlyizabelle‘s post and @inklore’s post, and all the sudden an idea for yandere Dream came to me. Just finished the prologue and am working on chapter 1, hoping to have it posted soon! Lemme know what you think and hope you enjoy~
A man is on a power trip, using the ruby he keeps chained around his neck to acquire anything and everything he wants. Currently, he is in the midst of a passionate affair, the woman beneath him held in a dream-like stupor, bowing to his every desire.
He is finishing inside of her when his ruby cracks, becomes dull and lifeless.
The man is driven into a terrible rage, rampaging across town and cursing the loss of his precious ruby that made his dreams come true. That is, until the woman returns to him with a positive pregnancy test in hand.
He isn’t sure, but on a hunch, he spirits the woman away for safe keeping. It’s harder to do so without his ruby, even harder still to hold her unwillingly for nine-months, but he manages. In his years of spreading terror and chaos, he has learned many tricks.
And when the baby arrives sporting thick, bright red hair, he doubles down on his hunch, claiming the child for himself.
He names her Ariel, for the movie he’d seen with the darling mermaid with matching hair, and tosses the baby’s mother aside, useless now to him.
An ocean away, an ancient being stirs in his prison. He feels something shift within him, a pull tugging him towards something. He does not know what.
He’s trapped. So he waits.
Read the rest of the prologue here
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
Hob is the live-in au pair for the Endless family.
Orpheus is a dream, so smart and engaging, a little shy, but Hob is working on that.
Mr. & Mrs. Endless don't seem to like each other much - and Hob isn't sure how you can't like Mr. Endless (Dream), he's great.
Mrs. Endless is away a lot, so most nights it just Dream Mr. Endless, Orpheus and Hob, their own little family.
Hob knew, but certainly didn't think (hope) Mr. Endless was paying attention, however on his anniversary with the family, Dream got Hob gifts - a necklace, a dress, lingerie; and he and Orpheus cooked dinner for the family,,,, it was so sweet, how well Hob's family take care of him.
Not at all like his old family.
This is totally a horror movie, for Mrs. Endless, because Dream loves having all Hob's attention and Hob is more than happy to kill to secure his family.
Yandere Hob? Yandere Hob. I feel bad for Mrs Endless but… Hob just loves Dream and Orpheus so much, right?
And Hob looks beautiful in his new wine red dress with its scooping neckline that shows off the diamonds Dream has fastened around his neck. It’s such a magical night - not for the first time, Orpheus slips up and calls Hob “mama”. This time Hob doesn’t correct him, just kisses the little angel’s cheek and bounces him on his hip. Orpheus goes to bed so sweetly once Dream has read his bedtime story, Hob can’t help but stand in the doorway and try to savour how it feels to be loved like this.
If Orpheus is sweet, then Dream is a thousand times sweeter. He pulls Hob close and kisses him hotly, murmuring that Hob is his, the one he thinks of all the time, the one he loves. Hob spills out all his own feelings. How he’s watched Dream and hoped, but never expected anything. How much he wants, how greedy he is. Dream hushes him. He’ll give Hob everything, he promises. Hob deserves the world.
They make love in the marital bed and Hob digs his fingers so deep into Dream, he leaves bruises. He adores Dream so much he thinks he might die. And Dream takes it all like it’s a beautiful gift! He promises Hob total devotion - he’ll get a divorce, he’ll marry Hob, he can adopt Orpheus.
And yes, a divorce would be less messy. Hob just hopes it doesn’t take too long. Now he’s actually had Dream to himself, his patience has all dried up. If he doesn’t get what he wants? He’ll take it.
And they’ll be so happy.
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floatyflowers · 2 years
Platonic Dark Father! Morpheus x Reader
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You are the personification of joy in the endless family, and also the daughter of Dream.
However, you were never allowed to do as you please, Dream controlled your every motive.
You mostly lived in the dreaming with Morpheus, just because he is overprotective of you.
To be honest, you never got angry or sad at your father, you would always smile at his face and do as he pleases just so you could always make him happy.
After all, you are joy, you are never sad or angry, you are always playful and easy-going
You never thought of his behaviour to be toxic and extremely possessive.
