yaelisblog · 8 years
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yaelisblog · 8 years
Could you tell me what you love about bran? 😊
OH GOSH OKAY there are so many reasons why i love him tbh and i’m sure i’ve gone into great detail about it all enough times in the past already lmao
but here’s just a few things:
bran’s huge capacity for love, empathy, and kindness - not just for his family but for maester luwin, old nan, hodor, the reeds, osha, mikken, rodrik cassel, theon, the list goes on and on
bran’s determination and the way he keeps going no matter what – even when he feels despondent and hopeless, even when he’s starving and frozen, even when he’s lost all of his family, even when his only remaining companions are barely functioning, even when he’s told by bloodraven that his journey has all been for nothing because he won’t ever get his legs back
bran’s quick learning and leadership abilities – how at eight years old he’s able to function as the lord of winterfell, settling disputes, hosting guests, running the castle, learning about the stark bannermen and the politics of the region, all while dealing with his new disability and his virtual abandonment by his family.
bran and winterfell are one and the same and no one knows the castle better than bran.
bran never stops thinking about his family, even in his darkest moments – he dreams of his mother and robb, he speaks to theon through the weirwoods, he watches arya in her dreams, he saves jon from the wildlings – he knows his pack is still out there and he wants to be there for them in whatever way he is capable.
and in turn, every single one of his POV family members has thought about bran fondly and missed him, his smile, his laugh.
the mythology and magic in his storyline is SO INTERESTING.
bran’s chapters are some of the darkest, yet he remains a symbol of hope and light.
he’s going to save westeros :)
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yaelisblog · 8 years
What’s Up for February 2016?
Five morning planets, Comet Catalina passes Polaris and icy Uranus and icy Vesta meet near Valentine’s Day.
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February mornings feature Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. The last time this five-planet dawn lineup happened was in 2005. The planets are easy to distinguish when you use the moon as your guide. Details on viewing HERE.
If you miss all five planets this month, you’ll be able to see them again in August’s sunset sky.
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Last month, Comet Catalina’s curved dust tail and straight ion tail were visible in binoculars and telescopes near two galaxies that are close to the handle of the Big Dipper. Early this month, the comet nears Polaris, the North Star. It should be visible all month long for northern hemisphere observers.
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There will be more opportunities to photograph Comet Catalina paired with other objects this month. It passes the faint spiral galaxy IC 342 and a pretty planetary nebula named NGC 1501 between Feb. 10 – 29. For binocular viewers, the magnitude 6 comet pairs up with a pretty string of stars, known as Kemble’s Cascade, on Feb. 24.
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Finally, through binoculars, you should be able to pick out Vesta and Uranus near one another this month. You can use the moon as a guide on Feb. 12, and the cornerstone and the corner stars of Pegasus all month long.
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For more information about What’s Up in the February sky, watch our monthly video HERE. 
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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yaelisblog · 8 years
i always read/pronounce it as Jay-me. idk why.. and i first read the book and only after that watched the show so they didnd’t have any say in that for me 
yaelisblog yaelstiel So, as a non-native English speaking ASoIaF fan, I’m curious how you pronounce Cercei’s brother’s name. Now, it’s Jaime, and I’ve been saying “Jay-me” and that’s how they pronounce it in the show. However, I, within the past year, have realized that that name is usually pronounced “Hi-may”. Now, he’s still “Jay-me” in my head because that’s what I learned and that’s what’s in the show, but I’m interested in a non-English speaking perspective and I’m too lazy to see if G.R.R. Martin has weighed in definitively on this right this second.
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yaelisblog · 8 years
hi love! can you tell me which psd you used? /post/111835196400/you-ready and /post/111345812340/deans-in-trouble
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yaelisblog · 8 years
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The Fox Fur Nebula
This interstellar canine is formed of cosmic dust and gas interacting with the energetic light and winds from hot young stars. The shape, visual texture, and color, combine to give the region the popular name Fox Fur Nebula. The characteristic blue glow on the left is dust reflecting light from the bright star S Mon, the bright star just below the top edge of the featured image. Textured red and black areas are a combination of the cosmic dust and reddish emission from ionized hydrogen gas. S Mon is part of a young open cluster of stars, NGC 2264, located about 2,500 light years away toward the constellation of the Unicorn (Monoceros).
Image Credit & Copyright: John Vermette
Larger image: http://buff.ly/1PwfWVA
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yaelisblog · 8 years
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hugs were invented to let people know you love them without having to say anything
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yaelisblog · 9 years
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“I’m tired of missing you.”
