#you are not fine if you can't kiss your same sex partner in public in fear of criminal prosecution and/or being beaten to death
veikkoalen · 3 months
i don't get how you can be friends with people on the opposite end of the political spectrum. if you're both hard leaning towards centrism then it's understandable, but in my case that's a matter of being a normal human being and being a cannibalistic nazi because politics here is not about being left or right for a long time.
apolitical people who are strictly against any political discussions are just gross
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cyberm4n · 3 months
You've now filled my head with nothing but Alastor and Lucifer brainrot. Any other sharing thoughts you have for them? (I cannot stop thinking about them, I quite literally thought about them sharing me during my entire 8hr retail shift yesterday)
alastor and lucifer sharing you pt 3!
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pt1, pt2
this was highly requested, thank you all for the love <3 im tagging anyone who asked/was fine with it last time but now you can fill out this taglist form to ensure you're tagged for future posts!
tags: @lu-ferri12 @my-anime-garden @princessdreamss @polytheatrix @reaper-of-light-12 @ambi-squirrelly @hazelfoureyes @meggletoomanyfandoms @afernandez21
cw: angst ig?? idk reader is upset cause they keep fighting, general relationship issues for a moment, smut, reader gets eaten out, there's some light praise and condescension i think, alastor has a master kink, alastor discovers he LOVES eating pussy, there's like a weird sexual tension between alastor and lucifer for the majority of this if you squint, the ending is VERY suggestive
other: not 100% happy with formatting on this but i wrote majority of it on a 6 hour flight so like. you win some you lose some. not proofread that well, i kind of ramble at times too but it's fine. 2.1k word count and half of it is formatted in a headcanon cuase, again, lazy 6 hour writing. i also don't use the bolding and coloring that much cause it'd be a lot of work.
left the ending a little open, will probably do a poll tomorrow on if people want me to take this that direction.
■ okay so sex aside i would think outwardly everyone knows you're in a relationship with lucifer at the very least
■ but it's kept lowkey with the other part of the relationship
■ which both are fine with btw
■ lucifer loves pda so he's happy, alastor isn't a fan so it's whatever
■ the public part works out because alastor would genuinely be worried about someone trying to use you to get to him
■ it's bad enough that it's known the king of hell has a new partner, but nobody knowing that if they fuck with you they're fucking with the king of hell AND the radio demon is a silent advantage
■ if anyone knows, it's charlie. but only to the extent of like the fact it's a hinge relationship, everything else she doesn't know and honestly doesn't need to know
■ she's just happy her dad seems happy and is getting along better with alastor
■ i think alastor is the kind to really start caring during the relationship vs. lucifer caring about you deeply before
■ so occasionally alastor will pull you aside, or if no one is watching will just press a quick kiss on your forehead.
■ meanwhile lucifer is always making it known he's in love with you
■ arm around your shoulder, holding your hand, everything
■ again, alastor doesn't really mind unless lucifer decides to be an ass abt it
■ look they still compete with each other sometimes they can't help it
■ then it becomes a game of how much the other can get away with before you either get upset or it's too telling
■ that's the other thing is like, the competing gets really fucking annoying to you
■ we saw them in hells greatest dad it wasn't a want to be a better dad it's just wanting to out do the other
■ and when it transfers to your relationship it gets agitating fast
moving on
■ relationship side alastor isn't as involved with that
■ but if either of them did something that upset you or like there was a lovers quarrel between you and either side it's a big deal to them
■ especially if you're only upset with one half of the hinge
■ cause like, sure, they could compete with each other and purposefully drive you apart
■ but tbh.. both of them lowkey like this arrangement much more than they thought they would
■ so they end up talking to each other about it and figuring out what to do
■ same if you're upset with both
■ not that you're upset often it's just that when you are it's usually cause they crossed a line in their little competition
■ and they hate making their girl feel like a prize to be won :(
■ whatever their solution is, they do it together.
■ show you they can get along, that they both care about you enough
■ you're in your room, a bit of a blow up happened earlier after they got into one of their arguments
■ it's not that you genuinely think theyre using you to get to the other but sometimes with the way they act it's easy to doubt
■ anyways, they both come in, it's late
■ i cry when im frustrated/upset and i think it's a pretty normal reaction, so let's just say you're crying a little
■ they're both immediately at your side, apologizing profusely
■ you've never cried like this before
■ it scares them. alot.
■ for once there's absolutely no competition, the only worry is making you feel better.
■ both sitting next to you on the couch, lucifer murmuring how much he loves you, and how he knows how much alastor cares for you
■ i hate the whole "alastor doesn't understand emotions" thing because he does. he has to, he knows how to read people well.
■ it's just he hasn't ever comforted someone
■ he doesn't know what to do when someone he cares about is upset
■ so he's glad lucifer is here, as alastor just sits at your side nodding along and gently rubbing your back
■ alastor only tunes back in when lucifer offers to give some space for the night, and a little murmur from you agrees but asks they both come to bed that night
■ given its usually only lucifer who actually sleeps in the same bed as you alastor is surprised
■ but lucifer is beckoning him out for some space.
"cmon, we'll be back in an hour yeah?" he chimes from the door, and with a squeeze of your shoulder alastor is out of the door, but he opts to walk along with lucifer. "we gotta do better" lucifer sighs as he walks, not looking over at alastor. he's not accusing alastor, he seems equally disappointed in both of them.
"for her?" alastor adds, and lucifer gives a hum of agreement. "this while ordeal has been quite... stressful as of late, no?" alastor adds, "to our own faults, yes" lucifer murmurs, giving a sigh. alastor nods, and the two men walk in silence for some time, ending up in the parlor, husk far since gone to bed. "want anything?" lucifer pulls alastor back to reality once again, he's standing behind the bar while alastor had been staring off, his mind running with thoughtd of god knows what.
"whiskey, my friend?" alastor suggests, and giving it a considerate thought lucifer pours two glasses. the silence falls over them again, just the sound of the clink of their glasses on the counter.
"so tell me, how do you do it when you pleasure her?" alastor breaks the silence, lucifers eyes dart up to him. thinking for a moment before replying "i don't really think tonight is the time for that—" lucifer says, but in a gentle tone.
"no no, in the morning." alastor says, staring down at his glass. "you two indulge often in the morning, correct?" alastor says, now his eyes uncomfortably on lucifer. Watching as the other man almost pales a little, swallowing thickly.
lucifer immediately falters, giving a sigh. "look it's not— i‐ that's not her fault–" lucifer immediately starts, assuming this is a confrontation. his eyebrows raise as alastor shakes his head. "oh please, if i had problem with it i would have done something" he says, a static crackle echoing through the room. "no, i want to know how you do it when you... when it's just about her. how can i do the same?" alastor asks, and this is even more surprising to lucifer than this whole fucking idea in the first place.
■ so lucifer of course explains some stuff to him, of course it's hard because unless he's done it before it's hard to articulate some of his "moves"
■ i mean lucifer can hardly resist going down on you everytime, he's definitely experienced but it's hard to transfer that knowledge at times
■ but he's impressed alastor even asked
■ so when they return to your room, they're a lot more calmer with each other than before.
■ that night changed a lot between them tbh
■ it's slightly awkward for both of them when everyone gets settled in the bed
■ you're on your back, lucifer on your right side and alastor on the left.
■ they're both holding you to the best of their abilities
■ lucifer gives alastors hand a squeeze before shuffling it to have a better grasp on your waist
■ you all peacefully sleep through the night, not shifting much but it's pretty comfortable
■ is the morning you're mostly cuddled into alastor, which is entirely lucifers doing
■ when you're all awake though alastor gets arguably nervous
■ but you being you, you slump over onto alastors chest, murmuring some affection to him
■ lucifer gives a nod, it's time.
■ he'd honestly probably move to get out of bed, assuming some privacy is wanted
■ but he feels a shadow wrap around his forearm, it's a light pressure
■ alastor shakes his head, mouthing a small "please"
after lucifer processes for a moment what exactly is about to go down, he's okay with that. he settles back in, his eyes on the two of you as alastor tilts your chin up, pressing a kiss to your lips. "my dear, would you mind if i tried something a little different with you?" alastor chimes, and you blink your eyes open again, still a bit sleepy as you give a nod.
he gently maneuvers you on the bed so you're laying on your back, his hands pawing at your sleep shorts and pulling them to your ankles. lucifer watches, honestly a little mezmerized by the whole ordeal. he feels proud in an odd sort of way. “I think our little doe deserves a treat, would you like that?” alastor murmurs as he spreads your thighs open. You take a shaky breath before murmuring some form of agreement, maybe even a little plea.
without further prodigy, alastors finally leans down his tongue swiping down your folds, hands grasping your hips to pull you to his face. your hands go to hold lucifers, but he shakes his head tutting at you. “ah ah, that’s not very polite princess” he chides softly, guiding your hands to alastors hair.
and alastor makes good use of the tips and information lucifer gave him, his tongue plunging into your sweet little hole as his nose bumps your clit. his eyes wander up, making eye contact with you as he eats you out so wonderfully. you tug at his hair and he practically growls in pleasure, opting to change tactics and focus his mouth on your clit while his fingers slide inside you, gently curling into your sweet spot.
and lucifer watches it all, absolutely mesmerized. he doesnt know what it is about watching this but theres something about knowing alastor is doing exactly as told to in this scenario that makes lucifer feel warm. he lets alastor steal the show, doing only minimal work. maybe hes softly cooing praises or gently reminding you to show your appreciation to the one making you feel this good.
as you get close, evident by the murmur that falls past your lips, alastors eyes snap to lucifers for a moment, and he takes a moment to think before understanding. usually when youre close alastor is all over you, telling you to be such a good girl and cum, just slight praises and coaxing. given the fact hes face deep in your sweetness he cant really do that, so that job is up to lucifer now.
“isn’t alastor doing such a good job duckling? you want to make sure he knows how good hes treating you, dont you?” lucifer coos, scooting in behind you on the bed so you stop trying to writhe away. “I think he’d be so disappointed if you didnt cum for him, you think you can do that, hm? you wanna cum all over your masters tongue?” lucifer says directly in your ear, and alastor feels a bit of a warmth in his stomach by being referred to as “master”
when you give a weak moan in response lucifer sighs, shaking his head. “be a good girl now, you can do it little doe” he says which is what sends you toppling over the edge, your hips rutting up into alastors mouth, whiny moans coming from you as alastor desperately licks up your sweet release. this whole thing was quite enjoyable for alstor, but hearing lucifer call you “little doe” his petname for you made him smugly satisfied.
after some aftercare which mostly just involved more cuddling, alastor feels satiated enough to shift to leave, before getting a look from lucifer. he reluctantly stays, feeling as you come to lay at his side once more. lucifer seems to take note of something, giving alastor a nod down, he glances down, seeing the obvious tent in his pants. alastor looks back up, slightly annoyed. a like “yeah, no shit dumbass” kind of look is exchanged.
alastor looks back down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you sigh happily. but alastor tenses as he feels a hand on his knee, shooting a glare to lucifer as he traces his hand up a little. the two meet as and alastor takes a shaky breath as lucifer leans in just a little, breathing out the next few words with a calmness alastor admires:
“just keep cuddling her”
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lovemomhatepolice · 1 month
lando norris nswf alphabet (part 2!) (minors DNI!)
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N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) There is no chance that Lando will ever in his life ask you for anal sex or agree to it. NO CHANCE. Ever since he first heard about it in his life, it has disgusted and disturbed him so much at the same time that he stands away.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Well, don't tell me Lando doesn't look like a munch. Totally do. Okay, he's also a big fan of you on your knees in front of him, until it takes his breath away as he looks at you all smeared with his cum with a wide smile and trained lips. But oh boy! Sam sometimes begs you to lie down in front of him and let him give you pleasure. The biggest plus is that Lando is well trained in this. Damn knows where he acquired such skills, but they are unearthly.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Fast, but not violent. It's already in Lando's nature to speed everything up, but it's not painful in the process. With the rest, slow sex is not for you. Well, I beg you, where would all the fun be? The whole process is a little slower when Lando finally pushes you to the wall and your relationship is not in any comfortable place, but he continues to try to keep his cool.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) You love quickies. What more can be said here? You can't keep your hands off each other, so every possible opportunity to get even closer is even advisable. You definitely prefer it more, of course, when you have more time (and, most importantly, space), but when there is no such chance, quick fun together is fine for you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) Norris has it in him that he likes to take risks - he doesn't spare himself from hot kisses with you in public or even light pinches or pats on your buttocks. But if the matter comes down to sex, I don't think he's taking too many risks. Lando respects his privacy after all, so sexual matters remain between you. Possibly in front of the whole club when you come out of the restroom quite smudged and giggly. Or in front of his family, well. What goes in the family doesn't die, right?
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) As much as you want. Really. Lando I think is pretty darn sturdy and can fly several rounds at a time, which is no surprise to you. More than once, with light breaks, you spent the whole night like that. Sometimes it would even start to dawn and you would be in each other's naked embrace, the hot temperature of the room and a mass of giggles.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) No, he doesn't own any toys. He just doesn't have any - he's not a contrarian, he himself even bought his friend an inflatable doll for his birthday. In your relationship he would sooner use some on you, so 100%, if you own a vibrator, Lando will reach for it at some point and see how it works on you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Lando is so damn teasing! Once he will rub up against you, once he will "accidentally" touch you somewhere, once he will whisper such ungodly things to you, and then he will leave without a word. And during sex? I beg to differ. If only he has the strength to do so, he will interrupt until the last moment before your climax, just to hear your voice admonishing him in the midst of your moans.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) Ay Lando is loud. In every possible aspect of his life, so in bed too. If he doesn't talk during sex, you definitely won't have it quietly anyway. Norris often giggles, and when he's not giggling, he's pretty darn vocal. Oj this boy is definitely not afraid to moan and show that he feels like heaven thanks to you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) He loves, well he so much loves to brand you. He gets the same way when you bestow a hickey on his neck. Raspberries on your breasts? That's the standard. In summer it's hard to hide the signs of love from Lando under dresses and short tops. But that's what he loves. He proudly shows off whether it's his neck or his chest.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) Well I think above average. Although Lando is not some particularly tall and massive, that's what his advantage is. I'm telling you that there's something about his pants that you don't expect ;P
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) God. Huge. As I mentioned before - you can't take your hands off each other. If you could, you would fuck each other every day. No matter what way - any way would be good. That's why yes, the sex drive Lando threw up when he first met you. And no matter what you do or what you're wearing! Remember
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Ay, it depends on the moment. Anyone who knows Lando knows well that he happens to fall asleep in the least expected places and circumstances. This is also the case after your sex, but by the fact that there are a lot of emotions in between, he has to talk them out first, and only then can he go to sleep. After proper after care on your part and his, you both fall asleep in each other's embrace (Lando on your breasts)
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A/N: part one if you miss it, english is my second language i will be very pleased if you leave something behind - orders are open, and I am very close to 200 followers! maybe I can get in by the end of the week?
please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
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ᰋ  ׅ࣪   ꒰  minors dni 18+ pac reading detailed ♡︎ your future spouse/lover vs public affection and sex   ꒱  
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01. 02. 03.
