#zoro: wtf is your problem
wholecakes · 6 months
zoro who is so caught off guard by sanji’s kinder actions towards him is one of my favorite tropes. sanji crafting him specialized post workout snacks personally adjusted for him but still down to fight and call him names. he’s still the biggest asshole zoro has ever had the displeasure of knowing, and he’s horribly considerate. he’s a little confused but doesn’t reject any of sanji’s specialized treats. it’s not like sanji is fawning and doting over him like he does nami, so zoro feels like he can cross off sanji actually liking him from his list of reasons as to why sanji is acting like this. but it’s still fucking strange..
meanwhile sanji is in his kitchen wondering how zoro hasn’t taken a damn hint yet
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
Hayo, I noticed ur blog and fell in love. I was wondering if I could request Smoker, Crocodile, Zoro, and Hihawk with an S/O who is reckless. I'm talking like Luffy kinda reckless. Oh, this berry might be super poisonous? Only one way to find out-
a/n - awww you’re so sweet I’m glad you like my blog 💜💜 oml I’m giggling tysm nero for the request !
Warnings ⚠️ - crack kinda, g/n reader
Opposites attract
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- poor man is so tired
- “CROCO- I FOUND A MUSHROOM LOOK LOOK! It matches your hair!! tastes a bit funny though.” You said excitedly, showing your lover the black mushroom
- the color should’ve been the first hint that maybe you shouldn’t eat that.
- but you ate it anyways
- “cool. Cool.”
- “… wait what.”
- he needed a minute
- then it clicked, you collapsed to the ground, coughing and clutching your stomach from the pain
- “Y/n- you ate a random mushroom?!”
- frantically trying to not freak out
- he’s trying to remain calm. but it’s not working
- god the pain was unbearable, your stomach churning but also cramping at the same time
- And to make it better? You might’ve eaten the entire mushroom 🙃
- he’s not a doctor wtf is he supposed to do-???
- literally slapping your back to try and get you to spit it out
- you survived, but crocodile’s sanity didn’t lol
- in battles, you were always the first one to spring into action, much to your lover’s dismay
- “Let’s go!!!” You shouted, jumping off the ship, running straight towards the marine encampment
- he didn’t even get to explain the plan yet
- man loves you a lot, so he sticks with you even though you drive him insane
- “y/n don’t you even think about eating that. it was on the ground.”
- “but- 5 second rule-“
- “NO-“
- ….
- *eats it anyways*
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- he’s like a wall
- does he ever express emotion to your shenanigans???
- definition of 🗿
- you end up getting into more dumb shit just to see if he’d react
- you could be choking on a poisonous berry, and all he does is fucking slap your back, and you spit it out no problem
- he’s like those magic moms
- he wouldn’t appreciate being called that
- right before you rush to jump off the cliff, he literally just grabs you by the back of your shirt like you’re a tiny cat
- he does it with one hand while he’s reading the newspaper with the other
- not even looking
- you’re honestly tired of trying to get him to react, so you end up falling asleep on him sometimes, exhausted from all your reckless activities
- oh if only you were awake to see how he reacted to this
- he had a soft smile on his face, and he ran his fingers through your hair, softly patting your back and hugging you close to him
- this was the time that he reacted, and you were unfortunately asleep 🙃
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- you’re bad for his health
- you give him heart attacks every single day
- Tashigi has started to give him free therapy sometimes
- when you literally jump off the ship before he can explain the plan to you, he has to quickly grab you with his smokey hands
- he has an amazing reaction time thanks to you :)
- “Smokey! I was just gonna take care of ‘em for you!” You said with a smile, hanging in front of your lover
- how could he not forgive you???? He loved you too much to stay mad
- he has to keep you close by, but when you suddenly disappear, and he sees you beating up a bunch of pirates in the distance
- my god you’re going to be the death of him
- all he wants is for you to be safe, and you’re charging straight towards the danger with a huge smile on your face-
- “Smokey!!!! I beat them up for you!” You said, waving at him
- you were sitting on top the pile of beaten up pirates with your big smile that smoker loved so much
- he couldn’t help but smile back with a tired sigh
- he one time almost couldn’t breathe because he couldn’t find you for a good five minutes before you jumped out of a barrel to spook him
- man was so scared he couldn’t move
- “um. smokey are you ok?…”
- it took a good five minutes for his mind to process what just happened, and then he scolded you for another ten :)
- obviously you didn’t listen to even half of what he said tho 👍
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- I mean he has Luffy as a captain, so he’s pretty used to it
- or so he thought.
- you were eating a mushroom right in front of him, and he looked confused as to what exactly you were eating
- “Did the pervert cook give you a mushroom??”
- “No- mffm. I found it.”
- your mouth was full, and then you swallowed it right when he realized
- frantically slapping you
- it left bruises
- "cant you just shit it out?!"
- chopper saved you, but now Zoro has to accompany you everytime you explore the islands
- you picked up some berries from a nearby bush, and you were about to put them in your mouth
- he bonked your head with his fist, "don't even think about it y/n."
- you hit him back and it started a whole fight
- you won >:)
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a/n - hehe these are fun
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Telling Them “You Have a Slutty Waist”
Ft. Sanji, Law, Ace, Zoro
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He thinks you called him a slut and now he wants to fight.
You don’t even explain yourself he just keeps getting angrier the more you mention it.
Some days you just hug his waist and say it
“Look at this waist…made for a slut.”
He’s like that guy in that one video that says “What the hell even is that” after being told “Daddy chill.”
He doesn’t understand and that’s what makes it funnier he has absolutely no clue if you’re insulting him or not
“Y/N, what is a slutty waist please tell me.”
“It’s in the title, Zo…jeez…”
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A literal slut though.
This is my favorite pic of him btw like wtf look at his ASS too. The ratio to waist to ass is just—
You call him your slut a lot whether you both are just together or having sex and you think he really likes it
He does get taken a back when you say slutty WAIST though
You wrap your arms around his slim body on squeeze it nearly picking him up in the process and he shrieks.
“What’s—what’s a slutty waist? Is it…?”
Please tell him it’s a compliment this man already has so many insecurities.
You do and tell him it turns you on and now he’s turned on and so that’s now your problem
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He just flips you off lmao
He has heard you say it many times to him before but now it’s just sounding like jealousy
And it may be
“If you’re saying my waist is lean then yes it is…you jealous?”
“I ain’t jealous of no slut….or your whoreish tiddies.”
Now he’s just annoyed with you because wtf is your problem.
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Looks at you like this^
“You’re the only woman I’ve been with how am I a slut?”
He gets so confused when you say it he starts rubbing his tummy and asking Marco is that a medical condition
Pls help him
You urgently tell him it’s a compliment and he immediately starts laughing. He likes it a lot
Now He says you have a slutty waist, ass, mouth—-
“Alright calm down now.”
“You do! You have these slutty tits—“
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redriotinggg · 5 months
You know what I need? Strawhats raising a child, could be shippy or not, but I need them finding a baby and Luffy being like "I WANNA KEEP IT! How hard can it be to raise a child?" (Famous last words) This is less about wanting to be a father and more about thinking about this as another great adventure and experience for Luffy (besides if its a situation like finding a baby in a treasure chest they cant exactly leave it... tho I imagine Nami seeing Luffy with a baby in arms and being like "wtf, where did you get that???" Luffy: "I found it in a treasure chest :)" Nami: "WELL PUT IT BACK ITS NOT YOURS!")
Of course raising a baby in a pirate ship is bound to be dangerous, so most of the crew is like "lets find it a good family in the next island" so maybe it's more of a Tokyo Godfathers situation.
Who are the better parents? Who absolutely suck at parenting but want to help regardless? Are any of them like "I absolutely don't want any part in this" but end up being roped in regardless and end up getting attached to the child? Does the child end up being raised by Strawhats or they get them to a nice family somewhere safe?
If you know of any fanfics that are like this (if they're gen/Nakamaship the better) please reccomend them to me I'm in desperate need to see that, child raised by a village trope my beloved
Pffttt a baby should definitely NOT be aboard the Sunny but if it happened I can imagine that yes, Luffy found a baby in a treasure chest and by the time they realized what happened, they were already on the open water headed to the next island.
However, the first thought that came to my head was that Zoro was sleeping while guarding the ship and someone managed to dump the baby onboard. He wakes up and there’s a baby—just under a year old—sitting across from him, fist in their mouth and a note on their forehead that says, “YOUR PROBLEM NOW”. There’s nothing left for him to do other than wait and pray that the kid doesn't start crying or pooping.
The rest of the crew comes back like Uhhhh Zoro???? When did you give birth????? To which he yells that he didn't, you idiots!
Now they don't know what to do because they can't bring a baby on the seas in the New World, but the island they're docked at wasn't very welcoming and likely wouldn't care about an orphaned child.
