#dark morpheus
withoutyouimsaskia · 3 months
Sometimes It's Fated (Sandman Short Story Part 3)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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GIF: Originally posted by @sassycherryblossomtree
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x AFAB reader
Summary: Reader Self-Insert. After restoring the Dreaming and locating the missing dreams and nightmares, Morpheus turns his attention to finding you, the human he believes fate has chosen for him. (Title inspired by Placebo's "This Picture".)
Warnings: Minors DNI. Dark!Morpheus. Soulmates. Angst. Obsessive and possessive behaviour. Tension. Threat. Dubious/non consent. Physical intimacy.
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: What a full on week! I've had a job interview. Got turned down for said job. Went to a Sandman filming location (Natural History Museum) and watched Dune Part 2 (cannot recommend enough). It took away from my writing time a bit but part 3 is here now, and I hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think. Part 4 will be coming soon. All my love, Saskia xx
Sandman Masterlist
"Y/N, I claim you as my soulmate."
The sentence is a catalyst, fuelling the physical and emotional reactions in both the surroundings and your body.
The wind is gone, leaving a claustrophobic air that crackles with untameable energy. The streetlight above violently flickers and flares, the unmistakable noise of a circuit about to overload emanating with each surge.
You feel these surges within your chest too, stoking the warmth radiating through you to an uncontrollable blaze. The ferocity of the sensation makes you whimper.
The man's hands are still touching you. Cradling your face and holding your hand; he feels the tremble that couples with your vocalisation.
"I understand. I feel it too," he whispers. "Though I imagine it is much more intense for your mortal heart to bear."
He eyes are raven black as he strokes his thumb back and forth over your cheek, before strengthening the hold he has on your face.
"Let me kiss the pain away."
He gives you no time to respond. He leans in the last few centimetres and puts his lips firmly against yours.
At first, contrary to his intent, the pain amplifies. He grunts, indicating that he has felt this spike also yet begins to move his lips regardless. It's like your heart is a balloon and it is being overfilled with air, close to exploding and obliterating you from existence. You then feel as if you are about to black out and want to pull away, and are about to try when the agony starts to subside.
The seduction begins.
The fire is mellowing with each press of his mouth, transforming into a restorative, yet sensuous energy. It's alleviation akin to calamine on a sunburn.
It awakens a primal need in your soul. This man is fundamental to you. He is the only one who can truly protect you from harm. You must remain with him. Give yourself to him.
You act on this revelation and kiss him back with a hunger that you didn't think you were capable of demonstrating.
Your reciprocation sends him into a frenzy. He cages you against the damp wall of the building and kisses you with unyielding, dangerous passion.
His skill is impressive, changing technique frequently to keep you guessing. Smothering kisses, bruising kisses, slower kisses to give you time to breathe. The hand that was cupping your face is now stroking down your side; breasts, waist, hips and back up again.
Tentatively, you raise your free hand to the back of his head and run your fingers through his wild hair. He makes a noise in the back of his throat, a satisfied vibrating sigh of sorts that encourages you to dig deeper into the silken locks.
He escalates things by slipping his tongue into your mouth. You feel his lips curl into a smirk as you moan in response. His taste is a potent blend: a smoky base, herbaceous core and ambrosial top notes. You are drunk on it, and him seconds after exposure.
Logic has left you. Schedules and duties cast aside.
The juxtaposition between the present and minutes prior would be frightening if not for how correct all this feels. You had been disgusted and alarmed by his conduct, ready to bring in reinforcements and then all of it had dissipated like dust under a short, sharp breath.
It is not a ridiculous change in behaviour; you were supposed to be doing this. This stranger is all you want.
He pulls back when even his slower kisses are unable to calm your elevated respiratory rate, dragging your bottom lip between his teeth as he does so to draw another moan from you.
The blue of his eyes shimmer with a myriad of emotions. Lust stands out the most along with awe and relief. Your cheeks prickle with a light blush as he continues to stare and document every detail.
"I have been waiting to do that for thousands of years, my precious soulmate," he eventually says in reference to the kiss after absorbing your image for a while.
There's that word again. Soulmate. You hadn't exactly been allowed a period of contemplation when the man first uttered it, too swept up in the fire and his touch, but now with the semi-reinstation of coherent thoughts you begin to assess. It proves difficult. Your cerebral matter feels like a mixture of treacle, sap and epoxy. Trapping words and slowing down your processing power. It would be so simple to let yourself live in this mental mire and be carried along by his whims.
No. You scold inwardly. Ask a question.
"What do you mean by soulmates?" You force yourself to speak.
He guides your palm to rest on his heart and sets up a mirror image with his hand on your chest. "It means that we are bound together, made for one another."
The next question is easier to form. "And what now, given that you've found me?"
"Now," His hips grind into yours. "I will continue with the ritual of awakening you to the metaphysical connection between us, stripping back the shrouds and glamours that have been protecting your mind from the gravity of this gift."
That explained why everything shifted when he first touched your skin.
"Are you going to do that here?" Your brain is really starting to break free of its trappings and you need to ascertain his plan for it sounds like his intentions are of a sexual nature and you are in a public place.
"No, your time in this world has reached its end. I will take you to my realm, lead you to my chambers and I will not stop stimulating you until I have taken residence in your every thought, every cell."
The speed and confidence with which he is pouring forth all of these sentiments, and the near-full recovery of your mental faculties triggers a wave of nausea. Perspiration forms on your nape and ears and your core temperature feels off; warning signs that you get when you are about to vomit.
He still hasn't let go of your hand. You hone in on the softness of his skin, hoping you can use him as an anchor as you wade through the icky symptoms.
Recent events are starting to catch up with you. You replay it all.
Soulmates. Mortal. Thousands of years. Metaphysical. Realm. The unexplainable environmental manifestations. The strange shifting qualities of his eyes. What kind of supernatural devilry had you managed to become ensnared in?
Was he in fact the devil?
You are so conflicted. This being, for you are convinced that 'man' is no longer the correct term, is telling you things that threaten your entire way of life and your heart is pushing you to seek comfort from him!
Then the voices start.
Your sense of balance tilts and you instinctively grasp his forearm for stability. He says your name and you drag your focus from your thoughts to his face. He is looking at you with deep concern.
"Tell me," he commands gently.
"I feel dizzy... And I can hear voices."
"How many?"
"How many voices?"
Your eyes are wide as you struggle to understand the relevance of his question.
You stammer out a couple of syllables.
"Breathe," he encourages.
You obey and concentrate on the hubbub.
"Three. Everything is being repeated three times."
The frown lines smooth and he is smiling faintly. "It seems The Fates are vying for your attention."
"The Fates? Like in Greek mythology?"
"The very same."
Was this being a God then?
"They're telling me to close my eyes," you relay as soon as the instruction is delivered.
He nods. "That will be the trigger that transports your mind to their location."
"Will I pass out?"
"No. It will be a temporary connection that keeps your body frozen for mere moments."
"I feel so dizzy though."
"I can hold you while you converse with them should you wish."
You nod somewhat frenetically as a sliver of fear creeps into your mind. "Yes, please."
He lets go of your hand for the first time since you tried to go back in the building, slips his arms around your waist and he pulls you close with a satisfied sigh. The neediness with which you are clinging to him lessens your apprehension just a little.
"How does that feel?" His voice rumbles deliciously through your chest.
"Good, thank you."
"You should close your eyes now. It is best that you do not keep them waiting."
"I'll see you in a few moments."
You shut your eyes.
The scene you awaken in is all lemon yellows, blush pinks and pastel blues. There's no landforms or structures. Just a never-ending stretch of bedrock, topped with a horizon that is beginning to show a sumptuous sunset.
You squint a little and then notice that there is a actually a point of interest. A lump of rough rock, waist height. There's a divot worn into the top that makes the obtrusion look like a font. For a moment you see a single figure standing at it.
A figure that appears to have three faces.
But then you blink and the number has tripled.
Maiden, Mother and Crone.
The trio block the worst of the sun glare, and the light that isn't obscured is highlighting the translucent layers that overflow from their intricately constructed and adorned outfits. Their curly hair, like the fabric of their clothes, flows freely in the gentle breeze.
You walk towards the group, thinking back to that term in school where you studied Greek mythology. Under no circumstances did you ever think that any of it could possibly be true, yet here you were.
You stop a respectable distance from them and quickly avert your eyes downwards to look at the ruby ring on your right hand.
One of them speaks, "You need not be intimidated by us, sweetness."
"I only wish to pay respect to you, your Graces."
You chance a peek at the Fates and see amusement in their eyes.
"Oh, you are going to fit in very well in his world," the Mother says with a smile.
You don't know what to feel about that comment however you don't have time to dwell on it for the eldest addresses you.
"Come closer. Let us look at you."
And look they did. Their resolute gazes are just as discerning as the stranger's but unlike his, where you knew he was soaking you in, you feel like the Fates are seeing through you.
You don't know what exactly it is that they are looking for but their smiles give the impression of being appeased.
"Has Morpheus told you how this will go?"
"No..." You hesitate before speaking his name, "Morpheus has not."
"He didn't tell you his name, did he?"
"We didn't get a lot of time for small talk," you admit sheepishly.
"We can see that from the state of your lips."
"He always was rather forward with his physical affection."
"Touch starved," the Crone finishes.
You are beyond embarrassed. How swollen were your lips for it to be that obvious? You can almost feel his touch now, it tingles like phantom caresses on the skin of your neck, chest and waist. You swallow hard before further lust can thicken your throat.
The Fates then speak in turn again, explaining the context of your rendezvous.
"You will have the opportunity to ask three questions."
"That is the custom when meeting with us."
"There is no need to rush."
Choosing only three questions will be tough when there are hundreds you could ask. Were you losing your sanity? Was Morpheus a demonic envoy from the underworld sent to corrupt your mind?
You suppose all you really want to know is whether this is real.
"Is he telling the truth about us being soulmates?"
The Maiden answers in a musical voice, "He is. The confluence of yours and Morpheus' lives has been written for millennia. Your souls have been intended for each other since he came into existence. You were never meant for anyone else but him."
You feel like you are about to cry. That last statement cuts deeply.
"All those times that potential partners lost interest or ghosted me. It was because of this soulmates thing," you murmur the statement, aware that you don't need to ask them to know if it is true.
Years of heartache and confusion had been for nothing. The nights spent wondering if you had done something wrong, the days where you threw yourself into your work to distract from it.
You cannot regret all the good things you managed to create as part of your team at the charity yet it is hard to look past the personal torment that countless unexplained rejections caused. You are human after all.
Selfishness rears its head and pushes the next question from your mouth with a tone of indignation.
"Why am I only finding out about this now?"
The Mother takes over, tone caring and brown eyes cordial, "It was not necessary for you to know."
Ire disintegrates into frustration. "But I could have been preparing. Not building a life that I was clearly going to have to give up."
"You would not be the person you are had we given you warning. You needed to live as a human, not as someone who was fated to be with the King of Dreams and Nightmares. Besides, there was no possibility of you being together. For 106 years, Morpheus was the prisoner of a human, and it was the recent end of his captivity that allowed fate to take its intended course. Reaching your potential on Earth gives you a strong foundation from which to guide and influence him in how to best serve humanity, and learn to trust in them once more after what he suffered at the hands of one."
The amount of information you have just received is like a freight train. One after the other, the revelations barrel into you and you take refuge in your mind.
The King of Dreams and Nightmares; not a title you had heard of before. Yet there is a strange sense of recognition. A forgotten memory that barely flickers with life. You ignore the niggling thought and focus on the more devastating one.
This King, your soulmate was held against his will, subjected to suffering. You cannot bear the idea of it regardless of how few details you have at present. Your chest aches and you know your soul is the source.
Fury twitches in your fingers, as fiery as the now burnt oranges and bloody reds of the ever-progressing sunset. You want to know who could do such a terrible thing but you realise that it is not the most important question you could be asking.
You look back to the Fates. You note their proud smiles at your restraint.
"What role am I expected to play in his future?"
The Crone moves to centre stage, "You are to be his everything. Muse. Lover. Queen. Advisor. Confidant."
Your stomach twists.
"Are you ready to return to him?" The Maiden asks, taking you off guard.
You feel like you a patron being kicked out at closing time with half a drink left. A fizzy one that you can't knock back easily.
What you've just been told honestly scares you. It's a mountain of expectation, the sort of thing that could birth an inferiority complex. There's also your self-preservation instinct starting to scream. You've seen darkness in his eyes, felt his physical strength and heard how resolute his statements are.
You have to say something.
"I'm worried about what would happen if I disappoint him, if he would hurt me."
The trio step closer, the scant remnants of sunlight reflect off their perceptive eyes and the metal of their matching earrings.
The Crone speaks solemnly, "It has been well-documented that Morpheus has a ruthless nature. As one of the Endless siblings, he is among the most powerful beings in the universe; equal parts creator, and destroyer."
The Mother touches your cheek with a warm hand. "But you have just as much power to hurt him, sweetness. We have provided you with it."
The Maiden nods in agreement, and takes your hand.
"He deals in fears, yes but his domain also lies in fantasies. He will be able to furnish you with yours. He has been made to be perfect for you."
"But -"
"This is not a loss of agency or an act of surrender. Put aside your qualms, listen to your soul and ask yourself this: do you find him attractive?"
"Yes." He's the most attractive person you've ever seen.
"Do you care for him?"
"Yes." Your reaction to his imprisonment is evidence enough of that.
"Do you want to a chance of happiness?"
"Yes." Deep down beneath all the doubt and overthinking and catastrophising, it's exactly what you want.
You want Morpheus.
"I'm ready," you say calmly.
You take a step back from the Fates and bow.
"Thank you for your time, your Graces."
The sky is an inky violet with daubs of dark blue, the sun is a thin line on the horizon. It sets, signalling the end of the meeting and your time as an ordinary mortal.
"Fare you well," the Fates' voices echo in unison as everything fades to black.
Tag list: @herfantasyworldd @kpopgirlbtssvt @littleblackcatinwonderland @1950schick @lollipopsandlandmines
"Deep in my heart, deep in my mind. Take me away, take me away. This is my word, dream maker, life taker. Open up my mind."
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darklinsblog · 2 years
Neglect | Sandman Imagine
Summary: You and your husband Morpheus were never a conventional couple, but as the king returns from his imprisonment he seems to want to mend your relationship.
Pairing: Morpheus x Goddess! Reader
Requested: Yes
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Morpheus and you were betrothed for millenniums, he didn’t agree to this marriage and he made that perfectly clear to you over and over. You were the Nordic Goddess of marriage and childbirth, Frea.
Which almost seemed like a cruel joke as your spouse would have mistresses left and right, he wouldn’t dream of touching you, you slept in separate rooms and in his you would hear and endless parade of women screaming your husband’s name.
It was hell, but you endured it because you were married and you could not disrespect your arrangement, even though Morpheus did at every chance he got.
Marriage actually meant something to you.
But it was as if he would act to deliberately disrespect you, to make you hate him, he wanted to break you, but you didn’t budge, you simply accepted him for who he was and did your best to fulfill your duties as queen.
The dynamics went on for 9,000 years, for most people it would be unthinkable, but the disrespect and hatred that your husband depicted had become so normalized in your brain it did not bother you anymore.
Against all odds you never had a lover, so you remained completely pure and honest to your oath, you were this clear, loving goddess as your husband succumbed to pleasure.
But everything changed as Morpheus disappeared for a hundred years, at first it didn’t worry you, it was very common in the King of Dreams to leave for days in seeking of a new mistress, but as years went by, you did fear the worst.
The kingdom slowly began to crumble at its core, feeling the notorious absence of the king. You continued to take care of the realm even as it was destroyed, you gave your subjects hope, and most of the people from the Dreaming decided to stay for you.
Because unlike Morpheus, his people did have a deep care and respect for you, and they were glad you were left as regent because you would take good care of them, even in times of need.
To be honest you lived that whole century in peace, at last you didn’t have to put up with constant abuses, you didn’t feel like you were unworthy, you did not spend countless nights wondering what had you done wrong, you slept in the peace and quiet of The Endless’ absence.
Until one day, he returned. You felt him again, it was one of the many things that you shared, you could perceive one another.
Yet, you didn’t run to encounter him, you simply went on with your activities as if nothing was happening, quietly programming yourself to hear his constant insults or intense stares.
You were working on the library, subconsciously hiding from Dream, you got completely caught up in your activities.
“Y/N?” You heard his distinctive voice behind you, you took a deep breath before meeting his gaze, prepared for the worst.
But you were greeted by an unknown image, Dream was looking down at you with tenderness and a glimpse of shame. What he did next, was unthinkable for the Endless you thought you knew.
He grabbed his arms around you and embraced you fully, he was holding you as close to his body as he was physically able. He took in your scent, burring his nose in the crock of your neck, causing goosebumps to rise in your skin at the unknown sensation.
Your body was rigid under his touch, while Morpheus seemed to melt at the mere contact of your skin.
He pulled away from you, still holding you by your waist, you rested your hands at either side of his forearms.
“I’m so happy to see you, Frea” you raised your brows, not being able to contain your surprise “I’m deeply sorry for my absence, but I was held captive… I could only think of you in the coldness of my isolation” he confessed, having you at the loss of words, his absence was explained but you could not make up the brutal chance in the man you wed.
“I know I have being the most disgusting and disrespectful spouse to you and I want to mend all the damage I inflicted on you. I wish to be the husband you deserved from the very start”
You blinked, taking in his words, you could tell he was speaking truthfully, you always had a way to know if he was lying or not. But all of this was a lot to take in.
“Say something, please…” he begged, you could see he was suffering with your silence, you did not want to punish him, it was just that this new version of Dream was everything you ever dreamt of, it was disruptive to have him standing in front of you, saying all this.
“I don’t know what to say Morpheus” you sincerely spoke. “I mean, just think of how we have lived this past 9,000 years… How do I know you are true and you would not run back to your old ways” he looked down, embarrassed.
You had all right to distrust him, in your place he wouldn’t know what to do.
“Because you were the only thing I was certain of during my imprisonment. I mean you kept our people here, you took care of the realm when you could have left”
He cupped your face in his hands, looking at you intensely, you had many chances to leave him and you did not.
“Tell me not even a part of you wishes that we fix this. That we live happily married like we were supposed to” you laughed, out of nervousness.
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted, Dream” you said, he wasted no more time and for the first time in history, Morpheus kissed his wife out of love and not obligation.
You fully gave in, melting in his touch at last, he sneaked his hands all over your body, stopping at your butt, his kiss became more and more intense, he squeezed your ass with both hands making you gasp at the feeling.
Morpheus had never touched you like this, with such urgency and lust, not even in your wildest dreams did you imagine your husband could be able of wanting you so badly.
It was addicting to feel wanted like this, to be handled with such expertise. You pulled away from his lips but Morpheus would not have it as he kissed your neck instead.
“Morpheus… we’re at the library”you breathlessly reminded him, you did not feel in the mood of being walked on a compromising situation.
Your husband groaned, understanding that he needed to stop. He smiled at you, taking your hand in his and practically dragging you out of the place.
“Morpheus, where are we going? You need to rebuild the Dreaming” you went on as you were dragged into the throne room, the doors closing behind you.
He pulled you into his chest, smirking as his hands went down your body painfully slow, this time lifting the fabric of your dress, exposing your skin.
Morpheus pulled your hair aside, kissing your shoulder blade up to your neck, stopping at your ear.
“We have a marriage to consummate first, my queen”
Shivers ran down your spine in excitement of the unknown, the only thing you had for certain was that you had a long night ahead of yourselves.
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oreosmilkshakes · 2 years
Pacify Him
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x reader
Fandom: The Sandman
Word Count: 2,816
Warning(s): Dark Morpheus, minor violence, stalking, obsessive behaviour, pretty dark (I hope)
A/N: As requested! I hope this was up to your expectations! The longest piece I’ve written for Morpheus too! Enjoy reading! Comments and reblogging are welcomed! (THIS IS A ONE SHOT ONLY)
Taglist: @bhflowers324
The dark skies clouding his realm, adding to the grim expression Morpheus wore. There he sat on his throne, majestic but with a deep frown and eyes dark as he stared at his forearm. Amidst the pale skin was black ink. It had two black oval eyes and a bony trunk, eerily looking similar to his helm. The longer Morpheus stared at his mark, it made him realise how much emotions he felt just with one simple look. Aeons he has walked among the living and yet none of them was his significant half. His eyes darken further, flashes of past memories involving his journey in finding his soulmate.
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Many forget he is the King of Nightmares too.
Oh, the things he did, scouring the Waking world in search of his soulmate.
“Will you be back?” In all honesty, each time Morpheus spoke those words, it worried the chief librarian very much. She was afraid the Burgess events would happen again. However, she was sure that Morpheus would not allow that to ever happen to him again.
Morpheus, too deep in thought to realise that Lucienne had attempted to catch his attention. She cleared her throat and finally, his eyes flickered in her direction and just as he did, he felt a hard squeeze to his heart. A low grunt escaped his lips, hand gripping the armrest of his throne. Only when the pain subsided did he release his iron grip.
“My Lord? Are you alright?” Lucienne enquired, concern on her face. Morpheus only grunted in response, standing from his throne.
“I will be away. I leave the realm in your care,” He instructed, descending from the stairs.
