#yup still bi
adorkastock · 1 year
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Hey everybody... New pack just dropped! Patrons now have access to the Dani Weapons Pack pose pack. Not a patron yet? Become one now for as little as $1 a month! My ko-fi shop will get this pack for $8 on Jan 22nd, so if you don't want to become a patron and get it now, you can wait until then to snag it!
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bitterlybisexualbard · 10 months
Just thought "they should cast Katie McGrath as a sorceress in NF the Witcher, it'd be funny"
then i thought better of it when i realised having Yennefer and Morgana on the screen at the same time would be an absolute catastrophe for the wlw audience
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aaa!! i enjoy boys
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manchesterau · 2 months
Jesus, i'm sorry that you were outed that's such a huge breach of trust, and could have been dangerous.
yeah it sucked when i found out, i told my aunt during a little family thing at a restaurant, she asked me if i liked girls and i said yes and unbeknownst to me she told my mom the same day. and that whole summer i was building up the courage to tell my mom and she confronted me one day on a car ride home and then told me my aunt told her so :////// but the second time when i came out as a lesbian i also told her in the car mkjnhgvfcdgvh
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delulujuls · 8 months
a rookie? more like a cookie | op81, ln4
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hi! i was planning to start writing here with something other than that, maybe with something more bold and interesting but i ended up with this. is this good? probably not. is this wholesome? hell yeah it is. enjoy and happy race day!
warnings: none, just y/n and lando dont knowing how to act and admiring their new bestie. also can you smell that? yup that is the scent of bi energy
pairing: lando norris x fem!mclarendriver x oscar piastri
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"What do you think of him?"
Y/N asked, not taking her eyes off the guy who was recording content for his social media a few meters away from them.
Lando sat right next to her, fiddling with his phone, but his gaze was also fixed on their new McLaren acquisition. For the past few minutes, the pair had been silently observing the aussie who officially became a member of their team the previous day and who still seemed somewhat shy. Even Lando's typically unfiltered chatter, which never seemed to stop, couldn't come up with a coherent sentence to start a conversation this time.
"Are you asking about his overall impression or if I'd hook up with him?"
"Any answer will do."
Lando tilted his head, deep in thought, which didn't happen very often.
"I'd hook up with him."
"Me too."
Sensing that he was being watched, Oscar, during a break in recording, glanced in their direction and smiled. Lando and Y/N returned his smile, giving him a thumbs up to show that he was doing great.
"I think we might be invading his privacy," the girl said, still smiling.
"We're sitting a good five meters away," Lando replied, feeling that strange, burning sensation of being flustered for the first time in ages.
Oscar averted his gaze from them and focused on resuming his conversation with the social media people. The pair let out a heavy sigh.
"I think this excites me a hundred times more than him."
"No wonder, you're a Scorpio. I bet he's a Virgo so he don't really give a fuck."
Y/N exclaimed, opening her water bottle and taking a few sips to calm herself.
"He's an Aries, I checked."
The girl nearly choked.
"He can't be an Aries. I'm an Aries, and damn, look at me, being a total pain in your ass."
Lando quickly googled the guy without any trouble and held his phone up to show her the birthdate.
"I was sure he was a Virgo. Just look at him, he's a total introvert."
Lando smiled as he watched Oscar smiling at the camera while being recorded.
"I like introverts, they're cute."
Y/N was about to respond, but Oscar stood up and started walking towards them.
"Will you record insta story with me? I want introduce my new friends to my followers"
He didn't even finish the sentence, and the pair instantly made room for him on the couch. Piastri chuckled softly and sat between them, logging into his app. When he turned on the camera, the three of them appeared on the phone screen, and each one of them felt that this was the beginning of something great - not only adventures within the team but also a strong friendship beyond it.
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tiredfox64 · 1 month
Hide and peek part 2? Pretty please?? 🥺 (btw I really love your writing style it's so unique)
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Tag, You’re Mine
Prior notes: Sorry for not posting yesterday. I died because of the heat, got to talk with the Lord finally, and then he sent me back down because it wasn’t my time yet.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Some days I am forced to eat food with no seasoning. That’s not a warning it’s just sad.
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Oh what’s wrong? Nothing to look at today? Not at all? Is it because Bi-Han caught you? I see. Well, my dear, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You are one of many who would do whatever to get a peek at that gorgeous, icey man. Don’t give up on the game now. He’s willing to play.
You were embarrassed that you were caught sneaking peeks at Bi-Han before. Things would have been fine if he hadn’t found you and forced you to speak. You were content with keeping your fantasies about him in your head and not make them a reality. It would have been easier than going up to him and talking. He didn’t seem like a man who did much talking.
Just because you were caught didn’t mean you would stay away from the Fire Temple forever. You still wanted to see Liu Kang. But instead of hiding and seeking, you were running away from the one you used to seek. See you pulled a sneaky on him.
Now it was Bi-Han who was looking for you. At first he thought you would still be looking at him from a distance. He would look around, acting like he doesn’t care and pretending he isn’t looking for you, only to see that you were nowhere in sight. Not a strand of your hair or the rustling of leaves to indicate you were anywhere near. That was disappointing to him. His not so secret admirer was not admiring him.
“Looking for your admirer, brother?” Kuai Liang teased his older brother. When else would he get a chance like this.
Bi-Han groaned before at his brother’s teasing, “I am not. What is taking Liu Kang so long? How long are we expected to linger?”
He tried changing the topic away from the fact that he was looking for you. He paced around while occasionally looking in the direction of your usual hiding spots. Still nothing. He was getting impatient with you. This is unlike you. He wants his shy girl back!
You were still around. You were just doing other things. Like right now you were organizing books inside the temple. You actually found some that you would like to read some day. But first to organize them.
Put some in that corner. Maybe some on the lower shelf. Oh this one is supposed to go on the top shelf. Just reach up and—OH MY FUCKING GOSH HE’S BACK!
Yes, when you looked up to try to put the last book on the top shelf you realized Bi-Han snuck up behind you again. He was looking down at you with that usual grumpy expression he had. And just like the last time he snuck up behind you, you let out a yelp which alerted everyone that once again he found you.
“Stop yelling!” He growled as his hands covered his ears.
“I’m sorry…” You whispered as you started to covered your face with the book.
Yup, that’s you all right. Shy as can be, unable to face Bi-Han still. Your cheeks were burning as you were unsure of what to do now. You tried to shuffle your way out but he caged you in. Your back was pressed up against the bookcase. His arms were at your side. You really have no escape unless you wanna try smacking him. I wouldn’t recommend it.
“Put that book down and look at me.” He commanded.
You slid the book down a little to show your eyes. No, no, he wants to see your whole face.
Bi-Han yanked the book out of your hands and placed it on the top shelf. There, now he can see you. He watched as your eyes shifted around. You wanted to look some place else but Bi-Han would always be at the corner of your eye. And looking forward won’t help either. Staring at people’s chests is rude.
