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Caregiver Sypha Moodboard!
With rattles, warm stuff, blue and nature🩵💙 (a reminder that I do stuff outside my fandoms for my friends only!)
Requested by @dhampirdreamerz
Do not repost- reblogging is okay
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Regressor Ash playing with pikachu
Supposed to be professor at Professor Kukui’s place in front of the aquarium (sun and moon will forever be my favorite), inspired by this moodboard and the fact that there is such a lack of agere content for Ash.
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Hi, hello!
This blog will be used to promote a future (safe) agere zine! I am in the process of putting together an interest check of which there will be two; one to get a general idea of what people would like to see in an agere focused zine and another after that to narrow it down. Any reblogs to spread the word would be greatly appreciated and hope to see you when the time comes!
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regressor! haley for your consideration,, she's the cutest little sunflower🌻
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Doing a writing prompt for Gabriel and his family 🩷
Gabriel watched the dark sky. Rain was better than the constant snow the city got, but he didn't like the thunder or lighting. Too many bad memories were brought up by them. After another home shaking boom of thunder, Gabriel grabbed his stuffed dragon and pacifier, before stepping out of the room.
He was looking for mama. Mama always made him feel better. After another flash of lighting, he picked up his pace. He found her in her armchair, sewing with Laura. Mama looked up at him, and set down her sewing project.
"Oh, sweetheart. Is the storm scary?" She spoke so softly, soothing his fears. He nodded and rushed over to her when another crack of thunder sounded through the sky. She lets him into her lap and he cuddles up to her, hiding his head in her neck. His sniffles sounded throughout the room, and he tightened his hold on Mama.
"Oh, my sweet baby." Marie couldn't help but feel bad for the state of her husband. She knew that this was the healthiest option for coping with everything that happened to him. She looked over and noticed Laura was no longer beside her.
Laura had left the room and came back proudly with a sippy cup of apple juice. They couldn't figure out why, but Gabriel loves apple juice when regressed. Marie smiles and thanks Laura, while the girl hands it to Gabriel.
He blinks up at his sister. Spitting out his pacifier, the clip keeping it from hitting the floor, Gabriel took the sippy cup and started drinking from it. Marie starts rocking him, and he melts into her more. Laura disappeared again, only to reappear with her favorite book. Sure, it was a strategy book for one of her games, but Marie had no problem reading it for both of her kids.
However, she has to move to one of the bigger chairs, in order to sit both of her kids in her lap. Once comfortable, Laura cuddled into her side, while Gabriel was cuddled to her chest, sipping his apple juice. Marie began to read the book to both of them, Gabriel was too little to really understand any of the book, but Laura was hanging onto every word. Marie couldn't be any happier for a rainy day.
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Headcanons for Caregiver!Kiyotaka Ishimaru? @peppermintprincess-ava
Sure!! Love Kiyo so much <3
Caregiver!Kiyotaka headcanons
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As expected, he has everything planned and neat all the time. He makes a structured schedule and clear rules for his little one to follow
Despite this, he has a very loyal reward system: he praises little one for everythig, especially if it's somethig they has struggles with. He's a very proud dad
Tries to keep little one busy with a lot activites which not only fun but also good for their brains or health. He's not the best in creativity, but he tries his best
He really likes when little ones use imagination and show him new ways of thinking and playing he'd never thought before
Adjusts little one's clothes everytime
Always prepared to any possible accidents
Healthy food most of the time, sweets only after meals... grumbling all the time little ones manage to drag him into mcdonalds
Keeps every little space supplies organized and clean
Although his approach may seem strict, he is actually very emotionally involved. He's so sincere with his little one, always supports them and openly shows his happiness/concern
He cries when little one gets hurt and kisses boo-boo million times
He's not afraid of showing affection openly, his moral compass says it's acceptable for a dad to say he loves his baby out loud and hug them all the time they needs
When he sees injustice and rudeness towards little ones he deals with it IMMEDIATELY. No one ever say bad thing toward little ones, not only his, in his presense
Btw he's always ready to help with babysitting if he's not too busy. And is really careful about trusting with babysitting his little one to someone else
Bedtime stories every night!!
The best tutor, helps little one with study with great enthusiasm. If if they're really bed in something, he's really proud they try and helps them with every step
Holds little one's hand firmly so they feel his support and don't get lost
Not always good with usual talking, but really great in motivating and solving conflicts. And if he can't find words, he just scoops little one up and comforts them by carrying and cuddling
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Regressor Meitenkun board
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The Wolf’s Pup
Fandom: King of Fighters
TW: Nightmares, side characters swearing, KoF spoilers
For @mcschnuggles Potluck. I wanted to play around with the idea of Terry being Joker’s cg but I realized I flip between Ren and Akira so much I don’t know which name to call him. But after watching KOF another day I got an idea. Might make a moodboard later
It had been 6 months since Orochi was defeated, but yet the tournament was still going. In all actuality, Kyo wanted to just have an unofficial tournament without all the monster and other worldly stuff for once and see who was the best.
