witch-better-work · 4 years
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witch-better-work · 4 years
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witch-better-work · 4 years
Yeah, you! 
Get up right now and do a sun salutation with me! 
Let’s take a little break! It only takes a minute or so and It’ll be fun, just follow this guide I found online and move with nice slow breaths! ( If you can’t move along then set a timer for a few minutes and just look away from the screen and breathe for a bit! )
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(Having trouble understanding the image? Here’s a little guide I found on Youtube in case anyone wants it.)
Well that was fun, and I enjoyed getting off my ass and taking a moment to refresh! 
~ That Witch
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witch-better-work · 4 years
Witchy tip
I didn't think I'd really have to say this but
Don't use things if you don't know where they come from.
You'll only get in trouble, even if you're not messing with something from a closed culture, if you don't even know the origins of what you're using how are you supposed to understand how it works or how to make it work for you? How to adapt it to your personal practice?
People appropiate because of ignorance. Don't be ignorant. Before choosing to adopt a method of spell crafting, magic, divination, or else, research as much as you can about it's origins, where and how it is used, by what peoples, and only then you'll know if it's truly your thing or even something you are allowed to do, if it's from an open or closed practice and why, etc.
Don't be the witchy Karen next door grabbing any and everything they see without a care for how or why they're used.
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witch-better-work · 4 years
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These are some materials I gathered to start the @grimoirechallenge2020​. I’m a little late, but I’m finally getting inspired to do it.
I decided to use loose pages so I can arrange them the way I want. I’m thinking about buying a fake leather to make the cover myself, because I have a very specific taste and all the binders with the aesthetics I seek are too expensive. But for now I’ll just keep the pages on a folder.
I also wanted recycled paper because you know, the environment and stuff. And they also have this nice look that will fit with my aesthetics idea for my grimoire. I don’t intend to make it perfect, cause I know I won’t be able to do it without freaking out. But I want it to look a little bit old and dark (but probably I'll add some cuteness and color to it at some point because I’m weak).
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witch-better-work · 4 years
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Second set of pages for my astrology section! I used watercolor and waterproof inks on multimedia paper, bound in a book I made myself.
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witch-better-work · 4 years
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Auras and Chakras
I will be doing a separate page on chakras and the related crystals when I next get the chance
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witch-better-work · 4 years
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Something wicked this way comes… (source)
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witch-better-work · 4 years
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The holidays’ wreaths, by Julia Nikita
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witch-better-work · 4 years
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witch-better-work · 4 years
Ultimate Protection Magic Masterpost, Part 2
Family/Loved Ones Protection Jar
Quick Protection Spell
Full Moon Protection Spell
“I Send You Safety” Spell
Knitting Spell (For Protection)
Ayano’s Theory of Happiness Spell
Ritual To Protect Loved Ones
“This Person Is Under My Protection” Sigil
“This Person Is Safe & Happy” Sigil
“My Significant Other Is Happy & Safe From Harm” Sigil
“My Child Is Safe From All Harm” Sigil
Pet Protection Spell Jar
Pet Protection Spell Bottle
