muffinmoonn · 8 months
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yoharuby so real
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redgemwink · 4 days
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kermitgotlost · 1 year
watched good omens today, anyway. . .
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basically the same (an angel and their fallen angel partner)
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whoneedsapublisher · 1 year
The Angel and the Goddess
A very spicy YohaRuby.
Words: ~4500
Summary: Recently, Yohane has been worrying about her relationship with Ruby. More specifically, how fast things seem to be going.
Also on Ao3
Yohane had always thought of Ruby as very pure. Innocent. Childish, even. Not necessarily in a bad way- her sweetness was a charm point, after all- but definitely in a pronounced way. It took until after high school for Yohane to even really start seeing Ruby as a romantic prospect, and even when she did ask Ruby out, she expected their relationship to be pretty chaste. Some nice hand holding, and maybe a kiss.
So she took things slow. She figured that she’d let Ruby get used to things before she tried anything too bold. On their first date, she’d planned to end things with a hug at most.
Except when the date ended, Ruby kissed Yohane right on the lips. She’d been so shocked that she could only wave goodbye, dumbfounded, as Ruby smiled at her and skipped off, her hands behind her back. And Ruby had only gotten bolder, cuddling up to Yohane when they saw movies, holding her hand in public, and kissing her after every date. Even using t-tongue by the fifth date!
By the time Yohane was helping Ruby move into her new apartment, she was thoroughly shaken and more than a little uncertain. 
Of course, the actual work of moving boxes distracted her from that for a while. It was hard to worry about her relationship when she was busy worrying if her arms were going to fall off at the shoulder.
“Thanks for helping,” Ruby said, as Yohane flopped down on her couch. “Do you want a beer?”
A beer… sure, Ruby was twenty now, but… was little Ruby really offering her something ike that?
“You drink?” she asked.
“A little,” Ruby said.
Yohane sighed. A terrible thought had come into her head. A horrible concept, one that she would have liked to be able to shrug off, but one that was too plausible to just ignore.
“What?” Ruby said.
“Ruby… be honest with me.”
Ruby frowned at her serious tone, walking over to stand in front of Yohane and giving her a worried look.
“What is it?”
“Am I…” Yohane gulped. She didn’t even want to say it. She didn’t want to introduce that concept into the world. To put words to this fear. But she had to. She had to know. She had to ask. If she just sat back and pretended it wasn’t there, the guilt would eat her alive. “Am I a bad influence on you?”
“What?” Ruby said, blinking.
“Am I… Am I corrupting you?” Yohane asked desperately. “Is this why you’ve been so aggressive since we started dating? You were such an angel before, and now I’m turning you into a little devil…”
Ruby stared at her for a moment, and then realization dawned on her face.
Followed very shortly by anger.
“So that’s what it is,” she said.
“What?” Yohane said. “Are you saying that I really d-”
“I was wondering why you were taking things so slow,” Ruby said. “Even though you’re such a big pervert, you seemed so shy about me. I thought maybe you were just too spineless to do anything, but now I see what’s really going on.”
“Eh? Spineless? But-”
“I thought when you asked me out, that meant you’d finally stopped seeing me as a child,” Ruby said, glaring at Yohane. Yohane shrunk down into the couch. “That you finally realized that I’m not an innocent little girl anymore. But this whole time you were secretly thinking that I was so naive that I didn’t even think about what being your girlfriend meant?!”
“N-No, that’s not what I- I know you’re not stupid, I just-”
“You just thought that you were the only one with a libido, and cute little Ruby hadn’t even thought about the fact that eventually she’d be touching your cock if this relationship went far enough?”
Yohane’s jaw dropped.
It wasn’t like she’d never heard Ruby swearing, exactly. She’d heard her say “damn” and “shit” sometimes, although it always felt a little wrong. But Ruby talking about her… little devil in such crude terms? That was so far past wrong that… that…
That it was oh so right.
Oh god, what was wrong with her? Ruby was angry. Her dick shouldn’t be reacting to this. She shouldn’t find it hot that Ruby was scolding her.
“I-I didn’t- that’s not what I meant!” Yohane stammered. “And hold on, what do you mean I’m a big pervert?”
