Hey hun! How you doin’? Still kicking?
hi, yes. Just took me a while to get back online. I am currently working on finishing up some fanfics (non yautja ones srry) —Soon I will post.
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yautjathiinkinggrounds · 11 months
what is your profile picture?? I don't get it and I am a curious person
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It's Rick Sanchez being aimed by a plasma caster.
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yautjathiinkinggrounds · 11 months
hello! could i request a yautja with a human s/o whos an artist and a seamstress and used to make a living with those skills on earth (assuming they are not on earth anymore?? idk dude)? 🫣
Yautja x Human!Partner who is a seamstress
Really interesting idea, thank you for requesting. Here you go: no warnings
He would be greatly interested in your projects.
He never asks you to explain your work.
He did once and you went on and on about the different types of stitches and how to properly hem certain textiles. And he realized this was much too complicated for him.
he's a man that can appreciate art. His people have always adored the beauty they can be created with their hands.
Seeing you show off something you've sewn up for yourself always brings him immense joy.
god how he loves seeing you in your custom made clothes.
He is especially interested in your embroidery.
you make cool jackets with patches on them, adding a bit your your touch to them.
A lot of your clothing is made for harsh environments. Traveling to different planets you have to accommodate to the climate/wildlife.
so when you spice up your boring hunting pants and army camo jacket with some interesting designs on the sleeves he is happy to see you being yourself.
He especially likes when you embroidered his name in Yautja lettering on the inside of your jacket right above your heart.
Yautja don't tend to wear "shirts" and "slacks", but when they aren't blooded or working for a hunt they wear coverings.
You take up some small commission work here and there, fixing and adjusting Yautja robes. Most of the time you fix clothing they wear for fancy occasions. The Yautja community finding your small Ooman hands perfect to make such precise fixes on such expensive clothing.
One time your mate saw you fixing up a wedding sash that a Daughter inherited and needed to get adjusted to he frame as she grew taller than her Mother.
Your mate saw you holding the sparkly lightweight cloth, the size of it dwarfing you in a funny way.
You count the beads on the corners, fixing and adding some that were missing.
To you, it was normal to be covered in Yautja clothes when working. But your mate is absolutely smitten to see you in a wedding sash.
these moments really plant seeds of a would-be marriage ceremony in his head.
Though not a silly thought to your Yautja; he is a very committed lover.
Though he would need to find a seamstress worthy enough to make his Ooman a custom made sash. And he would greatly travel anywhere in the galaxy to find one.
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yautjathiinkinggrounds · 11 months
Question but can women interact with ur fics? Its just most of times where the writer is a guy doesn't like girls interacting with their fics (which is fair since its mlm)
I dont see anything about that but i wanted to ask just in case
Im not sure if im even wording this right lmao sorry if this sounds weird 😅
Hi anon, yes women can interact with my fics, and send asks and send requests. My works aren't geared to a specific sexuality (mlm or wlw) or gender. I like to dip my toes into various genres and relationships, so I can say there might be something for everyone in my works. Also I would like to add I wouldn't have a problem if someone ever sends something I don't approve of or don't feel comfortable writing. I would even try it to challenge myself in my writing.
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yautjathiinkinggrounds · 11 months
Do you take long requests or just headcanons? You do any writing because I have this while daydream but I don't want to bore you or overstep.
Yes. My rules for requests are very loose. If there is a request that I deemed boring or not to my liking I will either ignore it or delete it.
Not to make anyone feel bad if I never get around to filling out their requests right away, but some are ones that I like too much to make a very short story on and I save for later for a bigger fic. So there are some of you out there with reqs that I am working on in the background.
And to add to this I would love long requests, I find that they give me more to work with in terms of story. So go on ahead!
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If you're still taking requests I have a funny one
A Yautja with a human reader that sleep walks and talks XD
Yautja mate x Ooman!Reader (gn)
Your Yautja had come back from a hunt.
tired and eager to see his dear Ooman mate once again.
He find you already asleep in your shared cot.
you're all bundled up in his furs, keeping warm from the cold night.
Your Yautja gets under the furs with you and cuddles your body.
his natural warmth relaxing your sleeping form.
