x-dudes · 8 months
Thinking so hard about meeting Jake Lockley first and becoming his girlfriend. Jake tries to hide so much of himself to the point where Marc and Steven don't even know Jake exists yet, and you've never been told they exist either. The potential... The situational comedy... The Romance...
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x-dudes · 8 months
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I need Moon Knight season 2 like I need air
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x-dudes · 2 years
Jean Grey x Reader x Ororo Munroe (Storm)
I made the reader nonbinary in this but they're implied afab
Word Count:1,700
This is a part two of @x-dudes story which you should go read before this one. You can read it here:
(A/N I'm new to writing so I'm open to advice)
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"Man, I figured my love life was worth more than $20. Now I'm not telling you who I like more." You laugh as you leave his room,making your way down the hall towards hers.
As you walked down the hall you thought about your situation. Two beautiful, very powerful girls liked you, definitely not a situation you ever thought you'd be in. Jean Grey aka Phoenix, a powerful telepath with telekinesis and host of The Phoenix Force, and then there was Ororo Munroe aka Storm, the woman with the ability to control the weather. You were a mutant as well of course, you were strong too, but nowhere near as strong as them.
As you were walking you ran into one of your teachers and teammate, Logan aka Wolverine. He was one of your favorites and someone you knew you could talk to about anything and he would keep it between you two.
"Hey Logan, could I talk to you about something?" You asked. It was a split second decision but you trusted him.
"Yeah sure kid. What is it?"
You looked around to make sure you were safe. He picked up on what you were doing pretty quickly.
"No one's around kid,and I'll tell you if someone comes."
You looked back at him and smiled.
"So what's wrong? You look nervous as hell." He asked.
"It's complicated. Basically I just learned from Peter and Jubilee that both Jean and Ororo like me. And I'm not sure what exactly to do." You confessed to the man.
His eyes went a little wide, not expecting that. He knew you liked girls as he was one of the few that you had told but what you said surprised the man. He had to take a short second to process what you said.
"Huh, only a foot out of the closet and you already have two girls after you." He said, smirking.
"Ha ha, old man. I'm serious."
"I know, just messing with you. So what's the problem? Do you not like them?"
"The exact opposite problem actually, I like them both. And I'm not sure if they'd be fine with that. Ya know, like polyamory?"
You could practically hear the gears turning in his head trying to figure out a solution or something that could help you.
"Do I just ask to talk to them both and just tell them? I don't know if I could do that." You asked, growing more anxious.
After thinking for a minute longer he answered.
"Honestly kid, that might be your best bet here. I know it's nerve racking but if you love them both you should be honest and just tell them, you don't wanna end up regretting not telling them."
He was somber at the end, and you got the feeling that that was from experience. It was now your turn to think.
"Yeah, I think you're right. Thanks Logan." You said.
Putting his hand on your shoulder smiling he told you, "Don't worry kid, they're both friends I don't think they'd be upset about sharing."
After that he walked away leaving you in the hallway. You thought about what he, Peter, and Jubilee had told you, as well as Jean and Ororo's relationship with each other. They were kind people who cared about each other and who both loved you. You looked down at the mood ring you and Ororo got at the mall today and smiled thinking about how they both offered their coats when it started raining, man, hindsight really is something.
Jean's room was closer so you headed there first to try confessing how you felt before you lost your nerve.
Knocking on the door she opened it pretty quick. She was wearing more casual clothes now and she looked so damn cute in those sweatpants and grey tank top.
"Oh, y/n hi! Did you need something? Do you want to come in?" She asked.
You had to take a quick minute to get your thoughts straight again.
"Oh uh, yeah. I actually wanted to talk to both you and Ororo. Do you know where she is?"
She looked a little down as well as confused at that, but answered anyway.
"Uh I don't know but I could ask her to come here if you want?"
"Yeah that sounds good Jean, if neither of you are busy anyway."
"Not at all. I was just thinking of what I wanted to do actually."
You stepped inside of her room and you both sat on her bed. After texting Ororo you and Jean just talked for a bit about random things, from training to something stupid Peter did.
About 20 minutes later Ororo knocked on the door and came in.
"Sorry I took so long I had to finish watering the plants. I hope I didn't miss anything."
You smiled at her,"No you're good."
"Ok so now that everyone's here what did you want to talk about y/n? Is everything ok?" Jean asked, a little nervous.
You asked Ororo to close the door if she hadn't already, and once she did and sat down on the bed with you and Jean. You realized, oh shit I didn't think this through.
"Just breathe y/n. If nothing's wrong then you don't have to be nervous." Jean said, trying to reassure you.
"Did you read their mind?"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to. Your thoughts were just really loud."
"It's ok Jean. It's nothing bad, I'm just really nervous and not quite sure what to say."