“I will be,” He murmured, leaving his realm.
Lucienne let out a soft sigh, watching as her King left. She knew his predicament all too well. It got worse after news travelled to The Dreaming that Destiny too had found his soulmate, a woman who shared a similar personality with him.
This sent Morpheus into a fit of silent rage. All of his siblings had finally met their significant other and he has not? Did he not travel to the Waking world enough? Were his sinful acts over the long aeons insufficient? Those unfortunate humans who had the displeasure of experiencing his rage were either dead, overwhelmed greatly from their nightmares or died from their madness. A dark part of Morpheus found joy in their suffering. After all, it was a way to ease his anger. Lucienne absolutely despised when he spiralled so low, doing everything in her power to calm her King down. So far, she had been successful and she could only hope that her King’s path finally crossed with his soulmate.
The sun was cool against Morpheus’s skin as he sat back on the park bench. A soft mewl averted his attention to his foot, a little, black and white feline brushed her little head against his ankle. Morpheus leaned over, picking up the mewling kitten as it shook slightly in his hand.
“Hungry?” He asked quietly, conjuring a can of wet food for the feline. She mewled loudly, pawing on the King’s lap as he opened the can. She stood on her hind legs, paws supporting herself on his arm as she mewled again and again. A tiny smile curled on the corner of Morpheus’s lips, guiding the kitten to the empty space beside him and set the can down. She didn’t hesitate to stuff her little mouth with as much wet food as she could.
Morpheus turned back to the view before him. Children giggling, chasing one another around the playground. Mothers chatting with other mothers, updating one another about their daily gossip. Joggers passing by, going about their day. Dogs barking, tail wagging excitedly as they initiated ‘play time’ with their owners. The Waking world may seem perfect but to Morpheus, it had flaws. Way too many flaws. A perfect example was his soulmate.
Then, his mind drifted. Morpheus could only imagine what his soulmate would be like. A female? A male? He didn’t mind either. What was their personality like? What colour was their hair? How tall were they? What was their name? Morpheus imagined himself, arms tight around his soulmate as he nuzzled into their hair, taking in deep breaths of the scent of their lovely shampoo. He imagined his hands caressing his soulmate, studying every inch of their skin, marking them as his. The possibilities itself were endless and yet, where was his soulmate? As much as he wanted to seek the help of his siblings, but he was not like that. They have their own matters to attend to.
Morpheus allowed his mind to continue drifting as long as they could, until he felt a sharp pain in his heart again. The pain was getting more and more frequent over the aeons but never this closely timed as today. His hand grabbed the front of his shirt, jaw tight and teeth grinding as he hunched over in pain. The pain was a stabbing pain, a tearing pain, a pain only he could bear. His other hand gripped the wood panel of the bench, cracking it under his grip. A harsher stab struck his heart and Morpheus hunched further. The loud cracking scared the little feline away.
For once, Morpheus thought he was going to die.
That was until he felt a hand on his shoulder and suddenly, the pain disappeared, as if it was not tormenting him just mere seconds ago.
“Hey, are you alright?” A soft voice asked, a little shaky, Morpheus admitted. The grip on his shirt and the bench eased up as he slowly lifted his head. As he did, he allowed his eyes to trail up to their arm and that’s when he saw it.
Two blank ovals and a bony trunk, peeking under the three-quarter sleeve just enough for him to see. Morpheus’s head snapped up quickly, eyes meeting with a pair of brown so dark, he was lost in it. They held everything beautiful, like a universe swirling among the pool of chocolate. Morpheus was deep in it very quickly but the hand shook him again and his trance faded.
[Name] pursed her lips, worry clouded her gorgeous face.
“Are you okay?” She repeated, his voice sweet in his ears. His throat bobbed, inhaling deeply.
“I am alright,” Morpheus replied lowly. As her hand moved from his shoulder, he frowned. He found himself craving more. The feeling of want overpowered the pain he felt for aeons.
He felt an insatiable hunger and excessive thirst for his soulmate. He wanted more..
“Hey, babe!” Another voice called out. A man, jogged over to where his soulmate was.
“You alright?” He looked between [Name] and Morpheus, confusion clear on his face.
“Um, yeah! Yeah, everything is alright,” She smiled sweetly. The man leaned in, planting a kiss on her cheek. “Come on, let’s go,” He took her hand and led her away from him.
By now, Morpheus could only watch silently as his soulmate ran from him. A small spark. A small spark was enough to create a raging flame and that was exactly how Morpheus felt. He stood up, watching [Name] until he was out of her view. He needed to go back to his palace, find out every information he could about his soulmate. She was not going to get away from him that easily. He didn’t care if she was involved in a relationship with another man who was not her true love. He would get rid of him if he had to get himself in the picture.
Nothing gets away from Morpheus..especially not his soulmate.
Lucienne’s worry grew even more for her King as he had locked himself in his personal study within the library’s premises. He had requested books after books about his soulmate, digging deeply into whatever he could find. He didn’t rest. Not even once, ever since he came back from that particular day. She was glad that her King had finally found his soulmate but he had devoted himself to her. Even though he was still attending to his duties, he rarely spoke outside during whatever little free time he had. Day and night he spent in his personal study. Lucienne could only watch. After all, she was in no position to stop her King from every irrational act he has done or will do.
His time in isolation had been fruitful. He learnt many things about his soulmate such as her name, her address and her whole life. It brought a smile to Morpheus’s lips, his heart feeling lighter than ever. His thin fingers brushed over the neatly written address. Tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, he was going to pay his soulmate a little visit in her dreams.
[Name]’s fingers brushed against the tips of the high grass, wind blowing gracefully against them. Before her, stood a tall apple tree where she bore such red apples, it rivalled rubies. A sad sigh left her lips as she stopped before its trunk. Her fingers now brushed against the trunk, the mark she wore on her forearm. She raised a forefinger, tracing the odd mark. What did it represent? Where was her real soulmate? The pain she felt in her heart was growing by the years and she wanted the pain to finally go away. Kevin was a good boyfriend and his soulmate would be so lucky to have him, she noted. Then, [Name]’s mind drifted to the man she saw at the park. Even in her dreams, she thought about him. Before she approached the man, she felt an ache in her chest and just before the pain could strike her, it disappeared as she approached the man in pain.
That should have been the first sign
That should have been the first sign [Name] should have realised but she was too deep in her own sorrow to realise the possibility that her soulmate is out there.
Then, [Name]’s eyes focused on a black, shadowy figure in the distance behind the apple tree. The figure stood out like a sore thumb as the sun shone brightly behind him.
“Hello?!” She called out loudly but received no reply. It looked vaguely like the man in the park but she simply brushed the thought off.
Soon, all of her dreams melted away. Time to snap back to reality
Nowadays, [Name] kept on having these weird dreams where this black, shadowy figure was always following her. Every turn, there it was. Every dream, no matter how different it was, there it was. Her heart would race as she tried to outrun or hide from the figure but her actions were useless. What was haunting her? Were they nightmares? Everynight, she had to have Kevin with her, consoling her and reminding her that they were only dreams.
Yet, why did they seem so real?
Her nightmares seemed to affect her in the waking world too. Once, she had just gotten off work at the office. The route back home was fairly simple because she lived a few blocks away from the office. Usually, it was very safe. However, it didn’t seem to anymore especially after the first dream about the black shadowy figure. [Name] rushed back home, constantly looking over her shoulders with her handbag clutched so tightly and closely to her chest. She finally got home safe, telling Kevin all about her experience.
The next few days felt the same, until the next day where a thief had snatched her bag off her shoulders.
“Hey!” She called out, chasing after the thief down the streets. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest as she followed the thief through turns and finally, a dark alley. Coincidentally, the light was busted so she couldn’t see the thief at all.
[Name] swallowed, peering closely into the darkness.
The thief screamed, slammed down on the floor. The bag slid to her foot as she looked at the thief and for the first time in her life, she saw real, genuine fear. The thief screamed as he was pulled back by..by something. [Name] jumped in shock, shakily picking her bag up as, through the darkness, she saw a pair of eyes..? The pair of eyes mixed so well with the darkness but there were two prominent reflective dots that stared directly at her.
She swallowed, taking a step back with the bag pressed close to her chest.
“T-Thank you,” Her voice quivered and Morpheus felt shivers from it.
Even her fear was beautiful.
“Go,” He instructed deeply and watched as his love scurried away. Morpheus gripped the thief’s hair, forcing the human to look at him. The blood trickling down his face was a sight indeed.
“You messed with what’s mine. Your punishment can only be death,”
Only the thief’s screams were the last thing heard by those unwilling.
If [Name] thought her life couldn’t get any worse, boy, was she in for a ride. Night with Kevin has..lessen. He complained of having nightmares worse than those horror movies and they differ. Some involved in total darkness, others involved in his own death; all brutal and gruesome that even he couldn’t even explain further. [Name] would sob as she watched Kevin spiralled further and further, unable to sleep and constantly drinking himself to death. Her heart was cracked and it broke when Kevin had left her. Packed his clothes and whatever belongings he had and left without even saying a word to her.
She had tried to contact him several times but he had blocked her everywhere. So, she cried and cried and Morpheus only watched with a smirk and a gleam in his eyes, Lucienne knew enough that her King was in such a bright mood due to soulmate. The Dreaming mirrored the effect of his happiness. Though it was a good thing, it came with a cost. Lucienne could only sit back and watch as the story unfolded itself.
[Name], with tired and puffy eyes and aching muscles, dragged herself to bed. She sniffled, tugging the duvet open to crawl under it. She couldn’t let her tears out anymore. No point crying over something that was done, right?
Her eyes fluttered close..
The floorboard creaked and they flew open. Morpheus stood before her, a sick smile on his lips as he pressed a hand over her mouth.
“Don’t scream,” He instructed, slowly lifting his hand. She wanted to but nothing came out. The only way she could convey her emotions was through those eyes Morpheus loved so, so much.
“It represents me. I knew you were mine when we met at the park. When you helped me ease the irritating pain in my heart,” He continued, trailing his lips up her arm. [Name] whimpered, shuddering under her breath as tears pooled in the corner of her eyes.
His cold fingers traced her forearm, over the soulmate mark she wore.
“Beautiful, isn’t it? This mark?” Morpheus began, sitting down gently on the edge of the bed. He brought [Name]’s arm up to his lips, caressing the mark with his lips.
“Remember the dreams of the black shadowy figure? Oh, how he enjoyed watching you from afar, admiring his soulmate from far. Even in the Waking world, he was watching. Every move you made, he watched and watched. Simply waiting for the perfect time to strike,” Morpheus’s words were like poison to listen to yet they carried so much honey.
It was very calming.
Morpheus pulled away, rolling the sleeve of his coat up to show his own mark.
“Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you, my queen? I am your soulmate. I am Dream Of The Endless, your soulmate. Do you know the effort I had to put in to get rid of that man who bed with you?” Morpheus now wore a dark expression on his face, refusing to speak his name because it disgusted him greatly. [Name] whimpered louder, tears falling this time as she realised that this was his work.
This..This monster’s work.
“I will kill everything and everyone you ever loved,” Morpheus whispered to her ear. Sand engulfed the two, transporting them to his palace.
Morpheus caught a tear, bringing it up to his tongue for a taste.
“Perfect..You are perfect for me. You are perfect for me. I will love you so much. I will give you everything you could ever dream of. In time, you will learn to love and accept me, my love, because if you don’t…,” He stood, arms moving under [Name]’s knees and shoulder. He picked her up with ease and all she did was bury her face in his face and sobbed.
[Name] knew that was a promise.
She knew better than to go against it.
Oh well, there’s no escaping now.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Can you do Scarlet Witch!Reader x Dark!Morpheus headcanons please? I’m really curious how he would go about forcing the reader to stay by his side compared to human reader! Like is it even possible? How low would he go?
❝⌛— lady l: I didn't plan on writing this but after reading your request I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like, so… Here it is! I confess that I don't know if it was really good but I hope you still like it, anon. Seriously, now I'm wanting to write a short yandere!Morpheus oneshot with Scarlet Witch!Reader… What i'm going to do now?
❝⌛ tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, implied non-con, mention of torture during sleep and curses.
❝⌛ pairing: yandere!morpheus/dream of the endless x scarlet witch!reader
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First, we have to ascertain the chances of Morpheus going to the point of madness from his obsession, even more so with her being a Scarlet Witch. Given the fact that Dream is already canonically obsessive, he as a yandere is even more intense, his emotions are more twisted and stronger than before. He doesn't understand why he feels that way or why he's so desperate for the reader, but he is and the King of Dreams won't give up until he has you on his side. Morpheus doesn't care if you're not human, although he'd rather you were because that would make things easier for him, but either way, he won't give up on his obsession or the love he thinks he has for you. You will be his, whether willingly or by force, but you will be his and his alone.
Morpheus is an Endless, a being older than the gods themselves, he is billions of years old and has some failed romantic experiences and it was those failures that made him who he is. Honestly, he couldn't imagine falling in love again let alone the way he felt about you. He always knew about beings like you, but never cared, however after accidentally meeting you, a Scarlet Witch, he ended up falling in love faster than he wanted to admit. At first, Dream tried to ignore those feelings and focus on other things, but you kept coming back to his mind. He couldn't get you out of his head and he didn't understand why.
Once Morpheus became aware of his feelings for you he would try to fight it, ignoring the growing and burning desire for you as best he could, but unfortunately he couldn't do it for much longer. Every hour, every minute of the day, you were all he could think about. Morpheus thought that this was Desire's silly prank or that you had cast some kind of spell on him, but soon came to the conclusion that it was neither. He decided not to do anything, at least for the time being, he contented himself with watching you from the Dreaming, caring and closely observing his dreams. Dream was content with that, at least for a while, but when his desire and his obsession got the better of him, he would have to do something. And he would.
He would be none the less subtle in his approach to you and without further ado, Morpheus will tell you that he is in love with you and wants you to be with him. Forever. At that moment, you have two life-changing choices that will lead in the same direction, but one choice being harder than the other, accept him or deny him. You were confused by the sudden confession, you and Morpheus had seen each other before but it was briefly and you just exchanged a few quick words without thinking too much, so why all of a sudden? None of that made sense, so you rejected him. You said no, you rejected him, and that was your biggest regret. You should have known better, Morpheus doesn't take rejections very well.
Once the words of rejection come out of your mouth, Morpheus will freeze as if he's been stabbed, before his lip trembles and a wistful ''no'' falls from his lips, while his eyes filled with pure madness never cease to face you. You were alarmed by the expression of madness on the Dream King's face and even more so when he uttered a hateful no, at that very moment you realized the terrible mistake you had just committed. However, you wouldn't give in that easily, if you ever would. You don't belong to him or any other person or being, you are free to do what you want and it won't be an Endless that will take away your right to life choice. Well, that's what you thought.
If you agree to keep him, Morpheus will be nothing but the most generous lover you could wish for. He will pamper you and fulfill all your darkest desires, you will be covered in adornments from head to toe. He would love and idolize every inch of your body, his eyes will be filled with nothing but pure desire and love when looking at you. He will be merciful to you and will try his best to take care of you in whatever way he can. He hates it when you use your powers for the benefit of others. Don't you think you're too good to people who don't deserve your kindness? Morpheus will not try to restrict the use of your powers but will be wary of your surroundings with this.
But what if you reject it? Let's just say this won't end well for you. Morpheus knows that it will be more difficult to force you to stay with him because of what you are and what you are capable of. He is well aware of the extent of your powers and how dangerous you can be but he still won't let you beat him. And honestly, why should he? He's an Endless and he's more powerful than ever but he can't help but feel sulky around you. Listen to me, he will never leave you alone and he will be persistent in wanting you with him, no matter what you do, you can run from him all you want and he will always be after you. Morpheus knows how to be patient and will learn everything he can use against you, your power source and your weaknesses just so he can catch you in the end.
You can even shape reality or alter it, but Morpheus will hardly be affected by it. He is not immune to magic but will be more difficult to deal with after being trapped by Roderick Burgess. You can use all of your power against him and he still won't leave you alone. Morpheus will probably wear you out because, in a desperate attempt to keep him at bay, you've exhausted yourself and reached your limit and he managed to catch you. Or there is also the possibility that, when you sleep, he traps you in your dreams. The time you are most vulnerable to him is during your sleep and he will use that against you. Morpheus will likely give you Eternal Sleep until you finally accept him, and only then will you be released from your own torment. And even if you don't, he can always invade your dreams and stay with you while he takes care of your sleeping body. No matter what you are, Morpheus will never leave you alone.
The point is, Morpheus will go way too low to have you for him. Human, goddess or Scarlet Witch... You will still be his, he has no morals when it comes to you and will go as low as possible for you to be his. He'd rather you were a human because you're easier to deal with but you'll still be his. No matter how long it takes for him to get you, he will know how to wait for the right moment. Maybe he'll find a way to remove your powers or he'll just curse you to sleep forever and he'll still have you. He will always manage to have you, now you just have to accept that there is no way to escape him. Even though you are an extremely powerful being, he will find a way to beat you. He always does.
''I di not want to have to do this but you left me no choice. I give you the gift of Eternal Sleep. Where you will only be released after accepting our involvement, but don't worry, I will keep you company and take good care of you.''
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vetusmemoriae · 2 years
Dark!Morpheus x GN!Reader
Author's note: This is inspired in @notenoughfanficofthis 's post. I was scrolling looking for a yandere Morpheus and found nothing, quite a shame. I'll do my best to use non-gendered terms, but if I have to use, I'll use feminine and masculine without especial regard.
Summary: With Morpheus away, the kingdom came to pieces. Once he's out of his imprisonment he comes to find that not only his kingdom is falling apart, but that his lover is gone.
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He waited patiently, and trusted that his many decades- no, centuries ruling over a kingdom was more than enough to gain everyone's trust. When he came out, he found nothing. His kingdom in pieces, and what's worse... his lover was nowhere to find.
'Where are they, Lucienne.' Asked Morpheus, knowing already that they where not in the dream realm.
'They left, my lord, just some decades after you.'
'Mere decades where enough?' Morpheus was as irritated as he has ever been. 'And you didn't stop them?!'
'I tried, sir, but without you there were so many responsibilities and... y/n took advantage of this and left without anyone notice.'
'Has anyone looked for them'
'I would've sent them, but there's no one left...' Morpheus turned around, thinking of where could they be. 'But, lord Morpheus, if I may insist. I may have an idea on how to find them. You know that they love big monuments, they can't be very afar of any big city, that makes our search easier.'
'Yes... of course...' Morpheus looked at his hand with anger at his lost power. 'But I can't do this just now...'
Now with his powers back, he didn't have anything in mind more than y/n. He almost felt guilty: some died, and some others were sent to an endless nightmare that would last as long as he would, just because they got in his way. But finally, he was able to go in search of his lover.
No one has seen him like this before. Yes, they knew how much Morpheus loved Y/n, but this... this sure was another level of madness.
Through his journey, the thing that the King of Dreams cared most was not his realm, but he showed the most deep obsession towards Y/n, in Matthew's words, "He cares for no one or anyone but Y/n and his realm but... he's merciless, it's... scary, more than anything has frighten me. When I told him maybe Y/n wanted to be alone for a while, it costed me every word I could ever say to get out of trouble."
And Y/n got sloppy, and eventually -less than two days-, they fell asleep. Morpheus looked from afar. Just when Y/n noticed they were in a dream, they tried everything to wake up, and when they did, they couldn't believe it: they weren't alone, even if with the pass of time all of their family should be dead, he found another, and another... And he showed an expression Morpheus hasn't seen in a while: pure, utter happiness. Why didn't they look at him that way, what did he do wrong?
Y/n was... happy, and they didn't need a whole kingdom for them, but what the hell did they want then? Morpheus didn't take long to come to Y/n, just when they were alone, they felt an unsettling presence. First, a crow, and they knew they were in trouble.
'Morpheus...' In y/n's eyes were not relief, where not happiness of seeing his lover, that was fear. Morpheus knew then something was wrong. They where not to fear him, he would give everything for Y/n, and would do everything for them. 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left.'
'No, Y/n, just...' and hope, Y/n looked at Morpheus with hope of not being punished. With a broken heart, the king of dreams got on his knees and took Y/n's hands. 'what did you fear so much about me? Did you not love me as much as I do, that when I come after a century of imprisonment I found you gone, and not the gentle arms of my lover to welcome me? What didn't I give you that the humans did?'
'I wanted to see.' Y/n hugged Morpheus to his surprise. 'I'm so sorry, I'll go with you.'
But Y/n was not relieved or happy; they were trembling in fear, fear they Morpheus would hurt the family that treated them so kindly. Morpheus couldn't feel any more broken. Do they really see him as a ruthless monster? What did he do so wrong that his lover fears him so much?
'You are afraid... why?'
'You know I don't want to lie to you...'
'Then don't. I just... I want your happiness more than mine, you know that.'
'Just... don't hurt them...'
'Who? The humans that treated you as a same, that cared for you?' Y/n just nodded lightly, not knowing what to expect of kind words. 'Oh I won't, my love. I just...' His embrace was now angry, but not at them. 'Why did you leave me? Why? Am I so little to you? Do you not truly love me?'