Luffy makes the decision easily--they'll bring the baby with them and they'll be an honourary Straw Hat! If they get their adventure started now, the baby will be at a huge advantage when they become a pirate when they grow up. Raising a baby must be easy if so many people do it! But it doesn't take long for the others to convince him that keeping a baby abroad for an extended period isn't a good idea, so they decide to keep the baby until they can find them a good home.
Luffy is not so surprisingly great with the kid, although he's not allowed to be left alone with them. The crew freaked out when they found him and the baby asleep on the head of the Sunny. It would've been a sweet scene if they both weren't at risk of falling and drowning to death. If the baby starts crying and Luffy can't get them to stop in 2 seconds, he dumps them off to the nearest crewmate--he usually deals with crying kids by beating them up, but the baby's too young for that. Plus, the noise really hurts his ears!
Nami canonically loves kids and babies!! She doesn’t mind taking care of the baby until they can find somewhere safe for them. Except this baby is getting on her damn nerves because, for some reason, they don’t like Nami. At all. Every time she tries to hold them, they cry bloody murder. To add insult to injury, the baby absolutely loves Zoro, who still wants nothing to do with the baby. But she is nothing if not stubborn, and eventually, she and the baby are thick as thieves.
The baby loves Usopp because he’s so silly! He makes the baby laugh by playing peekaboo and he even whips up little toys for them to play with. He flails dramatically when the baby grabs his nose or pulls his hair, both of them laughing without a care in the world.
The baby is too young to be scared of Brook, so they just laugh as he dances and sings nursery rhymes from all over the four seas. His lullabies are very effective in calming the baby's crying fits or getting them to sleep.
Sanji prefers dealing with children when they’re old enough to speak, but he’s not immune to the effects of an adorable baby. If it’s a girl she gets the absolute princess treatment, complete with baby talk and compliments of how cute she is. A boy baby gets his hair gently ruffled. Either way, Sanji happily admires Robin sitting with a baby in her lap before he’s off to puree some fruits and veggies.
Chopper loves babies and thinks this one is so cute!! But he’s embarrassed by how jealous he is of all the attention the baby is getting. He can’t help it! He’s used to being the one taking naps in Zoro’s lap and being fawned over by Robin. He’s happy to have the baby with them, but he wishes he got some more attention, too.
Jimbei and Franky don’t dislike babies per se, but they’re just so small and fragile compared to them. They mostly watch the other crewmates interact with the baby from the sidelines.
Franky’s nerves aren’t helped as Robin keeps coming up to him while holding the baby and talking about how cute they are and how parenthood is such a privilege, don't you think, Franky? She manages to convince Franky to hold the baby and when he does, he bursts into tears. Overwhelmed, he passes the baby off to the closest person, who happens to be Jimbei, whose eyes also fill with happy tears when the baby snuggles up to him. Both of them stop keeping their distance after that.
Robin reads the baby bedtime stories! But the crew have also walked by and overheard her reading books about death, disease, and war. She speaks to the baby in all of the languages she knows and tells them all the secrets she's learned. It's too bad the baby is too young to retain all that knowledge, but she's more than happy to share anyway.
Zoro doesn't like kids in general, but kids love him, including this baby. The rest of the crew find it hilarious how awkward he is with the baby. You'd think he'd be used to holding a small being considering how often he carries Chopper around, but no, he's hopeless. Zoro is teased relentlessly for the way he talks to the baby. He talks to them like a grown adult and it's both endearing and ridiculous.
Absolutely nobody wants to change dirty diapers. There are physical altercations, manipulation tactics, and an abundance of tricks used as each Straw Hat tries to avoid diaper duty. (Usopp uses dirty diapers as canon fodder and ammo when they run into trouble on the water.)
Most, if not all, of the Straw Hats have mommy and/or daddy issues, so raising this baby gives them all a chance to heal, whether they realize it or not. It also gives the crew an excuse for group cuddles, not that they ever needed it.
The crew have all grown very attached to the baby by the time they reach a safe place with people they trust to raise them. A few crewmates (Usopp, Nami, Robin, Brook) want to keep the baby around--it's too cruel to leave them, now! But Luffy has made his decision. It's too dangerous for the baby out on the seas of the New World. But once they've found the One Piece they'll be back to visit.
Usopp made the baby a teddy bear and dressed it as Luffy, complete with a straw hat. Sewn to the red fabric of the hat is a note written by the crew, a photo of them all, and a piece of Luffy's vivre card. If the baby grows up and ever wants to come sailing with them, all they have to do is ask.
AAAHHH this was so fun omg!! I love babies sm and there'd be so many antics if a baby was on the Sunny. I doubt I'd ever write a fic myself though, but I'd be happy to think up more hcs in another ask :)
I don't know of any nakamaship fics like this, so if anyone does please link it in the comments. But! KazimaKuwabara has this FANTASTIC fic feat. the Straw Hats taking care of their de-aged nakama. I've read it so many times, it's great.
Thank you for the ask! Keep em coming y'all, I live for this.
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bidisastersanji · 6 months
Had literal (not just inspired) Ranma 1/2 ZoSan galaxy thoughts with @anniilaugh and oh boy oh boy oh boy
Zoro and Hawkeye are japanese martial artists training in Jusenkyo, China, they get to the cursed springs and don't listen to the guide about how they should definitely not fight there
Zoro falls into the cursed spring of the young woman and from then on his body turns female at the contact of cold water and back to male with hot water- his dad falls in the panda one.
Mihawk brings them back to Japan because he and his old pal Zeff had made a promise to marry their kids and join their dojos- he has to fight Zoro the entire way
Scene starts with Zeff sitting down his three adoptive kids with mommy issues (Robin, Nami and Sanji) to tell them they're about to receive his old friend Mihawk and his son Zoro- long ago they agreed to marry their kids to secure the "Anything goes" dojo's legacy, and both thought it wouldn't work out since they didn't have kids at first, but both ended up adopting in later years.
All three are pissed that they don't get a say in this- they've never even met this Zoro guy! Who cares if he's been training in China, they can probably still beat his ass.
Fem!Zoro and Panda!Mihawk are fighting it out in the street in the rain (which is what turned them both into their cursed forms)- Zoro is angry that his stupid father figure just decided this for him- fuck this, he's going back to China, and that's that! but Mihawk knocks him out and carries him on his shoulder to the Akaashi residence.
Back at the dojo, Robin hopes he's older than her, Nami knows she, the town lesbian with a gf (Vivi) won't be forced to marry him if it comes to it, and Sanji is just so angry that Zeff would make this decision for them- how stupidly old fashioned and this guy won't be taking over the dojo from them, no way. Also, who cares about a stupid boy. All that matters to him are beautiful ladies, after all. (still struggling a bit with being bi Sanji what's up)
A panda and a young adult come into the dojo and they're like ??? who the hell is this panda? the panda sets down Zoro in front of Zeff like "voila" and they're like! oh- could you be?
I'm Roronoa Zoro. Sorry 'bout this.
Zeff hugs him, feels the soft chest press against his own, and is like- oh. Did he misremember what Mihawk told him, was it a daughter after all?
Sanji is relieved, thinking Zoro is a woman (Zoro doesn't correct anyone, he doesn't really care, he just wants to get back to China and if this means he can get out of marrying on a misunderstanding, maybe it'll work out in his favour)- and he acts like his usual gentlemanly self with him, treating him to tea and asking him about his training. Zoro asks to spar, and Sanji truly couldn't- but can't say no to a pretty lady so they spar but Sanji never actually hits Zoro- always stopping right before he lands a hit, annoying the shit out of Zoro (what a prissy guy)
Having worked up a sweat (that Sanji guy wasn't half bad at fighting, even if he didn't actually hit him), Zoro goes to wash in the men's baths
Sanji, thinking "she" is in the women's baths, walks into the same bath, naked, and is faced with a very built, very attractive man in his bathroom, stepping out of the hot tub. he definitely doesn't ogle him
He panics and runs to the rest of the family being like "there's a pervert in the bathroom wtf"
Zoro joins them, dressed in the same clothes he was in before and reintroduces himself (I'm Roronoa Zoro, sorry 'bout this)
They all gather to go over what's happened in China (including demonstration as Mihawk throws Zoro into the pond) and Zeff cuts him off to be like
"There's truly no problem. So, Zoro, which of my children do you want to marry- although in his letters your father did mention you preferred men, and I only have one of those."