But, when your father gets locked up for a century, and you are left not knowing what to do, you decide to leave the dreaming.
That's when you find your potential, and it is to make people feel joy.
You also found out that Morpheus actually was the one holding you back from achieving your role.
Everything was going well for you until your father managed to get out.
When Dream discovered that you left Dreaming, he considered it a betrayal.
"We meet again, are you not going to greet your father, (Y/n)?"
You would only stand frozen in your place, staring at him, not moving an inch.
"Let's return back together to the dreaming"
When you reject the idea of returning with him, Morpheus takes it as a sign of rebaling against him.
"I'm not going back with you to that prison, I'm independent, Papa"
"Then you leave me with no choice, Joy"
With those words, Dream puts you into a deep sleep by using his sand.
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morpheusic · 1 year
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all of my works will contain mature themes, i am fully aware i cannot control the age range of those who view my works but seriously minors dni with posts that have smut in the warnings
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reblog tendencies.
— my requests are always open, this is a multi-fandom acc so expect works from multiple medias since I tend to fixate on a lot from time to time. Most of my works may be focused on genshin impact since it's what gets the most views from what I know (I don't play the game anymore though). — I write drabbles, oneshots, headcannons and imagines. feel free to request any
— the fandoms/medias I'll write for: honkai star rail, genshin impact, the sandman, castlevania, chainsaw man, honkai star rail, marvel
— Tumblr is the only site I write and post my works. If you see me on other writing sites like Wattpad, AO3, etc, it's not me. If you ever see any of my works posted on any other writing sites than Tumblr, please let me know immediately.
— I won't publish often, it'll depend on how much motivation I have and I only post when I feel like it. Do not rush me to finish something, I have my own life and issues outside of Tumblr.
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Can we have a Morpheus x Reader in the style of Phantom of the Opera? Thanks!
Inside My Mind
Dream of the Endless x Opera Singer!Reader
Summary: He was the phantom of the opera making you lose your mind.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Dark!Dream, Yandere!Dream, graphic depictions of violence/obsession/manipulation, fem!reader, smut/smutty allusions (dub con, fingering, vaginal penetration, marking, corruption kink) Phantom of the Opera AU, Set in Victorian Era, angst ig, typos, etc.
A/N: another MINORS DNI fic lol YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES HOW DID YOU COME UP WITH THIS THIS IS AMAZING I LOVE THIS YES YES YES So, for obvious reasons, the plot of phantom of the opera is tweaked because dream is not 'grotesque' like the phantom in the real story. ALSO THIS EXPLODED INTO A DARK YANDERE FIC NONNIE I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE DARK FICS COS THIS GETS PRETTY DARK T_T this was supposed to be a slow burn because i got so excited for it, but then suddenly i was not excited at all and was unable to write anything, like fr it was so hard to write this so im only writing the highlights in my head im so sad i cant write this T_T PLEASE READ THIS FIC WITH THIS BECAUSE ITS SO BEAUTIFULLY ORCHESTRATED Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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He was in his private booth with no one except Hob. Dream, in the length of his existence, no longer finds the same wonder as his friend, whose very eyes sparkle at the performance before him. But then his ears catch the echo of the song from behind the stage, from deep behind the opera house. "I say, they-" Hob starts, but when he turns to his side, his companion is no longer there. Dream watches her in the shadows, basking in her voice as she sings the song being performed with more heart than he ever thought possible, before making himself known. When he does, she starts, dropping the mop she was using on the floor. The sight of her face excites him. She is laced in nervousness when she manages to ask, "who are you?" "I am your Dream."
I remember how it was before, how it was in the beginning. When he was my Dream, who came to me with sincerity and gentleness.
I look out to the dim lit bathroom as I wash my arms in the fragrant water of my tub. I deflate in loneliness, "will you not show yourself to me tonight either, my Dream?"
A chill runs down my spine when the wind blows across me.
I gasp at the feeling of warmth on my cheeks.
I look out to the empty room, "Dream?"
Yes, my love.
I frown at the sound his voice, for the speaker nowhere in sight.
"Where are you?" I mutter softly.