'I do, Morpheus. I didn't have any lovers while you were gone, even if I wanted to be caressed, if I wanted to hear those "I love you" or had someone care for me. I didn't want anyone, but you. I wanted to see how they live, how they are happier the more difficult their life is, to know why they don't just end their suffering and choose to live... I knew that while you were here I wouldn't be able to come here, because you said it was dangerous.'
'Oh my Y/n please, what did I ever do to you? Am I so hateful to you? Do you fear me so much and think I care so little that I wouldn't give everything for your love? That if you were to live among humans, I wouldn't rather follow you to secure your safety that to imprison you as I have lived?' Y/n stayed silent. 'Do you... feel I imprisoned you?'
'I felt I didn't have freedom, because if something was dangerous, you wouldn't let me be close, and to you everything was dangerous.'
'We will do something, alright, love?' Morpheus stood up and looked at Y/n's eyes. 'You can stay here for as long as you want, with your family, happy. But I will be watching your every move, I will know everything, you will never be alone... and whenever you want, just say my name, and I'll be there. Your family will be safe, you'll have your freedom, and you will eventually know I do not deserve your fear.'
'You will be so kind?'
'Of course, with and for you, always. I just want something in return.'
'And what is this?'
'To stay a little longer by your side right now. I haven't felt your touch for a century, I might need another century just to enjoy your warmth.'
What Y/n didn't know, is that he would notice every look anyone did at them, and he couldn't stand how some looked at them not with kindness, as they deserved, but with either lust or annoyance. Every single one of those ants would meet some of their worst nightmares until not only they stopped, but they went away for good and had fear of going to sleep. And every night, Morpheus and y/n would meet, with their love growing stronger, because even if Morpheus couldn't love any more Y/n, they now where not afraid, they trusted Morpheus... they trusted Morpheus just enough to not see that having no privacy meant no freedom, and that anyone that tried to warn them would eventually go missing or would take back their words.
Hello! Author here. I hope this is more or less what you expected @notenoughfanficofthis . I didn't want Morpheus to be a straight up "yandere" or something, and it would be pointless for him to not change his mind in some things after he escaped. Ngl, I see y/n here to eventually go back to the dream realm. You know those hcs with Morpheus and Hob where anyone to interrupt them would suddenly move countries and how scary he is when Hob meets Death. Yeah, this fanfics ends in something like that. Cute right?
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dotieeee · 1 year
The Dream That Got Away
Chapter 21
Pairing: Dark!Morpheus x You (no Y/N!)
Link to the Masterlist
Overall Warnings!! Take heed:
Morpheus is DARK – in canon, he changes for the better (or at least, tries to – but we don’t do canon lol, so he goes even more batshit crazy) cue obsession, manipulation, possessiveness, powerplay
18+ ONLY – explicit scenes will be present, some explicit language
DUB-CON and NON-CON scenes
Character death (sort of)
Creator vs Creation drama
And other dark stuff that may be added in the future
This chapter’s warnings:
dub-con smut
Deviousness, manipulation and gaslighting galore
Barely edited, please bear with me
You have been warned!! Proceed with caution!!!
Link to the previous chapter
Chapter 21/Epilogue: A Sibling's Offer
You open your eyes to a million galaxies cradled in ocean blue.
The eyes of your creator, so soft, so benevolent, so full of affection. Slowly, your lips widen to match his tender smile as his hands gently cup your cheeks, so warm you could melt in them. He dips his head closer to yours as if his eyes could see nothing else before him. You could feel heat spread across your cheeks as he caresses your lips with his touch - he hums, as if in approval of your reaction.
“My little dream, you’re beautiful. You’re perfect,” with his lips barely moving, he whispers in a deep, velvety, hypnotic voice. 
“The entire realm pales in comparison to your radiance.”
Speechless at his praise, you watch as he pulls away, instantly depriving you of his warmth, his expression never changing.
“I am Dream of the Endless, the King of Dreams and Ruler of the Nightmare Realm.”
“My Lord,” you speak for the first time, in awe of your master’s beauty, wanting nothing but to venerate him for giving you life.
“My Mera, tell me,” your King says, a look of concern marring his ethereal features. “What do you last remember?”
You furrow your brows in concentration, but your thoughts land on mere snippets - glimpses of what seems like a former life, now long-forgotten; lines of tall, wooden shelves filled with books as far as your eyes could see, bodies drawn together, flushed in a fevered embrace, soft lips searching yours with hunger…
And you eventually giving in and kissing him back just as passionately.
The picture is suddenly crystal clear. You blush at the vivid image of you and your creator in each other’s arms, so you speak bashfully, “We kissed…in the library…”
Worried you might be wrong and upset him, you peer into his eyes in search of a sign that you have displeased him, but there was none - his eyes, sparkling with all the stars they hold, are full of nothing but adoration.
“My Lord, were we lovers?”
Your innocent question brings a shine to his eyes you could not read. He gathers your cheeks in his palm once more and brings your forehead close to his.
“We are.”
Your mind runs through the memory - the only memory you seem to have - in search of clues about your supposed relationship. You would never show it, but it frustrated you a little to have no recall of his love, especially when it seemed to run deep and with utter devotion.
“We loved each other, didn’t we?”
He closes his eyes and hums in satisfaction.
“You vowed to devote yourself wholly, only unto me, for eternity.”
He is gentle when his lips descend on yours as if wanting you to make true to your promise. Tentatively, you return his kiss and wrap your arms around his neck - he is your King, your creator and lover, and you trust him with your life, so you stay in his tight embrace until all that you know is his love, burning and all-consuming.
At the back of your mind is something telling you it isn’t right, but you pay it no mind: what wrong could there be, when your creator is by your side, ready to take your troubles away?  
You were more than eager to begin your duties, crafting inspiring dreams in your master’s name, but he himself was adamant that you stayed in the confines of his palace where he could always reach you. Even though you were temporarily taken out of commission, you took his orders to heart: the accident which robbed you of your former self was still fresh in his mind, so for you, it was clear that his actions meant he was trying to keep you from further harm.
But it also frustrated you a little - if you could just remember what had happened to you and why it happened, maybe you could help prevent it from ever happening again. You decide to tell him this one day in his throne room, where you find him sitting on the bottom of the winding stairs to his royal seat. Your king greets you with a small, warm smile - a rarity, you discovered, but which he gives you freely - and closes the book he had opened on his lap. Curtsying just as you get close, you open up to him about recovering your memories, to which his expression goes sombre before beckoning you closer.
“My dream, it is possible that your memories may never come back.”
As soon as you’re within his reach, he snakes an arm around your midriff and strokes your cheeks with another. You could tell how deeply saddened he was about you forgetting many things. There were, after all, memories he shared with you.
“Why is that, Lord Morpheus?” you ask, not at all comforted by soft gestures. “What happened to me?”
He tilts down your chin so you could look only at him. “It was a loss I almost could not bear,” he reveals while he traces your lips with his eyes and toys with your hair. “You met a terrible accident, my Mera. I wish for you to be spared the details.”
You run your fingers idly through his hair, fascinated by how soft it is. “And you saved me, my Lord?”
“I did.”
You let out a tiny yelp just as he pulls you to his lap and cradles you in his cloak. “I thought I was too late, but you held steadfast. I will not allow such a terrible fate upon you again, you have my word.”
He calls upon you to his chambers one night. You had an inkling what for when Morwyn gave you the word, and perhaps you had been expecting it; he’s allowed you privacy in your own chambers for months since the day he gave you life anew, but you were aware he has needs that have to be fulfilled.
Knowing that, however, does not make it any less nerve-wracking.
You decide to enter your King’s quarters early in the night. Thankfully, you find it empty of his presence, so you spend the next moments alone, circling the wide expanse of his room, getting increasingly anxious as you watch the night sky from his window turn from orange to purple, to midnight blue and littered with the glittering stars of your master’s creation.
You’re admiring a particular marble sculpture in a corner of his room when you feel the hairs at the back of your neck stand, and arms pulling you tight and pressing your back tightly against a warm, rumbling chest.
Gasping audibly at the pair of lips nipping at your earlobe, you whisper, “Lord Morpheus, you gave me quite a fright!”
“My apologies, little dream,” he says with a seemingly pleased hum. “I have missed you terribly.”
He spins you around and instantly places his mouth on yours in a heated kiss that makes your knees weak, so you hold on to his shoulders, while one of his hands grasps the back of your neck, the other you could feel stroking your back and fondling your dress ties. With his lips tracing yours and his tongue making yours dance with his, he takes your breath away.
Which is why even you don’t understand why you break it off so suddenly.
Is he going to be mad? You ask yourself. 
“I’m sorry my Lord, I don’t know what came over me,” you whisper apologetically against his cloaked chest, wrapping your arms around him in a hug and hoping you could placate him. You could feel your heartbeat soar through the roof and you could swear he could feel it too.
“There is nothing to apologise for, my dream,” he replies, rubbing your back in an effort to soothe you. He places a lingering kiss on your temple while his finger traces circles on your shoulder. Releasing a low, rumbling hum, he nuzzles your neck as he pulls you ever closer to his body, taking in your scent, an act that leaves goosebumps all over your arms.
“Lord Morpheus, were we…intimate in my previous form?”
Your innocent question does not seem to faze your creator.
“We were passionately in love, my Mera. We indulged in the pleasures of the flesh night after night.”
As if to prove his point, his lips travel down from your neck to your shoulders, peppering your skin with soft kisses and hot licks, all of which leave you panting in his hold and a feeling of wetness gathering between your thighs as you rub them together.
But, once again, no matter how good he was making you feel, you still find yourself pulling away from him. Breathless, you back away into a wall, thinking you’ve angered him this time, but you brave a look at him, only to see him look forlorn as he slowly approaches you.
“It wasn’t just you who I mourned for that day.” Stopping just a few feet from you, he reveals, “You were with our child in your previous form when you…when you passed.”
You clasp your hand over your mouth at the only information he reveals about your passing. His eyes, dulling at the pain of such an enormous loss, are glazed with tears unshed for your unborn child, and it was all because of you.
“I didn’t know.” You muster the courage to close the distance between you and place a trembling palm on his cheek. Welcoming your touch, he leans onto it, clasping it with his own and bringing it to his lips for a kiss. His grief was all your fault, and you couldn’t even remember. With tears cascading your cheeks, you say, “I’m sorry, I’m terribly sorry, Lord Morpheus. I should’ve taken better care of us…”
“That was not your doing, my dream,” he responds with the gentleness you know you don’t deserve. He kisses your forehead, then your cheeks, still wet with tears, which he wills away. He then captures your lips with his in a slow, searing kiss, and this time, you kiss him back without reservations, hoping you could share even just a tiny amount of the pain he bears.
It isn’t long before the kiss becomes more passionate, his lips more insistent and his tongue swirling around yours insistently. He suckles your bottom lip before he grows bolder - his lips make their way to your jawline, then to your neck, where he licks and nips at your skin. He seems to be spurred on by how your chest starts heaving up and down, for he starts biting the strap of your dress and lowering it to your arms, exposing more of the flesh he seems adamant about marking. Licking his way back up, his lips brushing over your ears, he whispers in a tone laced with hunger:
“There is no one else I desire, my Mera, no one, across all realms and dimensions. Just you.”
He bites your earlobe just as you feel his hands undo the ribbon at the back of your dress. For some reason, the anxiousness you felt before comes back, making you close your eyes and whimper, just as he pulls away to take your mouth in his.
You bite your lower lips as you hear a tiny, disapproving growl from the back of his throat.
“Why do you reject my touch?” he whispers against your temple. “Losing you was painful enough, so why do you spurn me and hurt me still? Do you not love me, my Mera?”
Sniffling and choking back your tears, you respond, “I do, Morpheus. I love you.”
“Then, grant me this.”
Your actions cost him his child. It’s the least you could do.
With your lips trembling, you give him a small nod. “Take comfort in me, my King: do with me as you wish.”
Ignoring the way your skin crawled at your words, you let your King take you in his arms and carry you to his bed, with your dress barely clinging to your form. With all the gentleness he possesses, he lowers you on the silken sheets, and with a single move, removes all your clothing, just as his own disappear in a wink - all while not breaking eye contact with you for even a single moment.
He takes a while to appreciate the sight you offer: you, bare underneath him, bashfully peering into his face. His eyes, laden with barely contained lust, roam your form freely while you squirm at the attention.
You love him, you tell yourself. You’re doing this for him.
After a long, agonising minute, he descends on you at last, his sculpted chest hovering over you almost threateningly as his mouth finds yours, and his hands rake every inch of your skin he could reach. You lie back down and take all of it - his mouth licking and nipping your jaw, your neck, and your collarbones, his hands groping and squeezing your breasts, his knee parting your thighs so he could nestle between them - you take them all.
You love him.
You let out an involuntary moan as his hot mouth finds its way to your nipple. Biting down and suckling, his other hand pinches your other nipple while your back arches further to welcome his touches. With your breathing turning shallow, your hips squirm underneath him, intent on finding more of the friction he provides.
Chuckling darkly, he pulls away, only for a brief moment, to chide you:
“Patience, my little dream. I shall have you soon. For now, I thirst for something only you could quench.”
From your stomach, he licks his way down to his goal: that increasingly throbbing mound between your legs.
You watch him as he teases you further by planting butterfly kisses on your inner thighs, then surprising you by biting down the flesh and leaving bruising marks on your flesh. When he reaches your pulsating flesh, already wet even before he laid you down, you let out an embarrassingly loud, high-pitched moan, unable to help yourself. With that devious tongue of his, he parts your folds at an achingly slow pace, flicking your clit with it as he does. He repeats the action over and over, before delving further down, licking your entrance and lapping up everything you offer. You could do nothing but cling onto the pillow on your head as you close your eyes, mewling at his ministrations.
But he squeezes your thighs in a warning.
“Eyes. On. Me.” he enunciates every word of his command.
Jerking them open, you maintain eye contact with your King just as he sucks your clit - it’s all you could do to come undone within minutes as he holds your hips down and gorges on the feast that is your elixir. Immediately, you’re thrown into a world of pleasure your current body has yet to be familiar with, and you’re left weak and panting, and somehow yearning for so much more.
“Your sweet nectar will be my undoing. I crave more of you, my Mera. I must have you now.”
You’re broken from your lustful reverie once he looms over your body. As he parts your thighs further apart and nestles his hips between them, a trepidation awakens in you, and your hands, of their own volition, claw at his chest, and tears you don’t know the source of come bursting forth. You glimpse a flash of onyx in your Lord’s eyes of what looks like fury just before he takes your wrists and pins them to your sides, amplifying your bizarre fear. You tilt your head to the side, weeping and apologising profusely, dreading punishment from him. His lips descend to your exposed ear, shushing you gently.
“Shh, little dream. You have nothing to fear from me.”
You give a small nod as the anxiety you felt dissipates as soon as it came. You swallow a lump in your throat - you could feel his hips shift slightly, his hard member pushing against your thigh.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, while your creator releases your wrists and lovingly wipes your tears away. “Will it hurt, my Lord?”
He takes your question as a sign, so he starts aligning his cock over your entrance, untouched in this body, all while he cups your cheek as if trying to be a source of your comfort.
“Fear not our joining, my dream. We are fated, and so is this.”
As you lay within his hold, already resigned to your fate, you feel something large and hot and pulsating invade your body, tearing through your flesh and making you cry out in pain. Your King shushes you, this time peppering your tear-stained face and neck with soft kisses; he pushes himself further inside your protesting body, groaning above you in pleasure while you sob profusely at his intrusion.
You love him. This is all for him.
“Relax for me, dream of mine,” he whispers hotly against your skin, then proceeds to leave open-mouthed kisses on your collarbone and breasts. 
You try to relieve yourself of the tension, but it’s impossible, especially as he shoves his entire length inside you, stretching your walls more than you could ever imagine. He pulls his head away to look into your face, and you focus on his eyes, brimming with lust he could no longer contain. Still whimpering and breathing shallowly, you feel him withdraw his cock almost entirely before pushing it back in with slightly more force and speed. Tears continue to spill from your eyes at the unfamiliar friction, but you take it all, you take it all for him. He repeats his actions, settling for a pace that eventually allows you to adjust to his size. Moaning and making strangled noises at the back of your throat, your thoughts of wriggling away from underneath him die down as he grabs your waist and starts bringing you to his hips to meet his thrusts. You throw your head back as the pleasure begins to mount in your body and you arch your back, your muscles now clenching and unclenching his cock uncontrollably, eager for more. Your hips, now meeting your King’s thrusts, melts in his hold, so when he picks up a pace at a slightly different angle that makes you see stars, you all but welcome the endless amount of pleasure he’s giving with heavy moans that echo his chambers.
You love him.
The eyes that refuse to leave yours darken, glistening with unbridled carnal longing, and with a bruising grip on your hips, he begins an uninhibited pace.
“You are perfect, my Mera,” he praises. “You’re mine. Mine.”
You try to bite down the embarrassing sounds coming from your mouth, but this earns you a displeased look from your King; he draws his body even closer as he wraps your legs around him, the angle making you scream into the night while his unforgiving pace brings an intense heat in your abdomen. It isn’t long before the heat explodes, and immediately, you fall - you come with your creator’s name on your lips, a screaming, sweaty, writhing mess, while his hands anchor your hips, unceasing and growing increasingly erratic with his thrusts to seek his own. Amplifying your orgasm, he, too, comes undone with a loud groan that shakes his castle. An almost overwhelming warmth floods your core, making you moan incoherently, and as he pumps more of it inside you, he whispers your name over and over in utter ecstasy. He waits for your breathing to even out, pulling your foreheads close and cupping your face before his mouth descends on yours and rolls his tongue languidly on yours, kissing you with so much adoration you couldn’t help but moan in satisfaction and run your fingers through his messy locks.
As with everything, your high fades, replaced with an indescribable, dull ache between your legs, where his cock is still buried. You break away from the kiss, releasing a tiny whine from the back of your throat. Perhaps recognizing the pain you’re in, your master pulls out of you completely. You roll over your stomach to find some sort of relief, and as your inner thighs brush together, you could feel some of his sticky substance spill out, coating them with the evidence of your union.
Your Dream Lord does not lie down beside you like you expect him to - instead, you could feel his lips caressing your shoulders, biting down on the skin you could feel it sting. He continues doing this all across your back, while you could feel him press up on your backside, his once-again hard cock probing your entrance. Your whimpers of protest are all but ignored, and in a swift motion, he sheathes his entire length inside your still-aching walls, which earns a soft squeal from you. He kisses his way from your back to your ear, purring wantonly:
“You took me so well, dream of mine. You will take one more for your King.”
You could only nod, helpless, when he grabs ahold of your waist, bringing your hips to his as he starts pounding relentlessly, parting your cheeks so he could get further access. Grabbing the pillow and squeezing with your might so you could take it, you remind yourself that you’re doing this for your creator, the King who fathered the child you lost, the being you pledged your life, your heart and your soul to. You love him.
“Dream, if I ever hear her soul call out for me in any way, I will snatch her away from you without warning, I will take her soul where even you can’t go, and you’ll never find her again!”
Dream of the Endless recalls his sister’s threat in the cave of the Great Void with an inward flinch. She was kind enough to allow him to keep your soul (it is his right, after all, and he didn’t need her permission), but he is aware he is treading on thin ice, now that his sister is forever going to keep an eye on his affairs. He had made a vow to her to give you a choice in your resurrected form: one between him and the other, to remain only as his dream, free of his pursuit and his love. He had made true to his words, of course.
Conveniently, he had glossed over the part about modifying your memories - just a little, just enough so he could gently push you into choosing him.
Even more aware is he of the fragile state of your soul - as disturbed as he was when he saw your bright light flicker and dim, he knows it would prove useful to him. Apparently, your soul had been using its energy and manifesting itself as a voice, calling out to his sisters for help. He had no prior knowledge of this until Death had inadvertently revealed this important little tidbit - was this why even your past forms have been resistant to him? How long had your soul been rebelling and turning your mind against him?
But, none of that mattered now - your soul is all but close to being diminished - it would no longer bother you nor him. He had been seeing remnants here and there of your defiance, causing you to pull away from him several times on your first night with him in this current body. He could see how it brought you so much distress, not knowing why you were doing it, you had been so regretful of those actions you could not control, so he is patient - he could be, for you - he will continue to push that disobedience in you aside until it baulks. It will only be a matter of time, he surmises.
Even more vexing to him was the manner with which his siblings had obtruded with matters they should not have. His little sister, Delirium, who had confessed to helping you by leading you to that mortal you had claimed to love, and then, his sister Death, who had attempted to wrench your soul from his grasp: why had the two of them become so invested in his affairs, when his other, normally-meddlesome sibling had gone unusually silent since the events related to the Vortex?
This is the reason why he isn’t much surprised when the sibling in question requests his audience for the first time in centuries.
“Dream, dear brother, I stand in my gallery and hold your sigil. Can I come in?” comes his sibling’s smooth, echoing in his throne room. “Pretty please?”
Morpheus feels his eyes narrow at his sibling’s request. What could they possibly want at this time?
“Desire,” he mutters. He exhales audibly as he closes the book he was reading only a few moments ago, emitting a small cloud of dust from its pages. He’s lost interest in the book.
“You may enter.”