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yaelisblog · 9 years
Incredible. again, i wish for many countries to learn from Finland. about so many fields, and mental health included. 
It’s a very young country, (you’re almost 100!!!! ) a little older than israel, and with almost 6 million people (we’re 8+) and i just wish we would look up to finland more. 
Sure, not saying it’s perfect (no country is) but so much better than most “western world” countries. 
your sweater story actually made me believe in a better world. I hope you make the pretties sweater and enjoy your time. ♥
It… really is incredible, though, isn’t it. Like for once I actually feel like there’s a network around me that’s trying to help me, and is actually funded to do so. I’m constantly amazed by how well my area has pulled its shit together in terms of mental health work. Like, I can’t use public transportation to get to my appointments in this other town for my psychologist or my doctor or any of that, because of my condition. How it’s solved? Usually, you’d expect, by me not getting help. That’s literally what the norm is, right? Since I can’t go there, I can’t get the service.
Except that these fuckers literally drive to my house to provide me that mental health care. Or they drive here, pick me up, and take me there and then back again. Or they pay for the taxi.
And the actual rehabiliation I’ve been in for fucking ages works so much better here than anywhere else I’ve been before. Things are actually happening and things are done and if something doesn’t work out, other people are involved to help with it and make sure it’s worked out.
More so, like… the whole system works. Like my doctor actually knows shit about me, and cares about what I tell her. She’s aware that I’ve tried most types of medication and that those didn’t work for me, so instead of telling me that nothing could be done - which is literally what a doctor has told me before in regards to my medication, “you’ve tried everything, there’s nothing we can do" - she went and put me on a new type of medication. The medication wasn’t covered by insurance because it’s so new, so my social worker and my psychologist and the doctor all worked together to make sure that social services would pay for it. And holy shit they did. For three fucking months straight, on one application.
I’m even getting more money to cover my expenses from insurance because my social worker has put so much effort into making sure I get everything I’m eligible for. And now I’m in a work project that literally pays me to knit my own sweater, because it’s rehabilitating, and they’re making sure all of this works out. The best part? It’s not crowded, so when you need help, you get help, and they’re all sensitive to your special needs and shit like that. It’s incredible. Like, what the fuck, mental health care that works?
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yaelisblog · 9 years
Many countries has a lot to learn from Finland.
The Rebuplic of Finland is really into my Frisk sweater. It’s ready to put some serious money into this, all to ensure the sweater happens. Let me just - so far, the contributions include: taxi service to and from a different town for personalized tutoring in knitting, paid-for dining on the grounds, and then I’m paid for the trouble at the end of each month based on how many days I’ve put into my sweater-knitting.
Like, don’t get me wrong, I’m honoured and all, but… really? Seriously?
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yaelisblog · 9 years
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Cygnus: Bubble and Crescent
(via APOD; Image Credit & Copyright: Ivan Eder )
These clouds of gas and dust drift through rich star fields along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the high flying constellation Cygnus. Caught within the telescopic field of view are the Soap Bubble (lower left) and the Crescent Nebula (upper right). Both were formed at a final phase in the life of a star. Also known as NGC 6888, the Crescent was shaped as its bright, central massive Wolf-Rayet star, WR 136, shed its outer envelope in a strong stellar wind. Burning through fuel at a prodigious rate, WR 136 is near the end of a short life that should finish in a spectacular supernova explosion. recently discovered Soap Bubble Nebula is likely a planetary nebula, the final shroud of a lower mass, long-lived, sun-like star destined to become a slowly cooling white dwarf. While both are some 5,000 light-years or so distant, the larger Crescent Nebula is around 25 light-years across.
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yaelisblog · 9 years
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yaelisblog · 9 years
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S12: The first 8 episodes in a nutshell
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yaelisblog · 9 years
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So he gets to run around, destroying lives, destroying your life, and I have to just sit here and shut up?
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yaelisblog · 9 years
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This image displays Kepler’s second law of planetary motion.
“A line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time” (Meaning that each triangle seen there has equal area.)
The black dot represents a planet, the point where the black lines intersect represent the sun.
The green arrow represents the planet’s velocity,
The purple arrows represents the force on the planet.
(Image source: here)
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yaelisblog · 9 years
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After recently watching Jessica Jones, I find myself confused upon seeing pictures and gifs of David Tennant. So I made a useful chart.
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yaelisblog · 9 years
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