“So…you need anything?” You asked because you legit didn’t know why he was here or what he wanted.
“Where have you been? You are clearly still around yet you purposely try to avoid me.”
He always sounds upset but this time he seemed really upset. He didn’t hate that you had a crush on him. It was cute and the shyness was a somewhat bonus. It’s not a bonus when he has a hard time trying to make you talk.
“You wanted me to come looking for you? That’s strange.” Clearly you were confused.
“Ironic that those words are coming from the woman who was constantly looking at me from a distance.” Oh he called you out.
So what now? He found you. How will this play out? Well, you really didn’t think this far ahead. I’m not even sure Bi-Han did either. You were too embarrassed to ever encounter him again. Knowing he knew you were looking at him the whole time makes you smack your forehead constantly. It was so humiliating! But you did like that you got to see his features up close. Those cheek bones oooo.
Hey! Hey! Focus on the game plan!
“Why do you even want me to come looking for you?”
You stumped him with that question. He didn’t think you would be brave enough to do that. He had no answer ready because he doesn’t know the answer to that.
The truth is he did find you and your actions to be cute. Might also be the fact that he doesn’t come across many ladies in his life nor will he give them the time of day. So in a strange way you are a little brave for pursuing him in your own way.
“I don’t need to explain myself to you. Just come with me.”
Bi-Han grabbed your wrist and started dragging you with him. Your mind goes blank as you’re unsure of what he wants you to do. He takes you into the other part of the temple where his brothers and Liu Kang are. They were waiting for him to come around so they could discuss the next mission. Liu Kang looked with great curiosity at the actions that were taking place. Bi-Han left you at the doorway and walked over to his brothers. He stared at you, waiting for you to do what you do best. Hide.
Due to habits and your nervousness you started hiding yourself near the doorway, peeking your head in so you could keep looking at Bi-Han. It was like rolling a blunt you never forget how to do it.
Now he was satisfied. He started looking at Liu Kang now, waiting impatiently for the god to talk. The god was too stunned to speak. A few blinks and now he started briefing them on the mission. Tomas leaned over to Kuai Liang to whisper something.
“That poor girl, Bi-Han won’t ever let her go now.”
“Pay attention!” Bi-Han yelled before punching Tomas at the back of the head.
You’re reminded of why you hid from him in the first place. It was his temper and cold demeanor that scared you off but not enough to be at a distance. Yet as you watched him punch his adopted brother you still can’t help but be drawn to that sexy man.
That’s exactly what he wants. He wants your admiration while also having the chance to get close to you. He likes having you as his admirer. He’ll keep you around for a while. Maybe even bring you back to the Lin Kuei Temple so you can do the same over there while he trains his clan. That will surely get you excited.
Do you think you can handle the cold?
After notes: Wish me luck since I have my asl final tonight. And if somehow y’all hated this don’t curse me tonight 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。. Also how come i didn’t know there was a Goth/Rave color palette that is perfect for me. Alright I must mentally prepare myself. Adiós!
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
If you’re one of the people saying things like we have Buck/Tommy now who cares if we get Buddie or we don’t even need Buddie now, or Tommy treats Buck better (yup I’ve seen that), or Buck/Tommy is a better ship or has more chemistry etc etc etc you can go ahead and unfollow me.
I’m not telling anyone what they can and can’t ship but the second Buck actually kissed a guy a select portion of the Buddie fandom forgot the ship you all have been begging to go canon for 6 years.
The comparing of a guy Buck has known for all of minute to a man who knows Buck better than anyone. The dismissing the importance of what it would and hopefully will mean to see a ship like Buddie go canon. To also see a character like Eddie Diaz come to terms with his own sexuality. The complete erasure by some of you of the family Buck and Eddie and Chris have built and how Buck has been a parent to Chris for years now. And how important it would be to have that finally confirmed. It's honestly just painful to watch parts of fandom being so dismissive of all of this. So willing to just take scraps of a nothing relationship (because literally nothing has happened with them yet besides a kiss) all because you're eager for a canon queer ship. It shouldn't be enough to just have any queer ship but one that has been lovingly developed over time.
I love Buck and I know him being bi exists separate from Eddie and I can't tell you how happy I am the show is finally letting him be his authentic self. Still Buddie and Eddie's journey are of equal importance. I don't know how anyone who has shipped them all these years could think anything less.
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myobsessionsspace · 3 months
This is an assumption. But why do you think JK bought his property in Itaewon out of all places ? And now building a mansion there which means that will be his main house he decides to settle. I've seen all korean stars buying their homes to love with their family in more decent and high end areas like Gagnam, Hannam etc. No one really buys property in itaewon with an aim to settle there with family as it's like the party spot of SK. Itaewon is known for clubs, brothels, parties, drugs and prostitution, most only go there to party, have one night stands or do illegal activities. Someone visiting Itaewon often is eye brow raising enough so building a whole mansion there is sus af isn't it ?
I understand tone can’t be accurately interpreted with written words, so I just want to make my tone clear first and foremost.
I’m speaking with no harshness, judgement or condescension.
DM me and we can delulu cutely together with no air of authority on the matter, cos we should know we don’t know shit, but can still want to coo and dream with others 🤗.
We’ve seen and been outraged by sasaengs and their stalking of members and called them out at times. We’ve literally seen Jungkook on live entering his apartment and being annoyed with sasaengs loitering outside of his building, he has even said in that same live that he knows people knows where he lives and posted online.
Put yourselves in their shoes, who wants millions knowing your full address and being able to turn up unannounced? Because they’re fans of your music, of your image? I’m gonna leave that there.
I will say in regards to Itaewon, I’m not Korean, I don’t have a Korean father, a Korean brother, a Korean bff who works at Hybe, nothing. I do have a friend who went on a program, studied there and lived there for years but that’s it. I don’t know anything about Itaewon apart from the Halloween tragedy and a K-Drama. So guess what I did, yup you guessed it, I GOGGLED💪
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No one really buys property in itaewon with an aim to settle there with family as it's like the party spot of SK. Itaewon is known for clubs, brothels, parties, drugs and prostitution, most only go there to party, have one night stands or do illegal activities. Someone visiting Itaewon often is eye brow raising enough so building a whole mansion there is sus af isn't it ?
Incoming cheeky tone…I thought I said ‘genuine asks’? This right here sounds like laying down the groundwork to paint a certain picture of Jungkook?🤔🤨
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You said: ‘I’ve seen all Korean stars buying their homes to live with their families in more decent high end areas like Gangnam, Hannam etc’.
I say: That’s a pretty bold, blanket statement 😬
Famous idol Rain and his actress wife and children have a home in Itaewon as do many other celebrities with their spouses, partners and families
Actor Song Joong-Ki and his British wife, who was pregnant at the time, moved to his Itaewon mansion along with her family from the UK. They welcomed a baby girl in 2023.
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Chaebols like those belonging to the Samsung family also have homes in Itaewon
Doing my googles, Itaewon is known as ‘a multi-cultural commercial area located in Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the most popular neighborhoods in Seoul, known for its nightlife and trendy restaurants.’ ‘Seoul's International District’.