Drumming his fingers on his throne’s armrest, he watches his sibling’s lithe form manifest at the foot of the stairs leading up to his throne, wearing a sleek, double-breasted suit.
“Hello Dream,” they greet, a wide, toothy smile adorning their cat-like features.
Morpheus does not feel like returning the smile. Sand rises from the ground to form an ornate, high-backed velvet seat for his sibling, which they gracefully plop onto. “To what do I owe this visit, sibling?”
“Oh, I was just checking up on you - worried, actually,” Desire says with a bat of their eyelashes, crossing their legs and leaning back on the velvet chair. “Tell me, how's your ongoing project? Have you perfected her yet?”
Dream feels his eye twitch in slight annoyance. “My current undertakings are my business, my little sibling.” None of your business.
Humming thoughtfully, his sibling places a well-manicured nail on their lips. “I'm just surprised how, even after you've recreated her over and over for the past millennium, you can't seem to make her...bend to your will. Pun most definitely intended.” 
Desire laughs, throwing their head back in their mirth. “Truth always seems to have a way of worming its way to her.” They sling their knees over the armrest and lay their head back on the other, continuing, “I remember her visit to my Threshold about.. four centuries ago, I suppose. She was the seventh, I think? She was so distraught, so desperate for my guidance. And, like the Mera before this current one, she was in love.”
They let their tongue roll on the last phrase for emphasis, which somehow Dream finds incredibly irritating. Quietly, he drags a nail against the marble armrest, while feigning disinterest:
His sibling pouts and places a hand on their chest, saying, “Looking back now, I think it was cruel of dear Destiny to have orchestrated this on the man’s poor lineage. She was in love with a Chapman.” They side-eye Dream for a gauge of his reaction. “The poor doctor and his ancestors seem to have a penchant for attracting your stubborn, wayward creation. Did I not mention this before? Wait, I did!”
The laugh they let out, louder than the former, is mirthless and bounces against his throne room walls.
“That’s why you cursed his descendants!” They sigh deeply, and in what sounds like contentment, before placing their palms in the air to admire their nail polish. 
“Anyway, the poor thing had no one to talk to, no friends, no family…I didn’t know you could go so low as to keep her isolated. But it wasn’t her love for the Chapman fellow that drew me to her. Surprisingly, her heart’s deepest, innermost desire was freedom - for everything to end. Sadly, it wasn’t mine to give. Anyway, you should be thanking me for what I did. I may have nudged her little mortal lover to take another woman. My twin sister indulged in her misery, she practically bathed in it.”
Dream, already on the verge of banishing his mischievous blood relation from his realm, shifts in his seat in his ire, his jaw clenching and eyes turning silver and wanting very much to break something. He need not be reminded of how the dream he’s fallen in love with seems to choose anyone else but him, no matter what form they take. “I have no need to hear of the petty games you and your meddlesome twin play at my creation’s expense. I should have your blood for that, if not for the fact that I have remedied your misdeed.”
“By ‘remedied,’ you mean ‘unmade.’”
Feeling his self-control wane in an instant, he stands to his feet abruptly, the book on his lap falling several steps down the stairs. They dare insinuate that he had caused your demise?
Desire just rolls their eyes and curls their lips at his outburst, brushing it off. “Oh Dream, it was merely a joke. I mean, she doesn’t always get to be unmade by you, of course.”
They follow their brother’s action and get to their feet. They walk up the stairs to get closer to the monarch, who’s currently fuming in rage underneath his composed mask. 
“Let me get to my point, then. I came here to help you.”
Dream replies with a biting tone, “And what on earth makes you think that I am in need of your aid?”
“Oh, dear brother, you know of my expertise. Surely, you know just what I can do to your little dream. I can make her want you. Make her crave only your touch. Imagine, a Mera, completely under the spell of her master, her King, submitting to her Creator's wildest fantasies. I mean, there is no one better suited for that task than me. All you have to do is ask.”
Always suspicious of his devious sibling’s intentions, he purses his lips with a heavy scowl marring his pale features. “You’re assuming this one will fail.”
Desire sits on one of his armrests and places a hand on his shoulder, the other toying with his hair. “Oh, I don't know. I just want to spare you the heartbreak of her being uncreated for, what, the tenth, twelfth time? I'm afraid I've lost count. I'm only looking after you, big brother. Isn't that what family is for?”
Ignoring his younger sibling’s manicured nails grazing his scalp, he actually finds himself smirking, finding the idea ridiculous at best, and devious at worst.
“I appreciate the gesture, sibling, but given your propensity to bring sabotage to my personal affairs, I'm inclined to refuse. I have reason to believe this Mera will succeed where the others have failed.”
“Suit yourself,” his sibling shrugs. They pull away from him and begin to descend the stairs, but not before declaring, “You know that when this one proves faulty, my offer still stands. You need only call me.”
Dream’s only reply is taciturn. “I will keep that in mind.”
Flashing that large, crooked grin Dream has come to associate with the craftiness unique only to them, they wave playfully and say, “Till then, big brother.”
His realm would have to freeze over first before he lets them touch you.
He’s done for the day - and it was a long, exhausting day, too - so he comes home to you.
Morpheus knows you’d be waiting for him dutifully in his chambers - his dream, his only lover, splayed all over his bed on the softest silk sheets, your hair fanning the pillows, your eyes glazed over in desire - it’s a sight that only he gets the pleasure of seeing, and it makes his cock twitch in anticipation.
When he enters his room at last, he finds your silhouette hiding behind the curtains of his four-poster bed. You had heard him arrive, so you got out of bed just to meet him.
He finds his breath taken away by your beauty, as always.
You’re wearing a sheer ruby nightgown that cascaded just a little above your knees and nothing else underneath.
Just like he had instructed.
Dream makes his approach, never taking his eyes off your form. Once you’re but inches away from him, he grabs ahold of your body and immediately plants his lips on yours - engaged in passionate liplock, he could feel your hands travel beneath his coat before taking it off from him. He obliges, not wanting to deny you of anything, much less undressing him. He only pulls away to undo the ribbon, the only thing that holds your nightgown in place. The flimsy article of clothing falls to your feet, revealing your body - one he’s crafted with care, one he’ll never get enough of no matter how many times he takes it. 
His eyes, after scanning your entire, naked form, bathed in the moonlight, land on the bulge on your belly. It’s small, but he sees it - he can feel the life you had formed with him four months past, swirling happily, safely tucked on your bosom. He lets his palm brush over your abdomen. As if recognising the touch of his father, his son’s energy spikes slightly, making you jolt a little in excitement - wide-eyed, you look up at him as you place your hand over his, wanting to share the experience. He could feel his own eyes glowing with so much emotion - you will be round with his child in no time, and who knows, maybe you will be again after this. He leans on the next being a girl - a princess, just like you in every manner, except maybe she’ll have his eyes, or his hair - he brushes the thought aside; he has an eternity with you to plan this out.
Hating to waste any more time, he gives a little nudge on your shoulder - a silent command for you to lie down for him. You offer no resistance, it seems: you happily get on the bed, your eyes glimmering coyly as you wait for him to climb on top of you. The fight in your soul has died down. Inwardly, he celebrates this victory.
Willing his own clothes into sand and disappearing completely, he descends on his ultimate prize: your body, now completely his and waiting for him to ravish over and over, like he does night after night, indulging in the pleasure only you could satisfy for him. Underneath him, you gaze up at him with so much reverence, so much love, and his heart sings in utter triumph. Just like that, all the work he had poured into you for more than a thousand years, bearing fruit right before him, and it’s all for him to bask in, to take.
This little dream of his is never getting away from him ever again.
Author notes on the Chapter:
Did I just finish my first-ever fic? Yes. Is it long? Oh, yes. Did it take so much time out of me? Double yes. Did I have fun with it? Immensely. Will I write another? Absolutely.
But seriously, thank you for being with me this entire fic, this journey of mine in writing a fanfic for the very first time. It’s a ride I’ll never forget. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for following thus far! Look out for my next ones featuring the same, mopey, sopping-wet cat of a man (endless)!! ILY
Author's notes in general:
Thank you, THANK YOU for reading!!
Please engage, comment and reblog!! I love feedback from you guys :) This is my first ever fic, so kindness is truly appreciated!
Thank you to my queen @queenshelby @endlessdreamqueen3 for encouraging me to pen this, as well as to my fellow Dark!Morpheus writers whose work I have thoroughly enjoyed and keep rereading :)
Post date: 3/23/23
Edit date: 3/23/23
Taglist: Just lemme know please if you want to be added, too!
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alistair05 · 2 years
Cruel Reality
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A/N: I won't be using 'reader' instead she (you) will be adressed as Reality or Rea.
Warning: Good turned evil female lead.
Morpheus' love life is known to be full of tragedies. Some would even say it's cursed.
Which is the truth.
Before Calliope and Nada, there was Reality. A being from another world greater than the Dreaming and the Sunless Lands.
Reality, the goddess of creation. Very similar yet more powerful than Dream. She was the very first lover of the King of Nightmares and Dreams. And the being who cursed every single one of his relationships.
A heart that was once filled with love and kindness, now chained by resentment and thirst for vengeance. It's hard to believe a creature as great as she is can be reduced to a victim of love.
Reality watched from behind as the greedy humans summon her ex. To her, Morpheus is no different than the beings before her. Egoistic and selfish.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Roderick Burgess got the angel's feather from none other than Reality. She wants the Endless to suffer just like how he made her suffer.
'I wonder.... Will this make you finally learn your lesson for loving a human, dear Morpheus?' Her luminous grey eyes glared at his form as he manifested inside the circle.
A satisfied smile appeared on her face. 'No one, not even Death nor Destiny will rescue you.'
"They know better than to get in my way."
As Burgess and his followers take Dream's tools, Reality turned and left the place. Her skin turning pale the farther she walked from her ex.
Thanks for reading! It's short but since I'm still hooked with The Sandman, I will continue this fanfic soon.
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withoutyouimsaskia · 1 month
Sometimes It's Fated (Sandman Short Story Part 6)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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GIF: Originally posted by @harleytudinous
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x AFAB reader
Summary: Reader Self-Insert. After restoring the Dreaming and locating the missing dreams and nightmares, Morpheus turns his attention to finding you, the human he believes fate has chosen for him. (Title inspired by Placebo's "This Picture".)
Warnings: Minors DNI. Dark!Morpheus. Soulmates. Angst. Obsessive and possessive behaviour. Nudity. Language. Mentions of sex.
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Hello there! We're back in Morpheus' POV for this chapter. I've really enjoyed exploring the softer side of Morpheus with the aftercare but still keeping that foreboding undertones. Hope you like it too. Let me know what you think! All my love, Saskia xx
Sandman Masterlist
Morpheus can see he has pushed your body to breaking point.
The only movements you are able to make are those that are involuntary. The intake of breath, sharp and shallow. The blink of eyelids, slow and drowsy. And the aftershocks feathering along the walls that still hug his softening cock.
The rapture of his own high vibrates in every cell, the humanoid form he takes being the epicentre, with waves of it expanding out across the expanse of the Dreaming, bathing it all in euphoria. He smiles faintly - anyone asleep during your union would have been privy to it in some aspect. Flashes of noises and sensations perhaps, or images of you entangled with him.
With a tender gaze, he looks at your exhausted form. He takes time to notice the details that others might have overlooked. The gradient of the dip of your navel. The vellus hair gracing your skin. The delicate lines on your face brought on by years of smiles. Every inch of you is perfection, the starshine streaming down enhancing your already incandescent air. Soulmate or not, you are the most remarkable person he has met.
There is no denying that you are to be his muse. Now that he has introduced you to his world he can resume work on creating new dreams, and your temperament and features are inspiring him already. His dreamers will be spoiled once the concepts are given life and sent forth into the Dreaming.
He is pulled away from observing your body by the sudden overflowing of silent tears. In the glow of the room, as they track down your cheeks, their lustre is like pearls washed up on a lonely seashore.
He's searching your expression for an indication to the source before they get close to wetting the sheets, cupping your face instinctually as feverous fear infects him. Is pain afflicting you?
His initial assessment gleans that they are falling despite there being no tangible signs of pain or sorrow, anger nor disgust. Further investigation is required.
He drops his register to the mellowest he can manage, whispering your name first, next asking, "Are you alright?"
You dip your chin in a solitary nod. A truthful nod.
You then take a deep breath, voice hoarse as you speak, "I just -"
Words fail you and you look down at your chest in lieu of finding the desired descriptors, hoping that he would catch on.
Your soul.
You make a little high-pitched sound in the back of your throat as he places a palm over its housing. Still very sensitive. With good reason.
Those last layers of defences that had been protecting you from the intensity of the soul bond had been steadfast in their resistance. Of course, they were never going to prevail over him, being the Endless that he is, yet the challenge could not be denied.
And now the conquest was over. He had you exactly where he wanted; physical form in the Dreaming, the Fates' prophecy fulfilled, soul tie complete.
He zeros in on your soul, using his aptitude for the metaphysical to see it in its actual form. The ball of light, two centimetres in diameter, that not too long ago was shattered, now criss-crossed with threads of rich blue, reminiscent of Kintsugi pottery. A mark of the small amount of his power - power that he'd quite literally fucked into you, that was slowly spreading out from your soul through your body, altering as it went. Only time would tell as to what enhancements it would bring if any.
His own soul was cleaved open at the end too, now infused with your essence; twines of seafoam green that he can feel rebalancing the constitution left so weary and depleted by his imprisonment.
It also appears that your mortality has been removed in the process; you are as eternal as he is now. He's against broaching this with you presently, feeling it would be misguided to do so. At this point in time you deserve the most diligent and gentle aftercare. It was your first time; you had trusted him with your wellbeing and that meant the moments after as well.
He will make his touches and movements so very delicate from here, continuing to keep his focus on your facial expressions and body language as much as possible.
Beginning with how he rises out of the position he had held over your body, giving him the ability to ease your crossed ankles out of the firm grip around his waist. Reluctantly, he withdraws himself from the warmth of your core, more trembles breaking free from the fluidity of the movement.
It makes you whimper loudly, the unintended stimulation and the way he guides your legs down to the mattress, as the recognition of how locked up your thigh and calf muscles are bark in your nerve endings.
"Would you allow me to clean you?" He asks, gesturing to the fluids that are now leaking from your cunt.
You seem surprised yet you agree nonetheless.
He conjures a bowl of water and a linen cloth, setting the former to the side of your right hip. The display has you propping yourself up on your forearms, fascinated by the shaping of form that comes so naturally to him. He moistens the fabric, pitter patters emanating erratically as he squeezes out the excess.
"I will stop if it is too much." A promise made while holding eye contact before beginning a gentle yet meticulous cleanse, re-dunking the cloth when needed.
Aside from a couple of flinches early on when he brushes over your clit, you cope with the touches very well, and Morpheus shows he acknowledges this in the murmured praises he looses with the completion of each swipe.
A stumble in your breathing has him stopping immediately though, drawing his attention to your startled face, eyes wide as you take in the pinkish tinge of colour in the water.
"Shit. I'm so sorry. I can finish taking care of it," your voice is warbled as you try and fail to close your trembling legs.
He puts a steady hand on your knee. "You have no reason to apologise."
A little dimple forms between your eyebrows, lips pulled thin by a grimace; evidently you are unconvinced.
"I want to take care of your needs. Please let me," he says with gentle candidness.
You blow out an unsteady breath as you struggle to look at him, attention darting all around the room, actively choosing to go anywhere but towards him.
These hallmarks of humiliation, vulnerability, they unreservedly rile him. Who had made you feel like this was unacceptable? No doubt your world's societal norms. Though Morpheus has seen improvements in them in recent years, there are lingering, foolish ideals on what was decorous when it came to the human body.
He relays his thoughts on the matter, "It is a natural occurrence, as natural as any other bleeding from broken skin. There is nothing to be ashamed of, Y/N."
He lets the reassurance settle in as he rubs his free hand up and down the outside of your left thigh.
"You know I speak the truth," he adds when you still remain silent.
Eventually you let your head slump back. "You're right."
His chest swells with pride at his successful reframing. "May I continue?"
You make a noise of affirmation.
Once he is done, the bowl and cloth de-materialise along with the patches of fluid that had been glistening on the sheets.
He leaves the space between your splayed legs, pausing as he kneels next you. You look like a ragdoll that has been dropped from a great height, limbs askew and head limp. He wishes to scoop you into his arms and re-arrange you, cocooning your beautiful body in the most luxurious fabrics his mind can create. So he does just that.
With a hand flat between your shoulder blades and another under your knees, he moves you to lay further up the bed, fashioning a sumptuous silk sheet to settle over you, a twin of the one tucked over the mattress. A knitted cashmere throw weighs down the sheet to seal in warmth. The last step is a plump pillow; he cradles your head carefully as he positions it.
"Thank you," you say shyly as he puts his head on an identical pillow, laying on his side so he can watch you.
"You are most welcome, my soulmate."
A beat. "Is there something I can do for you, Morpheus?"
He feels a thrill go through him, lust rising once more. Hearing his name on your lips is everything. Undoubtedly it always will be. He's instantly grappling with the urge to fuck you again and it is by sheer force of will he just manages to leash his lust.
"All I require is proximity to you," his words sounding much more gallant than he feels.
With visible effort, you roll onto your side, intent on providing him with delightful closeness despite the aches. Face to face, he decides now is time for a debrief.
"Is there anything you wish to discuss about the acts we performed together?"
You fiddle with your fingers, tentatively asking, "Did I do okay?"
The question is so endearing, it makes his chest tighten.
"Yes. You were, are perfection."
He catches the bashful glance your throw towards him and he draws even closer.
You had done so very well, taking everything in your stride since he found you in the waking world. Gone through a myriad of emotions, dealt with intense, sometimes painful physical reactions. And the sex... Well.
He runs a hand from your temple to jaw a few times to distract from the ever-mounting desires, thankfully taking the edge off with the affections.
"It is true. You are so trusting, communicative, generous. Receptive."
You huff out a noise of amusement. "How do you know that I wouldn't respond like that to everyone?"
Possessive jealousy drives a dagger into his heart, stiffening every part of his being, hackles rising as the sickening idea of anyone else touching you takes form in his expert imagination. Your question had been teasing - obvious from the impish quality in your eyes yet he cannot stop the rage that flares at the idea.
He extinguishes his temper, pushing it into the usual spot deep within, speaking with a level and authoritative cadence.
"You were not meant to be touched by anyone but me."
He holds your gaze resolutely, fascinated by how your pupils dilate from the covetous statement, fingers digging into the softness of your behind to add further weight to his claim.
"You derive pleasure from hearing me say that."
"Yes," you confirm, a telling half-smile appearing. "Though it would appear I am not the only one."
You nudge against the growing erection hidden by the sheets with your knuckles. The simple touch is a catalyst, his restraint almost breaking, eyes shifting to match the backdrop of the night sky above you both.
"Not right now," you assert.
His answering glare makes you raise your eyebrows. But you do not back down.
"Very well. I will keep myself contained. For the time being."
You press a sweet, quick kiss to his cheek. "I appreciate you enduring such hardship."
You laugh a little at the end of the teasing sentence. It is an effervescent sound, one that makes him feel so alive. When was the last time he truly felt like that?
He would do anything to keep you laughing like that, make you happy.
Inspired by that sentiment, he drapes an arm over your body and pulls you closer. You sigh in contentment, smiling warmly at him.
A crescent moon rises to accompany the stars in the ceiling sky. The slip of light it reflects is as peace-giving as your skin against his. Quiet descends.
Finally - after the frenzied events of the past couple of hours, the delirium that had ensnared the both of you in body and mind, spurring him to reveal the truth to you and initiate the binding of your souls - finally everything stills.
And in this stillness, after a considerable number of minutes, Morpheus begins to register the results of the soul bond between you; a direct line broadcasting your every emotion to him even though you are awake.
They are not particularly stable right now, kaleidoscopic in how quickly they evolve from one to the next. He is accustomed to knowing humanity's emotions, exposed to every facet of them for millennia yet this is different. With the dreamers there is a certain level of detachment. Being his soulmate, the impartiality is gone.
He is peering around the curtain.
And the emotions you are feeling are about him, directly influenced by him.
Exhilaration, fondness, trepidation, pensiveness.
His eyelids flutter at the intimacy, mouth dropping open with a shaky sigh.
"What is it?" You ask immediately as worry enters the mix. How adorable that your reflex was concern for him.
"Our soul bond is strengthening. I can feel your emotions."
You blink, stimulated by the notion first, then disappointed. "I can't feel anything coming from you."
"Give it time," he reassures.
"How much time?"
A little smile quirks his lips from your charming impatience.
"A few hours. Perhaps more."
Curiosity dances in your eyes as well as your mind; you study him closely, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip. "What's it like?"
"It is quite diverting."
In fact, it is the sort of thing that has potential to consume his every thought. He will have to be cautious of how much time he is dialled into the bond. As long as he makes the rules now then he will be okay. No over-use. No over-reliance.
A brush of fingers across the back of his hand, the inside of his wrist. "Tell me what you're feeling, Morpheus," you whisper.
He pulls himself from the compelling information flowing from you and takes a reading of his own internal state.
It's tempting to lay it all on the table. To tell you of the powerful emotional reactions happening. But he won't. The emotions must be compressed into something more regulated. He chooses the words carefully:
"I am wholly contented."
