todobaku-shoukat · 1 year
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Hands free kissing because no touchy
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todobaku-shoukat · 1 year
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Based on the number of times I've written Angel instead of angle at work, and the number of times I've seen people write angle instead of Angel.
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todobaku-shoukat · 1 year
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I thought I could be done over the long weekends but they be missing their white collared shirts. But issok, they don't need their clothes anyway since they can touch now 😏
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todobaku-shoukat · 1 year
I've not felt so strongly about a ship in so so long man. Like I've been struggling to write fics for over 3 yrs now and everytime I try to write its just really short things that go nowhere.
But AkiAngel. Omg I have so many ideas for them. I fking wrote a wholeass almost complete one-shot since work ended til long after dinner and idk how many words cause its on my phone but I'm pretty sure it's at least 1k words which I struggle to and like wow.
Crops are flourishing on my barren field siah. So much feels, so little time. Kept writing down ideas during work these past few days man. I really hope I can transform these ideas into good fics because akiangel deserves the world.
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todobaku-shoukat · 1 year
So I've been trying to write again, especially to update that tdbk transmigration fic aft 3yrs but like still stuck as I was then... so I tried to see my other drafts of other ideas I had and like wow. Can really see how I've changed man. Like I have this draft from 2017 where tdrk was gonna get married (unwillingly) and tdbk both were like we still gonna be tgt despite. Now I'm just like gurl? The poor wife?
Sigh pie it do be hard to get into writing again but when u picky with fics, u gotta feed urself. 😔
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todobaku-shoukat · 4 years
This is super random but it might help???? Like I killed a few cockroaches using laundry powder. Like just dumped laundry powder and it immediately fell on its back and started spasming and then I added a bit of water and it was dead in a minute. So if u can't use insecticide for some reason, maybe try laundry powder?
Can someone explain why though? I know I study science but all I know is I cannot touch detergent cause it's bad for my eczema... I return all my science knowledge to my prof aft the exam😂
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
Was thinking about updating this so I reread the chp to see where I left off and now I'm just... So who tf is Todoroki?!?!?! Even I don't rmb...
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
... i shld have learnt fr my sis. Years ago, she wanted to make a light novel/otome game or something so she decided to download and play some otome games to understand them better. Soon, she grew "addicted" and her plans of making one disappeared.
Me: wants to write palace drama for my todobaku transmigration fic. Doesnt understand the concubine rankings and google keeps giving me different answers. Decides to download a palace game to better understand. U know what happens next.
Now between sch work, preps for internship next year and the game, i dont have time to write... im sorry guys. This is why they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions...
(Also, i blame tumblr. I wasnt intending to play a game to understand the palace workings but tumblr ad was advertising and it gave me that idea...)
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
The Rebirthed Prince’s Counter-Attack (1/?)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19416985/chapters/46581322
Prev Chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19416985/chapters/46208515
Prev Arc: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18906280
When Bakugou comes to, he is getting married. To the Emperor of the Hong Empire. While wearing a traditional wedding dress for female concubines. What the ever-loving fuck? Bakugou thinks. This is not the wedding he was looking forward to. However, in order to stay in character, Bakugou has to carry on with the wedding, all whilst trying to figure out what is going on. At the very least, Bakugou thinks, the wedding ceremony is almost over. He transmigrated after the actual getting married part, so he isn’t technically the one who got married. Bringing forth the foreign memories to understand which character he is, Bakugou realises something terrible. Most concubines didn’t have weddings with the Emperor. Only those who have strong family backgrounds tend to have weddings, especially if the Emperor really favoured the concubine. And as the Grand Chancellor’s daughter, Bakugou definitely deserved a proper wedding.
Realising that he is currently Su Mi, Bakugou wants to escape immediately. Isn’t Su Mi a woman? In order to fit the character, does that mean that Bakugou no longer has his… No, Bakugou refuses to think like this. There’s nothing wrong with being a woman, but Bakugou has a strong attachment to his dick. Worried, Bakugou tries to discretely check his crotch, but to no avail. When the wedding finally ends and Bakugou is sent to his chambers, he immediately strips, heaving a sigh of relief when he sees the familiar attachment at his crotch. Lying down on the bed with his arms apart, Bakugou finally has the mood to think about other things, such as the plot and Todoroki.
Recalling story Su Mi’s memories, Bakugou learns that Su Mi is actually a man, and the name Su Mi was merely an alias. His real name, of course, was also Bakugou Katsuki, automatically changing to match Bakugou’s own name. The Grand Chancellor was loyal to Su Mi’s parents, so when the current Emperor overthrew the previous Empire, he had smuggled Su Mi out of the palace. In order to kill the current Emperor, Su Mi acted as a woman, hoping to enter the palace as a concubine so that he could kill the Emperor in bed. The plan would have succeeded if only Rui did not poison the Emperor that night. After being poisoned, the Emperor had felt strange, calling the Imperial Doctor to do a check-up on his body. After all, the Emperor took pride in his ability in bed, so he did not want to sleep with Su Mi while feeling unwell. The Imperial Doctor had checked the Emperor’s pulse, only to find out that the Emperor had what was termed “Shenkui”, a deficiency of the kidney. This deficiency was believed to be due to loss of semen, and the associated flu-like symptoms and sexual dysfunction can last weeks to months. Naturally, the Emperor believed that he had this deficiency because he had too much sex, rather than thinking he was poisoned. As there was no real cure for this, the Emperor can only wait it out. And because the Emperor was unable to become erect anymore, he no longer slept with any of his concubines, causing Su Mi’s plans to kill him in bed to fall through.
And right now, as Bakugou lies in bed, he realises that the Emperor is probably getting poisoned now. However, he does not care. After all, he does not want to sleep with the Emperor, having already seen and checked that the Emperor isn’t Todoroki. Sitting up, Bakugou realises that he can sneak around the palace to look for Todoroki. After all, there won’t be anyone visiting his room tonight. Changing out to darker clothes, Bakugou starts to analyse the possible candidates. From the way the word “Hong” is written, Bakugou guesses that Todoroki must be one of the princes. After all, the Chinese character for “Hong” was the same Japanese kanji for “Todoroki”. And out of all the princes, Bakugou thinks that the twelfth prince might be the most likely candidate. And even if the twelfth prince isn’t Todoroki, Bakugou is still going to save that poor kid.