Robin and Nami pounce on this and push Sanji forwards "oh he definitely wants Sanji"- "what?? why me?"- "well, he's half a girl, so it works out perfect for you!"/"I'm a full lesbian and he's a gay man it's not meant to be"
Sanji fights this- "I don't want to marry this pervert!" "Who you callin' a pervert, you walked in on me, curly brows!" "yeah, well you were a strange naked man in my bathroom, so that makes you a pervert" "Yeah, well you took a pretty long, good look at me, so I'd say you're the pervert, ogling me" "I wasn't ogling you you brute!" "oh, I see, you were just jealous of how better built I am than you"
Sanji kicks him into the garden pond and leaves to take the bath he didn't get to take earlier
Zoro (in girl form) also goes to bathe, wanting to clean himself of the dirty pond water- and of course runs into Sanji, who gets a really bad nosebleed
AND SO BEGINS the slow burn of always bickering, full of misunderstandings, gender shenanigans, enemies to lovers arranged marriage Zoro and Sanji, with Zoro being really annoyed at the traditional gender roles that Sanji seems to be trying to enforce, and Sanji being constantly annoyed at this big brute of a man having no sense of priopriety and going around in his fem presenting form in ways that he thinks are a disgrace to womankind
but here is some more adapting:
Sanji, like Akane, has a crush on the local doctor (Dr. Law) but can't admit it to himself because he's still a bit struggling with the internalised homophobia from his birth father. Zoro finds it amusing in the beginning (before he catches feelings and gets jealous)
Again like Akane, Sanji starts with long hair and it gets cut because of a fight Zoro gets into with Pedro (who fell into the baby leopard spring), who will take the role of P-chan, sleeping in Sanji's bed and pining after him
Crazy love rivals galore and infinite fiance(e)s that Mihawk promised Zoro to of course:
the Kunos- Cavendish falls for Zoro when he meets him in his female form (oh my beautiful green-haired girl...). He always has the dramatic entrances (Cavendish, Age 17, the White Horse of Furinkan High), throwing his red roses everywhere. His just as...passionate? sister, Pudding, is in love with Sanji and thinks fem!Zoro is her love rival and tricks him into the rhythmic gymnastics showdown thing where Zoro has to be in a leotard, chained to baby leopard Pedro, both at risk of being exposed if hit with hot water in front of this crowd, and Zoro beats her with three clubs
Hiyori as Shampoo from the Amazon tribe who's at first sent to kill Zoro because he beat her in fem! form but then keeps trying to marry man Zoro who also accidentally beats her- Sanji is so mad about this specific one
Tashigi could be Okonomiyaki Ukyo (we think she's a man at first) or she could be Mousse (blind AF without her glasses) and turns into a goose with cold water
Brook as Happosai (old man with obsession for panties) who trains Zoro at times
Zoro doesn't get rid of the curse because plot but also even if he tried to, he would get lost if he tried to go to China by himself
Zoro's chest is 110cm no matter the form and Sanji is NOT OKAY
SO MANY NOSEBLEEDS (Ranma was such an ecchi manga and Zoro definitely has just as much propriety with his female form as Ranma does)
Nami makes money off of pictures of fem!Zoro like Nabiki does, selling them to Cavendish and all the boys at school who don't know the green haired girl is actually Zoro
Zoro was traumatised by the cat fu training Mihawk did to him as a kid and can only be calmed down and go back to acting like a human if he's pet and calmed down by Sanji. just like Ranma, he kisses Sanji in his cat form in front of the whole school (and doesn't remember it)
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smartass-hoot · 5 months
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watching these new one piece fans trash talk Vivi by saying she did nothing and that she's worthless/useless is hella annoying. like, even besides the obvious misogyny,, bruh did we even watch the same anime???
vivi is the only reason why the straw hats were allowed onto drum island. even assuming the straw hats fought their way onto the island, there would have been zero chance of them finding out about the doctor since it was the villagers who told them about her in the first place. without that, nami would have died, and we all know how essential she is to finding the one piece. also chopper wouldn't have joined the crew
yes, vivi asked luffy's help to save alabasta, but so did nami with Coco village and so did literally so many other people. i don't see y'all trash talking them??? and who TF said asking for help is a sign of weakness/uselessness? putting aside your ego and acknowledging your shortcomings is a sign of a strong character, tf
the people of alabasta have FAITH in vivi. they listen to her and they love her, which isn't something that is easy to do. the leader of the rebel gangs is her childhood best friend. she has connections (not gonna spoil anything) and those connections are her strength because she can call upon her allies and they will. fucking. answer. that's not something your average Joe could pull off, bitch
vivi is painfully weak and she sucks at being an agent. even in baroque works she was the lowest rank,,, but take a step back to see the bigger picture: vivi is self aware that she can't do shit, and yet she was willing to risk her life to save her country. she was willing to throw away her morals, work for the enemy, risk dying a horrible death or worse, even though there was little to no chance of success. THAT is called determination. THAT takes guts. THAT is a quality that would make her a strawhat
literally EVERYTHING about vivi's past interaction with that celestial dragon shows how mature she is, how much responsibility she bears on her shoulders as a princess (mind you she's even younger than Luffy) and how she can stay brave even when she's terrified. we praise usopp for that, and I won't stand for these double standards
one thing that's slightly more subtle is the drum island scene where vivi shows Luffy that fighting isn't the only way to solve your problems. i feel like this impacted Luffy at least to a certain extent because he actually considers alternatives before fighting now. of course patience was taught to Luffy because of shanks (first chapter of the manga) but it really felt like vivi reinforced that to Luffy
and I'm not even gonna bother with the post wano stuff cause those are heavy spoilers but the point is she's fucking badass and awesome and important and y'all are only embarassing yourselves and making it obvious that you're new 'cause the real ones know and appreciate our desert princess
also wtf is y'all's problem with vivi when Luffy and the rest of the strawhats have already acknowledged her??? they fucking love her so much to the point where they'd dunk on zoro for showing her 'tough love'. I can't help but think it's the Sakura treatment and I will not let another kind girlie be judged to hell and back for her femininity and for "being weak/useless" when canon proves otherwise
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pinkapet-rates-anime · 8 months
I'm talking about One Piece again, not sorry. I'm never sorry for gushing about the best pirate show EVER!
How Luffy recruited his crew- abridged edition
The simplest but also the funniest way I can describe the way the crew got together.
Koby- The notorious sword fighter Roronoa Zoro is on this island! He hunted pirates, you should leave immediately!
Luffy- Hell nah, I want that guy on my crew! He sounds cool!
Zoro- Go away, I can handle this on my own!
Helmeppo- *Plans to break the deal he made with Zoro.*
Luffy- Hell no! *Saves Zoro.*
Zoro- If I had died I would never be able to be the world greatest swordsman, thanks I guess. I suppose your my captain now.
Luffy- This clown guy is annoying. *Beats up Buggy and helps Nami.*
Luffy- You should join my crew!
Nami- Ok! *Already planning to rob them blind.*
Luffy- *Meets a weird dude with a long nose, a slingshot, and a compulsive lying issue.*
Luffy- I like this dude.
Usopp- My island is being attacked by pirates!
Luffy- *Helps with the pirate problem.*
Merry & Kaya- *Gives them the Going Merry as a thank you gift.*
Luffy- Come on Usopp, I know you wanna join!
Usopp- Fine! I'll become a warrior of the sea, like my deadbeat dad!
The Crew- *Hops on a restaurant boat for food, and meets a weird chef with swirl eyebrows.*
Luffy- Hey, join us!
Sanji- Dude, no. I'm not leaving this restaurant.
Don Krieg- *Attacks the restaurant.*
Luffy- *Deals with it, as per usual*
Zoro- Fight me! *Says Zoro, to the greatest swordsman he could never hope to beat, because he has the crazy goal of being the greatest swordsman.*
Mihawk- *Severely wounds Zoro.*
Sanji- You guys all have dreams just as crazy as mine, might as well join you.
Nami- *Steals everything from the Strawhats to make money.*
Luffy- Nah, not gunna bug her.
Arlong- *Has somebody steal the funds to by her home island from Nami, to force her to basically continue being his slave.*
Nami- Luffy... help.
Luffy- *Zero questions asked takes off to go beat that dude Arlong just because she asked for his help.*
Luffy- *Almost dies doing this, but nevertheless the mad lad does it.*
Nami- I'll actually join this time, no more robbing you guys.
Nami- *Gets really sick and almost dies.*
Luffy- A musician can wait for now, let's get her help. *Almost dies getting her help*
Chopper- *Accidentally gets spotted by Luffy, who immediately sees a reindeer and thinks "Dinner!"*
Chopper- *Transforms to get away.*
Luffy- Holy shit, a monster! Join my crew!
Chopper- *Offended by being called a monster, runs away.*
Sanji- Luffy is a monster too. Dude is literally made outta rubber.
Chopper- *Sense of camaraderie, but not enough yet.*
Luffy- *Helps him see his adoptive fathers dream through.*
Kureha- Go on kiddo, join em.
Chopper- Fine! Also I'm a doctor!
Luffy- Sweet, we needed one of those!
Robin- Theres no point in living, my research is going nowhere. Let me die.
Luffy- Absolutely not! *Saves her by force.*
Robin- You forced me to stay alive, guess I'm your problem now.