disclaimer : this 18+ reading was made for adult audiences. it contains adult language and content and it may not suitable for minors and may not be for some adult readers. read at your own risk and be open-minded. *chuu*
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cards : 6oC, fool, KoP, NoC, lovers.
your future person would definitely love that idea. they find it attractive when someone is innocent or plays innocent in bed. someone who is soft and virgin, someone who is inexperience when it comes to this kind of area. they want a type of sex where an emotional bond is present with their lover. they love doing it on the balcony, in the forest or somewhere on higher places. this person who can physically please you until the end of fondness, they prefer diligent, slow and erotic affection and the lust and desired you are longing and looking for a partner to satisfy you during and after. if you are horny and looking for someone to please you well you can rely upon on them. public affection and sex's will incredible with them. you can show off some of your desires with them, this connection is about exploring new things and let to unfold each other's desire of fantasies. with them, you will experience : unwavering compassion, intense sexual energy, a close bond, and a love that's beyond human can imagine.
cards : SoS, PoS, Justice, 10oS, WoF.
they definitely don't like that idea, moreover, they would feel nervous about that. this person is afraid being arrested for public nudity, they think it's not so cool. they likely raise an eyebrow everytime you ask about that to them, it's like : ‘‘are you out of your mind, honey?’’. thinking about public sex makes them feel embarrassed but i neither figuring you too enjoying public sex but affection? yes, you two are go for it. but for the sex thing in public you both prefer doing it privately, they like being sub-dom because sometimes they let you to take over them, there's something stopping them to fully take over you. this is someone who likes to play and be naughty before actually doing it. they're bold and wild when you two doing it privately, they like watching you over while you are pleasuring yourself : masturbating or having arousal about them. bondage, spanking, handcuffs and collecting sex toys are some of their deep desires that they wanted to do with their lover. Unprotected and breeding sex is likely to happen here. In public places, their ways of showing affection is like sitting close besides each other's in a bench park, theater or lying on the same space while having picnic something along with these lines.
cards : PoW, 2oC, KoW, 3oC, NoP + AoC.
they fine with it but not too showy when it comes to this kind of areas, someone who act as if they wouldn't care but they kinda feel of excited about it. this person is like a shy type person. someone who is secretive about their fantasies, i don't think they will show it up to you as their partner because they're to embarrassed and shy to do that. typically, you wouldn't know what will happen next when you have sex with them but they prefer to initiate the intimacy. they like looking so seductive and elegant when it comes in the bed. before, this passionate sex happen - there's a little chit chats and drinking might happen. if i'm not mistaken they do like comfortable sex, kisses and hugs rather than being harsh towards their partner. they do want their own partner to feel this very deep emotion while doing it. this is like a connection of friends to lovers. having physical intimacy with them makes you feel wanted to do more multiple times, you will desire for their touch and kisses. you can't get enough for the passion that happening between you and them under this red-hot feeling.
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
*new yorker accent* hey what’re yous thoughts on uhhh them queer platonic romances? new york numbah one da big apple babey!!!
Oh I love QPRs, I love relationship anarchy. I love the diverse ways that people can define a relationship that works for them, with whatever they need in it, and it can have sex or no sex, kissing or no kissing, sleeping together or sleeping apart, raising children together, buying a house, marriage, pet names, holidays with family— any sort of thing we put into a relationship, and we can pull that apart and reassemble it in a way that works for us, and it can be romantic or not, or sexual or not, but boy howdy it sure is queer.
Okay I have been assuming that this is in a fandom writing context, but the above all applies to them in real life. In FANDOM—
Okay I may be on the outside with this, but I think a QPR can definitely come up to the line of being ship, depending on the QPR, so I don't necessarily agree with the way this fandom has fallen into QPR = not!shipping that's safe to publically do to cubitos whose creators don't want ship.
Cause like, we have clips from streamers saying they're not comfortable with ship, or not comfortable with things being "weird", but they usually don't specify beyond that. In a lot of cases, they haven't specified if there's a distinction between character shipping or IRL shipping, so like in no cases have they specified if the issue with shipping is sex (cause you can have an ace romantic marriage with no sex— does that count as "ship"?) or romance (cause by definition QPRs would not apply) or strong emotional dwelled on bonds that tie them to another player in a tight way (cause like, this is what a fair number of people writing QPRs fall into, cause from the outside if you're not aro some of the QPRs look pretty close to romantic relationship on the surface! I know it's not romance, and you know it's not romance, but is a streamer just scrolling twitter going to see that at a first glance if they come across a snippet of someone calling each other a life partner and going to bed together?) Cause like, trying to put myself in the shoes of the streamer, I could see the problem being sex (makes sense) OR romance (makes sense) or any really tight emotionally-dwelled on life-bond relationship (some of this I don't know if the streamers might still think it's weird to see done to their characters, even if it's technically by definition platonic). So some of this I still don't know if QPRs are something that every creator is going to feel comfortable seeing?
And I don't tend to love the implications of some of the stuff twitter does where it's like "oh, i can't ship, only QPR", like QPRs are automatically like santitized "safe" shipping, instead of their own category of thing that could mean almost anything. Like in real life if you know someone is in a QPR you know they're in a QPR, you still have no idea if that means they're married, or have sex, or make out on the regular, or call each other lovey dovey things, or sleep together, you just know they have a life bond. This fandom treats QPR like it's only one thing, and like it's a lesser, training wheels type of relationship, and that really grinds my gears.
So for me QPRs fall into a category where I'm like, awesome, pog to do, I know we love to take interactions between cubitos and expand them out and it makes perfect sense to take some of these in a QPR way. Go on with your bad self. But unless a creator has explicitly allowed it/canonized it, honestly I'd treat it the same way as I would some of the more hot-button trigger tagged fics (abuse, cannibalism, whump, mind control, addictions issues, torture) or like "instincts driven" family dynamic stuff or extremely aged down family dynamic stuff, where I'm like yes, technically this is fine, but let's just be safe and keep that where the streamer only finds it if they go looking for it. Please keep it out of TTS. This is something for the fandom, not for the streamers.
Just tag your shit and keep it away from the streamers and you're good.
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goosewriting · 2 years
... may I be a pain in your butt and ask for... A Reader who is Asexual with the ROTTMNT guys? Platonic or romantic. If platonic, the guys bug Y/N about not finding a S/O but Y/N can't feel anything for anyone like that and is discouraged, but hides it.
If romantic, they've established they love each other and they're partners, but Y/N just has difficulties wanting(or wanting but not wanting) intimacies. Cuddling is great, spooning is fine, but really intimate stuff is difficult, like certain kinds of kisses. Sex is something that Y/N doesn't care for. And Y/N may not have told the boys about being Asexual.
Yours hopefully,
A lonely Asexual.
Ace of spades (rottmnt x reader)
summary: reader is a closeted asexual and is confronted with some questions/situations
relationship: Rise Leo (romantic, established), Donnie (romantic-ish), Raph (platonic), Mikey (platonic) x GN reader (all separate)
warnings: mentions of sex as a concept (non-descriptive of the action), reader being emotionally distressed, coming out
word count: 2.5k
A/N: first of all, none of you guys are ever a pain in my butt<3 and hey, as a fellow ace, i understand. so i really hope i made it justice, and was able to convey what the ace experience is like (in general terms, since it isn’t the same for everyone). you’re not alone úvù<3 since you didn’t mention if you wanted angst+comfort or something else, i did a little bit of everything, hope that’s okay!
(english is not my first language. constructive criticism and grammar corrections are very appreciated!)
— — —
sefore we get into it, a clarification about what being asexual means, and what it doens’t mean: asexuality is about attraction, not the action. ssexual folks feel little to no sexual attraction to any gender. asexuality has nothing to do with libido. there are asexuals who are repulsed by sex, others don’t care, and others enjoy it. and lastly, sexual attraction and romantic attraction are two separate things. so there are still aces who seek out and wish to be in a romantic relationship.
so being asexual isn’t about the “would you or would you not do it” in general, it’s the lack of a “I’d hit that👀” when looking at someone.
thanks for coming to my ted talk
🔵 Leo
In a romantic relationship, I feel like out of the four Leo would be the one to get handsy the quickest.
He isn’t shy about PDA, but won’t cross any lines you set of course.
Big fan of being a gentleman and showing you off all he can, like opening doors for you and bowing dramatically, letting you pass.
Will always try to be touching you in some way, holding your hand, leaning on you, or with an arm over your shoulders.
If you’re not a fan of PDA, he’ll have to hold himself back a lot in public, but he’ll try his best to keep it behind closed doors.
Once you’re alone though, be prepared to be smothered in physical affection.
He just can’t help it!
There’ll be times when he gets carried away, and sweet kisses start crossing into make-out territory.
The first couple of times you’ll have to push him off you if you don’t wanna go there.
He understands though, and is super patient.
From then on he asks for your permission every time he kisses you.
If by then you still haven’t come out as ace to Leo, I think he’d still have picked up that something is going on.
Especially because you look kinda guilty when telling him to get off you.
He doesn’t want to pry, and will wait until you’re ready to tell him whatever is on your mind.
If he starts overthinking, he might start to think you’re grossed out by him or something, and his insecurities will get the best of him.
So really it’s best to explain it to him, or he’ll start withdrawing from you a bit
Leo and you were on his bed, legs tangled and your head on his chest, watching some videos on his phone.
It was getting late, so you decided to call it a night. Putting away his stuff, Leo went to kiss you good night.
You thought it would be a quick peck, but he lingered. Suddenly wanting to deepen the kiss, Leo’s hand wandered down your arm to your waist, crawling underneath your shirt ever so slightly.
When his hand came in touch with your skin, you jumped, and backed away.
“I-I’m sorry, Y/n”, he apologised. “I didn’t mean to- We don’t have to…”
“No, it’s okay” you said, your fist clenching the bed sheets. Seeing his dejected face, tears started rolling down your cheeks. You had been trying to talk to him about you being ace, but never found the moment. And now here you were, leading him on, hurting him. “It’s me that should be apologising…”
“Whoa, why are you crying?” Leo said with a sad smile, wiping away your tears with his thumb. “I’ll wait, no need to rush.”
“That’s the thing though, Leo” you hiccuped. “There’s nothing to wait for.”
He looked at you with a quizzical expression, and you started to explain. You told him you were asexual, that you weren’t interested in anyone sexually, not him nor anyone. And not because you considered him to be unattractive; on the contrary, you thought he was the most beautiful creature on this planet, in and out. You reassured him that you really loved him, but if it was sex he was after, then you might as well go separate ways, because to you, that was non-negotiable. You ended by telling him that if he wanted to break up, you’d understand.
All the while he looked at you and listened intently. When you were finished, sniffling into your sleeve, he just took a deep breath and leaned back. After a while of thinking how to word his thoughts the best, he turned back to you and took both your hands in his.
“You know, I wish you had told me sooner” he started. “And I am so sorry if you ever felt like that was something you couldn't tell me because you were scared I’d leave you, or that I would think less of you.”
Leo tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, giving you the softest look and smile.
“Let’s sit down tomorrow and set out clear boundaries on what we’re comfortable with. I’m sure we’ll figure it out.” He hugged you to his chest. “And hey, thank you for telling me. I just want you to be happy.” And with a sweet kiss to your head, you both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
🔴 Raph
Raph strikes me as a “I don’t really understand it but you do you! (thumbs up)” kinda guy about a lot of things.
He was your best friend, he supported everything you did, and always had your back.
He wanted you to be happy after all!
And that meant of course finding a partner that would treat you and care for you the way you deserved.
Whenever there was a group of people your age around, he would elbow you and you two had entire conversations solely in eye contact about that one cute person over there.
And it’s not that you didn’t want to get into a relationship; you actually did.
Having a partner sounded great in theory: you’d always have someone by your side to give you emotional support and physical affection when you needed it.
And you could also give back to them and feel appreciated.
Except for that one thing a partner would want from you, that you were not able to give.
Raph and you were sitting in his room, playing UNO and chatting away as usual. Except that the one topic came up which you dreaded the most.
“So…” Raph said, and you already hated where this was going. “Did you get a S/O yet? When are you bringing them over?”
“You’re not my dad, you know that, right?” you joked, trying to deflect his comment, setting down a card.
“I know, I know. It’s just that I know you’ve had some crushes in the past-“
You gave him a look, tilting your head and lifting one eyebrow.
“Yes, I see you looking at others you know, you’re not as subtle as you think” he smiled. “Thing is, you’ve never pursued them. Why?” Raph played his card: a +2. You grumbled.
Taking your cards from the pile, you shrugged. “Guess I wasn’t crushing hard enough.”
Raph set down the cards from his hands face down on the table, putting all his focus on you and the conversation at hand. You shifted in your seat.
“You know that you’re great, right? You have every chance and right to ask someone out that you like. They’d be idiots to reject you.”
“Yeah, I know I know, I’m awesome” you commented sarcastically. Truth is, you knew you were pretty decent. Heck, you were great. And you didn’t look half bad either. But having a partner would mean they’d have expectations and needs that, being ace, you couldn't meet.
You really appreciated Raph trying to be your hypeman, but right now you didn’t feel like you could come out to him. You didn’t feel ready yet. And while you knew he was trying to cheer you up, you couldn’t help but feel that his words irked you the wrong way.
As Raph realised that whatever was on your mind wasn’t something you wanted to talk about right now, judging by your frown, he picked up the cards again.
“Don’t worry, Y/n, someday you’ll find someone, I’m sure of it” Raph offered with a lop-sided smile. You knew he meant well, but somehow that wasn’t much of a comfort. After a short pause he placed down a +4 card.
You frowned at him, not entirely sure if it was the card or the way the conversatin played out.
🟠 Mikey
Mikey spends a lot of time on the internet, so he actually came across the terms asexual and aromantic once or twice.
He knows a lot about different labels actually, even micro-labels.
He’s also quite sharp with people, so if he’s known you for a long time, he may have figured it out even before you did.
Very supportive of any label you decide to adopt.
Will definitely draw you something with the flag’s colours discreetly incorporated if you’re not out yet, or make a full on painting with the palette of the flag’s colours if you’re out.
If he notices you’re hesitant about telling him something (even if at the moment he doesn’t know what it’s about), Dr. Delicate Touch will try to encourage you to confide in him, without forcing you of course.
It’s just very obvious you’re trying to tell him something important, but you back out at the last minute every time.
You were waiting at the lair for the brothers to come back. They had gone on a quick mission for a couple of hours. They should be back any minute.
All the while you had been pacing back and forth in Mikey’s room, going through your monologue several times on how to come out to him. You had heard him mention asexuality once when he showed you a garlic bread meme originally from the ace subreddit, so you knew he was familiar with the label. Hence you weren’t planning on giving him the full explanation, unless he asked of course.
You were fidgeting with a deck of poker cards in your hands when you heard the turtles enter the lair.
‘Now or never!’ you told yourself, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. You were sure that Mikey would be supportive but even so, coming out to your best friend was still a big deal.
When Mikey entered his room and greeted you with a hug and a spin, you squeaked in surprise, and all of your carefully picked out words flew right out of your brain.
The turtle set you back on the floor, holding your shoulders, and saw how tense you looked.