They could tell you were nervous as you didn't do a good job at hiding it. You thought back to what Peter and Jubilee had said, you knew they both liked you but not everyone is fine with polyamory, and you knew if you had to, you wouldn't be able to choose.
You then remembered what Logan had said,"I don't think they'd mind sharing" and that "you don't wanna end up regretting not telling them." You guys did have a dangerous job. Being X-Men was dangerous and you knew someone could end up not coming back. You had to shake that thought from your head before it spiraled. Ok fuck it, you thought deciding just to go for it after taking a deep breath.
"Ok so, Peter and Jubilee told me that you guys like me, as more than a friend I mean. I'm fine with that, I just wanna make sure."
They both blushed and Jean looked away for a moment. It was quiet for a moment before Ororo spoke.
"How could we not? You're amazing."
"She's right," Jean said, "You're kind, strong, smart, and brave. It'd be hard not to."
At this point you're pretty sure your face was as red as Jean's hair. You just smiled at them.
"I love you both too. So, um, would you two like to go on a date sometime?"
"You, like both of us?" Ororo asked, clearly surprised. Looking over at Jean she was the same.
"Yeah. I love you both, and if i had to choose between you two i couldn't. So if you're alright with that…?" You told them trailing off at the end unsure what to say.
They both looked at each other, and you felt like they were having their own conversation in their heads, which considering Jean is telepathic was very much possible.
They both smiled and turned to you, Jean cupping your check in her hand and Ororo putting her hand on your knee.
"We'd love that,baby." Jean said gently.
"We were honestly kind of worried about if you said yes to only one of us that our friendship might suffer. So we're very happy you like us both." Ororo told you with a big smile on her face.
You let out a breath you didn't realize you'd been holding in, smiling and visibly relaxing. You brought them both into a hug which they gladly accepted.
"I love you two."
"We love you too." They both said at the same time, causing you all to laugh.
After you all stopped laughing you looked them in the eyes.
"I can't believe this happened." You said smiling like the love sick dork you are.
"Um, could I kiss you guys?" You asked shyly.
They both smiled and Jean kissed you softly followed by Ororo just as softly. Butterflies exploded in your stomach, both their kisses felt like heaven.
"Hey how come you got to kiss them first?" Ororo asked Jean playfully.
"Because you made us wait 20 minutes before you got here." Jean responded playfully fighting with her. Ororo just laughed.
"Yeah yeah."
"So does this mean we're dating now?" You asked.
Ororo rolled her eyes smiling "Yes it does."
"Agreed." Jean responded.
You all just smiled at each other again and spent the rest of the day relaxing with each other.
"Naw, they totally like Jean, I'm telling you!" Peter said, arguing with Jubilee over their bet.
"And I'm telling YOU that they like Ororo!" Jubilee argued right back.
Before either could get a word out Jubilee saw both you, Jean, and Ororo, over Peter's shoulder.
"Shh! They're coming, all of them."
"Oh shit! Act natural!" Peter hurriedly said.
They weren't natural at all, but that gave you an idea that you communicated to Jean with her telepathy, that she then told to Ororo. Both of them loving your idea to mess with your friends who had bet on which one you liked.
Ororo from behind put her hands around your waist stopping you from walking, to which Jean then stood in front of you, angling herself so both Peter and Jubilee could still see, and kissed you while Ororo softly kissed your neck. It only lasted a minute but you all enjoyed the surprised look on your friends faces.
Peter and Jubilee's POV during that
"Ha they're with Storm pay up!" Peter said proudly, looking over at his friend.
"Uh, you might wanna look back at them."
"What? Mad you lo-" His sentence was cut off when he saw Jean kissing your lips and Ororo kissing your neck.
"Um...you owe me." He said, looking just as surprised as his friend.
Jubilee looked at him and deadpanned "You know damn well we both lost."
From over where you were they both heard you yell "You both owe me 20!"
A/N: funny thing that happened while finishing this was that as I was looking for Storm gif I got a storm warning lol
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x-dudes · 2 years
Cannot stop thinking about being a friend of Scott's and sneaking around behind his back to hook up with his older brother whenever he's around.
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x-dudes · 4 years
John Boyega being upset at Star Wars should come as no shock to anyone. He was brought into the project as the leading male character. He was dropped to a secondary status in TLJ and TROS. Whether you like his arcs in those films or not, his arc was secondary and not critical to the overall plot. Those are just facts, you cannot say Finn’s arc is secondary in TFA. He lost his place as the leading male character to Kyl0. I’d be 1000% bitter if I were him to. Disney didn’t fight for him, Disney let him get racist attacks after racist attacks. Then they caved made Kyl0 the male lead and made his character arc an afterthought. 
You don’t have to ship, not ship, be an anti to understand Disney downplayed Finn due to racism. It’s his right to be bitter against Disney and against the Star Wars fandom as a whole which has repeatedly failed him. So yeah he can be bitter, angry, and jealous. If he is it’s 1000% justified. 