I am attending to imperative business right now. I cannot be with you in my physical form.
I frown, "you've left me again?"
Sadness creeps up on me when he does not respond.
"You've left me again, my Dream. I'm all alone without you."
I sink down deeper in the tub as I hear him call out my name. My brows furrow at the sound of him.
You are not alone. You are never alone. I am always with you, my love, even when my form cannot be there. Always.
A bitter tear threatens to spill from my eyes, "it doesn't feel like it... are you not going to watch my debut? It's tomorrow night already."
My breath hitches when the I feel a ghost of a touch trail down my spine. Goosebumps rise all around me.
Nothing will stop me from watching you perform.
My heart leaps in my throat. I bite my lip at the thought as I feel myself break into a soft smile.
"I wish you weren't so busy. Then I wouldn't have to keep talking to you in my bathroom. It's the only other place quiet enough for you to hear me."
My shoulder tenses when the sound of his laughter echoes.
My dear, do you think there is a place on any plane that I would not hear your calls for me?
I knit my brows, "but you never respond to me anywhere else, my Dream, only here, and in my bedroom when Meg is not around."
Oh, beloved, there is so much that you do not yet understand about your Dream.
I pout, "then explain it to me," I rise from my tub, leaning on the side, looking out into the emptiness, "I am not a child."
I shudder when I feel a hand on my cheek. I place my own hand on the area, but it's not the same.
In due time, my love. I will reveal myself, my whole truth to you, in due time.
That was the beginning of the sweetness.
I remember vividly, as well, the first time he ever touched me. It was not like how one would touch a friend or maybe even a stranger. He touched me in the way I had never been touched before.
I hadn't understood the concept of the Dreaming yet, and so I was simply shocked to have met him in a park when he came up behind me. He had to explain to me that we were in his realm.
The soft smile on his lovely face at the time was enough to make me do anything he wished.
His lips found mine as his arms wrapped around me.
He did not give me time to ask any other questions spinning through my mind at that moment; I quite frankly didn't mind. His attentions on my skin and the kisses he left were more than enough.
And then he started to lift my skirt.
"Dream," I call as goosebumps rise on my skin. My Dream does nothing but pull me closer and move my clothing away so that he can touch my bare skin.
I jolt and whimper at his touch.
"Hush, my love," he mutters against my neck, "I swear to you that I will bring you nothing but pleasure, just as I have intended all along."
I am still tense when I feel his fingers move into me. I squeak and wrangle against him, but eventually the foreign and inexplicable want that builds within inside my being makes me lean into him and yearn more for his touch.
"My beautiful ge-"
I gasp when I hear my name being called in a panic.
Meg is looking down at me with worry laced all over her features, "have you had a nightmare?"
I turn to his, propping my elbows up as I stare at my friend.
She continues, knowing I was in pure confusion, "you were groaning and whimpering in your sleep."
I feel blood rise up my cheeks.
Meg knits her brows, caressing my cheek, "are you ill, my love? You've got a hotness about you."
"No," I shake my head, offering a bashful smile, "I am well, Meg. It was just my... my Dream."
It would then be Meg who truly experienced a nightmare, unshakeable ones at that. But at the time, I did not know it was my Dream's punishment for interrupting us.
That was what it used to be like living in the bliss of my naivete.
Even though I suppose it was always there, my Dream's darkness, it only became real when I allowed myself to see it.
My Dream started to turn into my Nightmare when I was reunited with my childhood friend, Raoul.
I had obviously been excited to see him again at the opera house. Raoul told me it was destiny. I felt uncomfortable by the idea that my Dream's brother would ever allow such a thing, but I did not tell Raoul that.
Whenever he visited me, Raoul offered me roses for each of my performances that he watched, and he made so to watch every performance I had, even going as far as being a patron of the opera, so to be able to watch me practice.
I, of course, was ecstatic to have my friend around. But Dream did not share my sentiment.
At first, my Dream acted cold. He acted hurt. He told me-
"I've heard his thoughts, he wishes to steal you away, to claim you as his own, to corrupt you," he seethes, gripping me by my arms, "do you want that?"
"No!" I shake my head rapidly.
