undertalegangblog · 6 years
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Yup, Frisk use her first pun towards her new adopted brother, Jesse. He, he, Sans is so proud of his baby bones niece. LOL! I couldn't resist doing this one. I came close to just have these two playing but then I thought why not do something very silly like this. The poor dog is so confused about what's going on. Poor Rover.  If you guys don't know Jesse and Rover are my two OCs for Undertale. These two are after Frisk help the monsters get on the surface. So no, Jesse is not one of the souls of the Underground at all. He and Rover are adopted by Toriel and Asgore. Rover is the family's dog mostly Jesse and Frisk's. Jesse became the song of Asgore and Toriel as well the brother of Frisk (Chara and Asriel but Jesse have no clue about them both at all). So... I don't remember if I did a character sheet or a picture of some kind explaining Jesse. I'm pretty sure I did one of the games I play about Rover. If you guys want to know I'll just explain more in the comments until I do make one explaining more of Jesse and Rover especially Jesse.  So hope you all like this as much I had fun doing it even though being tired kinda took a little while to get it where I wanted it. Meh... I like how it turned out especially Frisk and Jesse's expression. LOL! Created By: @blackcatstudio
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undertalegangblog · 6 years
  Hey, this is BlackCatStudio here. I don’t know if any of you are aware but uh... I’m not the only one running this blog. @luna-moon-201 is also running this as well but she hasn’t been on here much and I been kinda slacking off. Lazybones right? I’m getting like Sans the skeleton. LOL!
  Well dump title but hey I couldn’t come up with any other titles. Anyways this is just a note or more like to know when you follow us on here and whatnot.
  First off I will stop slacking off and get on here more often and do the best I can and yes, post my fabulous art pieces I make from DA. Just so you all know I’m the one to do arts, theories, and notes etc... @luna-moon-201 does the short funny stories and yeah, mostly stories. However, I’ll make sure to have my username in my arts so when you guys reblog you guys know that the person who created is me.
   Secondly, if you guys have any questions regarding anything with Undertale or if you guys are confused to any of my and @luna-moon-201 theories let us know and one of us (probably me mostly) will answer it for you. So don’t be shy if anybody has a question. 
  Also, please don’t go to a dump protesting or want to fight about our theories. I’ll give you three warnings to stop if not... well @luna-moon-201 will have to take over and you might be blocked. Thankfully I have no idea to how to do that but I’m sure she knows how. And we both aren’t that kind of people to do that but if you get out of hand and harass either of us then yes, you will be banned from this blog.
  Thirdly, if you guys want to share your works or any of your own theories put it into the Submission folder and we will take a look. I do enjoy seeing other peoples idea on Undertale so it’s interesting to what you guys have. Don’t worry you can even add OCs to your work or theories if you want. I’m the kind of person to add OCs into stories and so is @luna-moon-201 don’t be scared to have any of your OCs on the submission page.
   Lastly, I hope you guys will enjoy yourself I probably scared you guys a little with the blocking thing. Don’t worry we will never do that to anyone unless your that kind of people to harass and won’t led up on us. Like scamming, fighting over nothing, and other things that are against the rules (as harassment), also porns who are just wanting to cause trouble (I know I’ve been having this trouble on my account but I don’t know how to block them if anyone knows how please, please do tell me! I got one making me very uncomfortable and I don’t know how to stop this and any way to report it).
  Alright, guess that’s all I got to say. So please feel comfortable to ask or submit something to us. We will be right with you as we can. Not right away but when we have time and aren’t busy with life we can answer your questions or see what you got that you submitted to us.
  Black Cat Studio over and out!
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undertalegangblog · 6 years
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I stumble across a music call Hate by Lucas King and here I imagine that music would be Chara's theme in some ways. So here it is my masterpiece to how I got inspired by that one music with Chara and Azzy. Mostly Chara but Asriel is just you know there because he was the only one Chara actually care of before the humans killed him. I thought this would be perfect since I see Chara's soul turn pure dark with full of Hatred that eventually made her ended up being that genocidal path child we all known of (if you guys think Frisk is to blame fine. But I see Chara doing the most genocide, not Frisk). I do not see Chara all evil only she made herself (yes Chara I see a female don't judge me here) into evil because of what happened to her only brother and that the monsters did not give her a proper barrier and did not include her death as they all did for Asriel (I don't blame her really). She eventually let her hatred consumed her as it did to Flowey/Asriel. So yeah one part where Asriel was killed and Chara is moaning over the loss of her brother (even though she is dead but it was hard for her to bear to see her brother in that much pain) and the other side is where Chara is as she is and yes Flowey as well. Hope you all like this! I'll give the link in the credits since I was inspired to do this kind of thing with the song. Credits: Undertale: Toby Fox Art: (Me) @blackcatstudio
Song Inspiration: (By Lucas King) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60LLKmpgzRM&list=RD60LLKmpgzRM
Created By: @blackcatstudio
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undertalegangblog · 6 years
Thought to have a little Christmas treat with the Skeleton brothers. LOL!