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x-dudes · 4 years
If you wanna start writing again 🥺👉👈 idea,,,, Ororo and Jean are both trying to win the reader’s attention/affection?????? idk up to you and not my best idea but,,, it’s an idea
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Scott and Jubilee watched you approach, laughing at the unspoken tension between Jean and Ororo who followed closely behind you.
“What do you think is going on there?” She asked.
“Girl drama.” Scott chalked it up to be.
“Girl drama?” Jubilee echoed.
“Seriously?” Peter seconded.
“Yeah, what else would it be?” Scott asked. His voice dripped with arrogance as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Peter and Jubilee stared at each other incredulously.
“What do you think they’re fighting over, Scott?” She giggled.
“I don’t know...” Scott mused over it before shrugging. “Girl stuff.”
“I mean you’re not wrong.” Peter muttered while the three of them linked back up with the three of you. He and Jubilee snickered at the way Jean and Ororo were staring each other down when one of them wasn’t looking, with you between them, blissfully unaware of it.
“Hey guys!” You smiled at them. “How was the movie?”
“It was good. You guys should have should have come with us to see it.” Scott answered. While he rambled to you about the plot of Ghostbusters, Jean began telepathically rambling to Peter about you.
“How was your time with Ororo and (Y/N)?”
“I’m in love with her.”
“I know.” He answers
“And I know I shouldn’t have, but I read Ororo’s mind and so is she.”
“I knew that too.”
“What if (Y/N) doesn’t like girls?” She panics.
“Ask her.”
“You don’t just ask someone that.” She stresses. “Oh my god what if she likes girls, but she doesn’t like me. What if she likes Ororo instead? What if she finds out I’m gay and she hates me for it? What if I-”
Peter tunes her out and looks to (Y/N) again, who Ororo has casually slung an arm over.
“-So anyways it’s like a portal to another dimension , and now they have to save New York from total destruction. You should see it some time.”
“Maybe I will.” You tell Scott before turning to talk to the girls again. “I’m hungry. Anyone else?” A handful of nods was enough to pull Scott’s hand out the door of the theater and towards the food court.
Peter puts a comforting hand on Jean’s shoulder.
“You have no game at all, do you?”
“None at all.” She admits.
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As you all walk out of the theater, you felt a wet drop hit your skin, followed by another, and another.
“If I’d have known it was gonna rain, I’d have worn a Jacket.” You whined. In a split second both Jean and Ororo work to peel off their jackets and give them to you. Jean was the first to succeed, and swiftly wrapped her jacket over your shoulders, with a soft ‘I told you you should have brought a jacket’ comment.
“Thanks Jeanie” You roll your eyes but smile sincerely. You heard a shuffling of fabric beside you as Ororo finally pulls off her jacket. “Oh, sorry, ‘Ro. That was really sweet of you, though. You didn’t have to do that for me.”
“How was the mall?” Scott asks, interrupting your train of thought.
“It was good. Look! ‘Ro and I bought matching mood rings.” You held Ororo’s hand and lifted your joint hands for everyone to see.
“What does red mean?” Peter asked Ororo.
“I don’t know, I lost the paper.” She laughed, taking a seat by your side at the table while Jean scrambled to the other side.
“It’s okay. I still have mine.” You added, pulling it from your pocket and handing it to Peter over the food court table, accidentally hitting Scott in the face as you did so.
“Hey!” Scott whined.
“Sorry.” You answered. “Don’t be such a baby Scott, I didn’t hit you that hard.” While the two of you bickered, Peter looked over the slip of paper you handed him.
Red - In Love
Pink - Cheerful
Orange - Bored
Green - Jealous
Blue - Calm
Purple - Happy
Black - Nervous
“Hey, (Y/N), this mood ring works pretty well. How much did you pay for it?”
“I don’t know. Like $10?” You answer, totally oblivious to his joke and the accompanying burn in Ororo’s cheeks.  “Hey I have to use the bathroom real quick, but then we can head home.”
“I do too!” Jubilee calls, following after you.
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Jubilee laughed as she watched you violently shake your wet hands.
“No paper towels.” You shrugged.
“Answer my question.” She pressed.
“I don’t know, Jubes. To me it just seems unrealistic that two smart, gorgeous, and powerful women I know are both gay and are both into me.”
“Do you even like girls?” She questioned.
“And do you like either of them?”
“...Maybe.” You muttered.
“So say something.”
“I’m worried.”
“About what?”
“Breaking up our friend group.”
“Don’t be.” She replied. “They like you but we’re all friends first and foremost.” Jubilee opened the door, and you smiled as you exited, with her following closely behind you as she spoke. “Just think about it. Follow your heart.”
“Thanks, Jubes.”