Sneaking out, Bakugou looks for the old rundown yard he saw during his tour of the palace. It seemed like the most likely place the twelfth prince is kept. And just as expected, Bakugou finds the small child curling in the corner of a small and filthy room. His clothes are rags, blood stains being the only embellishments. Bakugou finds anger bubbling in his blood as he sees just how poorly the twelfth prince was treated. As Bakugou approaches, the child immediately sits up, body tense as if ready to fight.
Bakugou raises his hands, palms out as if to show that he meant no harm. “Hey… It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.”
The child only growls warningly in response, body ready to lash out if Bakugou took a step closer. From the moonlight, Bakugou can see that the child has black hair and is bald in some places, probably from when others had pulled his hair while bullying the child. But what is the most shockingly beautiful is the child’s electric blue eyes that seem to glow, reminding Bakugou of a wolf. Bakugou briefly wonders if the child is melanin-deficient, remembering the Korean variety show he was forced to watch with Todoroki.
Bakugou didn’t like children. Not really. They made him feel soft and weak, yet flustered and irritated. Kind of like how Todoroki makes him feel. But regardless of how he felt about children, at this time, Bakugou only wants to protect the poor child in front of him. But Bakugou isn’t sure about what to do. Thinking through his possible options, Bakugou decides to leave. Just for a while of course. Not an hour later, Bakugou is back with some fish he stole from the pond.
Cleaning out a small area in the room, Bakugou begins to start a fire, preparing to cook the fish over the fire. Quickly, the smell spreads through the room and Bakugou hears the child’s stomach growl in hunger. As expected, Bakugou thinks as he smirks. No one has ever rejected his cooking before, no matter how simple the meal. Bakugou senses as the child slowly approaches, caution clear in his electric blue eyes. The child stops just an arm's length away as if to ensure that Bakugou cannot suddenly hit him. With just the cackling of the flames being the only sound in the room, Bakugou appears to have forgotten the child, eyes focused on only the fish. However, the child does not let down on his vigilance. Once Bakugou is done with the first fish, he slowly puts it down before starting on another fish.
After making sure that Bakugou’s hands are both focused on the other fish, the child quickly snatches the cooked fish before running back to his corner in the room. Bakugou grins at his actions, proud that his plan is working. The child quickly swallows the fish and is soon back an arm’s length away from Bakugou.
This time, however, Bakugou does not give the fish to the child, instead biting into the fish himself. In all honesty, Bakugou was going to give the fish to the child. However, his own stomach is grumbling, and Bakugou realises that this body had yet to have dinner.
Seeing the fish he was eyeing get eaten by someone else, the child immediately whines, sad and pitiful. Bakugou feels his heart melt, shredding some of the meat off and offering it to the child. Their eyes meet as the child seems to assess if he could trust Bakugou. After what seems like forever, the child seats next to Bakugou, taking the offered meat. Bakugou smiles, giving the rest of the fish to the child. He can wait and eat the next fish.
“This is the last fish, alright? You shouldn’t eat too much at once.” Bakugou says softly. The child makes a sound of displeasure, making Bakugou laugh. “Don’t worry, kid. I’ll give you more tomorrow.”
The child answers with a grunt. Looking at the child, Bakugou wants to immediately adopt him. However, the protagonist, Rui, has probably just been reborn. This meant that he couldn’t deviate too much from what the protagonist knows as his previous life. He needed to wait until Rui does something different enough such that any changes from his previous life appear to be butterfly effects from his own actions.
But waiting for that to happen and letting the child suffer in this cold and dirty room until then is too cruel, Bakugou thinks. At the same time, Bakugou isn’t sure if the child will follow him either. To come up with a plan to be able to bring the child back to his imperial quarters, Bakugou starts to recall whatever he could from both the story given to him by The Writer and from the memories of the original Su Mi.
Apparently, due to the lack of care by the Emperor and the fear the servants have due to his blue eyes, the twelfth prince was uncared for almost all of his life. When the twelfth prince was still a baby, there was a palace maid that was very close to his mother. Hence, she had fed the child and cared for him minimally for his mother’s sake. However, once the child was able to walk on his own, she stopped caring, deciding that the child can already fend for himself. As the child is still of royal blood, the servants could not directly kill the child despite their fear, instead choosing to beat and neglect the child. This empty yard had belonged to a concubine that offended the Emperor. After the concubine was sentenced to death by poison, the yard became abandoned. Hence, the twelfth prince escaped the servant quarters to come to live here. Here, the servants would not come and hit him. However, he could not hide here forever. Now and then, he would sneak out to steal food from the kitchen. But more often than not, he would be caught by the servants and concubines who would beat him. Learning the child’s situation, Bakugou becomes furious, anger emanating so much it scares the twelfth prince who scatters away to his corner in the room.
Noticing the child’s reactions, Bakugou quickly forces himself to calm down, giving the child a rare apology. However, the child remains wary. Sighing, Bakugou realises that he probably couldn’t smuggle the child into his imperial quarters as he won’t cooperate. Instead, Bakugou decides that he could at least clean this place up so that the child can have a proper place to rest. And so, Bakugou spends the rest of the night cleaning and smuggling blankets into the room. By daybreak, the child seems to have deemed Bakugou as safe, not rejecting when Bakugou cautiously steps forward to carry the child. Frowning at the bones he could feel, Bakugou gently lays the child into the makeshift bed made of blankets and tucks the child in.
“Go sleep,” Bakugou says as he pats the child’s head. “I’ll come back later.”
With that, Bakugou quickly sneaks back to his own room. Despite how much he wants to just sleep, Bakugou has to quickly get clean and get dressed. After all, he still has to go give the Empress Dowager a morning greeting. When Bakugou gets to the Empress Dowager’s imperial quarters, there are already many other imperial consorts waiting outside for the Empress Dowager to allow them inside.
Seeing his late arrival, the other imperial consorts start to mock him.
“First day and she’s already late.”
“So disrespectful.”
“Indeed. Just because she’s the Grand Chancellor’s daughter, she thinks she’s so superior!”
“Ha! She doesn’t realise that she’s only an adopted one. Being so stuck-up, we’ll see the Empress Dowager teach her what is her place!”
“Now, now. She must have been tired. It was her wedding night after all.” A gentle voice says. Although the words appear to be trying to calm the other imperial consorts, the words only seem to further enrage them. After all, it reminded them that they had a new competitor and that they were losing favour. Usually, the Emperor took in concubines without a wedding, several at a time too. However, for Bakugou, the Emperor had held a wedding and she is the only one entering this time too. This meant that the Emperor is biased towards Bakugou, making the other imperial consorts anxious and jealous. The more the Emperor favoured Bakugou, the less favour the other concubines will get. For an Emperor with over a thousand women in his harem, many of these concubines have not slept with the Emperor in years. If they couldn’t sleep with the Emperor, they cannot conceive a son, and their chances of being Empress or Empress Dowager will be diminished. Hence, they saw Bakugou as a huge threat to themselves. So before Bakugou became too powerful for them to compete against, they took the opportunity to beat him down now while they can.