Joy and relief swirl from you and you kiss him. The softness of your lips help soothe the fierce feelings and when you part, Morpheus is fully reigned in.
He notes that your eyes are drifting now, glassy with oncoming sleep.
He rubs a thumb across your cheekbone.
"It is okay if you want to fall asleep," he murmurs. "My only request is that you permit me to hold you, so I may monitor how things progress."
There is much acclimation to be made. The scalding heat that had been rampant under his own skin has only just dropped to a simmer, let alone all the things to come. He must not leave your side until your body has adjusted to the energy within you.
"I wouldn't say no to sleep," you say with a lethargic smile.
He eases you into a nearer proximity. An arm slung across your middle. Legs tangling together. You nuzzle against the skin of his neck, inhaling deeply as if his scent could knock you right out.
"Good night, soulmate."
He kisses the top of your head, replying with the same.
You place a palm over his soul. "Thank you, Morpheus. For answering all my questions and being so patient with me."
"It is the least I can do, Y/N."
As soon as you are fully under he peers at you, cheeks already rosy from the warmth of the sheets and his body, lips parted. You appear serene on the surface - he decides to lean into that link one last time for tonight.
Morpheus keeps still as you sink into subconsciousness. Not a hard feat for him; he mastered that art long ago. Crossing the threshold into sleep is smooth for you, exhaustion efficiently picking the lock.
Yes. There it is. Evidence that you feel safe and happy. He has done his job well. Now to maintain this level of performance. For your sake as well as his own.
Your presence is the first rain after a drought. A lighthouse on a treacherous stormy night. You are an antidote to a poison that he hadn't realised he was choking on. You are healing him, just as he knew you would.
And there are measures that must be taken to keep it that way.
Tag list: @herfantasyworldd @kpopgirlbtssvt @littleblackcatinwonderland @1950schick @lollipopsandlandmines
"Controlling my feelings for too long. Forcing our darkest souls to unfold. Pushing us into self destruction. They make me, make me dream your dreams."
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darklinsblog · 2 years
Destiny’s Cruel Joke | Sandman Imagine
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Summary: Years into his imprisonment, Morpheus realizes the daughter of Alex Burgess is his soulmate, so as a punishment he decides to take her prisoner.
Pairing: Dark! Morpheus x Burgess! Reader
Requested: Yes
Morpheus had always been a part of your life, growing up you would always sneak away into the dungeon and visit whom you would call Bubble Man.
Sometimes you would only sit right in front of him and you would stare at each other for hours until the security guards called your Alex or Paul to get you out of there.
The Endless watched you grow into this beautiful woman that would confide in him, even when he didn’t say a word. Maybe that was just it, because of his lack words you saw in him a twisted safe place, even through his intense stare and the mixture of blinding seek of revenge towards your family, the last thing he would do was judge you.
He felt neutral about you, he didn’t hate you, you were actually the one person of the Burgess family he would empathize with.
In all his years of imprisonment he had one important discovery, and it was that you, Y/N Burgess were his soulmate. For a long time he had been searching for you, for you to be a Burgess seemed to be a cruel joke of Destiny, even though in retrospect, Destiny was not the type to make jokes.
Finally Morpheus was able to break free from his prison, you ran to see what was going on and you stumbled upon the sight of two guards passed out and the Bubble Man completely bare and raging.
The man approached you, grabbing your wrist so hard, you felt like it would snap in two. “You’re coming with me” he spoke firmly, even when you tried to break free from his grasp but it was useless.
You tried to scream out for help from your parents, anyone. But Morpheus threw you over his shoulder and dragged you into the portal just as your father Paul appeared but it was too late as you both disappeared in a flash.
When you arrived to the Dreaming he kept you away while he went on with his quest in search for his totems.
As he came back to the realm, he came to your room with a big box he left at the side of your bed. You looked at each other, there was an indescribable tension between the two of you, a magnetism.
“Get changed and join me” he demanded
“Why would I do anything you say?” You defied him and he would lie if he said it didn’t arouse him, in a unorthodox way.
“Because you no longer have a life outside this palace, you may want to get used to it”
That was the last thing he said before leaving your dorm, he hated how empty he felt in your absence, the curious thing about soulmates is how your life seems to change once they enter.
You had to admit with time Morpheus intrigued you, although you put some resistance, the Lord of Dreams was an incredibly complex being but every time you felt like a some sort of affection towards him, his behaviors would confuse you.
Sometimes, that hard exterior of his would fade, you would have certain moments were things felt right between you, but as soon as you started to get more intimate or you were too close to one another, he would completely shut down again, leaving you frustrated.
Until one day, you were having a discussion as one of his nightmares put you in a dangerous situation, he had secluded you to your room with him as you were having a pretty heated discussion.
“You could’ve died! Do you not see that?!” Morpheus exclaimed
“Why do you care so much? You can’t even hold a conversation with me for five minutes before running off!” Morpheus was going back an forth in the room, uneasy, angry, frustrated. Like a tea pot that had been under the heat for too long and was ready to burst.
“Believe me Y/N, I have tried not to but it is beyond me” he explained the best he could, but you wouldn’t have it. So you stood up two inches away from his face, practically breathing on him. He hate to admit it, but he was weak when it came down to you, he was aroused by your constant question to his authority.
“I deserve a fair fucking explanation. Why do you still have me here? You could just let me go, be done with all this bother I seem to cause you”
Morpheus looked into your eyes, you were so close to him your noses were almost grazing each other, he could even feel your warmth, your scent, he could see every mark and blemish on your face. His whole body was screaming your name, he was dying to touch you as his breathing got heavier.
He couldn’t bare this torture a minute longer… so he grabbed you and pushed you against the wall and as your back crashed the solid surface so did his lips when finding yours.
It wasn’t a sweet, innocent kiss; no. This was a desperate, hungry, passionate kiss. So much that you could barely breathe.
This was the kiss of a man that had been trying to get rid of his feelings and those feelings were eating him alive.
A part of you thought this was wrong, it was perverse and obscure to be with the one responsible for taking your life away and torturing your parents.
But why did you reciprocate his actions? Why were you feeling the same hunger and lust this man felt for you?
After what seemed like an eternity, Morpheus pulled away and he stared at your rosy cheeks and plump lips as a result of your kiss.
“You are a Burgess, your family ruined my kingdom and your world out of greed. But you too are my soulmate Y/N Burgess” you blinked a few times, trying to understand what he was saying
“Your soulmate?” It was the only thing you were able to say, suddenly a lot of things made sense but that opened a new cascade of questions.
“Yes. I’ve tried to escape this countless times, but I can’t and it’s been killing me to deny the truth”
“What truth, Morpheus?”
“That I am meant to love you as you are meant to love me” he was looking at you so intensely it was scary, he seemed to want to run away again as he reincorporated.
“Why are you running from me?” You asked as you grabbed his wrists, you wouldn’t let him get away so easily this time. So he was forced to stare at you, he was trembling, he just wanted to succumb, but his conflicted mind was imposing his desires.
“Because I can only contain myself for so long. I fear that if I stay I might lose the few lapsus of decorum I have” the tension was unbearable, the air was dense and Morpheus couldn’t even look at you anymore.
“Fuck decorum” you said before going in for a kiss, he practically groaned in delight like an animal when he gave into you, he was getting his hands on any skin he was able to grasp, making you weak to your knees.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked, you nodded, not trusting your own voice. “I need you to say it, Y/N”
“Fuck me” it was all you were capable of saying.
After that, Morpheus went feral on you, he kissed your neck, ripped your dress as he removed your underwear and in no time he was already inside you thrusting into you with such force he was practically fucking the absolute life out of you.
You could only moan and scream out of pleasure as you dig your nails into his shoulder and he pressed your thigh on his waist, giving him a power over you as he was able to sink deeper inside you. Your whole body was shaking as you were brutally fucked, drunken on the sensation of him and only him.
He loved this, having you like this, being inside you with such sloppiness and urgency, this wasn’t gentle or sweet, him taking you right in this moment was a barbaric act filled with adrenaline, it was the act of a man taking a woman in the most primal way.
This was about pleasure, not about rationality of moral. You were both so tired of overthinking everything, that for the first time you allowed yourself to indulge in your darkest desires.
You would worry about the rest, later.
But for now, you were together and the whole world could burn in the meantime.
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oreosmilkshakes · 2 years
Anything For Love
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x reader
Fandom: The Sandman
Word Count: 2,462
Warning(s): 18+, Dark Morpheus, slight spoilers, slight sexual stuff, choking.
A/N: Psh obviously titles aren’t my strongest suit. Also, the very, very light smirk in the gif is *chef’s kiss*. (And I'm dry on ideas so feel free to gimme sum :DD). As always, enjoy reading!
Taglist: NIL
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The hand luggage landed with a light ‘thud’, [Name] straightening her coat with pursed lips. The mansion was nothing like the others she has visited. It was bigger, antique and from the research she had done, it was old. The old doors creaked open, a woman stepped out with a warm smile.
“Hello, you must be [Name],” She extended her hand out and [Name] couldn't help but take in the warmth of the woman as she shook the elderly woman’s hand.
[Name] had a feeling she knew what to expect upon taking the first step into the mansion. Everything about it was old, from the furniture, to the wall and to the decorations. Her eyes observed as other housekeepers scurried around to complete their daily chores while security guards patrolled the hallways. “Odd..,” [Name] thought. The house was old, yes and she was sure it held treasures belonging to the Burgess family but guards patrolling the hallways? It was odd indeed. [Name] chose to brush the thought off but kept it close in the back of her mind as Edith acquainted her with the interior of the mansion, her room as well as her chores. There was no fixed uniform, thankfully, except she had to dress in black clothing to stand out from the other staff. That was fine by her and [Name] somehow couldn't wait to start work.
“That I am,”
“Good. I’m Edith and I am the head housekeeper here. Thank you for coming at such short notice. Master Burgess is currently unavailable at the moment so I will be tending to you. Come,”
After all, it paid very well indeed.
[Name]’s days in the mansion were interesting and as the months passed, she made friends with the other housekeepers. She shared rooms with Sarah, a more senior housekeeper compared to [Name] who helped her familiarise herself with the standard procedures with constant reminder that she should never wander aimlessly around the mansion without motive or else she would end up in the wrong places and end up in bigger troubles.
But [Name] can’t help it. History was her thing and there were rumours about his mansion. About a cult within its walls. She wasn’t afraid, of course. The rumour goes like this: There was a cult back in the 1900s that apparently tangled themselves with the Devil and somehow, they had managed to capture the Devil and kept him in the basement. [Name] had yet to find the entrance to the basement to see if it were all true but there were just too many activities going on in daytime, which was why she ended up exploring the mansion further during nightfall.
The hallways were really dark with the exception of the moonlight pouring through the windows. [Name] swallowed, clutching her notebook close as she peered around corners with quiet footsteps narrowly avoiding patrolling guards. She pressed herself between a wall and a closet as footsteps approached her position.
“Y’know, I don’t get why the fuck we gotta sit down there all day and watch him all day. We both bloody know that he hasn’t gone out for the past 100 years and he won’t ever,” A guard complained. [Name]’s eyes widened, forcing a gasp down and peered over to find one of the guard’s hands closing a hidden door by the main office.
“Quit complaining. The only reason why I’m even staying is because the pay is good,” The second replied and the first sighed loudly.
“You know what? Fuck this. He isn’t getting out anytime soon and we need some drinks. Let’s get the fuck out of here,” And as much as the second guard wanted to protest, his friend was right. He really needed a drink.
[Name] waited until they were truly gone before making her way down the hall. She held her notebook tightly, pushing the door open quietly. The musty smell of the basement almost made her gag. Shaking her head, she stepped in, closing the door behind her as she made her way down the short flight of stars.
[Name] swallowed. She didn’t really know what to expect. Were the rumours true? If it was, how should she react? Would he have horns and a tail? Or..
“Snap out of it, [Name]!” She scolded herself, stopping just a few short steps away from the metal gates that led to the inner parts of the basement. She stopped because she had to recollect herself and her thoughts before continuing on…
Morpheus felt the air shift, lifting his head from his knees as he stared forward, cold, cold eyes glaring at the metal gates. There was someone here down with him. He tilted his head a little, anticipation growing bigger as he waited for the being to reveal themself. This one felt different. This one felt nothing like the Burgess boy or the guards. This one interested him.
Said this one took a deep breath and exhaled quietly.
“Okay, [Name]. Whatever it is down here, it’s probably nothing. It’s just rumours and the basement is full of old antiques, treasure and whatnot,” She reassured herself, eyes fluttering open.
Now or never.
[Name] descended the last few steps and turned towards the basement. The lights were dim but she was very sure that the sight before her was something she had least expected. She expected chains and the Devil but not this. The notebook slipped for her hand and the sound of impact made her jump. From afar, she saw the being’s head tilted further, eyes watching her every movement. [Name] inhaled deeply again, calming her racing heart as her hand reached down to collect her book off the dirty floor.
[Name] slowly approached the glass cage and as she did, she studied the man. It saddened her to see him in such a manner and with his humility thrown out the window. They could at least give him something to cover himself? Somehow, this annoyed the girl.
Morpheus watched the girl’s movements. She was someone new, this he realised. He wanted to stand but went against his decision, afraid his own…bareness would scare the girl away. He noted that even if her presence was new, he should not be swayed by it. For the past century, it has been very cruel for him. She could be the same as the others.
“Um..Hello,” [Name] greeted with a nervous smile. She glanced down, markings of gold surrounding the glass cage. Perhaps to keep him in? Or to keep others like him out? She didn’t know.
“I didn’t mean to scare you or anything. Oh, I hope I didn’t,” There was a flash of distress across her face momentarily before she realised that the man barely reacted to anything. Now, she was sure as hell that he was not the Devil.
“I didn’t think the rumours were true but then again, I didn’t know what to expect,” [Name] let out a nervous laughter, carefully stepping up to the glass cage. She leaned in closely, lips parted as she looked at him all over.
“C-Can you talk?” She asked.
No reaction. She guessed he could but just refused to do so.
“Um, okay,..uh..” She fumbled, opening her notebook. He was such a fine specimen to sketch.
“Is it okay if I sketched you? I’ll keep the..bad bits out. It’s an odd request, I know but I’m just so intrigued. Again, I’m sorry,” [Name] chuckled nervously, retrieving her pencil. Morpheus could only stare, confused with everything that’s happening in such a short moment.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m [Name]. I’m the new housekeeper here because..well, I need the money and frankly, there were so many stories about this place and..uh..it’s a pretty house on the exterior. I like to sketch everything and..yeah! That’s about it,” She bit her lip as she moved the pencil all over the paper.
Every stroke, every line, every detail led to a growth of sadness that resided in her heart.
Eventually, she stopped drawing and shut her book.
“I’m sorry,” [Name] said.
“Look, I don’t know why they kept you here or how long but I am going to let you out. Yes, I don’t know you, you don’t know me but nobody and I mean nobody, should be caged like an animal. I’ll get you out..I just have to figure out how first..Hang in there, okay?” She smiled warmly, pressing a hand to the cool glass.
Morpheus’s eyes flickered to the hand then back to her face. So many thoughts raced through his mind but nothing made sense and as he tried to make sense of them, he was forced to watch her leave.
Research was never easy and if anything, [Name] didn’t like research. Even if the research involved something she didn’t understand, she swore to herself that she was going to release the man. During her free time, she would visit the library in hopes of finding something about releasing the man in the basement. Then, during the night time, at every opportunity she could get, she visited the man. She didn’t care if he did not talk to her. She would try her best to keep him at ease while her research progressed on.
Each meeting would involve [Name] talking to him about herself and her life as well as her day, how good or how bad it was and Morpheus would just listen. His instincts were true and that she was harmless and innocent. She violated everything just to spend time with him at every chance she got and this made him feel something. Every time she visited him, he took the time to notice little details about her from head to toe. He knew so much about her from her stories and this fueled his primal urges deep within him. Something he didn’t know he even had. She was something he wanted all his life, something so different from the past lovers he had. Her dedication to him was enough to let Morpheus know that she was made for him. His blunt nails dug into the smooth glass, jaw tight as he stared at the two guards with deadly eyes. When he gets out, he was going to take [Name] away from everything.
This was a promise.
[Name] realised the more time she spent with the man, her heart felt for him and it aches each time their eyes meet through the thick glass cage. Work upstairs was beginning to get harder and harder because all she could think of was to see Morpheus again. Those nights where she was unable to visit him, she would flip through her notebook. There were many gorgeous sketches of him and it would bring a smile to her face. Sarah would question here on why she was always smiling and her answer was always simple and that was that her notebook held beauties only she could comprehend. Her visit to Morpheus was always the same..
Until one day, it wasn’t.
[Name] made sure the coast was clear first before sneaking down to the basement and the view before her had her horrified. The glass cage was broken and the man was no more. She brought a hand to her chest, eyes growing hot. What happened here? Did they kill him? Where has he gone? Too many questions raced [Name]’s mind. She was supposed to be the one to save him, to get him out but he was gone and she didn’t know what happened to him.
So, she did what she had to do. She packed her items on the very same night and ran back home, away from the mansion, away from everything that had happened for the man she had fallen for was no more.
It took weeks for [Name] to normalise back and months to forget about the events of the Burgess mansion. She had a new job at a cafe just a few blocks down the road and this job was quiet enough for the girl. She genuinely enjoyed it.
She packed up for the day and left for her home. As [Name] stepped in, immediately the air didn’t feel light. She furrowed her brows, turning on the lights as she brushed off the odd feeling.
Yet somehow, it felt familiar to her.
[Name] placed her bag on her bed, getting out of her dirty clothes for a much needed hot shower. The cool air pricked her skin, goosebumps appearing on her arms as she stood in front of the mirror for her nightly routine. Dark eyes continued watching her amongst the shadows, eyes trailing down her bare back and lower. His tongue wet his lips, a smirk curled on the corner of it.
[Name] stepped into the shower, the warm water was heavenly on her tired body. Her fingers laced between the locks of her hair, mind drifting as she listened to the sound of the water. Her mind reminisced back to the man in the glass cage. She missed him but she chose to firmly believe that he was not gone. Her heart still ached for him after all this time.  
Her eyes fluttered close, enjoying the sensation of water falling on her skin.
Then, lean fingers ghosted over her neck before wrapping around it gently. She didn’t need to resist. She knew who it was.
Wet lips ghosted over her ear as the hand around her neck guided her to lean back. His chest was broad and strong and a low moan left [Name]’s lips as she rested against his chest.
“Ever since you came to me, I knew you were the right one for me. Your voice was like music to my ears, your beauty captivating and your determination to save me was..commendable indeed. All I thought about was to have you for my own and I was afraid that you might get caught by the guards..Yet here you are,” Morpheus purred, slowly tightening his grip on [Name]’s neck. Her eyes flew open, a hand shot up to grab his hand that held her neck. Air was slowly running out.
“I will have you and no one else will. Nothing can take you away from me ever again. I will make sure that you..,” Morpheus gripped [Name]’s neck even tighter now, her world began spinning as she desperately clawed at his hand.
“Will forever be bound to me,” Morpheus promised.
The spinning world eventually turned black. Morpheus held her in his arms, a smile curled on his full lips as he took her expression. Though unconscious, she still wore the smile Morpheus fell for.
He would do anything for [Name]
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rosaren2498 · 1 year
It Shouldn't Be So Easy
Part 3 of what I've Dubbed the 'It Isn't Abduction If You're Willing' the series. This is Dream's POV of the past 2 stories, and some extra. This and the next part might actually be THE MOST SELF-INDULGENT stories I've ever written.
WARNINGS: Abduction, Dream being kind of creepy
Dream had been in his throne room when Lucienne had brought it up. She'd noticed that a particular dreamer was mostly having nightmares and that they were reoccurring. This, in and of itself, was not cause for concern; the fact that the dreamer was causing mild tremors, however, was.
He was just in the process of getting the name of the dreamer- if another vortex had been born so soon, he'd need to take care of it immediately- when a scream rang throughout the Dreaming. He felt it ripple through the air, carrying with it absolute agony, the likes of which was usually only felt in Hell; he was startled to realize he recognized the scream (200 years ago, give or take, a scream had rang out across all the realms, echoing and filled with such pain, the likes of which he'd only felt when Orpheus had died. Only very powerful beings had heard it- had felt it- him and his siblings mostly, but no one had been able to place where it had come from, beyond the Waking world.) His sharp intake of breath seemed to worry Lucienne further, but he'd brushed her off, told her he'd take care of it immediately.
He wasn't sure what exactly he'd been expecting upon finding the dreamscape with the human responsible but... it wasn't what he'd found. He'd found the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen tied down to an operating table; you were nude, your chest was cut open, there was blood everywhere, and one of his Nightmares, looking like some form of doctor, was taking their place between your thighs as you begged for mercy that would not come. It wasn't difficult to prod at the edges of the nightmare, to take in more information than that which had been provided by sight, and- to his own surprise- fury twisted inside him when he caught the edges of the other nightmares you'd been having; imprisonment, like him.
