xox0rinny · 1 year
All Will Burn Preview
I haven't posted anything in a while. I've been writing several books, but I haven't finished any of them. I don't know if anyone would read them, so I haven't published them either.
Wanted to show something I wrote to see if you guys would actually read it lmao. This isn't an actual chapter, just like description thing
This is a Hunger Games fic (Finnick x fem oc)
"Nobody wants us to be together, but I don't care."
She won her games at age fifteen. Now at sixteen, Marena Thompson has entered an entirely new world of luxury and fame. She has help from her ex-mentor and other Capitol citizens, but she needs much more than that to excel. She will discover that not everyone is trustworthy, even if they're your closest friends. And that everyone has a secret.
While navigating her new life, she meets the highly attractive Finnick Odair. He is the most desired man in all of Panem. But she doesn't see the appeal at first. All he is is a cocky and annoyingly flirtatious boy. But to her demise, she ends up falling for the victor, and now has to fight for a spot in his heart like the thousands of other girls.
What will happen as Marena tries to navigate the complex game of fame and fashion? Will she rise to the top? Or will she burn at the bottom with the rest?
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xox0rinny · 1 year
Fifty-Three Percent
Making up for not writing Dance to Forget lol. Sorry I never finished writing it but I'm thinking of continuing it after I finish the current story I'm working on right now.
Pairing: Keeho x Black f!reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst??, College AU
Summary: You're feeling down after failing a test you thought you'd pass. But your boyfriend, Keeho, helps you feel better. (Based on a real story, without the boyfriend)
I walked in the door of me and my boyfriend's apartment. I just came back from my Physics class. We got our tests back and I had thought I would do good, but I only got a fifty-three percent. I thought I knew everything I needed, but apparently I didn't. I don't even know how I got most of the answers wrong when I looked back and saw that they should've been correct. I swear I hate that professor.
I sat my bookbag down on the couch and sat down. I took my shoes off and grabbed the TV remote. I just wanted to watch TV and forget all about my classes. It was sort of easy, considering the fact my classes were done for the day. But no matter how hard I tried, I kept thinking about the test. I really hoped it wouldn't bring my grade down because I was paying for classes and I didn't want my money to go to waste.
My temper hasn't changed since I got the test back about and hour and a half ago. Then suddenly I hear the front door open. I turn my head in annoyance to see who it is, even though there's only one other person who lives here.
It was Keeho. He walked in and hung his jacket up on the rack beside the door and took his shoes off. Once he spotted me his face lit up, then dropped.
"Hey baby, what's wrong?" He asked, walking over to me on the couch.
"I'm fine." I say harshly.
I didn't mean to be so aggressive but I couldn't help it. He could clearly sense that something was off. He sat down on the couch and opened his arms, a signal for me to hug him.
"Tell me what's wrong.." He said softly as I gladly accepted his embrace.
"The stupid Physics professor failed me. It's not even that I did bad, it's just that I didn't put my answers the exact way he did so it's wrong. Like that's so stupid. Why can't I write down my own answers? Copying yours just seems lazy and like you don't understand the material. It pisses me off so much." I angrily ramble.
His kissed the top of my head, probably kissing my scalp because my braids exposed it.
"It's okay, my love. You'll do better next time. And if you don't, bring it up to him. Matter of fact, let's write him an email right now." He said, trying to get up from his spot on the couch.
"No! It's fine. I'm just a bit upset." I say, pulling him back towards me.
"No it isn't. If your answers are right, then you should've gotten an A. And he made you upset so I have a few words to say." He says with more of an attitude at the end.
I roll my eyes and laugh. Keeho was always protective of me. He would always have his hands on me when we're in public or tell people off when they disrespected me. I loved him for it. So I pulled out my computer from my bag and pulled up my gmail. I typed in the professor's name and handed him the computer.
"Oh I know him! Jiung was complaining about him earlier too!" He gasped. He then started typing fastly and had a concentrated look on his face.
I looked over at the screen and saw that the email was surprisingly very professional, yet sternly talked about my grade and his job as a teacher. He looked over at me for approval.
"Send it." I say with a sly grin.
He hit the send button and closed it. He set my computer down on the coffee table and hugged me.
"I don't like seeing you upset. Next time he, or anyone does anything to upset you, tell me." He says with a stern, but caring look.