Pet Protection Spell
Pet Protection Spell
Protective Chant For Dogs
Protective Chant For Cats
Cat Protection Bag
Cat Blessing/Protection Spell
Animal Blessing Spells
Animal Protection Spell
Animal Candle Protection Spell
“Watch Over Me” Pet Protection Guardian
“Always Come Back To Me” Spell
“My Dogs Will Be Safe and Happy” Sigil
Pet Protection Powder
Protection Against Nightmares
Protection During Sleep
Nightmare Warding Stuffed Animal Spell
Ghost Nebula Protection In Sleep Spell
Protection While Travelling
Jar Spell for Safe Travels
Protection For Travellers Spell
Roadtrip Protection Charm
Empath/Emotional Protection
Calcified Heart Spell
Empath Protection Jar
New Job Protection Pouch
Corvid Safety Spell
Emoji Spell for Protection Against Extreme Weather
Cleansing & Protection from Mind-Altering Spells
Dragon’s Bite Powder
Sweeping Powder for Protection & Energy
Dark As Night Protection Powder
Anti-Curse Powder
Archer’s Protection Powder
Protection Powder Recipes
Fire Salts
Black Salt
Empath Protection Oil
Demonwitch’s Hellcat Oil
Flying Devil Oil
Moon-Infused Protection Water
Storm Witch’s Ward Water
War Water
Circles, Shields & Wards
Casting a Circle for Beginners
Methods of Casting Circles
Personal Shielding
Basic Protection
Keeping Yourself Protected
The Basics of Wards & Warding
A Crash Course In Warding
Top Ward Mistakes I
Top Ward Mistakes II
Threshold Magic 101
Charms, Amulets & Talismans
The Rowan Cross
Grass Charm
Hag Stones
Moon Snails
Protection Wreaths
Protection Chimes
Elemental Protection Charms
Folklore Charms for Home Protection
Tech Magic
Turning Your Wifi Into Wards
How to Anti-Taglock Pictures of Yourself
Simple Email Protection Spell
Technomagic Ward
Cyber/Tech Protection Ideas
A Basic Guide to Servitors
An Introduction to Servitors
How to Create a Protective Servitor
Spell and Meditation for Calming, Serenity and Peace Within Self
“Warrior of Light” Guided Meditation (YouTube)
Protection Correspondences
Protection Correspondences
Quick Protection Magic Reference Guide
[part 1]
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witch-better-work · 4 years
Ultimate Protection Magic Masterpost; Part 1
Jar Spells & Pouches
“Bubbly Friend” Protection and Cleansing Jar Spell
“Tough As A Nail” Protection Spell
“Portable Barricade” Spell Jar
“Protect My Ass” Spell Jar
“Stay The F*ck Away From Me” Protection Jar
Jar Spell for Protection
Witchywoman’s Protection Jar
Shiroinightmare’s Protection Bottle
Gender/Sexuality Protection Jar Spell
Sea Witch’s Protection Bottle
Stormy Protection Spell Jar
Elemental Protection Jar Spell
Dragon Protection Jar
Protection Jar Against Bindings & Hexes
Basic Warding Jar
Making A Witch Bottle (Charm)
Witches Bottle for Protection
Potent Protective Witch Bottle
Blood Magic Protection Jar
Mini Protection Vial
Ares Protection Pouch
‘Sweet Tooth’ Spell Sachet
Protection Pouches
Protection Pouch
Protection Sachet
Protection Sachet for School
Simple Protection Amulet
“Untouchable” Charm Ward
Subtle Protection Amulet
Coral Protection Amulet
Sunglasses Enchantment
Ways to Make Amulets
Simple Protection Necklace
Strength & Safety Amulet
Protection Vial Necklace
Wonder Woman’s Bracelets
Sword & Shield Graveyard/Spirit Jewelry
Nasty Witches’ Brew Protective Jewelry
Bath/Shower Magic
“Armour of Love” Protection Bath
Powerful Cleansing Bath
Simple Purification and Protection Scrub
“Master Protector” Body Scrub
Gossip-Stopping Scrub
Shower Disks for Protection
Pine Protection Balm
Kitchen Witchcraft
Purification and Protection Soup
Fondant Potatoes for Protection & Prosperity
Self Love & Protection Recipe Spell
Abundant Apple Pie Cookies
Grandma’s Pumpkin Bread
Cleanse & Protect Spray Potion
Rose Shield Potion
Protection Potion
Pisces Protection Potion
Return To Sender Vigor Potion
Bucking Bronco Vigor Potion
Charge Vigor Potion
Bravery/Protection Spell
Aroma Veil Spell
Protection Spell for Queer Folks
Spell For Protection While Coming Out As Trans
‘Hiding Secrets’ Spell
Stronger Than You Spell
Protection Against Bullies
“Belittlement Barrier” Spell
Expecto Patronum
Substitute Spell
Curse Decoy
LoZ Magic Armour Protection Spell
Riddikulus Charm
Snowdrop Protection Spell