Franky- *Steals all the money from the Strawhats so they can't afford to fix the Going Merry, or buy a new ship.*
Luffy- Dude wtf. *Wrecks his base, but the money is already spent and gone.*
Usopp- I see your willingness to move on from the Merry as a personal attack, but I won't tell you that. Byeeee.
Robin- *Lets herself get arrested and sentenced to death to protect the crew.*
The Crew- Oh helllll nah! Get back here!
Franky- *Kidnaps Usopp as retribution, not knowing the situation of him leaving.*
Franky- Dude your ship is about to fall apart, let her rest.
Usopp- I know that! But the Merry is important, and also I saw a ghost fix her once.
Franky- Dude that ghost WAS the Merry. She talked to you because she loves you guys.
Government- *Kidnaps Franky and Usopp too.*
Franky- You have good friends Robin, maybe you should just let them save you.
Robin- No, I'm doing this for them.
The Crew- We literally don't want you to do that.
The Crew- *Literally wages war on the government to get their friend back.*
The Going Merry- *Saves the crew before having a tragic funeral as sea.*
Franky- You guys need a boat. It just so happens I used the money I stole from you to buy this epic wood to make a boat out of. You guys practically payed, so you can have it.
Luffy- Awesome! Now join us!
Franky- No.
Literally like a fifth of the population of Waters 7- *Steals his speedo in an elaborate game of keep away to get him to go to the Strawhats.
Luffy- Join or you can't have these back.
Robin- *Twists his balls to force him to join.*
Franky- Christ, fine.
Luffy- Holy crap guys it's a talking skeleton! Let's go talk to him!
Half the Crew- Absolutely not.
Luffy- We are doing this y'all.
Brook- Hello! Miss may I see your panties? *Asks the 90 year old skeleton dude*
Nami- Wtf? Absolutely not.
Luffy- Join us!
Brook- Yes!
Half the Crew- Luffy no...
Brook- I can sing and play instruments!
Luffy- Fuck yes a musician, finally!
Brook- My shadow was stolen so I'd die in the sun. Can't join, gotta get it back, don't follow me, BYEEEE! *Runs on the water and leaves.*
The Crew- *Accidentally ends up in the same place Brook went.*
The Crew- Oh shit zombies!
Luffy- Awesome! I wish all these monsters would join the crew!
The Crew- Dude... why.
Half the Crew- *Gets their shadows stolen by the same dude who stole Brooks.*
Brook- Use salt, it works.
Luffy- *Beats up a giant zombie with his shadow in it, and then beats up the warlord who steals the shadows.*
Luffy- Brook, join us.
Brook- No, sadly I cannot. As the last living member of my crew, I have a duty to our friend the whale, Laboon.
Luffy- Oh that whale? We know him! I drew our Jolly Roger on his face, he's a buddy of mine.
Brook- Guess I'm joining!
Jinbe- Luffy, buddy, come to the fish man island and say hi!
The Crew- *Immediately causes chaos.*
Jinbe- Dude please stop.
Luffy- Haha, no. So who do I needa punch to get you to join us?
Jinbe- I can't dude. Love you man, but I have prior arrangements.
Luffy- *Fixes the problem on the island*
Luffy- Ok now join us.
Jinbe- Busy.
Luffy- *More chaos.*
Jinbe- Fiiiiine. *Severs Ties with the Big Mom crew and joins them.*
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
Can I request Marco the phoenix, Sanji, Zoro getting jealous into their best friends,(Like ace for Marco) please!!!!
Thank you sissy!!!!
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Marco, Zoro & Sanji Jealous of their Fem! S/O's Best Friend
Summary: Your boyfriend got jealous of your best friend. He decided to do something about it.
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Marco the Phoenix:
- Marco was the chill type, he doesn't get jealous so easily. When he watches you chat happily with your best friend, Ace, he doesn't think too much about it.
- But when the crew took out the booze? Oh boy
- You get drunk easily, so you tried to turn down the booze offered to you, but Ace, being Ace, insisted, so you took a gulp. And you started to regret it when the drunk effects started to take a toll on you.
- You giggled, dancing with Ace goofily in the midst of your crewmates' cheering.
- And then, drunk Ace went to lean in, like he's about to kiss you. Luckily, your beloved phoenix pried the drunken idiot away from you.
- The crew started to go crazy and wanted Marco and Ace to fight but Pops scolded them.
- Ace was hit on the head, apologizing profusely to you two with huge bumps on his head.
- Marco never made you drink booze after that.
Roronoa Zoro:
- You are a swordsman of the Strawhats. So it's obvious you and Zoro would get along pretty well.
- When Luffy brought you to their ship as their new nakama, Mosshead was skeptical at first but he grew fond of you over time.
- You guys spar from time to time, enhancing your skills and footwork with his guidance.
- And then there's Sanji...
- Everyone knows how much of a ladies' man the cook was, so it was no surprise that he would be all over you.
- Which is a very bad thing since you know how your boyfriend dislikes "Curly Brow"
- And that dislike tripled when he watched as Sanji tried to hug you.
- "Hey, dumbass!"
- "Huh?" And down Sanji went when Zoro hit his head. And of course, you were concerned, calling for Chopper to treat the poor blond.
- You pulled Zoro by his ear to your shared room, ready to scold him but his cute pout made you hesitant.
- "I did it because I don't like him being all over you."
- You decided to spoil him the whole week, reminding him how much you love him.
Blackfoot Sanji:
- Sanji met you when Zoro, your childhood friend, brought you to the ship. Apparently, the grass haired swordsman recruited you to be their new nakama and Luffy agreed wholeheartedly.
- Sanji fell in love at first sight. He never felt anything like he's experiencing now when he met other girls before.
- You warmed up to him the last because of over-the-top and perverted he can get but you started to fall for him because of his gentlemanly manners.
- He would greet you everytime he saw you, giving you compliments and noticing your new outfit you bought from the last island. (Which btw you purposely bought just to impress him.)
- And then Zoro, who's passing by, complimented you. Like wtf? Is the world ending?? Zoro compliments a girl?? Unbelievable!
- You blushed of course, not expecting your usually reserved best friend to appreciate your outfit.
- As for Sanji, well...
- He pulled you with him and went to the kitchen. He made you sit before hastily went to cook something.
- "Sanji, are you okay??" You asked him when he cuts his finger accidentally.
- "Hm? Yeah, I am."
- You were worried. You never saw him getting cuts when cooking before. He's a professional chef, for Pete's sake!
- You asked him about his problem and he answered you shyly.
- "I just don't like it when that stupid swordsman makes you blush. I only want you to do that with me." He frowned, his lips pouting.
- You laughed, turning him to face you and pulled him to a tight hug.
- "Dummy. Zoro's just my friend. And I don't mind if you want me all for yourself."
- Sanji fainted, his lips grinning goofily as you tried to wake him up, calling for the reindeer doctor in distress.
- In the end, Sanji did got you all for himself. Never forgetting to rub that on Zoro's face everyday.
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Hello, @kazenomegaminowanpisu ! Hope you like this, sis! ;3
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nenepapasworld · 9 months
'Why are you gay?' This is long and angry, I warned you.
OP is my fandom for over 10 years, but till opla I was simply chilling on new manga chapters and sometimes fics/memes. After opla I needed to see all the new content. So, I'm fresh into the new wave of OP, because of liveaction, and I'm already exhausted from 'gay labels' fans seem to place eVeRyWHere. Because to most people 'not being obsessed with finding a girlfriend/boyfriend '='being gay' apparently. And here goes my rant about Zoro(mostly) and Nami. Like, both Zoro and Nami are simply more mature in that aspect, but most perceive them as gay (not even bi, wtf). So they can have a cOnVeRsATion like two people and tease each other without nosebleed and/or hormonal crysis. Wow, maybe cause they survived alone from the childhood and learned early not to show their emotions and attraction?? I wonder. Then goes this 'Sanji and Zoro fight over gay reasons'. Please, all human emotions are suddenly gay now? Give me a break! Like, they bickered over Nami's internal motives oBVioSly, not because they necessarily wanted to get her as a girlfriend. Then they bickered because of Luffy's trust and devotion. They're both a bit insecure in this aspect, big surprise. Doesn't make you gay either.
All that said, I read and enjoy homoeroticism and m/m content. It is just the exact same problem now as with 'youre a woman I'm a man' trope. Why think, why explore character, just call him gay and your job is done! I love gay dinamics, but that's exactly it - a dynamic. If person A likes person B, it should be more than their orientation and gender.
Main reason why I cannot love Sanji wholeheartedly is exactly because he is 'gender first person second' guy. Like wow, there are SO MANY different people, but he focuses on that. Zoro on the other hand, showed me (a young girl at the time) empowerment before I knew the word. He had a friend, he supported her, he didn't belittle or humiliate her in the moment of weakness and despair and he kept their promise, even if nobody else knew about it, and it only actually mattered to her at the moment he said that. He treated Nami and Robin as people, but he always watched out for them as he acknowledged their gender, not letting it be their main characteristic. He is a really mature man, and I never perceived him as openly gay or straight, as he values personal traits far more than boobs. I like dynamics where he values Sanji as a fighter and a friend, not those where he ignores Nami's or Robin's bosom in favour of Sanji's ass. That's such a neanderthal approach I feel degradation vibes from the community. Try perceiving men/women as people, it is 21 century, FFS.