"I will babe, don't worry." I smiled at him.
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xox0rinny · 1 year
When Our Eyes Meet (Camilo Madrigal)
!!This is the first chapter to my story on wattpad. I will not be posting the other chapters on here, I'm just trying to promote my book. My wattpad is ch3rryflavored !!
“Yes mi vida?”
My cheeks grew hot at his nickname for me.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Of course, go ahead.”
“I’ve been meaning to say this for a while now.. I’ve never had the courage to tell you because I was too scared I’d mess things up. I l-”
*Beep Beep Beep*
I groan and reach over to my dresser to turn off my alarm. Once the horrid buzzing sound is gone I can hear the morning birds singing. I open my eyes and I squint trying to adjust to the brightness of the morning. Was that all just a dream? It felt so real. But I'm glad it was just a dream. I could never tell him how I feel. He was my best friend. He didn’t feel the same way and I knew that. But I couldn’t help but fall for him.
*Beep Beep Beep*
My alarm goes off again. I must’ve hit snooze instead of off. Looking over at the time, 9:05. I should go get ready. I sit up and head over to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. My curly, dark brown, shoulder-length was matted. And it needed to be washed. I hopped into the shower and washed me and my hair. After getting out of the shower, I brushed my teeth and did my skincare. I decided to put on a yellow dress with red and orange lace. I dried my hair and pulled it into two puffballs on the side of my head.
“Erin come down for breakfast!” My mother called me down.
“Coming mama!”
I rushed out of my room and down the stairs. I could smell the food from my room but when I stepped out it was like heaven. 
My mother turned around at the sound of my voice and stepped away from the stove to give me a hug.
“Good Morning cariño.” She kissed my forehead.
We both walked into the kitchen. She went back to cooking while I grabbed the plates and cups so I could set the table. I grabbed 3 plates and 3 cups and set them down on the table.
“It smells good down here mi vida.” 
My dad came downstairs and gave me a hug. He walked over to mama and kissed her. Couples are so weird.
“Ew not in front of me!” I yelled in disgust.
They both giggled at my small comment. I sat down at the table and stared out the window. This town was absolutely beautiful. The flowers grew beautifully, the grass was a vibrant shade of green, and the sky was a perfect shade of blue with minimal clouds. Some of the townspeople were already out and working. I saw the baker opening up his shop and that reminded me.
“Do we have any deliveries today mama?”
My family grew strawberries and mangos in our small garden and we sold them.
“Yes I believe so. Go check the list, it’s by the door.”
I got up out of my seat and went to check the list of customers we had. Sometimes I hated this because we always had so many houses to go by. And I was the delivery girl so I had to walk all across town delivering our produce. As I read the list, I was surprised by a certain name.
I didn’t expect them to be on the list. They usually grew their own crops. But I know Antonio loves our strawberries so they could be for him. Other than the Madrigals, I had eleven houses I had to stop by. That's more than usual. On a normal day I’d only have like five or six. We’ve never been this busy.
“Do we have any?” My dad called out to me.
I grabbed the list off of the wall and walked back into the kitchen. Papa was sitting at the table while mama was putting the food on the table.
“Look.” I showed them both the piece of paper. “Twelve houses.”
They both looked shocked at the amount of names.
“The Madrigals ordered some? They don’t usually order anything from the townspeople.” My mom says in confusion.
“I guess Antonio wanted some strawberries. I know how much he loves them.”
They both shrug. I sat down at the table and started grabbing food off of the plates my mom was setting down and filled up my plate. It was going to be a long day with twelve houses to go to.
Once I finish my food, I head upstairs to get my delivery bag. I grab my bag and head downstairs and outside to the backyard. We had 7 orders of strawberries and 5 orders of mangos. I pack up all of the produce in my bag and go back inside.
“Well you’re leaving pretty early.” My dad says, barely looking at me as he was reading the newspaper.
“Yeah I gotta get an early start if I wanna finish before 5.” I put my shoes on and head towards the door. “Bye!”
I walk outside and am greeted by the warm air. Some townspeople wave and me and I wave back. I look at the list. First stop is the Guzmans. They live two blocks down from where I live so that's not long of a walk. I hope all the other houses are close too. I walk down the street towards the Guzmans and I bump into someone.