“Hey Y/n, is everything okay?” he asked, concerned.
“Y-Yeah, I just- I’d like to tell you something, if now’s okay?” Mikey agreed and sat down on the bed, with you standing in front of him. He looked at you expectantly but his concern also grew with every second you let pass in silence.
Realising that your monologue from before was long forgotten, you had to improvise. Picking out some cards from the deck you had in your hands before, you held up 4 of them in your hand so that Mikey could see them: it was an ace of each symbol.
“What do these cards and I have in common?” you asked him. He gave you a slight shrug and an amused smile.
“We’re all aces” you said, and held your breath, waiting for his reaction. “I’m asexual” you added.
He sighed in relief, which confused you a bit, but then stood up to hug you again, this time much more carefully.
“Yeah, I was starting to think so” he chuckled. “Thank you for telling me.” He pulled back to look at you. “You’re valid, and I love you, Y/n. You’re my best friend.”
With a sniffle and a ‘thank you’, you let go of the cards and hugged him the tightest your shaky arms would allow you.
🟣 Donnie
Donnie doesn’t really get the whole idea of romantic relationships anyways.
What is the whole fuss about? If you like someone, you just go up to them and tell them. And if you don’t like them, then you should also go there and tell them.
Brutal honesty above all.
I feel like a QPR (queer platonic relationship) would be much more his speed.
It’s an exclusive relationship, but not by societal romantic standards.
Just like his inventions which he made from scratch, he could shape and define a QPR to be whatever he and his partner wanted.
Being the closest with Donnie out of the brothers, you two actually had a similar point of view on this.
To outsiders you may seem like a couple, simply because you’re glued at the hip.
And you frankly don’t care what people say.
You like what you two have. It’s a mutual implicit understanding that you two share a special bond.
Your only fear is that he could be expecting something more physical from you.
Like many weekends before, you were hanging out at Donnie’s lab, playing around with some of his tools, while he worked on who knew what.
Donnie enjoyed your company, and you were actually helpful most of the time, unlike his brothers. When he needed certain tools, he could just ask you to pass them to him. You both felt like some kind of evil scientist surgeon team, working on a very complex operation.
Just as you were passing him a screwdriver, it slipped out of your grasp, and you ended up presenting your empty hand to Donnie, who took it without looking since his eyes were fixed on the machine before him.
Noticing that his hand was holding onto something soft instead of the expected tool, he lifted up his eyes and met yours. You chuckled, giving him a sheepish “oops” and went to bend down to pick up the screwdriver, but his hand only grasped yours tighter.
Now being very confused, you looked at him, and saw his face shift from focused on work to thinking about something he was about to say. You internally panicked. This was it. Your fears would come true and you’d lose your best friend.
“Y/n, I’ve been thinking” he started slowly. You wanted to respond with a ‘Don’t think too hard, you’ll hurt yourself’, but his face was too serious for quips. You involuntarily held your breath, waiting for him to continue.
“Don’t you think we get along really well?” Donnie went on, not breaking eye contact. “I’ve been thinking about this for some time, and I’d like to ask you out. But like, not in a conventional dating manner, if that makes sense. I don’t think that’s either of our cup of tea. But I still want to be with you. Does that make sense?”
You blinked twice. It did make sense. And you wanted to say yes so bad, because you did like him a lot, in fact. But nothing came out of your mouth, so you just nodded with your head, smiling earnestly.
He looked content with your answer, and was just about ready to go back to his machine as if nothing happened, but there was one more thing you had to say.
“Donnie, I’m asexual” you said rather suddenly, holding onto his hand again which he had let go. He turned back to you.
“So?” He raised an eyebrow.
“You know what that means? I don’t… want to have sex… Not because it’s you, but like, in general. I don’t feel sexual attraction.” Your eyes roamed the room for a bit before coming back to him.
Donnie considered what you said for a moment, then smiled, bringing his goggles down his face.
“Eh, it’s a waste of time anyways. We have better things to do, so I’m fine with that if you are.”
You couldn't help a single happy tear rolling down your cheek. Maybe you two could actually make it work after all.
You squished his hand once and then went to fetch the screwdriver that had rolled over to who knows where.
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clawleader · 1 year
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𝕴t’s been a while. I know I've kept you waiting. But I'm here now. Ft. a collection of sunday headcanons for your favorite Warmother ( No offense Ashe. ) Under a read more for obvious reasons.
Sejuani is a top through and through. She does not bottom, at all. The only time she will, is if she has established a very close bond with a Bloodsworn. It is exceedingly rare that she does, I cannot stress that enough. She is also picky with where she likes to be touched — generally her upper body, down to her hips, is a clear zone. She isn't particularly fond of having her thighs touched although she won't riot over it should it happen. It just isn't a sensitive area. Her chest is much the same — although she does not enjoy having her breasts touched in particular. It's fine to lay one's hand atop her chest. That's it.
That being said, her back is a soft spot for her. Whether her partner is running their hands over it, or even if they're scratching it, Sejuani greatly enjoys the stimulation and / or pain that comes with that. Her face is also a tender place to touch her. She will sometimes lean into a touch to her cheek, or turn her head into the palm there if she is feeling tender, kissing it ( Although she isn't too big on kissing, in general, the palm of her partner is a yes zone. )
Sejuani has not explored any real kinks as much as she's just been winging it her whole life. She is therefore rather unaware of what she would and would not enjoy in bed, aside from vanilla activities — or, almost so. Because while she is not aware of any technical terms for it, she is quite big on certain aspects of dom / sub dynamics ( Mostly in main verse, but even in other verses, as well. ) She enjoys feeling in control, definitely has a dominant hidden in there. Pinning is a big one for her. She can be on both ends of that, though mostly tends to be the one pinning her partner. She tends to growl, bite, scratch, and to an extent, can dip her toes into primal play ( However I wouldn't categorize her as fully into everything in that bracket just yet. )
She likes it rough, though, and will typically default to some sort of missionary position, however she is very receptive to switching it up and trying other positions. She is particularly fond of her partner riding her while she remains on her back. She enjoys being able to touch them anywhere.
She's very skilled with a strap on, and that may in part be due to the fact that she is fit, for one, and she is incredibly good at reading people, their bodies, their expressions. She knows when someone wants more or less of whatever she's doing, and she is just . . . A natural at this particular thing. There's not much else to say about it. She is even eager to partake in anything involving penetration, perhaps to the detriment of her willingness to engage in oral sex.
Because she doesn't do that often. Once again, she needs to have a very close bond with someone in order to feel comfortable with giving oral. At least, initiating it. A partner could, in some cases, convince her to go down on them, if the mood strikes. When she does give oral, she does not hold back, though. She absolutely gets very into it, and it shows. She comes away, her entire face a mess. Every time.
Sejuani will sometimes engage in sex with multiple people at once, and she enjoys that a lot when it does happen.
As already mentioned, Sejuani isn't really aware of what kinks she might have, because she's never given it much thought. She can however ( Spoiler alert. ) be very receptive to the following : visual stimulation, through watching her partner especially, hair pulling, sensory play and especially blindfolds and the like, restraints — being on both ends really, service topping, she is very easily teased, marking her partner / being marked by her partner, semi-public spaces, and very possibly more that I can't think of at the moment.
Some smaller facts just to top things off :
Sejuani enjoys sex in the evening / night the most, and that is typically when she has time. Convenient.
She also enjoys sex when her body is pumping with adrenaline, such as after a fight or a battle. She often won't even bother cleaning the blood off her, so there's that.
She may be picky and particular, but I can promise you that she is a devoted partner, and she is incredibly passionate. She more than makes up for the things she isn't too keen on doing with a near unmatched eagerness to do other things.
Absolutely she will have a partner sit in her lap when she is sitting in her Chair™ for a quickie.
Sejuani may have an oral fixation. Suck her strap, her fingers, is what I'm saying.
All in all, Sejuani likes to do battle, she likes to feel powerful in all aspects of her life, she likes to have a cause to fight for, and she wants desperately to bury her feelings for the rest of her life. Sex isn't just a means to an end. It is release. In a sense, she fights as hard as she does because she values life and the pleasures that comes with it. Sex, as well as the people she has it with, are just more things to fight for.
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raebayhc · 3 years
Girls Night Out
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warnings: implied virgin, fingering, lesbian implied, bi implied, public sex, smut, fluff, angst
word count: 2164
summary: you along with your groups of friends decide to have a girls' night for the first time in a while, things get heated and your friends end up taking turns using your body.
It was a Thursday night and you along with the other ladies who went to the same college as you decided to go out and have a girls’ night. Yall planned on going to see a movie, going out for drinks, then finally retiring to Sasha’s barn where yall planned to stay up late telling spooky stories trying to freak one another out. Normally you wouldn’t agree to something like this because socially you were a lost cause, you had many friends and were very close to them. However, when it came to hanging out in large groups and even going out in public with the group, that’s when you started to get anxious. Your friends always had your back though and you knew that. Ultimately you decide not to fret too much and just have fun.
It was the beginning of a very long night, you and pieck were roommates so yall got ready at the same time and left together to meet everyone else at the theatre. On the ride there pieck looked over to you and broke the silence- “if it becomes too much just let me know, I’m good to go home anytime.. Okay darling?” she patted your thigh and you nodded waiting for her warm hand to leave its place. It never did. She kept her hand on your thigh occasionally tapping to the beat of the music she turned on after yall briefly spoke. You felt your cheeks begin to warm as you peered out the window. Nobody within the group of friends knew you swung that way you wouldn’t dare tell them fearing the absolute worst. You knew they would love you no matter what and you never thought they would say anything hurtful but you still kept your little secret to yourself.
Piecks hand remained on you the whole car ride to the theatre. When yall arrived you hopped out of the car with intent... That intent being getting away from under piecks touch as you know you wouldn’t be able to hide your heavy breath for much longer. You played it off as getting “all excited” about seeing the movie when you really just wanted to escape. You waited as pieck slowly gathered her items and met you outside the car, yall then proceeded to walk through the glass doors into the theatre where the rest of the girls were already waiting.
“Yo what took yall so long??” Sasha said while stuffing her face full of popcorn. “Yeah, we thought we were gonna miss the movie because of you two” Ymir followed, whilst rolling her eyes. You look around to check everyone out, Historia and Ymir were clinging together, as usual, Sasha and Mikasa playing “hot hands” in the corner. You laughed as Mikasa gagged after Sasha got butter all over her hands. Pieck walked off to go meet hitch at the counter to get some candy. You giggled to yourself and told the girls that the movie was going to start soon and yall should probably head to yalls seats.
Finally, in yalls seats waiting for the movie to begin, you were sat between Sasha and Mikasa. You were definitely closer to these two than you were anyone else. Yall had been a trio since fourth grade and nothing could ever split yall apart. Nothing. All of the ladies were quite touchy with each other, it was all platonic of course. Why wouldn’t it be? Sasha snatched your right hand and hugged your shoulder burying her nose in the crook on your neck as a monster popped out at the screen. “Why would you choose a horror movie when you can't handle them” you whispered to Sasha to which she replied “because I like the way it makes me feel y/n, I get all tingly and itchy” you rolled your eyes holding back a chuckle so you wouldn’t disturb the others during the quiet scene.
You felt a slight tug at your left hand as Mikasa habitually grabs your hand. She tends to do that when she has nothing to do with her hands, it “helps her stay focused” she has explained to you a million times. Between Sashas breath on your neck and Mikasa drawing circles on your hand with her index you couldn’t help but squirm. You go to whisper something about the movie to Mikasa when she goes to do the same, your faces come within an inch of each other, noses barely touching you feel her breath out her nose as it fans across your lips. Your face turns bright pink as you halt in surprise. “I wanted to point out that actor….. Since we’ve spoken about them before…” she spoke softly. You replied with a small “me too…”. Yall have yet to part until you are broken up by screams as the movie takes a turn and Sasha yanks your arm “AHHHHH Y/N HELP!!!!!” Sasha screams in a high-pitched tone. You turn breaking your eye contact with Mikasa “Sasha! Be quiet we arent the only ones here!” you jab at her as you apologetically smile at the others in the theatre. You momentarily forgot about the moment you and Mikasa had until she takes her hand and places it on the back of your neck. Thumb swiping up and down, she pulls you a bit closer to whisper “awfully close weren’t we…” she lets that sentence linger before playfully giggling and removing her hand from your nape.
The movie was finally over and you were one of the last to leave your seat, since you decided to pick up all the popcorn Sasha had dropped after one of the jumpscares, you stand up, lifting your arms towards the ceiling, stretching and letting out a soft moan. You felt hands slither from the small of your back to the front of your hips “wow y/n, you have a hot moan. Whoever sleeps with you must be lucky” Ymir says before shifting you to the side to make way for her and historia. “Ugh, Ymir how many times do I have to tell you it’s not ladylike to talk about such things so casually” “I know I know I’m sorry... But it had to be pointed out” Ymir shrugged “she does have a point y/n.. You have an attractive voice it makes sense your moans would be..” historia pitches in and she looks you up and down before continuing “h o t” she lingers on the t a bit before moving on. You could feel your arousal pooling. The ladies seem different tonight... Maybe it’s just you... Maybe it’s not... They walk out and you follow suit.
You decide to ride with hitch since yall haven’t spoken a lot tonight, you ask her about life and she goes on to rant about her boyfriend noting that he’s not good in bed and she hates his haircut, she finishes her rant off with “ugh maybe I should just switch to girls! You’d date me right y/n?” you pause for a moment then reply with a simple “who wouldn’t!” a simple sentence yet complex at the same time. She turns to you and examines your face “you know I think id be a top if I were with a girl… in fact, you’d make a perfect bottom for me..” her eyes linger a bit too long, your skin crawling whilst illuminated by the red light yall were stopped at. It flashes green and her eyes return to the road “of course if I was single and into girls hahaha” she plays it off.
Yall arrive at the bar shortly after Sasha and Mikasa who had taken the same car and followed by Ymir who carpooled with historia. Mikasa and Sahsa hand out everyone’s paper wristbands, Sasha stops in front of you takes your hand, and putting it on for you. She didn’t do it for anyone else… just you. You decided you were overthinking and you moved on, walking into the club you were bombarded with loud music busybodies and the smell of alcohol. You were stressed, so many people, so many noises, so many smells. It was overwhelming, to say the least. Pieck noticed your uneasiness and placed her hand on the small of your back, she led you to a dark hallway filled with heavy pheromones and kissing partners, past that was a bathroom to which she leads you, pushed you in, followed after you, and locked the door. “Wh-” pieck covered your mouth with a single finger, “I noticed your stress, we can leave if you need y/n” a look of sorrow on her face. “No I’m fine it was just a lot at once I’m sorry, I’m okay now” you push out with a soft smile. Her body moving closer to you she wraps an arm around you pulling you closer “baby… tell me if you need anything, mmkay?” she purrs into your neck giving it a soft peck. Your arousal beginning to pool again you squeeze your thighs.