Hope you guys like it!
Also, I have my computer back so yup I got this on here with my computer just so you guys read that part of the link description that I actually have it on.
Created by: @blackcatstudio
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undertalegangblog · 6 years
Undertale Frisk (Something To Point Out)
 Okay saw something very offensive and let me just point this out so everyone could understand about the character Frisk. Why is this such an issue to deal with? People really?!  First off I'm sorry to well... being a bit sarcasm it's just I haven't been feeling well and people are just going at me for no reason at all. Maybe they can sense I'm not feeling good and then they wonder why I'm lashing out at them. So whatever let's get to the point.  Well first off getting on Tumblr and Camila had a rudely comment about this and I thought well... they are one of those people who doesn't have a sense about the game itself or how people see Frisk as or understand to why people make Frisk's gender for. Camila if your reading this please not I love your animation but that note you stated really offended me and I have to make this clear that you hurt me a whole lot. I hope you apologize for what you did if not... eh... I really don't care just one of those people I guess.  First off we all know that Frisk's gender is a nongender right? Well if you guys been following me on her or watch me well... you can see that I see Frisk as a girl. No, I don't ship Frisk with any canon characters like Sans, Papyrus, or Asriel. That's just uh... weird but I don't say anything to others who do. I leave that up to them I mean it is their idea and if they want to go through it let them. That's what Toby Fox would want and have us do. I'm sure. Now I know people like Camila see Frisk as a boy and that's fine. I don't care because there is no right or wrong of Frisk's gender. There was a great advice from someone I subscribe to YouTube and watch her here about this idea. And I'm going to requote it in my own words.  It doesn't matter how you imagine Frisk's gender to be it's up to the person playing the game to decide if they want to see Frisk as a girl, boy, or nongender character. It's completely up to them. Now I hope this message to get across people's head so this nonsense debate about Frisk's gender will be over! I mean it's stupid! Even with Chara's gender people are fighting or putting others down of how they see Chara's gender as. I'm like it's just a game it doesn't matter how you see Chara or Frisk as!  As I always had said if someone makes a Undertale story with their own idea then it's completely is an AU of Undertale being born. The one I love that I always enjoy and makes so much sense is Abystale that has multiple AU but the storyline makes sense and there are different types of AU out there to be uncovered. Yes, there are some AUs that we don't like or don't make sense but... hey you know I just completely don't say anything mean or rude about it I just don't look into it. I'm an AU freak to be truthful mostly of Undertale. Of course, I make some up mostly with Undertale and TNBC crossover AU type but... it shouldn't be where people judge on how people make their stories or whatnot.  Just so you know I mostly make Frisk as a girl just to make thing easy for me as a writer. It's hard for me to know when Frisk is used as "they" or "them" because it's confusing to know if I'm talking about Frisk or I'm talking about a group of characters. So since I see Frisk as female (please don't say oh because you ship her with Sans or other canons hell no! I have my own OC I ship with Frisk but this isn't the topic) it's a lot easy to use Frisk as "she" and "her" so I know I'm talking about Frisk. Plus I kinda got so used to calling Frisk as a girl is a natural thing for me to do.  Okay with that said uh... hope this message gets across and if it does come to you Camila I hope you do apologize to those like me seeing Frisk as a girl. That was no way or a place to be rude like that. Besides it doesn't matter how you see Frisk or Chara as it's just how you imagine what gender those two are is up to you. Nobody else.  Well, I'm done and uh... yes for those who notice my behavior been kinda changing I want to say I'm sorry for it just... well a bit of family troubles and a little of depression doesn't really help me and people are seeming beaming after me so much it's unbelievable.
Churros! Adios! See Ya! Have A Good Day!
