#yeah like the other Volo
sunclown · 1 month
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My middle aged man yaois ⚡️🔮
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esprei · 10 months
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Some time after his defeat at the Temple of Sinnoh, Volo comes across an intriguing sight in mountains of the Coronet Highlands...
archemmet au, in which emmet goes through a space/time distortion, ends up with archeops features aaaaaand volo finds him (fr emmet be like):
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Okay since I am probably. Gonna be the first to write about this ship, I am decreeing the pokemon ship name for Depot Agent Jackie x Depot Agent Furze to be GhostTrainShipping thank you very much
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pokeworldrevisited · 1 year
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I was wondering since Legends first launched if the characters would appear in Masters and here's two of them. Had to wait a year but if I remember correctly it took a little over a year after Sword and Shield came out before Gloria (first Galar character) to be added into Masters.
Now that we know for sure that Legends characters will be added, there's a lot of stuff I'd like to know. Once such thing is how they handle Warden Ingo. I doubt it'll be too angsty, this is Pokemon after all. But it would be interesting if someone looked at the Warden, then at the Subway Bosses and went '!!!'
Another curiosity is which Legends protag will Dena make the kid summoned by Arceus and who'll be Laventon's assistant. Dena has a habit of making one of each pair of protags the 'actual' protagonist. Maybe Adaman and Irida's story could imply which one's which.
Also, seeing as Adaman and Irida are in masters, here's to hoping that they could get Sygna suits + pair up with Origin Dialga and Palkia. it'd be fitting seeing as Adaman and Irida are outright able to communicate with their respective deity.
Plus there's the possibility that whichever Legend protag's the sky faller, they could form a Sync pair with Arceus. Could be super OP, not gonna lie, but it would be pretty cool to have God available. (Especially if Volo's added around that time. Imagine how pissed he'd be if he saw the kid he tried to kill once not only achieve his dream of meeting Arceus but actually got to form a sync pair with it)
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mourningcttlfsh · 6 months
pokemon legends arceus ending/post game spoilers!!!!
whenever someome calls volos evil outfit ugly an angel loses its wings
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meezer · 8 months
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YEAH YOU'D THINK SO HALSIN BUT APPARENTLY THERE AREN'T. there AREN'T many grateful people here who want to spend time with me. every person is just saying that but nobody actually wants to vibe. I'm just getting passed along >_>
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hvntersmark · 8 months
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galarfiend · 2 years
studying volo’s character and i think really all ive got so far is that he is a deeply troubled man who fucked around and found out and now doesn’t really know what to do with himself
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madd-nix · 2 years
Nothing like having a pool to just me and my sister as we talk about Pokemon, specifically PLA and the ancestors and descendants and what a Hisuian museum might be like and how seeing exhibits of their now dead friends would affect the player character and Ingo once they get back.
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arche0ps-moved · 2 years
just saw someone call crazytrainshipping ableist and fetishizing mental illness ... ???
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southislandwren · 2 years
Every farmers market this past week and a half (so like 4 or something idk) we drink a ton of water and then I’m like oh just toss the empty bottles in my car so we don’t have to go find a trash can. And that works great until I have 11 FUCKING WATER BOTTLES in my backseat
#and there’s no trash service out here so the next time I get gas I have to do the walk of shame with my 11 BOTTLES to the trash can#markets exhaust me but they’re fun since I get to sell cheese and hang out with my boss#today her husband was there too and he wasn’t obnoxious or gross or anything. great work buddy#unfortunately I continue to fear that my boss secretly hates me now. I must try not to be cringe anymore#and I was doing really well at being normal until two fucking Thursdays ago#she said I love you and I haven’t recovered apparently#I don’t even know if she’s aware she said that she might’ve been too drunk at that point#idk. maybe tomorrow I’ll be like are you okay? you seem bummed out. and then that gives her an opening to be like#actually I fucking hate you/you crossed a boundary/I want you to go home and not come back ever/etc#but if I ask that what’ll most likely happen is she’ll be like oh im fine! just tired#and it’s like yeah I know youre tired but is there something I can do to help. like be less cringe and awful.#work post#she didn’t call me in until 4:45 today so I got to play arceus all day long#I’m a couple hours away from 100 hours of gameplay woohoo#I organized my boxes so I have all 200+ mons in numerical order#(just one of each so I put all the extras in color order)#and then I have my team separated out so I can grab them as needed#and then I went on my other profile and got some more plates. so now I need spiritomb’s plate and I can do the volo fight#I’m gonna be a wreck when I do the volo fight it’s such a heartbreaking plot twist#and I’m recording all the dialogue so I can make more progress on my fanfic#which I haven’t been working on since I 1) haven’t played arceus 2) haven’t been on my laptop that often 3) don’t get a ton of alone time#but when school starts and I throw myself back into my coping mechanisms I’ll make a lot of progress#okay I think that’s all for tonight. gotta go to bed now
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OKAY here we are, all caught up! For now. I don’t have any buffer or anything really specific planned for the next few days. Wish me luck. So! This one is set probably like.. three-ish months? Into Volo getting pulled into the agency/under Eclipse’s wing? So yeah, Eclipse hasn’t done anything super serious yet, just messed with his head.