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duochromium · 4 months
i’m probably going to be putting rain and that other remilia focused work on the backburner for the time being, i can kind of feel it in the air that i don’t want to work on any serious works for a while so basically peak may end up not coming. sucks to suck but whatever
as repayment i will show off the plot summaries i sent to w.d. gaster!
rain, aka Hakurei Reimu Falls Into The Sea:
Namesake is from “Roronoa Zoro Falls Into The Sea”, one piece thing you can google it if you’re interested
ReiMari fic where at first glance it looks like the yuri is the whole point but Oops! It’s A Duochromacy Fic With Reimu In It! That Means It’s Character Study Time!
The fucking rain is a metaphor for accepting help from others. She doesn’t wanna stand in it even though it wouldn’t hurt her
I hint at this by talking about the rain WAY too much. My readers are going to think I’m either a huge weirdo about rain (I am tho) or they’re going to correctly realize “hey maybe the rain is important” and then connections should start forming. I’m also just gonna directly say “If you didn’t notice, the rain is a metaphor for Reimu accepting the help of others.” in the ending notes because maybe my readers will have piss poor reading comprehension after only reading fanfiction for the past decade
Reimu is in a kind of good mood, it’s raining outside, no food in the house lmaoo, she goes to Marisa’s place (with an umbrella. It is very important she doesn’t want to touch the rain) because she wants to distract herself, they be HOMOSEXUAL AHHH for a few but after Reimu’s stomach grumbles like the third time Marisa gets concerned, Reimu insists she’s not hungry after Marisa offers to make food, escalate into argument that gets to “they’re a little angry but no insults are being thrown” level before Reimu storms out onto Marisa’s porch and listens to the rain while moping for a few, insert absolute peak here idk how I’m gonna have them make up, as a result of this peak Reimu admits she needs help and lets Marisa feed her, plenty of sappy gay love there blehh I hate happy couples, then they go and dance in the rain. I am sure you can guess what them going and dancing in the rain is symbolic of
The other one, aka How To Make a Vampire Cry
Scarlet devil mansion is hosting a ball, everyone’s having fun except remillia who’s kind of just sitting on her throne looking super bummed out (everyone just passes it off as her being Scary) tho, patchy floats over like “yo man you’re usually having way more fun wtf is your problem”, remilia talks about how flandre hasn’t been showing up to balls the past few months despite always being allowed out, blablabla “i’m worried i’m not being a good sister”, they decide to just go check on her, flandre sitting in her room listening to distant party noise until remi (maybe not accompanied by pache) comes down, flandre “i feel like i wouldn’t really be welcome even if i showed up” they both talk about what’s had them down and comfort each other then hug wholesome 100 keanu chungus I HATE WOMEN
feel free to take inspiration from either of these ideas since there is a 25% chance neither ends up ever being in a finished state
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oinkinpigprince · 2 years
Hi this is mainly for my friend but I was thinking about some of the one piece characters as cats, I’ve only read to chapter 30 so it’s only Nami, Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp
Luffy the type of cat who can’t swim, but whenever you’re taking bath he’ll jump straight into the water and then act surprised that he’s drowning
Also a very lanky cat, and stretch it’s very hard to pick him up cause of it
He’d also be a calico style cat or a black and white one, and loves running around and slamming into shit.
Would scarf his food down then try to steal everyone else’s, zoro’s kick his ass countless time
Also cat fights are hourly, like clock work Usopp and Luffy are the main antagonists
They also run around @ night knocking shit over and being the loudest POS then conk out all day
Zoro’s the cat that gets out and starts cat fights with the neighbor hood cats, comes back scratched up but soooooo proud of himself
Zoro’s the cat you get @ the shelter who every person told you was gonna be a problem and be hard to take care of and was gonna probably be very aggressive, and they were right but he also licks your nose when you’re laying on the couch so it’s worth it
Zoro also knocks glass specifically off the counter so that’s why you have to buy plastic dishes unless you want the most violent carpet known to man
He’s one of those built ass ugly ass blond cats(/pos) and has green eyes, also I feel like if he didn’t have green hair he’d have that fugly blond military cut hair
Doesn’t let anyone near him, unless it’s his favorite person. But it’s kinda hard to tell who’s his favorite person or he’s the one who lays on you, which is rare
Lays on your neck when you’re asleep and chokes you out, lovingly
Brings you dead birds as a sign of affection
Also watches you piss, just direct eye contact until you’re done
90% of your catch scratches are from him, but it’s like, lovingly
The other 10% are from Nami surprisingly, but that’s because you got too close to her horde of your shit
Steals everything from everyone and keeps it in a specific corner in a room or under your bed if she can
Very sweet but the type to let you pet her then bites immediately after
She has the bastard disease
I mean what do you expect from those gross lil orange cats
I need to stop being so damn mean, I fuckibg love cats wtf
Shes always napping on the stuff you need and looks at you bastardly when you try and gently try and get her off
Then gets offended when you actually do get her off
Kneeds your leg aggressively with the sweetest smile so you don’t do anything about it
She lays in your lap while your work or play games and licks your chin
Also grooms your hair or just licks your bald head if you don’t have any
Namis definitely the type to eat shit she shouldn’t eat
I said she hordes random shit but 90% is like any jewelry you own or shiny shit and old socks
Has eaten said jewelry and you’ve taken her to the pet ER numerous times for it, and she always has this shit eating grin on her face when you take her home
Usopp you found suck in your fence on a rainy day, you had to call a fire man to get him out and he’s been your problem everyday
Him and luffy have 4 brain cells combined, and luffy does not like sharing
Usopp gets trapped in everything and waits for you to come bail him out by meowing/screaming
He’s super cuddly though and very playful, he likes to act big and scary but one sudden move and he’s sprinting out pissing himself
Scared of everything new, then once he gets familiar it’s suddenly his favorite thing in the world
Also gets into fights like zoro but always looses and comes back crying and sad
He has big dog syndrome but for cats, he thinks he can fight pit bulls 9x his size but then runs away screaming the moment they move
But will still try and fight you
Gets into everything too somehow, then can’t get out??
Actually love water and will regularly hop in the tub w/ you and swim around
I feel like he could be a leash cat, walk him around on a leash
He’s a turtle shell cat btw, vry important
Runs around at ungodly hours of the night and jumps on you while you’re sleeping
But gets pissy if you wake him up
Prolly the best one to cuddle with, he’ll lay on your chest and purr while you two watch a movie
Walks on your keyboard while you’re typing though, bastard man
Licks everything too, everything he can get his spiky little tongue
Like zoro he’ll bring you stuff from his ‘hunt’ but it’s just leaves and sticks, you appreciate them anyways cause he got them FOR YOU
Does those very unimpressive jumps, falls a lot tbh
Loves playing w/ toys and his is the only reason you buy them, his favorite ones are the ones shaped like animals, especially birds
Jumps when he sees cucumbers & pickles
Fights w/ Nami a lot but that’s cause she takes his favorite toys into her stash and he wants them back and the two just growl and hiss at each other til they start fighting
Him and luffy get into a lot of trouble and have broken so many household appliances
Sleeps on freshly clean laundry and refuses to get up to let you fold and put it away
Don’t worry about him getting locked in the dryer he’s too scared to even go in there
Loves to drink out of the toilet like a dirty gremlin, every time you scold him he just has a blank stare on his face like •_____•
He’ll climb up your pant leg just to get your attention like kittens
He’s an attention whore
This was fun, I hope you like it calico :))
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ahyesfish · 1 year
i started watching one piece
and because my peanut brain will inevitably get bored and drop out halfway through and leave me disappointed in myself i’ve decided to write down commentary to make it fun
so now welcome to the long ass journey of me watching all the episodes (hopefully) of one piece 
ep1 - look she doesn’t seem like a great person but im in love with the big pirate lady
the small pink haired one is kinda annoying he reminds me of a tutorial npc like paimon
luffy is a little shit and i adore him
ep2 - damm they got there quick tf???
calling it now zoro is a sucker for kids man ate that nasty dirt covered rice just bc she brought it to him, common i know im right
the Capitan and his son can go die in a pit i hate them with a burning passion
ep3 - here comes the undying loyalty i can feel it in my bones
yasss they got what they deserved fuck that Capitan  
istg is that pink bitch gonna have a speech every time something happens istg
pop off we love besties and their sailing into dangerous territory ark love to see it
ep4 - now ik luffys kinda stupid( /pos) but why did no one think to bring food they where just with civilization
daym that green haired bartender is hot whoo 👀
??? tf is that bandits problem wtf???
