@saraswritingtipps has great insights would be a great place to get started!
Good luck!
Hey guys I have been wrestling with myself for awhile on whether or not I should pursue writing stories and posting them. A little background I’m a model but I’ve went to acting school and done background acting but I always wanted to try my hand at making great writing and works as well. So I guess I’m just trying to see how much support , inspiration or tips you all can offer me. You can communicate with me under this post or dm privately if you want thanks in advance.
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I am an adult...
I do not need this
I do not need a Zib plushie
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I need him!!!
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I have no restraint.
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@multi-fandom-imagine Here it is! What do you think?
Gift For @angelltheninth
This is a thank you for being awesome person and writer.
Fanfic One Shot
Crossover Hazbin Hotel and Hunger Games
Basic description: Angel returns from working at the studio on a bad day thanks to Valentino. Y/N (a sinner who was a tribute/victor of the Hunger Games) sings a song to calm him. A song that plays an important role to show the people of Panem solidarity between different districts. Now it’s a song to show solidarity from one person who was exploited for entertainment and cruelty to another.
Content Warning: vague mention of Valentino, drugs, and drinking.
Relationship between Y/N and Angel, Y/N’s gender and what district they are from is left ambiguous.
The feeling of silence after a hard day of work would feel peaceful for most; but for Angel Dust it's left with dread. 
Returning home to see Fat Nuggets and his favorite pet sitter/helper are the few things he looks forward to. Y/N is a sinner from the 2100s, they died at some point during the Hunger Games. They were reaped from at a young age and were forced to do terrible deeds for the Capitol politicians. At some point they died during the 75th Hunger Games. 
Y/N was cleaning up after Nuggets when you see Angel entering the bedroom, the blank expression and the dark eye circles from exhaustion. It's clear Valentino gave him a bad day. You and Nuggets exchanged a look, silently agreeing he needs help.
After Angel gets dressed for bed, Y/N enters the room with a laundry basket to put away his clothes for him. Angel didn’t mind it much and appreciated the extra help as he had no energy to do it himself. 
Nuggets jumps on the bed and licks his face with adoring affection making Angel smile somewhat. 
The first thing he looked forward to, the next thing is a song that Y/N knew for as long as they can remember. As Y/N sings it gives him an image that he wishes was real right now.
In a deep meadow, a soft bed of grass with a green pillow under a willow tree.
He lays on his bed, afraid of closing his eyes as his dreams were anything but sweet, and tomorrow reveals their truth. In the morning he’ll face another day, where he is tormented.
Angel knew he took for granted simple things such as seeing the daisies in the sun rising in the morning sky from Earth. If only they could guard him from every harm. To feel safe and warm is a distant memory now.
He wished he could run away and remain hidden far away, a place where he can be safe and feel warmth every day. 
For now a hellish moonbeam ray shining through a clove of leaves of the dark plants outside of his window will do. He holds Fat Nuggets to his chest as he looks over the horizon thinking about…well everything especially a certain someone cleaning up his makeup table.
He wonders how Y/N do it. How does a sinner manage to keep fighting in death just like in life? Y/N’s life was very different from his yet similar. They were used for entertaining those who didn’t deserve it. Forced to do things and become the very people they didn’t want to be. Hell is not safe nor warm but for Y/N there were worse games to play.
Drugs and drinking can only do so much to forget his woes. The only comfort is letting his troubles of everyday life lay in small moments like this with his companions. 
Maybe he can find a meadow hidden far away and lay under a willow in Heaven so he can be happy for once and truly heal. Being surrounded by daisies, guarding him from every harm. Despite his doubts, sweet dreams of redemption and promises of tomorrow in Heaven’s rising sun is his only hope. He finally closes his sleepy eyes, and allows himself to sleep, his nightmares can’t be washed away. He will face the truth of reality if he wants to see another day.
The first step now is knowing he is loved, even when it's hard to find it. He is starting to understand that now. Years under Valentino, made him think that people only love him for his work in the studio, not as Anthony the man behind the facade of Angel Dust. 
Being a pornstar or a tribute/victor is to go through act after act without a say. But if Y/N can fight back despite the odds, even in death, maybe he can? He looks forward to going back to the hotel Charlie built as it washes away his troubles and forgets his daily woes. 
There is a place where the last line of the song Y/N sings, where he is truly loved.
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Gift For @angelltheninth
This is a thank you for being awesome person and writer.
Fanfic One Shot
Crossover Hazbin Hotel and Hunger Games
Basic description: Angel returns from working at the studio on a bad day thanks to Valentino. Y/N (a sinner who was a tribute/victor of the Hunger Games) sings a song to calm him. A song that plays an important role to show the people of Panem solidarity between different districts. Now it’s a song to show solidarity from one person who was exploited for entertainment and cruelty to another.
Content Warning: vague mention of Valentino, drugs, and drinking.
Relationship between Y/N and Angel, Y/N’s gender and what district they are from is left ambiguous.
The feeling of silence after a hard day of work would feel peaceful for most; but for Angel Dust it's left with dread. 