"Do you want him to take my greatest and sweetest love away from me?" he mumbles, pushing me against the vanity. We were in the privacy of the diva dressing room, as I was now the diva of the show.
"No, my Dream," I frown at him, grabbing his face as he hoists me on the surface. I help him push my clothing up so that my exposed thighs could straddle his hips.
He begins to undo his trousers as he nods his head, "you belong to me, don't you, beloved?"
I lick my lips in anticipation of him while I nod myself, stealing a glance between his face and what his hands were working on, "I am yours, my love."
He pushes against my face with his as he presses a kiss on my cheek bone, "and I am yours, eternally."
I nibble my lips when he exposes himself. I let out a loud groan when he enters me.
"Pretty girl," he praises, "let them all hear who makes you feel this good."
I suppose, in fact, it was my fault that he snapped.
But it was not as though I could control who I dreamt about. And it was not like my dreams were something he should have readily dove into.
Dream had asked me, "do you want him?"
"Your childhood flame," he quips coldly, "Raoul."
I told him I didn't. Why wouldn't I when I was so in love with him?
But later that night, I dreamt of him, of Raoul. I was walking with my childhood friend in my childhood home. We were holding hands the way we did when I was younger. He was recounting his travels to me as we walked around the halls. I laughed when he joked he would steal me away. I joked that I would let him if he gave me all his chocolate.
And then Raoul turned into smoke. And then I was holding no one in my hand.
My childhood home began to crumble, and in my fear and panic, I begin to run. The walls broke down and the ceiling fell behind me.
It was a wonder that I made it outside.
But then I my soul nearly left me when I was grabbed by my arms and faced with a dark face.
A shiver ran down my spine when my Dream squeezed me and quipped, "you lied to me."
I panted as I looked at his face, drawn with fury, loathe, and madness.
"You told me you did not want him," my Dream hisses, jaw tight along with his accusation, "you did not want him to take you away from me, but you do!"
My breath hitches as his hands grab my cheeks and forces me to look up at him, "you think he could ever measure up to me? You think I would ever let you find out your inevitable disappointment?"
I grab onto his coat as I feel fear crawl up my spine.
"What makes you think I'd let you leave me? You are not meant to leave me-- you're never leaving!"
I release a shudder, "my Dream, please."
The darkness and tension on his face begin to unravel as tears begin to streak my face.
"You are mine," he words carefully, "you belong to me."
Out of instinct, I find myself nodding at his words as I repeat to him, "I am yours, my Dream, only yours." My lips begin to quiver as I am overcome by emotion.
He seems to be satisfied with my admission. He withdraws his harsh hold on my cheek and exhales deeply. He leans his forehead onto mine, his arms make their way around me.
I begin to sob into his chest when he pulls me close. He shushes me, "No," he mutters, "no, enough. Hush now, all is well. I would never hurt you, never you. Do not be frightened."
I hide my face in his clothing, he strokes my hair.
"I do not want to see you with that man ever again."
I do not respond to him.
He nuzzles against me as he breathes in heavily, "mine."
I really did try my best to stay away from him, but Raoul was always very persistent. He never liked losing when we were younger, and it seems his virtue only grew as time went by.
I told him we could no longer be friends, and his responses were nothing but childish, because he told me the notion was nothing but childish.
Then one day, he got me to laugh at his attempts.
I froze when Raoul said, "finally, I may be able to sleep well tonight, now that I've heard your laughter."
"Have..." my brows knit, "you not been sleeping well?"
It was painfully clear to me all of a sudden how heavy his eyes were and how tired the smile he gave me was, "I have been plagued by nightmares, little butterfly."
Raoul rubs my chin with the pad of his thumb, "do not grow uneasy by the thought. Your smile is medicine enough to my ailment."
The following day, he would not go back to the opera. Two days after that I would learn that he has not woken up from his deep sleep.
Dream acted as though nothing was wrong the entire time, and in my deep feeling of bewilderment, I began to avoid him-- hide from him. At first it was simply by ignoring him, then once caught, I acted as though I did not realize he was there to begin.
After a while, when I could feel him draw near, I would make attempts to flee him, except, there as no escape from Dream.