Maybe she could just change the subject to that, and she could backpedal out of this. And then once Ruby was less mad, she could explain that…
That what? That she was totally right, and Yohane had figured that she wasn’t really interested in sex? Uh, actually, maybe talking her way out of this would be a little harder than she thought…
Ruby rolled her eyes. “I’ve been watching you for five years, Yoshiko,” she said. “Do you really think I haven’t noticed that you’re a pervert? I know you and Riko go to those conventions and buy all those weird books. And I do notice when you stare at my sister in her swimsuit, too.”
Yohane covered her face in shame.
“And besides, if you weren’t a pervert, this wouldn’t be getting you hard.”
Yohane flushed,hunching over and crossing her legs.
Ruby giggled. “What’s even the point of doing that now?” she asked. “You dummy. I already saw.”
“I-I’m not- it isn’t-” Yohane mumbled.
“Hush,” Ruby said.
Yohane closed her mouth. She didn’t need a whole lot of convincing. Honestly, it was only getting her into trouble so far.
“I think you’re starting to think too much of yourself for a perverted dummy,” Ruby said. “You think you’re corrupting me? Yoshiko, what were you planning to do after you helped me move in?”
“Uhh,” Yohane said. “I guess… have a drink and hang out for a while before heading back home..?”
“Heading back home,” Ruby said. “Your girlfriend just got a new place where there’s no roommates, no dorm mothers, and no protective older sister, and you were going to go home.”
“You think you were corrupting me, when you’re this cowardly?” Ruby said. “When you didn’t even get any ideas when I invited you over alone? When I didn’t ask Dia to help me move in and only asked you?”
Ruby shook her head. “You really are dumb, Yoshiko,” she said. “Okay. Today, we’re going to assuage all of your stupid little fears.”
She leaned over and roughly grabbed Yoshiko’s chin, forcing her to meet Ruby’s eyes. There was a gleeful but worryingly malevolent glint in those eyes. “When I’m done with you, you’re going to understand exactly who’s leading who in this relationship.”
“I-I don’t-” Yohane stammered, as Ruby pulled back and crossed her arms.
“What did you call me before? An angel?” Ruby shook her head. “You’re supposed to be an angel, too, right? A fallen angel? If you’re an angel, there’s no way I’m anything less than a goddess.”
“Don’t you even know the right way to address a goddess?” Ruby said. “You have to pray, silly. So get on your knees.”
“I-I… Ruby, that’s-”
"I said on your knees!"
Something deep inside Yohane took over. Before she could even open her mouth to protest, she found her treacherous legs moving, and in the blink of an eye she'd thrown herself off the couch to kneel before Ruby, her trembling hands coming together in front of her to clasp together in prayer.
“That’s right,” Ruby said, smirking down at her. “See, now that you’re kneeling, we can see just how hard it’s getting you to be bossed around, like the masochistic little pervert you are.”
Yohane closed her eyes in shame. She didn’t need to see. She could feel her little demon twitching with every mean word out of Ruby’s mouth.
How could she help it? It was such a contrast. Sweet, kind, innocent little Ruby, suddenly a cruel dominatrix. And yet it seemed so natural. The little giggle she let out as Yohane stewed in mortified silence was the same as it always was. The same charmingly pure joy that usually came from a silly joke, except this time it was at Yohane’s expense.
“How long have we been going out, Yoshiko?” Ruby asked.
“Seven months, but-”
“That’s not how you address a goddess.” Ruby didn’t even let her finish before rebuking her, lifting her foot and pressing it down on Yohane’s head, forcing her to lower it even further until her face was pressed against the carpet, Ruby’s foot still on the back of her head and threatening to press further. “How long have we been going out?”
Yohane gulped. “S-Seven months, my goddess,” she managed, trying not to mumble. Her efforts were appreciated, it seemed, as Ruby removed her foot from Yohane’s head and returned to standing in front of her.
“Seven months,” she repeated. “More than half a year, Yoshiko. And what’s the furthest we’ve gone? French kissing. Because I initiated it. And you panicked.”
Yohane didn’t respond. She had a very strong feeling that nothing she said here was going to do anything except annoy Ruby more.
“If it was just because you didn’t want to have sex, I could accept that,” Ruby said. “I was understanding. I was willing to wait until you were ready. But now I find out that this whole time, you were holding yourself back because you thought it was too fast for me.”
“W-Well-” Yohane stammered.
“Yoshiko, you’re going to answer me now,” Ruby said, leaning down and gripping Yohane by the hair. She pulled her up slowly enough that Yohane could lift her head along with her grasp instead of yanking her up, but the threat of being yanked up by her hair was clear. When Ruby relaxed her grip, Yohane was looking up at her fierce gaze. “And if you lie to me, you will regret it.”