Warnings: ngl I have No Idea what to tag this one.
Whumpee having Issues, that are only being exacerbated by whumper, who isn’t hurting him physically quite yet but he sure isn’t good for Whumpee’s mental or emotional state. Emotional hurt no comfort I guess is what this is. You know when you look back at something really shitty you did and go “…oooohh no.” Yeah it’s that, that’s what this is
Anyway uh. I’m not super happy with how it turned out, this scene is supposed to come in between some other stuff whenever I actually pull everything together, BUT!!!! At least the first draft is written! So I can edit it and string it together with other stuff later!
But yeah, the context this needs is by this point, he’s aware that what he was trying (subjugate Arceus and rewrite history) was never going to work out, and he’s been a little aimless since then, not sure he has a purpose. And this is him kinda finding one!
(Poor guy has a traumatization arc at the same time as his redemption arc 😔 wish him luck he’s gonna need it)
Day 3: Shame
Volo sighs as he watches it play out. Again, again.
Four teenagers, twenty four Pokémon, and two gods; one present, one absent.
One teenager blinded by a dream of a world without suffering, the other three fighting for the right to exist.
Six Pokémon against eighteen, and then the playing field is leveled by the help of a god, but still the three teenagers won.
Three siblings, one angry, one upset, one cynical, watching as their flute changes into one that can summon Arceus, and one teenager, alone in the world, angry at the god he’d worshipped for abandoning him in every single time of need. Angry at the god who had helped him for failing.
He had lashed out, and now he was completely and utterly alone.
Three siblings finding their way back to the home they had protected while one teenager grieves the life he never got to live. Three siblings chasing their dreams and meeting their goals while one teenager is lost, stuck with nowhere else to go but away. But he can’t go away, because Hisui is his home. His broken, pain-filled home, full of the memories of his people.
They have everything, and he is left alone.
Three siblings growing up and becoming champions of their region, one teenager finding a strange device and traveling to another time.
To another dimension.
Would things have been different, had I not done all this? Would I have more than just myself, my Pokémon, and Eclipse to rely on?
He scrolls back in time.
Three siblings and one teenager meeting for the first time. A Pokémon battle, and two of the siblings became fast friends with the teenager.
And a few months later, he betrays them for nothing but a chance at a plan that never would have worked in the first place.
..He turns his holocomputer off and lays in bed, staring up at the ceiling.
..maybe Eclipse is right. I deserve to hurt for what I put those three through.
We were all teenagers, but I was older. They were 15. I was an adult. I should’ve known better- I tried to KILL them.
And my actions indirectly killed so many more..
He lets his eyes slip closed.
..I’m lucky I have Eclipse. At least he won’t hurt me, despite the fact that I deserve it. Not like so many of the others in this place would.
..I wonder if things would be different, had I called it all off.
I wish I could go back and stop it. But that would only create a paradox involving the Agency itself. It would only make everything worse, might actually break reality as a whole..
