this book was written by an abusive stalker about how her ex and their social circle were victimizing her by a) breaking up and going no-contact and b) not forcing the victim to 'talk it out,' respectively, and is full of rape apologia. she has also advocated for the sexual abuse of children under the euphemism of 'intergenerational sex.' please stop recommending it without reading it, and regard anyone who has read it and recommended it anyway with suspicion.
edit to add relevant excerpts taken from the latter thread in case it disappears, because twitter.
[cws: discussion of rape, abuse, sexual harassment, stalking, CSA, and apologia for the above, sometimes described in graphic ways. please use caution while reading.]
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link to that last article. again, use caution, it's fucked.
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*grabs both your hands in gesture of sincerity*
Don't let this die. Taylor Swift is the Pollution Queen now. We need meme edits with her photoshopped onto backgrounds of wildfire-ravaged landscapes and oil refineries chugging out black smoke.
Photo of smudgy black eye shadow? That's THE Taylor Swift-inspired look now, it represents fossil fuels.
We need parodies of Taylor Swift songs about pollution and killing polar bears.
Give her representatives a full-time job for the rest of their lives defending her from the phrase "Pollution Queen." Make this meme a the figurehead of an entire fleet of other celebrity-terrorizing memes.
"But this doesn't dismantle the system that—" Shut. Don't care. Isn't it great that such a huge portion of environmental damage is being done by human individuals with egos, whose feelings can be hurt when people are mean?
Money can save you from physical harm, but can it save you from looking ridiculous?
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Tumblr: Only neurotypical people do X. Neurodivergent people never do X. It's literally never necessary to do X, and if you do, you are by definition acting out of malice.
Neurodivergent person whose neurodivergence primarily expresses itself as X:
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#love when people combine this with 'LET'S PUNCH UP AT THE NEUROTYPICALS AND GIVE THEM A TASTE OF THEIR OWN MEDICINE'#i still remember the time a few years ago where a popular post was going around '''venting''' about neurotypicals#by saying we should start abusing children for '''neurotypical''' traits instead#me who was abused as an ADHD/autistic kid for exactly the traits they were describing; and relishing the idea of punishing: 🧍‍♂️#very hinged and not horrific and childist thing to say regardless! but what the fuck!#this is only an isolated incident in that people don't usually get that mask off about it on tumblr lol#i also really deeply hate the GUYS OMG I FIGURED IT OUT DID YOU KNOW THAT ACTUALLY THIS IS HOW NEUROTYPICALS THINK/TALK#culture for just. so many reasons even though at least people are generally less malicious about it#it's stupid and reductive; it's completely unhelpful; it talks over and erases autistic/ADHD people who don't fit that person's model of it#it is incredibly fucking alienating#especially when it's a trait; in communication or otherwise; that has a severe disabling impact on your life#to a degree that is easily life-ruining; and in some cases for me certainly has been. just a real fucking slap in the dick!#and it is just. incredibly fucking gross and condescending to on top of that talk about us like we're fucking zoo animals lol#consider! finding! other! ways! to! compare! experiences!#maybe ones that won't make your ADHD/autistic friends think they must not be; and go years longer thinking they're NT!#this shit crosses my dash all the time and i always want to say something about it; but it's long painful exhausting stuff to get into#only to then almost certainly be told i'm overreacting and overemotional and putting words in people's mouths and also ableist lmao#so i get five paragraphs in and then just get tired and give up and it stays in my drafts forever#sighs.#ableism cw#disabilitag
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nothing on this green earth could stop me from naming this pink striped oakworm moth cheeto | talalovesyou on ig
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when rest and "lazy days" stop being optional, you eventually stop enjoying it. i don't even know how to relax anymore. there's barely any relaxation in rest for me, it's all forced by a sick body.
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The way you change your immediate reactions to things is that you catch yourself having an uncharitable/bigoted/overly judgmental thought and you catch it and replace it and then you do that a hundred times a day for your whole life and eventually one day like five years later you realize that you think differently now and you’ll always be working on something but that’s how life goes and that’s fine.
