yoiashroom · 3 months
Yall want some of this French toast?
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yoiashroom · 4 months
I tripped while getting on the bus, listening to Mitski
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Everyone saw
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yoiashroom · 7 months
I literally got so scared for a second😭 Don't play with meeee like that 😭
hello! so im deleting this acc. none of u interact with me and tumblr isn’t the same anymore. im so sick of this. do u guys hate me? why do y’all never talk to me? just because i’m dating albert wesker from resident evil? this isn't very supportive, so goodbye then
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yoiashroom · 9 months
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yoiashroom · 1 year
Can have a fic or something with Dom x Fem! Solider reader where they fall in love (Dom survives) after maria passes?
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Being an outrider for COG had its difficulties, one of those downsides was no one takes you seriously your used as bait to see if grubs were nearby and you have a higher rate of dying during your missions, I'm part of the last situation.  
Right now, I'm hiding behind an old grocery store counter while grubs try and shoot me down, I called for backup almost 15 minutes ago and they should be here by now! But noooo they have other missions to attend then help their dear outrider. 
I reloaded my lancer and peeked out to see almost 10 whole grubs and on boomer if one of the grubs positioned behind a wall the boomer in front 3 grubs were blocking the exit so my master plan of throwing a flash and running out while their blind was short lived maybe if my team didn’t run off and split up like I said not to then we probably- BANG ... 
A shot wizzes past my head and I whip my head back to its hiding spot, I need to stop daydreaming and decide there's some cover to my left a half wall, and to my right was another counter I can alter my earlier plan of throwing the flash and running but instead of running I throw the flash and while their blinded shoot the ones by the door and go hid behind the half wall although that leaves me vulnerable to the grub behind the wall I'll have to melee him and possibly get shot I don’t have any meds on me so I would have to just deal with the pain. 
Though if I go with the counter, I can use my flash then when their blind I'll have just enough cover to crouch my way out to a different exit that hopefully doesn't have too many grubs. 
Seeing as how I have no meds and they have a boomer I'll take the second choice. I ready myself into a running position pull the pin on the flash and close my eyes 1...2...3 I throw the grenade as I see a bright light emit from behind the counter I move as quick as possible while the deformed ugly’s are blinded I run past the cover I was supposed to crouch to, and as a result bullets fly past my adrenalin induced body  I don’t really care anymore in done spending time in this rotten grocery store, I make a swift left and see a glass double door that opens to my path out forget my colleagues I'm leaving I push open the doors and run outside and breath fresh air . 
Slowing down I bend over putting my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath, but SUNDENLY! I hear the sounds of trucks pulling up a scowl coms=es across my face as I look up to see THE COG TRUCKS, I ASKED FOR 20 MINUTES AGO where was this when I needed it HMMM 
“Hey, we're here, what's the big fuss about” Anya looks puzzled she heard you yelling on the intercom while she was on a mission just for it to be empty outside. 
My sour face doesn't change as I explain to her what went down “and then I ran out here and you guys showed up 20 MINUTES LATE” Cole sheepishly scratched the back of his head “yeah were sorry about that commander kept us held up” I look down and shake my head “well search the place and see if we can find your teammates and you can sit in the truck with Dom” now it's my turn with the confused face ”isn't Dom coming with you?” Marcus looks back at the truck and shakes his head “no he hurt his arm on our mission and we haven't been able to patch up, could you fix him up for us?" my puzzled face turns into one of concern as I look back to the truck “of course I can it’s the least I can do since you guys are the only ones that came to my help” Marcus sighs of relief “thanks Y/N “ I say a quick your welcome and walk to the truck where my patient is. 