She excuses herself letting you go and leaving the bathroom. Turning around to face the mirror you scold yourself for acting the way you are when your friends are just being nice, they’d probably feel so grossed out if they knew your cunt was getting all nice and soaked for them, you thought. “Maybe I just need to relieve some stress… yeah that's all it is… built-up stress…” you hiked up the mini skirt that you decided to wear today above your hips and you pulled your new pink lace panties to the side. Beginning to slide your fingers over your unclothed clit the door rattles “hey bear, pieck said you weren’t feeling well so I brought you a dri-” historias sentence is cut short when she looks up to see you sitting on the counter sprawled open like a book. “I’m so so-” you begin before she hurriedly shuts and locks the door behind her.
“I- i- can explain-” she cuts you off before you get a chance to explain “oh bear..” a slight purr in her voice “who knew you had such a perfect pussy?.. All this time you’ve been hiding it from me?” she pouts, you’ve never seen her act this way much less talk this way before. Shocked by her actions you freeze, she steps closer and peers up into your eyes, lifting a hand to show she has her pinky and index slightly bent, she speaks “..may I?” if this was any other night you would freak out, apologize, get dressed quickly and leave, but for some reason you cant. “Please do” a slight whininess in your voice. Taking her ring and middle finger she traces a line from your entrance to your clit making you twitch once she reaches the small bud. She chuckles a bit and continues, pushing her middle finger into you, slowly but surely, you lay your head back resting it on the mirror. A low groan leaves her throat as you tighten around her finger “y/n… can I ask you a question? Hmm?” “nghh yes” you manage to push out through cries and moans. “You’re a virgin aren’t you, bear? Nobody has ever touched this perfect little body. Nobody has ever stuck their fingers in you either, huh?” you nod trying to keep sane while her pace quickens, you squint your eyes shut forcing tears out and down the sides of your face. Your response influenced her as she moved faster prodding another finger at your entrance and pushing it in with her other. “Ahh fuck ‘ri’” RI was a name you’ve called her since yall first met, originally made because you couldn’t remember her full name but it kind of just stuck throughout the years. “I’m gonna- I think I’m g-” cut off by the feeling of her warm tongue prodding your clit, dangerously licking and lapping, boy did she know how to please, and that she did. “RI oh shit” you grab a fistful of her hair as your orgasm hits, continuing to finger fuck you and lightly lick your sensitive bud she helps you ride out your high. “..- first, right?” you couldn’t make out what she said through your hazy mindset “what RI?” she repeats “I was your first, right??” you nod with lazy eyes, she smiles a big smile then gives you a sloppy kiss, you groan into her lips.
She cleans you up then helps you off the counter. Now realizing what had just happened you panic pushing out a quick “oh my goodness ri I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to put you in that position” she chuckles “don’t worry bear there are plenty of other positions I plan to have you in” before you could really digest that she tugs at your wrist leading you out to the main hallway and back to your groups of friends. The night has only begun….
this is my first fanfic ever so I'm sorry if it's bad!! I will continue to improve trust me! also, this will be a multi-part series so stay updated!
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Victoria De Angelis
words // around 1k
warnings // obviously this is nsfw, very badly written really but ooops
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x reader
author's note // this was so hot to write but i also felt so intrusive writing this omg 😳😂
request // yes, can't find it right now
summary // NSFW guide to miss Victoria de Angelis
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like Vic is even more like a puppy after sex (i swear this woman will be the death of me). She seems really caring so I feel like she would try to take care of you, and you would have to force her to let you care for her. Cuddles are an absolute must!
like “here, drink this love, you need some water.” “oh, come on, you need to get up a go to the bathroom, love, just go” and then you sit down again and she just sits there waiting for cuddles “victoria, did you drink any water after we got done?” “no, ill drink later, its fine” “no its not fine, im getting you some water” and she would just argue with that until you threaten with no cuddles
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On her self Victoria really likes her lips and fingers (i mean she would loooove devouring you.... stop me)
now, on you, for some reason feel she would either have a chest or arm thing hmmm. i can imagine her just practically drooling any time you wear something low cut
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i feel like cumming tends to make her hornier sometimes. would def like to cum on your face no hesitation, but other than that nothing crazy
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
hmm can't think of something really crazy here but she could possibly like teasing you in public.
or there is something she hasn’t told you… wears your shirt to masturbate when you cant be with each other, but again nothing crazy
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i wouldn’t say she is insanely experienced but she knows what she's doing. if there’s something you like and she doesn’t know how to please you she is glad to learn from you. there are surely things that you both explore together
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
i don’t much about sex position names and shit but i see Victoria as being decently dominant so I’d say anything that gives her the leverage of being in control. maybe riding you…..
G = Goofy (are they more serious at the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
considering her personality, she is quite goofy but can be really serious if she is really concentrating (no but like her eating you out and just being so focused her eyes never get away from your heat ooooooof)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
she is really loving, really. whether she is dominant or not does not matter. she will always just hold your face tenderly every once in a while, lots of sweet kisses afterwards
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
just from the whole image the band puts out, i think, victoria is pretty comfortable with masturbation. she looks like she would be into mutual masturbation a little bit..hmmmm
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
she’s into hair pulling (her doing the pulling omg), i’d say she is dominating but not really into the whole “mummy” thing. would maybe prefer mistress.she’s into leather accessories if that could be considered a kink. maybe a bit of voyeurism, she would be into you seeing her masturbating
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
prefers the more comfortable places, that way you can both have the ultimate fun
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
lingerie is a big turn on for her. for some reason i get that she would get turned on by photos of you all blushy and stuff, like after the gym.
“what are you doing, babe?” “oh nothing, I was just working out a bit” *sends pic* “how are you?” “oh...uhm, you know… busy… gtg”
also finds extremely hot when your face is a bit red during the summer from the sun…. I don’t know why i get that vibe i just do ok? sue me lol
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
she's pretty open to most things, hasn't exactly encountered something she would say no to. exept feet fetishes! i might be projecting cause i hate that but she finds it kind of... well, to put it nicely, uncomfortable
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
she loooves giving you oral. I mean, I get the vibe that she specifically likes eating pussy so maybe this isn't the same if you have a dick. like I see her as a service top 😶
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
she is quite sensual and goes at a middle pace; not too fast or too slow, simply quickly enough to make you both enjoy it but also tease a little
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
doesn't love them, but if she is very insatiable due to how horny she's gotten she will be open to the idea. otherwise she believes quickies don't give her the opportunity to love you as you deserve
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
as i said before, she's willing to try most things, except fucking feet
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
def a few rounds, but gets really tired after maybe 5 ?
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
she loves using toys when teasing you. vibrating panties, cock rings, even vibrators that connect to an app so she can control it from afar, anything and everything shes got it!
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
she is in general a loud person so def moans a lot. she speaks all the time, especially when teasing you, mostly throwing encouraging and taunting phrases like "come on, baby, is that all you can do? be louder". she gets really hot and bothered by your sounds
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
i mentioned it before but I trully can not get the idea of victoria eating pussy out of my head. like I can imagine her being so concentrated on the task at hand, unless she is teasing you she is very quiet and just ooooof drowsy eyes and all... s t o p m e from thinking
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
id say on a balanced medium (lol sounds like a steak). like on a week scale, 4/7 days a week
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
depends on her day. usually she tries to wait till you fall asleep as you are cuddling but especially if you are the big spoon she's asleep in seconds i swear
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key201303 · 3 years
Hi! I'd like to request a nsfw a-z for stray kids bangchan, please 🤭
Heyy!! Here you have it!! Enjoy! ❤️ Sorry if it's too bad, it's the very first time I'm doing this so🙂 I still hope you like it!! ❤️ Thank you for requesting ❤️
Warnings: NSFW, smut, +18 content.
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A - Aftercare
I see Chan as someone really caring. Like he's a great leader and loves to take care of his members and everyone he loves so I have the feeling he would do the same with you. Lots of cuddles and kisses throughout the night and probably won't let go off you until noon the next day.
B - Body part
I don't even know why but I have the feeling he would be really confident on his abs, like is no joke and no secret this kid has a perfect six pack and he would be really confident about it. Would definitely love if you passed your fingers through them
And on you, I think he would love your lips. He's definitely addicted to the way they taste and the way they fit his like a key fits its lock.
C - Cum
I don't think he would like it to be too messy so I think he would like to finish anywhere where you didn't have to clean up too much later (he wants to be as much time as he can in the aftercare session so having to clean up too much is a no no for him. And I also feel like he would enjoy cumming on your mouth. Seeing his juices dripping down your chin and covering your lips just send him to the edge.
D - Dirty secret
He secretly L O V E S when you call him daddy and when he can call you baby girl/boy. Yes, it all started as a meme but it ended up becoming a true fantasy he loved evn though he would never admit it. (Not me watching the lives where he called himself daddy 5 minutes ago and living for it🙂)
E - Experience
I don't know why but I have the feeling he actually have pretty much experience. Not like he has fucked 20 girls but he surely is experienced. He would be the perfect partner for a beginner (I'm sorry but I see him as someone super caring). Maybe has had 2 relationships before.
F - Favorite position
This kid L O V E S your face and lips and he loves seeing your face and kissing your lips as you come undone for him, so I guess any position where he could see your face is fine. (Would try different positions if you asked him because he's C A R I N G)
G - Goofy
Okay I'm not going to deny he's so damn hilarious but I think when it comes to more intimate situations he would take it so seriously and make it pretty serious. Though some laughs would scape his lips if you said something funny or if it was your first time to ease some tension.
H - Hair
He's a clean man and likes to have his lower body well shaved. He wouldn't matter about you though as long as you were healthy and clean.
I - Intimacy
He would definitely say the words "I love you." at least twice while having sex with you, in the beginning and after both of you were done. And still, I have the feeling he would keep repeating those words while pounding into you.
J - Jerk off
He's a busy kid and we all know that so it happens sometimes when he can't see you in a while. He would try his best to control though because he definitely loves to have sex with you rather than jerking himself alone.
K - Kinks
Daddy kink: he enjoys that nickname like a kid would enjoy a trip to Disneyland. He just loves how it sounds on your lips.
Praising kink: He loves, not only to receive praisings from you, but also giving you all type of praisings, making sure you know how good you're making him feel and how good you're for him.
L - Location
He's a traditional boy who likes to keep things like this privately so the room would be a good place. Though he wouldn't mind to have sex in another place like the kitchen or bathroom. But never on public places.
M - Motivation (turn on)
As I said, he loves your lips and just the gesture of licking a lollipop or an ice cream would definitely send him to the edge in no time. Also hearing you calling him "daddy" even if it's in a joking way and with no sexual intentions, he won't be able to control himself from getting turned on.
N - No no (turn off)
Public sex. That's it. He really has to keep an image in front of his members and everyone else and he would be so scared if you two got caught by anyone else while doing inappropriate things. He would give it a try if you told him you liked it tho.
O - Oral
He loves receiving and giving (more receiving than giving tho). Seeing your lips wrapping around his length would send him to another level of pleasure and for some reason he found really sexy to grab your hair in a pony tail (not too tight or for pulling you further, he just enjoyed the view)
P - Pace
Even though he can sometimes get rough, he's generally really gentle and loves to go slow so you can feel every single inch of him. He also enjoys taking his time to make you feel good so yeah.
Q - Quickies
Even though he enjoys taking his time to take you to Heaven, he wouldn't mind having a quickie from time to time. Specially during promotions when he has just a few hours for seeing you.
R - Risk
He's not too risky but enjoys taking some from time to time. Even though he doesn't enjoy having sex in public places, he enjoys from time to time to have sex in semi-public places, like your room right before his members were back in the dorms having the thrilling feeling of them coming at any moment.
S - Stamina
He has a pretty average stamina. Would definitely last for long enough to make you undone before he reaches his edge though.
T - Toys
I don't know why but I see him as someone who would enjoy using some toys like vibrators and stuff like that from time to time. Probably would enjoy using them on you more but would let you use one on him if you asked him.
U - Unfair
He's such a teaser and so you are. Both of you enjoy teasing each other so much and it soon becomes a teasing war where both of you end up teasing each other and that's it.
V - Volume
His not too loud tho his very vocal. He likes to tell you what feels good or bad and he also loves when you get vocal and tell him what you like and dislike. He just wants to make you feel the better he can so he loves hearing your praisings.
W - Wildcard
Valentine's day sex. He's so romantic and would love to set up some candles and sexy shit like that for having some good sex after having dinner on a fancy restaurant for Saint Valentine's Day.
X - X-Ray
The boy is thic🙂 don't get me wrong but I do believe he has a pretty average size and most importantly, he perfectly knows how to use it.
Y - Yearning
Probably would happen after a tiring day. Wouldn't have time to think about you during his busy day but as soon as he arrives at the dorms and he can relax, he thinks of you and miss having you besides him and then boom.
Z - Zzz
As I said he has an average stamina but still, he's a busy man so he would definitely be tired after having sex with you. But he would never fall asleep before you, saying he loves to watch your sleeping figure because he feels peaceful.
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rizubaby · 3 years
Having a chubby s/o | Hajime Hinata.
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genre ; nsfw headcanons.
request ; headcanons for Hajime with a chubby partner.
tags ; gn!reader, boyfriend experience, mentions of 69, rough sex, semi-public sex, vulgar language.
this is an 18+ post. Minors dni.
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Hajime is such a loving boyfriend!!
Much like the others, he doesn't care what you look like, all he cares about is that you're loved and that you feel safe with him
He's not the most affectionate person ever, but he shows you how much he loves you in different ways
God he loves your body and your curves so much, he thinks you look so lovely next to him
If you're insecure about how you look, he'll be there to reassure you that you look amazing in his eyes and that he wouldn't want to have you any other way!
And if you're comfortable with who you are and how you look, your confidence only makes him even more attracted to you (if that is even possible)
He LOVES grabbing hold of you, squeezing your ass and kissing/biting you all over
The more there is of you, the more there is to love!
Oh, if you bend down for him and put your ass on full display, he'll lose his damn mind
He loves to be rough with you, spanking you and pulling your hair
Your hot moans make him so hard, jesus christ
The sight of your bright red asscheeks while he's fucking you from behind really does it for him
He loves to grab your love handles/rolls too, you're just so soft and squishy and ugh he loves you so much
Hajime prefers positions in which he can see all of you the most, and where he has access to everything so he can pleasure you to the fullest extent
He lowkey loves it when you 69 with him. You hovering above him and sucking his dick while he can admire the view and pleasure you at the same time, oof
Like I've mentioned before, Hajime is a bit of a wild card. Whatever you're into, he's into! So tell him what you like to do and he's usually all for it
Also, Hajime secretly adores fucking you in public (or semi-public); sometimes he gets so horny from just looking at you that he can't help himself
Imagine you're going shopping together and walk into a clothing store. Seeing you trying on different outfits makes him so flustered and pent up omg
The tent that's forming in his pants is immediately noticable, and it almost hurts how hard he is from seeing you like that
He'll push you back into the changing room and press you against the wall, needily letting his hands roam all over your body
He'd pull down whatever kind of clothes you were wearing and just slide into you without warning
"God, you look so fucking good... I love every inch of you, you drive me crazy—"
If you're not into really rough sex or things like that, he's perfectly fine with slow and sensual sex too. He'd take the time to admire your entire body and focus on pleasuring you first (because we know he is a god at giving oral by now)
Though it's hard for him to remain calm and sensual with you; your body makes him crazy and all he wants to do is just fuck you senseless
He wants to show you how fucking hot he thinks you are, but then again, he thinks there is nothing he could say or do that could properly convey that
He's hungry for you, every minute of every day
Oh and he lovessss to cum on you. Anywhere and everywhere
Seeing your beautiful plump body covered in his seed is just so delicious, he wants you to stay like that forever
It's a sight he can never get out of his mind, and it even keeps him awake at night sometimes
It makes him cuddle up against you and caress you all over, and his gentle yet hungry touch is something you could never say no to. ♡
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ghost-kitty · 3 years
I was bored, so I decided to write down my NS.FW alphabet headcanons for LawLu. Thought I might as well share them here too and maybe you guys want to share some of your hcs too 🥺👉👈
Smut Alphabet, LawLu version:
Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Law: Law knows how important aftercare is and he's prepared okay. He always has everything ready: snacks, fluffy blankets, soothing oils, some of his old clothes; everything. He can get pretty rough so it's important to shower Luffy in love and affection afterwards.