He starts to slip into sleep when all of the sudden you say "you brought it?"
clicking dubiously he'd ask what you're talking about.
"you came all this way and you didn't bring it?"
He's get increasingly agitated, worried he had forgotten about something important.
"how would we have the party if we don't have out party outfits?!?" You'd raise your hands in the air and sit up.
Your mate would be so perplexed at your anger, as he tries to follow what you are saying. Party? Outfits??
He puts a hand on your shoulder, purring to get you to settle down, and when he turns your really weak body around that's when he notices your eyes are barely focused on anything. They're half litted and your jaw is slack.
He pieces together that you aren't really all there, so he decides to play along "I did bring them they're right here my little sain'ja."
You grow happy with his answer and cuddle back into his arms.
"ok good, I thought this was going to be a mess"
"hmmm, yes my mate."
you'd go back to your deep sleep, your mate clicking to himself in laughter.
Oomans are very weird creatures, and he is so happy to discover new things of your species through you.
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Would a Yautja be pro-choice or pro-life?
They're skilled alien hunters that collect the skulls of their victims
—They are not monsters.
So obviously pro-choice.
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Look what I made!!!! Obviously, I don’t own Predator, or anything so none of the pronunciation is verified, but 90% (at least) of the words are! So I hope this helps anyone whos curious, is an uber-nerd like me, is writing fanfiction, reading fanfiction, etc! Please let me know if I missed a word, or added a blatantly fake one by mistake!! 
Tagging my favorite Yautja blogs below btw
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Hello! I love yout headcanons, everytime you posts something I gladly eat up the information. Like literally, if not a bother or your not busy.
What would a female or male yautja or how would they react to a genz ooman?
I'm sorry if this bothers you and apologies for the wrong grammar, english is not my first language.
Thank you for the wonderful headcanons again, lots of love and take care
This one is very specific.
Yautja x Human Gen Z! reader (gender neutral, platonic)
cw:mentions of rape (just mentioned)
Well I could definitely take the piss here and absolutely insult an entire generation of children and young adults. Even if i'm not part of Gen Z, I can see the way they way they are portrayed online , so I can easily write them off as crybabies or whiney — I won't of course, generations are way more than their stereotype. But at it's core Gen Z is a very conscious generation. So If I were to write anything like this the story would start off with a Yautja that has his reservations about Oomans. He would see them as hardheaded and unreasonable. He sees them as willing participants of a dying planet, electing unqualified leaders to make it die quicker. He's see Oomans as lazy (fat slugish and weak)— especially the newest generation. NOT strong warriors like his Yautja younglings. Sees how Oomans let the sick get sicker. Sees how Oomans rape and hurt their birth givers; their sucklings. The Yautja would be deadset on on withholding his acquaintanceship with Oomans, for ever. Even if he was one of the 5 Yautja team to travel to Earth to oversee the Ooman's studies of their tech, making sure these destructive Oomans were not to get their hands on a fucking Yautja nuke. The Yautja would meet Reader in one of the facilities on Earth. Reader would be a scientist there studying the Yautja biology. Maybe they're part of a branch looking into using Yautja medical tech on Humans to help save lives, cure deceases. The Yautja would be surprised to hear how you and the rest of your team are interested in HELPING the ill. You'd explain your teams goal was to make a serum to help re-build the white blood cells of the body, making humans more resistant to viruses and other types of diseases in the future. The Yautja would be stupefied to see such a big team of Ooman scientists working on a beneficial cause. Reader would request to show him and his team to see how've far the humans have gotten with the experiments. Reader would show them how they've modified on of the schematics of a Yautian motor to fit on a train that would make public transportation quicker and less expensive. How they've used one of the elements on the Yautian healing serums to fertilize the soil and grow organic and highly nutritious foods at a higher pace and would be a key practice into getting crops to grow on barren contaminated soil; feeding more people in the process. How they've used Yautian tracking technology to better identify DNA/RNA left behind my beings; making the investigation process in crimes quicker and more accurate. The Yautja would see how Reader was very passionate in working towards these goals to further help their people. The Yautja would begin to have doubts of his previous stereotypes of Oomans, seeing how even this newer Gen was very sincere about fixing cracks in Ooman society. That's pretty much how I would write it. A Gen Z req has a very wide range to write stories on, so instead of making the Reader an activist, I tried making them something that can be associated with the Yautja's a bit more.