He rolls over, curling up on his side and hiding in the plush blankets.
..Maybe, if I hadn’t been born, the world would be better off.
Thousands dead, tens of thousands hurt, and SO MANY displaced throughout time and space.. All because of a dream that could never have worked.
I need to help them. It’s my fault they’re lost, after all.
I can’t bring back the dead.
But I can at least help the living.
#whumprilday3#whumpril2024#🌻volo#yeah idk how well this fits the prompt but every other time I tried to write the prompt it didn’t Work#and this STILL doesn’t really work how I want but at this point I need to cut my losses and move on#anyway. my boy thinks too much#okay so. ramble on The Agency!#the TTPPA. also known as the time travelers paradox prevention agency#so these guys look into timespace phenomena and make sure history doesn’t get fucked and reality doesn’t die#they exist in a separate dimension from the real world#a place between time and space#this dimension was gifted to someone by Arceus#and that person let some time travelers hang out in there#and it grew from there#anyway they’re really big and have a lot of people so#they grow their own food and have their own everything basically#because they don’t want to mess with the other dimension too much#aside from stopping things like time loops and paradoxes and such#they do their best to leave as little of an impact as possible#and basically their function is to keep reality safe in case something happens with the legendaries#or someone’s time travel tech#Eclipse is the leader of the Hoppers#the hoppers do pretty much everything involving jumping through time loops and such#they catch timespace criminals and stuff like that#a few other sectors are research#which help hoppers find time loops/criminals and they help tech too#theres the tech people who do everything with the watches which have Special Functions that I haven’t shown yet#there’s management who run the place and make sure theres enough room and board and keep everything sorted out on who’s doing what and. yea#there’s the food people who. grow food#those are the main ones but there’s all sorts of jobs you can do
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chronosbled · 2 years
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{ You know, it took me replaying Resident Evil 8: Village and purchasing the DLC for Rosemary to realize that my OC, Maxwell, pretty much has a very similar styled virus as the Dimitrescue family (granted I created Max way back when Resident Evil 6 first came out, but still).
Both the Dimitrescue girls and Maxwell have a virus that is very vampire-ques with the whole “needing to feast on blood” thing. Theirs is created by the Cadou while his was created from the altered DNA of a vampire bat and the T-virus.
Both the Dimitrescue girls (excluding Alcina) and Maxwell have some kind of weakness or dislike of a specific type of weather: the cold for the girls and the heat for Maxwell (though he won’t outright die from it like they do).
Both the Dimitrescue girls (or at least I assume this for my version of the girls so don’t quote me) and Maxwell prefer places that are dimly lit by light. Maxwell can handle light and such, but due to being infected, his eyesight is enhanced so anything that a normal human would consider bright to them would be blinding for him (such as the sun or things like high beams or high powered flashlights).
Both the Dimitrescue girls and Maxwell possess superhuman abilities, such as enhanced strength and speed (though Maxwell also possesses enhanced intelligence and slight regenerative abilities if he consumes blood otherwise he heals like a normal human being).
Obviously though, there are also differences between the Dimitrescue girls and Maxwell as well.
Unlike the Dimitrescue girls, he doesn’t have murderous tendencies nor does he have cravings for fresh blood as often as they do/need to. Instead, he has a tendency to push said cravings for blood down, which usually results in his abilities not being as strong as they should be.
Bringing up the topic of light again (from above), much like Albert Wesker, Maxwell’s eyes are very sensitive to light and because of this, he usually keeps his gaze lowered in order to avoid light being directly cast into his field of vision. He also shows signs of infection like Wesker does via his eyes (he possesses a red ring around the outer rim of his irises), thus he wear glasses with specially crafted lenses that hide said feature. Though this feature usually only shows when he uses his abilities.
Unlike the Dimitrescue girls, Maxwell behaves more human-like and can actively function within society, while also presenting himself as human despite his infection. Hell, he’s even married in canon (no kids yet though).