Luffy: He's a little shit, okay? He loves to get spoiled rotten. On most days he just demands cuddles and snacks but taking a relaxing bath with Law is one of his favourite things to do after sex.
Bodypart (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Law: He's pretty proud of his huge cock of course lmaoo but also his hands. What he loves most about Luffy is his face, as cheesy as that might be. And his butt. Luffy has a great butt.
Luffy: He's not insecure about his body so he basically likes everything about it. For Law: he loves his hands too, they always know exactly how to make him feel good. And the tattoos of course, especially the one on his chest.
Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…)
Law: Oh boy, Law loves to make Luffy his cum dump! Cumming on Luffy's face or butt is a huge turn on for him. Filling him up (ass or mouth) - yes!!!
Luffy: He likes the taste of Law's cum, so swallowing it is a clear favorite. He likes to play with it too, he's all for scooping up his own cum to lick it off his fingers. That he drives Law crazy with this is a bonus.
Dirty secret 
Law: Yes, he did use his df to masturbate before. His first blowjob was him sucking himself off.
Luffy: Luffy? Keeping secrets? Nah.
Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Law: He has a ton of experience with both men and women. However, sex with feelings is a first for him so doing it with Luffy was quite overwhelming at first. He still gets a bit nervous from time to time but he's good at hiding it.
Luffy: No experience until he and Law started dating.
Favourite position
Law: Law loves taking his partners doggy style but with Luffy he really loves missionary and the intimacy of it.
Luffy: He enjoys most positions but oh man, that boy loves riding. Definitely his favorite.
Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Law: He's always been the serious type but Luffy showed him that being goofy during sex can be awesome. 
Luffy: Luffy loves being silly during sex. Lots of giggles. Especially enjoys when he can even get some giggles out of his boyfriend.
Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Law: Like with his facial hair, Law is well groomed down there too. Always trimmed and clean. He has armpit hair and hairy legs too.
Luffy: Hair? On his head, yes. Everywhere else? Nope, not a single hair grows on his rubber body. (Law secretly loves it)
Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Law: He can be surprisingly romantic. It all depends on the mood he's in though. But even when he's being rough, he always makes sure to whisper into Luffy's ear how much he loves him. Loves kissing and caressing all of Luffy's scars.
Luffy: Luffy is not really the type for big romantic gestures but he can't deny that he loves it when they have gentle sex. The look of pure love and adoration on Law's face is one he'll never get tired of. He loves the passionate kisses!
Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
Law: He doesn't masturbate that often to be honest. Doing it by himself just isn't the same. However, he does have his needs; especially when he hasn't seen his boyfriend in a while. Mostly it's just quick during his morning shower though.
Luffy: Before he and Law got together he never really experimented with playing with himself. Maybe he tried once or twice but it wasn't all too pleasurable for him.
After getting together with Law he does it from time to time when he's missing Law too much. He likes fingering himself, imagine it to be his boyfriend's long, tattooed fingers.
Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Law: Very kinky. Law loves all sorts of things. Bondage, sensation play, roleplay, choking, spanking - to only name a few. What he loves most though, is being dominant.
Luffy: He definitely has a praise kink. Luffy loves it when Law tells him that he's doing good, that he is a good boy...
Oh and he has an oral fixation.
Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Law: He's not very picky and open to try different locations. If Luffy wants to fuck in public? Sure, why not. Though, as kinky as he might be - his favorite place to have sex is in a comfortable bed.
Luffy: His favorite place to have sex is whereever he gets horny. Seeing Law licking his fingers after eating onigiri in the kitchen? I'm sorry Sanji, just deal with it. Someone tried to flirt with Law on some random island? Better drag him to the nearest alley to suck him off. On top of the Sunny's figurehead? Yes, yes, yes!
Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Law: Begging gets him going like nothing else. No really, he's a sucker for it. Also, big thanks to Nami and Robin for talking Luffy into wearing lingerie to surprise Law. His hot boyfriend wearing sexy underwear? Just for him? Best thing that ever happened to him.
Luffy: Sometimes just hearing Law's voice is all he needs to get horny, really. It's mostly just subtle things: seeing Law do that thing with his hands, or feeling Law's gaze on him. 
Law showing off his tattoos works every time too.
No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Law: Not many no-gos to be honest. Just nothing that would really hurt his partner. Being very possessive, threesomes are off limits with Luffy.
Luffy: Pretty much open for everything. Likes to try new things and if it doesn't feel good they can stop at any time. 
Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Law: He loves both. Receiving because it feels fucking amazing, and Luffy is very good at it. And giving because he loves it when his partners enjoy themselves. Seeing Luffy coming undone from his tongue is the hottest shit ever! 
Law enjoys giving head as well as rimming, important is that Luffy is squirming underneath him. He has enough experience to know what he's doing too.
Luffy: Loves both too, giving maybe a bit more due to his oral fixation. He's a natural at giving head and his devil fruit definitely helps too. No gag reflex and can deep-throat easily. Very enthusiastic.
Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Law: Loves being rough but when in the right mood, Law can be very sensual.
Luffy: Fast pace is definitely a clear favorite. Enjoys slow too.
Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Law: Law likes to take his time, long foreplay and lots of teasing, so he's not really a big fan of quickies. Luffy is though, and Law sure as hell won't say no if Luffy is in the mood for a quick fuck.
Luffy: Yes. All the time.
Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Law: Yes.
Luffy: YES!
Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Law: He might have some stamina issues with his DF, but definitely not in the bedroom. Seriously, he can last for hours without coming even once. Usually two rounds, but very long ones.
Luffy: Comes pretty fast but can get hard again immediately. Multiple times. Can go for 5 rounds at least, sometimes even more. Has even better Stamina than Law (RIP)
Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Law: He has everything: dildos, plugs, ropes, handcuffs (normal and seastone), cock rings, blindfolds,...
Luffy: Luffy owns exactly one dildo - a gift from Law - and yes, it's an exact replica of Law's cock.
Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Law: King of teasing, no doubt. Loves to tease and could do it for hours.
Luffy: He says he hates it when Law teases him. It's a lie; he loves it.
He's good at teasing too but the thing is that he doesn't even realize that he's doing it.
Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Law: Not really loud, mostly soft moans and grunts. Tries to hold back his voice but when he's feeling very good he can't help but moan loudly. Loves dirty talk.
Luffy: One word: screamer. He's very vocal and blunt about how good Law makes him feel.
Wild card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Law: He loves making good use of both their devil fruits! Stuffing Luffy full with his cock and a dildo? Hell yeah! Or even better: cut off Luffy's dick and use it as a dildo! He gets very creative with it…
Luffy: Loves when Law calls him names. From Baby to slut, it just drives him crazy. 
A sucker for kissing!
X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Law: Huge cock. Sorry not sorry, no one can change my mind about this. Big dick Law is real.
Luffy: Average size. 
Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Law: His sex drive is pretty average, he can do without it just fine for a long period of time. But he really loves sex and his boyfriend is young and hot so he they have sex fairly often.
Luffy: Law created a monster. Luffy wants to have sex all the time and with his insane stamina, Law has a hard time keeping up with him...
Zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Law: He likes to take a nap after sex. It's when he's most relaxed and his body finally allows him to fall asleep for a few hours. Being satisfied and falling asleep with the love of his life in his arms - that got to be one of the best things in the world to Law.
Luffy: Sleep? No, no. First a snack and then he still has energy for another two or three rounds… but sadly Law is already softly snoring; might as well snuggle up to him and close his eyes for a few minutes. Listening to Law's steady heartbeat is what lulls him to sleep eventually.
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kanesthirstblog · 3 years
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Requires lots of aftercare but also wants to take care of you. Very clingly, like, will latch onto you and cuddle you for the rest of the night clingy. You should probably give him some reassurance or comfort, he seems like the type to stress about whether or not he was any good to you once the fun is over.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Hmmm... Totally the sappy kinda guy who tells you he loves all of your body and thinks it's beautiful and 100% means every praise he sings you about it. He loves everything about you from your soft hair to the tips of your toes.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
God. Just imagining him sprawled out on any surface with an exhausted yet dopey look in his eyes, covered in his own cum (and/or yours of course!) after a few rounds of sex really makes me feel satisfied. Really can't explain this one
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Secretly a bit of a masochist but also scared of being hurt so he never asks even if he really wants to.
Also secretly owns a couple erotic novels he used as "research" when you first brought up wanting a sexual relationship. Since you are his first, he would want to see how he's supposed to act in that scenenrio so he could please you properly. (But damn was he shocked when you wanted to be the dominant one. That wasn't in his books.) Haruaki learns the importance of communication that day.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Dudes a canon virgin y'all. This also excites me.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Secretly loves it when he's on his back so he can see your face as you ride him or peg him. He just thinks you're the prettiest person he's evermet and loves watching you even as you tease or toy with him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's a sappy guy. Would probably look at you like a puppy who sees someone they really love. Besides that he's have that dopey look like he's never been happier than he is in that moment, smiling up at you.
Once you've had sex a couple times he might start opening up more, cracking jokes and asking shy requests from you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Yup. Makes sure he's nice and clean especially
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He really tries hard to be romantic but he has 0 experience in this area and often fumbles his way through it by trying to be sweet and make you feel good. Very bad at saying romantic things and would probably give up after a bit before he dies from embarassment.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Tbh I actually think he'd barely masturbate if he did at all. This is partly because I actually have an asexual headcanon for him and partly cause in canon he seems really put off by sexual things if not being outright afraid of them.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Contrary to some of the fandom headcanons, I don't really imagine the sailor uniform thing as a kink. It just seems like a typical fixation or something that gets played up for laughs to a strange degree. But maybe thats my ADHD dumbass brain projecting my ADHD onto a fave. (Off topic but him knowing everything about sailor uniforms, from design to creation, being able to make them himself, getting happy any time he sees one, ect. Are headcanons I have because his weird fixation with them reminds me of my fixation on rocks, mushrooms, and jewelry.)
Praise kink. Body worship. He'd love to be pet gently while you tell him how pretty he is. How you love his soft hair or his long legs or slender form as you lightly trail you fingertips down his body or card fingers through his hair. And he would do the same for you too.
Might at least try pegging, and then realizes he actually likes it when you hold him down and pound his ass.
Would be too embarrassed and a bit scared to bring this up but actually likes the idea being treated roughly. If you could pull at his hair and bite him even a little bit he'd practically melt in your hands.
Might try bondage if it's light. Soft hand cuffs or silk ropes are the way to go.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
At home. Anywhere is fine as long as its at home
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The fastest way is probably being physical with him or just stripping for him. He gets embarassed and tries to hide but you know he's aroused, you can feel it when you sit on his lap.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He'd probably not be okay with having more than one partner. You might frighten him if he starts feeling like you guys are ganging up on him.
Public/semi-public sex is a no go. Especially since he is a teacher, he wouldn't risk his job on the off chance you both get caught.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
I think he actually might no be very into oral at first. But will give or recieve though you may have to hear some complaint about it being kind of unsanitary or something. He's also kinda bad a giving oral but what did you expect? He's a virgin.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Personally prefers the slow and sensual kinda sex but you set the pace regardless so ultimately it's up to you. He won't be turned into a stuttering mess right away if you guys take it slow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Alright with it as long as it stays private. You'll be the only one asking for these but try to get him in the morning before he leaves for work so you can corner him against a counter. Its best when his back is turned so you can grab his hair and lick along his throat, nipping here and there. He'd shiver in your arms as you trail a hand down to undo his pants
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
As long as it isn't a risk to him (would probably be too scared to try knifeplay) or job (no public/semi-public sex) you could probably talk him into it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Hmmm... Depends I guess. I feel like he might only be active for a round or maybe 2 before he starts slowing down. You could still pound the guy into the mattress but he'll have those half lidded doe eyes cloudy with exhaustion. He'd wrap his arms around you loosely as if you'll help ground him to the waking world and try to hold you closer to him.
At that point you should definitely ask a few times before you start another round to make sure he's okay and reassure him that it's alright to stop now. Strikes me as someone who could easily fall into a place where he'd hide his desire to stop just so you can use him for your own fun since it makes you happy. That could be kinda bad for his mental health.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You'd be the one with all the toys tbh. But you can sure as hell use them on him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's not much of a tease but if he's feeling playful, he might play up the innocent look of his. He really is a pretty innocent guy actually, but he knows you love that sweet look he's got to him and he will use it on you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
So damn loud. This guy would moan and beg loudly, scream your name and plead for mercy, for relief as you all but eat him alive. Might even cry and whine and beg. Oh, but he tries to be quiet so he doesn't risk disturbing anyone. He'd purse his lips and turn away from you while you play with his body in an attempt to stay quiet but he always gives in quickly. It's easy to turn this guy into a whimpering, begging mess no matter how many times you do this.
You'll know when he's tired because he will be unable to make much noise besides low pants and gasps. Probably best to wrap things up at that point before ya fuck him unconcious.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I have a few actually.
-Has a hard time saying no to you. He's a bit cowardly and overthinks and he would be afraid to lose a first relationship. This is potentially hazardous to his mental health because he might say "yes" to something he doesn't want for fear of losing you. Consent is important though so even if it's difficult at first, keep checking to make sure he's alright.
-I actually headcanon him as a sex indifferent asexual. He can 100% live with sex or without it. Doesn't matter to him, though he's terrified of trying it for the first time.
-The first time you tried to get him in bed, you pinned him to a wall and he was terrified because he thought you were trying to shake him down or harass him. (Well, the latter part was true but not the way he expected.) And then you kissed him and he straight up broke, wrapped himself in blankets and hid under the futon for the rest of the day. Disappointing? Sure, but damn was it cute.
-I'm actually caught up on how he would take to dirty talk tbh since a lot of it I've seen or heard involves some form or another of calling your partner a slut or whatever. Seems to be popular. On one hand if he's secretly a masochist, he might be into it. But on the other, he also seems like he might take anything you say to him to heart and beat himself up over it and would ultimately not like it. Also probably would not be comfortable if he did the dirty talking and assuming he manages to make it through the night without apologizing to you for everything he says, then you'll hear it when you finish.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Mandragora patterned briefs. You cannot change my mind on this one.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not very, so he's pretty chill about it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on how much you exhausted him but it usually doesn't take that long.