“Oh sorry!”
“Sorry!” I look at the person I bumped into.
“Oh hey Mirabel!”
“Erin! Hey.” She hugged me.
We started walking.
“So I’ve been meaning to talk to you. It’s about Camilo.” Mirabel started.
“What about him?”
“Nothing serious. Just about how you have A HUGE CRUSH ON HIM!” She shouts.
“Gosh Mirabel! Quiet down! The entire town doesn’t need to know..” I say trying to shush her as a few people look our way.
Mirabel was the first and only person I’ve told about my crush on her cousin. And she’s been teasing me about it ever since. She says I stare at him with heart eyes. Which I do not!
“It’s so funny how you don’t want anyone to know but you’re so obvious about it.”
“I am not obvious!” I protest. 
“You look at him like he’s the love of your life. I can see literal hearts in your eyes girl.” She says while giving me a small playful shove.
“I do not look at him like that. I’m too nervous to even look at him for long.. He’s too pretty.” I say sadly. He was absolutely beautiful. And I think if I stare at him too long the pretty will disappear.
“Aww.. You’re so cute when you’re in denial. You’re in love, don't deny it.” 
“I’m not denying it, Mirabel.”
“So you admit it! Erin loves Camilo!” She says in a sing-song voice.
“Mirabel!” I swat her away.
We reached the Guzmans house. I knock on the door twice and wait. Mariano opens the door.
“I have a delivery for mangos.” I say pulling out the container of mangos from my bag.
“I’ll be right back. I need the money.”
I waited a minute for him to come back with the money. He finally came back and we exchanged items. I turn to Mirabel and we continue walking.
“How much was that? That looked like a lot of money.”
“Only $5.50” 
I pulled out the list and crossed off the Guzmans name. As the day went on, me and Mirabel delivered the fruits. With her help I got done quickly. By the time we finished it was 12:30. 
“We got done pretty quick! I was expecting this to take hours.” I say as we head back to my house. We planned to go back to her house after, since I hadn’t delivered theirs yet.
“You know what they say.”
“Teamwork makes the dream work!” We said in unison.
I open the front door to my house and we walk in. We go up to my room so I can set down my bag. I grab the strawberries and money and head back downstairs. I left the money on the counter and we left.
“Okay I’ve been holding back from telling you this all day but I just can’t hold it in anymore!” Mirabel says randomly.
“What is it?” I was sort of confused about her random outburst.
“Soooo Camilo has been talking about you a lot recently. And when I say a lot I mean A LOT! And once at dinner he accidentally said that he.. Oh nevermind I really shouldn’t tell you.” She rambled.
“He what? Tell me! You know you can’t just say something like that and not finish! Especially if the something is about my crush!” I say turning to her with pleading eyes.
“I said too much! If I told you the rest one, Camilo would murder me and two, you would be too flustered and nervous to go by him!” She explains herself.
“Why would I be too nervous? Did he say something bad..? Oh come on Bel! You know I always think of the worst.” I continue my pleading.
“I can’t say.” She says with a shrug.
We got closer to the Madrigals house and my heartbeat doubled. What if he said something bad about me? Like he doesn’t want to be my friend anymore? Or something like that. But Mirabel did say that he talks about me a lot so I wonder if he said something good. But then what would he have said?
I stopped my thought immediately as we walked into the open doors of the house and, of course, the first person I saw was Camilo. My face began to redden and my breathing became slightly unstable. Mirabel looks at me with a concerned look. 
“This is your fault.” I mouthed.
“Oh hey Mirabel! Erin.” Camilo took notice of us walking in.
I look at him and my heart skips at least 3 beats.
“Erin you good? You look hot..” Camilo comes up to me and puts the back of his hand on my forehead. I start blushing even more and Mirabel gives him a look. He then realized the other meaning of his words. 
“Oh no I don’t mean it like that! But not saying that you’re ugly because you’re not you’re actually really p-” He stops himself from saying more in his short ramble. “Sorry.” He looks down with a slight pink hue on his cheeks.
“I’ll leave you two alone now.” Mirabel takes the strawberries from my hands and walks away.
Me and Camilo stood there in an awkward silence for a few seconds before he spoke up.
“So what brings you over here?”