"Beloved," he appears from nowhere right in front of me, "why are you hiding?" He reaches out to my cheek.
My heart is thumping wild in my chest when he pulls me close, "was my darling playing a delightful little game to excite me?"
"Well, I've found you now," he says, peering close, as his hands travel down my body, "I deserve my prize."
My breath begins to hitch when he roughly rips my skirt up. I grab ahold of his arms. His lips curve into a small smile as he watches me. He absolutely relishes the pounding pulse echoing in his ears. Dream leans down and leaves wet kisses on my neck, eliciting soft yelps from me when he begins to suck and graze my skin with his teeth.
"Cover my marks again," he breathes in between kisses, "I will give you more."
I whine when I feel his fingers find their way to my core. I begin to squirm, unsure of whether or not I want him to continue.
“Tell me how much you love me,” he mutters against my neck as his arms around me contrict
"I feel as though I'm suffocating when I’m not with you," he sighs, fingers fondling with my heat quicker, "if you leave me, I will cease."
His breathing grows heavy. He sucks in a sharp breath when I cry out at the feel of fingers enter my pooling wetness.
"Nothing will ever come between us," he croons, "I will destroy anything that comes in our way."
Though Dream's ministrations were something I had grown accustomed to, and even something I looked forward to, there was something about this moment that left a foreign feeling in me.
He made me feel so, so good, and yet, it felt so... wrong.
Then one day, it was I that snapped.
Everything that he's done, giving Meg nightmares, trapping Raoul in a constant state of dreaming, intimidating me then telling me he was nothing without me, all of the twisted things he'd done made me realize his love was demented, and it took performing one of his plays.
He had taken it too far by inspiring the maestro to write about our love story: a man who did the extremes for his lover, and how his lover had no choice but to accept his actions for the alternative was to remained shackled in the dark until his love was accepted.
I overheard the dancers talking about how this was the most tragic story yet, and how they're glad such a man did not exist.
I performed the arias with tears, danced with such desperation. I sang with so such sorrow that the whole house broke into tears.
Yet I saw him through my blurry eyes, I saw him smile at me with satisfaction
He did exist, this cruel lover, but he was not a man, he was Dream of the Endless, the phantom of the opera.
So I ran. I ran leaving everything, taking nothing but a coat and money to get away as far away as I could from my prison of an opera.
It was foolish, I knew. His words echoed in my mind-- "My dear, do you think there is a place on any plane that I would not hear your calls for me?"
The fact was he did not need my call for him to know where I was. But I would rather die trying than not at all.
It was very much like Dream to come and get me when I had myself believing I had a chance to get away.
My carriage stopped in the middle of the road with a loud cry of the horse and the driver.
I did not want to come out, I did not make a move to, because I knew he was right outside.
Really, there was nothing stopping him from manifesting inside my tiny carriage, and yet he still pounded on my door from the outside and demanded that I come and face him.
When I did not reply, he forced my door open, making me turn to him with wide eyes and taxed breath.
I cannot lie, I was surprised to see his distraught expression and his unkempt features. I did not think it would be possible for him to appear this way.
Dream reaches out for me. I watch him as his dark expression slips as I raise my hand out to him. I however do not hold him, instead I push him away.
His brows furrow tightly, "you will come with me at once."
A shiver runs down my spine at his command. I fake courage and clench my jaw, "no."
"No?" he tilts his head.
"I do not want to come with you anywhere at all," I mutter coldly.
Dream cannot mask the disbelief and horror on his face. I can see his expression slowly shift into anger as he speaks, "what has made you like this?"
"YOU have made me like this!" I hiss, leaning in, "you are hard and cruel," I shake my head rapidly, "you do not love me."
"I ONLY LOVE YOU!" he barks, removing further the distance between us as he leans forward.
"BUT I DO NOT!" I answer with the same intensity before pulling back.
His face falls. Wind begins to pick up begin him. His eye twitches, "liar."
I hold back tears as I grip my hands tightly. I shake my head slowly this time, "not anymore."
His face twists, he pulls back and his knees nearly buckle.