I know some other places that sound like the above.. London…New York…Paris…
I wonder where the prostitution, drugs and one night stands come into it for people who wanna buy or build houses in those cities?
Jungkook is currently a 26 year old multimillionaire, who is a member of one of the biggest groups in not just South Korea, but the world, so I guess he’ll have lots to do when he’s not working his ass off with his intense more than full time job. Settling somewhere with family…I’m sure he’ll take Bam into consideration in his plans, wherever it may be.
Something I did find cool when doing my googles 😁
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‘Korean singer-songwriter JYP (Park Jin-young) and Yoo Se-yoon's hip hop duo UV released the song "Itaewon Freedom" in April 2011. The title alludes to (and the lyrics celebrate) a common Korean perception of Itaewon's "open atmosphere", in contrast with conventional Korean culture, which is more conservative.’
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LGBTQIA+ ‘haven’ Itaewon
‘The 2020 South Korean Netflix television series Itaewon Class is set in Itaewon. The drama was praised for its diverse and inclusive cast and its realistic portrayal of subjects such as prejudice and discrimination against foreigners, ex-convicts and the LGBT people, as well as the portrayal of misbehaviors by chaebol corporations.’
Sounds like Itaewon is a cool, diverse, inclusive place, full of sites & attractions, shops and good food. If a 26+ year old man that’s been working and in the public eye since 13/14 wanted to build a home there, Itaewon sounds like a great place and a good investment.
I’d love to visit there, if I ever had the time AND money 🥲
Thanks for the ask, it caused me to learn something new!
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damiansgoodgirll · 7 months
If you accept requests, I want to ask a Rhea Ripley x fem! reader: they celebrate the fact reader got over a person that wasn't worth her tears and Rhea confesses to them?
reader is bi just for the plot + this is based on a very personal situation of mine, i really hope you cannot relate because this sh!t is crazy.
rhea ripley x reader
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he’s not worth your tears
you couldn’t believe you were so blind to fall in love with him.
he treated you nice. he showed interest first. he wanted to see you and go out with you. he took you to nice places and showed you some cute spots around town you didn’t even know, only to end up like one of the other women he was used to have.
and the worst part is that you really thought he cared. that he really liked you too.
but then he started ghosting you. leaving you on delivered, replying after hours, or worse, days. you couldn’t understand what you did wrong and if you did something wrong because everything was going perfectly fine.
when you first told your best friend rhea about him, she wasn’t sure about the whole dating/situation you had.
she knew how much you cared but she also knew how little he cared. she felt like he wasn’t enough for you and you were too perfect for him.
so she wasn’t surprised when one night you called her, crying your eyes out because he was ignoring you, of course, right after you’ve spent time in his bed.
you got feelings for him and you didn’t know what to do, knowing that he was only using you for his own pleasure.
rhea was mad. not at you, of course. you were just too blindly in love to realise how little of a man he was. she was mad at him, for making you doubt yourself, for making you cry, for hurting you and neglecting you. so she spent the night, hearing your cries and hoping she could relieve the pain you were in.
the second time it happened it was when you were at her place. you were so excited to see him again only for him to text you that he was busy with his friends and that you had to postpone your date.
rhea was beyond pissed.
“he’s not worth your time. hell, he’s not worth your tears” she used to tell you “if he makes you cry, he’s not worth it…a man who loves you should never make you cry”
but you were still too in love to realise that.
the third time it happened was when he had a party to attend and instead of asking you to be his plus one, he ghosted you for days before telling you that he wanted to see you.
you had enough.
of course you were in love.
but you couldn’t take it anymore.
being used and being ignored like that hurt you and you had enough.
so you agreed to see him just to tell him that it’s over. but the first person you called was rhea. you knew how much she hated him and you just wanted to hear her happy voice when you told her the news.
“rhea?” you whispered when she answered the phone.
“you okay? it’s a little too early for you to call” she said smiling hearing your voice but a little concerned when she was it was six in the morning, knowing that you weren’t a morning person.
“can you come over?”
“sure…let me get a shower, i was training…are you okay?” she asked, still worried.
“yes, just be quick!”
“fine, i’ll be there in 10 minutes” rhea said hanging up.
before you could even sit back on your couch, you heard the front door opening, sign that rhea was there.
“care to tell me what got you up at six in the morning?” she asked you.
“i’m finally over him!” you said smiling.
“you called me here for that? are - are you serious?” she asked a little annoyed.
“yes! i’m not thinking about him anymore! i’m not crying for him anymore! he ghosted me and i’m okay with that because i finally realised i deserve someone better! i wish i wasn’t so blind these past weeks but i fucking realised he’s not worth it!” you said a little to excited making her giggle. she was actually relieved that you recovered from the “i’m in love with him but he doesn’t care about me” phase.
“well…i feel like we should celebrate?” she asked.
“yup! you want a shot?”
“y/n, it’s almost seven in the morning…i meant we should have breakfast together”
“oh you right…what do you want to eat?” you asked her “i’m in a good mood, i’ll make everything you want”
“everything sounds good…what about pancakes?” she asked and you nodded.
while you were cooking, you couldn’t help, but feel rhea’s eyes on you watching you the whole time, the way you moved, the way you gently put the plates over the table.
she knew she had a chance with you now but she didn’t want to take things too far. she loved you and even if it was a little selfish, she was happy that you were finally single again, that you woke up from the nightmare your ex was putting you in.
and she knew she was going to confess, eventually, just not today. she was there, happy to see you happy again, helping you healing and regaining your strength and confidence that was broken.
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ghostofaboy · 3 months
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Summary: Jack and Javier try something new as they continue to push each other boundaries.
Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels/Javier Peña Rating: Explicit. Serious over 18s only | Word Count: 1551
Warnings: Anal beads, mentions of deep throating, mentions of spanking, mentions of lingerie, mentions of sounding, anal gaping, Jack being a brat
Note: This as not been beta read so I apologize for any mistakes. This is a fic with gay/bi characters. Please make sure you’ve read the warnings.
“I hate you.”
Jack chuckled, the sounds rumbling low in his chest. “No you don’t, you fuckin’ liar.”
Javier scowled, pushing Jack’s knees up closer to his shoulder to expose his asshole. Locking eyes with Jack, Javier slowly smirked. 
“You talk too fucking much, Jack.” Javier ran his tongue slowly over his lips as he took in the view. “You’re a fucking brat.”
“So what’cha gonna do, huh?” Jack grabbed his knees, pulling them back to simultaneously spread his ass open more and lift his head up to look at Javier. “What exactly are y-”
Jack’s words were cut short as Javier started to push the first bead into his waiting hole. It wasn’t that big, around the size of the tip of a thumb, but Jack couldn’t stop himself moaning as it entered him. Javier laughed softly, rubbing the lube on the next bead, slightly larger in size before easing that in too.