“Oh I was just dropping off strawberries. You guys never order though so I was surprised to see your name on the list today. Did Antonio want strawberries?” I said a bit quickly.
“No, actually I wanted some. I don’t know how to explain it but your strawberries taste different. They taste better.” He giggled.
I smiled at his love for our strawberries.
“Well we do make them with extra love.” I said. He looked at me and our eyes met. My heart skipped a beat and I instantly got butterflies.
“If you two lovebirds don’t go somewhere.” Mirabel came back into the foyer of the casita. We both blushed.
“So uhh… wanna go up to my room?” Camilo asked.
“Don’t do anything in there!” Mirabel teased us as we started walking up the stairs to his room.
Tía Pepa emerged from her room.
“Don’t let who do anything where?” She asked.
Me and Camilo get to the top of the stairs and she looks over at us.
“Where do you two think you are going? What are you doing?” She comes rushing over to us.
“Mama, we were just headed to my room. We aren’t going to do.. Anything.” He says knowing what she is referencing.
“You better not! You’re too young!” She gave Camilo a look. He blushed and dragged me along. I gave her a small wave before we went into his room. She smiled back at me.
“Sorry about her.” He says scratching the back of his head.
“It’s fine. I know how parents get when you have a friend of the opposite gender.” I chuckled.
His room, like him, was shapeshifting. So the room shifted so that there was a big couch in the middle of the room. We sat on it and talked for hours until it was time for me to go.
“Bye Milo!” I waved bye to him as I left the house.
“Adiós mi amor.” He yells back at me with a grin on his face.
I blushed and got butterflies as I realized what he called me. Mi amor. My love.
I walk back home in the cooler air. The money from the strawberries in my dress pocket. My hair slightly moved in the light breeze. As I reached my house my mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner.
“Hola, cariño!” My mom greeted me.
“Hello mama.” I hugged her.
“Where have you been all day? And when did you get done delivering?”
“Mirabel helped me with the deliveries so we got done at 12:30. And I spent the rest of the day with Milo.” I sat down at the table.
“With Milo?” She stops her cooking to look at me.
“Yeah Camilo..”
She gives me the same look Tia Pepa gave Camilo.
“Mama.. don’t be like that. We’re just friends. Nothing more.” I said looking at my hands. I really wish we were more than friends.
“You like him, don’t you?” She asks, sitting next to me, touching my hand.
“Sweetie.. I know the look of young love anywhere. You were glowing with it the moment you walked in.” She gave me an understanding look. “What’d he say?”
“Um.. He called me… mi amor.” I say blushing. His voice echoes through my brain and it sends the same butterflies through my stomach.
“Mi amor?” She gasped. 
I nod my head. My mom was about to say something before my dad walked in.
“I’m ho- Oh. You guys are down here. What are you guys talking about..?” He senses the atmosphere of the room.
“Your daughter has a boyfriend!” Mom exclaimed.
“He’s not my boyfriend mama!” I yelled trying to calm her down and so dad wouldn’t get suspicious.
“He called you mi amor! Friends don’t call each other that!”
“Boyfriend? Who’s the boy? Erin, you know you aren’t allowed to have a boyfriend.” He gave me a stern look.
“Camilo Madrigal. She was with him all afternoon cariño!” Mom told dad.
“Oh the shapeshifter? I should’ve known this was going to happen..” He rolls his eyes in annoyance.
“He’s not my boyfriend! We are just friends. We hung out just as friends. There is absolutely nothing going on between us!” I say trying to calm them both down.
“Then why did he call you mi amor? And why did you say you liked him? Cariño she came in here with the look of a teenage girl who fell in love for the first time!” 
“Gosh I knew this day was coming but I was not ready for it..” My dad says stressed. “Why did my daughter have to fall in love this early?”
I didn’t want to deal with my parents' endless questions or their sternness about me hanging around guys. When I first started talking to Camilo, they didn’t care. But now that I’m fifteen, they care soo much about it. 
“Teenage boys are the devil cariño. We’re just trying to keep you safe.” That’s what they say. But they both know that Camilo has never done anything to hurt me. And they know that we’re happy together. But I guess that’s what they fear.
“I’m going to bed. I’m not hungry. I ate the Madrigals earlier.” I say standing up. I was actually quite tired. “Night.”
“Night.” My parents mumble back.
