#zenith pokemon insurgence
zheph · 1 year
I draw I promise I do.
Anyways look at him :]
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crimsoncrim · 2 years
Im legally forced to ask for 1 bastard with a side of fries,, pweas
ofc <3 the He
sexuality headcanon: bisexual! no lean or preference
gender headcanon: amab, cis, he/him~ sometimes enjoy HCing he/they as well!
a ship I have with said character: orazen owo. I have an old OC ship as well, although I don’t talk about that one as much ><
a BROTP I have with said character: him + oracle with takace of course >:3 their chaos lives in my head rent free
a NOTP I have with said character: I don’t particularly think I have any..? I don’t usually have a lot of thoughts about ships minus the ones I really love hehe
a random headcanon: genuinely enjoys books and reading and does enjoy working at the library, he’s a closeted big nerd. a few of the cultists also work at the library in their off time as well (one of my old infernal OCs totally doesn’t do this exact thing!)
general opinion over said character: v beloved and dear to me, I’d push him off a cliff but in like, an endearing way. another beloved has moved in and stolen the fav fangame character spot in my head but he’s still probably my second fav!
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charles-among-us · 1 year
I only got this idea maybe like a day ago, but I kinda like drawing my Oc protag, just being a cryptid at random.
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I’ll ink it later. But honestly, if June’s unusual glowing pink eyes are fun to do. Especially if it can unnerve someone who wouldn’t be otherwise. Ya know, since she’s forgetting that she has powers like these, I like calling it a Psychic Overflow.
yes that is a botched attempt at Zenith watching this occur in his own base
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rozetheeuwu · 3 months
Blake and Zenith being silly together please... i miss them sm your honor... my beloved smug assholes *gently holds
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I miss them too...
(Blake bullying Zenith in videogames because I don't think he'd be good at it.)
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zhephs-dlc · 7 months
Very old doodles of the mystery dungeon au (basically Zenith + Ace + 1 single Taka lmao) bcs i still think they are cute
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thespectralkitsune · 14 days
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Don’t you want devoted followers? Who leave their families for you, give their money to you, give their bodies to you, and will kill for you?
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jellyfishmoon72 · 2 years
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Uncalled for
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fangaminghell · 2 months
Thinking about Insurgence again.
So I remember when I first redesigned Calreath, I remember saying that I could see him as a coordinator. Here's the thing tho. In my rewrite of Insurgence, Torren is pretty closed off, even more so due to Jaern's rule. That isn't to say that the international connections that are present within the game don't exist, more so, they are a bit more. Selective? Hopefully that makes sense.
So onto the topic of contests: I think contests weren't really a thing in Torren, not until the past few years or even more so. And I honestly like to think that Calreath was a pioneer for that. It's pretty clear, to me anyway, that the battle culture in Torren is pretty strong and continuously developing. But not everyone wants to be a battler, or a scientist. Being a coordinator could further expand young trainers options. I've always believed world building wise, pokemon contests originated in Hoenn/Sinnoh and kinda just spread around globally as time went on. But bc of that origin, I can honestly see Jaern being. Less than excited for the idea of contests being a thing. Like if the whole setting up of Contests was already happening by the time he became Augur, he would probably do what he did to the stock market and just pause it indefinitely. And because of his influence, some people might turn their backs on the idea of Contests in Torren. Calreath doesn't give up tho! He's just as charming as Jaern, and even if he doesn't get his own contest hall, no one is stopping him from encouraging others to partake in contest like stuff! There's been a few non official contests that he has hosted with the help of Diana actually! At least, that's my idea lol.
Also yeah yeah, water type gym leader being into contests- there must be something in the water I guess.( Hgvhvgvgvcg)
Also bc of this fame of being a gym leader and a official not official pokemon coordinator, I like to think he has a bit of a rivarly with Zenith's idol persona. I think it's one sided, Calreath just thinks it's all part of an act. Zenith actually hates his guts.
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Vote Lavendar Town! I had to listen to it for an hour when playing Pokemon Insurgence because of that damn library. Fuck Zenith for playing that in his weird ass library!
vote in the poll here!
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Yo, I've been playing this really cool ass game called pokemon Insurgence and it is fucking amazing.
Of course I chose dark mode, normal mod not hard though but STILL. THE PLOT BRO.
I like it.
SO far I've had two playthroughs, the first one stopped short at Zenith while the second beat his ass.
Not with a few tries though, the reason is most probably about how I literally haven't got a full team. My pokemon are literally only Delta Charizard, Delta Gardevoir, Milotic, and Mew.
Another thing, I feel like every gym leader and cult leader would have beef with me for it. Cause I've kept Alexander (my Delta Charizard) as the only one on that team until I got Luther (Delta Gardevoir)
And I've just, been going through the game with just those two until I got to Maelstrom(?) 9. That's where I got Mbumba (Milotic), and I've spent hours fishing for that bad boy.