But despite their increased unhappiness at the words, the other concubines kept quiet, instead turning to praise the woman who appeared to speak up for Bakugou. From their words of flattery, Bakugou identifies the woman as Imperial Consort Fu. Compared to the other concubines, Imperial Consort Fu has the greatest position and power, especially since she came is the Empress Dowager’s relative, making the Empress Dowager her strongest pillar of support in the harem.
Soon, the eunuch invites them into the Empress Dowager’s imperial quarters, Imperial Consort Fu leading all the concubines.
“Greetings to the Empress Dowager,” the concubines chorus as they bow to the Empress Dowager.
“You may rise,” the Empress Dowager replies. “Come here, Fu Yao. Come and have breakfast with me.”
Imperial Consort Fu smiles and bows respectfully, “Yes, Empress Dowager.”
And for the whole meal, the Empress Dowager only speaks to Imperial Consort Fu while the other concubines stand and watch. Bakugou knows that this is a show meant for him. While he also has a strong family background, he is nothing in the harem. And even if the Emperor gave him a proper wedding, he should not covet the place as Empress because the Empress Dowager supports Imperial Consort Fu.
In his mind, Bakugou rolls his eyes at the Empress Dowager. The Emperor is already erectile dysfunctional, so there is no way he can fight with the other concubines here. Besides, he had no interest in becoming the Empress either.
When their meal is finally finished, Bakugou had thought that he was finally free. Except, surprisingly, the Empress Dowager addresses him.
“Su Mi. You are new here, so there are many rules in the harem you may not understand. If you have any queries, ask Fu Yao.” The Empress Dowager says, a final reminder that she favoured Imperial Consort Fu, before they are all allowed to leave.
Bakugou wants to immediately dash off, but he remembers that Rui had waited for him in his previous life. Then, Rui had wanted to ensure that the woman he loves was still “pure, stopping Su Mi to have a talk. After he was reborn, it was not stated if Rui came to check again, so Bakugou has to act accordingly. Walking down the designated path back to his imperial quarters, Bakugou sees Rui. But this time, Rui does not stop him. Instead, after seeing Bakugou, Rui had to hide his anger, turning and pretending that he did not see Bakugou. And so, Bakugou continues walking. However, as gets closer to his own imperial quarters, Bakugou hears somebody cussing loudly. A thought flashes in Bakugou’s mind, and he quickly moves towards the source of the sound.
As expected, Bakugou sees a palace maid kicking the twelfth prince while the child clutches tightly onto a piece of bun wordlessly. In the past life, as Su Mi had been stopped by Rui, this situation had gone unnoticed. But this time, as Rui did not stop Bakugou, Bakugou comes by in time to stop the beating.
Seeing Bakugou approach, the palace maid quickly escapes, worried that Bakugou will punish her. After all, Bakugou is new here, and the palace maid isn’t sure how Bakugou will react. Ignoring the palace maid, Bakugou instead goes to the child who only holds on to his bun tighter.
“I’m not going to steal your bun, kid,” Bakugou says as he carries the child who does not move. This is enough butterfly effect, Bakugou thinks as he decides to bring the child back to the imperial quarters. From now on, Bakugou is going to adopt this child.
“What name should I give you?” Bakugou wonders as he looks at the child in his arms. He needs a name that sounded Chinese so that it will not be too strange, but Bakugou also wanted to give the child a Japanese name. In the end, Bakugou decides on the name ‘緱’. It stood for the cord binding the hilt of a sword. Not only did the kanji read similarly as Gou in both Japanese and Chinese, but the meaning also suited the child. Furthermore, the pronounciation resembled Bakugou’s own surname, making a tangible connection between them. “From now on, you’re called Gou, okay?”
Hearing the name, the child looks up to meet Bakugou’s eyes as if to acknowledge the name.
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
I am alr starting to regret doing a palace drama because honestly, i dont know much shit abt the palace. Like ive read palace drama novels but like i dont really rmb all the names of the places or the ranks of the concubines or the power of the diff ppl in the palace and now im like googling but the answers arent the same?
Like my mom and sis who def know more abt palace dramas just told me that anything can fly. Its just how i want it to be. Like as long as u have position/power or a strong family background, u can do anything. But like really??? Idk man. Like i know this is fiction but i dont want to be like wayyy off u know? I cries.
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
I just realised that todobaku have a very couple name. At least in chinese.
轟 (todoroki in japanese and hong in chinese) means like boom or basically describes thunder/explosions.
爆 (baku in japanese and bao in chinese) means explode
Idk if they mean the same thing in japanese honestly, (at least 爆 should still be explode but google seems to translate 轟 as roar...) but they totally have couple names.
Someone else probably realised this before. Im slow... to be fair, i dont recognise the kanji 轟. Even in chinese, its traditional chinese and i only recognise the simplified 轰 so...
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
The Rebirthed Prince’s Counter-Attack (0/?)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19416985
Part 2 of TodoBaku’s Quick Transmigration
The second world takes place in an alternate universe that took elements from historical Chinese palaces. The protagonist is the third prince of the Hong Empire, called Hong Rui. Rui had completely no interest in fighting for the throne, instead enjoying the freedom outside the palace. One day, when he had sneaked out of the palace dressed as a scholar, he saved a beautiful young woman from a bunch of hooligans. The woman introduced herself as Su Mi, the Grand Chancellor’s adopted daughter. Rui had initially been enthralled by Su Mi’s beauty. Over time, he became mesmerised by how learned and intelligent she was, quickly falling in love with the young woman. Their relationship then became ambiguous, more than friends but not quite lovers, because Rui did not know how to admit that he was the third prince.
 But before he could ever properly confess to Su Mi, she enters the palace as the emperor’s concubine. Rui’s father, the Emperor, was a man who loved young and beautiful women, having over a thousand women in his harem. Every year, he would always add new women to his harem. And that year, he had visited Grand Chancellor Su and saw Su Mi. Immediately, he was enticed by her looks, ordering for her to enter the palace as his concubine. Rui had been devastated, especially when he saw how unwilling Su Mi was. Despite being a carefree and relatively innocent prince, Rui decided to poison his father with a drug that made him unable to get erect. He couldn’t kill his father, but he also couldn’t let the woman he loves lie under his father either. From then on, Rui made plans to inherit the throne, deciding that it was the only way he could protect and keep the woman he loves.