I open the back door to the truck where I see Dom without his top armor on looks like was going to sterilize his wound but kept wussing out at the first touch “do you need some help?” he looks at me surprised but quickly his expression turned into a pained one I get in the back seat and hold his hurt arm carefully to see the damage a long slash on his left arm starting at his shoulder down to the bottom of his bicep I scrunch up my face thinking how bad that must hurt I grab the cotton ball soaked in disinfectant and give him a look of sympathy “I'm sorry but this is going to hurt a lot” he gives a unsure look and I give him time to prepare for the pain he’ll be in we both take a deep breath and I quickly put the soaked cotton ball to the gash, 
A strangled groan of pain emits from Dom I try to get this over with as quickly as possible to stop his pain once I was done, I grabbed the bandages to my left and wrap his arm up not to tight but tight enough 
huff “thank you” I give him a small smile and mutter a small your welcome Dom slowly leans back trying to not move his freshly wrapped arm an awkward silence falls emits us as I look for a question to fill the void Dom finds one first “when the guys said there taking me somewhere special you were the first thig that came to mind” I playfully roll my eyes as Dom chuckles Dom slightly shifts over to me and gives me a weak smile ”sorry we couldn't get to you sooner commander was holing us up” I smile at him "I know the others told me this fine” I touch his arm softly not trying to hurt him “when we get back to the base I'll be able to patch you up properly but for now this will have to do” he looks down at my head now if you look closely and I mean really close you'll see the smallest red hue on my face as he touches my hand “thanks I really mean it” he pauses for a second and then makes eye contact with me and sighed I could feel my face getting warmer as I return the eye contact “ you know no one has really patched me up like this in forever I really do appreciate it and I was hoping that we could um” he broke the eye contact looking down and taking a deep breath and regaining eye contact Dom leans in close to my face I can feel my face on fire but just as he lean in we hear talking from outside and Dom pulls away leaving me a little sad at the loss of contact  
The door opens to reveal the rest of the crew, but none of my teammates ”where's my team?” I asked Marcus he holds up 5 cog tags as I make an I knew it face the rest of the crew hopped in the truck with me sitting beside Dom I daydream a the truck takes us back to base but before that, I feel a pair of lips on my cheek I whip my head to look at Dom with a newly red face all he does is smirk I start planning of a way to get back at him while Baird drives us back to the base  
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yoiashroom · 1 year
YO are requests still open??
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yoiashroom · 1 year
Hmmmmmmm Hanzo with a really flirty s/o perhaps?
Hanzo with a really flirty s/o
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Hanzo is a cool collective person who thinks before acting and has a plan for everything that is until he met you
see, Hanzo was not ready when you just came out of the blue with a pick up lines so smooth. It puts Lucios dance to shame
"Hey, Hanzo, how do you spell your last name?"
"Why do you need to know?"
"I gotta learn for when it becomes my last name."
It's an understatement to say that Hanzo was lost for words no one had come off so strong and confident as you
it takes Hanzo a while to get used to your compliments and flirts even then you still sometimes catch him off guard Even when you're dating, it takes him some time to get used to
till eventually every time you give him one of your pick up lines he just rolls his eyes and pretends he doesn't care
though if you look closely you'll see this tiny little blush he fails to keep hidden.
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yoiashroom · 1 year
yo my piss kink ain't no weird thank you
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yoiashroom · 1 year
Hello new writer! I'd be forever honored if you could perhaps provide some Mad Maggie jealousy headcannons? By the way, make sure you drink your water and get at least 8 hours of sleep!
thank you love I promise I will, I hope you enjoy this headcanon
Jealousy Headacannons
Mad Maggie
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Maggie is most definitely the jealous type, all father help whoever decided to flirt with you especially if it was fuse pre fusehound,
whoever decided to flirt with you is going to feel Mad Maggie's wrath
it starts with Maggie glaring at them from a distance it's like a moment of bliss before the war and as soon as that moment is over it begins.
she walks over and puts her arm around your shoulder and she'll give the person this look, a look only Maggie and the other person will get while you're confused as to why the person stopped talking and left abruptly
"Wow, what time is it I just remembered Ramya asked me to do something at this time, yup I should go uhh ill see you later Y/N and uhh Maggie."
"ill give you a ten-second head start"
" YUP bye y/n see you later"
"wait mirage what about the story?"
you give an annoyed look to Maggie "you got to stop being jealous all the time" she gives you an amused look ", ha me jealous you got to be kidding with me I'm not jealous I'm just protecting whats mine" you roll your eyes and cross your arms "sounds jealous to me"
I hope you like this sorry it took me a while to get back to you I just had a random burst of inspiration and was able to get this done hope you like it, cya.
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yoiashroom · 1 year
heyhey do you write oneshots or just headcanons??