And it. Paid the fuck off.
He was INDESPENSIBLE for Zenith, his Aqua Ring was a hella good investment man, that and he was mega evolved too so yea.
Mew came in clutch with Hypnosis and Dream eater though. That Groudon has never been that easy to beat yet.
So yea.
Just a kid going around with not even a full team beating experienced trainers through sheer spite, potions, revives, and mega evolution.
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emissary-of-dog · 2 years
humbly asks your for your geara hc.......
headcanons for my favorite little emo beast! [ DOES A SPIN ]
Sexuality Headcanon: You take one look at this man and tell me with the straightest face you can possibly muster: “Geara isn’t gay. He’s not into men.” This motherfucker wears eyeliner, has the full MCR fit, constantly talks about Zetta in ways other men in-game have not, he literally SENT Giratina to Zetta on Terajuma Island so he could pick him up like a prom date. THIS MAN??? 🌈🌈 WOULD KISS ANOTHER MAN. AND WOULD ENJOY IT. CHECKMATE BITCHES.
Gender Headcanon: He is the most cis-acting motherfucker ever and yet they are, simultaneously, one of the most trans-looking characters too. Truly a paradox!
AMAB. Transmasc as fuck. But DEFINITELY nonbinary. This guy screams “He/They.” Madame X gives her gayest battles (Valor Mt) to her trans-est soldiers.
( In other words they are SO much to go into, narratively-speaking, and I can’t get all of my words out here but just know I’ve been unabashedly autistic about their dynamic since December/January of this year. GODDD. )
A BROTP I have with said character: I’ve NEVER played Insurgence in my life but I know for a FACT that Zenith and Geara would be best friends/brothers. But I’d also say that it’s probably a good thing they’re in separate games... I can only imagine the opposite, honestly. And what I imagine is pure hellfire. Don’t put these two in a room together they’ll probably bond over their sick-ass legendaries they’re weirdly religious about; explosives and hating children. And dick jokes.
Madelis + Eli are also characters I’d say have a funny dynamic with him... Eli in previous versions used to interact w/ Geara and Geara would treat him with more respect than Sharon so SDHGJFGH that’s definitely something I think about often!
A NOTP I have with said character: Honestly any ship that involves him and a woman. Not only because he’s straight as a swirly straw but because I personally think she could do way better. I think every single girl forced to look at him at least once in their lives deserves financial compensation. Sariah I’m giving you all the therapy money you need once you grow up and have to confront your previously poor taste  🙏
A random headcanon: HEADCANON SPEED-ROUND! 🎇 (woo!)
Geara wears so many cosmetics it’s insane. Earrings, eyeliner, foundation, hair gel, dude definitely uses a hair ironer, SOOO much cologne THIS GUY STINKS, aaand glitter. He puts glitter in his hair, yes. He claims it’s the manliest shit ever.
He enjoys EVERY single Ghost Pokemon. All of them. Not a single one he dislikes. Ask him if he hates one and he’ll punch you in the face and spit on you.
He smokes. Why? Because he thinks it makes him look cool.
He owns a bass guitar, and it sits right in his room! Does he know how to play it? No. He owns it because it makes him look cool... Or so he believes.
He is 5′0′‘. He’s so short you could pick him up.
And finally... He’s actually an AMAZING singer. I’d compare his vocal range to that of Devin Townsend’s. Operatic, can hold notes -- but can also SCREAM like he’s in a metal song. His voice is relatively deep too, so he surprisingly has a pretty silky singing voice! Will he ever sing? No. That’s embarrassing.
General Opinion over said character: i kinda think i’m in love with him but i also wish he’d die
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zheph · 1 year
I think you guys also deserve to see my best artwork. Get trouted.
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crimsoncrim · 1 year
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i think ace deserves to be loved
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mew-cake · 1 year
I fucking hate pokemon insurgence this is so dumb.
Infernal cult base fighting Zenith and I'm completely stuck. I can't go and buy items. I have no revives except for ONE max revive I found. The only way I can "train" my pokemon to level them up is fighting Zenith over and over and over again because his pokemon are several levels above me and basically one shot everything I have on my team.
Not only is this an example of horrific game design, it's also just fucking frustrating because I have to watch the same goddamn cutscene every single time and the only saving grace is I can speed up the game. Holy lordy be this is infuriating.
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rozetheeuwu · 11 months
May i ask for the 4 blorbos ever? 👉👈
If its too much then zen alone works hdhdhhdhd
I knew you were talking about Zen and just started drawing Blake, Ace and Oracle as well without really asking who the other three were so like, if that's not who you meant I am SO sorry.
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zhephs-dlc · 6 months
MermAce + Pirate Zen AU makes me happy :)
old-ish art i never posted
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+ have some ancient doodles too
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