Yohane gulped nervously.
“Do you want to have sex with me, Yoshiko?” Yohane’s eyes widened, and Ruby’s narrowed. “Tell me right now. No stalling. No worrying about my innocence. Answer yes or no.”
Yohane gulped again. There was really only one thing she could say. 
Ruby gave her a warning look.
“-my goddess,” Yohane quickly added.
“That’s what I thought,” Ruby said. She reached down and undid the buttons on her jeans, tugging them down to reveal a bold pair of lacy black panties. The contrast of them against her milky white thighs was so alluring that Yohane could feel herself practically drooling.
Ruby grabbed the back of Yohane’s head and pressed her face into those lacy undergarments. Yohane could feel Ruby’s bulge rubbing against her cheek. The intoxicating scent made her head spin and she breathed in greedily.
“Look at you,” Ruby said. “Claiming you’re not a pervert, and yet here you are sniffing so desperately at my panties.”
Yohane didn’t even have the energy to deny it anymore. Her mind was clouded with lust, desire outweighing shame and humiliation. Or perhaps being enhanced by them, Ruby’s cruel words only pushing her deeper into a pit of arousal, firm hands on the back to her head pushing her face underwater.
Ruby let go of Yohane’s head and stepped back slightly, tugging her panties down. Her dick sprung out, freed from the last vestige of cloth holding it back. Yohane couldn’t take her eyes off it.
“Instead of getting yourself into more trouble, use that stupid mouth of yours productively for once,” Ruby said, putting her hand on the back on Yohane’s head again. “Worship your goddess’s cock.”
The thought of not obeying didn’t even enter her mind. Her mouth was watering already, eager to taste the perfect cock in front of her. Looking at it, huge and beautiful with a subtle curve that made her ache in anticipation, it wasn’t hard to believe that she really was looking at a divine being. She eagerly shoved as much of it as she could into her mouth, closing her lips around it as her tongue went to work.
“That’s it,” Ruby said, her hand firm on the back on Yohane’s head but not forcing her any deeper, letting Yohane only take as much as she could handle. For now. “Now you’re starting to understand your purpose.”
Yohane’s cock twitched at that. 
Yohane had never sucked a cock before, but she was desperate to be good at it, more desperate than she’d been even in the hardest exams.She had to please Ruby. She had to make her feel good.
She had to fulfil the purpose her goddess had given her.
She tried everything she could think of, licking all over Ruby’s dick and bobbing her head up and down its length, helplessly trying to find the best way to please her. She locked her focus onto every tiny reaction her goddess let show, searching for any clue for what was working and eagerly trying to repeat them. And finally, she was rewarded. Her goddess let out a groan and gripped her head harder. Her heavenly dick twitched before finally giving in and shooting thick cum into Yohane’s mouth, filling her cheeks as she tried to take it all in.
It was transcendent. It was the best Yohane had ever felt in her life. She’d done it. She’d done the thing she was made to do. She’d satisfied her goddess’s demand. She’d fulfilled her purpose. Her whole body was washed with pleasure as she swallowed her goddes’s divine cum, relishing the feeling of it sliding down her throat. 
Her goddess pulled back and Yohane slumped down, breathing heavily as she looked dreamily up at the heavenly being before her. She was almost too radiant for Yohane’s eyes, but she couldn’t look away.
Her goddess frowned, looking a little worried.
“Yoshiko, I’m… I’m sorry, I got carried away, and-” She paused, the apologetic look on her face shifting to incredulity.
“Did you…” she said, slowly, as if she couldn’t quite believe it. “Did you cum from that?”
Yohane hazily looked down at herself. Sure enough, there was a wet spot at the front of her sweatpants. Evidence of the bliss that had washed over her when she was used.
Why would her goddess mind that, though? Didn’t it just prove she was meant for this? Oh, or was it that she’d done it without permission…?
“I’m sorry, goddess,” she mumbled, still in a daze. “I didn’t mean to…”
Ruby shook her head. “...It was dumb of me to even worry,” she muttered to herself. “You’re even more of a pervert than I thought.”
Yohane just stared at her, waiting for her next command.