At some point, they decided as a joke to have a few rounds with randomized teams. Because hey there was time to kill still.
So that’s how we ended up with the odd trio of Terry, Billy and Iori. Yes it was strange seeing two men as brutal as they were with the friendliest dude in the roster next to Shingo, but somehow they’re making it work.
The next day was an off day as they had won a major match, Iori retiring for the night early to rest from the exertion of power he used. The tv droned on with some nonsense, neither blond was paying attention to it, strategy was more on their mind.
A shuffle of feet, neither paying too much mind to it until..
“Papa…” a weak yet deep voice called out. “I had a bad dream…”
Both turned to see Iori half asleep and half terrified, clutching his pillow close to his chest.
“The hell…?” Billy mumbled, he thought the supernatural shit was done with. However he kept his voice low in case it wasn’t the supernatural. Nightmares could be one hell of a drug. Immediately, the tv was shut off and Terry scooted himself over on the cheap couch, motioning for the red haired man to sit next to him.
“Come over here kiddo. What’s up?” It was almost like the nightmare soothing was second nature to him as the man felt at ease to sit next to him.
“Th-There was a lot of yelling a-and blood and fire an I don’t like it.. Kyo an ‘Zuru were being mean an sayin it was my fault…” The man curled further into himself and the pillow. “I didn mean it…” He wasn’t there personally for the final fights but he could tell it had to be a nightmare based on that.
“We know you didn’t mean it kiddo.” A reassuring smile as he wrapped his arm around the man. “And they wouldn’t be mad at you for a dream.”
A sniffle. “Not even afer all the times I yelled a him?”
“No, not at all kid.” The sniffling soon stopped.
“Damn he’s good at this.”
“I promise he won’t be mad.” Then an idea popped into his head. “Hey, do you wanna go down to the gift shop?” A nod. “Ok but you’ve gotta act like a grown up. Call it a secret mission.” A wink. He seemed to agree to it. “Alright go out your slippers on.”
The red headed man did so, getting up off the couch and thankfully leaving the bed pillow behind. The blonde soon followed him out the door, taking the key card with.
“What the bloody hell did I just witness?” The former bodyguard finally asked himself once he could confirm he was alone. Like he could understand how the man wanted revenge for his father’s murder (he’d probably do worse if his sister was involved.) but him managing to wrangle one of the most dangerous fighters there in such a vulnerable state with no effort? That’s gotta be a rare skill.
“Uncle? You’re gaping like a fish again…” Ah, Rock was awake.
“Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean it. I thought I was hallucinating something.”
The door opened with a quiet swing, Terry holding onto Iori’s sleeve with one hand and 4 mini tubs of ice cream in the other, while the red haired man was clutching a cat plush, presumably from the gift shop.
“Sorry we’re late, we saw Chizuru and Kyo on the way down and he wanted to apologize. Ice cream?”
“Ice cream!”
“I didn’t know what kind you liked Billy, so I just got you the vanilla.”
“Fine by me.”
After the two kids finished their ice cream and went to bed, it was the two South Town Fighters left.
“The apology wasn’t why you were late wasn’t it?”
“How did you?”
“It’s all over your face, you’re clearly thinking about something.”
“Spill. No eavesdropping ears now.”
“Right. They explained to me what’s going on in his head right now. It’s called age regression? I don’t remember the exact terms she used. Long story short he uses it to cope with the trauma from Orochi and the whole curse thing.”
“So he acts like a child now to cope with the fact he won’t live past 30?”
“Sorta? She’s working on a way to remove that part but he mainly does it for just a sense of comfort. And he intentionally left his gear at home so he couldn’t and embarrass himself during the tournament.”
“So he was bordering already and then the nightmare just made him slip that much harder. But according to them, him calling me that was a sign of trust, and that kind of makes me happy.”
“It does? You’re the one everyone trusts around here.”
“Not exactly, he’s had trust issues from the very beginning. But seeing him move past them is pretty special.”
“How long do you think this’ll last?”
“Maybe tomorrow morning? I’m not sure.”
“Well then, we’ll just have to adapt and overcome. Like all good fighters do.”