“You were saying?” Javier hummed, watching Jack’s cock twitch. The thick shaft moving of its own accord with the first pearls of precum forming on the tip. Leaning forward keeping his eyes locked with Jack’s, Javier gently licked the droplets away, pulling another moan from the other man.
“Fuck.” Jack let his head drop back down onto the pillow, while still holding his knees close to his shoulders.
“Yup.” Javier laughed, easing the next bead in, marvelling as Jack’s hole briefly opened before swallowing the small ball.
One by one, Javier fed five more beads into Jack’s twitching entrance. Starting from the size of a fingertip to the size of a golf ball by the time the fifth bead stretched Jack’s hole. Jack was panting, groaning and swearing as his arousal took over. Javier loved seeing Jack like this.
Since the night they’d met in a dive bar and hurriedly fuck round the back, they had been pushing each other boundaries. Trying new things, new kinks, just to see how much the other could take.
Once Jack had choked Javier on his cock, laying the DEA agent flat on a bed with his head hanging off the edge. Bit by bit, Javier had taken Jack’s cock until Jack was able to throat fuck him. Javier had come just from the obscene wet strangled sounds coming from his own throat before Jack had painted his face in his release. 
Another time, Jack had surprised Javier by turning up to his office, wearing lacy lingerie. The tiny baby blue panties had stayed on while Javier spanked Jack over his knee. Jack has spilled himself untouched on his hands and knees with Javier’s fingers buried in his ass, still wearing his beautiful suspenders and stockings. 
The last time they had met up, in a sleek Manhattan hotel Jack had insisted on, Javier had allowed the other man to do something Javier had always wanted to try. Javier had ended up having the most intense orgasm of his life after letting Jack sound him. Watching Jack carefully and gently insert a slim metal rod into his urethral, Javier knew that the two of them had something special. But what that was called and whether or not it could be sustained, Javier didn’t know. There seemed to be only one rule when it came to their meet ups - no shop talk.
Two more beads stretched Jack’s hole as precum dribbled out of his cock, making a small stream from his stomach down his side. Javier paused, slowly pulling the latest bead back out slightly until it sat just in Jack’s entrance. The opening yawned around the silicone ball and Javier’s cock twitched at the obscene sight.
“You got two more left.” Javier looked down at the last two beads of the chain, the final one around the size of a billiard ball. “You still good, Jack?”
“What’s it look like?” Jack lifted his head slightly, looking down towards his ass. “My-my ass? It lookin’ good?” 
“Better than good, baby. Hot.” Javier laughed, giving Jack’s balls a playful tug. “Love seeing your ass stretched like this. Fucking dirty.”
Jack laughed, dropping his head again. “Fuck, then do it. Ruin my hole, Javi.”
A growl rumbled out of Javier, surprising even himself, as he tenderly eased the next bead into his lover’s expectant entrance. Jack gasped and whined as his thighs trembled. Arching his back as the black bead breached the ring of muscle, pulling it wide as it swallowed the bead. Javier paused, stroking his own cock as Jack adjusted to the bead joining its friends deep inside him, watching as the other man let out shaky breaths.
“Fuck.” Jack choked out, his cheeks flushed as he released his grip on his knees to let them drop down. “Gonna… gonna come.”
“There’s just one more.” Javier purred, leaning over Jack, still stroking his cock. “You can take it. I want to see you take it, Jack.”
“I don’t… fuck… I don’t think I’ll make it.” Jack rasped. 
“You want me to start pulling them out?” Javi gently rubbed along Jack’s quivering legs. 
Blinking away the heady intoxication, Jack thought for a moment before shaking his head. “No. Last one. I’m gonna spill, but I want it in.”
“Yup.” Jack panted, opening his legs as much as he was able. “Get it past the rim. Stretch me.”
With a rush of desire, Javier climbed up Jack’s body until his lips found his lover’s. Pushing his tongue deep, Javier sloppily kissed Jack, feeling their cocks delicately nudging against each other. Moaning into Javier’s mouth, Jack’s hips instinctively jerked upwards, seeking out the friction, only for him to drop back with a needy whimper. 
Pulling away and resuming his position between Jack’s legs, Javier began to apply the lube to the final bead. It hung down, grazing the bedsheets, tethered to the others by the cord as though eager to join them. Rolling it in his hands, Javi marveled at the size of it, his cock leaking at the thought of it holding Jack’s hole open for him. 
Then slowly, tenderly, Javi began to ease the final bead, listening as Jack swore and huffed as it stretched his entrance open wide. As it breached, Javi felt resistance and realized it was most likely the other beads blocked the path. The result was exactly what Jack had asked for, with the bead holding his asshole open, stretching the skin taut around the black silicone.
And just as he’d said, Jack came. With a shudder and a loud, throaty moan, Jack arched his back as thick ropes began to spurt from his twitching cock. Immediately, Javi reached for him, stroking Jack’s cock through his climax, pumping his own length as he milked Jack.
Jack trembled, shooting sticky blobs over his stomach as he loudly cried Javier’s name. Javier could feel his own peak fast approaching and, letting go of Jack, moved to straddle Jack’s hips, aiming his cock towards his lover’s chest and face. Looking up at him with dazed eyes, Jack grinned, watching Javier’s hand as it began to frantically pump his burning hot length.
“Come on Javi.” Jack cooed, reaching out with a shaking hand to pinch one Javier’s nipples, pulling a growl from him. “Come on me. You look so fuckin’ gorgeous. I want your come all over me.”
Baring his teeth, Javier involuntarily twitched his hip forward as his vision went white. Time slowed as waves of pleasure washed over him, his muscles tensing, and his hand faltered as Javier’s release exploded out of him. Letting out a guttural groaning cry, Javier painted Jack’s chest and chin with his seed, prompting Jack to stick is tongue out in a vain attempt to catch some of the salty come. 
Finally, his strokes became too much as his orgasm abated and Javier slumped backwards, sitting between Jack’s legs once more, gazing into his gaping bead filled ass. Jack lay boneless on the bed, drenched in sweat, his hair plastered to his head. Javier had to smile at the massive grin on Jack’s lips, clearly still reeling from his intense climax.
“Wait there.” Javier croaked out, climbing off the bed on shaking legs and grabbing his phone from his jacket on the floor.
“Fuck. Are you serious? I need you to pull them out now.” Jack whined. “Javi, please? It’s too much. They’re still rubbin’ my-”
“I know.” Javier shushed Jack, lifting the phone up and opening the camera. “I want photos first. This is too fucking good. You look fucking obscene and I want to remember.”
“Nooo.” Jack scowled, sticking his bottom lip out and giving Javier his biggest pleading eyes. “Please?”
“Keep still.” Javier commanded, his flaccid dick feeling a jolt of electricity as Jack immediately obeyed. “Photos first. Then I’ll pull them out. Be a good boy, you know how to do that, don't you.”