“Get those clothes off before you get them even more dirty,” Ruby commanded, and Yohane eagerly obeyed,  hurriedly casting off her baggy clothing. Only expecting to help move boxes, she hadn’t dressed up at all, and shamefully her dull bra and panties didn’t even match. Nothing compared to her erotic goddess, who had taken the chance to finish stripping to reveal an equally alluring lace bra to match the panties before. Soon that too gave way to further expanses of milky white soft skin and perky pink nipples that made Yohane’s mouth water all over again. It was like looking at a grecian statue, a beauty worthy of the divine incarnated before her. Yohane was already hard again as she kneeled before her goddess again, clasping her hands together in prayer.
“Wait there,” Ruby said, walking off. Yohane froze in place, her body trembling with anticipation. She was eager to be given more orders. Whatever it was, she’d do it for Ruby without question. She owed her goddess no less.
Ruby returned holding a bottle, but before Yohane could get a good look at it, Ruby spoke again.
“Kiss my feet, little fallen angel.”
Yohane quickly dropped down to her hands and knees, crawling forward and kissing Ruby’s delicate toes hurriedly.
Ruby giggled a little. “That tickles,” she said. “Okay, okay, stop! Just stay in that pose.”
Yohane would have liked to keep kissing those cute little digits, true be told. But her goddess’s orders were absolute. Once again, she found herself hanging on Ruby’s every word, impatient to hear the next order. But instead of a new order, she felt cold, wet fingers at the entrance to her ass.
Ruby was lubing her up.
A tiny part of her spoke up in protest, struggling its way out of the lustful goo that Yohane’s brain had melted into.
Surely this was a little too far, right?
It was one thing to give Ruby a blowjob. It was kind of a big jump, but it wasn’t that crazy. They had been dating for a while, and well, y’know, maybe it was time they started fooling around a little. But  full on sex? She should really try to stop things here. Ruby had made her point. Yohane was very aware that she was a sexual being now, and that Yohane definitely wasn’t manipulating her into anything unconsciously. That was enough, right? They didn’t have to go this far so soon…
“Um, Ruby?”
A hand slammed into her ass, spanking her hard enough to elicit a yelp.
“That’s not how you address me,” Ruby said.
Yohane felt a slender hand slip between her legs and grip her cock. Ruby held her tightly, but with an achingly wonderful tenderness, her soft fingers encircling her.
The single word short circuited something in her, and Yohane replied reflexively. 
“Yes, goddess.”
“Good girl.”
And with that, Yohane was completely lost. An enormous wave of arousal swept through her brain like a tsunami, and the tiny voice of reason was plunged back into the depths, drowning in a sea of lust.
Ruby’s cock slid into her and Yohane moaned shamelessly. Her body had known as soon as she saw it, but insertion only confirmed it. This cock was more than enough to ruin her forever, her body already submitting to it and clinging tightly, shaping itself to better fit the cock that she was nothing but a sleeve for.
Truthfully, Yohane thought that she would cum right there and then, but after last time, she wasn’t sure that she was allowed. So she struggled to hold it in, biting her lip and whimpering as Ruby shifted to rest comfortably inside her, and Yohane got used to the feeling of being filled. It didn’t take much getting used to. It felt natural, like she had been missing something all along and now was finally what she should be. A hole used for goddess’s pleasure.
And then Ruby started to move.
Yohane couldn’t keep her voice in even if she wanted to, whimpering and moaning and yelping as Ruby’s cock rubbed the inside of her ass, stimulating in ways she’d never felt before. Her own cock screamed for release as Ruby’s hand held it tightly, sliding up and down slightly as Ruby thrusted.
But she couldn’t cum. Her goddess might be upset. And all that mattered was pleasing her goddess. Her goddess was using her, and as long as she could be useful,  that was all that was important. So she bucked her hips back against Ruby’s thrusts, grinding against her, trying to make herself the perfect fucktoy, to bring pleasure to her goddess.
Yohane’s mind was starting to dissolve into mush. She could barely even register that she was seeing anymore. All that she experienced was the feeling of her goddess’s cock inside her ass, the softness and firm grip of her goddess’s hand on her cock, and her goddess’s heavenly moans, reassuring her that she was fulfilling her purpose.
She floated in that haze of pleasure, never letting herself fall over the edge, for what felt like infinity. Time stopped holding any meaning. 
Finally, though, her goddess spoke again.
“Little fallen angel,” she moaned, and Yohane whimpered helplessly in response. “I’m going to cum inside you. And you’re going to cum for your goddess. Make your tribute to my beauty.”