My heart feels as though it is being squeezed when I look at him. I cannot lose my advantage now, "I used to believe you were once my sweet Dream, but you are nothing more than a twisted nightmare."
"Stop," he points, "LIAR! That's not true- I- I'm still your Dream! I love you!"
"If you truly loved me, you would let me go!" I quip moving towards him, "you have to let me go, Dream."
"You cannot leave me!" he whisper-yells, "I want you to be with me, to stay with me, to love me!" He grips on the side of the carriage door, "even thinking about a world without you, a world where you are with someone else makes me sick."
I retreat from him when he tries to reach out for me. He is hurt by this. He slowly pulls his hand away, "can you at least pretend to love me?"
A chill runs down my spine when he says this.
He grows more desperate when he speaks again, "I implore you, tell me what err I've committed so that I man correct it," he drops on his knees, "I beg you not to leave me."
I turn away from him, rubbing my face as I did, to hide the tears that were threatening to show themselves to Dream, "close the door, Dream."
Dream's desperation leaves him, "no."
His change in tone makes me my blood still. I barely even see him when I turn to him and feel myself fade into darkness.
"If you will not come to me in your own accord," he says, standing, "then I will take you in my own."
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writeshite · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could make a yandere! dark! sandman x reader. I know it's a bit of a novelty for you, but it would be great if you did!
Sorry for my bad english, its not my first language.
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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of Tears
When you wake back up, you apologize for taking up his time and falling asleep on him, but he waves you off, “It’s no problem,” he assures you. You become much more perceptive to his touch, seeking it out before sleep, your mind follows suit, and he’s soon the only one in your dreamscape. 
Morpheus x Male Reader
Yandere Morpheus | Dark Morpheus |
Words: 662
Author's Note:
I don't think I've properly written for a yandere (?) I mean, technically, maybe Homelander counts?? But I don't lean into his obsessive tendencies as much. Don't ask about the name; it's like three in the morning, also don't worry, English ain't my first language either
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Being immortal can be pretty lonely, even if you have other immortals around you. It doesn’t help that Morpehus is largely allergic to social interaction at times and prefers to spend his days in the Dreaming, drifting between the minds of mortals. 
Meeting you had been an accident. Your dreams are simple, cozy things, they’re comfortable, and at first, he mostly sits on the outskirts when he wants a break, but then he gets curious, wondering whose dreams they belong to, so he steps in.
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Morpheus finds himself inside an almost endless room, a fire nearby and books strewn about, and on a cozy couch, you. Morpheus scoffs; reading was near impossible in dreams. “Strange,” he remarks.
You, on the other hand, are confused; while it’s not uncommon for you to dream of handsome men, they’re commonly people you know or have conjured up yourself. This man was neither of those. “Who are you?”
Morpheus finds your confusion amusing, “Just a dream,” he responds. Drawn to him, you stand and reach out, curious himself; Morpheus allows your touch. It’s faint, and perhaps, outside the dreams, it would be warm - your hands start at his coat, the fabric’s texture no doubt intriguing you equally; before your hands might drift up, he grabs hold of them. His touch is solid, and your eyes widen; he has the dream change before you can speak.
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Morpheus is no stranger to want. He returns to your dream again, watching from the outskirts as you glance around for him, attempting to conjure him from memory. The aberration is hardly close; it fizzles, then falls apart, much to your frustration. 
You live in a quiet town with a nice apartment and lovely neighbors; when he orchestrates your interaction, you almost jump, eyes wide, as you point at him, “IT’S YOU!” You apologize for the outburst and then invite him for coffee, and he agrees, slowly integrating himself into your life. He pretends to know nothing and soaks up your interactions.
He doesn’t like it when you dream about anyone else—often morphing the dreams into nightmares that leave you shaking. It takes time to train your mind not to think of anyone else; for extra measure, he has a few harmless nightmares that disturb you in the waking world. They bite at your ankles, howl from dark corners, and have you looking over your shoulder.
One of them takes it too far, leaving gashes along your wall, and Morpheus would have destroyed the little terror had it not driven you to him so efficiently. Your sleep patterns had grown erratic enough to make you malleable.