 The first prince was originally supposed to be the crown prince. However, he had lost his legs during a war years ago. From then on, the other princes have been fighting to be the crown prince. In order to better his chances, Rui decided to marry the General’s daughter Liang Wen, quickly impregnating her so as to secure General Liang’s support. To Rui, he wasn’t doing anything wrong nor betraying Su Mi. After all, any man in the empire can have many concubines.
 And whilst trying his best to catch up with his other brothers, Rui begins to hear a rumour spreading around. It turns out, that after the Emperor became erectile dysfunctional, many concubines fell out of favour. As a result, their treatment in the palace became rather poor. Angry and frustrated, many of these concubines took out their frustrations by beating up the twelfth prince. The twelfth prince had been given birth to by a palace maid. Not having any background or protection, the palace maid had been poisoned by other jealous concubines during her pregnancy. As a result, the twelfth prince was born with a weak body. Because the child had no use or appeal to the Emperor and because his mother died after giving birth, the twelfth prince was not even given a name. He became a punching bag for everyone in the palace, having no support or protection from anybody.
 When Rui heard of this, he did not believe that Su Mi also participated in the bullying of the twelfth prince, remembering the beautiful young woman as a kind and sweet-hearted woman. However, he quickly got his face slapped figuratively. It had just been a normal day when he saw Su Mi pushing his pregnant wife who falls on her stomach, instantly having a miscarriage. The ground was a mess of blood. Not just from Wen’s miscarriage, but also from the unconscious body of the twelfth prince. Rui later learnt that Wen had walked in on Su Mi beating the twelfth prince. Wen had tried to stop Su Mi, only for Su Mi to push both Su Mi and the twelfth prince. The twelfth prince had hit his head. This, in addition to his other wounds from previous beatings, causes him to pass away.
 Su Mi was thrown into the Cold Palace as the Emperor investigated. After all, she was the Grand Chancellor’s daughter, adopted or not, so proper investigations had to be done before she can be accused of a crime. Su Mi demanded to see the Emperor, saying that she had something important to say. Hence, when Rui sneaked into the Cold Palace in hopes of confronting Su Mi, he saw what happened between Su Mi and the Emperor.
 There, he saw as kind and beautiful Su Mi took out a dagger and stabbed the Emperor, shouting that she had done everything she could to enter the palace in hopes of being able to kill him. At first, she thought it would be easy, especially when he chooses to sleep with her. However, the Emperor became erectile dysfunctional, leaving her with no means to get close enough to kill him. And now, she finally had the perfect chance. It turned out that she was the child of the previous dynasty. The Emperor had overthrown her dynasty, so she had returned to take back the throne.
 Watching this, Rui had been devastated. Su Mi never loved him, and he was merely a chess piece for her to take back the throne. Enraged, Rui had rushed forward, wanting an explanation. However, the hidden guards that supported the previous dynasty jumped out, killing Rui on the spot.
 Rui dies but then is reborn. When Rui awakes after dying, he finds himself back in the past, when Su Mi first enters the palace and he has already poisoned his father, the Emperor, with the erection-killing drug. Filled with anger and vengeance, Rui decided to take revenge. Again, he joined the fight for the throne, marrying Liang Wen again. This time, Rui promised to treat Wen right, believing that Wen truly loved him. After all, there were many princes who wanted to marry Wen, but Wen only agreed to his proposal.
 Because Su Mi was still the Emperor’s concubine, Rui could not directly kill her. Instead, he decided to use the fourth prince’s hand. The fourth prince was his biggest competitor, having saved the Emperor’s life once when there were assassins in the palace. Hence, Rui drugs both Su Mi and the fourth prince with aphrodisiacs. The two are caught in bed by the Emperor who becomes enraged. Su Mi is immediately sentenced to death by poison while the fourth prince is sent to the front line where he is killed in battle. With his greatest competitor gone and Wen safely giving birth to a son, Rui secures the position of the crown prince. From then on, Rui and Wen lived happily ever after, Wen being the only woman in Rui’s harem even after Rui becomes Emperor.
 Pfft. Bakugou thinks. How can Rui possibly say that he loves Su Mi? If he can stay dedicated to only Wen, why couldn’t he stay dedicated to only Su Mi? There were many other means to secure the throne. Bakugou rolls his eyes as he is sent to the next world. Just then, Bakugou realises a huge problem. He did not see either Todoroki nor his own name, so which character were they going to play? After all, there were many cannon fodders in the story, either named or unnamed. Bakugou honestly hopes to be a random unnamed cannon fodder, as that would give him a lot more freedom. It would not be too much to expect, right? After all, if the protagonist is rebirthed, then the difficulty level will definitely sky-rocket. And since they succeeded in the last world, there’s no reason for the difficulty to increase by so much.
 However, Bakugou should have known better than to have such expectations.  
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
The Heir that was Switched at Birth (13/13)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18906280/chapters/46208470
From the pitstop, the crew took a bus to the opening of a forest. From here on, they had to walk through the forest down a little man-made path for about an hour to reach Oka Village. Bakugou had thought that the walk would be draining because of all the noise and talking by Shiroi and the other celebrities. However, after stepping into the forest, Bakugou feels only relief.
 Noticing Bakugou’s change in emotion, Todoroki smiles. “Like what you see?”
 Bakugou rolls his eyes at that. No matter how innocent it seems, he knows that Todoroki is doing this on purpose, the tone reminding him of other times in bed. Nonetheless, he replies to the question with a nod.
 “As expected, you’re a giant cat. Maybe a mountain lion.” Todoroki suggests. Upon further analysis in his head, Todoroki nods approvingly at his own suggestion. “Same blond hair, loves nature and sunlight, can be solitary and fierce at times… Basically, a cute but ferocious little mountain lion.”
 Bakugou’s heart skips a beat for a moment, wondering if there is a possibility that Todoroki has recalled his memories from their real world. Back in the real world, Todoroki had also called him a mountain lion when he learnt of Bakugou’s love for mountain climbing. Lips tugging into a smile, Bakugou expectantly gives the same reply he had back then, “Yeah well, maybe I should rip your legs off.”
 However, instead of the innocent and confused reply of “Do you not like being called a mountain lion?”, Todoroki suggestively asks, “Which leg?”
 Disappointment passes through Bakugou, but only briefly as the implication of Todoroki’s words register. Really? Is this guy really doing this right here in the wild with cameras in their faces?