“Yes, my goddess,” Yohane moaned.
Ruby’s thrusts increased in intensity, and her hand moved more rapidly. Yohane struggled desperately, determined to carry out her goddess’s orders. She would only cum when her goddess did. Not before. Never before. Her goddess’s pleasure was her only meaning. Her goddess’s pleasure was her purpose. Her goddess’s pleasure was what she was made for.
She felt her goddess’s cock twitch inside her and swell. And then her goddess came inside her, filling her vessel with her divine seed. Yohane had done it. The meaning of her existence was fulfilled. The overwhelming pleasure of that combined with the unbearable sexual pleasure that had been assaulting her for so long blended and mixed together, crashing over her like a raging rapid as her whole body gave way to ecstasy. She was gripped by the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced, bliss so powerful that it ripped the air from her lungs, stole her voice and overwhelmed her senses as she became nothing but a vessel full of cum and a dick spilling out a tribute to her goddess’s perfection. She came and came until her head spun, and she thought there could surely be nothing left inside of her. Finally, it came to an end and she collapsed onto the floor, fighting for breath. There was no hint of strength in her muscles. No meaning to the signals her eyes sent her. There was only the one thought that mattered.
Her goddess. Her goddess. Her goddess. Her goddess. Her goddess. Her goddess. Her goddess…
Yohane blinked.
She’d never fallen asleep, and yet somehow, it suddenly felt as if she was groggily emerging from a deep slumber. Shakily, she raised her head, and realized suddenly that there was a gentle hand on her back, softly stroking her skin in a calming manner. There was a glass of water in front of her too, and a wetness on her lips suggested she’d drunk some of it at some point. She… did not remember that. 
“Uh,” she mumbled, trying to reach for her forehead with an unsteady hand. She felt woozy.
Ruby’s voice ran out as a clear as a bell, and Yohane’s head spun for a moment as two conflicting reactions rung out in her had. Her girlfriend. Her goddess. Should she answer, or bow? Hazily, she blinked again, trying to clear her head.
“Are you okay?”
“Eh?” Yohane mumbled. 
“You’ve been lying there for half an hour,” Ruby said, worry in her voice. “You weren’t unconscious or anything, but you were acting all dazed and barely responding…”
“Half an hour…?” Yohane repeated uncertainly.
“I-I looked it up online, and everyone said to make you drink some water and not disturb you too much,” Ruby mumbled. “But I was really scared.”
“I-I’m fine,” Yohane managed, pulling herself unsteadily to a sitting position, and then, realising she was still naked, hurriedly covering herself.
Ruby giggled. “Really? After all that, you’re covering yourself? I guess you’re back to normal, then.”
“W-Well, that’s…” Yohane mumbled, hazy memories reasserting themselves. Oh, god, had she really… “I-I mean, I didn’t… I guess I wasn’t normal…”
Ruby shook her head and then scooted closer to Yohane, pulling her into a hug. “I’m sorry,” she said. “It’s my fault.”
“Eh?” Yohane said.
“Um… like I said, I looked it up online,” Ruby said. “I-I think you went into “subpace”.”
“Subspace? What?” Yohane said, and then realization dawned. “O-Oh! Of course! Yes, the fallen’s angel’s powers involve many dimension shifting feats! I can enter the astral plane, and-”
“Not that kind of subspace,” Ruby said. “It’s a sex thing, you dummy.”
“A-A s-sex thing?” Yohane squeaked.
“When a big masochist like you gets really into being dominated they can get into some kind of weird mental state,” Ruby said. “I guess the whole, um.”
She averted her eyes, blushing a little. “Goddess… thing…” she mumbled. “Was a liiiiittle too intense… and you sorta… phased out for a bit…”
She made a vague gesture. “And then it took a while for you to come down.”
Yohane couldn’t really process exactly what the hell that was supposed to mean. But she did feel strangely worn out.
She lifted up her arms. It felt unnatural, like she was controlling someone else’s body. Awkwardly, she wrapped them around Ruby and leaned into her. It felt… good. Not the strange, slightly frightening rightness that she’d felt early. Just normal Yohane good. Hugging her girlfriend was… nice.
It felt relaxing, and helped her regain her footing.
And then her stomach grumbled.
Ruby giggled. “How about we get some dinner?” she said, letting go of Yohane and standing up.