“Anytime.” She grins. You move to rejoin the others, but before you can take another step forward, she stops you and whispers in your ear “But also, Peter and I put 20 bucks on the line, so if your heart wants to do me a solid and go with Ororo, that would be sick. No pressure.”
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As you all walked through the doors of the mansion, a collective sigh escapes all of you. 
“So what now?” You wondered out loud.
“Now we need to talk about something.” Peter said. Before you had a chance to answer, he rushed you up to his room. You took a seat on his bed as he rushed back downstairs to tell the rest of the group “We’ll be right back.”
“What’s up?”
“Jean has the biggest crush on you. It’s almost embarrassing. Please put her out of her misery because she has no game at all and I bet on her.”
“She seems good at romantic gestures though.”
“That she is... Ororo has a crush on you too by the way.”
“I know.”
“I talked to Jubes in the bathroom.”
“Wait girls really do go to the bathroom together to gossip?”
“Yes we really do gossip in the bathrooms. But that’s beside the point. I’ve been thinking it over and I’ve made up my mind.”
“Yeah? Now what?”
“I’m gonna ask her out tonight.”
“So is now a bad time to throw a curveball at you and tell you that I think Scott has a crush on you too?”
“Oh, I am so not into Scott.” You laugh, standing up to walk out of the room.
“Figured as much. Good luck. I bet $20 on this. Have fun.”
“Man, I’d figured my love life was worth more than $20. Now I’m not telling you who I like more.” You laugh as you leave his room, making your way down the hall towards hers.
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x-dudes · 5 years
God blessed the gay girls when he gave us Natalie Portman as Thor
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x-dudes · 6 years
Where is Gamora?
I'll do you one better; who is Gamora?
I'll do YOU one better; why is Gamora?
game time!
every time you see this post you have to reblog with a different marvel quote (no repeats)
i’ll start: “i’m a god you dull creature!”
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x-dudes · 6 years
Can u do a poe x reader where they have been friends since they were little and they both love each other but won’t admit it but then before a mission Poe takes off Sharas ring and gives it to her?
Hell fuckin’ yeah I can!
The Pros and Cons of telling Poe the Truth About How I Feel
a list by (Y/N) (Y/L/N)
•  It might feel like letting something go that I’ve held on to for a really long time. Something heavy. Weird, since it feels like everyone but Poe knows about it…
• Telling him you love him just… feels right? It feels like those words could just slip out at any time when we’re together, but whenever I actually consider being upfront with our relationship, I freeze.
• Maybe I’d stop freezing up and acting shy around the guy I’ve known for more than twenty fucking years.
• Late at night, when he ends up crashing in my room and we’re just… together. Together and in peace. This feels like a part of my life that was just… supposed to happen. It feels like Poe and I were almost made to be at each other’s side. 
• He’s the man that understands me like no other creature in this galaxy ever could, but even more than that, he’s the man that helps me understand myself in ways beyond my own comprehension. Until I just look back at how far I’ve come and think “damn, without Poe I would be a way different person, wouldn’t I. I’d hate to meet that version of myself.”
• Some of the things he and I have done, and even are doing, are way beyond the realm of friendly…
• I’ve known this man for nearly twenty years
• he’s my very best and very oldest friend. Pava told me falling for your best friend never really ends well and I feel like she has the experience for me to believe her.
• Yeah, rejection is a part of life, but what comes afterwards? Who do you complain about work to? Who do you go to when you want to avoid people? Where do you turn when you’ve got a problem he and only he would know how to solve?
• I would hardly be able to look him in the eyes if he told me he didn’t love me back, but working with him every day?
Poe smiled broadly as he read through the list he found crumpled up in the trash. He didn’t think much of your weird habit of making lists about whatever crossed your mind, but finding one in the trash with his name scribbled across the top was definitely eye-catching. 
She loves me too…
His grin got wider, somehow, shoving the note into one of the pockets of his flight suit.
“She loves me too.” He said out loud, giggling a little at how nicely the words rolled off his tongue. “Fuck, I gotta go find (Y/N) before I leave!”
“Did you run maintenance checks on your X-Wing?” (Y/N) asked. Jessika Pava nodded softly, checking over her shoulder quickly to see if she could tell she lied.
“Of course.” She answered confidently. 
“And how about your flight suit? No holes, no tears, no cracks in the helmet?”
“No, mom.”
“Good, and good luck out there. I’m a little more… apprehensive about this one, Jess.”
“Thanks babe, will do. You’ve got nothin’ to worry about.”
“I hope you’re right. Where’s Poe?”
“He said he forgot his helmet and needed to go back to get it.”
“He was supposed to be at check-in an hour ago…”
Maybe somethin’ urgent came up. I don’t know what could be more urgent than this but to-”
“(Y/N)!” His voice tore through the hangar like a bullet.
“Nevermind, I think I found him.” Jessika remarks with a little snort before ducking into her X-Wing.