noooooo not his fucking arm and baby luffys crying nooo 😭😭😭
luffy stolen by your local big ass bird while i still have no clue who this ginger girlie is and why she's looking for that map thing
ep5 - who is she?????
still dont know but shes annoying as hell
holy shit its hisoka if he wasn't a pedo
plsss let his hat tassels just be his hair coming through the hat it would be so funny
zoro!!!! the babygirl returns!!! 
oh fuck he’s got a flesh wound not great!!!
ep6 - mans is fr just sleeping it off damm
i get that the dog is probably some like plot device to move along nami’s backstory or something but like was the whack-ass-looking mayor necessary 
holy shit she thought he should have been dead after fighting the lion and proceeds to try to fight him bc pirates are all the same??? girlie pop get it together 
and that changes bc hes nice to the dog????? wtf????
ep7 - now why is the acrobat dude not wanting to get dirty but then fights and kicks a bloody wound??
zoro is babygirl and i love that he gets stabbed and just sleeps it off again
nothing has changed in the nami department still dont like her :/
rubber boy vs clown bitch whats gonna happen?!??!?
yasss shanks lore mayhaps
ep8 - awww itty bitty buggy and shanks 🥺🥺🥺
yeaaa kick him in the balls letsss gooo
nvm i love the dog now
yooo wack ass mayor is alive nice!
whomst is the long nose shadow???
ep9 - wait hes so cute i want to like squish him with a hug or something 
we stan usopp i’ve decided 
luffy and zoro continue to be little shits
and he goes to cheer up the sad rich girl 😭😭😭 i love him
who’s the tenya Iida wannabe
ep10 - ew i hate the butler why he push his glasses up like that
weird guy?? whys he walking backward 
oh shit he killed the parents and wants to kill rich girl!!!
there was so much going on in this one tf???
ep11 - look i love usopp but did he seriously think everyone would believe him now after all the times he lied ab pirates 
but also why are they going after him with pitchforks 
oh fuck he got shot
daym those cat pirates are ugly as hell
he lied to protect to kid henchmen 🥺
ep12 - the oil trick could have been so cool if it was at the right shore slope
luffy not knowing his directions is hilarious 
zoro pushed down the oil lmao
i love how upset nami gets over treasure 
ew the butlers back
ep 13 - wait the hypnosis actually did something tf??
just a general observation not even this ep but i hate that luffy just pops the whole apple in his mouth core and all
he just straight up grabs the fucking cat piece off the boat??!!?!!???
oh damm the other rich lady helper is alive
meowban brothers goofy as hell why do they look like that
i swear the butler, captain kuro just gets uglier every time i look at him
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readsrealm · 2 years
incorrect quotes part 2
Luffy: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean?
Usopp: It means i was second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Luffy: but what’s the first worst thing?
*Awkward pause*
Usopp: Luffy, they...they weren’t always orphans.
Usopp, trying to cheer the group up: Things could be worse, you know!
Sanji: How?
Usopp: How what?
Sanji: How could they be worse?
Usopp: They couldn’t, I lied.
Usopp: *Accidentally hits Sanji in the face*
Usopp: *Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay'*
Sanji: What’s wrong with you?!
Usopp, to Sanji: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
Sanji, motioning to themself and Zoro: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
Usopp: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life
Sanji: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Usopp: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Zoro: edible
Zoro, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Store Worker: Would a Mx. Usopp please come to the front desk?
Usopp, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: points to Sanji and Zoro
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Sanji and Zoro, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Usopp: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Sanji: Hah! 69! You know what that means?
Usopp: What?
Zoro: That you're a child.
Luffy, setting down a card: Ace of spades
Sanji, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Zoro, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you
Usopp, trembling: What are we playing
Usopp: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?
Zoro: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Sanji: I personally was created in a lab.
Luffy: I just straight up spawned lol.
Zoro: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Usopp: 'Prettiest Smile'
Sanji: 'Nicest Personality'
Luffy: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
Nami: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
Usopp: Bye Sanji! Bye Zoro! Bye Luffy! Bye Nami! Bye Sanji!
Zoro: You said ‘bye Sanji’ twice.
Usopp: I like Sanji.
Luffy: What’s something you guys are better than Usopp at?
Sanji: Cooking.
Luffy: Fighting.
Nami: Emotional vulnerability.
Luffy: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life
Usopp : Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years!
Nami: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Sanji: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Zoro: My moral code, is that you?
Luffy: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk Dadan left me but do you guys need a hug?
Usopp : bitches b like “im baby” but have childhood trauma and neglect like wtf do u know about being baby u were forced to grow up from an early age anyways I’m bitches
Usopp , threatening the others with a paintball gun: Listen... Life comes at us fast. We don't know what life is gonna give us... And today, it's gonna give you... a paintball!
Usopp : I’d like to offer you moral support, but I have questionable morals.
Franky : People are always asking me if I'm a morning person or a night person.
Franky : And I'm just like, 'Buddy! I'm barely even a PERSON!'
Usopp : Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so...
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Usopp *
Usopp : Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
Zoro : I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
Usopp : So apparently the 'bad vibes' I’ve been feeling are actually severe psychological distress
Usopp : Physically, yes, I could fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
*Sanji recording whilst Usopp and Luffy are arguing*
Sanji: *wheezes like a tea kettle*
Luffy, pulling out a knife: I'm gonna stab them.
Luffy: It's my favorite movi-
Luffy: I'm not fighting with you, I'm not fighting with y-
Nami: Just be yourself. Say something nice.
Usopp : Which one? I can't do both.
Chooper: *sighs* I have no friends...
The strawhats:
The strawhats: *coughs* B****, what am I? A roach?!
Usopp : STOP!
*Everyone stops*
Usopp : wAiT a MiNuTe-
Luffy: You know what’s funny about Usopp ? They’re my best friend, and anyone who’d hurt them is someone I’d murder, probably.
Sanji: Usopp ... you've been cuddling with me for over and hour now.
Usopp : *muffled* mm hmmm :)
Sanji: F***. I should be annoyed but you're adorable.
Sanji: How is the most beautiful person in the world?
Nami: *blushing* I—
Zoro, butting into the conversation: Usopp is perfect, thanks for asking.
Luffy: Hey.
Nami: Hey?
Luffy: I can't sleep. :/
Nami: I can. Goodnight.
Brook: Why don't humans have a specific noise that means "there are bees here, let's leave immediately." Why are elephants more advanced than us.
Robin: We do have a specific noise for it. It sounds like this:
Robin: "There are bees here, let's leave immediately."
Brook: When I was young, I left a trail of broken hearts like a rockstar. I'm not proud of it.
Jinbei: You're kind of proud of it. You work it into a lot of conversations.
Brook: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Franky: You and me!
Brook: *tearing up* Ok.
Murderer: Any last words?
Robin: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.
Franky: If you spell skeletons backwards, it still spells skeletons.
Brook, deadpan: Wow, I can't wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks
Robin: Listen, we’re done, we’re over! Okay?
Franky: Whatever b****, you ain’t never gonna find no one like me.
Robin: Yeah, that's the point s***head!
Franky: You look mentally ill.
Brook: I am. Let’s go.
Luffy: In case you haven’t noticed, I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I don’t “fit in” and I don’t WANT to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on? That’s weird.
Usopp, looking at their watch: It has been 2 hours and sixteen minutes since I’ve been insulted.
Usopp: It’s been about 5 seconds since I’ve been a**aulted, but let’s not talk about that.
Usopp: How would you like your hair cut?
Zoro: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be bada**.
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katsumiiii · 3 years
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Drunk In Love
roronoa zoro x fem! poc reader
genre: fluff
warnings: consumption of alcohol
description: the strawhat crew stops on a nearby island for supplies. zoro takes a trip to the local pub only to have some interesting company join him.
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It’s safe to say that Roronoa Zoro was lost. While this was not a rather surprising statement, it does get tiring to hear that the swordsman hasn’t picked up on his sense of direction since entering the New World. Again and again, every twist and turn looked similar to him, causing him to wander further and further from his desired destination. That destination of course being a pub.
The male couldn’t go too long without having at least a sip of alcohol, his mouth craving the flavor after a good while. He cursed as he traveled down another unfamiliar path, hands shoved deep into his pockets as he dragged his feet along the dirt ground.
Maybe he should’ve listened when Nami said to take someone with him. Nevermind, he would have had to take that curly browed idiot with him, and he’d rather not argue the whole way to the pub.
Zoro scanned his surrounds once more, seems as though those twists and turns led him back into the town, where the pub was apparently located. He let out a sigh of relief, tired of wondering around the dense forests, especially since all of the trees were so similar looking.
He trotted along, dirt kicking out in front of him as a result. Many different sounds flooded his ears, whether it were children whining for the cherry tarts that were on sale to the left of him — they were supposedly the best in town — or the slight ringing of laughter coming from the restaurants to his right, he reckoned that’s where Luffy was trying to go, the smell of meat too tempting for him to ignore.