“Yeah, uh, that sounds good,” Yohane said, averting her eyes. Now that her head was clear again, she was very aware of the fact that both of them were… very naked. She reached over to clothing, laying discarded on the floor and pulled it towards her. Then wrinkled her nose in dismay at the stain on the front of her pants. Shit.
Ruby glanced down at her. “Oh,” she said. “Oops. Sorry, I… well, I didn’t really think you’d…”
She cleared her throat. “Okay, how about I take a quick shower, and then you can soak in the bath while I get some clothes from your house, and then we can order in food.”
It was not what Yohane had planned for the evening. She’d kind of thought that she was going to go back home and get some video game time after helping Ruby move in. But… right now, a long bath and some then eating takeout with Ruby sounded a lot better than being alone.
“Okay,” she said.
“Unless you want to get in the shower with me,” Ruby said.
Yohane opened her mouth to turn it down. To reflexively deny it and pick the chastest option available. But wasn’t that what had gotten her mixed up in this whole business in the first place? Hadn’t Ruby been mad about her denying herself out of some misplaced sense of propriety?
“Um… I kinda do…” she said, looking hopefully up at Ruby.
Ruby giggled and reached a hand down to help her up, pulling her behind her as she led them to the bathroom.
“Ruby?” Yohane said, as Ruby turned on the shower.
“Yes?” Ruby asked.
“Can I ask you something?”
“What is it?”
Yohane gulped, as Ruby pulled her into the hot water and pressed her wet body up against Yohane’s skin. An action that made a part of Yohane that she thought was well and truly checked out for the day react again.
“...Are you a bad influence on me?”
Ruby laughed, and pressed even closer, putting her lips to Yohane’s ear.
“Yes,” she whispered. “And I’m going to corrupt you all the way down to your core, my little fallen angel.”
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yourfavehasdpd · 4 months
Ruby Kurosawa from Love Live Sunshine has DPD, and is T4T with Yohane/Yoshiko.
Submitted by… me! (Prism)
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[IMAGE ID]: Ruby Kurosawa from Love Live overlaid on the DPD flag which has stripes with the following colors repeated once: pastel purple, red, orange, yellow, and green.
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[IMAGE ID]: Ruby Kurosawa and Yohane/Yoshiko from Love Live Sunshine overlaid on the Transgender pride flag which has stripes with the following colors repeated once: light blue, pink, and white.
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offlineblues · 11 months
uhhh yohane for the ask meme
need thoughts on the best aqours girl
• First impression
she literally fell from a tree and was talking about being an otherworldly being... i knew she was going to be silly and serious, but i didn't know what to think...!
• Impression now
she's one of my very most favorites... i understand now that her clinging to a belief like being a fallen angel and her troubles socializing and relating to others were related to her internal conflictions about who she is inside. it was her way of believing that things like fate and events (negative or positive) can be swayed by just, well, simply believing they will happen. manifest your future with strong desire and be all sides of your real self
• Favorite moment
her episode with Riko
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• Idea for a story
that's a bit tough. i guess i'd like to see how she's doing with the remaining 6 members after the movie timeline
• Unpopular opinion
i like her cutesy singing voice just as much as her deep singing voice! is this unpopular?
• Favorite relationship
YohaRiko or YohaRuby are my favorite ships... i like her platonically with Hanamaru. and Mari is big sisterly and such
• Favorite headcanon
she still dresses up often for her livestreams and gains a large following
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dovely-raincandy · 1 year
Hi :3 Can you do 4 and 9 for love live or/and bandori? Sorry is that's too much I am fixated rn
tysm for the ask!!!! i dont mind doing both at all i love both sm and am super excited to answer asks for ll and bandori awawa !!!
4. Favorite problematic ship.
listen diaruby is good and is such a super super close second but i am obsessed with kanata and haruka. i remember back in the day, when she was just an n girl, kanata was getting cancelled by a (now ex) friend of mine for being a weird siscon and i love that for her
for bandori i actually super love rimi and yuri …… no one ever talks about them really but they should bc they kiss every night and they’re in love
9. A ship you will always love to write.
for love live that’s going to be yoharuby!!!! i love their dynamic and ruby being one of the few people who never makes yohane feel bad for being “abnormal” i am So Soft for them
for bandori not to be basic but i love love love yukilisa …. just that childhood friends to lovers is so good and i will never be tired of them ever
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kristsingto · 5 months
"whats up" im thinking about chikariko youmaru youruby youhane yoharuby yohamaru diamari youkanan
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lialart · 2 years
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yoharuby sketch
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thrill-addict · 2 years
Ruby : You’re so sweet, and cute, and precious.