His interruption had almost seemed to relieve his Nightmare, who had vanished as soon as the demand had left his mouth. He felt an overwhelming urge to wrap you in a soft and warm blanket; you were shaking, and he couldn't tell if it was because you were cold or scared. When he'd undone your restraints, he couldn't resist brushing his fingers against your ankle, taking note of the way your legs had twitched; he wouldn't touch you without your permission again, though something inside him burned at the thought.
Something primal was deeply satisfied by your naked form wrapped in his coat; a clear claim. He knew that he could've just clothed you, but something inside had whispered to put some kind of claim on you, hence his coat. He had to resist the urge to whisk you away to his chambers, where you'd be safe, when you had mentioned the nightmares being memories. Your mention of his family and his only friend, Hob Gadling, had been startling. It was clear you were immortal, like Hob, and that you'd had many interactions with his family; why did you seem so against Desire? He wanted you to tell him and he wasn't sure if he wanted to frighten it out of you, or coax it out of you; the thought that you might tell him of your own free will made him feel... things. Coaxing you would certainly be more fun.
Since he'd ended the nightmare, he had been busy in the palace, arranging things. He wouldn't deny having built a new set of chambers, not that anyone else was aware of such things. And if he'd skimmed your dreams for the coloring (purple with a black accent) and the animal silhouettes on the walls and bed (wolves with their heads thrown back and dragons with their wings spread wide), that was his business.
But two weeks had passed since his claim and he'd heard no word from you... perhaps you didn't know? The thought had occured to him many times since he'd given you his coat. You'd accepted so easily, it would make sense that you didn't understand; and Matthew never saw you wearing it unless you were alone in your flat.
Just when he was beginning to think he'd made a terrible mistake, Hob mentioned you.
Dream remembered the gentle smile on your face when you'd spoken of Hob. He remembered how the way you'd talked about Hob had made him smile. So, when Hob eagerly informed him that you were looking to meet up with him, he'd jumped at the chance, not that he'd ever admit it; such things weren't dignified.
He'd provided a park name and a time he knew that park would be mostly empty; he wanted to speak with you alone. But then he arrived and you were wearing his coat... as if you accepted his claim. Pleasure thrummed through him and he moved without thought, suddenly standing behind you, voice crooning into your ear.
"You accept my claim, then."
You shivered and he wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around you, but he resisted; he did not wish to touch you without permission.
He didn't give you time to respond, calling on his sand to transport you both directly to what would now be your new chambers. He was standing in front of you now, unable to look away from your beautiful face. You were so gorgeous and he could clearly remember how beautiful your naked body had been, though he wished he'd seen it under better circumstances; he wanted to ravish you and it was so hard to fight the urge, but he refused to hurt you.
You blinked up at him, though you didn't seem frightened. "Your claim? Is that what the coat was?"
He gave a sharp nod; he figured you'd try to fight him on it, demand to go back, and he'd have to inform you that you'd already accepted; effectively, you were his and there was no going back. He was startled when you smiled.
"Oh. Teleute assumed that it was an excuse for you to see me again, but a claim makes much more sense."
He tilted his head to the side, blinking briefly at you. "You are aware of what an acceptance means, are you not?"
You nodded. "Means I'm yours, right? That I can't go back, that your realm is my home now?" He nodded again. "Thought so. I know more about the older laws than you might think; I've been around a while, though nowhere near as long as you and your family."
You seemed to relax the more you spoke and he couldn't help his baffled frown; he was fairly certain that he'd just taken you against your will but... it didn't seem to bother you? You tore your gaze from him and looked around the room, your mouth dropping open. He was almost overcome with the sudden desire to shove his tongue into your mouth and taste you; he'd never felt quite so intensely for someone so quickly... was Desire messing with him again?
"Oh wow. Is this... for me?" You didn't wait for him to answer, moving away from him to explore the room. "Oh, it's beautiful. I absolutely adore wolves, and dragons, but I guess you already knew that." There was a slight flush darkening your cheeks and he once more had to resist the urge to kiss you or touch you; he couldn't ignore the pride he felt, knowing you liked what he'd made for you. "Is there any way we can get some things from my flat? I don't have a lot, but there are a couple things with sentimental value I'd like to bring here."
The more you continued to speak, the more confused he became. He shook his head; he wouldn't question you, not yet at least. However, if this was a test, you were going to be disappointed. "Tell me what you require and I shall fetch it for you."
You looked over at him and gave him a small smile, understanding shining in your eyes. He frowned, narrowing his eyes, but didn't get a chance to say anything about it as you answered him, giving a small list of things you wanted; weren't things supposed to be more difficult? He had expected resistance of some kind, no matter how futile it would've been, but you were seemingly fine.
"Before you go, I wanted to ask... can I visit Hob with you? Other than your sister, he's really my only Waking world connection. It doesn't have to be every time, just... sometimes? He's a good friend, though I'm sure you know that."
He stared at you, unblinking, and you stared back unflinchingly. But the longer he stayed silent, the more your shoulders dropped, and eventually, you broke your gaze from his, looking at the floor with a soft sigh.
"Never mind. Forget I asked."
The defeat and disappointment in your voice caused his heart to clench, the way your shoulders curled inward, as if you were trying to make yourself appear smaller, made anger burn through him; who had hurt you? Who had made you think you needed to appear small? He moved before he'd consciously decided to, his fingers stroking along your cheek, sliding down along your jaw until he was tilting your chin up. You met his gaze, something nervous shining in your eyes. He studied you, silent for another long moment.
"Very well. I will take you with me when I next visit Hob."
It was more than worth the concession to see the blinding smile spread across your face. That primal something inside him purred at the knowledge that he'd made that smile appear on your face.
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densewentz · 1 year
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more dreamling dad au bc thats just what i do now apparently i like lazy afternoon naps and so do our boys
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sic-vita · 2 years
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The Sandman |  Hob Gadling and Morpheus (1389 - present day)
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dotieeee · 1 year
The Dream That Got Away
Chapter 17
Pairing: Dark!Morpheus x You (no Y/N!)
This is a multi-chapter fic — Weekly updates (either Saturday or Sunday) because I found a rhythm of sorts lol
(The entire fic has been outlined, so I will see this to the end, you have my word)
Link to the Masterlist
Overall Warnings!! Take heed:
Morpheus is DARK – in canon, he changes for the better (or at least, tries to – but we don’t do canon lol, so he goes even more batshit crazy) cue obsession, manipulation, possessiveness, powerplay
18+ ONLY – explicit scenes will be present, some explicit language
DUB-CON and NON-CON scenes
Character death (sort of)
Creator vs Creation drama
And other dark stuff that may be added in the future
This chapter’s warnings:
graphic dub-con ahead - turn back now if this disturbs you :)
touch-starved Morpheus should be a warning of its own
breakup closure angst??
reader is a walking ball of angst at this point lol
You have been warned!! Proceed with caution!!!
Link to the previous chapter
Chapter 17: Lost and Found, and Lost Again
“Wha - wait, why?” you scrunch up your face, thoroughly bewildered by his abrupt declaration. What the fuck is his problem?
“Are you questioning my judgement, little dream?” Your Dream Lord takes a threatening step closer to you, intending to cow you into obedience.
But, for what reason? “I have not done anything to warrant this rather harsh decision, my Lord,” you counter, softening your voice to try and pacify his anger, as misplaced as it is. “Besides, you haven’t found any issue with me going back until now.”
At his full height, he stares down at you with cold, hard eyes, and you wonder just how such beauty could contain so much cruelty. You gaze into the galaxies it withholds, but find nothing but a black hole staring back at you. 
“I did,” he responds after a long pause. “I just chose to let you, seeing how sorely you missed it.”
“You have not given me your reason, Lord Morpheus. I think I deserve to know what reason you have to take away my only joy,” you continue to pry, your voice breaking at last along with the tears that now flow freely down your cheeks. 
But he has no sympathy for you - instead, he curls his lips ever-so-slightly in disapproval. “I am quite disappointed you’d consider the dreams to be your only source of happiness, all while our child grows within your womb.”
Amidst your tears, a huff escapes your lips as you bristle at his undertone. He isn’t even born yet, and he’s now being used against you for reasons still unknown to you.
“What exactly are you implying, my Lord?” you ask softly as you take a step away from him.
Not to be undeterred by the tears streaming down your cheeks, he reaches out to you, presumably to touch your face, but you turn away, so with a deflated expression, he purses his lips and withdraws his hands.  “I only mean that your efforts are best concentrated on caring for yourself and our son,” he clarifies.
Mumbling to yourself, you say bitterly, “I’ve been doing that for two months, my Lord, in case you haven’t noticed.”
“Enough,” he admonishes with a firm tone. “We will no longer argue about this. You will stay in the palace until our son is born.”
He pins you to your spot with his dark gaze, a look that you know so well: obey or there will be consequences. You wilt inwardly on instinct and say nothing, even though you remain unsatisfied with his cryptic reasoning. He goes on to elaborate further:
“As for my sister, pay her words no mind. Delirium has seen to the downfall of many, and she could lead you to somewhere I cannot protect you.” 
Taking your cheek with his palm, he makes you look into his eyes, ones that seem to scan for any hint of defiance. “I will not allow any harm befall my child and his mother.”
What’s next, locking you up in his room?
Despite your inner protests, you nod meekly. The moment your Lord lets go of you, you give him a wide berth, and he gratefully doesn’t follow, but you could tell how displeased he is with the distance you placed between you both.
With a final glance at your form, he leaves in a swirl of sand. As soon as he vanishes, a sudden bout of nausea hits you, so you scramble to the toilet and empty the entire contents of your stomach. It takes you a while, but you rush to the door of your shared room once it stops only to find it locked from the outside, as you had suspected all along.
“M’lady, you’ve really got to eat. You barely touched your soup.”
Morwyn had just entered the Dream King’s quarters, where you had spent almost five days cloistered in. You had neither the energy nor the drive to step out and roam the palace grounds; you didn’t even know if you were allowed to. All you could worry about were your dreamers and the work that you had no choice but to leave behind - if your Lord knew your mind was preoccupied with them, he’d chastise you about caring more about them than your own son, just like he had insinuated.
You’ve been seeing more of him for the past few days, and when you’re both alone together, he couldn’t keep his hands to himself, so he’d either cuddle you, with his possessive hands over your belly, or fuck your brains out and leave reluctantly to attend to his duties. It’s a routine you’ve grown to hate because even when he left, you could still feel every part of him on you, as if your unborn son isn’t enough of a reminder of the bed you’re forced to share with him.
And then, there’s what Lady Delirium said just before the Dream Lord barged in.
What had she meant to say when she found something you ‘lost?’ And why had your King taken such offence to it?
“Princess Mera? M’lady?”
Morwyn’s concerned voice thankfully digs you out of a hole you didn’t want to be stuck in, and from looking forlornly out to the view that the balcony offered, you turn to face her.
“Sorry, Morwyn, you were saying?”
Hovering over the table where your now-cold soup lay untouched, she gives you a shy smile and points at it. “Maybe I can get you something else instead? He has to eat too, you know…”
Ah, yes. While you don’t have the appetite to eat, the little one inside you depends on you for everything, and he’ll do so for a while. You wish he’d hurry up though - frankly you could do away with the random bouts of dizziness, bizarre food cravings and annoying backaches.
“Maybe I could get you some chocolate-covered pretzels or cinnamon buns? I remember you liked cinnamon,” Morwyn suggests.
“Nah, I can’t stand cinnamon now, and chocolate tastes metallic to me. Maybe something healthy, like a chicken salad?” you say, hugging a pillow, before adding, “And caramel bars.”
“Not sure the last one’s healthy, but okay, I’ll be back with them!”
Morwyn leaves you half-heartedly wondering where she gets all that energy from as you smile gratefully and lie down on the loveseat. Eventually, she comes back with a tray full of food, so you try to eat as much as your body can hold down. You thank her for the food and for being patient with you before she leaves you alone once more, lying moodily on the couch. Maybe you could drop by the library later and catch up on your dreamers once your back decides to let up.
Any thoughts you have of getting out of the room vanish as soon as the Dream King arrives, transporting himself inside using his sand instead of using his door, as is his usual fashion. You get up to greet him out of habitual politeness, but in doing so, you wince at the dull pain the action causes. 
This doesn’t escape his notice, it seems, for he immediately makes his approach.
“Does your back ache, my dream?” he asks, his eyes laden with concern.
You could only nod, intending to trudge slowly to the bed and bury yourself in pillows and blankets, but he has other ideas. Gently, he carries you instead and lays you down on the sheets.
“Lie on your stomach, my little dream,” comes his soft command, and you do, having a vague idea of what he’s up to. True enough, he gets on the bed as well, mounting your hips, and, brushing your hair aside, he untangles the ribbons of your dress to reveal your back. With expert hands, he starts kneading the tense muscles on your shoulders, and you groan out of relief as his thumbs put pressure on the knotted muscles on your shoulder blades.
How many beings in the universe could say they had been given a back rub by the King of Dreams himself, you wonder, sighing as his hands slowly work their way down your spine to your lower back. You could feel the heat emanating from his body as he moves closer, and his breath fans the back of your neck before softly caressing your skin with his lips and giving you goosebumps in the process. He applies pressure on the muscles on your waist before halting his movements altogether. Feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off your back, you sigh once more, wanting nothing but to drift off to deep sleep.
“Thank you, Lord Morpheus,” you murmur.
You inhale sharply as his hand hikes your dress up and dips between your thighs, massaging your inner folds. Making a tiny noise of complaint, you squirm underneath him as he rubs against your clit and makes you wet, not feeling up to having your back blown right after he’d massaged it so tenderly.
He must’ve felt you tense up again, for he whispers against your back, “Sshh, my dream, relax, I will make you feel better.”
In a split second, your dress disappears, and your underwear soon follows. His tongue laps up the exposed skin on your back, his teeth grazing and nipping, while his hands part your lower cheeks. In one swift motion, he lodges his rock-hard cock inside your core, and you whimper at its suddenness, while he groans in pure bliss from above you. He settles for a languid pace as pulls out and pushes his entire length back in as if careful not to strain you further. His lips pull away, having done their job marking your back with welts, and you feel him prop himself up at an angle that keeps rubbing over your sweet spot and at the same time avoids putting pressure on your lower back muscles. You grip the pillow tight as you bite back your whimpers, but when he resumes rubbing the muscles on your waist and your spine, you start moaning with abandon and let your body relax completely in his grip, giving in to the pleasure he provides. He builds up the pressure unhurriedly inside your core while the pads of his palm knead your back muscles carefully, so when the pressure finally bursts, you lay there, limply, as he continues pumping into you, drawing your climax out in that sensual, controlled pace of his choosing. His pace only falters and quickens slightly when he comes close; he takes you with him as he climaxes and sends his hot seed coursing through your core and coating your inner walls, some of it leaking out when he pulls out of you.
Your Dream Lord lies beside you, already clothed, as you catch your breath, with him kindly making your dress reappear, its ribbons already laced behind your back. He dons a soft expression as he stares wordlessly at your face, caressing your cheek lazily with a finger. You couldn’t move an inch, not after being drained of energy like the only way he does. After a few moments, he leans down to kiss you, tracing the outline of your lips with his tongue and demanding entrance, while his hand not-so-subtly traces your arched back all the way to your ass -
“Hey boss! Your majesty, I - Ack!”
Matthew comes darting into the chamber from the balcony and in what must’ve been a romantic scene in his eyes, with you draped on the Dream King’s bed and him hovering over you, kissing you with a softness only you get to see. Your Lord reluctantly pulls away, and you pull the blankets over you in haste and embarrassment at being caught in such a vulnerable situation - and by no less than his raven!
“Matthew,” you hear him address his minder. “Is something the matter?”
“So very sorry to uh, interrupt you and the princess and all, but there’s this huge, huge, crazy bird running amok right now, in the forest and it’s breathing fire!” comes his frantic reply, ruffling his feathers in agitation. “Apparently, that giant bird can breathe water too, it’s just flooded the entire town square! I didn’t know who else to get, sir.”
Curiously peeking from underneath the blankets, you see Matthew perched on the back of the loveseat while your Lord puts on his cloak.
“Hi there, princess!” Matthew greets you with a winged salute. “Sorry to ruin the moment, but this bird -”
“It’s not just a bird, Matthew, it’s called an Anzû, judging by your description. You were right to call my attention.” the Dream Lord corrects him before making his way to you, planting a quick kiss on your crown. “I shall see to it, my dream.”
Nodding at him, you ask, “Can I be at the library, Lord Morpheus?”
“Of course,” he responds with a light caress of his fingers on your cheek. “I will come to fetch you after the Anzû is dealt with.”
“Uh, guys, I know you can’t keep your hands off each other, but, whatever-it’s-called, it’s destroying the village, you know, ve-eeery urgent?”
The Dream Lord just raises a mildly amused eyebrow at the raven’s reaction, and questions him, “Where is it at the moment?”
“Last I checked, sir, it’s just started setting the forest on fire, in the trees near the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets.”
“Let us meet there, then,” the King says simply, the sand from his leather pouch engulfing his cloaked form before disappearing entirely.
Matthew, flapping his wings, sighs and mutters to himself, “He could’ve just brought me along with his sand, but no-oo…”
With a farewell to you, he flies off the balcony to follow his boss.
But you aren’t left alone for long. Just as Matthew has left the chambers, one of the double doors cracks open, revealing Morwyn, looking around the room cautiously before beckoning someone you couldn’t see inside. To your surprise, a young woman with colourful hair peeks from the opening, before pushing them wider with a loud ‘weeee!’, and you jump out of bed instantly just in time for her to give you a hug that leaves you momentarily breathless.
“It worked! I distracted him!” Lady Delirium squeals in delight when she releases you. “ I think he’ll be away for quite a long time, but not that long, a long time is about a hundred years, or more. We have to hurry, though, that thingy I did on the Anzû might not last that long.”
“Lady Del,” you greet her before curiously asking, “Wait, you set the Anzû loose? What for?”
“So we could go find what you’ve lost,” she just says cryptically, as she drags you to the door.
Going along with her, you tell her, “Lady Del, I’m not allowed in the dreams anymore.”
“I know!” she replies with excitement. “That’s what the distraction is for.”
Morwyn chimes in, keeping up with your pace, “I can hold down the fort, m’lady, I can tell the Dream Lord you went out for a walk just in case he comes back early. Take care!”
“Thank you, Morwyn!” you shout after her as she pulls back and waves after you, and, still holding on to Lady Del’s hand, you let her take you to a detour leading to the sea of dreams, where you waste no time diving in, clueless as to where she’ll bring you. As the waters take you where you ought to be, your hand inadvertently lets go of Lady Del’s due to its force, and you land, alone, on a patch of dying grass.
“Fancy seeing you here, princess.”
You raise your eyebrow at the Corinthian who’s grinning ear to ear as you straighten your dress. Your eyes sweep the territory you landed on for any sign of the Endless that brought you here, but you find her nowhere.
You seem to have landed on a garden, or at least, what was once a garden. The plants look like they have not seen a drop of water in weeks and have been left to wilt away and dry up. But as you survey the dream you landed on, you couldn’t shake off the peculiar feeling that the place is familiar.
“This garden used to be so lively,” you find yourself saying.
Too familiar.
“Oh, you think?” your friend just snorts.
You look behind him, where a modern-brutalist building stands. It’s a house, you conclude, and it seems to be beckoning you inside, so you brush past your friend, caught in a trance you couldn’t break away from, intending to enter the abode.
“I don’t think you want to go inside, princess.”
You let the Corinthian’s warning go unheeded. Pushing the doors open, you cross the foyer and reach what looks like a previously well-maintained living room now lying in total ruins: upturned, upholstered couches with their leather peeling off all over, a glass coffee table, smashed, its glass shards scattered all over the threadbare carpet, science magazines, ripped from the spine, the crumpled pages littering the sorry scene.
A few feet from the living room is a doorway which leads to the kitchen, where you could hear scuffling. How you know it’s where the kitchen is, you have no idea, but you walk to it anyway, and why is your heart beating so fast? Why would you dread anything from this dilapidated excuse for a house?
“That’s not a good idea, princess. Back away, when you still can.”
But, the Corinthian’s voice comes out as muffled - all you could hear is rhythmic gasping and soft moaning, and like a moth to a flame, to walk to the sound, completely entranced, blood pounding in your ears.
You barely make it through the doorway when you see a tall fellow plastered to the wall, his hair too grey for his age, his eyes closed and mouth wide open and moaning in pleasure, and a woman - a nightmare, disguised as a woman - on his knees, sucking him off, both of them oblivious to your presence. Frozen to your spot, you stand transfixed at the sight, not taking your eyes off the male and feeling your heart being squeezed tight.
“So I guess you’ve met Sumnio.”
Again, your friend’s voice is ignored, and you clutch your heart, gasping for air and collapsing against his chest. Strong arms anchor yours to keep you steady, but, already feeling light-headed, you cling to his shirt with trembling hands and, leaning onto him, you scream.
It’s visceral, painful, echoing in the dream-space, and your friend drags you away from the scene and back to the garden, where he cradles you awkwardly, both of you kneeling on the drying blades of grass, and you remember everything: every memory of that man’s face, grinning coyly, smiling warmly, his soft, forest green eyes blazing with so much passion you had helped inspire…
And they hurt. Every stolen moment with him, the longing stares, and the chaste kisses - just remembering them is agony, and you cry out against your friend’s chest, mourning for what fate had so cruelly stolen from you.