#this this this#this puts so many thoughts i've been having lately into words#and a critically important part of that is learning to be kind and non-judgmental to yourself; but firm; when you do it#the goal is not to be hypervigilant for the moment you need to hurt yourself back into line with fear and stress and guilt#and think back through Every Single Terrible Thing in the World and Everything You Might Possibly Do Wrong Related to This#the goal is to learn to identify the signs that you are about to step into traffic on autopilot to get to work#instead of walking a little ways further to get to the crossing#if you don't have it firmly ingrained in your head that the middle of the highway is *not* a place to cross the road#you will probably have to put more effort into paying attention while you walk to work for a while#and catching yourself whenever you start to cross the highway; or feel tempted to do so; are having to actively decide not to#you don't have to beat yourself up and think about how stupid and selfish and awful you are for wanting to jaywalk#and make yourself picture all the horrific things that could happen to you and others if you got hit by a car#you just have to make the choice; again and again; to go 'nope that is not a route to take to work'#'we're going to the crosswalk; and maybe leaving the house a little earlier from now on to be less pressed for time to get there'#eventually you won't need to fight against your autopilot because not walking into traffic is the most natural thing in the world now#it doesn't even cross your mind; or if it does it's a blip (and if you *can't* stop thinking of The Consequence that is intrusive thoughts)#and that process of catching yourself in the moment cannot be the only way in which you put in effort to address it!#if anything 'i have to do this specific individual short-term thing to Be a Good Person regardless of context'#is a great way to end up still doing harm bc you didn't actually learn why it's important; and open yourself up to mental illness and abuse#you have to set aside time to think about *why* you're catching those little things; what's at stake; and what those things even are#taking the time to educate yourself about how traffic works; and the danger to yourself and others if you don't take it seriously#is important! and might also lead you down the rabbithole to things like 'car-centric society in general is fucked up actually'#but you only have so much time and mental and emotional energy to dedicate to that every day#and when you're already at 'should i cross the street' is a bad time to be doing that work if you can possibly avoid it#have the course of action to retrain your kneejerk when it pops up; so you can nudge yourself firmly and then move on; ready to go#and it will be a whole lot easier than you might be afraid of at first. you would be surprised#and it eventually becomes a relief to be able to let those nasty thoughts go; and feel your feelings without them#anyway yeah lots of thoughts thank you op#generaltag#important
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Happy International Asexuality Day!!!!
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i fucking hate 'do it scared' and every single variation of it that i've seen just gets worse. bets on how long it'll take before people go full mask off and add on 'do it in excruciating pain' lol
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Honestly, society has lost something big when they started putting ads on “Never Gonna Give You Up”. It used to be you clicked a link, and you heard that synth music and you just groaned. Nowadays, you see a link, go, “that might be Rick Astley”, then you click it, Youtube plays an ad for dog food and you see below that is indeed Rick Astley. You go, “ah, yes, that was indeed a link to that music video. Do I feel like watching the video today or not? Probably  not, but I have the entire ad time to decide”. It’s essentially a global “do you really want to get Rickrolled?” filter.
This is really one of the best and most important reasons for using an adblocker: So you can get the proper rickroll experience. Here are some good ones for your platform.
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Easter bunnies (aka chabbits, skvaders, or boultry) are GMO designer pets turned practical livestock from Runaway to the Stars. Each breed has a distinct egg color! They are popular choice for small spacer colonies, since they’re quiet and produce eggs and meat on a completely vegetarian diet.
PATREON | STORE | Runaway to the Stars
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Me Giving a Pressed Conference: our advocacy for the disabled must include the addict, the imperfect victim, those we despise; the right to autonomy and life cannot devolve into a popularity contest
Reporter I Hate (Not Sexual Tension): Does that include all the attendees of the Bored Ape NFT event who went blind
Me: *Blood streaming from my nostrils and eyes* david, it includes everyone
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everyone clap and cheer the oxford english dictionary has added the word FISHIFIED: ‘turned into a fish; made fish-like or reminiscent of fish.’ earliest known usage in 1672
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I wish kinky sex ed wasn't so stigmatized even among left-leaning "sex positive" circles. Everyone's all "uwu I'm a sub I'll do anything you ask" okay mommy wants you to read The New Bottoming Book so you learn how to sub without hurting yourself since your sex ed up to this point is porn and your ex boyfriend Jared who liked to choke you incorrectly
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reblogged this once already, but it occurred to me to add: if everyone in your partner's life dislikes/hates/is constantly criticizing you and telling them to leave you, and you have found yourself being isolated from everyone in your life other than the partner and those people, that is also a huge red flag.
if the framing being beaten into your head is 'everyone but me hates you and thinks you're toxic and rancid, but i'll protect you because i'm the only person around who thinks you're not Awful. if it weren't for me sheltering, supporting, and advocating for you, everyone would and will turn on you in a heartbeat,' that is BAD NEWS and you need to get out of there.
If EVERYBODY in your life hates your significant other then they are the problem. If it is one or two people like a family member you have a turbulent relationship with and one friend who’s always been kind of jealous, maybe they just hate your success. But most of the time that is not the case and the people who are closest to you and love you and have had your back for years probably know when your new relationship is toxic and/or doomed.
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