 “The one you don’t need,” Bakugou replies, eyes going down to Todoroki’s pants to indicate just which leg he was talking about.
 “Ah well… I may not need it, but my fiancé does.” Todoroki replies with a smirk. It takes all of Bakugou’s might not to punch that smirk off Todoroki’s face, and he wonders why he is always losing to Todoroki when he is the one with memories. Or maybe that’s why. Because Todoroki has probably forgotten what is shame.
 Nonetheless, Bakugou looks at Todoroki sorrowfully and resentfully as if he is a two-timing jerk and says, “Ah. You have a fiancé? Who is this person you’re engaged to?”
 Bakugou expects that this, at least, will leave Todoroki speechless since they’re not going to publicise their relationship in front of a rolling camera. However, again, he expects too much of Todoroki who answers, “A cute little tsundere.”
 If the camera isn’t rolling, Bakugou would have literally killed Todoroki. He is not cute, not little, and definitely not a tsundere! Flustered and angry, Bakugou rolls his eyes and walks faster. Immediately, Shiroi steps forward to walk next to Todoroki.
 “What were you and Katsuki talking about?” Shiroi asks curiously and innocently despite having heard the entire conversation and is burning furiously inside.
 “About my fiancé,” Todoroki replies proudly with a smirk.
 The reply is so shameless, it took Shiroi all his strength to keep the innocent smile on his face. Shiroi can understand why Bakugou decided to walk faster and leave Todoroki “vulnerable” to himself now. There is absolutely no way to have any small talk with Todoroki. Honestly, Shiroi should have already known. The only thing you can ever have a conversation with Todoroki about is either work or Bakugou. Sometimes, Shiroi wonders why he has to go around looking to be snubbed by trying to seduce Todoroki. Every time he does, he only receives a mouthful of PDA and a heart full of anger. But there is this voice in his head, a feeling down in his chest, that Todoroki is meant to love him. He feels like he cannot stand it if Todoroki doesn’t like him because it feels like everything is wrong, going off the path it is supposed to follow. Every time he sees Todoroki and Bakugou interacting so lovingly, he gets even more anxious and uneasy. And so, Shiroi feels like he has to shameless try to seduce an attached man. Because if he doesn’t, he feels like he will start losing everything he has and is supposed to have, starting from Todoroki.
 Shiroi feels tired. Nobody likes chasing after someone who looks at you like you’re less than dirt. It enrages him that Todoroki, who used to look at him as if he hung the stars and the moon, turning to look at someone else instead. Especially when that someone else is Bakugou Katsuki. Shiroi had spent years with Sugaru as Bakugou’s substitute, so he feels even more humiliated by the change in Todoroki’s attitude. It is unfair, how Bakugou has everything. No. Shiroi thinks to himself. It should all be his, not Bakugou’s. Bakugou should not exist. If only he disappears, everything will be right again. Everything will be his.
 Suddenly, Shiroi feels complete calmness. That’s right, he thinks. He only has to erase Bakugou from this world, and then, everything will be alright. And now is the perfect moment. They are by a cliff and Bakugou is walking alone in front of him. If he pretends to trip and fall and “accidentally” push Bakugou off the cliff, he can erase Bakugou for good.
 But what Shiroi does not consider is how much force to use. In order to ensure that he uses enough force to push Bakugou off the cliff, Shiroi used all his might, only to fall off the cliff as well.
 What the actual fuck? Bakugou thinks as he falls from the cliff. Is he going to die here? Would the mission immediately fail? Will they both immediately switch worlds or will Todoroki stay here? Can Todoroki stay here and attempt to complete the mission? However, Bakugou’s hopes for Todoroki to be able to continue staying in this world to succeed in this mission fails as he sees Todoroki jump of the cliff after him, face serious and determined. What an idiot, Bakugou cusses in his mind. What did Todoroki think he can accomplish by jumping off the cliff after him? Although Bakugou knows he isn’t really going to die, he really does not want to experience dying here. He remembers the looks of pain the other victims of The Writer had when they described their experiences of dying.
 But when the back of Bakugou’s head hits the surface, he is immediately relieved. It seems like maybe he won’t die since its water and he can swim. But his relief doesn’t last long as he hits a rock hidden under the water and immediately blacks out.
 When Bakugou regains consciousness, he feels a tight grip around his hands. Slowly opening his eyes, he sees familiar white and red hair that is uncharacteristically messy. Sensing that he’s awake, the bicoloured head of hair moves as Todoroki lifts his head to meet Bakugou’s eyes.
 “You’re awake!” Todoroki states the obvious. “Does it hurt anywhere? Are you okay? Does your head still hurt? Do… Do you still remember me?”
 Bakugou narrows his eyes, not knowing which question to answer first.
 “It’s okay if you don’t remember me or our past together!” Todoroki says before Bakugou can respond.
 It’s actually you who don’t remember our past, Bakugou thinks sourly.
 “We can make new memories together!” Todoroki says seriously. “Let me re-introduce myself. I am Todoroki Shouto, head of the Todoroki corporation. Aged 33. And we’re engaged. We were going to get married when you got into an accident. Once you get better, we will continue with our plans to get married!”
 Wow. Bakugou thinks. Why is he not surprised that Todoroki will take the opportunity to pretend that they’re engaged? “You haven’t even properly proposed, and I definitely haven’t agreed, you half-and-half bastard!”
 “You remember?” Todoroki replies, surprised.
 “Why do you look so disappointed? What. You want me to have amnesia so you can go off and find someone else?” Bakugou glares as Todoroki pretends to look innocent.
 “Of course not! Kitten, you know you’re my one and only. But you really don’t have amnesia?” Bakugou responds to this question with a deadpan stare. “Eh? That’s strange. This isn’t like how the story goes…”
 “What story?” Bakugou asks warily, unsure if he wants to know the answer.
 “This Korean drama I was watching. The female lead also fell off a cliff and then lost her memories…” Todoroki replies.
 The only thought that goes through Bakugou’s mind is “Why?”, “How?”, “When?” and “Who the fuck introduced Todoroki to all these dumbass shit?”
 “Damn. And here I thought we could finally get married…” Todoroki mutters under his breath. Bakugou hears this and starts to reflect. Todoroki didn’t know that they won’t really die but he still took the risk and jumped off after him. If Todoroki really wants to get married, it’s not like they can’t…
 “Fine,” Bakugou finally says.
 “Fine? What do you mean? Do you mean…” Todoroki’s eyes brighten as he looks at Bakugou with hope and passion so strong it gets Bakugou flustered.
 “If you cannot understand than forget it!” Bakugou barks.