Some more cute Haruaki.
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the-mad-starker · 4 years
Starker RP: Eight Stops (to Make You Mine)
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Another RP turned fic with @starkerkeyz​
Mads💗: Finally. The chikan fic I've always wanted 😭💗 I have nothing else to say besides 😏
Keyz 💖: Somehow I’d gone this long without writing a train scene like this? 😭 It was so fun, definitely going to ask Mads to do another where Tony gets felt up! 💖
WC: 9437 (AO3 Link)
Note: NSFW moodboard included in Ao3 link. Tiny lil gif but fair warning.
Warnings: ABO dynamics, semi-public/public sex, rutting on a subway, knotting on a subway, mostly anonymous sex, chikan, intersex omegas, vaginal sex, creampie
💗 💗 💗 
Tony watches the subway doors open and close with only passing focus. He’s riding to clear his head while he thinks of a problem (several problems at once actually) and can’t be bothered to devote real brain power to whatever early morning commuters are shuffling on and off.
The usual announcement comes on before the subway doors close.
Peter comes in with the crowd and sees that all the seats are taken which isn't surprising since it's early morning rush. He has an interview in roughly two hours and he knows that mass transit can be finicky.
He places himself smack in the middle of the car to avoid the rush of people coming and going near the doors. He grips the subway pole in front of him lightly, while his other hand holds onto a second-hand briefcase at his side.
He smells a handful of alphas and omegas, all seem to be preoccupied on their phones except for one. 
This new batch brings with it the ripe smell of a sweet young omega and Tony’s head turns, nose pinpointing the source before he's fully aware of where he's going. He finds himself behind a young brunette man dressed in a casual business suit and smelling so divine that Tony wants to bury his nose in his neck and bite him, right here, right now. 
‘Must be coming off a heat.’ Tony tries not to think about the possibilities of the omega’s biology going in the opposite direction. If he's days away from going into heat, then he's hot and fertile now and Tony’s alpha cock yearns to bury itself in his sweet pussy. 
Peter isn't surprised when that particular alpha makes a beeline for him either. Considering what he smells like, he's not surprised at all.
Even so, the omega braces himself for the moment the alpha comes to him. Peter's ready to move out of the way, a rather clear rejection when he catches the alpha's scent. There's something about it that makes Peter wait for him, some subtle hint of sensuality that catches his attention.
Tony knows it’s a little rude to reach out and grip the kid by the back of the neck without even checking in, but he follows it up with a traditional kiss and nuzzle of his scent gland. Then, he  starts gently stroking the omega’s spine with his thumb. 
The omega shivers from the touch, still on the fence about letting this happen. He's turned down several alphas from his first train ride but hmm… maybe… He does have time to waste and he has a couple of scent neutralizers in his bag.
A little fun couldn't hurt, right? Then–
“Hello, sweet thing,” Tony husks. 
He presses his free hand in low to the omega’s back, a heavy weight promising more if the stranger reciprocates. 
The alpha sounds remarkably like Peter's celebrity crush and that seals the deal. He can spare some time.
Peter doesn't want to break the illusion of who he has in mind so he continues to look straight ahead, out the window of the train as it rushes through the tunnels.
"Alpha," he tilts his head a bit, offering his neck in acceptance.
At the same time, he leans back into the alpha's body, brushing against the firm wall of his body. He's trying to get a good idea of what the alpha looks like without actually looking. So far, he likes what he's finding out.
The man is taller than him but not by much. He feels sturdy and solid, maybe someone who works out? Peter licks his lips, his body more than eager for some play, especially since it's so close to that time…
Tony growls in appreciation and makes sure to press the sound against the omega's neck. He drops his hand from the man's tailbone to his ass, rubbing and squeezing with a sigh. 
Peter gives a soft little sigh of his own. The alpha's hand feels strong and so sure. Confidence is damn sexy and Peter's enjoying how this alpha is handling him.
The people around them shift and settle but nobody bats an eye. There's a couple of glances thrown their way but for the most part, no one's really paying much attention. Even if it isn't normal for Peter, it's normal for omegas to give it up to alphas like this. Just a way to let off steam between the secondary genders. 
Some of the other omegas or alphas that Peter smelled earlier are probably observing, but this kinda thing tends to be treated as an out of sight, out of mind kind of thing.
Tony grips the nape of the omega's neck harder and bends him gently forward, arching him slowly so that lovely ass presses close and intimate to the growing bulge of his excited alpha cock. He holds him tight enough that his bulge disappears between lithe omega legs, rubbing up against a hot little pussy. 
 An omega's nape is the easiest way to make an omega soft and pliant to an alpha's touch. So while Peter might be more than an average omega, those same instincts still hold true for him. It's how this alpha gets him to be so malleable, bending and moving in whichever direction the alpha pleases.
It helps that the alpha is rather vocal too, stroking his pride as an omega, a good omega… It only makes Peter all the more eager to be the kind of omega the alpha wants.
"Fuck, you present so nicely, omega…" Tony could imagine using this little omega businessman like a cocksleeve for every train ride. It would certainly get Tony to use community transit more. He thrusts upwards, cockhead nudging against the folds of the omega's pussy. 
"If you think this is nice, you should see me with my clothes off," Peter teases. 
He reaches between his legs, palming the nice, thick alpha cock rubbing against his pussy. His fingers curl around the length of it, measures the girth, and his mouth goes dry. This guy would split him apart if Peter can even take him.
“I’d love to see that, actually.” Tony growls softly in answer. He rubs into the omega's touch eagerly and tugs on his nape approvingly. He loves it when he's touched back by his partners. He loves it when they tease back with him, too.
He's capable of taking charge and getting off without it but having that participation makes it that little bit sweeter when his partners cream their underwear. 
It's too bad they're on a train. Too bad that Peter wouldn't miss his interview, not even for this alpha. He'd just have to make it good for him, give the guy something worth remembering. Maybe he'd even bump into him again during his commute.
Between his legs, he's starting to slick up. His body already feels hot from how the alpha's been pressing up against him, touching him, and heating him up from the inside. If the alpha keeps rubbing against him like this, there's no doubt in Peter's mind that everyone will smell it, even the betas.
Peter presses back against him eagerly, grinding his round ass against the man's hips.
"My name is Tony." Tony slides his hand off the omega's pert ass. He reaches around and plants his hand flat to the guy's surprisingly rigid stomach, feeling something much stiffer and definitely not skin below the outer layer of clothing. 
He raises a brow but doesn't question it, just uses the new hold to anchor the omega in place when his hips snap forward, dry humping his thick cock into the omega's pussy with practiced ease. It's been a while since he's done this; in public or with an omega. His body remembers. It's so easy to move so his fat alpha cock strokes against all his temporary lover's sweet spots.
"Tony…" Pete gives the name a try, exhales it on a breathless sigh. He likes the way it feels on his tongue.
He enjoys the moment, the slow rocking of the train and the rocking of the alpha behind him. He's enjoying the hot press of the alpha's cock against him more though.
"You're going to feel so good on my cock, baby." Tony praises him. He squeezes the guy's nape and rolls his hips like sin, winking at a man that looks with longing at the performance from across the way. 
Tony loves showing off how well he could handle his lovers in public like this. Seeing the jealousy and envy only makes his cock swell bigger and heavier against the guy's pussy. 
Peter shivers at the whispered words. Heat pools in his belly, arousal and need building with every thrust. His thighs tighten too, soft flesh hugging the alpha's cock in a tighter grip.
"Peter–" he says with a moan, "But ah– Baby sounds so nice when you say it like that."
He moves against the alpha, wanting to get in on the action. His hand presses Tony's cock right against his pussy and he's squirming in place.
“Peter, baby,” Tony flexes his arm, holding the younger omega close as he grinds into the hand and pussy petting him so nicely. His hand massages Peter’s nape. “Your pussy feels so good. They all know it, too.”
A glance around has Peter's cheeks heating up. There's people watching. They're trying to be discreet about it but there's no mistaking the darting glances they make when Peter's gaze passes over them.
That's fine. They're not doing anything wrong.
As if in retaliation to those wandering eyes, Peter leans back against the alpha, neck bared and showing off the rather prominent bulge pushing between his legs.
Tony lets go of Peter’s neck to support him leaning back, letting him put himself on display. He growls approvingly and reaches down from Peter’s stomach, rubbing at the hot tented front to his pants. He squeezes, the rough veins of his forearms bulging with promised potential. He wants to lift this omega up and fuck him standing, right in front of the peeping toms intruding on their moment. 
"Too bad we can't test that right here…" Peter murmurs, turning his head to nip the guy's jaw. Coarse bristles of a beard tickle against his cheek and lips. Peter only gets even slicker between his legs.
“If you stay good and quiet, we could test it right here.” Tony murmurs back. 
He nibbles along Peter’s neck and thrusts upwards, rolling the slighter man up onto his toes. He fucks into him again, holding him in place this time with a flex of his arm. They’re grinding so close and tight, it almost feels like he could force himself inside, tearing right through all their clothing.
“I want to, sweetheart. If you’re up for a little game.” 
Tony drags his cock against Peter’s pussy, slow and dirty. He bites into the omega’s offered scent gland, hearing someone gasp softly in the background from the indecency. Tony can rub his cock against Peter’s pussy and ass, going up and down the subway line, and it’s fine; but biting a stranger here is obscene. 
Peter gasps, too, but it's a sound of delight, of breathless anticipation. He considers this stranger's request, fingers running up and down the thrusting cock's length.
He may have time before his interview but his stop is only a couple away. If he wants to be the responsible omega he normally is, he'd have to decline. As much as it would suck, a knot would take time he doesn't have to give.
His lips part as his eyes slip shut, delaying the rejection he knows he's going to regret.
When someone makes a sound suspiciously like a throat clearing, Tony lets loose a deep and guttural alpha growl of disapproval. He lets go of Peter's neck to let it rumble tellingly past long fangs, causing the other passengers to freeze instinctively. 
He's done playing. This omega is his to mount and break in if he so pleases and everyone else can look the fuck away, now, or there'll be hell to pay.
Peter can feel the deep growl reverberate against his back and the words he needs to say die on the tip of his tongue. He's dripping through his clothes now and his pussy throbs at the audacity this alpha has.
He's damn serious about actually fucking Peter in a crowded train while they're speeding through Manhattan. It's all fun and games to whisper about wanting someone so much and what they would want to do to each other, but turning those fantasies into actual reality…?
Peter gives it some serious thought now that he knows the alpha would actually do it. Fuck him, right here.
It makes him feel dirty and so naughty to even consider it. This isn't going to be some quick and harmless fun. This alpha is going to wreck him, leave his pussy fucked open and dripping with his seed… If Peter lets him.
He clutches onto the alpha's forearm and gives Tony another nip, harsher with his spiked up desires.
"Eight stops," he tells the alpha, "that's all the time we got. Think that's enough…?"
They can only have a quickie but Peter thinks it just might be the best sex he's ever going to get. He gives the alpha's cock another squeeze, trying to convince him to say yes.
"Plenty." Tony unbuckles Peter's pants one handed, smirking against pale skin. He rubs his stubble into the omega's lightly bitten scent gland just to rile him up. He kisses tenderly, masking the filth of his words in the romance of the gesture. "If I could take you home, I'd knot you properly, baby. Fuck you open and begging on me."
The subway pulls up to another stop and they sway along with the motion as it comes to a halt. More people board, bodies shifting around to accommodate the influx. It isn't so suspicious now that they're pressed so close, but Peter's sure everyone knows anyway, if not by sight then by scent.
That doesn't matter to him.
Tony pulls the omega's pants and underwear down in the back. There's a rush of red and black that flows after the clothing, so quickly that it might've been an illusion if it wasn't for the light glinting off of whatever material it was.
Tony pauses briefly- what was that color just now? He squints after it, trying to track whatever had just been flashing in the dim light. 
He's distracted by the smell of omega slick and he can't resist slipping a hand between slender thighs, pressing into the slick folds his cock's been teasing mercilessly for the last few minutes. 
Just like that he's redirected. 
"You're so ready for me, baby. Ready to take me without any prep?" His fingers slide in, testing. They glide deep; easy as sin. Peter's so wet that Tony's making a mess just exploring him. It makes his alpha cock throb at him to get inside faster. 
"What do you think…?" Peter gasps out, breathless and legs trembling.
He widens his stance, feet shifting apart to give the alpha more accessibility. His hips jerk at the penetration and has to choke down a moan. He rocks gently against the fingers pushing into him… Nice, thick digits that he knows are no comparison for the nice, thick cock this alpha is packing.
His enhanced hearing picks up the soft, slick sounds as Tony plays with his pussy. His face flushes with heat, eyes slipping shut, and lips parting in a silent moan.
"Undo my pants and then brace yourself." Tony fucks his fingers in knuckle deep as he speaks. He's reluctant to leave Peter's heat now that he's got a part of himself buried inside the cute omega. 
"Oh…" It comes out on a trembling breath.
Heavy eyelids lift to reveal glazed over honey eyes. One blink, two, and the fog clears, at least enough for Peter to do as he's told.
Peter gives the alpha cock another loving squeeze before he reaches behind him. He's never done this before, especially not like this, but his fingers make quick work of the older man's belt. He clumsily drags the man's underwear down until he feels the hot press of the alpha's bare cock against his ass.
Tony has to resist the urge to give that cute little ass a spank when he feels his dick rubbing against it so nicely. They’ve got to be quiet; what they’re doing could get them both arrested. 
He rubs at Peter’s ass instead. He pushes the omega’s cheeks together to hold his cock for a moment and marvels at how promisingly sexy it looks.
Peter braces himself against the subway pole. Like this, his suit jacket is just long enough that it hides the fact that his pants have been pulled down just a bit. As an extra precaution, he tries to position his briefcase in front of his body, but he probably won't pay too much attention to keep that up. He tosses his head back and gives the alpha a devil may care grin when he's set.
"Ready for you, alpha," he purrs, arching his back in such an obscene matter. "Show me what you got."
He's provoking Tony on purpose, wants to see just what this man is capable of.
Tony growls softly from the challenge and grins back wolfishly. He dips his hips, angling his dick to slide across Peter’s skin and drag against his rim. He shoves forward, slow and relentless. His wide cockhead pushes through Peter’s soaked folds and then nudges against his omegan opening. It takes no force at all to breach him and start sinking in, one thick alpha inch at a time.
Even though Peter knows and has braced himself for it, that initial penetration is still a shock. His breath stutters in his chest as the alpha's cock works its way inside him.
The problem is that it keeps on coming. The vague estimation of length and girth does nothing to prepare him for reality. Just when he thinks that's it, he's taken the entire thing, there's more.
Tony runs his hands over Peter’s back, rubbing up and down his spine gently. His cock is too big to just shove in. No matter what his instincts were screaming at him when his omega squirms so pretty from the first half.
Peter’s eyelashes flutter and his knuckles turn white on the pole. He even fights it for a moment, a subconscious move, as his hips nudge forward, pressing him against cool metal and moving his weight onto his toes.