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He baby
I gib him samich
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Baby Ahk
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Flip Bernadetta
💜 💜
💜 💜
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Lara Croft As A Cg
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•Lara loves you with every fiber of her being
•Favors kid regressors but has such a soft spot for baby regressors
•Gets you one of those playground rock climbing walls so you can be just like your mama
•Loves playing pretend with you. Your favorites are when you pretend to be raiding a tomb. (The treasure is your stuffie)
•Woule kill for you in a heartbeat
•Lara feels like it's important to spend time outdoors so it's a common for you to go on walks in nature
●If you're feeling very young she pushes you in a wagon
•Names she calls you are baby, little explorer, sweetie
•Jonah is your favorite uncle (you're only uncle)
•He'll throw you in the air and catch you making you laugh
•Loves being rowdy with you and joking around
•Still is great with baby regressors too though
•Not feeling like a big kid? That's okay too. Jonah will hold you in his arms and sing lullabies to you. This man is strong so best believe he's carrying you everywhere
•If you were with Lara in the 2013 game let's just say Lara is so concerned of your safety
•Of course you wanna go with her and help. Sorry baby but I don't think you can climb rock walls and shoot guns without getting scared
•So she trusts that Jonah will keep you safe.
•Sam loves you too and acts like an older sister
•The only person that really has a problem with you is Reyes. Not becasue she hated you she just didn't understand regression thinking it was weird.
•Sam explained to her that it was a trauma response and you couldn't control it. That made her feel guilty becasue what could of happened to make her regress like that?
•When Lara was away you couldn't sleep. Scared that she was gone. So you stayed up all night and didn't sleep until she came back. Of course Sam and Jonah tried helping you sleep. Jonah rocking you and Sam laying next to you reassuring you your mama was okay. It didn't work.
•Lara comes back dirty and bloody but that mattered little as you ran to her crying and hugged her close. Lara promised herself she'd never let anything hurt you.
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🦋 🦋 🦋
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🦋 🦋 🦋
CG Elizabeth Blantorche bc I’m determined to have at least one of these per saga.
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🌙 🌙 🌙
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Regressor Iori Stimboard to go with the cg Chizuru one.
Center: @bunnelbaby
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Luffy Agere Outfit Board !!!!
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Happy Birthday to the boy ever <333
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⠀⠀ ┈ DAN VS. HCS . . . 💥
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first text post thingie !? i’ve been wanting 2 do one of these 4 a while sooo,, why not do it w my current hyperfix >__< dan vs fans plz plz interact i’m very passionate abt my agere hcs
post begins after cut!
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ┈ DAN !! 💥
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- trauma regressor . :] i luv angst
- his small ages r around 5-10 … i also think he’s somewhat permaregressed to around 13-16
- he’s very fussy && bratty, but what do we expect from this guy ? /silly
- either very talkative or very quiet. he sometimes has verbal shutdowns and communicates with word cards or small actions (pointing, nodding etc.)
- he yaps a Lot 😭😭
- brutus is his best pal !! he has a few other plushies, but brutus is very special 2 him as we know ^__^ he’s also a comfort item 4 dan when he isn’t regressed ♡
- he likes plushies who’ve been previously loved if that makes sense ,, he gets most of his plushies from thrift stores :]
- only a bit more polite than when he is regressed. he forgets to say thank you often, but will say please and drag the word out (‘chris can i have one more cookie… pleeeaaaseee? elise said no to me cuz she’s a meanie >:/‘)
- hes a bit cg dependent, he likes when chris and elise r around him while he’s small
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ┈ CHRIS !! 🐻
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- not related 2 hcs but i’m kinsidering him so bad .
- anyways ! his small age(s) are the same as dan && he regresses to relieve stress :3
- elise is his cg and she’s always so happy to look after him :,) they have a lot of fun together!!
- he’s so clingy and elise spoils him w gifts >_<
- despite bein spoiled he’s such a sweetie and always uses his manners T_T
- very very Clingy and a bit of a crybaby (/t)
- dan and chris have play dates often and they sometimes play tackle each other (it usually ends up w someone with a bruise and someone in the naughty corner ☠️…)
- i mentioned how chris is a bit of a crybaby while regressed and it’s true !! he’ll cry at the sad scenes of a movie, or if one of his plushies fall
- he’s so sweet. He’s just a little guy.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ┈ ELISE !! 🌹
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- i’m thinking if she’s a flip or not. i’m Not sure so as of now, she’s a cg :3
- she’s very protective and a little strict. she has to be… i mean , she is dealing w dan ☠️
- she will 100% fight someone if they look at the boys weirdly while they’re regressed.
- nicknames she calls chris: honey, sweetie, darling, baby, little bear
- nicknames she calls dan: little guy, sweetheart, kiddo
- she is always buying stuff for the boys, especially chris T_T
- if she notices him eyeing a toy for a while, best believe they’ll leave the store w it and more
- reads the boys bedtime stories aauughgggg T_T
- she’s just like. the best cg evar …….
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