Ruby : So cute.
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muffinmoonn · 11 months
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they are so everything
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redgemwink · 1 month
im yoharubys strongest soldier ❤️
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kowaresuki · 2 years
matching yoharuby manga icons!!
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marstectomy · 3 years
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh first years.
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whoneedsapublisher · 2 years
Yoshiko's Concerns
YohaRuby silliness.
Words: ~650
Summary: Even the great Yohane worries sometimes.
Also on Ao3
“Hey, Ruby?”
Ruby glanced up from her phone to see Yoshiko’s head dangling off the end of her bed, staring at Ruby upside down. It was a nice thing about their relationship. Sometimes when they hung out, they weren’t really doing anything together, exactly, they were just around each other, passively enjoying the other’s presence and always ready to start a conversation or play a game together.
“What is it?” Ruby asked.
“Do you think your sister hates me?”
Ruby scrunched her face up in confusion. “What? Why would Dia hate you? She loves everyone in Aquors.”
“I mean, yeah, originally,” Yoshiko said. “But like, she knows now, right?”
“Knows what?” Ruby asked. Yoshiko being confusing was nothing new, but usually it was some kind of weird Yohane thing, or her talking about some kind of bizarre too-online thing from one of her streams. Her managing to be this baffling when just talking about other Aquors members in plain language was unusual.
“You know,” Yoshiko said. “About how I eat your pussy on the regular.”
Ruby blushed a deep red and grabbed a pillow from next to her, smacking Yoshiko in the face with it.
“Ow! Ow! Stop!”
“Don’t say it like that!” Ruby said. “You’re so gross!”
“Okay, okay, stop already!” Yoshiko said, rolling over and trying to get away from Ruby’s swings.
Ruby paused and then lowered her pillow, still beet red as she glared at Yoshiko.
“I’m just saying,” Yoshiko said. “By now she knows that I-”
Ruby raised the pillow.
“-that we’re, um, in an intimate relationship,” Yoshiko said.
Ruby lowered the pillow.
“Is she like, okay with that?” Yoshiko said, looking nervous. “We don’t really talk that much anymore, and whenever I come over you’re around so she doesn’t say anything mean but I swear sometimes she glares at me when your back is turned…”
“She doesn’t hate you,” Ruby said.
“Are you sure, though?” Yoshiko said. “Would she tell you? I mean, you’re dating me, right? Wouldn’t she want to pretend to play nice?”
“Well…” Ruby said, frowning. She had to admit, it wasn’t impossible that Dia would swallow her annoyance with someone if she was trying to be considerate of Ruby. And Yoshiko could definitely be annoying. But, still… “I’m sure she doesn’t hate you, Yoshiko.”
“...If you say so,” Yoshiko said.
“Why are you worried about this all of a sudden anyway?” Ruby asked.
“Well,” Yoshiko said, suddenly looking away, up at the ceiling.
Ruby tilted her head curiously.
“It’s just…” Yoshiko said. “I really… l-love you… and I was thinking about… well… maybe… since I’m going to be getting my own place this year… maybe… we could… move in together…”
Ruby gasped.
“And you know, since we’re, sort of serious, at least I thought we were, I want your family to be okay with us- mmfh?!”
Ruby cut Yoshiko off with a kiss.
Yoshiko could be annoying, and crude, and kind of a bully in bed, and extremely embarrassing, and immature, but none of that really mattered. Hearing that Yoshiko wanted to take the next step in their relationship… it made Ruby’s heart fill near to bursting.
Yoshiko, for her part seemed totally bewildered by the sudden kiss, like a deer caught in the headlights. It reminded Ruby of their first kiss, and that fond memory just made her want more, pressing herself closer to Yoshiko and holding the sides of Yoshiko’s face.
When she finally pulled back, Yoshiko was blushing and speechless, staring wide-eyed at Ruby.
Ruby giggled. How was a girl who bluntly talked about eating her pussy getting so embarrassed over one little kiss? Yoshiko really was just too silly.
“S-So is that a yes?” Yoshiko managed.
“Yes,” Ruby said. “It is.”
Yoshiko grinned.
“Awesome, then we won’t have to wait for my mom to be out of the house before we fu-”
Ruby hit her with the pillow again.
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kasuria · 4 years
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wonderland temptation
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