Originally by: @blackcatstudio
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undertalegangblog · 7 years
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  Made By: @blackcatstudio
  Wow, I didn't think I would find this kinda fun. LOL! Other than the blood part but the rest was fun other than having trouble lining things up right. Oh well... this was fun doing Chara. Don't worry I did her before so no matter. Yes, I see Chara as a female so whatever. Guess you can guess Maglo Strike Back Theme song is happening here. LOL!
  Hope you like it! Eek!
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undertalegangblog · 7 years
1st Day of Snow!
Papyrus: Sans, it's snowing!
Sans: Yup the first day of snoooow
Papyrus: I'm going to let everyone know that it's snowing outside!
Frisk: It's snowing!
Papyrus: Oh Alphys text me... (reads the text) She says it's going to be too cold to go outside
Sans: (sings) Baby it's cold outside!
Papyrus: Sans, it's not Christmas and Thanksgiving is not even here!
Sans: What? It's cold isn't it so just saying that it's a freezing iceberg outside.
Frisk: (shorts in laughter)
Papyrus: Sans!!!!!!
Sans: I lava you too, bro!
Papyrus: I'm out (storms upstairs)
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undertalegangblog · 7 years
No Reset, Chara!
Chara: Reset!
Frisk: No!
Chara: Come on just do it! For me, Frisk!
Frisk: No! I made a promise and I will never Reset again!
Chara: Tch... Whatever
Frisk: Now leave before I call Sans over and get your ass out of the house
Chara: Ha, yeah no you don't have control or authority over me anyways
Frisk: Sans, help! Chara won't leave me alone!
Chara: Yeah... like that comedian going to just show up and...
Sans: (appears) Heya been messing around my niece again?
Chara: N... no sir?
Sans: (blasted Chara out of the house) Done now you don't need to worry about that brat anymore
Papyrus: Sans, Frisk, what's going on down there?!
Sans: Uh... nothing just the dog was in the kitchen again so I chased him out!
Papyrus: Oh okay!
Frisk: Thanks Sans
Sans: Anytime kiddo (winks and sits on the couch drinking his ketchup)
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undertalegangblog · 7 years
The Secret of AUs
The yellow talking flower look up above to see the sun beating down on the wide-open hole leading down to the Underground. The flower sighs as he lowers his head looking at all the yellow flowers around him. Soon footsteps were heard from behind him. His hollow eyes sockets widened as his fangs slowly shown from his mouth. The flower knew that everyone was up on the surface. Right? He watched Frisk leave with the monsters to leave the Underground. "Who's there?!" The footsteps stop as the familiar chuckle is heard. The flower knew who it is standing behind him. "Sans? What are you doing here?" The flower turns around facing the small skeleton has white eye pupils inside the black hallow sockets wearing his blue jacket and black with two white stripe shorts also he has his pink fluffy slippers on. The skeleton knelt down and sighs before he answers. "Just thought to drop by to see what you're up to." Flowey asks, "aren't you mad at me for what I did to you, your brother, Frisk, everyone?" Sans nods, "yup but... I was dared to come back to talk to ya." Flowey tilts his head, "dared?" Sans nods, "also here for some answer about your uh... (voice deepens) Resets?" Flowey sighs as he looks down at his green stem, "they told ya huh?" Sans nods slowly, "yup, they say that before they fell in the Underground that you had the power to Reset and see what happens if you do. So how exactly did you do that?" Flowey sighs, "I guess I just found out I uh... could Reset. Did Frisk tell you anything else about me?" Sans shook his head as his voice went a little deeper, "nope why? Is there more I should know?" Flowey shook his head, "no, not at all. Anyways how's everything above the world?" Sans nods as his voice return to normal, "if ya mean the surface then it's really cool. It's the first time we monsters are totally enjoying the surface and not worry about being trapped in the Underground." Flowey chuckles a little, "hey Sans" Sans gave a curious look at the flower, "yeah?" "About the Reset uh... you do know I can't Reset anymore since Frisk fell in the Underground?" "Yeah, so what are you saying?" Flowey sighs, "Well with all the choices that I made as well for someone else I know had once made. We use to always made the choice to Reset if things didn't go to plan. Especially me, when I get bored I just Reset. Well now that I've lost the power to Reset. This choice is now up to Frisk to decide to Reset or not. You and I both know Frisk made their promise to never Reset again." Sans nods, "I know the kid's face that they were serious and truthful when they promise." "Right," said Flowey moving his stem a little every now and then, "but... do you know there can be something so evil and powerful to actually make this timeline go even worse especially make Frisk to Reset with force?" "What are you even saying?" Flowey could see that Sans is confused by what