“(Y/N)!” He called again.
“Poe, where the hell were you? Check-in was an hour ago.” You shouted, racing to meet him in the middle.
“It’s fine. It’s fine.” He assured you between heavy pants. “I’m already checked in. X-Wing’s fine, BB-8′s fine, my flightsuit is great, my helmet is fine not a tear, not a crack. I took care of this already but c’mere a second.” You allowed him to pull you away from your crew. He fished for something out of his pocket. A crumpled piece of paper. “I- I found your list…” Questioning turned to realization, which quickly morphed into horror as you watched him uncrumple it.
“OH, fuck, Poe- look, I’m so sorry. Y’know, I threw it away for this very reason. I never meant for you to see it and- ugh I feel awful I’m so sorry I didn’t-”
“(Y/N),” He cuts you off, grabbing your face in his hands and smiling as he squishes your cheeks together. “Just listen, I have been in love with you since I was twelve. I’ve spent every day of my life since I was sixteen hoping the pieces would fall into place for this, and now- while maybe this isn’t how either of us pictured it- I have the perfect reason for-” He cur himself off, pulling his hands from you in a hurry, pulling them to his neck and yanking. You noticed a few pieces of a metal chain sliding off across the floor, while Poe takes what he needs and tosses the remaining chain on the ground.
His mother’s ring. 
“I- I know that it’s soon. Don’t think of it as a proposal, think of it more as a- as a promise. I promise you that I’m going to come back to you safe and in one piece, and when I do I promise to be the man that you deserve and more.” He took your hand in his own, sliding the ring down your finger and pressing a kiss to your hairline. “And I’ll do it on the double, for being late to check-in.”
“You better,” You giggle. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more.”
“Don’t be an idiot out there.” Poe lifted your chin and pressed a kiss to your lips.
“Mmm, keep my bed warm for me.”
You slap his shoulder with your left hand before he leaves, catching sight of the ring that would make his absence worth it time and time again. The promise of his return. And knowing that after all these years, you and Poe can finally have peace with one another, no matter how chaotic things may get. The promise that you’ll always have each other.
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x-dudes · 6 years
Reconsider (Poe Dameron x Reader)
Summary: Reader is Luke’s daughter, and rather than Ben turning to the dark side to lead the First Order, it was readers twin brother, which causes her to disappear in the way Luke did. In this part, Luke and Poe travel to Ahch To in search of reader.
Part 2 of 3
Part one
“Wake up, (Y/N).”
The sounds of Nabooan windchimes flooded your senses. A small hand pressed against your chest and shook gently. The feeling of blazing sunlight against your skin warmed your icy skin. Your body felt heavy. Incredibly heavy. You couldn’t move it if you tried, but why would you try? Listening to the crisp chiming of your mother’s knick-knacks in the gentle breeze. If you disconnected yourself far enough from your own consciousness, maybe you could become a part of that wind. Drift around with no obligations to any person, or any thing. If you put enough effort into it, maybe your only purpose could be to drift around along the edges of the sky and make music in the same way the wind does for you now. You thought this was how the force was supposed to work. Maybe with just a bit more concentration.
If I just put in-
Your consciousness began to drift, breaking off into particles and drifting into the air. You think your mother told you of something similar once... Dandelions, she had called them.
- a little bit more.
“(Y/N), you have to wake up...” The little hand pressed firmer, bringing the little particles of your life force back together with this small center of pressure and reminding you of your body. Its heavy weight, and warm glow, and silent satisfaction. The little hand shook you harder. You opened your eyes to look at them, but the light of the sun flooded your vision, and all that could be seen was a murky silhouette through the tears beginning to pool in the corners of your eyes. “You have to wake up or you’re gonna die, (Y/N). Wake up. Wake up. Please wake up, I need you.”
You had been here before. You were certain of it. Everything felt so... familiar. Even this child, urging you with everything it has to wake or die, is so comfortably familiar. You could die here, and not even recognize the agony or sorrow that had haunted you for nearly ten years. You could leave it all in peace.
“Wake up. Please, (Y/N). I need you. I need you-” The child’s pleas fell to silence as you began to drift again. 
 “I need you.” They urged once more, but it was... different. Too familiar. 
“Aida?” You mumbled. The child sobbed on your chest, and yet you were now incapable of moving at all. Your eyes wouldn’t open, your ears wouldn’t listen, your limbs no longer felt heavy, they didn’t feel like they were ever there at all. “Aida!” You shouted back at him. You assumed you were crying, but no tears could be felt. Nothing could be felt at all. “Aida!”
“Mr. Skywalker, sir, I’m not even really sure where to land.” Poe squinted, searching through every spot through the clouds. “You sure this place isn’t entirely water?”