 “I understand! We’ll get married when you get discharged!” Todoroki shouts happily, face breaking out in a rare but wide smile. Bakugou responds with an equally wide smile. Slowly, their heads start leaning together and just as they are about to kiss, the door is thrown wide open.
 “Katsuki! My poor baby! I’ve always known you were my son! I carried you in my body for 9 months! How can I possibly not recognise my own son!” Bakugou’s mother cries as she rushes to the hospital bed, pushing Todoroki away so that she can give her son a hug.
 Confused, Bakugou looks at Todoroki questioningly.
 Then, Bakugou finds out what has happened since he fell off the cliff. Turns out, both he and Shiroi had hit their heads when they fell. Fortunately for Todoroki, since he jumped off on his own, he had more control of the way he fell, allowing him to dive in arms first instead of head first. Hence, he injured his arm but is mostly fine. On the other hand, both Bakugou and Shiroi lost quite a lot of blood and needed a blood transfusion.
 That’s when they found out that Shiroi cannot be the Bakugou parents’ son. Both Bakugou parents have blood type A, so there is no way for them to have a child with blood type B. The Bakugou parents had insisted on doing another genetic test, and found out that Shiroi is indeed not their son. After finding out that they had been cheated, they had been furious. Since Sugaru is their close friend’s son, they couldn’t really do anything. Instead, they turned their anger to Shiroi, using their connections to try to charge the latter for attempted murder. Of course, Todoroki also uses his connections, so Shiroi is unable to escape imprisonment.
 Very quickly, the media catches wind of the news and then, the public finds out that Bakugou Katsuki is not only the real heir to the Bakugou corporation, he is also the fiancé of the wealthiest man in the country. All the other celebrities who previously kept quiet or took the opportunity to step on Bakugou’s reputation for their own benefit quickly changed their stances, coming out to praise Bakugou and his work ethic. Whether or not the public truly believe that Bakugou’s scandals were slander, Bakugou’s public image is quickly washed clean because nobody wanted to offend someone with such position and power. Instead of gossiping about Bakugou’s scandals, they had better things to talk about, such as the “Wedding of the Century” and Shiroi’s deception. In fact, Shiroi captured much of the public’s hate, the public thinking that they have been deceived.
 As for the Bakugou family, after putting Shiroi in jail, they quickly decided to put the appalling situation behind and instead focus on planning Todoroki and Bakugou’s wedding. Todoroki wanted the wedding to be as soon as possible, while the Bakugou parents felt that they should choose an auspicious date and wait a bit so that they can better plan the wedding. They wanted to make up to their son for the pain he suffered due to Shiroi through a grand wedding. While Bakugou is also more inclined to a quick and simple wedding, he decides to go with his parents. Especially when the Bakugou mother looks at him expectantly, Bakugou is unable to reject her. Later on, Todoroki is also convinced. After all, the term “Wedding of the Century” is very appealing.
 And although Bakugou will not admit it, he looks forward to the wedding. But unfortunately, it was not meant to be. Because he forgot an important point: that they will move to the next world when the mission is completed and the protagonist has completely no way of returning the plot.
 On the night before their wedding, Shiroi dies. The prison is not an easy place to survive, especially when you are weak and fragile like Shiroi, surrounded by real criminals who have planned to commit murder. With the protagonist dead, the plot is completely changed. And so, when Bakugou wakes, he is back in the dark space.
 “Welcome back to the Rest Stop,” a voice echoes in Bakugou’s head. “You have done well, little heroes. I look forward to your next mission. I hope you like palace dramas because it is next.”
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
The Heir that was Switched at Birth (12/?)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18906280/chapters/46104646
Bakugou is irritated. It is a two-hour flight, but Bakugou feels like it may as well have been twenty hours. Because fucking Shiori has been talking nonstop. However, it appears as if Bakugou is the only one irritated. Todoroki is definitely annoyed as well, but his face always remained stoic, making his annoyance unapparent. For Sugaru, since it is not yet time to break off pretences, he also has to hide his irritation. As for the other crew members, they are practically enamoured by Shiroi’s façade. To everyone else who did not know him, Shiroi is a social butterfly, cute, easy to talk to, humorous, humble, sweet, a breath of fresh air in this polluted environment. Basically, they can use anything positive to describe Shiroi. Because to them, Shiroi is like a breath of fresh air in this polluted environment. They know from experience that those in the entertainment industry, those born to extremely wealthy families, and those wealthy businessmen, not many are clean and pure as you have to learn to be some level of malicious and cruel to survive. Hence, they do not think that Shiroi is merely acting.
 For Bakugou, Todoroki and Sugaru who did know Shiroi, they only felt disgusted. Bakugou’s not known for his tolerance towards people he didn’t like. However, because they are in public, Bakugou cannot do anything about Shiroi, like punch that disgustingly fake smile off the face that bared such uncanny resemblance to his own. While there shouldn’t be any cameras currently rolling, one can never be so sure. Furthermore, any random person may happen to see this and spread it through word-of-mouth. It would be extremely messy, given his complicated relationship with Shiroi and his past scandals related to this. Hence, Bakugou has no other choice but to grind his teeth down into a grim smile.
 Todoroki, who is seating beside Bakugou, notices his discomfort. Unabashed, Todoroki grabs Bakugou’s hand, using his thumb to rub soothing circles into the latter’s skin. This always seemed to calm Bakugou down, the blonde returning Todoroki’s grip.
 “Ah! Is Mr Bakugou and Mr Todoroki…” Sakura says excitedly, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at Bakugou and Todoroki’s open actions.
 “Yes,” Todoroki says proudly, a smile finally appearing on his face. “We’re engaged. But it’s still a secret so I hope you all do not share this information.”
 Still haven’t agreed, Bakugou thinks in his head but does not deny. After all, they have both previously agreed that it is best to admit to the crew that they are in a relationship so that other people, cough Shiroi cough, would know not to try approaching Todoroki. This is especially since there are going to be pairing arrangements for later activities. For the sake of the protagonists, the story was set in a world where gay marriage was never illegal. Hence, Todoroki’s announcement is met with heartfelt congratulations and vehement promises to not spread the information. Of course, nobody but Sugaru sees Shiroi clenching his fist at that, the former laughing to himself over the latter’s shameless sense of superiority. How did Shiroi ever think that he can defeat Bakugou, Sugaru did not know. He can only guess that the youth is delusional.
 “Sigh… All the good men are all taken by other good men.” Yumi jokes, sighing dramatically. “Tell me, Shiroi and Sugaru. Y’all are still single, right?”