Flowey is even talking about. Flowey knew that this is going to be a long time to get some sense in that trash bag's skull head. "Alright, let me tell you a little secret, Sans. I saw your Dad well fell into his own creation. He's not really physically dead. He's uh... half alive and half dead kinda like... the amalgamate at Alphys' lab. Did Frisk told you about the amalgamate?" Sans nods, "yup, they sure did." Flowey nods, "okay well before your Dad had his accident he uh... found out that there are different alternate universes of us in other timelines. He studies hard to learn more of this alternate universes. He even had me to help him figure all this out." Sans kept quite as Flowey knew that Sans was listening to him very carefully as well thinking this through. "We came so close to solving this alternate universe secret but... that's when the accident happens and he has not been seen ever again. Yet... when I Reset that one time I actually started to help Alphys and told her about your Dad and what we both were doing before the accident." Sans interrupted asking, "wait, so if you saw Dad fall into the Core then... (Sans voice was in anguish tone) why didn't you even try to help save him?" "Look I panic and didn't even know what to do! Stop getting off topic and let me explain!" Sans looks at Flowey for a moment and then kept quiet as Flowey continues to explain. "So Alphys and I began to work as a team. Also, I promised her when we figure this alternate universe and their timelines that I'll help her help with the amalgamate and put them back to normal. We, however, figure out the alternate universe secret but I Reset when I was devoured and almost killed by the amalgamate. So Alphys had forgotten about the alternate universe and me helping her. Yet... I still remember..." Sans ask, "so what this alternate universe stuff has to do with us?" "Simple," said Flowey as he sticks his tongue out before he spoke, "there is a different version of me, you, your brother, and Frisk. There is a universe where Frisk did the genocide without mercy makes them the 'bad guy'. There is another where you and your brother hate each other and everyone else as well. Then one where you and your brother are swapped instead of Frisk being the eighth to fall in the Underground it's Chara. There are some that are totally broken. What I mean lost their universe and stuck in a void like your dad. There are some universes that are totally forgotten that their creator had demolished them for good." Sans sighs, "I think I get what you're saying, Flowey but... it seems too confusing to me." Flowey nods, "I don't expect you to understand, Sans. It took me a long time to understand myself about the universes. If you want Sans, I could help you go to one of the universes to meet yourself and the others in that world." Sans look back saying, "maybe next time, Flowey. Besides I promise Paps I'll be home in time for dinner." "Oh, I understand. I wish ya luck and get home safely too." Sans stood up as he began to walk away from the flower, "yup, I know my way around up there. Catch ya later, Flowey." "Sans!" Sans turn to face Flowey once more, "yeah?" "Don't tell anyone not even Frisk by what I told you about the alternate universe. This is the secret I kept to myself a long time. I guess someone wanting me to let you know of this. Like this someone wanted you to know the truth of the alternate universe." Sans nods, "no problem, I'm really good at keeping secrets. As long I don't mention about this to Frisk then we're fine with this secret. You know if Frisk found out about this, we both know how Determined that kiddo is." Flowey nods, "I know they'll do something stupid and I'm going to regret it." Sans chuckles as he started to walk away, "welp see ya around, Flowey." "Bye Sans," said Flowey as he saw Sans use his teleport magic to get home. Flowey sighs as he knew he was alone in the Ruins once more. It was too quiet without any monsters around. All at least most of them are on the surface. At least that is what Flowey thinks. He didn't know that someone was watching him. A skeleton with a crack skull stood behind Flowey as he gently smiles down at Flowey before disappearing into the darkness. .......... "Sans! Human!" Cried the high pitch tall skeleton in the brown house. "Get in here or else your food is going to get cold!" Sans laughs, "welp better get inside huh, kiddo?" Frisk nods their head, "Sans? Will Flowey be alright down there?" Sans nods, "I'm sure he's fine just where he is." "Good" smiles Frisk as Sans teleport them both back inside the house.
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undertalegangblog · 7 years
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Made by: @blackcatstudio
The Adventures Began!
Frisk looks around as they can see nothing but darkness they can see rocks and a few flowers in the dark and creepy cave. Frisk shrugs as they continue on but trip over a rock and fell into the deep, deep hole which will be the starting of their journey of the Underground!
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