Returning home to see Fat Nuggets and his favorite pet sitter/helper are the few things he looks forward to. Y/N is a sinner from the 2100s, they died at some point during the Hunger Games. They were reaped from at a young age and were forced to do terrible deeds for the Capitol politicians. At some point they died during the 75th Hunger Games. 
Y/N was cleaning up after Nuggets when you see Angel entering the bedroom, the blank expression and the dark eye circles from exhaustion. It's clear Valentino gave him a bad day. You and Nuggets exchanged a look, silently agreeing he needs help.
After Angel gets dressed for bed, Y/N enters the room with a laundry basket to put away his clothes for him. Angel didn’t mind it much and appreciated the extra help as he had no energy to do it himself. 
Nuggets jumps on the bed and licks his face with adoring affection making Angel smile somewhat. 
The first thing he looked forward to, the next thing is a song that Y/N knew for as long as they can remember. As Y/N sings it gives him an image that he wishes was real right now.
In a deep meadow, a soft bed of grass with a green pillow under a willow tree.
He lays on his bed, afraid of closing his eyes as his dreams were anything but sweet, and tomorrow reveals their truth. In the morning he’ll face another day, where he is tormented.
Angel knew he took for granted simple things such as seeing the daisies in the sun rising in the morning sky from Earth. If only they could guard him from every harm. To feel safe and warm is a distant memory now.
He wished he could run away and remain hidden far away, a place where he can be safe and feel warmth every day. 
For now a hellish moonbeam ray shining through a clove of leaves of the dark plants outside of his window will do. He holds Fat Nuggets to his chest as he looks over the horizon thinking about…well everything especially a certain someone cleaning up his makeup table.
He wonders how Y/N do it. How does a sinner manage to keep fighting in death just like in life? Y/N’s life was very different from his yet similar. They were used for entertaining those who didn’t deserve it. Forced to do things and become the very people they didn’t want to be. Hell is not safe nor warm but for Y/N there were worse games to play.
Drugs and drinking can only do so much to forget his woes. The only comfort is letting his troubles of everyday life lay in small moments like this with his companions. 
Maybe he can find a meadow hidden far away and lay under a willow in Heaven so he can be happy for once and truly heal. Being surrounded by daisies, guarding him from every harm. Despite his doubts, sweet dreams of redemption and promises of tomorrow in Heaven’s rising sun is his only hope. He finally closes his sleepy eyes, and allows himself to sleep, his nightmares can’t be washed away. He will face the truth of reality if he wants to see another day.
The first step now is knowing he is loved, even when it's hard to find it. He is starting to understand that now. Years under Valentino, made him think that people only love him for his work in the studio, not as Anthony the man behind the facade of Angel Dust. 
Being a pornstar or a tribute/victor is to go through act after act without a say. But if Y/N can fight back despite the odds, even in death, maybe he can? He looks forward to going back to the hotel Charlie built as it washes away his troubles and forgets his daily woes. 
There is a place where the last line of the song Y/N sings, where he is truly loved.
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Fanfic Gifts Masterlist
(This masterlist is for fanfics I written as a gift for someone here.)
Hazbin Hotel/Hunger Games crossover "Solace"
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Crossover masterlist
Coming soon!
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About Me The Author
Age: 25
Pronouns: She/Her cis female
Hobbies: Writing, video games, anime, crocheting, reading, drawing/painting, listening to music, studying history
Likes: Animals, matcha lattes, nature, memes, dad jokes/puns, music (no favorite genre though I'm not fond of hip pop and rap most of the time).
Other Blogs: @its-tricky-to-save-baldurs-gate
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For my mutuals :D
(As promise @immawritestuff's new blog :3
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Ooooh this is going to be really interesting!
➤𝓡𝓸𝔂𝓪𝓵 𝓕𝓵𝓾𝓼𝓱
A/n: Short, next part will he longer, I just had to get this out.
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"Did ya hear about that massive party bein thrown at the casino?"
Turning to face your friend, you shrugged your shoulders. "I mean who doesn't know about it? You gotta be a fucking idiot? I know where you going with this and the answer is no also if I wanted to I can't because only High Class demons and Overlords are invited."
Rolling his eyes, Angel Dust slumped further into the chair.
Sitting down at the table, you bit your lip. Your heart pounding in your chest. One game, it was just one little game and one game couldn't hurt.
"Mind if I join you Miss?"
Your head snapped toward's the deep voice, your eyes going wide at who sat next to you. The very Overlord you were terrified about running into.
You've heard of him, captured glimpses of him but seeing him up close. He handsome, oh he was handsome.
'The suit fitted him perfectly and that smirk.'
"Okay!" You hated how meek you sounded but that only seemed to please him more. You swore he could hear your thought, god why was your heart racing so badly.
Keeping his gaze on you, the Overlord sat across from you and though he seemed so far you could still smell his cologne. "You look prettier than all the money I own...what's your name doll?"
"M-my name?" Your voice manages to squeak out as you glanced at the cards that were given to you. "W-why do you want to know my name?"