 “Hey! What about me and Hiro?” Jun protests with mock anger.
 “Hahaha! Hiro’s too young. Besides, I do not want to be killed by his fans!” Yumi laughs. “As for you, Jun, you’re my best bro!”
 “Gasp! Have I been bro-zoned?” Jun replies fist clenched over his heart with mock disappointment.
 “There there, Jun. There are other fishes in the ocean. Now let’s not digress from the question at hand. Shiroi! Sugaru! What’s your answer?”
 “I’m still single,” Shiroi replies, face flushed.
 “Aww… Are you shy?” Yumi jokes, thinking that Shiroi is a young and pure boy who has never been in a relationship.
 According to the original story, after story Bakugou dies, Sugaru and Shiroi were meant to publicise their relationship. However, thanks to the butterfly effects of Bakugou surviving, they ended up keeping their relationship in the dark. To the public, they are still one of the most attractive bachelors in the country. Hence, they do not deny being single. After all, Shiroi still had plans of seducing Todoroki while Sugaru is planning to break this relationship sometime soon.
 After the conversation about their relationship status, there is a clear change in the other celebrities’ attitude, particularly Yumi and Hiro. Although they already treated Sugaru and Shiroi nicely, it is clear that they are trying their best to please the two, probably hoping to get either one of them to be their sugar daddy or something. In the entertainment industry, such relationships were unspoken rules. If you didn’t have a strong family background, get recruited into a strong and good entertainment company or have an “investor” (read: sugar daddy) behind you, it is extremely difficult to succeed in the industry. Everyone was a competitor, fighting for the same roles or jobs. If you offended anyone or if you blocked someone else’s path to success because of your similar public image, you may easily be suppressed. Rumours of things you did not do can spread like wildfire and the next thing you know, the public only remembers your scandals, sending hate comments and shouting for you to leave the entertainment industry. Bakugou understood this. After all, he is both a celebrity and the owner of an entertainment company. Hence, he is not surprised that the other celebrities (Yumi and Hiro, specifically) on this reality show would try to get Sugaru and Shiroi to be their sugar daddy. At least they were tactful enough to know not to try to get between him and Todoroki. As for Jun and Sakura, they have worked in the industry long enough to have enough popularity and social standing.
 Nonetheless, Bakugou still thinks that they are all stupid. If he had known how dumb these dipshits were, he wouldn’t have chosen to have them participate in the show just because of their popularity and public image. It isn’t about their enthusiasm towards Shiroi and Sugaru, but rather the way they are secretly against him. Bakugou knows it is because they are jealous, thinking that he got his popularity due to his family background before, and now because of his relationship with Todoroki. They think that he has it easy, not having to betray himself to survive in the jungle that is the entertainment industry. Bakugou isn’t new to this because he and Todoroki had to face these type of people in the real world.
 In their real world, many pro-heroes were secretly against Todoroki, thinking that he shot up the pro-hero rankings due to him being the son of Endeavour. At first, many pro-heroes tried sucking up to Todoroki, flattering him and trying to befriend Todoroki. However, Todoroki wasn’t good at this whole “friends” thing. Or well, he wasn’t good at relationships in general. Due to his strict and harsh upbringing, Todoroki never had friends until Midoriya and then the rest of Class A. He always has a poker face on and could be rather oblivious at times, so it took time to understand and befriend him. However, since these pro-heroes were only interested in his family connections and not Todoroki himself, they did not have much patience for Todoroki, automatically taking his stoic and serious face as being stuck-up and arrogant. After that, many pro-heroes began to ostracise Todoroki. Largely in private, of course. But in public, they would phrase words in ways that degraded Todoroki all whilst not showing their intention to do so. Because Bakugou (and the rest of Class A and some other genuinely nice pro-heroes) managed to befriend Todoroki and stick beside him, many of these jealous pro-heroes also started to being against Bakugou too. They all thought that Bakugou was like them, befriending Todoroki only for his family connections. And since Bakugou succeeded while they didn’t, they were jealous and began hating both Bakugou and Todoroki. Hence, Bakugou could tell that these celebrities they are on this trip with also saw him as a “gold-digger” who is only with Todoroki for his money. And it is precisely because people might think of him this way that Bakugou and Todoroki’s relationship is kept a secret. After all, being labelled a “gold-digger” will only hinder his efforts to completely change his public image.
 And the reason why Bakugou thinks that the other celebrities here are idiots is because they should know better. Even though he is no longer the heir of the Bakugou corporation and they do not know that he is actually their boss who employed them for this reality show, they should know not to insult the fiancé of the most powerful man in the country. (Bakugou completely does not care that he has yet to agree). Perhaps, Bakugou thinks, they don’t believe that he and Todoroki will last long. But whatever the reason, Bakugou regrets his life.
 After finally getting off the plane, the cameras started rolling again and Yumi asks Bakugou to help her with her luggage. Bakugou is bewildered by this. And the only reason Yumi can give is that her luggage is too heavy for her and that she cannot ask the rich and powerful CEOs to help her. She also couldn’t ask Hiro to help, or his fans would kill her. As for Jun, since he is the host, he needed his hands free. Hence, Bakugou has no other choice but to agree. Of course, Todoroki volunteers to help him, but Bakugou only waves his hand in rejection. Now that Yumi said that she cannot ask “rich and powerful CEOs” to help her, Bakugou cannot either or haters will grab onto this point and go wild.
 Then, when they went to have lunch at a pitstop, the other stars quickly seated and grabbed the menu. And somehow, they managed to do so such that Bakugou is squeezed off in a corner out of the camera’s view and without a menu. While Todoroki is seated beside him, the menu he has is already shared with someone else, making it impossible for Todoroki to pass the menu to Bakugou. However, this is not a problem because Todoroki knows Bakugou well enough to order for him. Over the past few months, Todoroki slowly began eating outside food during their dates, story Todoroki’s fear of being poisoned slowly fading from this Todoroki. Hence, Todoroki knows what Bakugou prefers when eating outside, resolving whatever problem the other celebrities are trying to create for Bakugou.
 As the host, Jun keeps the conversation going as they waited for their meals. However, he never addresses Bakugou. As celebrities, Sakura, Yumi and Hiro had plenty of experience fighting for screentime, contributing the most to the conversation. They will also encourage Shiroi, Sugaru and Todoroki to talk, smoothly passing on the conversation to the CEOs present so it does not appear as if they were purposefully forgetting Bakugou. After all, as a celebrity himself, everyone expects Bakugou to be able to snatch his own screentime. Bakugou knows that this is their way of suppressing him, thinking that by depriving him of screentime, they were winning somehow. However, Bakugou honestly does not care. The food is surprisingly good for a restaurant at a pitstop, and Bakugou is only thinking if he could replicate the flavour.