“I know him,” your say amidst your sobbing, and you feel the Corinthian’s hand patting you softly on the head.
“Yeah, I bet you do,” comes his simple reply.
Oliver Chapman.
You start hiccuping, and your poor nightmare friend lets you go so he could hand you a glass of water he materialises. You accept it and drink from it, but you continue bawling as you set the glass down, water spilling all over the grass and your dress, the gravity of his presence in the dream hitting you just as hard as the memories did.
They’re here to torment him. Your poor Ollie.
Gulping for air, you let out, “Y-you’re h-hurting him! H-he’s hurting my O-ollie…”
Cursing under his breath, the Corinthian grabs your shoulder and shakes you violently.
“Pull yourself together, princess, there’s no use crying over this shit,” he chides through his gritted teeth. He lets out an agitated sigh, but he releases you. He takes out a handkerchief from his coat pocket and hands it over, and with a shaking hand you take it, your fist balling into it as you stare at a patch of grass, trying to breathe evenly and choking back your tears.
“There’s no easy way to say this, princess, but your boyfriend sentenced your ex to a lifetime of misery,” he divulges, sitting cross-legged on the grass facing you. “When he lost his memories of you, he tried to fill in that little hole you left in his heart or whatever, but Sumnio was sent here by Dream to make him doubt every single one of his lovers. He’s never going to settle at this rate.”
In an attempt to soothe the excruciating pain in your heart, your palm rubs against your chest, trying to breathe through your mouth as fresh, silent tears cascade down your cheeks, staining your dress further. He lets you process his words in silence.
“I’m going to fix this,” you declare all of a sudden, surprising even yourself.
“How, exactly?” your friend asks as he absentmindedly picks on the brittle blades of grass.
“I don’t know, I don’t fucking know,” you whisper, sniffling and wiping away the tears using the crumpled hanky he gave you. “But I can’t let him live like this, Cori. He’s not a threat anymore, so why make him suffer?”
Clicking his tongue, he mutters, “You know he doesn’t see it that way, princess.” He gets on his feet with a grunt and offers you a hand, which you gratefully accept. “You better clean that up, he’s gonna find out.”
“You're not going to tell him, are you?”
“I’d rather stay out of it, thank you very much.”
You offer him a wet, grateful smile, mouthing ‘thank you,’ and his only response is a shake of his head in exasperation.
“I can distract him for a day, at most,” he adds, tilting his head in the house’s direction.
Ah, yes. Sumnio. What a shame you had to meet him that way, if only in passing.
“I can shut him up, too,” he continues, smirking playfully. “He’s gonna moan a little, but I can do the job.”
You couldn’t help the small snort of laughter that escapes you. “Thanks for the mental image,” you remark dryly. “I have to go back. Whatever Lady Del did to distract him may have already passed.”
“I told you she’s trouble. Anyway, let me know when. You owe me big time.”
Rolling your eyes a little, with a small smile still on your face, you jest, “Yes, how can I ever repay you?”
But you flash him a look, letting him know you actually mean it. Your friend, as is his usual, just gives you a mock salute as you exit the dream, indicating that perhaps, he understood what you had meant to say.
“M’lady, I’ve got the key,” Morwyn says in a hushed tone as she sets down your bowl of cornflakes. Discreetly, she places the key in question, and you mutter your ‘thanks’ to her, before nothing short of inhaling your cereal. Your Dream Lord had just left for his duties, so time is of the essence. Cori’s right: grieving over Ollie isn’t going to help.
If you want to put him right that badly, you need to do your research.
You were reluctant at first in enlisting Morwyn for help, but she has proven to be loyal to you so far, so you decide to place your trust in her and ask her to obtain the key to the Dream Lord’s office from an unsuspecting Merv. It had to be you who’ll get the books though, refusing to put her in more trouble than she already is.
Sneaking into the library past Lucienne was easy, seeing as she’s swamped with records that need filing from yesterday’s Anzû’s attack (thank goodness for Lady Del). You get Ollie’s book in less than three minutes, and while you had nowhere to hide the bulky tome, you decide to worry about that bit later, and, after you give the key back to your co-conspirator, you barricade yourself in your old room and begin with studying how bad the damage was, and how much effort it’ll take to undo all of it.
Clinging to the toilet for dear life, you heave the last bits of soggy cornflakes out from your gut. This time, it isn’t just brought about by the sickness of being slightly heavy with child.
It was out of pure repulsion at what you had just finished reading from Ollie’s books. It was nothing short of abominable on his part, being forced to endure five horrendous breakups with women that seemed to genuinely like him, and then making him relapse on sleeping pills for something he could no longer remember - all for your Dream Lord’s depraved entertainment.
And the worst part is that it was partly your fault.
But you had to quash that guilt within you at the moment, seeing as it wouldn’t help with your cause. You had a faint idea what to do with Ollie’s dreams, and no clue whether it was going to last, but you had to try, at least.
Having hidden the book in one of the toilet cupboards in your room, you proceed to your shared bedroom with your King and pretend as if you had not just found out about one of the dirty little secrets he’s been keeping from you. It takes you all of your willpower not to be sick out of disgust after he fucks on his bed for hours on end, and as you both finish, you had only one thing in mind:
That you’ll get Ollie’s life back for him and perhaps say one, final, proper goodbye.
Your little panic attack at Ollie’s kitchen doorway was bad, but being confronted with happy memories you had spent in Ollie’s dreams in this modern-brutalist study is so much worse, you discover.
Here you are, hunched over on the carpet you remember almost ruining with your own blood, except it this time, it wasn’t a puncture wound that’s making you double over in pain - it’s that dull, stabbing ache in your heart at having to recall all those moments with him again and again, moments he can’t even recall, and as they come running through your head, so do the tears.
Maybe if you had been unmade instead, you wouldn’t have had to suffer with this as much.
The study you had spent countless hours working in had been trashed - a mirror of Ollie’s deteriorating mental state. It’s worse than the living room downstairs: his bookshelves, one you remember fondly with the books arranged oddly by colour, upturned, its contents reduced to nothing but ripped, empty pages; his computer screen cracked beyond repair; the L-shaped sofas with ripped covers and exposed foam - everything you loved about the place, including its owner, falling apart, and you’re the only chance he has.
But then, you hear footsteps approaching, so you quickly wipe your tears away with your palm and finally face the dreamer you’ve come to help.
Ollie, with his greying hair and green eyes, his soiled pyjamas and his unshaven beard. He seems to be having such a rough time, it hurt you to see him like this.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” he notes with narrowed, suspicious eyes, just like the first time you met.
You flash him a wan smile. “No, I’m not.”
“Huh.” He rubs the back of his head sheepishly, as is his habit whenever he gets nervous. “Are you, by any chance, someone I slept with within these past months?”
“No,” you reply before letting out a dry chuckle. “But you came very close.”
“A damn shame I didn’t then,” he quips lightly and grins suggestively. “You don’t look so bad.”
Says the man with unwashed hair and soiled pyjamas. “Glad to hear your sense of humour’s still intact. How’s MiraSleep doing?”
“Not bad, too. I’m set for life because of it.”
But the emptiness in his voice does not escape you.
“Shouldn’t you be happy, if that’s the case?” you tilt your head and ask.
“Wouldn’t that be the dream?” he says under his breath.
Eager to press him for details, you continue, “Why? What’s going on?”
He shakes his head as he paces at the study. “Nothing much, except I just ruined what could’ve been something great. Especially the last one. I fucked it up. For someone with all this money, you’d think I’d have it all figured out.”
Peering curiously into his eyes, you inquire, “Is it Charmaine?”
“How’d you know?” he asks with a puzzled look.
“I’m a dream. It’s my job.”
With a heavy sigh, he nods in resignation. “Charmaine. I liked her, too. I liked her a lot.”
With a shrug, you advise him, “Then tell her. Say ‘sorry, I fucked up. I love you.’ Can’t be that hard, can it?”
Ollie just snorts in response. “Think it’s that easy?”
“You’d be surprised how much stuff you’d let slide because you love them.”
“You think she loves me?”
“I think,” you say, taking a few strides closer to him, “That’s up for you to find out.”
Clasping your hands together, you stare into his eyes, concentrating all your dreaming-abilities, all the hurt, the longing, everything you had, into your palm. For a few moments, you close your eyes, letting the entire dream-space absorb you, and when you open them, a dreamcatcher, not unlike the one your Dream Lord destroyed, appears in your palm, pristine, almost glowing with all the power you had endowed it.
“Holy shit,” Ollie curses under his breath in awe, looking around in his study: you had restored it, and everything else in his dream-space, and it took everything in you. Trying not to wobble on your feet, you grab his hands and place the dreamcatcher in his grasp.
“You know, it’s funny, I had one just like this before. I probably lost it - are you okay? You look pale,” he observes, worry etched all over his face.
Brushing it aside, you gesture at the dreamcatcher. “Look at that. Keep that safe. Every time you find yourself doubting Charmaine’s, or anyone else’s love, just take a look at that dreamcatcher, and it’ll wash away all that doubt in your heart,” you explain, your voice breaking a little at all the emotion you’re trying to contain. 
“What if it comes back?” he asks, toying with the dreamcatcher’s strings.
“Frankly, the nightmare working on your dreams needs to up his game. It’ll work.”
This earns you a befuddled look from him, but you just wave it away.
“That dreamcatcher will remind you to always choose happiness. Be happy, Ollie. That’s all I ever wanted, really.”
And then you see it: that warm smile he’s always had for you, his forest green eyes lighting up exactly the way you remember.
“Are you sure we’ve never met before?”
“Will I see you again?”
You smile sadly and simply shake your head. Unable to hold your tears back any longer, you turn away from him so he doesn’t see them. You had not realised just how much you have to hold back; how much you wanted to hold him and kiss him and how much you wished it was his child you carried instead.
But, it isn’t fated. Not in this lifetime. Maybe not even in the next. So instead, you settle with:
“Goodbye, Ollie.”
You couldn’t stay there anymore. Without looking back, you will yourself back into the sea of dreams, vaguely tasting the salt both from your tears and the waters.
Significantly weakened from repairing Ollie’s dream-space and conjuring that protective charm for him, you trudge dejectedly from the shores to your old room in the palace, making a beeline to the cupboard where you had hidden his book of dreams.
You trace the cover ever-so-gently with your fingers, afraid to lose the only thing you have left of him.
You had not allowed yourself to grieve your loss because you had a job to do. But, now that you’ve completed the quest, you hug the book, and mourn.
You had not expected to still love him after all that happened, and yet, you pushed him to take a lover so he could finally be happy.
You did a good thing, you keep repeating in your head over and over. But how could such a good thing hurt so fucking much?
Crawling to your old bed, you curl up in a ball, still holding Ollie’s book of dreams close to your heart. You’re exhausted, physically and emotionally, and it doesn’t take much sobbing into the pillow before sweet unconsciousness embraces you to its comforting bosom, making you forget the pain if only for a few hours.
A little later, elsewhere in the castle, a frantic Endless is close to tearing down the palace walls in search of you: his precious little dream, his only lover and the mother of his unborn child, is missing, and he’s looked everywhere for you, causing quite a stir among the staff. They’re careful, as always, to avoid his wrathful stare, especially when it comes to matters concerning you. They’re secretly grateful when your attendant arrives to break the tension, and the news, that you’re in your old chamber, fast asleep, perhaps exhausted, Morwyn adds. He wastes no time transporting himself to the chambers he crafted especially for you, and as soon as his silver, galaxy-laden eyes land on your curled-up form, his visage visibly softens. He is careful not to wake you as he approaches to tenderly caress your cheeks, and, hovering over you, he places a gentle kiss on your hair, taking notice of the book you’re cradling in your arms.
****************************** Link to the next chapter
Author notes on the Chapter:
Aghhhkk will he see the book?!!
Now, about that back rub...
We have about three or four chapters remaining, folks!!
Author's notes in general:
Thank you, THANK YOU for reading!!
Please engage, comment and reblog!! I love feedback from you guys :) This is my first ever fic, so kindness is truly appreciated!
Thank you to my queen @queenshelby @endlessdreamqueen3 for encouraging me to pen this, as well as to my fellow Dark!Morpheus writers whose work I have thoroughly enjoyed and keep rereading :)
Post date: 2/12/23
Edit date: 2/12/23
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angelsonoah · 26 days
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The first act he committed as Dream of The Endless was to pay a visit for one Alexander Burgess.
Morpheus wasn't human, Daniel was.
So when even the most kindest soul is not forgiving,
that should be justified.
And he had a lot of people to visit.
166 notes · View notes
vvsdreaming · 2 years
You’re No Devil
Will you stay? (Ch. 2)
Morpheus x OC
Ch.1 | Masterlist | Ch.3 | Ch.4
Minors, here’s the door 👉 🚪 DNI
18+ !!! Thank you 💕
Warnings: Dark, possessive, and jelly Morpheus, mention of drugs, mentions of struggling mental health, violence, smut at end, light dom/sub.
Sorry this is kinda fast-paced lol.
Word count: 6.2k
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When Cami arrived at The Dreaming outside the Kingdom’s gates on the cold, black sand. She was unconscious at first, but she awoke as she heard a voice. Something was holding her tightly 
“Sir, sir are you alright” Lucienne cried out as she was running through the sand towards Morpheus and Cami. 
“Who is that that you’ve got yourself wrapped around, My Lord?”
“Lucienne” Dream cries out in relief as he lifts his head to gaze at his librarian.
This was the first word that Cami had ever heard Dream speak, she thought his voice was so wonderful she would never tire of it. 
As soon as Morpheus fully gauges what’s occurring, he unwraps himself from Cami.
They were laying with her back against him and her head was on his toned chest, but by this point, Dream had somehow managed to put on clothes, his signature outfit to be exact. 
So, unfortunately, there were barriers in the way of them fully touching. His long arms and legs were tightly encased around her like a koala. From the moment they landed in The Dreaming to the moment, Lucienne discovered them, his face was buried in the crook of her neck. Cami didn’t know how long they stayed like that. She wished it never ended.
All Dream knew or could think about in those moments was that he would do any and everything to protect the woman in his arms. 
“Miss Murrell why are you with Lord Morpheus and why have you returned so soon?”
Morpheus hadn’t known about Cami’s previous visit. He shot both of them with a confused look.
“Wait, wait you’re Dream… Lord Morpheus?” 
And suddenly everything started to click. It was the Dream king who was trapped in that basement.
He nods slowly.
After Lucienne helps both of them up. Dream’s arms don’t leave her arm and waist until Cami assures Morpheus that she is alright to stand.
“Miss Murrell freed me from me my prison.” Dream starts.
“How.. how my lord?” Lucienne looked at him in awe. 
Cami and Morpheus took turns filling the librarian in.
“My lord, how do think Miss Murrell can leave her dreams?” Lucienne inquired 
“I don’t have an answer yet, do you have any theories, Lucienne?” He responded with slight annoyance in his voice.
“No, I do not. My apologies, my Lord” Lucienne bowed her head. 
Dream waved a dismal hand.
Cami thanked them for their help and the three of them started making their way through the enormous gates of horn and ivory.
“Who did this” Dream almost croaks out as he gazes upon the barren wasteland that was once his glorious kingdom. As Lucienne is explaining what happened in his absence. Cami can’t help but try to comfort Morpheus by offering her hand, he hesitates at first. He’s unsure of what would come if he pursues things with this woman. How could he deny her a simple touch with her lovely eyes and that comforting smile? Dream does not reciprocate the smile but Cami thought she could see the edges of his full lips slightly twitch up.
He ultimately decides to accept her hand in his and their fingers are intertwined until they reach the throne room. 
After Dream fails to repair his throne room and refuses Lucienne’s suggestion of rest and sleep, Dream was fed up with his poor Librarian, “You may leave us now” He snarled, giving Lucienne a piercing glare. 
“Of course my Lord” She quickly shuffles out of the throne room. 
‘Damn that was kinda mean’ Cami thought. 
As Dream was making his way over to Cami who was just a couple of feet away at this point, he started, “Do you believe me to be cruel?”
“No, no why would you say that?” It was almost like… ‘No..no, he couldn’t possibly read her mind? ‘He can’t right? Please say he can’t, fuck!’ 
When Dream reaches Cami he takes her hands in his. he’s warmed up now. His eyes study hers, trying to predict her answer.
Cami didn’t know how to put this any nicer, so she decided to give it to him straight, “No Dream no of course not, maybe you’re just a little tough on your librarian, I mean she basically took care of the entire realm while you were gone, maybe give that woman a break?” Her breath slightly shaking.
Dream furrowed his perfect brows at her answer, “Look where leaving Lucienne in charge of The Dreaming got us.” He hissed.
“You couldn’t possibly mean that, you are just being bitter and petty, Lucienne did the best she could in your absence.” Cami didn’t mean to egg him on, but she didn’t know what came over her. All she knew was that there was no way she was backing down with him spewing these absurdities.
“You dare call me Dream of the Endless petty? You dare suggest that this was my doing?” He chuckles very darkly. His eyes were dark, soulless now. Vacant of everything but tiny white stars. His hands travel up her arms finding a place to rest right above the elbow, and the grasp he has on her arms tightens. 
She shivers.
This is not the Morpheus she knew earlier. His alabaster skin is cold again. It seemed like he lost everything that made him look remotely human. 
Cami’s slightly ashamed to admit it but the familiar pit in her stomach that would be there if she was scared was missing, it was replaced by a longing in the area just a couple of centimeters below. 
‘Oh no,’ she thought. "Now I hope he definitely can’t see my thoughts now." The things she wanted him to do to her, the ways she imagined he would take her. ‘Omg get a hold on your thoughts You can’t let him win this argument.’
“I-I- No-“ Camis arousal melted her brain.
“What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?” Dream purred darkly.
Morpheus pulled her closer, by placing his hand on the small of her back. They are now connected at the waist. His lips formed something resembling a smirk. His other hand grabs the few stray front pieces of her beautiful hair and places them behind her ear and it comes back to cup her cheek. 
Sadness and regret in his eyes, they’ve returned to their original icy grey-blue color. 
“Can you read my mind?” Cami asks bluntly.
“My apologies Camille Murrell, I did not mean to frighten you but I cannot see your thoughts. Do not worry, my dear.” Morpheus says with much conviction.
“No don’t you stop now” A thought she meant to keep to herself but she blurted it out anyway. ‘Whelp, cats of the bag. No turning back now’ Cami thought. 
Dream came even closer. Cami thought that for a moment he was going to kiss her, which she was not prepared for in any way, but his mouth traveled past her lip. Stopping beside her ear. 
“As much as I would love to continue this with you I must control myself and take my leave of you” he whispered breathily into her ear.
“Wha-why, why please don’t” she almost whined.
“I must seek out my tools and return The Dreaming to its proper glory.”
“Take me with you, I can help” she didn’t want to leave him, she couldn’t bare to, the pull, the yearning between them was still there and growing with each passing second. It was all too much.
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, my dream” 
Oh, she loved that nickname.
“The places I must venture to are far too dangerous for you” 
He interrupted “I beg of you do not fight me on this, this is something I must do alone.” He places a warm, gentle kiss on her forehead after saying this. 
“But how will I know you’ll come back to me? You’re coming back right?” She practically cried out.
Morpheus brought Cami into a tight, protective embrace, she nuzzled her face into his chest. Also wrapping her arms around his back equally tightly. 
“I promise I will return to you soon my dream, but now you must sleep. Where you prefer to return to?” Dream asks.
“Please take me back to my flat in London.”
“As you wish” Pulling away from her momentarily, he conjures another blue, swirling portal. 
“Goodbye Lord of Dreams” Cami smiled faintly through the tears that were forming.
“Please address me as Morpheus, there’s no need for such a formal title” He wiped her tears away.
“You sure? Then in that case, please call me Cami.” She sniffled.
“Of course, Camille.” He said with a slight wink
Ugh, she loves the way her name rolls off his tongue.
After a few moments when he pulls away, he is met with slight resistance from her, but Cami knows he wouldn’t leave her unless it was absolutely necessary. 
“Farewell, my dream”
The next thing she knew she was back in her bedroom, “What kind of fucking day was that?” She asked herself.
She thought she couldn’t unfortunately completely rule out a psychotic break, they run in the family. 
She immediately tries to think what she’ll tell her parents, she was now 2 hours away with no explanation. Maybe she could get away with telling them she felt too scared to stay another moment after she felt something watching her. ‘Eh they are pretty gullible’ she thought, maybe her parents will believe it?
‘What. A. Day.’ She thought once more. Is this how her life would be from now on?
3 months later
Dream has obtained all of his tools but the 3 Major Arcana are still missing. He had been putting more effort into a particular woman’s dreams.
Cami awoke as she always had, sad and wanting to return to her slumber, these last few months her dreams had been quite exquisite, ranging from glorious sunsets on the beach to exploring the Moon.
Last night Cami dreamt of walking through a peaceful rainforest it was silent except for the sound of the leaves bustling through the wind and the sound of the drizzling rain hitting the ground and plants. Of course, a real rainforest would be much noisier, ‘But how would that be enjoyable?’ She thought.
 Cami knew that her sudden “dream upgrade” was Morpheus’ doing.