Method for Protection Against Undesired Spirits or People
Evergoing Spell
Rose Quartz Shielding Spell
Protection Candle Spell
Protection Chant
Night Protection Spell
Night Protection Spell #2
Protection Against Curses, Hexes & Bad Energies
Maka’s Black Blood Dress
Mars Celestial Fire Surround
Plutonic Protection Spell
‘Dark Dome Close’ Sailor Pluto Spell
Moon Tiara Magic
Jupiter Thunder Crash
Mind Blast Spell
Metal Claws Spell
“Back To You, B*tch” Protection Spell
‘Return To Sender’ Spell
‘Backfire’ Curse Repelling Enchantment
Engraved Hourglass Nebula Curse Return Spell
‘Trainer Chose Squirtle’ Spell
Black Salt Spell for Protection & Absorbing Negativity
Protection Spell Against Negative People & Psychic Vampires
‘Don’t Go In The Dog Park’ Ward
Nail Polish Ritual
PC Magic Warding Ritual
Positive Energy/Banishment of Evil Incense Ritual
‘Fire Rose’ Healing & Protection Ritual
Protection Ritual for the Downtrodden
I Am Shielded From Acts of Violence
I Am Protected From Unwanted Spiritual & Physical Entities Who Would Do Me Harm
Protection From Evil Spirits
I Am Safe
I Am Safe At Work
I Am Aware of My Surroundings & Protected
I Am Protected From All Negativity
I’m Protected From Negative Vibes
No Negative Energy Can Affect Me
I Repel Ignorance and Negativity
Protection From Bad Intentions
Protection From Unwanted Eyes
I Am Safe From Fascists
I Am Safe From Transphobia
Those Who Would Harm Me Suffer Their Own Ill Intentions Turned Back On Themselves
I Am One With The Forest
Earth Protection
Protection + Happiness
Ace/Aro Protection Sigil
Protection Sigil/Charm
No Evil Can Touch Me
Sigil for Protection Against All Forms of Magickal Attack
Sigil to Protect One Against All Forms of Possession
Sigil of Protection
Spell Jars
Simple Home Protection Jar Spell
“I Don’t Know Sh*t My Dudes” Protection Jar
My Home Is Protected Spell Jar
House Protection Jar
Home Protection Spell Bottle
Peace & Protection Bottle
Peace & Protection Spell Jar
Home Purification/Protection Spell Jar
Sleeping Beauty House Protection Jar Spell
Mama Cat’s Evil Eye Protection Jar
Sprays & Washes
House-Warding Spray
All-Purpose Cleansing Spray
Protective House Wash
Protective Floor Wash
Protecting Yourself And Your Home (Basic Ward Ritual)
Three Elements Home Blessing & Protection Ritual
‘Protect My Space’ Pouch & Ritual
Quick Protection Ward
Prickly Protection Ward
Protective Storm Ward
Patronus Ward
“Let Only Good Energy In” Horseshoe Ward
Moonbeam Ward
“The Hedgehog” Green Witch Ward
Pumpkin Wards
Complex Bramble Ward
Weaving Protection Wards (ADVANCED)
Simple Protection Spell
Simple Herbal Protection Spell
Simple Hearth & Home Protection Spell
Home & Body Protection Spell
Clearing Negative Energy from a Room
Home Protection Steam Spell
My Home Is Protected Spell
“Protect My Home” Spell
Home Protection Spell
Home Protection Charm
House Protection Spell
Spell to Protect Your House
House Protection Charm
Threshold Protection Spell
Protego Totalum (Harry Potter Spell)
Four Shells Protection Spell
Pine Cone Prosperity & Protection Spell
“Little Lurkers” Home Protection Spell
Home Protection Spells
A Series of Protection Spells
Strong Home Protection Spell
Home Protection Tip
Home Protection Tip
My Home is Protected
My Home Is Protected
This Home Is Protected
Sigil for Protecting One’s Home
Protect This Home
My Home Is A Safe and Healthy Environment
The House I Come Back To Is Safe For Me
Only Positive Energies May Enter My Space
Negative Forces Do Not Enter Here
Simple Protection Jar For Your Grimoire
Grimoire Protection Spell
Hidden Object Charm
The Serpent’s Lock/Serpent’s Key
Protection From Prying Eyes
All Prying Eyes Are Diverted; This Grimoire Is Cloaked In Invisibility
This Item Will Not Be Found
I’m Safe. This Object Is Safe.
The Book in Which This Sigil Is Written Cannot Be Lost or Stolen
This Grimoire Is Protected
This Grimoire Is Protected
My Grimoire Is Protected
Grimoire Is Protected From Those With Ill Intent
This Book of Shadows Is Protected
This Book Is Protected
[part 2]
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witch-better-work · 4 years
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Dzień dobry and merry meet!