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new headcanon just dropped
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Hey, ¿Are you taking requests?
If you are, i would want to request, some like, what if the Yautja had a ooman mate that is a baker?
Like she often does cake's, cookie's , cupcake's, etc.
Would the ooman have a bakery?
Btw: inglish isn't my first lenguage, , and i love you're blog!
this one is sweet
Yautja mate x Human! Reader no warnings
Your mate would find your work really interesting.
"A cook that only does one specific type of food?" crazy. unheard of.
in his world they eat and cook and drink anything and everything.
"and it's not meat??? meat is the best thing ever, the center of the universe. Ooman is silly."
But then you showed him the Bakery where you work at.
Fairly popular in the area and many Patrons come from far away to visit/order from your place.
You tell your mate that you actually studied for quite a long time to get your degree.
and that you were trained by "masters" in the industry.
Your mate finds this very intriguing.
He finds it weird how the place smells of freshly baked breads and sweet cinnomony frosting—your smell to be exact.
He knew your smell was quite unique but never knew it was because of your work.
He found the carefully handcrafted sweets pretty. Like genuenly pretty.
How fragile some of them are and can easily crumble if handled incorrectly. But also they are meant to crumble as they are meant to be eaten.
He heard that you were making "bear claws" and he got super excited to see the arranged bear claws on display only to be slightly disappointed to see that they were in fact pastries and not disembodied bear limbs arranged on a tray.
these are the bear claws :
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As for if he likes sweets, not really.
he does enjoy the sweetness of fruits from time to time, but to eat cakes and muffins its not his taste.
He does enjoy the artisanal breads you make.
he quite enjoys ciabatta bread. with lots of butter and some raspberry jelly.
If he had to pick a pastry he would pick cake pops or some kind of carrot cake anything.
348 notes · View notes
what is your profile picture?? I don't get it and I am a curious person
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It's Rick Sanchez being aimed by a plasma caster.
24 notes · View notes
hello! could i request a yautja with a human s/o whos an artist and a seamstress and used to make a living with those skills on earth (assuming they are not on earth anymore?? idk dude)? 🫣
Yautja x Human!Partner who is a seamstress
Really interesting idea, thank you for requesting. Here you go: no warnings
He would be greatly interested in your projects.
He never asks you to explain your work.
He did once and you went on and on about the different types of stitches and how to properly hem certain textiles. And he realized this was much too complicated for him.
he's a man that can appreciate art. His people have always adored the beauty they can be created with their hands.
Seeing you show off something you've sewn up for yourself always brings him immense joy.
god how he loves seeing you in your custom made clothes.
He is especially interested in your embroidery.
you make cool jackets with patches on them, adding a bit your your touch to them.
A lot of your clothing is made for harsh environments. Traveling to different planets you have to accommodate to the climate/wildlife.
so when you spice up your boring hunting pants and army camo jacket with some interesting designs on the sleeves he is happy to see you being yourself.
He especially likes when you embroidered his name in Yautja lettering on the inside of your jacket right above your heart.
Yautja don't tend to wear "shirts" and "slacks", but when they aren't blooded or working for a hunt they wear coverings.
You take up some small commission work here and there, fixing and adjusting Yautja robes. Most of the time you fix clothing they wear for fancy occasions. The Yautja community finding your small Ooman hands perfect to make such precise fixes on such expensive clothing.
One time your mate saw you fixing up a wedding sash that a Daughter inherited and needed to get adjusted to he frame as she grew taller than her Mother.
Your mate saw you holding the sparkly lightweight cloth, the size of it dwarfing you in a funny way.
You count the beads on the corners, fixing and adding some that were missing.
To you, it was normal to be covered in Yautja clothes when working. But your mate is absolutely smitten to see you in a wedding sash.
these moments really plant seeds of a would-be marriage ceremony in his head.
Though not a silly thought to your Yautja; he is a very committed lover.