I write for both☆
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yoiashroom · 1 year
Hello hello I've been starved for Apex content recently so I was hoping I could request Gibraltar (if you write him) with a crush? (If you don't want to do this feel free to delete have a good day!)
of course, I can write for him hopefully you like this. and don't worry you'll be well-fed here
Gibraltar with a crush
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when Gibby first saw you he was certain that you would become good friends it takes a while for him to catch feelings he barely even notices it he just thinks of you as a really close friend.
once Gibraltar realizes he has feelings for you he starts to leave signs such as acts of service giving you food, if you have a shield lower than him he'll give you his if want a certain gun he'll look everywhere for it. "hey brotha here's that R301 you wanted, anything else you need ask, Gibraltar's always got you".
Gibby does little things hoping you notice it so he doesn't have to confess himself but lifeline notices this and tries to help him out to confess to you.
pretty much everyone knows he likes you it's obvious to everyone but you although at some point Gibraltar does pull you aside at a party mirage threw and confess his feelings to you bashfully.
if you accept Gibraltar's feelings he will be the happiest legend at the party and will instantly give you a bear hug and spin you around and if you want he will tell the other legends the great news that's only if you want to if you don't he will understand hell still be very happy but silently so the others won't notice.
That's all hope you like, it fun fact I was writing this while looking for stardew valley mods cya.
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yoiashroom · 1 year
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Hopefully you all can understand this sorry if you have confusion please ask me
please don't try to add a deadline to your request. I need time, but I assure you I will write it.
NO twins, I don't like them so I won't write for them.
Please don't be afraid to request I'll always answer as fast as I can.
I can do poly relationships, but I can't do x oc only x reader.
I can't do anst, but I can do scare writing.
English is not my first language so please don't mind grammatical errors.
I do have a life outside of writing, so regular updates will be kinda slow since I have trouble wording my ideas sometimes .
Fandom list
Aka Fandoms I write for
Dead by daylight
Stardew vally
Apex legends
Gears of War all of them
Mass effect
That's the list of requests that are now officially open until I close them. You can also give prompts such as yandre oni or pre-game crypto. I'll always be here, see ya.
Master list
Apex legends
Friendship till the end pathfinder x reader wip
Gibraltar crush headcannons
Mad Maggie jealous headcannon
Mirage headcannons
Hanzo with a really flirty s/o
Gears of war
Dom x femreader
Mass effect
I'm working on it
I'm working on it
If any of these links lead to the wrong fic, let me know.
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yoiashroom · 1 year
Mirage Headcannon
I'll make my list of Fandoms I'll write for some time today don't be afraid to ask/request ♡ enjoy
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I thought I'd do this on short notice I thought of these in class hope you like this please reblog and reply and asks are open☆
Mirage most of the time wakes you up by wispering about how's he's the best boyfriend and that he's going to make you breakfast and how your so cute when your sleeping.
When you first met Mirage he was really self centered and wouldn't stop talking about how's he's the best at the apex games. "Yea I'm one of the best around, stick by me and you'll be winning all your games".... you gave him a blank stare as you had to tell him your a mechanic not a new legend he still brags.
Mirage takes awhile to confess because he's too nervous to even talk to you ,even though he's not afraid to brag his greatness. He also stutters alot when he discoverers his feelings he confess with a beet red face and a mouth full of words it takes him awhile to spit it out but by time hes on the next paragraph you get what he was trying to say.
Mirage is ecstatic when you say you feel the same way his heart feels like it's pounding out of his chest he doesn't tell the press if you don't want to but if you don't mind he will tell everybody the press the legends his mom blitz everybody.
Hope you like this little headcannon I'll do crypto next after my list if you want more tell me I'll see you later♡
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yoiashroom · 1 year
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Hey this is my first post other than re bloging
My ask are open and request arebalways open unless I say so and I'll make a request list later I also have a wattpad if your interested in it.
We will distort the world with our high fives, everyone will know pain and will be forced to high five for the rest of there lives and once everyone dies pathfinder will high five me one last time with a sad face on his monitor and say to me as I'm dying "I may have not found my creator but I found you" and as my eyes close trying to fight off the lethal injection that police shot at me , pathfinder says to me in a reassuring voice "goodbye friend" as I take my last breath the last thing I see is    pathfinder giving me a thumbs up, as I lay lifeless on the ground pathfinder finds a lavender field to lay my cold body on as a last curtesy and lays a lavender flower on my corpse, finally pathfinder lays down next to me and holds my hand an powers off forever we may have destroyed the world but even in death our friendship will stay alive.