We’re all different. What works well for one witch might be a disaster for another. I believe keeping a notebook is useful for most witches, though!
I’ve written a lot about why a grimoire and keeping one can supercharge your magical practice. 
 It’s always going to be something I recommend. While not everyone can or does keep one, it’s always worth trying because for many of us it is so helpful.
The question becomes, though: how? What format should you use for your grimoire or Book of Shadows?
I’ve got an article about different types of grimoires here. Regardless of what style you choose, it can be helpful to keep it organized!
There are many advantages to keeping a binder-type notebook for a grimoire. It allows you to add and remove pages with ease! This means you can create tabbed sections for each Craft-related topic. 
You can then add to each as you see fit, without disturbing the rest. It’s also very easy to find information in your grimoire when you need it!
In the past, I used hardbound notebooks. I loved the Peter Pauper Press line of journals, and the Leuchtturm 1917. Over the past few years, though, I’ve come to appreciate the advantages of the binder system. 
I still use a normal Leuchtturm for my bullet journal. It doubles as my general magical diary and record.  
When it comes to making notes on my research and gathering Craft information, I’ve begun using a binder. It’s so easy! You might want to try a similar setup. I definitely recommend it!
To start, I purchased a six-ring A5 binder. I chose a coral-colored Carpe Diem binder, because it wasn’t too expensive and I liked the color. 
I chose A5 because it fits the size of my hands and my style of handwriting pretty well. If your hands are bigger or smaller, a different size might work for you. I also like A5 because it is quite portable. A three-ring letter-size binder could work, or even a small personal sized folio.
I filled the binder with dot grid paper.  I chose the dot grid because of its versatility. If you’re sketching, making diagrams, or drawing, the dots make measurement on the page easy. If you’re only writing, they function as lines to keep your handwriting straight and neat on the page, too.
The dots are subtle and not intrusive, too, making any art you might want to do on the pages very clean and visible. Most A5 dot grid paper is prepunched with the six ring holes, and despite this, you can even print on it!
This is good, because it allows me to print longer bits of information or diagrams. Granted, most files aren’t designed for A5 size. Yet, it’s very, very easy to resize something for that format, even if it includes images.
I added some blank tabbed dividers, labeling them with different Craft-related subjects. There’s one for Tarot, astrology, spellcraft, spiritwork, etc.
If you do this, your dividers would reflect whatever interests you. I recommend sticking to four or five different topics to start with. Any more than that can be overwhelming. 
I’ve written a bit of study tips for the self-taught here. If you’re a virtuoso who can juggle eight or nine topics without getting overwhelmed, go for it!  
I keep the dot grid paper in the very back of the binder. I add pages from that to the different sections as I finished them.
What to include?
Your grimoire is your own; you can include anything and  everything that you want! I included the following different sections in mine so far.
Blessings, Divination, and Spiritwork
First, I invoked celestial forces to bless this grimoire. Blessing your tools (including grimoire) can be very advantageous. You can ask the spirits and any deities you follow to bless your work. I used to have one of these at the front of mine, but recently ended up writing a separate blessing for each section.
You could devote a section to poetry or prose inspired by the spirits - I do, though I haven’t written much in it recently. Don’t ask me to ever share any of my poems, though - it ended up being very personal!
I devote a sizable part of my binder to writing about the divinatory exercises I do on my own. In other words, it’s for notes on my personal Tarot, Lenormand, and scrying sessions. If you do divination, I recommend keeping such a record of your exploits!  I also sometimes keep a dream journal.
Spellcraft Details
Without a doubt, it’s useful to record your own spells and their ensuing results. If you’re starting in spellcraft, you can jot down ideas and brainstorm.
Then, you have a record of the spell’s development from start to finish! This is helpful for refining your approach to spellcraft. It helps you become more effective with it.
If you’re casting spells another witch developed, you can record those, too! Whenever I cast a spell from a book or website, I record it  by hand. I include my own notes on it, and any modifications I’ve made. 
Of course, I also include a citation explaining where I found the spell and who wrote it, too. Credit where credit is due!
The biggest thing, though? Remember to go back and record the results as they manifest. I recommend doing this in as much detail as possible, too. Keeping track of how your magic flows can help you to develop greater finesse.
Print Information
I also print out public domain texts from the Internet to add to my growing trove of information in the binder. If you’re using an A5 binder, you may have to fiddle with formatting on anything you’re printing so that it’ll fit the page. It’s not hard, though!