As Javier clicked away, filling his photo is shot after shot of Jack, the come and his yawning hole, Jack continued to pout but remained still. Finally, satisfied that he had enough photos, Javier switch his camera to video mode, kneeling between Jack’s quivering thighs and propping the phone up for the best view.
“All right cowboy.” Javier hit record before taking hold of the handle at the end of the bead chain. “You ready for part two?”
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coffee-master · 4 months
Does Nya try to intimidate Cole when he tries to flirt with Kai ?
Suprisingly she doesn't.
Nya only becomes protective over her brother where it comes to strangers or people that she doesn't aprove or think it's a red flag.
Nya knows Cole and it's her good friends, who is nice and carring. Also Kai likes him so she doesn't see a problem.
Besides Cole isn't type of person, who would try to flirt with someone in front of other people or just in general. So it'd be hard for Nya to even see this.
On the other hand, during the time Cole noticed he had a crush on Kai and Jay new it pretty well, he often was annoying.
For exaple Cole would have a normal conversation with Kai and then Jay would suddenly pass by with a smug on his face, directly looking at the earth ninja just to piss him off a little.
Or ask Cole when he's gonna ask Kai on a date or when they were having a talk then Jay would take the conversation in a strange direction..
Cole: *is enjoying his peacefull life*
Jay: So..
Cole already tired of Jay: Don't even try.
Jay smiles: When are you going to ask him out?
Cole irritated: Jay, this isn't gonna happen.
Jay: Why not?
Cole: I don't even know if he attracted to men.
Jay: ...
Jay: Ah, you're right.
Cole: Told you.
Jay: Let's ask him.
Jay yells to Kai: KAI!
Cole trying to stop Jay: NO-
Kai goes to them confused: What's up?
Cole immiediately stops attacking Jay: Um..
Jay casually asks: Do you like girls, boys or neither?
Kai: *very confused by question*
Cole: *is dying inside*
Kai confused: Um, well I'm Bi.. *scratches the back of his neck, confused by the question*
Kai confused & suspicions: But why are you asking me this?
Cole: *is panicking even more inside*
Jay goes to Kai with a smile and puts his hand on his shoulder: See.. You're Bi, I'm Bi in the end we have something in common, don't we? *smiles jokingly*
Kai who thinks that Jay once again tries to make him like him: ....
Kai takes Jay's hand of his shoulder: I still don't like that you're dating my sister.
Jay: Oh well.. *shrugs*
Kai: That's all you wanted?
Jay: Yup.
Kai: Uh.. *goes away*
Jay & Cole: ....
Jay: See now you know-
Cole: I'm gonna kill you one day-
Jay knew from the begining that Kai is Bi, because he asked Nya earlier, he just wanted to piss off Cole a little at that moment.
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jiminrings · 1 year
478 request - i wanna see oc grovel in some way tbh🤔 (tl set after part 3) probs jungkook getting upset with how close she is with yoongi like the touching and the "flirting" cause most of what we see is jungkooks faults and i wanna see some of ocs😁 [HAPPY ENDING THO... a cute cuddle and stuff]
478: drabble
alternatively, jungkook attempts to give you the silent treatment :(
[ 478 masterlist ] 
It’s not that Jungkook wants to pick a fight with you.
It’s not that he wants to pull Yoongi by the hair to pry him off you, of course not. It’s also not that he feels the need to remind you every single second to wear your wedding ring when you’re not working, because these days, you seem perfectly fine (and don’t feel the raging discomfort when he doesn’t wear his) without the band on your finger.
It’s not like Jungkook hasn’t tried keeping his mouth shut either; to clench his jaw just to keep the snarky remark to himself as he wants to be as rational as he could.
He’s trying to digest the sight of you and Yoongi being this close every single time but he could only take so much, his breaking point seeing the lunchbox that he packed for you (and woke up early to prepare) barely even touched — all because Yoongi took you out for lunch between tapings.
“So that fake dating contract didn’t push through between you and Yoongi, right?” Jungkook asks all of a sudden, looking up at you from the lunchbox that his eyes burn through. 
“Yup. Thank god, right?” you joke, looking for your pajamas from the pile of laundry that Jungkook folded while you were out working.
It’s the Yoongi thing and this little, little mistake you do when you accidentally topple over his pile of folded clothes just to search for a particular pair of pajamas. Jungkook knows it’s just a tiny accident and a little impulsive move on your part, and yet it makes his brain topple over, the last bit of security being unhinged.
“Right,” he smiles tightly, deciding he won’t do anything about the lunchbox and just leave it out open on the countertop. “Act like it then.”
“What?” your breathing hitches at the reply, eyes following your husband’s jerky movements in exiting the kitchen. “Excuse me?”
The way you sound so appalled makes Jungkook feel even smaller and more neglected than he did just mere minutes ago, biting his tongue when you ask for clarification.
He can’t hold out long enough to give you a silent treatment, but he tries anyway.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What do you think it’s supposed to mean?” he huffs, rolling his eyes when he walks past the laundry that he folded (and dedicated his time to to meticulously get them all done) while he resists the urge to grip at his hair in frustration.
“Don’t give me that tone,” you sneer.
“Don’t give me that attitude!” Jungkook replies just as annoyed, his eyes narrowed into slits.
You know the exhaustion of the day is getting to you when you finally snap, losing the little patience you had left. “Say what you want to say, Jungkook. Don’t act like this.”
“Like what? Upset? Can I not be upset anymore?” Jungkook exclaims, his mouth drying up when the obliviousness and frustration in your face are clear as daylight. “I can’t be upset because you’re all chummy a-and touchy with Yoongi?”
“That’s what best friends do, Jungkook!” you argue, crossing your arms. There’s this hint of iron in your tongue that tells you you’re not in the right this time, judging by the way your husband looks purely distraught.
“But you would always be more than a best friend in Yoongi’s eyes! Can’t you see that?” Jungkook contests, frantic eyes fixated on you until the fight leaves his body in one breath. “Fine. He’s moved on already or whatever he says, but what about your husband?” he purses his lips, balancing his weight on one foot. You’re too dazed to even register that the room behind Jungkook isn’t your shared one.
“What about me?”
It finally clicks in your head that there’s still the faint hurt lingering at the back of Jungkook’s head, the bit of insecurity that can’t be erased even if the two of you have reconciled already.
He’s still sensitive — after all, it hasn’t even been half a year since your momentary break, and the reminder that you almost weren’t his doesn’t help especially when you and Yoongi haven’t broken contact since.
“I’m sleeping in the guest room,” he quietly announces, slipping into the room without a hitch. 
Jungkook can’t even remember when this room was last used by an actual guest or when the sheets were last changed, but he can’t bring himself to care — he just shuts down.
You can’t do the same when you’re left in the living room of your apartment that’s far too small to accompany two troubled hearts at once, the brunt of it being carried by you this time because you’re the one at fault.
You think of it when you save the lunch your husband made for you that you didn’t even eat, vowing silently that you’ll eat it for breakfast tomorrow.