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 months
Could I maybe get a Hisuian!Reader who came to Paldea through a space time rift? They remember everything, they still have all their old Pokemon, they like to share stories of their adventures (anything from taking on Volo to "Oh yeah, I caught this alpha garchomp after a half-hour standoff, here's her gigaton ball lol."), they've got little scars here and there from accidentally standing too close to Pokemon attacks or taking fall damage, and they give descendants of their Hisuian Pokemon to their blueberry friends (BBE4, Carmine, and Kieran) during their trades. To make things even more interesting, I wonder what that reader would think about bloodmoon ursaluna, Perrin, and modern Sinnoh - seeing their dear friend Adaman in someone alive today and seeing just how much things have changed over the years
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The PLA fixation is real so YESSSIR I finally got around to this one. I separated the headcanons by region and their respective characters
Paldea (Arven, Penny, Nemona)
After finishing your mission in Hisui, you decided to confront Arceus, being satisfied with everything you've done for the Survey Corps and the good people of Jubilife Village.
You fully finished the pokedex, fulfilling Professor Laventon's dreams, and were ready to return home.
After some reluctance, Arceus agreed and ensured you wouldn't lose any of your memories, as you didn't want all your feats in Hisui become lost to history.
It warned you that you'll never get to see Rei/Akari, Professor Laventon, the Wardens...or anyone else ever again.
But you've said your goodbyes and were ready to go back.
One warp through a space-time rift later, you were dropped off in Paldea-
Right where Arven, Penny, and Nemona were discussing whether to call off the search for you or not.
As it turns out, you've been missing for months, not long after the Area Zero adventure, and so it's a rather tearful reunion when they realize the person in the old fashioned clothing was you.
You looked tired, scarred, battle-hardened...and yet you smiled as you joked about being "back from the past".
Since then, easing back into modern life was..trickier than you expected.
You still had the habit of crafting pokeballs and potions as you were taught, rather than spend money buying them in bulk (even though you had boatloads because of your champion status).
You tried getting the trio to follow your directions, but they kept fumbling with the tumblestones and didn't know where to attach the iron chunks that made up the clasps.
When you start talking about feather, wing, leaden, and gigaton pokeballs they stare at you in confusion until you realize "oh shit those are outdated".
Nemona is VERY curious about the gigaton ball, however, and so you show it to her--revealing your Alpha Garchomp branded with the "Former Alpha" mark. She got to keep her height.
"Oh yeah, she was a real feisty one. We had a half-hour standoff on a slippery ice mountain slope but I showed her who's boss haha." You laugh as you share the story of how you encountered and tamed her.
Your fellow champion now thinks you're 10x cooler for actually facing a Pokémon head-on....while poor Arven and Penny are shook(TM) and wondered how you made it back alive.
Especially when they discover your scars are from falling and vicious Pokemon attacks
Introducing your Hisuian starter to your Paldean starter was...a little awkward. One recently became a champion's Pokémon and the other faced Giratina itself.
But they eventually shake hands and become besties, becoming members of your party whenever you wanna battle Arven, Penny, or Nemona again.
You keep accidentally calling out agile/strong style in your commands (ie "Avalugg, make an Agile Avalanche!"), but your Pokémon like to pretend they still know them.
Kitakami (Perrin & Bloodmoon Ursaluna)
Returning to Kitakami felt most familiar..and quite comforting considering how traditional everything is.
Festival of the Masks came back around, and while you didn't get to spend it with Kieran nor Carmine this time...you did wind up spending it with somebody else...
Perrin, who you were drawn to after seeing her Hisuian Growlithe getting into trouble with an Arbok and trying to stand up for itself.
Reminds you of a certain late lord's son..
She expresses her thanks for rescuing her buddy, and mentions how you got there "right on time".
You just look into her eyes and see Adaman: the Diamond Clan leader, the kind man who gave you the celestica flute and came to your aid when you got exiled from the village.
He may be gone now, but time didn't allow him to be forgotten.
Because he lives on in somebody else.
Perrin gets concerned when she sees how emotional you're getting, but you just wipe your eyes and say she just reminds you of an "old friend".
When you show her your other Hisuian Pokémon, she's THRILLED and wants to take all of their pictures, delighted to have proof that these creatures existed.