Many older translations of Classical texts are public domain now. So, you might include that sort of thing! And yes, most printers will print on prepunched A5 paper!
Some witchblr folks will also allow you to print their work, and add it to your personal grimoire. Be sure to check with the person in question first, though! Always keep track of where each piece of information comes from!
For the record, it’s always okay to include spells <INSERT LINK HERE> I’ve written on this blog in your personal grimoire. That is, as long as a) it’s only for personal use, and b) you credit me, even if you’re only printing it for yourself.
Personal Notes on Books, etc
I’m a big fan of taking notes when I read a book, be it a Craft-related one, or even something else. Everyone has a different way of taking notes! My notes synthesize my readings from several different books on the subject.
I took inspiration from studyblr in formatting my notes. That particular tag on here offers lot of great tips for taking notes that are effective, neat, legible and even aesthetic.
I realize the studyblr “aesthetic” isn’t quite the type of thing you’d expect from a grimoire. I like it. I can find things in my notes with ease, they’re readable, and fun to make.
This system works well enough for a while. Soon, you’ll find that the binder gets full, unwieldy, and bursting with information. What do you do then?
When it first happened with mine, I wasn’t sure. I tried taking the pages out, tying them with string, and stacking them on my shelf. This turned out to be awful and messy, and some of them got torn.
The trick here is simply to get another binder. Look through the sections in your main binder and find which one is largest. Then, get another binder and transplant that section into it.
Keep doing this as your main binder fills up again and again. You end up with two or three different binders dedicated to different subjects. This is, to me, an excellent way of organizing things, provided you label the binders! It’s wild binder mitosis!
Thus far, my main binder has “spawned” two more - one for astrology, and one for spiritwork. I suspect other sections in the main binder will someday need to move into new binders, too.
In Conclusion
Keeping a grimoire is fun! I definitely recommend it! This article only gives one way of organizing such a grimoire, the one I use. Your methods will no doubt be different. I hope my suggestions above are inspiring and helpful, though.
Stay magical, and blessed be!
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witch-better-work · 4 years
My father is a green witch and he doesn't even realize it. Yesterday I caught him getting ready to fertilize and prune his plants because it was first quarter moon.
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witch-better-work · 4 years
poppet curse!
warning! this is a curse, so if this isn’t your thing then please, keep scrolling. for those that are still interested, here’s a tutorial on how I personally have made a curse on a very hurtful person… with pictures. ;p
so! all good curses start with some herbs. these pictured, are the ones you’ll need for the inside of the poppet. pictured as well are some black thread and a pen and paper, some sharp things (rusty nails, glass, etc) and what isn’t pictured is fabric.
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additionally, you’ll also need a tag lock of the person, to which I used cut up photos of them that I cut one by one.
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then you’ll need to make your poppet! I hand sewed this one (im sure its obvious, but it doesn’t need to look pretty, i promise) and while I was doing that (and filling it) I was thinking about all the hurtful things they’ve done to me, and how I want them to feel that in return. that little paper with the eye; that’s a letter I wrote expressing how i felt. I folded it up and drew an evil eye on it (to promote their negativity coming back to them), and stuffed it in the head of the doll, so that person would always be thinking of that situation. now sew the rest of it closed.
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now you’re going to drip red wax over the edges of the outside of the stitching and over the head and chest. then you’ll sprinkle some cayenne powder over the wax, followed with crushed red pepper. after that, seal it with some black wax, and youre done!
since this isn’t safe to bury outside, i recommend putting it in a small box or container that you don’t care about anymore, and keep it hidden somewhere dark and out of sight. dont think about the poppet or that person anymore!
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witch-better-work · 4 years
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Modern Male Witch Project: Masterpost
A personal project that has become very important to me: male witches in their private dens, with their belongings surrounding them that show what kind of person they are and what kind of magic they practice. I try to make every single peace emit peace and comfort, but with a magical twist!
Separate pieces
Bedroom witch | Bathroom witch | Kitchen witch | Home Office witch | Attic witch
Buy prints on Redbubble and Society6
Buy me a Coffee!
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witch-better-work · 4 years
Update on my Grimoire: all the sections have been divided and labeled!!
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The sections are all fold-outs which give me more space!!
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