Tony growls and sets his teeth to his omega’s nape. One hand holds Peter at his stomach. The other rubs circles into his lower back, pinning him between his hands so he couldn’t get away.
Nowhere to go. His pussy is forced to take every inch and when their hips are snug tight, Peter shudders in ecstasy.
He feels speared open, his pussy stuffed so full that maybe even his slick can't make its way out. 
“Gonna fuck you silly, omega.” Tony breathes out against teeth warmed skin. 
His body clenches down hard. Peter's already halfway there just from the teasing and now this so he knows the alpha can deliver.
Tony feels, suddenly, the person to his left shift enough that their elbows knock together and a quiet ‘excuse me’ follows. He brightens his expression in a flash and gives them a winning smile, hands landing on Peter’s hips to keep him close and snug and stuffed full.
“No problem. It’s a tight fit.”
Peter breathes through the penetration and gives a breathless laugh. When he's become accustomed to the sheer size of the alpha's cock, he squirms. It's the only thing he can do, shifting his weight from foot to foot to feel the hard length rub against his tender insides.
Even that… fuck… even that feels incredible.
He wants the alpha's attention back on him.
"Alpha…" he says, voice soft, a hint of a moan.
The train rocks them as it moves but he exaggerates the motion so he can get the friction he wants. Even with the alpha's grip tight on his hips, it gives him the chance to push back when a few precious inches drag out of him.
Tony pulls his omega back onto his cock, reclaiming the inches Peter stole with a solid thud of their pelvises meeting. The meaty slap is covered up by the crowd of commuters hemming in their rutting. There are more people shifting and shuffling all around them every stop, pushing them together just from the sheer amount and pressure of bodies. 
“Feel good, omega? Feels nice to get my cock in you, huh?” Tony hooks his chin over the other's shoulder to breathe his questions along his neck and ear. His hands move back to Peter’s stomach and one on his hip, holding him in place. 
Peter doesn't reply, not verbally anyway. He lets his body do all the talking, using one hand to clinging onto the pole while the other clutches the alpha's forearm.
His pussy tightens and releases, squeezing along the thick length and encouraging the alpha to move. He tries to pull the same stunt as before, but their hips are pressed snug and he has nowhere to move. Tony's the one that has to start moving if Peter is to get any satisfaction.
“Mm. Such a good omega for me, Peter.” 
Tony kisses him on the scent gland. He pulls his cock back, hidden from the crowd by their clothing and the crowd itself, and then slowly feeds it back inside. He goes so slowly it’s more like rubbing than thrusting, easing himself in and out of the omega’s slick passage with practiced delicacy; massaging Peter’s pussy walls with each methodical grind of his cock deep inside.
"Alpha…" Peter lets out the softest plea, so close to a moan that it's embarrassing. But he has no choice besides forcefully pushing the bigger alpha away and he doesn't want to do that.
Some part of him actually likes this, pretending to be the helpless omega he knows he isn't and leaving his pleasure in another's hands.
He presses the alpha's hand down over his belly and swears he could feel him there.
“Can you feel me? Spreading you open on my cock so easy, baby. You’re doing so well.” His hand presses down on Peter’s belly, holding him close and intimate, hips still following that same maddening slow glide. 
"So big…" Peter murmurs raggedly. He trembles at the words of praise, that undeniably omegan part of him preening from it. "Alpha… Can feel you here…" 
And God, it's true… He feels like the alpha's cock has to be right there, cockhead nudging the entrance to his womb. The very thought gives Peter's instincts a kick start, especially since he's so close to a heat. 
They’re pushed together from shoulder to knees by the crowds and Tony loves being able to blanket the other with his body. His alpha cock drags along slick insides; slow, thorough, and deep. 
Peter's entire body shudders before he locks it in position. He clamps down the growing need, gritting his teeth together as the alpha takes his body on a test run.
The maddening speed makes sense for where they are but somehow, Peter still feels like it's not enough. He wants to be a good omega and let the alpha savor this but he also wants to get fucked and he wants it hard enough that he feels his bones shaking in his body. 
Tony growls against Peter’s neck, skittering heat searing its way up his spine with every push and pull. Peter’s pussy is sucking him in so well, holding onto him so tightly when he retreats. It’s making him want to plug the omega full of his alpha cum. 
He parts his lips against Peter’s skin, flicking his tongue against him teasingly. His cock sinks in and out with almost hypnotic smoothness and ease. 
Tony wishes he could watch himself stuff Peter’s pussy full to bursting.
Every slow drag teases at Peter’s ability to be good. He feels every inch bury itself inside his body and every single inch as it withdraws. It leaves him biting down on his bottom lip to stop the whimpers from spilling out of it.
Then the alpha presses into him again, pushing that hard, thick cock inside until he squeezes out the very breath in Peter's lungs. And he goes to repeat it again, Peter's vision swims because he can't take it.
"Al–pha…" Peter breathes. His clutches onto Tony's arm, hips jerking in his tight grasp in a half-hearted attempt.
“Yes, omega?” Tony rubs his fangs against Peter’s skin at the same slow pace his cock rubbed in and out of his pussy. 
"Harder–" he murmurs softly, quietly. 
He's so focused on the cock inside him that he's not sure he even said the words loud enough for Tony to hear. He makes sure this time, he hears him.
"Alpha…" the omega groans, "Please– H-harder. I can feel it… But I need– Alpha, please… Fuck my pussy harder… You're…"
He whimpers then, pushing back against the alpha's hold to chase after his retreating cock.
"'M so wet… Can't you feel it… alpha…?" Peter licks his lips, breath shallow with need. "Need alpha's cock inside me… Fucking me… Need it in my pussy, alpha…"
Tony pulls back and thrusts in without warning; then goes right into fucking him hard, timing it to the swaying and lurching of the train.
"God. Baby, Peter, fuck, you just love taking it." Tony pants behind Peter's ear. He can't help the little snarls curling outwards from his chest, vibrating upwards in a bloom of pure alpha claim. 
He jerks his hips faster and tighter as his excitement grows, quick rabbit thrusts, brutal enough to slam Peter into the pole he’s braced on. Any slick noises are eaten by the susurration of the crowd. 
Tony’s cock feels like he’s fucking into heaven; tight heat and wet slick and a sinful ass bouncing in his lap before work. 
"A-Ah…" Peter has been trying so hard to keep quiet, but by then, even he can't stop himself from moaning. And really… it isn't that suspicious. They're obviously rutting, alpha and omega pulled together and having some fun.
Most of the newcomers don't realize how far they've gone.
He's letting out breathless little gasps, just doing what he can to let the alpha get it. He normally hates how bumpy and terrible the subway ride is going into the city but right now, he's loving it.
“That’s right, baby. Let me hear you. Just me; just keep making those soft little whimpers for me, Peter. You’re my omega right now. And my omega is doing so well for me.” Tony praises him with his teeth against Peter’s mating gland. His hand holds him steady at his hip, pinned where Tony wants him. 
The alpha's grip on him is bruisingly tight, it needs to be with how one wrong lurch of the train can dislodge him. Neither of them wants that so Peter holds still, legs tense, pussy dripping, and mouth slack as he's being fucked right there.
Tony wants to cum so deep inside, Peter doesn’t even drip. He wants to breed him. Claim him. Own him.
“Omega…” Tony grunts and thrusts harder, the base of his cock getting tight. If only they could.
That tone is Peter's only warning. He digs his nails into the alpha's arm.
How many stops have passed? He's lost count. But even though he's the one that agreed to this as long as it's a quickie, he doesn't want it to end just yet. He's finally getting what he wants, a nice hard fuck and he knows the alpha won't stop until Peter's more than satisfied.
He digs in deeper, tossing his head back and shaking it almost desperately.
"Not yet, not yet…" he almost begs. Just wants that alpha cock pounding him open just a little bit longer.
Tony set his lips to Peter’s neck, teeth grit to avoid biting. His balls are heavy and drawing up tight despite Peter’s delicious chanting in his ear. He’s going to cum in this omega and send him on his way dripping with it. 
Of course, that's when the train comes to a halt. The doors don't open.
At the lack of movement, some people come alive around them, lifting their heads when they've realized the train has stopped. 
Tony comes to a complete halt with an act of willpower he should be applauded for. He growls softly and unhooks his head from Peter’s shoulder, waiting to see what was going on. 
He puts a little space between his chest and Peter’s back and keeps their lower bodies as still as possible for the appearance of propriety. Buried balls deep inside of Peter’s pussy, his cock aches at him, throbbing and pulsing with the need to keep going. 
"Alpha–" Peter groans, upset at the sudden stop. His squirming begins anew but then he freezes when he realizes everything has stopped.
The intercom turns on.
"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcement comes on, "we are delayed because of train traffic ahead of us. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience."
Peter's groan is drowned out by the surrounding passengers' sounds of dismay. 
“Party’s on pause, sweetheart.” Tony murmurs under his breath. 
Peter leans his head on the back of his hand. He's obviously displeased by the entire thing but it gives him a moment to collect himself. Breathe in deep breaths and cool off.
Tony lets out his own sigh of dismay along with the stirring buzz around them. His balls are tight and ready to fill Peter up. The base of his cock feels swollen and tender, ready to pop a knot at any moment if he could just move.
“Shouldn’t trust the subway. Only good thing it’s brought me was you,” Tony says, hand creeping up to slide along Peter’s sides and chest. Not as good over the clothing but Tony could appreciate this while inadvertently getting his cock warmed. 
The omega sighs and relaxes into the touch. He likes this simple affection but he could still feel the alpha inside him. He can't relax or calm down, not like this… The man hasn't softened at all and it's a whole different kind of dirty he's feeling now that he accesses the situation.
He's… he's letting an alpha stay inside him… deceiving the other passengers who think they're just rubbing against each other. His body ends up tightening down on the alpha's cock and his head hangs, eyes peeking where their hands are pressed over his belly.
Tony brightens with an idea. 
“Do you have an undershirt? Can you unbutton and let me play with your nipples, just while we’re stuck?” 
Proper rules of society allow an alpha to play with an omega’s body so long as it's covered and no penetration is involved. If Peter’s shirt is thin enough, Tony could pluck and strum his nipples and not even have to hide it. 
For some reason, this makes Peter feel a bit shy. Maybe it's because they've already come so far that adding more to it seems even more obscene. This one request is actually something Tony's allowed to do though and Peter can feel his nipples already start to pebble up beneath his shirt at the possibility.
He also knows that he'll become a needy little thing once Tony starts playing with them… They've always been a bit sensitive and with everything else going on, he's not sure how well he'll be able to handle having those played with, too.
"Might be a bit sensitive," he says as he starts to unbutton his button-up. It takes him longer than usual, an understandable delay since he keeps getting distracted by the alpha's cock.
“That’s perfect, baby.” Tony waits patiently for Peter to undress, hand skimming up and down his body all the while. He misses holding onto Peter’s stomach with the omega; it had been surprisingly intimate, especially in combination with the fertile heat scent surrounding Peter. 
Beneath his button-up, he's wearing a plain white v-neck shirt. It's pretty thin since he has multiple layers on. His suit jacket…The button-up, then his Spiderman suit which has retracted… and the undershirt.
Since they're no longer swaying to and fro, he no longer has to hold onto the pole for balance. He shifts into a more comfortable position, making sure to keep the alpha buried deep inside him even then.
“You ready?” Tony asks gently. 
He’s busy kissing up one side of Peter’s nape and down the other. He was never very good at waiting or holding still and having to do both with his erection snug inside such a blistering hot omega pussy makes him restless and somehow even hornier. 
"Here, alpha…" Peter murmurs before leading the man's hands to his chest. Excitement stirs in his body and he almost can't bear the anticipation.
“Good boy, omega.” Tony praises right behind his ear, low and hot. 
He loves a partner that asks for what they want. His fingers spread out, cupping his omega’s chest and squeezing. His thumbs find the pebbled nipples and begin circling, slow; repeating the same teasing dance he’d done with his pelvis earlier. 
It's as Peter expects. His body is more sensitive and receptive than normal. Every slow tease against his nipples has the omega shifting about restlessly. It's not a full out assault, not yet, but it's a slow build of sensation. It tugs on his attention and one hand drifts between his legs towards his hard cocklet.
He clenches down on the alpha's cock, holding back a needy whine.
“You’re such a good boy for me. Holding so still. Waiting so patient. Letting me play with your body.” Tony’s voice lowers until his words are almost more heat than air. He presses his words into Peter’s pulse point and pinches both nipples simultaneously. 
Peter's hand spasms midway down towards his cock. He whimpers, unable to help himself as delicious shocks of pleasure spark from where Tony plays with his chest. The words convince him to forgo touching himself.
"Alpha…" Peter murmurs, arching himself into the man's touch. 
The movement causes his body to shift just enough that the alpha's cock slips out, just the tiniest bit, but Peter's quickly reclaims it. He doesn't want to lose even an inch of the alpha's cock in his pussy, he needs to be the good omega this alpha claims he is. 
“You’re a good cockwarmer. Your pussy is still so tight, even holding my alpha cock for so long. You’re so wet still, too. Slick and horny and sitting nicely on my cock while I enjoy these little nipples. Right where you should be, omega. Where you belong.” Tony can’t move his hips but his cock bucks deep inside of Peter anyway, reacting to his own words. 
He sighs softly and enjoys the zings of pleasure that follow. He rolls Peter’s nipples between his thumb and middle finger, pulling and tweaking, loving every contraction of Peter’s pussy around him it produces. 
The flares of pleasure Peter feels are beautiful distractions, a great way to pass the time while they wait for the train to start up again. He feels the heavy weight of others trying to look at them, a difficult task with all the bodies blocking any clear sight. It still makes him feel hot…
Peter wants to do more than just be a pretty cockwarmer though he's enjoying this far too much that he wouldn't mind doing it again. As long as it's this alpha…
His face turns so he rubs his cheek against the expensive cloth. He can smell the alpha's sweat and musk through his clothing and his mouth waters, hungry to lick the taste from Tony's skin.
Tony turns and nuzzles back, mouthing kisses into Peter’s neck. He rubs his teeth over reddened skin and shifts his weight from foot to foot so his cock moves inside of Peter that delicious little bit. Holding back from pounding into his willing body when he’d been so close to coming was glorious torture.
Tony may not be able to fuck him without giving them away but Peter can do his own bit of teasing.
Even as he's being mercilessly teased, he works on dismantling the alpha's control. If he's going to lose his mind, he's bringing the alpha down with him.
"Not patient," he refutes before he starts purposely contracting and massaging the alpha's cock inside him.
“Baby…” Tony moans, ragged and breathless. 
He kisses Peter’s nape and then his scent gland. His teeth nip and press but don’t leave any real marks. If Tony really was just rutting against Peter, he’d probably be trying to work a hickey onto his mating gland (or very close to it). Instead, he only teases with the promise of that taboo intimacy. 
It doesn't even take much effort. The only true obstacle is his own pleasure building and yet, not getting enough of it. Every clench and squeeze has Tony's cock rubbing against his insides and it feels so good that he wants to start bouncing on the alpha's cock again.
He can't though, so he just reaches back with one hand and feels firm muscle of the alpha's leg beneath his fingers.