I go upstairs to my room and kick my shoes off. I get changed into my pajamas and get under the sheets. I was too tired to take a shower. As I lay in bed, all I can think of is what Milo called me. Mi amor. I’m his amor. 
I quickly drift off to sleep as I continue thinking about Milo. My dreams tonight are filled with his beautiful face.
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xox0rinny · 2 years
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xox0rinny · 2 years
fun fact: ryujin is my wife 💕
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xox0rinny · 2 years
Watercolor Skies - Chaeryeong One Shot
I wanted to post something small since I'm not done with the first chapter of Dance to Forget (I promise I'm atleast halfway done </3)
Pairing: Chaeryeong x f!reader
Genre: Fluff, wlw relationship
Warnings: this is probably gonna be cringey so..
Summary: It's raining outside, which ruins your plans for today. But Chaereyong has better ideas to keep you busy.
I sat in the living room reading a book. The sun was going down and I sat in the light of the multicolored sunset. The clouds were shades of pink and blue and I loved it. Sunsets were by far my favorite things ever. Well other than my girlfriend Chaeryeong. I heard droplets of rain start to fall on the windows of our apartment. I audibly groaned. I hated the rain. I mean it sounded nice and all, but it got you wet and being wet is disgusting. And not to mention, me and Chaeryeong planned to go to the drive in and watch a new movie. And you can't necessarily see the movie if it's pouring rain. Rain wasn't even in the forecast for today so it was totally unexpected.
I took a deep breath in and relaxed as I smelled the sage incense burning beside me. At least now I can have the entire day to settle into my book. That was the only upside of this situation.
Then suddenly a familiar voice rang through my ears. "y/n! It's raining!" Chaeryeong said with evident joy in her voice.
"I know." I rolled my eyes. "Hey what's wrong?" She asked as she sat beside me on the couch. "We can't go to the drive in anymore." I looked up at her with a disappointed look on my face.
She sat there and thought for a moment. "Well we can always watch a movie here."
"If I'm going to be here, I wanna read my book. And I really wanted to see that movie but it's only in theaters." I said, closing my book and giving Chaeryeong my full attention. She sat there with another look of thought on her face then her face suddenly lit up.
"I have an idea. You have to trust me on this." She said with a small grin on her face. "What is it..?" I said hesitantly. "Just put your shoes on." She laughed. I had an idea of where this was going and I did not like it. But I complied anyways.
I got up off of the couch and headed to our room. I set my book down on the bed and slipped on my converse. I went back out to the living room and found Chaeryeong waiting near the door. When she saw me she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards it.
"C'mon!" She laughed. I tried to resist her pull but she was too strong. "I don't wanna go out there! You know I hate the rain!" I pouted. She still didn't stop. "It's not that bad!" She looked back at me to roll her eyes.
She dragged me though the long hallway and out of the front door. Times like this I was upset we lived on the first floor. But I was too scared of elevators to live any higher up. But I really wished there was one separating us from the front door so I could press all of the buttons to never let us off.
We got outside and the rain hit me immediately. I was glad it was summertime because the weather outside wasn't cold. The rain was warm and hard on my skin as me and Chaeryeong ran towards the almost empty parking lot off to the side of the building. She laughed as she looked back at my soaked figure running behind her. We suddenly stopped in the center of it, beside a lamp.
We were soaked at this point. I looked up towards the sky and squinted my eyes. The sky was gorgeous.
"It's beautiful." I said with a smile.
"Yeah.. it is." She replied. She grabbed my hand and spun me around. I laughed at her playfulness.
As I made my second rotation, she brought me closer to her. She was a few inches taller than me so I had to slightly crane my neck to look at her properly. She pushed the wet hair out of my hair and pushed her forehead onto mine.
"Not as beautiful as you though my love." She said in a hushed voice.
Then she leaned in and connected her lips with mine. Her lips were soft and wet. They tasted like vanilla Burt's Bees chapstick and the strawberries she had ate before we came outside. I deepened the kiss and pushed my body against hers. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but in my head it felt like forever.
I pulled away and rested my head on her shoulder. We were both soaked to the core but I no longer cared. All I wanted was to be with my lover underneath the watercolored sky.
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xox0rinny · 2 years
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220628 ❀ utopia ending fairies
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