“Absolutely positive.” He grumbled, seeking out the familiar island from beyond the mist. A familiar streak of grey and green caught his eye, damn near unnoticable to the untrained eye. “There.”
“Right there.” He pointed out the tree temple for Poe to follow. “That’s where she’s gonna be.”
Poe’s immediate thought of are you sure about that was shaken from his mind, recalling all the times he’s just had to have faith in the people around him for things to work out.
Making a rather harsh landing on a rock cliff, not a second thought was spared for his ship as he shot out from it in blind search of his old friend. He gazed over the cliff, hurriedly searching for anything that could indicate your presence. Luke sat beside him, crossing his legs and shutting his eyes. Silence fell over the island for a moment. The roaring crash of the water against the cliffs fell silent to Poe’s own heavy breathing. He watched as pebbles along the ground began to levitate. Poe turned to Luke, who knit his brow, seemingly in confusion. As if he wasn’t the one behind it. 
Wait, is he not the one behind it-
“Go home Poe.” A voice stated from behind him. It was gruffer, and sounded much older, but he knew it anywhere.
Not unless you’re coming with me. He thought, but his body was frozen. Something inside him kept him from saying it to her- from saying anything to her. He couldn’t move.
“(Y/N),” Luke spoke smoothly, still sat in his meditative position. “Why?”
“‘Why?’” You repeated.
“Why have you closed yourself off from the force?”
“So I don’t ever have to be reminded again of my own failures. And what’s it any of your concern?” You replied coldly. “Though if I’m quite honest, closing myself off hasn’t done me much- or really any- good recently, so maybe I should just open myself back up. Ideally that way he’d finally just find me and kill me, like I’m sure he wants to. Get on with it.” Poe flinched, remembering looking your brother in the eyes on Jakku, shuddering at the image of a fiery intensity he’d never seen before, and debating the sad truth to your words with himself. 
“Your brother needs you.”
“Tch, he needs my corpse for the next act of his space terrorism, maybe.”
“There’s still good in him. I feel it.” Luke urged, tying himself to whatever parts of the force his daughter could allow. “But he won’t listen to me. He needs you to show him. Remind him of the light.”
He needs you. 
Your back stiffened at the thought of the dreams you’d been having. The one from this morning still stinging like a freshly peeled band-aid.
You have to wake up or you’re gonna die, (Y/N). Wake up. Wake up. Please wake up, I need you.
“No.” You responded, shutting out whatever force connections Luke managed to make with you. It was best, you decided, to pretend you didn’t notice Poe’s face fall at your words. 
Wake up. Please, (Y/N). I need you. I need you-
“I can’t.” You respond coldly. You could feel your hands clenching into iron-tight fists. Memories flooded back to you. Sharing a bedroom as toddlers, discovering your force sensitivity together, training to become Jedi. They flooded your mind slowly, and then hit you all at once. 
The signs you should have seen in advance, the fact that you willingly ignored a budding issue within him all along to chase your schoolgirl crush on Poe Dameron, the lies, the betrayal, the smell of smoke as the Jedi temple burned to ash, half of it’s students burning right along with it. 
I need you.
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x-dudes · 6 years
do you think you’re going to finish recall?
absolutely. I have two other parts planned out, with an entire outline for each one sitting in Google Docs. I’ve just had a ton going on, so instead of letting this blog die again I got to some smaller requests. Rest assured that as far as this blog goes, that miniseries has been on the forefront of my mind since the beginning. I have about half of the second part done and I sincerely hope to get that done and posted in the near future!!
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x-dudes · 6 years
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Shoutout to Tumblr mobile for reccomending my own fic to me. It's times like these where I've really felt like I've made it.
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x-dudes · 6 years
From your “fic kisses that end me”: accidentally being forced inches apart from each other, staring at each other’s lips, and just before they kiss someone pulls them back apart That just sounds perfect for a Poe x reader with hella angst (Also! You are an amazing writer!!)
[Jenna Marbles voice] Oh, Hell yeah!
They were bound to occur any time there was was any sort of significant victory on behalf of the rebellion against its seemingly infinite struggle against the First Order. And having just destroyed Starkiller base, the heart of their operations, it was hardly a marvel that half the galaxy was partying like tomorrow didn’t exist. 
But, of course, tomorrow did exist. And so long as it existed, you, as General Organa’s closest commanders, were hesitant to tear your eyes from the rich sky above the rebel base. Maybe searching for enemy ships, maybe just watching the light of the stars dance over your head in a depressive funk. 
“Hey, that’s no way to celebrate by my books.”
With furrowed brows, you turned to the voice that halted your woeful stargazing.
“Commander Dameron,” You greeted softly.
“Hey, hey, what’s with all the formalities? We’re friends, right? You can call me Poe.” He chuckled. In response, you gave him a soft nod.
“Poe,” You repeated, enjoying the way it sounded coming from your lips. You said it once more for good measure. “Poe.”