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Morpheus hadn’t needed to do much convincing to have you fall into his arms; he’d come to visit and found you barely standing, mind muddled as you failed to blink past the exhaustion. “Are you alright?” He asks, leading you to the couch; you’re practically shaking, your grip weak as you cry about the nightmares. You shake your head when he suggests lying down.
“I can’t, Morpheus,” you cry, “the nightmares, they’ve gotten worse, and…” your eyes dart around the room, catching the tail end of the terrors he’d send to disturb you. He pretends not to see them, which drives you further into hysterics, “I feel like I’m going mad!”
“No, you’re exhausted; you need to sleep,” he reiterates. He wipes your tears, and he gathers you into his arms when you finally give in to the fatigue. Morpheus leaves your mind empty and allows you some solace. The nightmares cower away, and there are moments where you almost startle awake, but he puts you back to sleep, “Rest, dove.” 
When you wake back up, you apologize for taking up his time and falling asleep on him, but he waves you off, “It’s no problem,” he assures you. You become much more perceptive to his touch, seeking it out before sleep, your mind follows suit, and he’s soon the only one in your dreamscape. 
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End Note:
I think Yandere Morpheus would be sweet, still scary and manipulative, but sweet. Stay Hydrated.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Yandere Morpheus/Dream of the Endless Headcanons (General)
‘‘Dream your dreams with me, my Consort.‘‘ - Morpheus/Sandman,
❝⌛— lady l: i couldn't hold myself together and i had to write this, before my ideas ran out, so i did lol. A Morpheus yandere is my new religion and I really liked the result and I hope you like it too! Feedbacks are always welcome and I'm sorry for any mistakes hihi. Good reading!!! <3
tw: yandere themes, obsessive and possessive behavior, uncontrolled jealousy, implied physical aggression (not to the reader), dub-con, mention of murder, threats, slight nsfw, unhealthy relationship, kidnapping, outbursts of rage and non-consensual somnophilia.
❝⌛ pairing: yandere!morpheus/dream of the endless x gender neutral!reader.
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Dream can be many things and is given many nicknames that may be conducive to his natural behavior and it never bothered him. He was that way, and end of the story, but when things start to change and he becomes obsessed with a human, the situation spirals out of control. He's never felt like this before, he's never felt so attached, so obsessed with a human and he knows he wants more, he wants to feel more of it and he won't give up on his obsession. He won't give up on you.
Morpheus is thought of as arrogant and obnoxious and part of that is true, it's not like he's going to deny it, he is those things but he often acts like that out of his own carelessness, he's aloof from people and considers himself better than most which causes even more intrigue, but then again, he doesn't care. He is a powerful being, older than the gods themselves, so why should he care what people think of him? That's how he used to think, or he did, until he met you and he really wants to make a good impression on you.
He met you while you were dreaming, it shouldn't be anything important he supposed but he couldn't take his eyes off you. You looked so... Ethereal as you played in the sand in your dream, on a beautiful and lonely beach, but even so, you smiled and played like you didn't care about anything else and he was fascinated. It didn't happen that often and that rarely, but he took an interest in you, he did, and he didn't intend to let you go. You would be perfect, the Consort he longed for.
For a while, Morpheus was content to just watch you. He was always in your dreams, making sure you only have sweet dreams and no terrifying nightmares, your dreams must be perfect. You may have found it strange that your dreams were always so... Sweet, but you didn't complain, it was nice to not wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat anymore. But you felt that there was something wrong, you felt observed, which scared you, but you tried to convince yourself that it was nothing, just your mind playing tricks on you. Oh, how you wish you were right.
He only made himself present in your life after feeling threatened by someone or something. You see, Sandman is proud and from the moment you start spending more time awake than sleeping he will feel threatened, maybe it doesn't make sense, but he doesn't care. Once you were asleep, Morpheus would walk into your room, he would actually be there and watch you. He would ogle you, watching your figure with lust in his eyes, but he wouldn't touch you. He would never do that without your consent. When you woke up and found him sitting next to you in bed, you would be scared, but he just said goodnight and blew sand in your face. When you woke up again, you would be in The Dreaming.