You think of it when you haul the couple hundred clothes that Jungkook folded neatly for the both of you into your shared room (the same one you want him to be in), some of them messy because of the way you haphazardly stuck your hand in there just to look for your pajamas.
You think of the pain and you feel the longing wholly when you knock on the door to the guest bedroom even when it remains unlocked, your husband’s awake and disheveled state apparent even with the lights out.
“Come back to bed, please?” you weakly ask, the reply to it never reaching your ears. You trudge the short distance, your eyes downcast as you make up your mind when you climb the bed with him. “I’ll stay with you then.”
Jungkook doesn’t tense when you wrap an arm around him in an embrace with his back still turned to you, but he does falter when you press the most gentle of kisses on his nape.
“I’m sorry, Jungkook. I didn’t even think to put myself in your shoes,” you apologize. “I’ll make the boundaries even more clear with Yoongi, alright?” your bottom lip gets caught between your teeth, anxiously chewing on it. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“It happens,” Jungkook weakly offers, his resolve fading slowly the tighter that you hold him.
“It shouldn’t,” you affirm, screwing your eyes shut in regret for not catching up sooner with Jungkook’s feelings. “Can you forgive me, Kook?”
“Mhmm,” he hums, head turning slightly to take a peek at you. You’re still embracing him tightly, rubbing small circles on his bicep as you mutter apologies under your breath. “I can, but I want to sulk a little longer.”
“Okay,” you confer, the hint of a smile on your face only materializing fully when your husband looks at you with growing warmth. “Should I grovel for a little longer then?”
Only then does your husband smile, nodding his head.
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fgmetanoia · 2 months
Just finished watching Heartbreak High 2, here's my thoughts that no one asked for.
Warning, spoilers ahead
In no specific order:
I deeply appreciated the lack of drama for Harper this season. I was worried, ngl. Also, her enthusiasm for her own house was so cute and relatable. Living in chaotic households (of whatever kind, like going from living with her schizophrenic(?) father to the packed house of her bestfriend... 100% better, but still chaotic) and longing for your little corner of peace... Yup.
Malakai Mitchell the BI ICON that you are
Too bad that his experiences with men always end up badly though
Cash and Darren, my sweet little babies. They better get back together and find a way to make their asexuality and hypersexuality work or I might KILL SOMEBODY
Now, Spider. I've been wanting a redemption arc for him since that scene with Amerie at the concert in S1. Honestly I thought he and Amerie would end up confronting but the storyline with Missy was equally good. Completely unexpected but good.
I also liked that they give us a background story of why he is such an asshole. Like somebody else said (can't remember who it was sorry, if I remember I'll credit), would've been better if it was something more realistic like bad role models, peer pressure and so on, instead of an unrealistic feminist mom.
That said though, I deeply related to the put-downs and constant criticism from a parent as a reason for his assholishness. It makes you feel like you won't ever be enough, so you might as well be as bad as you can. He is still an asshole tho, I'm not excusing him.
Also liked that they put Missy in an equal position of not being able to overcome her own prejudices
And finally doing it TOGETHER! I'm a sucker for these kind of tropes
I clocked Rowan immediately and picked up on the psycho vibes. Then changed my mind because it seemed like he couldn't possibly have a reason to hate Amerie. And it seemed almost too obvious to me... But when they ruled out Zoe, yeah. It could only be him.
I really hoped that they didn't give Amerie another triangle this season, but the fact that Rowan turned out to be a total psycho made up for the lack of originality
But but... The letter 😭 next season better start with a text to Malakai from Amerie.
Finally, IS IT ENOUGH OF TRAUMATIC EVENTS FOR AMERIE AND HARPER?? Let my girls alone, thank you!
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gottagobackintime · 1 year
Tedependent (and bi Ted) in season 3 episode 7
We have Ted whistling and being impressed by a man's hair “Look at that head of hair”. Ted and Trent have both talked about Trent's hair before "Because of the hair and the whole vibe?" and Ted's: "You know, they got a big old Ziploc bag full of your hair ties down at the lost and found. You should pop on down, if you still want 'em." As far as I can remember they are the only ones who has ever talked about Trent's hair in the show (correct me if I'm wrong). To compare it to another scene, we have a scene between Roy and Keeley, which is meant to be seen romantically between them where they say this: "Yeah. Woman with the hair." "Keeley Jones, The Independent Woman Magazine." A scene set in the pressroom where most of Ted and Trent's interactions, with a few exceptions, take place during season 1 and 2. She also uses The Independent as a joke about her being independent while still looking to be in a relationship. Which is similar to Trent always introducing himself in the pressroom with "Trent Crimm, The Independent." And Ted and Trent's last scene of season 2: "You know what this makes you now, though, right?" "Trent Crimm. Independent." Hair is also talked about with other couples we're supposed to look at romantically. Roy and Keeley, Higgins and his wife, Sam and Rebecca.
More under the cut:
When Beard is talking about Jane dropping hints and Ted thinks he’s talking about marriage but Beard is talking about pegging and Ted doesn’t seemed shocked or outraged or anything he just “Oh. Well, still.” Ted have been pegged confirmed??? (And then he asks what magazines contains the topic of pegging, just for normal reasons, no big deal). And while pegging can be enjoyed by people of all sexualities, I find it interesting that they brought that up and the "straight man in middle America" isn't at all fazed by that. Not even a double take, just "yup, that's a big commitment", with all the other hints that Ted is not straight... yeah...
“Hey, Trent” “Hello Ted” Now this isn't really evidence, because even non queer people say hello to each other. But I wanted to include it because it's just Ted that acknowledges that Trent is standing there. Beard and Roy doesn't say anything, nor does Trent say anything to them. It's an interesting moment to include, if they hadn't said anything no one would have really noticed. Because you'd just assume that they'd seen each other earlier that day so there is no need to say hello again. But they did include it. It's about Trent being present and Ted noticing it. It's like the scene in the last episode of season 2 when Trent is absent from the pressroom. Ted notices and he stops speaking for a moment while looking worried/confused. Only for him to be happy to see him, even admitting that he was worried he'd been injured. Ted's excitement when he sees Trent in Rebecca's office in season 3 episode 2. We see them talking after the match against West Ham (they could have had him talking to anyone, but he was talking to Trent). It's Trent being the one to notice and the first to acknowledge that something is wrong when Ted gets the text about Henry being in a bullying incident. It's the fact that these two seem to be drawn to each other, seeking each other out and noticing each other.
Ted not knowing what step number four is yet and Trent being obsessed with finding out what number four is. We even get to see his notes about it, something we haven’t seen before. And with Trent's newfound confidence since his talk with Colin, he's being more comfortable around Ted and Ted rewards him with smiling and even a touch to the shoulder (that Trent even reacts to by looking at his shoulder afterwards). Just look at the way he runs after Ted and just gushes over Ted's work as a coach. (Would he have done that pre-Amsterdam, I doubt it.)