That leads her to ask how you acquired them, and you start talking about your adventures in the very region she's been studying...including the fact you met her ancestor who used to worship Dialga and had an easygoing attitude like her.
Girl is taking notes fr.
Together you seek out the "Bloodmoon Beast", only to discover that it was an Ursaluna who travelled alllll the way to Kitakami from Hisui, the environment causing it to change appearances and abilities.
You were fascinated, wondering what Lord Ursaluna or Calaba would think of him, and made him a member of your team after quelling his rage.
While going on more casual photoshoots with Perrin, you ask her about what Sinnoh is like now or if anyone there knew about Hisui.
She mentions how the elderly folk talk of it, and how the subway battle system was being run by one conductor due to the other going missing...
You find yourself holding your breath---until she says "oh but apparently he came back like yesterday" and you were SO relieved.
'Ingo made it back home, too. Thank you Arceus.'
She plans to invite you to Sinnoh someday, seeing as you're so curious about what it all looks like now.
BB Academy (BBE4, Carmine, & Kieran)
When you got to study abroad at BB Academy, you...sorta forgot all the beef you had with Kieran until you saw him berating a student out in the terarium.
A year later, you're Paldea's champion AND the one who saved Hisui, but you couldn't exactly tell him the latter.
But now you understood why everyone back then calling you a "hero" made you a little uncomfortable.
Ogerpon (who was worried sick about where you've gone all this time), was SO happy to see you were back and got to meet your Hisuian Lilligant. Two plant gals just vibing together.
You find a Kleavor in the canyon biome and become a bit sentimental, happy to see a descendant of the Lord of the Woods had survived to this very day.
He must've known you were the one who helped his ancestor (albeit not without receiving some scars from flying wood chips), as he bowed and began walking alongside you, loyal to a tee.
Least to say, he became a valuable ally when you finally battled Kieran in the championship.
He sees that you've definitely changed a lot, too. You look tougher and he was concerned about where that scar across your eye came from....
But he's still obsessed with winning, and his attitude when talking about Terapagos afterwards reminds you of...well...Volo.
It's such an extreme comparison, and you hate how your brain immediately jumped to that considering that was a legitimate monster of a man who betrayed you.
Yet it feels like such a similar situation when Kieran pits the turtle against you in the Underdepths, obsessed with power and wanting nothing more than to be recognized as "worthy".
At least he wasn't planning on ending the world, just yours.
After you both reconcile, you spill the beans about where you've gone for the past year, expecting him to laugh or shun you again for keeping such a big secret from him.
Instead..he has this star-eyed look and wanted to know MORE.
So during your next visit to Kitakami, you tell him and Carmine some stories of your Hisuian adventures, showing off Kleavor and your Alpha Garchomp.
Seeing that you still liked to make authentic pokeballs and potions made Kieran appreciate you a lot more. Kitakami used to have a lot of those apricorns, tumblestones, and leeks before everything became mass-produced.
Like him, you really became out-of-touch with today's technology, so while he's learning it, you're re-learning it along with him.
Eventually you tell those same stories to the BB E4, who are all just as shocked, amazed, and bewildered as the twins were.
And when they all came to offer up a trade, you knew what to do:
For Drayton, you gave him a Goomy, insisting that he trains it fully, not wanting to spoil the "surprise".
As lazy as he is, he does so and is stunned when Sliggoo is revealed to be chilling in its own shell, and Goodra had its whole shell on its tail, capable of withdrawing into it anytime
Ngl it makes him wish he had his own shell to withdraw into just to escape situations.
For someone like Kieran who likes old-fashioned stuff, you figured a Hisuian Voltorb would suit him best.
Its appearance reminds you of the olden ways pokeballs were made, and he got the hang of crafting a few himself after a little trial and error!
He gets nervous about it exploding like Kantonian Voltorbs at the slightest touch, but is happy to find out it's super friendly and discharges just to spook humans.
As for Carmine, the sharpness in her golden eyes reminds you of a certain ghost type's...and thus you believed giving her a Hisuian Zorua was ideal. You had a feeling she'd love its evolved form.