Morpheus would try his best to make you feel comfortable around him, because you would never leave and he wants you to be happy with him. He is obsessive, a hallmark of the Lord of Dreams, Dream will always have his eyes on you, if not his then someone he trusts, like his crow, you will never really be alone. He knows he shouldn't do this but he doesn't care, he'll have you with him and that's it. And woe to anyone who tries to come between you, if he's feeling merciful, death will just be the easiest and quickest of all the things he could do.
Possessiveness is something that is present in your relationship and always will, Morpheus is completely possessive of you, you are his and he will never share you with anyone. He will threaten anyone who dares to look at you any longer than he deems necessary (and he's a big hypocrite about that) and he won't bother tormenting that person's dreams at night with the most terrible nightmares you can muster to imagine. He knows everything about people and he will use that against you if necessary, you are his, you must always remember that. Morpheus won't get violent with you about this, about his ridiculous jealousy, but he will be cooler with you and his anger directed at others.
He is extremely overprotective of you, combining with his possessiveness, he becomes intense and suffocating. Morpheus is very afraid of losing you, he made you immortal but you can still get hurt, you can be captured and he will never let the same thing that happened to him happen to you. And gods have mercy on those who dare to harm you, because Sandman will not. He is suffocating in the extreme, being glued to your side 24 hours a day, when you sleep and dream is when you are most at his mercy. You are cared for and protected by him and always will be, Dream will not allow any harm to happen to you while he exists.
Morpheus is a generous lover, he enjoys both giving and receiving. He takes his time before he finally gets to the end, he likes to finger your folds, lick your nipples and suck your lips like they're the tastiest thing he's tasted, and maybe that's true. Sandman will circle your clit with his tongue, enjoying your slick moans and he will shove two fingers into your pussy, content to hear your name come out of your sinful lips. He won't stop teasing you until you come in his mouth, letting him enjoy his natural juices. Dream will love to suck you, squeezing the glans of your cock and licking it like there's no tomorrow. He'll take you slow and sensual, torturing you until you beg him to fuck you, and as soon as he hears the dirty words fall from your lips, Morpheus will fuck you senseless and hard. He wouldn't stop until both of you were satisfied.
In a more platonic way, Sandman will be more lenient with you, say in terms of freedom, but don't get too carried away, he will never allow you to have a relationship with anyone. He will be even more protective, you are his precious and beloved baby and it is his duty to take care of you and he will. He will always be by your side when you go to sleep and in your dreams, there is never a moment when you have privacy. He always looks out for yours dreams, but if you piss him off, he might end up turning your sweet dreams into your biggest fear. He knows he will scare you, but even so, Morpheus wants you to learn your lesson, that he will not tolerate any form of disobedience from you.
Morpheus has had many romantic relationships in the past and they all ended abruptly and he doesn't handle breakups and rejection well. If you rejected him he wouldn't accept it, he would never accept that you don't want to be with him. He would feel insulted and hurt, as you, a human, had the courage and audacity to refuse him? He can give you anything you want: the universe, the sun, the moon, the stars, anything you want. Can't you see that? That you were made for each other? He will make you see it, he won't let you leave him, you were his the moment he laid eyes on you and from that moment on, you will always be his. He will try to be soft at first, trying to win you over through clumsy but loving affections, but once he realizes that none of that is working, he will go to extreme lengths and can and probably will kidnap you, Morpheus will bring you into his realm, a place you could never be away from him.
The Sandman is many things, he is obsessive, possessive, controlling, overprotective and cold and everything to you. He loves you, he really does, but if you hurt him in any way, the chances are he won't forgive you so easily, if he ever does, don't think wrong, he still won't let you go but he will be colder and spiteful in his approach. Morpheus learned to love you the moment he saw you, he fell hard and obsessively in love and there's no turning back, he won't go anywhere without you with him. It's gotten to the point where he can't do his job properly if he doesn't know you're happy and comfortable, he needs that reassurance, constantly. He sees you as superior to everyone else, he idolizes you and he wants you to be his Consort, he wants to rule The Dreaming with you at his side and he will and no one, not even you, will get in the way of that. He can be everything you dream of, but always remember, he is still one of the Endless and he is extremely dangerous with his obsession with you.
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