Poe moved to sit down beside you, overlooking the celebration occurring below him from the roof of the aircraft hangar. A comfortable silence blossomed between the two of you. Nothing needed to be said. Not when your friends were drinking like it was the end of the world only a few feet below you. 
“So why aren’t you down there?” He finally questioned.
“Why aren’t you?” You countered. “You certainly seem like the ‘drink like the galaxy is ending’ type.” He said nothing, but gave a small smile in your direction. “Especially since you played such a big part in the victoryyy.”
“Pfft, please…” You quirked an eyebrow. “I guess… I know there’s not an end of the galaxy, well at least not any time soon, so it’s sort of hard for me to let loose.” He explained. Closing your eyes, you chose to say nothing, letting his words resonate within your brain. “I don’t know, I’m probably just being overly anxious about the whole thing. I can’t help but wonder what comes next.”
“I completely understand. I was out here, mostly looking out for any sort of enemy ships from above that might come in to surprise us while we’re weak. I know that’s… ridiculous, but I became so paranoid after I heard the news that I spent at least two hours up here. Just watching. Eventually it was less about First Order attacks and became more about watching the stars in my weird little funk.” You explained. “Then you dropped by.”
“Well I didn’t mean to disturb y-”
“It’s not a problem. I don’t mind, Poe. I like having you here.”
Another rich silence engulfed the two of you, where the only noise being made was from the jazz band that had started up from slightly tipsy crew members from a few different squadrons. Who knew your head chef could play bass so well…“You can call me (Y/N), y’know.”
“What?” He asked. Truthfully, he heard what you had said, he only wanted to hear you say it again. 
“My name.” You elaborated without tearing your eyes from the party below. “If we’re tossing out all formalities, then I want you to call me (Y/N).”
“Alright, (Y/N).” You didn’t have to look at him to know he had a proud sort of smirk on his face. The kind only Poe Dameron seems to pull off. You let out a breathy laugh. Dipping your head to gaze at your lap, you came to recognize how close the two of you had become. “Well, (Y/N), do you wanna dance?”
“What, up here?” You lifted your head, and realized this was the first time you’d actually gotten a proper look at him. He had a few cuts and bruises, but still managed to look spectacular. Damn him… 
“Yeah. C’mon, it’ll be fun.” He lifted you to your feet, placing your hands on either of his shoulders before allowing his own hands to sink to your waist.
“Now what?” You asked softly, silently regretting sounding so stupid the second the words left your mouth.
“Now we sway. Two steps in every direction. It’s easy, here, watch.” He began guiding you, applying gentle pressure on either hip with his hands to correct you whenever you fell out of rhythm. “Hey, your feet will still be there when you look away. Don’t be scared. I’ve got you…” Hesitantly, you pried your eyes away from your feet up to his eyes, finding him smiling at you with a look of pure adoration. You clasped your hands behind his neck, allowing yourself to be closer. “So, (Y/N),” He teased, regaining your attention. 
“Would now be a bad time to admit that I’ve had a thing for you for for a while now?”
“Have you now?”
“Just about the entire time you’ve been here.”
“Is that so?”
“It is.”
“Well, Poe, would now be a bad time to tell you that I’ve felt the same for a while now? And that I wish you’d’ve told me sooner?” He chuckled quietly, and you could feel his warm breath fan across your face.
“Hey, maybe a man’s got confidence issues. Have you ever thought of that?” He joked. You felt him inching closer.
“You? Definitely not.” You replied, inching in closer. You felt your top lip brush against his when a sudden crash was heard following a very slurred. 
“Heeeeeyy, we found ‘em! Hey, guys! We found ‘em! They’re up here, prob’ly hiding from usss. Sorry, Dameron, we’ gotta steal (Y/N) from ya’.” A familiar pilot grabbed you by the waist, pulling you from Poe with a drunken passion.
“Don’ worry ‘bout it Jess’. ‘S the man of th’ ev’ning. We’ve been lookin’ for ya’!” Another voice called. In any other context, you would have laughed at Snap Wexley and his drunken nonsense, but all you found yourself doing was trying, rather unsuccessfully, to not look disappointed as you were pulled away from such a great thing.
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x-dudes · 6 years
It's the anon with the forehead scar. Thank you so much for what you wrote. I love it 💛
This is actually one of the most wholesome things I’ve ever read, to tell you the truth. I’m so glad that you love it!!