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
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Guess what im attempting to make... hope it succeeds?
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
Reconnection (ReoMabu)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19300396
What happens between Ep 10 & 11 of Sarazanmai, and how Reo and Mabu reconnects.
 It crushed Reo’s chest and it felt like he could not breathe.
 Who was this pain for? Who did he forget?
 If he cannot remember for whom his heart beats for, then maybe it just shouldn’t beat anymore. Then maybe, just maybe, the pain will end.
 And it does. Because the next thing Reo knows is absolutely nothing.
 Darkness overwhelms him as he fades to oblivion. And then, a baby cries and Reo is born again.
 Throughout little Reo’s life, he always felt like a part of him was missing. That there was something, someone, he needed to fill that space in his entire being. His mother tells him that everyone is just a little puzzle piece. We connect together like a jigsaw puzzle, filling up each other’s empty space. What Reo needs, is to find his connecting puzzle piece.
 To find that piece, Reo decided that he needed to expand his social circle. As his mother said, everyone is connected. So the more people Reo connects to, the faster and easier it is to find his missing piece. Or at least, maybe find someone who is also connected to his connecting puzzle piece. And that was how Reo became friends with everyone in town, no matter how young or old, rich or poor, kind or mean. And it is because of Reo’s friendliness, his ability to connect with everyone, that his teachers told him to consider being a policeman as a career.
 Reo didn’t think twice, because somehow, he felt a connection to it.
 It was only after a year of working at the police box that he finally found his missing puzzle piece. The man has pale white skin, short dark grey hair and glasses framing turquoise eyes.
 And then, Reo’s heart begins to beat again.
 His name is Mabu, Reo quickly learns. Mabu is a fresh graduate from police school and is going to be his partner at the police box from now on.
 Partner. The word reverberates in his mind, and Reo smiles. He likes that word very much.
 And he likes Mabu very much too. Although very stoic and serious, Mabu is also often shy and sweet. Reo likes to think of Mabu as a tsundere. Less tsun, and much more dere.
 They quickly fall into a routine, working together and even living together with great harmony, almost as if they have done this before. Because no matter how crazy Mabu’s habits are, like having to get naked to cook, Reo easily accepts them all. Anything about Mabu, Reo thinks, he can accept them all. No matter what or how much Mabu is willing to give him, Reo will accept them all without question or asking for more. Just as long as Mabu will stay.
 Everything is peaceful and harmonious and absolutely normal, when one day, a boy reports someone dropping pancakes on the ground.
 Reo is bewildered. Because if it was just pancakes on the ground, he could guess that maybe someone dropped them while eating and walking on the streets. But a stack of pancakes with a knife and fork perfectly laid on a plate is clearly unfathomable.
 And then, something even more unbelievable happens. Mabu eats the pancakes. Reo doesn’t even know where to begin listing what is so wrong with this. But Mabu suddenly has a strong obsession for those pancakes that Reo cannot understand While Mabu loves cooking and eating, he has never had such strong urges before. Especially considering how serious Mabu takes his job, he would never eat a piece of evidence(?), and definitely not before they understand what has happened.
 But for Mabu, no matter how crazy and inexplicable this is, he needs to eat those pancakes. There is a voice in his head, telling him that he owed it to Reo. That if he didn’t eat those pancakes, he is letting Reo down. And when Mabu bites into those pancakes, nostalgia hits him even though it shouldn’t. The pancakes are absolutely delicious, and Mabu would definitely remember if he ate them before. But Mabu has no memories of these pancakes. Unable to understand, Mabu decides to replicate the flavour. He has to have Reo try these pancakes too. However, the pancakes have to be made by his hands. Because there’s a voice telling him that Reo only wants to eat his cooking.
 And when Reo says that the pancakes he makes are great, Mabu feels immense satisfaction.
 And then, they find a baby on a plate. From then on, crazy and crazier things happen.
 Again, Mabu finds an intense need to cook something for Reo, specifically, ningyouyaki. He tried using a waffle maker at first and although they were properly cooked and quite tasty as it is, Mabu feels like they’re only half-baked. They aren’t the ningyouyaki he wants to make for Reo. He needs to make the ningyouyaki. There is no other choice. He has to make the ningyouyaki for Reo, if not, he feels like they cannot connect.
 They also begin to think that their baby, Sara, has magical powers. First they catch a bag-snatcher that gives in to “Sara’s cute aura”. Then, they win first prize at a lottery. (They both know that they have average luck, so first prize? Impossible.) And when they gave the lottery to an elderly couple in the neighbourhood, the couple hit the jackpot and bought them an air conditioner. And then, they share a dream of Sara growing up and leaving them. They wake up in cold sweat, unsure of how much of all this is a dream. But nonetheless, they feel lighter, as if they have been freed from something. It feels as if they have overcomes something, won over something, regained something.
 One day, their world breaks and they regain all their memories.
 After they died, Keppi had sent them to face a trial. Not only could Keppi create Dishes of Hope through Kappa zombies, he could also create them through a trial. There, Reo and Mabu were reborn and reconnected, making up for past regrets. And because caring for and protecting Prince Keppi’s Princess Sara when she was weak and vulnerable is easily worth all of Keppi’s gratitude, Reo and Mabu easily earns a Gold Dish of Hope each that revives them. In all honesty, Keppi and Sara agreed to purposely make it easy for them.
 And now, their vassals Reo and Mabu are back.
 Now that Reo and Mabu are alive and together again, they will never let each other go again. They are each other’s missing puzzle piece, their connection completing them. And even if they have to marry off their daughter to some random kappa, Mabu isn’t too upset. After all, he owed it to that random kappa to regain his connection with Reo. And that is the most important thing of all.
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todobaku-shoukat · 5 years
Im ded. Today was my course reg and altho i was waiting at the comp ready to add my courses while staring at a clock down to the miliseconds, the stupid registration website crashed and in the end i could only register for 1 course that i wanted. Now i can only add dumbass courses with loads of exams in a messy timetable... i cries QAQ. If i ever update when term starts, someone slap me and get me to study. I have back to back exams. Not just the days but got 2 exams for one day. I def cannit go AFA now. Im crying. I ded. Whys. My dream came true. I had nightmares last night that i couldnt get my courses. For all sorts of diff reasons. And now i really didnt get my courses. My last time registering for uni courses ends up tragic.
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