Ted talking about people being put in boxes since an early age. (Children are always assumed to be straight and are often told to stay in that box for the rest of their lives). In Sunflowers Colin talks about not wanting to be a spokesperson, he just wants to live his life, to have his two lives combined. But if he were to come out he'd be a spokesperson whether he wants to or not. Because he'd be put in a box, his box would be "gay footballer". What boxes are Ted put into? American? White? Straight? Which one of those boxes are something he could have actually have been forced into? Straight. He may or may not have already realised that it's not a box he fits into. But to have him talk about being put into boxes when we know that he's being looked at as straight by everyone around him, including the TV audience...
Trent asking Ted if he thinks that it's a good idea to use a tactic the boys don't understand and while doing so he's holding his glasses with his little finger out (while we can see the two threads of red on Ted's jacket). Later Ted explains to the team: "In Japanese culture, they have a myth where they believe that all soulmates are connected by an invisible red string. And those strings are attached to each of their little fingers."
"Well, Trent, the way I see it, it's kind of like taking a hike with Robert Frost. It could go either way." That's a very bi thing to say, Ted. Also this poem by Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
Two roads, coming back to the other one another day, not knowing if you'll come back. Taken a road less traveled and that made all the difference. Pretty queer if you ask me. Especially considering bi people are constantly told to pick one, pick one side and stay there, you're either gay or straight, you can't walk both roads.
Ted feeling the need to express his individuality by growing facial hair. He didn’t go for the beard (because he didn’t want to hide his sexuality aka use a beard because Beard already had that) so he went with a goatee. And then Beard pointed out that he shouldn’t have a goatee right before he was about to walk down the isle (get married to a woman) and instead he went with a moustache. When we think of bisexuality and moustaches, who do we think of? Who do we know that Ted saw perform at Wembley in 1985? "I remember being a little kid, sitting in front of the television and watching Queen perform right over there during Live Aid." Who in Queen famously had a moustache? Freddie Mercury. Freddie Mercury who wrote "Love of my Life" for Mary Austin, his then girlfriend. Freddie who, as we all know later got together with Jim Hutton and they were together until he passed away. Ted has said that he will always love Michelle, because they are still family. He still loves her, but they are no longer together.
Trent running after Ted to excitedly tell him that it's going to work. Telling him how he's noticed what Ted has been doing for three seasons (again, it's about being seen). How he's created a space that is filled with trust and support, something he himself has been the recipient of. Ted has both trusted him (allowing Trent to write a book about the team, having him follow them around even after Trent wrote that article) and supported him (when Rebecca, Higgins and Keeley wanted him to say no to Trent and he said yes anyway, him telling Roy to knock it off with his treatment of Trent, Ted inviting him in to share his ideas).
“Yeah, but he’s our dork.” Ted says smiling fondly. It's about the fondness. Roy is the one who refers to Trent as a dork first, but Ted is the one who turns it into something that is only positive. He's smiling and to him, having Trent be their dork is something that makes him happy. The other two are more like "yeah, I guess he's cool" *shrugs*.
Does this mean that Ted and Trent will get together? No. But I do find it interesting to find all of these small details that connects the two of them. It's the way Trent went from "Is this a fucking joke?" to excitedly telling Ted that "It's going to work!". Ted changed Trent's life, and in a way I believe that Trent changed his. Trent doesn't have a problem asking the hard questions, but he also sees Ted. He can see that Ted is a mess (when it comes to coaching and possibly also on a personal level) and yet he believes in him. He challenges him on his tactics and his way of doing things, but he believes him and the thought of Ted succeeding makes him excited enough to run after him to tell him that he's done something with the team that is going to work. Something he could have told him calmly and in private, but he couldn't wait. He had to tell Ted right at that moment. It's the running through the airport at the end of the movie.
And as for Ted being bi or not. Well, I know that he's referred to himself as both straight and an ally. But as someone who once thought they were both straight and an ally before they realised that they were in fact bi, because they fell in love with a girl... he might not feel ready to deal with that, or like me he knew about his attraction to women in his case, men in mine and so we must be straight, and then just assumed that all straight people think that people of the same sex/gender are attractive.
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oceanbug · 10 months
when worlds collide
smau non!idol ningning x reader
19. drinking game.
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"You wuss, let’s fight again!"
"Y/n, he’s passed out on the floor." Jimin stared at the tall, dark-haired boy who had passed out after having three shots of vodka.
"Ugh, Soobin’s lame!"
Almost as if he’d heard this insult from the deepest parts of his subconscious, Soon shots up and let’s out a slurred
"Am not!" Before face planting, right back onto the ground. At this point, everyone had been drinking and partying away for a while, and the party seemed to be dying down.
"Since everyone’s looking dead, how about we spice things up? Party games?" Aeri had her usual chipper tone, which was laced with mischief. The plan was to play a game of Never Have I Ever, then lean into Truth or Dare later on. Since Aeri suggested the game, she started off with the questions.
"Ok, let’s get in the circle, kiddos! I’ll go first! Never have I ever dated someone richer than me." No one in the room except Yeonjun took a drink.
"Ugh, as if. I’ll go next. Never have I ever dated someone for less than 2 weeks." Again, no one moved except Yeonjun.
"Never have I ever dated someone, then broke up with them after our English presentation."
"Never have I ever been on the school’s gossip account."
"Never have I ever cheated on my girlfriend." Ok Ningning.
"Never have I ever been over 5’10."
Ok, the questions were getting very obviously targeted. Sure, some of them may count for others, but all of them made Yeonjun take a shot. At this point, he was so wasted that he couldn’t even pick up the glass to take another shot.
"Ok, I’m totally bored. Let’s do truth or dare!"
"I don’t know, ladies, I’m a bi-" Ninging quickly cut off Yeonjun before he got the chance to escape.
"Jimin, truth or dare?"
"Ugh, you’re so lame. Well, how was I? My kisses are known for being unforgettable." You wanted nothing more than to tune out the conversation, but it was just a game. Having to get used to Jimin talking about other people at some point, you forced yourself to listen.
"Oh? Fine, I guess. I wasn’t really paying attention. Nice-flavored lip gloss, though."
"Cherry." Ningning smiled, seeming satisfied with her answer.
"It's my turn." Yeonjun’s words were slurred and incorrigible. The plan wasn’t for him to actually ask a question, but just get bombarded with questions. But it’ll probably seem less planned if you all let him. So you played along.
"Ok, go ahead!"
Ok, ok, ok…..Y/n. Truth or dare!" He made a cartoonish horror sound after asking.
"Hm, dare?"
"Okkk, you had a lot of talk on Twitter, huh? Put it into action, mama’s, kiss the Ningster herself." Your eyes went slightly wide; you’d only joked about kissing Ninging?
"Your girlfriend?"
"Yup. Do it." All eyes were on you at this point. I mean, I guess it’s just a game? What harm is there?
"Oh my gosh, don’t look so dramatic; come here." Before you could fully turn around, you were lip to lip with Ningning. Ning ‘Rich Bitch’ Yi Zhuo.
