the-queens-gambit · 10 years
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I've the summer I've received a lot of lovely messages asking where I've been In the spring I received Infanta's Claudia replica and was pretty distrought to find the bodice had no chance of fitting. I lost weight over the summer and while i'm very proud of myself the bodice is still much too small. I'm sorry i've been so inactive, I'm finally moving on from this tight fitting prison and I'll be pursuing different dresses in the fall (which you will all get to see I promise)
As always I'm so appreciative of any support I get. I don't believe I deserve it so I'll just have to keep trying harder until my effort meets the kind of attention I already have. If you ever have any questions or want to talk to me my ask is always open.
P.S. - Not the boat from arrow that's gross the boat and my page are named after a chess opening which is way more rori
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the-queens-gambit · 11 years
HI. Im currently working on changing my self. I really enjoy all brolita cosplay and I would love to do some my self. Unfortunately I dont really know much of anything. I was wondering if you could help me. for one I dont really know where to get shoes in my size. Or dresses for that matter. I know some tailoring but its not the the dress making stage yet. And then theres the fact that Im a bigger person so It makes a bit harder. Any help would be appreciated.
I understand completely :) I'm a bigger person too and the place I started was Bodyline, they offer a 2L size, and some free-size dresses that are very accommodating. From there, I really recommend learning how to use taobao. The site is a little crushing, in the fact that a "Large" is a 27" waist, but stores like HMHM & R-series have certain dresses they can do to tailored proportions. Lots of normal TB stores do shoes too, just convert your size to china size. I'll have some custom blouses & skirts coming in a month or so, and I will 100% do a review on them. 
I can't speak to your exact sizes, but if you're brave, finding blouses and shoes local is a good move as they're the items I get most often and just say "well I just plain old can't use this it's too tiny". I'm a mens 11 shoe, and a womens 10.5 is something I can jam my foot into, my shoes in this photo are from bodyline and were very comfy. Sticking with JSKs and skirts will leave your option open.
I hope that helped :) feel free to follow up if you need anything else, I feel really special when people ask me stuff
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the-queens-gambit · 11 years
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Had another adventure out to the local ferry terminal~ it was a hot walk over and I got really squinty, so i'm all eyelashes in these pictures, so sorry.
I had a really fun time wearing this dress, but I really think shiro's more my style, also the puffy sleeves didn't give a great effect, I think i'll be sticking to short sleeves if I can, even if it looks more manly.
Would love to hear tips and comments, I was just happy to get outside again.
Dress from HMHM Blouse from Chause Petti from Surface Spell Wig from Lockshop
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the-queens-gambit · 11 years
Your perfect and inspiring thanks
It's really important that you guys understand how bewildered I am about all this. I appreciate it so much, and it motivates me to the moon, but I just have no idea what I did to get your attention. 
I'll keep trying my hardest not to let you guys down~♫
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the-queens-gambit · 11 years
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I would feel bad if I didn't update at all again this week~ this is the outfit I've been working on. The blouse has been a nice change, I don't mind the long sleeves, the puffyness is a bit more flattering when i'm standing. I still need to master my makeup, and find some hair accessories for this dress. 
I'll list where I got everything when I shoot this dress for real~ this is just a sneak peak for you guys okay? Always open for asks and tips~♫
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the-queens-gambit · 11 years
You are fabulous! Love the pics and I'm totally jealous!
Thank you so much~
I’ve been getting really overwhelmed with all these reblogs, because I feel like I haven’t been doing anything especially fantastic. I have such a great teacher for clothes, my first coord wasn’t satisfactory, and I want to improve with her. My face needs so much Work and I don’t really know where that’s going to come from, but i’ll keep posting pics with confidence! I’m going to try and hide my face less, because that’s the kind of brolita I want to be.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and attention. 
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the-queens-gambit · 11 years
I-Is that pink stripey thingy y-your....?!
It's my BRAH, and it has no place in a closet photo :'D sorry 
We found one that works really well on me, looks pretty natural, but it doesn't fit so well under my blouse, so I'll be taobaoing a new blouse in the future. It's pink but I have a white slip to help with... it being apparent under things. 
Thanks for the ask anon!
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the-queens-gambit · 11 years
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My Brolita closet in the making, does anyone else make their closet a little shrine to the fashion? I'd be super excited to see other broli storage areas! 
Dressing up again tomorrow~ wish me luck. All the attention from the last photoset was a gigantic confidence booster, you all need to know how thankful I am and that reblogs literally give me super powers. I added an AMA to my tumblr and would be absolutely overjoyed to answer stuff. 
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the-queens-gambit · 11 years
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First time out in public~ feeling pretty nervous
Had to drive here with my friend, and driving in a corset? surprise! living nightmare. I'll be posting more photos regularly as I venture into the fashion. Thank you for your interest
Shoes, blouse and dress from Body Line, wig from lockshop, petti from SurfaceSpell
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