About half way through the town square, Zoro encountered the very place he’d been searching for. With a snarky grin on his face he hurriedly pushed open the doors, the smell of booze greeting him ever so kindly. Walking a few feet up from the entrance way, he plopped on to a tall wooden stool, slamming his hands on the oak countertop in order to catch the bartenders attention.
“Lemme get a beer.” He bluntly demanded, obsidian irises staring boringly into the man behind the counters backside, watching as he turned around with a tight lipped smile on his face.
“Sure, coming right up!” The chubby male worked swiftly, and right as Zoro gave a long loud yawn a pint of beer was slammed on to the table, causing him to smile excitedly.
“No problem sir! Tell me if you need anything else!” He stated as he hurried off to handle another customer.
Zoro raised the mug to his chapped lips, taking large gulps as he drank the liquid. It left a satisfying burn as it traveled down the pathway of his throat, soon settling in his stomach along with whatever else was down there. He let out a sigh of relief and a belch, which caused quite a few heads to turn towards the noise.
“Oh shit, that’s Roronoa Zoro!”
“What’s he doing here alone?”
“If he’s here then that means Strawhat is most likely near by.”
The whispers grew louder as men and woman alike began to worriedly question the young males motives, discreetly scooting further and further away from him. Zoro huffed closing his only good eye, all he wanted was a peaceful drink at the bar, was that too much to ask for? Guess that’s what he gets for being a pirate.
“You looking for company?” A voice asked, the groan of wood rubbing against wood following soon after, causing Zoro to assume that they pulled out the chair beside him. He grunted, eye still not opening as his left hand gripped the handle of his mug.
“No, go away.” He replied, taking another gulp of his liquor.
“Aww don’t be like that, I promise I’m an interesting gal.”
Zoro opened his eye in annoyance, gaze traveling to your figure. “I said go away you damned wom-” he cut off suddenly, voice caught in the back of his throat as he stared at the sight in front of him.
You were beautiful, your hair was braided into a style he’d never quite seen before, but it was unique and eye catching. Your browned skin all but glowed as there was a window right behind your figure, the sun illuminating your very being. Your nails were thumping against the dull oak countertop in front of you as you softly bit your plump lip, your pearly whites slightly poking out. “You alright there mister?”
His body jolted causing a cough to rile up from the sudden movement. “Oh my god are you okay?” You asked again, this time worriedly. Your voice was damn near angelic, the sound of it bringing heat to his cheeks as he slammed his fist on to his chest to stop his wheezing.
“Y-yeah I’m fine.”
“You sure? Had a bit of a cough there.” Your eyes seemed like they were staring into his very soul as you laid a hand on his chiseled backside, rubbing light circles upon it.
“I’m fine! I can handle a little cough.” He roughly shook your hand off of his back, face becoming more crimson by the minute.
“Hm, I can see that big guy.” You chuckled, gesturing the bartender over. “Hi, may I have some booze please? I’ve been craving some for the longest!”
The male nodded, cheeks turning pink at the slight groan you let out. “Y-yes ma’am, I’ll get right to it!”
“Thank you love!”
“Oi!” Zoro quickly called out, watching as the bar man rolled his eyes before sending him a full smile and a slight nod. “I need more booze.”
“Coming right away sir.” The man grumbled, reaching upwards to retrieve two mugs.
“You seemed to have irritated the man a bit.” You quipped, letting out a small thank you as the very man you mentioned handed you your drink.
“Not my fault he hates his job.” Zoro replied back, muttering out a thank you as well as his drink was set in front of him.
“I don’t think it’s the job he hates.” You smirked, licking your lips of the residue booze.
“Yeah whatever.”
Silence overtook the both of you as you indulged in your liquor, you yourself starting to feel a slight buzz around your fifth mug. “You still drinking?” You questioned, glancing over at the green haired male beside you.
He shot you a quick look, cheeks red from what you assumed was caused from his alcohol intake. “Yeah, surprised you can keep up with me, you damned woman.”
You scoffed, leaning closer to his flushed face, the red of his cheeks increasing with the closing distance. “Oh please, I could out drink your ass in an instant.” You announced cockily, nose scrunching at the smell of alcohol coming from his breath.
He cackled at the sentence, body shaking from complete and utter shock at what he believed to be an incorrect statement, though he guessed he’d have to find out. “Oh really? Is that a challenge?”
“You bet it is moss head.”
“Oh it’s on.”
Drink after drink, you two continued to down as many mugs as you could, the burn intensifying with each gulp. You took a sharp breath as you hastily drank another one, hearing cheers from the spectators, bets circulating on which person would win the battle. After about 56 mugs, Zoro lightly tapped chipped oak countertop, causing you to whoop in victory, screams erupting from the onlookers.
“Ha! Told you I would win!”
Zoro giggled, pushing his body from the wooden stool. “Damn, never thought I’d see the day.”
“I’m surprised my damn self, you can drink your ass off.” You smiled, flipping your intricately braided hair off of your shoulder.
“Well, it was nice drinking with ya.” The male declared as he trotted out of the bar, sending a small wave your way.
“Wait! You can’t just leave!” You rushed after him, hands clammy and mouth dry as you forced your legs to work properly enough to be able to run after the male. Though Zoro did hear your outburst, he decided to continue walking, once again kicking up dust as he wandered about. Your footsteps grew heavier, the affects of the alcohol you drank just now washing over you. You began to walk sluggishly, soon tripping, sending your body tumbling into Zoro’s.
“H-hey! What the hell?!” He firmly grabbed your plush waist, unintentionally pulling you flush against his toned body.
His cheeks heated up once again as his eyes settled along your face, your eyes glazed over, bottom lip slightly red, most likely irritated from the amount of times your teeth have harshly dug into them. “You...you alright?” His fingers traced pathways along your skin, trailing lines and circles as you both continued to stare at one another.
Soon you leaned forward, capturing your lips with his, the taste of alcohol dancing along your tongues. Heat trailed throughout your body, hands settling on top of his as you continued to embrace one another. The kiss was hot and messy, teeth clashing more than once, though neither of you minded, you simply continued to take in every single bit of each other.
You eventually pulled apart, both of you heaving from the intensity of it all. You both stared at each other’s slightly dulled irises, gazing upon the possibilities of this new relationship, or whatever you’d like to call it.
“Mhm?” Zoro cocked his head sideways, rubble rubbing against the back of his scalp from the movement.
“My name, it’s Y/N.” You repeated, ruffling the males hair to shake off the excess debris.
Zoro hummed in response, cheeks flushing for what seemed to be the thousandth time today. “My names Zoro.”
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notes: idk wtf is going awn in this fic lmfao 💀
taglist: @izvana @myhoodacademia @mypimpademia @0risha @blackweebtrash @katsumox @kazuluvr @yuujisbby @manjiiroll @asaincy @namjoonswifeyy @angiebug101 @amethyst09 @sisifromthed @lilsparkyswife @morosis-haze @solar3lunar @lightofcordonia
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Reading One Piece pt 221: “My Body… Won’t Move…”
Chapter 468
- Chapter title says we’ll see Chopper vs Hogback. Destroy him, Chopper
- Fpos/cs: What. “Energy surges into an ancient town” Why do I see a bunch of chibi soldiers presumably waking up? What does it mean??? What are they doing on the moon??? Was Old Professor from the moon then? What a f*cking coincidence that would be. Does that mean Enel will have army of chibis now? I was just about done caring about that ministory and they suck me right in! But in all honesty, what
- “How does it feel to be captured by the powers of your own nakama!?” ooh, Hogback got Penguin and Samurai to do the dirty job and capture Robin and Chopper. That’s just plain rude
- Huh, Penguin could hit Robin now, when he refused to attack Nami earlier. It could be used for Shipping Manifesto but personally I think there’s a time limit on how long shadow’s personality holds reigns on zombie’s body, I mean Moria is waiting for Oars to lose Luffy’s… Luffyness still. And let’s remember Absalom blasted Penguin hard enough I though him gone for good
- Hogback just repeated what I said :/ Was he not listening
- So will we be watching them fighting zombies or zombie masters here?
- Cindry can be a little scary
- Chopper is speaking
- He talks about death, rebirth and heresy. I know he’s a genius reindeer doctor but… I think… this is the first time I feel this all is very unfair to him. Kid is mentally 15 here. Give him a break, not a “don’t meet your heroes” moment
- He got small now :(
- “don’t meet your heroes” intensifies
- “I was a prodigy!” “I performed operations for money!” “More and more patients kept coming from all over the world!” “It only causes trouble!” “I could save the lives of those that other moronic doctors couldn’t save!” “Don’t you understand the agony of a prodigy!?” Can I punch him now. Like what the hell
- But I have no problem buying he was a good doctor and surgeon before that zombie business. He really feels like real doctors who only do their stuff for money. I suppose if you don’t believe in that inherent “saving lives” stuff, being a medic does leave you being like… this
- What an asshole, that’s what I’m saying
- Chopper says **** YOUR ZOMBIES, they’re just puppets and you’re not that smart
- “Don’t make a fool out of life!” yeah!