Leaning forward, Husk tilted his head to the side seeing how nervous you were. Wetting his lips a deep chuckle escaped him. "Just wanted to know the beauties name...but you don't gotta tell me if you don't wanna."
Relaxing your shoulders, you took a deep breath giving him a weak smile. "Thank you."
"Oh god!" Running out of the casino, you wanted to get out of the place as quick as possible. "Im going to die, im going to die."
Panicking, you rushed into the room you shared with your friend. Your heart pounding in your chest as you slammed the door.
"I beat the Overlord Husk at his own game! I just kept winning and...I'm going to die!"
Anthony's eyes went wide though he rubbed the back of his neck. "I...I'm sure you'll be okay. I mean he hot nothin to identify you by."
"My bracelet is gone!"
Running his tongue over his lips, Husk mentally cursed for not grabbing you when he had the chance, though the light bouncing off something caught his eye.
Titling his head to the side he bent down picking up the bracelet.
"Well...what do we have here.." The overlord turned the bracelet around, his gaze taking in the different gems along with the lingering scent of a perfume that hit him.
Oh he will find you and he will make you his. Ever King need's his Queen, you two will make the perfect pair.
Thank god for the camera's.
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Fandom List
Movies and TV Shows Castlevania (Original and Nocturne) James Cameron Avatar ATLA (Original, Not Netflix) The Apothecary Diaries Games Touchstarved Imperial Grace A Date With Death
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Love it!
The Villain Checklist!
Creating a villain is a delicate art, much like crafting a masterpiece. To ensure your antagonist leaps off the page with depth, consider these essential elements for your villain checklist:
Motivation: Every great villain is driven by a potent motivation, one that fuels their actions and sets them on their dark path. Explore their backstory and unearth the core reason behind their villainy. Are they seeking power, revenge, redemption, or something more sinister?
Complexity: Gone are the days of one-dimensional villains twirling mustaches and cackling maniacally. Infuse your antagonist with layers of complexity and nuance. Perhaps they possess redeeming qualities or wrestle with inner conflicts that humanize their actions.
Flaws and Vulnerabilities: Despite their nefarious intentions, villains should be flawed beings with vulnerabilities. These weaknesses not only add depth to their character but also create opportunities for conflict and growth throughout your story.
Backstory: Delve into your villain's past to uncover formative experiences that shaped their present disposition. Trauma, betrayal, or societal pressures can all contribute to their descent into villainy, providing rich narrative fodder for exploration.
Goals and Ambitions: Just as heroes strive for noble objectives, villains pursue their own twisted goals with fervor and determination. Define what your antagonist hopes to achieve and the lengths they're willing to go to attain it, even if it means sacrificing everything in their path.
Antagonistic Traits: From cunning intellect to ruthless brutality, equip your villain with traits that make them a formidable adversary for your protagonist. Consider how their strengths and weaknesses complement each other, creating dynamic conflicts that propel your story forward.
Relationships and Alliances: Villains don't operate in isolation; they forge alliances, manipulate allies, and cultivate relationships to further their agendas. Develop the connections your antagonist shares with other characters, be they loyal minions or reluctant collaborators, to add depth to their character dynamics.
Moral Justification (from their perspective): While their actions may be abhorrent to society, villains often believe they're justified in their pursuits. Explore your antagonist's moral code and the twisted logic that rationalizes their behavior, offering readers insight into their twisted worldview.
Arc of Transformation: Just as protagonists undergo arcs of growth and change, villains should experience their own journey of transformation. Whether it's redemption, downfall, or something altogether unexpected, chart the evolution of your antagonist throughout the narrative.
Memorable Traits: Give your villain distinctive traits or quirks that leave a lasting impression on readers. Whether it's a chilling catchphrase, a distinctive appearance, or a haunting backstory, give your antagonist elements that linger in the minds of your audience long after they've closed the book.
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Alright Lets get started DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE A: Minor AI Bro Anyone that promotes/supports hate to - Any Gender or Gender identity - Sexuality - Religion - Race I want this blog to be a safe spot if I seen anyone that are on this DNI list you will be blocked NO EXCEPTIONS!
For writing I will write for Male, Female, GN reader.
What I'm not ok writing - Lolicon - Suicide and self-harm - Incest - Yandere (I don’t think I can write good yandere content) - Rape/Sexual Assult/ Harassment towards the reader - Big age difference (unless it’s platonic) - Pedophilia  - Alpha, Omega, and Beta stuff  - Religious Themes 
What I'm ok with writing - General Headcanons of Characters - One Shots - X Readers (Both headcanon and One shots) - Text message stuff I will write for four characters for Headcanons at a time.
I can write for romantic, family, and platonic stuff.
For x readers I will write as GN Reader Unless: - If a character has a canon lgbtia sexuality I will write romantic and suggestive content for only the gender the character is attracted to. (Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel for example is gay so I will write romantic and stuff for only male readers.) - If someone requests a certain type of reader for a character.
NSFW I will write: - Gore - Nudity - Implied Smut/Suggestive content (No actual smut please) - Aftercare
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