Though he would need to find a seamstress worthy enough to make his Ooman a custom made sash. And he would greatly travel anywhere in the galaxy to find one.
717 notes · View notes
Question but can women interact with ur fics? Its just most of times where the writer is a guy doesn't like girls interacting with their fics (which is fair since its mlm)
I dont see anything about that but i wanted to ask just in case
Im not sure if im even wording this right lmao sorry if this sounds weird 😅
Hi anon, yes women can interact with my fics, and send asks and send requests. My works aren't geared to a specific sexuality (mlm or wlw) or gender. I like to dip my toes into various genres and relationships, so I can say there might be something for everyone in my works. Also I would like to add I wouldn't have a problem if someone ever sends something I don't approve of or don't feel comfortable writing. I would even try it to challenge myself in my writing.
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I have a headcanon for this:
Yautja are used to seeing the Oomans as very small, dainty and squishy creatures. These attributes being either being something they adore from their Ooman mates or loathe from the Ooman species. Either way Yautja have grown to understand that their own species have their own genetic advancements from the Oomans—their height being a very big obvious one. Ooman heights varying from Ooman to Ooman is something the Yautja are uses to. Especially seeing most females tend to be shorter than their male counterparts. Though when Yautja have stumbled into some very tall Oomans they have been taken aback. They end up being very interested in these Oomans, they remind them of their Youngblood years (but like human form.) They look for ways to bring up a Jehdin to them. They kind of forget that they're still Oomans, but they do remind themselves that they need to be mindful of the Ooman's vulnerable areas. What they like the most is how they stick out from most Oomans. A very tall Ooman tend to have bigger body parts too—big hands, big feet, wide backs, long torsos, long legs. If the Ooman hits the gym and has big muscles to pair with their already big stature, they love that. Sometimes they like to be around these Oomans as to not feel as they are around Younglings. These Yautja would be more inclined to take these Ooman out on some hunts, looking forward into seeing how such a big sturdy body holds up against a creature. For tall Ooman female mates, they like to braid their hair and watch as it cascades down their backs. They like to see them wear long soft fabrics as their coverings, to highlight their height and the fabric doesn't drag across the floor For tall Ooman male mates, They enjoy to adorn them with tightfitting garments, able to show off the wideness of their frame and how elongated they are compared to other Oomans.
In short I believe Yautja would really like tall Oomans.
I wonder what a Yautja would think if they saw a taller than average human. Like a 6'2", 6'3" human lady. or! even better. 7'1" or 7'2" human dude. Or both.
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I know it is infinitely more interesting to fiddle around and write about Yautja in their alien world. But I cannot stop myself from thinking of Yautja's in our mundane world and how annoyed they'd be with Ooman society and how different they would think of the workforce.
Barista is an honorable job, supply Oomans with sustenance and energy.
You mean beholder of the knowledge to fix pipes and make sure Ooman huts are replenished with potable, clean water.
You mean Oomans need a person to clean up for the rest? Disgusting, Oomans can dispose of their own filth. Lazy.
"school teacher?"
The great holders of information tasked to train and mold the young sucklings into warrios worthy of Blooding.
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Idk if I have before , but may I make a request?
maybe they get a little jealous of another trying to woo their lil ooman. If not woo, then overstepping boundaries like say, touching her hair with curiosity or something like that.
Ah , I just want something where I can get smothered and claimed by my big boi lover.
Pardon for making them textbook ruffians. It’s a silly cliché, but I feel like this request is cliché in of itself, so I submerged myself into it.
I made use of the Yautja language on this one too, making up some of my own to spice up the sentences a bit.
My knight in shining 'awu'asa
Ma’alk had warned you about his culture. They are a very honorable species, confrontational but with respect for one another, especially their elders. Mates were valued in this culture, for their usefulness of conceiving pups. This didn’t mean you yourself were safe, thanks to your own human species lacking the biological equipment to show the Yautja you were with mate. Ma’alk most present issue was to get you a Mate’s necklace and scent vial.
Male!Yautja x FemaleHuman!Reader
Fluff, Fish out of Water, Harassment, Assault, your boyfriend saves you from the bad guys trope, Not Beta Read
Ao3 link under the cut:
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