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x-dudes · 6 years
Omg babe could you please write a imagine where the reader is talking about Poe Dameron to her reader's, like how much she thinks he good looking, dreamy eyes, an amazing butt fluffy hair etc and Poe over hears all of this and is blushing but flattered and he trying not to laugh when the reader says something like "more like Dameron? More like Dam son." So he goes to talk to her and acts all charming and he's basically like So I have amazing ___ huh?***
This blog has been dead for far too long due to some personal garbage, so it’s time I make my (less than) triumphant return. Sorry this took so long to get to, babe.-“Okay, so you know Snap?” One of your friends half-whispered. Mischief etched it’s way into everyone’s faces as you and the other nurses took the time to gossip during your much needed break.“Wexley?”“Yeah, Wexley.” She answered. “The pilot. He’s kinda cute don’t you think?”“Eh,” Another nurse replied. “As far as pilots go, I’m more of a Jessika Pava girl myself, but go off, I guess…” Your first friend rolled her eyes.“Whatever, Edina.” Edina playfully jabbed at her. “Anyways,” She continued, excitedly, ignoring Edina’s advances entirely. “He asked me out yesterday, said if I wasn’t too busy tomorrow if we could catch dinner together. His treat…”“Oooh” You teased. “And what did you say?”“I said I would check my schedule. I was kind of shy when he asked about it, so I felt like I made a fool of myself. I don’t know…”“I’m giving you that night off” You stated.“What?”“I’m giving you that night off,” You repeated. Now your schedule’s free, hit him up, let him know, go out, and enjoy yourself.““I- ah- I can’t eve- oh my st- Thank you.”“Don’t mention it. I’m bitter and old, and want you to experience the things I never got to do working so hard…” You teased.“You’re, like, 25.”“Yeah, so?”“Sooo…” Edina chipped in. “Anyone you’ve got your eyes on, (Y/N)?” A crooked smile spread across your face. You dipped your head shyly to hide it, but the other girls caught on, letting out a simultaneous ‘ooooh’“Who’s the lucky fella’?”“You know Dameron?” You replied shyly.“Poe Dameron? The Pilot Poe Dameron?”“Yeah, that’s the one.” Your friends let out a squeal in interest.“Our best girl’s got her eyes on Mr. Black Leader?” Another one of your friends teased.“Pshhht,” You scoffed “What sensible human being doesn’t have their eyes on him?” Another nurse arched a brow, and you raised your hands in defense. “He’s fucking hot, alright? He’s a snack. What’re ya’ gonna do about it?”“Set you up, maybe? Pava and I are… familiar.” Edina responded.“That means sleeping with each other after hours.” Another nurse said between fake coughs.“Yeah, good luck with that, ‘Dina. I don’t think he even knows m-”Edina jumped across the couch you were seated at to cover your lips with her palm. “Gross.” You mumbled through her fingers.“Don’t you dare finish that sentence, (Y/N). Dameron gets hurt so often that he knows you on a first name basis.”“Ya’ know, one time when I was workin’ reception he came up being propped up by two of his friends, lookin’ just about half dead, ‘nd still requested to see you personally.” A different friend piped up. “And b'fore you give me your usual excuses, the man needed immediate medical attention, ‘nd yet he actually refused to be treated until he could be seen by you ‘n you specifically. Real funny fella’, that Dameron is.”“I don’t know if you’re being serious, but-”“I am.” She cut you off without a second thought.“Well shit.”
“This is interesting…”
“Indeed” She replied dryly.
“That is a fine man, if I do say so myself.“
“We know”
“Oh, I don’t think you do.” You answered with a confident smirk. “That is a FINE man- okay, so aside from being the nicest person I know, Poe’s body is basically the peak of human perfection. His face is absolutely beautiful, his arms are strong enough to carry the weight of all my issues on them, and honestly he’s got a real nice ass, too. Poe Dameron? More like Poe Damn son, that’s a fine man right there.”
“Hey, (Y/N?)” You hear someone ask with a chuckle.
“Just a sec, love.” You answer, dismissing it as one of your friends. “He’s got really nice hair…” You continue.
“(Y/N).” Another friend chides in, a bit more firm than the last. You ignore it.
“He’s got this sort of thick set of curls going for him. It looks real nice. I want to pull his hair during sex-”
Your chin was forcefully turned by Edina to face the door, where a mirthful Poe stood, still in full pilot gear.
“Ladies,” He greeted.
“Fuck,” you mumbled. Your head sunk into your hands like a rock.
“I was going to ask if you had any gauze I could steal, but I’m not disappointed by this outcome either.” He laughed.
“Leave me alone to die” You groaned in response. Another nurse held out a roll of gauze for him to take.
“Can’t do that, Doll.”
"And why’s that?”
“I’d never have the chance to take you on a proper date,” he answered. He dipped his head closer to your ear on his way out. “Or, y'know, some of the other stuff you mentioned.” You could only watch him in bewilderment as he left. “Call me when your shift ends!” He shouted back at you before disappearing from view. You only nodded.
“You bet your ass I will…” You giggled, the same confident smirk from before returning to your face.
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x-dudes · 6 years
my friends listening to me go on and on about the solo trailer
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x-dudes · 6 years
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Dreams Do Come True.
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