She swore she could almost feel him watching her every once and a while, but as soon she would turn to where she felt a slight disturbance in the air. He would be nowhere to be found. ‘Huh hope I’m not being paranoid’ she thought, but these instances have felt too real to be just a figment of her imagination. 
Although maybe it was time for her to start seeing her therapist again, how would she ever explain these things, these events without being sent off to grippy sock jail? 
“Ugh, forget it” she groaned while falling onto her back onto her bed after getting up only to feed her cats.
By this point Cami had lost some of her faith in Morpheus, she couldn’t lie. He said that he would be back soon but it’s been 3 freaking months! She doesn’t know how fast or slow time moves for him. For all, she knows his definition of soon could be years from now. She would’ve appreciated at least a heads up that it was gonna take this long.
She started to feel like Bella Swan in New Moon, staring out the window, waiting for her Edward. She felt utterly pathetic. 
Cami, brought in enough cash at her pawn shop to live on her own. Slowly over these months, she had let herself and the flat go. Since she barely had enough time or energy to think about anything besides him. 
Her close friends, Jade and Sam had noticed that Cami had been more distant and flakey recently. So they decided to head over to Cami’s apartment to do a mini-intervention to get her out of this slump. 
Cami would never admit to needing help over text due to her stubbornness. They would have to show up uninvited so Cami couldn’t deny that she was struggling when they show up and see her messy hair, unwashed clothes, and unkempt apartment. 
Her apartment had a whimsigothic vibe, it features a couple of bookshelves with human/supernatural literature and ancient texts. Cami kept many plants, which were still in surprisingly good condition. There were also quite a few pet beds and shelves scattered around for her two cats. 
A/N: I created a whimsigothic mood board at the end of this chapter if you dunno what I’m talking about. Think witchy Coraline vibes:)
It was around 5 in the evening when Cami heard a loud knock which woke her from her dream. Cami was sleeping way more often now, upwards of 12-14 hours a day. She knows it’s not healthy but her dream life is much more vivid and fulfilling than her real one at the moment.
“Who is it? I’ll be right there, just give me a sec!” Cami exclaims as she jumps off the bed. She needed to find pants and possibly a bigger shirt, she was currently only wearing a cropped lace-edged cami tank and underwear.
“It’s us, me and Jade are here!” Sam answers.
“Ugh, why couldn’t you of called or at least texted!” Cami hissed a bit quieter.
She only could find some half-decent back sweats in her clothes pile. 
“Huh what was that?” Jade asks.
“Nothing! Be right there, guys!” Cami responds as she puts her pants on and tries to fix her hair but it’s really no use.
As Cami was opening the door, Jade blurts out “Girl you need to go catch a dick” quoting Jules from Euphoria.
Cami rolls her eyes sarcastically.
All three of them burst out laughing while Cami welcomes them inside, joking about how Jade always says the most out-of-pocket things.
Sam starts, “Alright here’s what going to happen, you go get yourself showered and cleaned up. I’ll throw in a fresh load of laundry for ya and then we’ll all clean up your flat, sound good?” 
Cami almost burst out into tears because of their generosity, her friends sense this and immediately console her. “We’ll talk about it later ok?” Jade asks while rubbing Cami’s back.
Cami manages an “ok” through a broken sob. Then after settling down, she adds, “Thanks guys I don’t know what I would do without you.”
After they cleaned everything up, they all sat on the purple couch together at around 6.
“Soooo…” Jade starts, “What are we doing tonight? Ayy, Grumpy over there, you got any ideas?”
“Guys I truly appreciate all your help but I don’t think I’m up to going out tonight, can’t we just stay here and order in?”
“Nuh-uh, you’re not getting out of having fun so easily” Sam says while gently nudging Cami in the arm.
“Ugh fine let’s go get ready” Cami says reluctantly, in all honesty, she needed something to get her mind off things, so maybe going out would be a perfect distraction from Morpheus.
“Yay, there's the fun girl we know!”
“But first tell us who’s you all down in the dumps” Jade says.
“How are you so sure it’s a guy?” Cami’s asks
“‘Cause girl it’s so obvious.” Sam responds playfully.
 Cami rolls her eyes once again.
“I mean I know I’ll sound crazy but I met him a few months back, and now I can’t stop thinking about him.” Cami looks down in sadness.
“Well girl that doesn’t sound too bad. We don’t have any heartbreakers on our hands now, do we? Sam asks
“Nope, I promise” Cami attempts to smile.
“So what did this man do to get you all like this?” Jade asked concerned.
“I don’t know it’s like he ghosted me so I’ve been struggling to get over him.” 
“Alright don’t hesitate to reach out if you wanna tell us more, but let’s get a move on!” Sam exclaimed.
Cami ended up wearing a short, black dress. It was kinda revealing, but it flattered her body nicely with it being snug on her waist then it flaring out.
“Are you guys sure I look alright?” Cami asks
“Yesss girl you look so gorgeous! Every guy in there will be all over you.” Jade answers.
Cami furrows her brows at this in displeasure, that was the last thing she wanted. All she was hoping to do was maybe spark up a convo with someone. 
“Omg girl you know I’m joking, we would never let any guy touch you.”
 After a moment, Sam adds with a wink, “Unless you want him to haha”
“You guys are the worst” Cami deadpans.
“We know, that’s we you love us, we push you out there.” Jade adds as they are leaving the apartment building.
“So where are headed tonight?” The driver asks as they enter the black cab. They were most likely going to be drinking, possibly a bit more, who knows? So, no way were they driving themselves.
“It’s a club called Slimelight” Sam answered.
‘Huh strange name’ Cami thought.
When they arrived at the club, there was a line but they didn’t have to wait more than 15 minutes to enter the club. 
When Cami got inside she realized her friends brought her to a goth club. The vibes were cool, she thought it look like the inside of an ancient vampire’s lair. The club was dark with high ceilings. It had red lighting.
Enjoy the silence by Depeche Mode was playing.
Dream needed to see Cami, he could not form one cohesive thought without her by his side. The months without touching her were torturous. Even though the pull between was slightly easier to bare while they were farther apart, he could never completely ignore it. 
He had Mathew, his raven check in on Cami while she was sleeping every couple of days. Since he could not be there himself. Dream knew that Cami was struggling, he could feel it through their… connection? but it felt like more. He finally racked up enough courage to go see her.
Dream traveled via sand to Cami’s flat only to discover that she was in fact missing. 
“Hey, boss! Don’t worry, I found Cami. She’s at some weird goth club, downtown” Mathew cawed through the open window.
“Thank you, Mathew. We shall go at once.” Morpheus was very relieved at this news. He couldn’t bare to lose you, not now. Not ever. 
Cami wasn’t enjoying herself, sure she loved the 80’s music, but she kept getting stares from creepy men that made it virtually impossible for her to have a good time. 
Cami’s friends had left her. Of course, how could she forget, they always do this. Even though they promise not to. They had found their own entertainment and were doing god knows what in the back rooms of the club. They said they were only gonna do some edibles but Cami knew it would probably escalate to harder substances. If they didn’t emerge soon she would definitely have to go check up on them later.
Then suddenly, a nice-looking man with blonde slicked hair and a tan suit approached her. He looked very out of place with his attire, but maybe that was more about the off-putting vibe that he emitted. 
Cami felt like something very bad was going to happen if she didn’t accept what he was going to propose. 
She gulped.
“Would you be so kind to get a drink with me?” He asked but it felt more like a demand.
“Of course” she squeaked. 
He held out his hand and when she didn’t accept it, he grabbed her wrist with extreme force. Was he even human? 
She felt something sharp against her back, “Don’t make a sound, and I’ll make it quick”
‘Oh fuck why me?’ Cami thought, she felt doomed.
Then he guided her past the bar.. wait were they going? Ohshitohshit. Was there any way out of this? Cami frantically looked around to see if anyone noticed what was happening. She wanted to scream, to get someone’s attention but she was afraid of what the man would do to her if she tried anything. 
He was now leading her down a dark, flickering hallway with worn down, red, and black decor. 
“Wha-what‘s your name? Why are you doing this?!” Cami cried out
“Shhhhh, don’t worry doll everything will be alright” He purred. 
Great, like that, was super reassuring.
“Mathew where is she?“ Dream questioned through gritted teeth. His eyes were searching the dark club.  
‘Why would someone willingly choose to 
spend their time here, such an obnoxious place.’ He observed to himself.
“Boss- Sir, I have no clue she was just over there like 5 minutes ago, I swear! I’m just as worried as you are!”
Dream glared at Mathew for that.
“Oh boohoo, we both know you really care about the girl. You wouldn’t be going out of your way to find her like this.” If birds could roll their eyes Mathew would totally be doing it. 
“And boss…”
“Yes, Mathew?”
“Um… err I don’t know how to put this but when I saw her she was talking to… a man.” Mathew felt like grimacing. 
“You what?” Dream hissed.
“And why did you choose to withhold this valuable information?”
“Um.. cause… ya know….” Mathew trailed off. He thought anything he would anything he could say would only add fuel to the fire.
Mathew deserved a punishment, Dream thought, but this was neither the time nor place. Also, Matthew was right, but Dream would never admit that out loud. So he did the most logical thing for once and he reluctantly let it go.
“Come on what are you standing around for?! Let’s goooo!” Mathew said as he jumped back into Morpheus’ trench coat, so they wouldn’t get kicked out. What would humans think of a talking raven?
Dream wondered if he could find you through the connection, he had to at least try. However, did he even want to? He was furious. If Cami would betray him so easily was she even worth it? No of course she was, he would go to the ends of the earth to find her.. no further, much further. 'Where are these thoughts coming from?' Dream pondered.
Even though she had found an inferior placeholder for him, Morpheus would surely show her who she belonged to.
When the peculiar man finally led Cami to his destination at the end of the hallway, he led her into a room on the right. She swore she could hear two distinct women’s voices crying out from the room across the hall.
“I got your pretty little friends over in there, after I’m done with them, you’re next!” He showed her a devilish smile. 
“What are going to do to me?” Please don’t touch me!” Cami cried out frantically.
“Ohhh don’t worry, this will all be over before you know it. I can hardly wait, your eyes are just too tempting dear.” He purred this behind her ear while tying Cami up against the only chair in the room with rope. 
“Ah stop it hurts!” She struggled against the bindings.
“And where’s the fun in that?” He winked as he circled back around to face her.
She was trapped in a small, windowless, concrete room. Completely powerless.
“Bye-bye sweetheart.” He locks the door behind him.
Cami broke down in tears. What would he do to her and her friends? 
She also wondered if Morpheus felt like this when he too was held prisoner, helpless and alone. 
She says his name over and over in her head, calling out to him, desperately praying for him to come save her.
Dream hears her calls.
The Corinthian can sense his Lord coming closer. 
‘No No no!’ How did Dream find him? He wasn’t supposed to, at least not yet.
Fuck, now his murder plans were ruined for tonight, he was just about to have 3 three fresh victims. ‘Oh how tasty their eyes would’ve been,’ he thought. However, he had to get out before Dream could find him.
The Corinthian escapes out the back exit before Dream can even make it down the hallway. 
Cami can feel something, someone. It’s the change in the air from her dreams. She can sense… him through their connection. 
“Is it really you?” she whispered not knowing what direction he was in.
“Camille, you are safe now“ he whispered behind her back. When he finally reaches the room, he uses his hands to quickly undo her bindings.
“Morpheus you’ve found me! But how?” He slowly helps her out of the chair. She wraps her arms around him. He is taken aback by this. He’s not used to this amount of touch, but after a moment he decides to return the embrace.
“It’s the connection between us, I know you can sense it too.” Dream says while gently cupping Cami's cheek and wiping her tears away.
“Ye-yes what is it?” Her breath still shaking.
“I confess I do not know, but I am willing to do everything to find out.” He says accidentally slyly.
“Who has done this to you?” He adds before she can respond.
“It was a strange man who approached me and he forced me in here, I think he was gonna kill me.” She answers, tears streaming out of her eyes.
Dream immediately regrets letting his jealousy cloud his previous judgments. 
“Did he touch you? Where is he now?” His anger shows through his tone.
“I mean I think he might have left some marks on my wrist, but-“
“That’s not what I asked.” Dream interrupts 
“Oh no he didn’t, but I honestly thought he would.” Cami looked away in sadness.
Dream snarled at the thought of another’s hands on Cami.
“I must request that you come with me back to The Dreaming, seeing how I cannot protect you from harm if you are not beside me”
He was springing this on her now? ‘Chill dude I just got you back.’ Cami thought 
“Let me think about it?” She responded 
“No” His tone lacked an ounce of empathy.
“No?” ‘Wtf was this man thinking?!’ Cami thought to herself.
“I’m afraid I have no other choice, I must. This the only way” 
Cami pulls away from Morpheus slightly.
“So let me get this straight you abandon me for three months and now you think you can just order me about!?” She spat, thinking his audacity was astounding.
“Yes” He pulls her back in, and bring his mouth up beside her ear, and whispered, “I can tell you enjoy it.”
This made Cami extremely weak in the knees. ‘Oh no’ She thought. His words made Cami throw all logic out the window.
Without another thought, Dream pulls out his sand and transports them back to his throne room. His arms wrapped tightly around her as they teleport.
“Shhh,” his finger comes up to her mouth to silence her when they land. 
“There is only one act I could think about unleashing upon you since seeing you”
Her hands come to cup his face. All she can muster is, “Likewise”
With one hand on the back of her head and one on her small waist, his lips finally claim hers. It’s better than she could ever imagine and trust her she has. She pulls away to gaze at her ethereal man.
“What is it, my dream?” Morpheus questions.
“You’re just so beautiful, I’ve waited to look at you again for so long”
He returned a saddened look. “I will not leave you again, I swear it”
The second kiss is much more passionate as she returns it. His tongue brushes across her bottom lip demanding entry. Their tongues intertwined beautifully. His’ explores every inch of her mouth.
“Do you have a bedroom that we could continue this in?” Cami asked 
“A what?” Dream shot her a baffled look.
“Well, where do you sleep?”
Dream realizes what Cami meant and he summoned up a large, dark room with a bed with black silk sheets. 
His hands slide down to her ass to cup it, then they travel under her thighs to pick her up.
She wraps her legs around his tight waist and her arms come up around to his back for support.
Morpheus teleports them to the new room and sets her down on the edge of the bed.
“I do not require sleep but I hope this will do”
“Oh yes, this is perfect!” She looks around amazed.
His other hand comes up to massage her breast. A soft moan escapes her lips as does this.
“You made this room just for us?”
“Just for us” He smirks deviously.
He sits her up and abandons her breast to un-zip the back of her dress with ease. He brings his hands up to her the top of her shoulders and hooks his fingers under the dress straps, pulling them slowly down her arms, revealing her lace bralette. Her dress pools at her waist. His mouth travels down her neck peppering kisses
It had been some time since anyone has seen her like this, so vulnerable. Her cheeks flushed and she averted her gaze, as his eyes darted down to gaze at her plump breasts. Her hardening nipples poking through the fabric.
“There is no need to be shy now, you are the most beautiful being I’ve had the opportunity to gaze upon.” Dream says honestly.
“Oh, Morpheus” she whined and pulled him closer.
“Relax we have only just begun.” He chuckles.
His hands begin to travel up her outer thigh as Cami lays down to assist him with her dress. 
“I can just imagine all those… mortal men staring at you in this inviting dress, you won’t wear it again.”
“Wait what?”
Dream doesn’t respond. He just continues to kiss her. His teeth occasionally grazed her bottom lip.
When her dress is fully off, his mouth leaves hers for a moment to gaze upon her small form. His grey-blue eyes study every inch of her with precision.
His warm hands travel behind her back to unhook her bra, and he does it with ease once again. He flings it onto the wood floor, not caring where it lands.
“Ah you are just perfection” he stares at her breasts more intently.
His mouth travels down her neck once more, this time he attacks her neck with more intensity. He was panting almost. He sucks and nips at her soft skin all the way down to Cami’s nipples, taking turns sucking and licking at the stiff peaks. When he’s finished, he licks a slow trail from her abdomen, down to the hem of her panties. 
 “There is no need to wear these… obstacles when you are with me.” Morpheus looks at your knickers in distaste.
“Anything for you.” She moans as he cups her clothed box into his hands.
“So wet already, my dream? Just for me?” Morpheus questions.
“All for you” she moans again as he finds her clit through the soaked fabric. He circles it fiercely.
“Ah please” 
“Please… what?” Morpheus asks.
Her mind can’t form coherent words through the wave of arousal.
“I- Ah-“
“There you go tell me what you need”
After a couple more tries, she finally manages, “I need you”
“Oh not yet my perfect girl, I think you can cum for me at least a couple of times before that. Don’t you agree?” He smirks.
She shakes her head vehemently, “No, no, I can’t. I-I can’t wait that long”
“So impatient, I ought to teach you some manners.”
“Please, no I beg of you” she cries out as she feels her first orgasm nearing.
“Oh… but I think you can” He purs back.
“You can be good for me can’t you?” He shoots her a taunting look.
She looks at him with puppy dog eyes, “I- 'll try”
“Good, moan louder for me, I need everyone in The Dreaming to hear those pretty sounds you make for me.” Dream commands.
He circles her clit with more intensity.
“Oh, Morpheus I’m so close!” 
“Oh but can you hold on for just a little longer?“
“Um- I!” She struggles.
“Hmm what was that? Can you?”
“No, no I can’t possi-“
“Oh but you will, I demand it” His command nearly sends her over the edge.
His thumb leaves her clit wanting and throbbing.
“Oh no don’t stop, don’t stop! Please I’m so close!” She pouts.
“Why should I let you cum? Hm? You haven’t given any good reasons to let you.” He pouts back mockingly.
“I’m sorry I’ll be good I promise just let me please!”
“Not yet, my dream” He chuckles and his eyes return to the void-like state.
Morpheus edges her for another torturous hour, Cami secretly loves every second. Morpheus worked his mouth on and around her nipples teasing and toying, not stopping even when she showed signs of overstimulation. He built her up to close to an orgasm over and over with his adept skill.
“Ah Ah- please release me it’s too much” she cries as he slides his fingers up and down her inner thighs teasingly.
“Oh, do you think you deserve it?”
“Yes, yes I’ve been so good, please!” She begs.
“Oh yes, I happen to agree. you have been good, my dream. Perhaps you deserve mercy” He says while toying with the hem of her underwear.
“Yes, yes please!” 
“Alright, I suppose,” Dream says tauntingly as he finally rips off her panties.
“Ah you are just heavenly to look at, I cannot wait to devour you”
He pulls her thighs apart as he dives between them. His hand grabs her hip to pull her closer as he starts licking and lapping at her juices. Then Morpheus brings his tongue up to lick her throbbing, overstimulated clit.
“Ah that feels so good, don’t stop” she whines as she grabs fistfuls of his raven hair.
“I wouldn’t dream of it” Morpheus growls as lifts her legs onto his shoulders for better access.
Cami rolls her eyes at his pun attempt. He’s too preoccupied to catch this.
He released his mouth from her sensitive bud, to slip a finger into her dripping core, finding her g-spot expertly.
“Oh Morpheus, the things you can do-,” she was cut off by her own moan.
He starts circling her clit once again with his thumb and adds another finger. His other hand comes up back up to fondle her breasts once more. 
“Oh, god don’t stop, feels so good” 
“Ah, you are so tight and perfect for me” He breathes into her ear.
Within minutes Cami felt her orgasm nearing. 
“May I add a third?” He questioned but it felt more like a warning. He traveled back down her stomach leaving a trail of marks and kisses all the way down, leaving the last one on her throbbing bud.
“Oh yes please” she moaned as he gently nipped at her clit. As he slid the final finger in it was a tight fit, but Cami assured him she was enjoying it. Morpheus loved the feeling of her walls pulsing around his fingers. 
“I-'m gonna cum soon” She whined 
“Good. Let go, my dream” He says while pumping a powerful thrust of his fingers into your core.
“You are being so good for me”
Those were just the words that she needed to hear to send her over the edge. This was the most powerful orgasm she’s ever had. It’s like Dream knew her body better than she did. 
“Oh Morpheus” Cami cried out in ecstasy as she came undone. Her head flung back and her toes curled, but Dream grabbed her head and pulled her up and commanded,“Look at me while you cum”
It took Cami a moment but she complied and met his striking gaze.
He releases her head once her orgasm is over. Then he slowly pulls out of her, sucking her essence off of his fingers.
“I was correct you do in fact taste divine.”
After she comes down from her high, she starts, “That was amazing, thank you.”
Morpheus lays against her, spooning Cami. “Don’t worry, that was just the beginning” 
She starts yawning, “Oh no, not yet” she groans.
“You must enter the dreaming it calls for you” He whispers calmingly while swirling artwork with his finger up and down her arm.
“But how? I’m already in the dreaming” Cami asks.
“Your physical body is here, but your mind still requires sleep”
“Huh, that’s trippy”
“Yes, now sleep. my dream.” 
She turns to face him and asks, “Will you stay here with me?”
“Always” He promises.
As she drifts off Morpheus kisses her forehead gently. 
Ch. 3
Cami's apartment:
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A/N: Thanks so much for reading 🥰 Lmk what you think!
Do you think her friends are gonna be ok?
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