"Cherry." Was all you could get out after you two broke up your kiss. You were slightly red in the face and trying to put together what just happened. You looked at your friend Jimin for reassurance of what had just happened, and she could only offer a slight thumbs up. While Aeri could only hide her giggling face.
"Woah! I love parties!" Said the drunk man.
"Ok, my turn then. Yeonjun, truth or dare." Jimin’s eyes were fixated on Yeonjun, ready to ask her question.
"Truth, I can’t pick dare; I got my lady here."
"How was your kiss with Wonyoung? In high school? " There it was, the million-dollar question of the night. Ever since your conversation with Ningning, it was clear Wonyoung was hiding something. If he hadn’t really gotten together with Giselle, then why would Wonyoung lie? The answer was clear.
"Oh, chick’s got wicked tongue action! Blaming it on Gigi was such a crazy thing to do, though. Guess she couldn't afford to lose my Boo-bear Ningning as a friend. I still feel bad for Giselle. I hope she’s doing okay."
"Yeonjun, I’m right here." Giselle waved her hands in front of his face, but it was clear that he was ready to end this night. Yeonjun laid down in Ningning’s lap and fell asleep.
"At least we got enough information out of him." Said a stunned Jimin.
Ningning could only look down at Yeonjun’s sleeping face. She opened her mouth and let out an anger-filled whisper.
“That fucking cunt. Wonyoung’s going down.”
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masterlist ~ next
(Synopsis) Y/N had never been the type to take life for granted. You grew up with the mindset that if you wanted something, you had to work for it; So getting paired up with the university’s “Rich Bitch” Ning Yi Zhuo for your midterm was the last thing you wanted. Are you willing to step into the world of fame for an A+?
taglist (open): @azraism ; @kimsgayness ; @sewiouslyz ; @winieter ; @llluvbluy ; @i06kkura ; @everydayiloveyves ; @edamboon ; @rdfgfv ; @beawolfbealionbeyou
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hexiewrites · 1 year
on romcommunism, bisexual ted lasso, and the mumford-and-sons of it all
TLDR: this ENTIRE SHOW is about subverting expectations, expecting one thing and ending up with another, trying and trying and trying and ending up with something you never expected but is exactly what you need.
I've been thinking about this a lot, especially in regards to the amsterdamn episode which I think is the show finally 'coming out of the dark forest' so to speak, so I wanted to revisit the romcommunism speech and how it interacts with the theme song and with the other mumford references I see throughout the show, and why I think it points to a possibility of bi!ted, or at least, of a ted ending entirely different than what the majority is expecting it to be.
first off, as a reminder, the rom-communism speech from season 2 episode 5:
"If all those attractive people ... can go through some light-hearted struggles and still end up happy, then so can we. (...) Gentleman, believing in Rom-Communism is all about believing that everything's gonna work out in the end. Now these next few months might be tricky. But that's just 'cause we're going through our dark forest. Fairytales do not start, nor do they end, in the dark forest. That's something that only shows up smack dab in the middle of a story. But it will all work out. Now it may not work out how you think it will, or how you hope it does, but believe me. It will all work out. Exactly as it's supposed to. Our job is to have zero expectations, and just let go."
I've highlighted one of the most important parts of this speech for my analysis here, because when @stevecarrington and I were discussing it they pointed out where that sentiment comes into ted lasso again and again and again:
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sound familiar? yup! it's right out of the theme song itself.
I have a lot of feelings about the theme song in general, but specifically the fact that it's... it's not exactly a sitcomedy theme. it's not actually a hopeful song on first read through, but it also kind of is. because one of the unfortunate and inexplicable truths in life is that it's pretty much assured that you might not get what you want, but, as the rolling stones and the season 3 trailer itself tell us, you can't always get what you want, but if you try some time you just might find you get what you need
I'm viewing this very much from a point of, Ted is going to find what he needs this season. he doesn't know yet what that is (winning the whole damn thing? moving back to his son?) but it's our job as the viewers to have no expectations, to not assume that things are going to work out in any specific way but that they will work out. and that you're going to keep trying, you're not going to know what to expect, and what you end up with may be something entirely different than what you thought when it started.
(kind of like having a giant bi awakening, no?)
I also have a lot of personal feelings about mumford and sons (and marcus mumford's) influences on ted lasso. I've started writing that post a hundred times but it's kind of a mess so I haven't posted anything (in the meantime, go watch the hopeless wanderer video, which exists because jason sudeikis is a close friend of marcus mumfords), but the one I come back to over and over is the song believe, and how the lyrics fit so perfectly into this romcommunism concept to the point that I think the entire central theme of the show is built off of mumford&sons lyrics:
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and again. this drags it home so hard for me, on all of this. I could do a literal dissertation on what I think are other major mumford and sons influences on the show but this post isn't that. instead, I just want you to think about how the believe lyrics fit in with everything we're seeing. "your world's not all it seems" <- ted is not all he seems. he doesn't know if he believes yet, he needs someone who can "open up [his] eyes, tell [him he's] alive" and it needs to be someone who communicates openly, who talks to him
ted doesn't yet know if he believes. and he might not get what he wants (his marriage to be fixed, an easy relationship, an ending where everything is perfect), but he is going to get what he needs. he is going to try, and try, and we as the audience will go in with zero expectations and trust that it is going to work out.
I think different people will read this differently, but to me, it's a great subversion of the obvious idea that ted and rebecca are going to end up together. the cast has already said again and again that people seem to expect tedbecca to be A Thing, partially because they're both attractive, or they're both leads, because romcoms have trained us to expect this. ted is in a lot of ways some of what rebecca has been in need of, and there are some great posts about rebecca as the rom com heroine and what that means for her arc. but for me, the writers and cast saying that their relationship is strictly platonic, that they're brother and sister, is an excellent example of 'you can't always get what you want, but if you try you get what you need'. they might have some thoughts, they might start to think they'd be right for each other, and they are, but not in the way we might be primed to expect.
what ted and rebecca both NEED in each other is that confident. that platonic love and support that they're both craving in a lot of ways. sure, ted has some of that with beard, and rebecca has some of it with keeley. but their relationship, their connection, is so powerful to me from a platonic place, and this season is going to show them that's what they need from each other and always have.
and what ted needs is someone who can open up his eyes, who can, as mumford say in "white blank page" (which is also a very ted coded song):
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he needs someone who can lead him to the truth.
perhaps... someone we might not expect? someone who built his career on finding the truth, and who destroyed it to do just that, to give ted the truth even at the cost of his job and the life he had built?
perhaps now that we've come out of this dark forest, we're going to start to see those expectations shifting, and we're going to see ted get exactly what he needs, even if he doesn't yet know what he wants.
(I want to be clear that I think you can also view this very strongly from the angle of 'ted does not need to end the show in a romantic relationship, he just needs to surround himself with love and truth and platonic support' and truly I think that's more likely to be what we actually see. I just couldn't help the tedtrent implications slipping in a little at the end here.)
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