- What the **** Hogback, what are you doing to Cindry
- “Lick the floor, Cindry” “Yes, Hogback-sama”
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- *flails around uselessly* how… how about No
[ETA: I’m writing that day after posting and I must say, I kinda went off with this chapter. All this Cindry Situation makes me really uncomfortable and that shows. Evil gotta evil and everything here is good writing but... I read in posts about “Coraline” that there are texts and concepts that kids love to read about but adults find terrifying and I think that’s exactly what happened here. I went Full Adult trying to explain and justify my discomfort.
With Chopper taunting Cindry, it’s all obviously intended and working as an “snap out of that mindcontrol already!” talk/moment BUT I really can’t imagine it being worded worse than it already was. I Do think it’s pretty much victim-blaming here but it’s more “very poor choice of words” here than something sinister. So, we’re good here. Enjoy me getting off the rails over this :)]
- Hogback tells his backstory! He had a celebrity crush on Cindry when she was alive! But she refused him! But then she died! And then! Wait, what
- He met Gecko Moria. And offered his services if Moria bring Cindry “back to life”
- “I easily obtained an obedient actress Cindry! I didn’t care for the character of the girl who rejected me! If only I had that beauty!” O_O
- “This is the zombie Cindry-chan! I’m happy, and I’m sure she must be, too… since she can once again live as a human in this world!” …
- I…
- First of all, this is disgusting and unethical, no question here. Hogback needs to die, let’s kill him
- Second of all, should that be in a shounen manga? Should we show that to the kids? Is that allowed? I mean, I think I wouldn’t be phased that much by that as a child, it would just be a little weird for me. But now it makes me feel all horrible inside, so. I wonder if they censored that part in some countries, because WTF
- Lastly, I kinda keep that blog strictly PG-13 and it wasn’t any kind of hardship or even really conscious up to this point, but now… Now I have questions I really don’t want answers to. Like ever
- (side effect of this is that I’m even more uneasy about zombies being all around than I was before. I knew it was evil before but damn, I did NOT think about all the implications. It’s evil x10 now)
- Now Cindry and Chopper are fighting. At least she’s not on the floor anymore
- …excuse me?
- “I pity you! How would your family feel if they knew about this? Your wounds were horribly patched up! And you were turned into a soldier! Your relatives won’t be able to bear it!” Is Chopper victim-blaming Cindry here…?
- Cindry, who is a zombie AND was dead when they decided they’ll “resurrect” her? AND who had absolutely no say in the matter?
- …
- “Humans have more freedom! You are the one who isn’t treating them as humans!” Now that’s more like that. I will now erase past 6 panels out of existence AND my memory, thank you very much
- Robin springs into action!
- …?
- Zoro’s and Sanji’s shadows are fighting each other
- …god bless these idiots and their rivalry
- Bless :)
- Hogback tried to make them cooperate so Robin muted him :D
- “What happens when there is no more commands?” what indeed
- Now Robin tricked Hogback fair and square into throwing his zombies outta the window. So much for prodigy, huh
- Chopper is all business :D
- …Cindry is crying
What a rollercoaster. I thought that chapter would just be Chopper yelling and punching Hogback into next Sunday. Instead… this…
rOP 220  rOP 222
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
Hey, I read your headcanon about all the Strawhats being in Slytherin because they are extremely ambitious and don't care about the rules, and I love it! But what do you think about Hufflepuff? It's the house of the dedicated, hard-working and honest, so I can definitely see Zoro going there (loyal to his promise, extremely hard-working and always tells the truth) or Sanji (so loyal to his principles that it gets him injured, hard-working, kind even if he pretends he doesn't care..)
Okay, so I’m going to take this and run with it, because I have been waiting forever to speak about this - so I apologize for the long answer lol.
Anyway, first things first! To clarify, the All Slytherins head canon was more of an AU, because there’s definitely the possibility that the Straw Hats could fit into other houses.
Personally - I love Zoro in Hufflepuff!!! This man is the definition of loyalty, just watch the end of Thriller Bark. I can never view him in a house such as Gryffindor or whatever.  Sanji would be great in Hufflepuff as well!!! When his character is not being destroyed, his main spectacular trait is his kindness, which definitely fits into being a Hufflepuff.
(Honestly, most of the Straw Hats could get into Hufflepuff by loyalty alone. However, few of them have that kindness to them, and have more traits.)
But let’s talk about this in terms of this au (Oh boy, this is going to be long lol) and the actual Sorting hat, and the age at which they are sorted.
In Harry Potter Canon, the Sorting Hat actually isn’t that great. It sorts you into a house based on your characteristics as an 11-year-child and puts you into place with more of the people with the same characteristics as you.
You are a child. You are going to grow. But… doing that kind of stunts that growth. Give you a category of who you are suppose to be.
Ugh. I have problems with it. MOVING ON! So the sorting hat summarizes your entire character into basic traits.
The following is taken from the Wiki
Gryffindor - Bravery, Nerve, Athletic,Courage,Chivalry, Daring.
Slytherin - Resourcefulness,Cunning, Ambition,Determination,Leadership, Self-Preservation, Fraternity, Cleverness
Ravenclaw - Intelligence Wit Wisdom Creativity Originality Individuality Sharpness Acceptance
Hufflepuff - Dedication, Hardworking, Fairness Patience Kindness Tolerance Modesty Loyalty
(End stuff taken from Wiki)
These are the defining traits. Half of them are synonyms. So, basically, G = Brave and Bold, S = Ambitious and Cunning, R= Smart and Independence H = Good Person, Loyal, and Hardworking.
So, seeing how that is how the Sorting Hat works…. lets look at the Straw Hats as 11 year old children. And also how the theme of OP (dreams) translates very well into the word ‘ambitition’
Luffy, 11 years old - basically a tiny delinquent, beating up people in the streets, not paying for food, and shouting his dream every three seconds for the world to hear. This boy is made up of nothing but ambition to be a pirate (every fight. he has is training to be one) and he isn’t just going to be a pirate - he’s going to be the Pirate King! Essentially, while he does develop his character more later, all he has going for him is Ambition right now. So? I’d say Slytherin. 
Zoro, 11 years old - …. he swore an oath to a girl who died that he would become the greatest swordsman in the world and he has not stopped working towards that goal since. He doesn’t have anyone to be loyal to right now, as a child all he has is his dream, his ambition. Slytherin.
Nami, 11 years old - working for Arlong, probably crying every time she makes a map because its not the map she wants to be making, using every trick in the book to get money, and already knows her dream to draw a map of the world. I’d say the textbook definition of a Slytherin honestly.
Usopp, 11 years old - Trickery and deception by every resource is his game, and we know he wants to find his dad already, though he doesn’t want to be a brave warrior of the sea yet. Slytherin, half-textbook definition again.
Sanji 11 years old- This kid was saved from starvation because he had the same, impossible dream as an old man. but he’s also tricky because even young, Sanji was unbearably kind. But to this I’d say,  Germa 66 was probably Gryffindor because of the whole ‘hero’ thing, and Sanji might want to go the opposite. For this au at least, Slytherin!
Robin, 11 years old, - on the run from the government because she became an archeologist at 8 years old so she could study the poneglyphs. This girl has ambition, and we see in flashbacks that she’s still trying to find them while on the run. Slytherin!
Franky, 11 years old - I think it was actually at 11 years old that Franky said that he was going to work to create his ship of dreams, so ambition for sure. I would say Slytherin.
Brook, 11 years old - hey, WTF was Brook doing when he was 11. Oda tell us. Ugh. So honestly no concrete reason here but let’s just put him in Slytherin just because lol.
So there’s the reasoning - at a young age, each and every Straw Hat (barring Brook) has a dream, an ambition so big that any normal person wouldn’t even be able to think about it. Slytherins are ambitious - but not only that - they aim for the top and I’m pretty sure all the ones that got into Slytherin outside of their blood line were able to reach their goal. 
The Straw Hats aim for the top - and that was their defining trait, even as children, which is what the Sorting hat would have picked up on. Maybe down the road it would have changed - with the characterization now, definitely some of them would be in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor.
tl;dr While the Strawhats do have characteristics of other houses, especially Hufflepuff, these traits didn’t reveal themselves in full until they were Adults, and if they were children the sorting hat would have sorted them into Slytherin based on their one, defining characteristic - their ambition, or in the one piece world ‘dream’
Wow, okay I apologize this is a very long post lol, and I definitely went over what I was intending to answer. But yeah! Thanks for the ask! Im sorry if this long answer annoyed you, but I just had so much to say!!! 
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