Should I make more of this?
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yoiashroom · 1 year
Ghost having a one night stand for stress release where he goes feral on you and wants to do it again.
I've already talked about his endless stamina so this can go perfectly with that.
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, hook-up, rough sex, cum marking, fingering, creampie, possessiveness, pent up Simon
A/N: He might be pent up when he sees you but he won't be for much longer.
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Feral!Simon who greets you with a shy, is a little strained smile. He's no stranger to one night stands but it has been a little while since he's been in one. His missions don't leave him with a lot of time to seek out company so a lot of the time it's just his hand and imagination.
Feral!Simon who watches you like a hawk as you take your clothes off. You feel naked under his gaze even before the last of your clothes hits the floor. He has a little smirk on his face as you try to cover yourself up only for him to walk up to you and kiss you slowly, pulling your hands away. There's no telling when he's gonna get to see such a wonderful sight again, let him take it all in.
Feral!Simon who gives you a cocky smirk when he sees your eyes widen more and more as he strips down for you. His muscles are flexing for you, cock hard and twitching at attention. If you think he looks big now just wait till he gets it inside of you.
Feral!Simon who is well aware of his difference in size compared to you. He could probably pick you up by one hand if you let him. Pin you against the wall and fuck living daylights out of you until you're left a shaking, whimpering mess. Just the thought makes his dick leak more cum.
Feral!Simon who is eager to taste you on his tongue. He goes at you like you're the first meal he's had in a week, no mercy or slowing down as he's holding your hips down to the bed so you can't escape his hungry mouth, his tongue, his kisses and growls against your pussy.
Feral!Simon who knows he could fingerfuck you but honestly he feels like his cock would feel much better. He's huge so he goes slow, tapping the tip on your clit as his cock and lower abs are left glistening with your arousal.
Feral!Simon who lets out a long, tormented sigh when he feels your warmth stretching around his cock, your wet pussy welcoming him, offering little resistance, just as it should be. You should always crave his cock from now on.
Feral!Simon who gladly fills you up with cum in just a few thrusts but doesn't go soft. He's just getting started with you. It's been a long time for him so you better be prepared to be absolutely ruined by the end of the night cause he's not stopping until you can't even say his name anymore.
Feral!Simon who thrusts into you so hard he makes the bed shake. You see his eyes almost glaze over as he bares his teeth, his hand on your hip the other one on your back making you arch and let his cock get in deeper.
Feral!Simon who pushes his thighs behind yours to keep them spread and to keep your legs in the air, making it easier for his cock to slide in and out as he pleases without hurting you. You feel like a snug little pussypocket around his cock, just the right size for him, made for him.
Feral!Simon who pins you down with his whole body as he hammers his hips into yours while snarling into your ear, telling you he's gonna make you his. You're gonna remember how his cock fills you long after he's gone.
Feral!Simon who pulls out after a creampie and thrusts his cock over your pussy, covering it from the outside as well. He's on a mission to leave you painted white with cum all over your body. You'll wear it proudly while you're in his lap riding his cock.
Feral!Simon who marks your body with kisses from top to bottom as you shake from your orgasm. He wants to make a mess out of you but that doesn't mean he can't have moments of being sweet and gentle as well.
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yoiashroom · 1 year
alhaitham‘s elemental burst is him squirting olive oil on his chest and rubbing it on his tits
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yoiashroom · 1 year
okay so consider. elliott putting a pillow under your hips while he fucks you. and once you're gone he's so hesitant to clean the thing. he's laying there, face buried in the pillow you came all over, telling himself just one more huff before he throws it in the wash.
gross! thats so sexy!!
warning: lewd
just to reassure i do love this idea HAHA, the more disgusting the better <3
but elliott is completely the type to rest a pillow under you during sex to make things more comfortable for you. he's nothing if not a gentleman, wanting to make sure the act is as easy for you as possible, but that doesn't mean he isn't also a filthy degenerate when you're fast asleep and he has the pillow all to himself. might even end up humping it a little because he riles himself up too much by sniffing at it like a dog, enjoying the remnants of the nights sex to the fullest extent without wanting to wake you up again </3
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