His eyes shutter close but he starts whispers of his own, lips parting so sweetly and speaking such filth.
"Alpha's cock feels so good in my pussy…" Peter softly moans, squeezing and massaging, "Wanna feel it again… Alpha fucking me open…"
“Alpha wants that too, baby.” Tony plucks and strums at Peter’s nipples. His cock is still aching, the edge taken off by Peter’s playing while his arousal amped up from the very same thing. He wants to snarl at everyone to leave so he could knot Peter on every available seat, claiming the whole car for their heat nest. 
Peter gives such a harsh nip, desire swirling inside him and restless with how restrained they are.
"Don't think I wanna stop, alpha…" Peter murmurs, "Think we deserve a reward for this… No one even knows you have your cock inside me… What do you think, alpha…? I think I wanna feel how big your knot can get…."
Tony thrusts so hard forward they both tip their weight against the pole and it probably digs uncomfortably into Peter’s shoulder. Tony almost doesn’t care and keeps going anyway. The omega squeaks in surprise, tight little body clenching down like a vice.
He hears a concerned noise beside them and stills, remembering their situation with only a momentary clearing of the gauzy lust covering his gaze. 
“Sorry. Lost my balance.” Tony mutters to no one and doesn’t stop pinning Peter to the pole with his body and cock. It’s almost as good as a wall with the other passengers all around to brace them, too. Tony’s attention tunnels in on how his base is already hot and tight, just a few thrusts from locking them together. 
Tony leans in and puts his teeth to Peter’s neck at the back while a hand comes up to the front, cupping his throat, keeping his vulnerable neck pinned just as securely as his body.
The gesture makes Peter want to melt into his embrace, just caught on the older alpha's cock. He licks his dry lips, pulling in a ragged breath. Just that light pressure on his Adam's apple makes him so hot but it's the teeth at his nape that makes him want to whimper.
“You deserve that, omega. You deserve my knot. You’ve been so good. You’d take it so well, I know you would. When the train starts up again, I’ll give you what you’ve earned.” Tony promises through fanged kisses to Peter’s nape. He holds Peter close. The urge to pull back so he can thrust in and get hot friction is maddening. 
Peter grips Tony's strong arm in a clawed grip. His eyes are squeezed shut now as he concentrates on feeling just how trapped he is here. Hand on his throat, teeth on his skin, and the most perfect alpha cock buried inside him. He wants to get caught on the knot, feels it like an undeniable itch deep inside…
"Alpha," he breathes, "you can smell it, can't you…?"
“Mm?” Tony makes an answering noise. He’s too busy to speak more, kissing and nipping in turn. Teeth igniting the sensitive patches of skin and his lips soothing away the jagged tingles. 
Peter starts to slowly roll his hips in that tight space. It's an agonizing grind and he teases the alpha even more, trying to encourage that knot to pop without the alpha even continuing to fuck him.
"Heat soon," he pants quietly, "Not on any… suppressants… C'mon, alpha, want that knot…"
“Fuck, yes. You’re going to take it so deep for me.” Tony flexes his fingers and bites down, only careful enough not to break skin. He hopes he’s leaving marks. 
How long can the alpha last when they're stuck like this? How long can Peter continue to tease him by using his internal muscles to squeeze and massage the hard length stretching him apart?
Slender fingers drift up towards Tony's and they press down, encouraging the alpha to squeeze just a little bit harder.
Tony’s fingers squeeze at the same time his hips tilt upward, trying to press inside more when he’s already balls deep. His heart is going a mile a minute and he can’t hear the crowd around them anymore. 
"Knot me, Tony," Peter groans when he tips his head back, nipping at the man's jaw and letting his hot breath ghost along reddened skin. "I'll let you do it, let you cum inside me… Just like this. Nothing between us."
Tony’s teeth break skin and his hips jerk back the tightest inch of his life before slamming upwards. They’re held up only by his hold on Peter’s throat -hand and teeth- and his arm around the omega’s body pinning him to the pole. His eyes flutter shut as his knot inflates rapidly and he cums, popping in moments and locking them together in the middle of rush hour.
Peter barely feels the bite but he feels Tony's knot the moment it starts to grow.
His insides grow tight as he's forced to accommodate the knot rapidly inflating. His breath stutters in his chest, caught in his throat as brown eyes widen in surprise. He knows Tony's knot is going to be huge, but even he doesn't expect this. It's massive and the omega struggles to take it. His body is made for this but he can't help groaning, eyes rolling to the back of his head as his pussy accommodates the expanding size of the knot.
Tony buries his snarl in the nape of Peter’s hair, so glad he’d set his mouth somewhere safe before biting. He can’t stop shivering or growling, pressing in all around Peter, surrounding him with his scent and the vibration of his claim. His cock bucks continuously, shooting load after load into this dangerously sexy omega caught on his knot. 
A whimper, soft and dazed, barely escapes before Peter's panting, lips slack and eyes dazed.
He's getting what he wants and it's better than he ever hoped to dream. His lashes flutter closed as he revels in the heat spilling inside him. He presses his palm over his belly where he had felt Tony's cock carving into him, pressing that sensitive place that makes Peter see stars. That's where he feels it... The alpha spilling all that hot heat inside him, feeding it directly into his womb.
It's the last thing he needs before he's coming too. He's forced to be quiet though. The only thing that gives him away is the soundless gasp and the vicious clenching of his body as he rides the high. 
More wetness spills between his legs and he knows he's made a mess in his suit. The consequences don't seem as dire, not when he has an alpha pumping him full.
“Fuck, baby… Peter…” Tony pants, nuzzling the sluggishly bleeding bite mark he’d left dead center on the back of the omega’s neck. 
His body is buzzing all over and aware of the other people around them tangentially. He kisses it and then has to resist biting into it again to deepen the mark. He wants to, though. 
“Should have asked if I could bite you.” Tony murmurs when he can think past his pumping cock. 
It’s a good thing they’d knotted successfully; if the amount of cum he’s flooding Peter with drips out his pussy and down his thigh, there’s no way they could have hidden their activities. 
"Mm…" Peter sighs, content and a little cumdrunk. 
There's never been any scientific proof about alpha cum affecting omegas like this, but Peter still feels like he’s becoming intoxicated, drunk off pleasure . He reaches up and gently traces over the bite mark. It stings a bit but he's had worse.
Tony kisses his fingers as they trace the bite. He nibbles on work rough fingertips, affectionate and easy. He’s got his omega held tight and secure and they’re both safe in the crowd. 
Peter feels so good right now and he leans into the alpha's embrace, seeking out more contact. The idea of this ending, which it has to, is a threat to the afterglow he's currently basking in.
"Maybe next time," Peter decides to murmur. 
He wants to make sure there's a next time.
"Wanna be my alpha, Tony…?" The omega asks even as he continues to milk the alpha's knot. It's just… incentive, really. "Don't think I'm done with you yet. Not when you have such a nice, big knot for me to play with..."
“Oh, fuck, do I ever, baby.” Tony rolls his hips, tugging on Peter’s rim with his knot. His hand finally lets go of his neck to reach down and touch his stomach, petting him where a pup would swell out if this knotting takes. He didn’t think he wanted kids but the thought of Peter getting pregnant has him coming again, teeth gritting back his sounds of pleasure. 
The crowd around them shuffles and murmurs and politely doesn’t react. Tony kisses the sweaty skin of Peter’s bitten nape and smirks at anyone that makes eye contact while he relaxes into knotting Peter’s beautiful pussy.
“Need to… exchange phone numbers.” Tony pants out once the bliss ebbs enough for him to speak. He wants to do this again. He wants to maybe take Peter out to dinner, too. Maybe Peter would let Tony play with him under the table? 
"Sounds perfect." 
Peter relaxes into the knotting, body following instincts and squeezing down whenever he feels a load being pushed inside him. His belly flutters with the sensation, tiny little butterflies that have him smiling and feeling so affectionate for this alpha.
Tony kisses and nuzzles his nape and neck, carding fingers through sweat damp curls. Somehow he’s still filled with burning pleasure but the urgency has abated. So long as Peter stays right where he belongs on Tony’s knot. Tony keeps him blanketed with his body, instincts driving him to keep Peter close and hidden. 
Peter reaches into his briefcase, fingers clumsy as he grabs a pen. Next, he takes Tony's hand, tugging up the alpha's sleeve so he can pen his phone number right on his skin. When he's done, he brings Tony's wrist to his mouth and lays a kiss there.
"You won't make me wait long, will you, alpha?" He murmurs.
“Aren’t you supposed to wait three days to not seem desperate?” Tony teases. He caresses Peter’s cheek, cupping his face tenderly so he could swipe a thumb across his skin.
The omega purrs but chuckles at the words. They’re knotted in a train… Desperate doesn’t seem to really have any meaning between them if this is how they met.
The train starts with a jolt and the quiet audience grumbles with mutters of finally. A brief announcement from the train conductors lets Peter know they're actually two quick stops away from where he gets off.
The knot is still going strong so Peter doesn't think it'll be done by then. He doesn't want to rush the alpha either. There's nothing they could do to hasten a knotting and a quick glance at the time shows he could still make it to his interview.
As expected, the two stops pass quickly and Peter still finds himself in the alpha's arms when the subway doors close and take him to the next stop. He's actually two stops late when he finally feels it soften. Even then, his omega side hates the idea of separating now but he does so with the assurance that they'll meet up again.
“Get ready, sweetheart,” Tony whispers against Peter’s ear. He can tell it’s almost deflated enough to pull out. A few testing tugs and some seconds later and he’s proven right when the knot pulls out reluctantly. 
Peter pulls away with a shiver, feeling the alpha's cock slip from his body. Tony came so deep inside him that he doesn't feel any of his load slipping out, not yet anyway. Maybe later… Maybe during his interview, he'll feel some of that wetness leaking out of him.
The very thought makes him tremble with anticipation.
Tony tucks himself away, zipping up. Within seconds, he looks nothing like a degenerate alpha that knotted a stranger on the train ride to work. He uses his body to shield Peter from view as the omega takes a little longer to straighten up, guarding him partly from instinct and partly from Tony’s own possessive streak.
It only takes a minute more to become perfectly presentable. Peter's clothes are easy to fix and he'll have to clean up in a bathroom somewhere… Use some scent neutralizers or something so he doesn't smell like an omega just recently fucked and seeded, even though that's exactly what's happened.
Peter slips his fingers into the alpha's hair and urges him close. He shares a single kiss with the alpha, eyes drifted closed to maintain the sweet anonymous nature of their meeting. Next time… Next time, he'll take everything in.
"See you later, alpha. Don't keep me waiting too long." 
He's gone with the crowd, feeling every twinge and ache in his lower body and loving every bit of it. He has thirty minutes to get to his interview and decides to take a cab instead of riding the train back down the line.
Tony watches him go. He licks his lips, tasting the lingering traces of their kiss. He looks down at where the numbers been scrawled on his skin and smiles broadly. 
“Well, now I won’t have to use JARVIS to find you, sweetheart.”
“You’re late.” Pepper’s waiting for him. Tony grimaces and swerves away from the labs he’d been trying to duck away into. 
“You’re not getting out of those interviews. You promised those young men and women an appearance and I let you skip three board meetings in exchange. You’re going.” Pepper beats him to the punch and grabs him by the nape like he was an unruly pup. He acquiesces with grace and dignity and no squawking or flailing of any kind.
He’s deposited outside the door to the first interviewee, given a stapled little stack of papers and a pen, and told not to get any lawsuits today. Then Pepper’s on her way with JARVIS’s promise to keep Tony in line. 
“Traitor…” Tony mutters as he opens the door.
Inside, the guy must have gotten bored of waiting for Tony (he’d taken the time to get an iced coffee. Knotting was thirsty work!) and is up out of his seat, reading something on the wall. 
Tony’s eyes automatically dip to catalogue the ass on offer. It's as unconscious as breathing and he does it even when he isn’t residually horny, still thinking about that omega from the train.
He knows that ass...
He just fucked that ass.
It’s Peter!
“Well, well, well. I see you couldn’t wait for a text.” Tony purrs the words out, alpha pride swelling in his chest. Peter has to be smart to make it this far and he’s so beautiful in the improved lighting. Beauty and brains. The combination that always brought him to his knees.
Peter pauses in his task. The wall is lined with testimonies about Stark Industries and all the awards they've received in the past couple years. He knows when Tony Stark enters, even picks up the alpha's scent when he does.
His brain doesn't quite make the connection until he hears Tony's voice. He's been waiting for some time, edging into the second hour actually, so any residual omegan instincts should be well and truly gone.
Except he recognizes that voice and his body does too. Heat sparks in the pit of his belly and he has to take in a breath to compose himself.
The alpha's playful tone breaks all expectations of professionalism between them though.
Peter turns with a smile as though he'd expected this all along.
"You kept me waiting," Peter says with teasing smile. 
He takes a couple steps towards the older man, really taking him in. Dark hair, sharp eyes, a smile that just made him want to melt. Tony Stark is a hard man to forget. His face is plastered all over the media and Peter has had a crush on him since he was a pup…
Tony Stark also doesn't take mass transit or so Peter had thought. 
No wonder it was so easy for Peter to trick himself into thinking it was his celebrity crush. The alpha in the subway had the perfect body build and the voice had been very similar and now, Peter knows why.
His mystery alpha is who he's been fantasizing about all along. What a coincidence, if Peter believes in such things..
"Alpha," Peter dips his head in acknowledgement, flashing Tony Stark a hint of his bruised neck. "My name's Peter Parker and I'm very… passionate about working with you. If you'll have me."
"Hmm." Tony’s eyes lock onto the dark mark. 
He remembers the taste of putting it there and feels heat bloom below his belly button. His cock wants to test out how well his omega has held onto his load. His mouth wants a taste of that tantalizing slick he’d only gotten a sniff of. 
He looks down at his wrist where Peter’s phone number is still written.
“Tell you what. I’ll hire you, right here and now, if you strip and present your hole for me.” Tony smirks. He lifts his iced coffee to his lips and takes a languid sip, eyes sparkling. “I need to check you’ve held onto what I gave you earlier like a good boy before I make my decision.”
Perhaps, any other omega would have gotten offended at such a request. It does make Peter's face flush pink with heat but he's not offended. He got the interview on his own merit and he knows he would've been hired anyway.
Maybe if they hadn't met earlier or done what they did, this game would've been played over a series of weeks, omega teasing alpha and alpha teasing omega. Or maybe it would've gone exactly like it did an hour ago, scent calling to scent and the two of them irresistibly drawn together regardless of being boss and employee.
Either way, Peter starts by taking off his suit jacket. Then with slow, teasing fingers, he pops each button on his shirt from top to bottom and lets the shirt tails hang loosely. The shoes go and his pants drop to his ankles. He steps out without hesitation and despite the way his entire body wants to shake with anticipation, he walks towards the alpha with almost a predatory gait.
His hands rest on Tony's firm chest and he smiles, a dare and lure at the same time. 
"Check then, alpha," Peter says confidently. "No matter what you say, I already got what I want."
He hooks his hand in the alpha's neck, pulling him down as he leans up.
"You." Peter kisses him, leaving no room for questions.
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