When she does evolve it, she's stunned that it has reddish highlights like she does, jokingly asking if this is her in "another life".
Least to say, she loves it indeed.
While you were adamant about giving Amarys your Kleavor, you ended up trading her a Scyther and give her a black augurite afterwards, explaining how it's the secret to its other evolution.
She mentioned deposits of that mineral existing within the canyon biome, but it couldn't actually evolve the surrounding Scyther population due to being simulated.
But thanks to you, she gets to witness that in-action because you held onto an authentic piece of it, and she gives you her thanks.
As for Crispin, well, you believed a Hisuian Growlithe was perfect for him. It was energetic, loyal, and full of fire..just like him.
He got teary-eyed at the story you told of the late Lord Arcanine, his son, how you quelled his frenzy, etc..and feels inspired to train the pup you've given him into something incredible.
One thing Kantonian and Hisuian Arcanines have in common? They love spicy foods.
For Lacey, you trade her a Hisuian-born Petili, encouraging her to use the sun stone right away.
She does and is delighted to see Lilligant as such a graceful dancer..who really packs a punch when it counts!
She'll definitely doll her up and ensure she knew Charm (the only fairy move Hisuian Lilligant could know, alas).
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critterbitter · 5 months
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More asks under cut! Yippee!
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@scarftale-bryan Trip for trio right? If so, I'm working on a comic for that ;0 But to help answer, I've head cannoned Elesa to originally be from Sinnoh. She and the twins didn't have the greatest first meeting, but, well, you see how they turn out later in the future so all that starts subpar ends pretty well. @bat-in-disguise NICE NAME. VERY WOOBAT THEMED. Second of all AYYYY this is where I resurrect the shambling corpse of this fandom. Please. I desperately want to have more on the train men. @mynamesaplant AH,,, YOU READ MY ONE SHOT,,, Okay look. Look. I love drawing comics as much as the next person. But if there's an interest towards fanfiction maybe I'll write a bit more... HMMM. HMMMMMMMM. (But anyways THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS! They keep the hearth cozy.) @dracally3 Don't worry about the rambles! If you wander through my ask box, you'd see I ramble. A lot. That out the way-- I'm sorry to hear about the drama! Man. I got into submas towards the tail end, which I'm a bit sad about (wish I got to interact with some of the bigger creators, but they moved on to other hyperfixations and I respect that). Drama's scary though, so maybe it's for the best I dodged the entire canonball. I'm glad my silly little characterizations of found family are healing! And I wish you the best too-- here's to happy futures ahead free of drama and full of shenanigans. @saffalilac AYYY Togekiss is so cool! I (heh) also only drew volo's togekiss once but the fact you're the second person to talk about how much you love them makes me chuckle. That in mind, here's a doodle.
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@chime-of-bells Hello! I remember your ask about saying how much you liked togekiss in my style. Drew some togekisses and thought you'd like them too :) @impossiblynoisyrebel AYYYY I LOVE drawing the eel dog lamprey dragon thing. Just. A tube with teeth. And giant eyes. and lovely fins. And bioluminescence!! Who doesn't love that? @onimusha095 Look look your local floating nightlight has SOME manners. (But also, Ingo and Litwick do come to an agreement at somepoint on who the ghost type can actively chew on. Emmet's fine with it. Elesa, who has less experience with Litwick's everything, probably would not be less fine with it, and Ingo really doesn't want to loose a friend.)
@magicfeatherbean4 Hello I see you're back! (I'm fine with this. I like snail mail from folks hhehe.) That out the way-- oh yeah they're DEFINITELY getting into fisticuffs when the mood strikes. And uhh Emmet starting battles only for Ingo to finish them off? Mercilessly? Without pause? Yes. YES. I am EATING this headcannon rn. Shuffling this into the comic ideas as we speak.
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bloodlessdarling · 2 months
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Did not intend to use Volo’s eye, I don’t even like it on him but I had no other save file.
However, I feel like it worked out well here. Made the subject more intriguing 😉
(yeah, as if he needs that)
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