victoria-shinzan · 5 months
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Mr McJudgy.
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victoria-shinzan · 5 months
Ancient Egyptian mummy masks, tombs and 'god of silence' statue discovered at Saqqara
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Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered a series of tombs dating from about 1,800 to 4,800 years ago, some of which contain colorful mummy masks and even the childlike statue of the god of silence, according to the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
The colorful mummy masks, which would have been worn by the dead, date to the Ptolemaic period (304 to 30 B.C.) and Roman period (29 B.C. to A.D. 641), according to Nozomu Kawai, the director of the Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources at Kanazawa University in Japan, who led the excavations.
The archaeologists also found a small statue showing Harpocrates, a Greek god that looks like a child who is associated with silence, riding a goose. The goose represents "an evil spirit over which the Divine Child triumphs," Kawai told Live Science in an email. Read more.
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victoria-shinzan · 7 months
Post Weekend Musings
The weekend is always rough for us because on Friday Sas needs an epic run, poop and pee marathon before we head down to Kyoto.
A good way for us to do this is at the beach where he can run walk explore to his hearts content and then I can teach in the evening either at the beach or on the outskirts of Kyoto. From the time we leave the beach though, aside from poop and pee stops, Sas is pretty much in the car. Cabin fever is a real thing so on Monday after a stressful 2 days for us both we head up to the coastline and we both can stretch.
I used to try the mountains but his Beverly was such that he was all over the place so back to the beach we go - then - the mountains. Honestly it’s a time for musings and reflection as well as chasing down my dog so he doesn’t get me into even more trouble with local people (yes he is on a lead!).
One thing is always constant though: he’s got my and back and I’ve got his.
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victoria-shinzan · 7 months
Sometimes there are days where Sas is a barrel of trouble yet I cannot seem to place how or why he’s behaving like that.
Then I stop and really watch him and then this song permeates my brain…
We may not be Taylor Swifts biggest fans but we do appreciate her writing genius!
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victoria-shinzan · 7 months
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Mastering the regal pose - only now possible because his confidence has grown so much that he’s himself again.
3 years in a shelter and then 3 years in a city after the early years of your life have been roaming free, this is what we call a success!
People love their dogs a variety of ways, dress them up, talk to them in child like voices, get them to do tricks… and that’s fine. However. For me?! I love my dog just the way he is.
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victoria-shinzan · 7 months
This is the song I listen to with Sas and is the inspiration for everything that happened during the pandemic and beyond..
From early on in the week where we went hiking and the notice is at the summit. We are surrounded by trees and Autumn is in the air. We love this time of year.
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victoria-shinzan · 7 months
4 years on and a lot has changed. We are not in Kyoto anymore and we now have a car. Financially things are crap however life is good.. At the start of the year we travelled locally around the temples and mountains posting on instagram and generally getting used to being out on the road.
However the turning point came a month after when the weather was not so great and we decided to go a little more further afield - to the beach.
To the beach I say! In the depth of winter, grey clouds and lots of rain Sasuke had a field day & it was the first time in all the years together that he was a beautifully crazy gorgeous boy unafraid if anything and who fell in love with the beach and ocean. Have a look on Instagram for those pictures and short videos at @Shinzan2019
Whole seasons and over half a year has now passed and here he is still enjoying the beach swimming to his hearts content, me filming watching him have the time of his life.
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victoria-shinzan · 7 months
For our back catalogue of stories and adventures.. read on if you want to jump into what’s happening now!
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victoria-shinzan · 4 years
Some things I wish I had known about when having a dog for the first time are little things that other dog owners have either forgotten or simply don’t think to mention - probably because it’s different for every dog.
The first is time of adjustment after immediate arrival; general rule of thumb is about 3-7 days. It’s often about 3 days before pooping and peeing occurs because of being in a new environment. Although it’s best to start the routine of potty training/ oshiko as soon as possible. On top of that there is a high chance of hiding back in the crate or simply not eating as much because of being nervous.
The second is background. Sas, while at the rescue shelter, did have some skills such as ‘sit’ and ‘paw’ - he had never lived in a house before - ergo no domestic skills. Unlike breeds or dogs who are to a degree domesticated... Sas didn’t know any of this. He still doesn’t know ‘fetch’ or ‘stay/leave it’ (although to be fair I think he does, he just doesn’t play along 🤨).
The third is environment.
How often do we look at life and the world from a dog’s perspective? I can say for certain that I never did until Sasuke. Oh my goodness it’s terrifying. Even after navigating a world of new sounds and smells there is still the constant problem of people. Specifically people on bicycles who don’t follow the rules of the road-forcing their way past at speed, often with no bell only a light making it harder to gauge proximity; taxi drivers who think they are above the law and don’t have to obey road rules revving their engines and generally being impatient. Aaaaand finally moped riders who should be banned from riding for continuously revving engines, being loud and obnoxious and riding on pavements.
All of this and more isn’t covered when you first get a dog and people insist on you training your dog. How? What’s the best way to help your dog adapt and with minimal stress??
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victoria-shinzan · 4 years
Nearly a year on we have had many ups and downs as we have been adjusting to our new lives together.
Much of which has been a result of separation anxiety, acclimating to a new environment, city life for Shinzan, and chewing... lots and lots of chewing.
To over come this I turned to many you tube videos for training and suggestions on how to help Shinzan over come separation anxiety for when I have to go to work. These, for the most part, have been successful and the destruction has been kept to a minimum now, if there is any at all.
The first four months were the biggest challenge because he absolutely refused point blank to go for walks outside so any excess energy was focused on destroying things. Regardless of time of day or night he hated to be outside.
Nine months on we are walking outside morning, afternoon (in the winter -Kyoto literally cooks in the summer) and long into the evening. I discovered that he absolutely adores walking along the river and if given the chance actually in the river and the reed bed so he can chase and torment ducks!
As for the destruction... well... best to not leave anything left out just in case!
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victoria-shinzan · 4 years
Late last year I was in a position to adopt and went to the shelter to do just that when I found him. I was told that he is nervous but friendly and a little boisterous too.
As recommended we went for walks to try and sus each other out and that we got on well so as a result I formally requested adoption. Ever since then when he arrived home we have never looked back!
To be honest who wouldn’t love that cheeky smile 😊
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victoria-shinzan · 4 years
This is a short diary of what it’s like to look after a very independent dog for the first time.
I was originally going to start with the adoption process however it’s different from country to country so best check if you want to adopt where you can do so in tour own country.
Shinzan, Sasuke as he is know at home, is a Hokkaido mix native Japanese breed with a gorgeous personality and love of life.
He spent the first few years as a stray in Gifu prefecture before being rescued and taken to Nose and Ark rescue center north of Osaka where he spent a further three years.
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