The Top Challenges Faced by Market Research Companies Today: Overcoming Obstacles with 9series Solutions
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Market research companies need to address several obstacles to remain relevant and competitive. They need to embrace technology, ensure data privacy and security, address sample selection bias, and manage time and cost constraints while staying ahead of their competition.
In today’s rapidly growing business environment, market research firms are struggling with numerous challenges. These hurdles range from the adoption of emerging technologies to data quality. In this blog, let’s discuss major challenges faced by market research companies and also explore how 9series, a leading technology company can help in overcoming these obstacles by providing innovative solutions and expertise.
Data Quality and Accuracy
Maintaining data quality and accuracy is one of the most critical challenges faced by market research companies. Poor data quality can lead to incorrect insights and flawed decision-making. 9series tackles this issue by leveraging AI and machine learning algorithms to automate data cleaning and preprocessing, ensuring the highest levels of data quality and accuracy for its clients in the CPG, Healthcare, eCommerce, and Consumer sectors.
Embracing Digital Transformation
In today’s digital age, market research companies need to adopt new technologies and methodologies to stay competitive. 9series helps clients embrace digital transformation by providing strategic consulting, technology adoption guidance, and custom solutions to enhance their research capabilities. These solutions include the creative use of Qualtrics, cloud services, and AI/ML technologies to get the most out of their research initiatives.
Keeping up with the Pace of Technological Change
Rapid advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and big data, are continually reshaping the market research industry. Market research companies must adapt and stay up-to-date with these changes to maintain a competitive edge. 9series assists its clients in navigating the ever-changing technological landscape by offering cutting-edge solutions and forward-thinking strategies that keep them at the forefront of innovation.
Ensuring Privacy and Security
With the increasing reliance on digital data, market research companies must prioritize privacy and security to protect sensitive information. 9series helps clients implement robust security measures and adhere to data protection regulations, ensuring that their research data remains secure and confidential.
Streamlining Operations and Reducing Costs
Market research companies are continually seeking ways to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. 9series offers solutions that automate various research processes, such as data management, analysis, and presentation generation. By automating these tasks, market research companies can focus their efforts on strategic activities, ultimately enhancing their overall performance and reducing costs.
Sampling Bias Accuracy
Sample selection bias can materially affect the accuracy of research findings. Market research companies need to make sure that their sample selection procedure is unbiased and representative of the population they are studying. 9series help in data analysis and visualization while also ensuring survey design and implementation is developed which can perform in an unbiased direction.
Market research companies face several challenges in today’s dynamic business environment, including data quality issues, digital transformation, technological advancements, privacy concerns, and cost pressures. By partnering with 9series, market research companies can overcome these obstacles and thrive in a competitive landscape. 9series’ innovative solutions, deep industry expertise, and commitment to client success make them an ideal partner for market research companies looking to navigate the challenges of today’s rapidly evolving industry.
Source: 9series
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The Era of AL ML
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Astonishingly, technology has evolved globally due to the utilization of artificial intelligence as well as machine learning in every aspect of daily life. Artificial intelligence is a computer program with the ability to think, learn and produce on its own whereas Machine learning enables software programmes to improve their propensity to predict outcomes without specific programming. It is frequently used for corporate process automation, fraud detection, spam filtering, malware threat identification, and predictive maintenance.
The Future
Since the pandemic struck, the adoption of artificial intelligence has increased as the entire world has shifted towards digitization. According to a study from Yale and Oxford universities, all human occupations will be automated within the next 120 years as AI surpasses humans in many areas. Artificial Intelligence will be translating books exceptionally better than humans by 2024 and will write New York Times best-sellers by 2049, and conduct operations by 2053. Machine learning will be able to mimic human capacity to gather knowledge and utilize it to generate insight.
Major Industries that are impacted by AI ML
Retail: AL and ML have enabled businesses to assess consumer demand and market needs before the launch of a product, allowing them to minimize risks and losses that could arise from the product release.
Finance: AI and ML provide precise solutions for shared datasets to improve the effectiveness and safety of the financial system. Additionally, it guides investors to buy companies, hold and sells them by identifying patterns with past data, and also predicting how those patterns will repeat in the future. It also helps a person in managing finances quickly.
Healthcare: AI/ML has immense potential in medical industries as it works best for diagnosing and detecting diseases which are sometimes overlooked by even doctors. The patient can receive treatment swiftly and save a lot of money and time thanks to this method.
Media and Entertainment: With the aid of predictive analytics, AI/ML examines user information, social media behaviour, and usage patterns to improve segmentation and targeting.
Transportation: Transport businesses use AI/ML approaches to identify real-time traffic and help with route optimization, enabling quicker traffic navigation. Customers and businesses benefit from this, as it is profitable.
The Era of AI/ML – Benefits :
AI/ML reduces human errors significantly and increases accuracy. Every decision made by AI is based on data that has already been obtained and a certain set of algorithms. These mistakes can be avoided by using good coding.
The biggest advantage of AI/ML is that humans can overcome many risks since machines with metal bodies are tough by nature and can survive hostile environments, making them ideal for defusing bombs, going into space, and diving to the bottom of the oceans.
Humans need breaks and off for work-life balance whereas AI/ML can be available 24×7.
AI/ML can assist humans in innovations as well as resolving challenging problems. For instance, recent developments in AI-based technology have made it possible for medical professionals to identify breast cancer in a woman at an earlier stage.
The Era of AI/ML – Drawbacks:
It is an impressive achievement when a machine can mimic human intelligence but it can be extremely expensive and takes a lot of time and resources. AI is highly expensive because it requires the newest hardware and software to function to stay updated and meet criteria.
AI/ML can not think or create out-of-the-box content and can learn over time using pre-fed data and prior experiences, but it is not capable of taking novel approaches. A prime example is the Forbes earnings report-writing bot Quill. 
Robots are one application of artificial intelligence that is replacing jobs and raising unemployment. (in a few cases) Due to chatbots and robots replacing humans, some argue that there is always a danger of unemployment.
In conclusion
The era of AI ML has uncovered massive transformation over the world in almost all industries by powering the accessibility to manage a wide range of data and managing end-to-end solutions for businesses.
Since technology has transformed the development of overall businesses in recent times, we can expect to see the continuation which will ultimately broaden the area of AI ML which we never thought of.
Overall, AL ML is thrilling development that offers immense potential for enhancing our lives by taking technology to the next level. It is always important how we utilize it to get the most out of it.
Source: 9series
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2023: The Era Of Ui/Ux Design
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Ui Ux has always been the most critical part of any design which involves human interaction. The entire user journey and the experience depend on how the Ui Ux is designed. With time the process and tools are been upgraded in Ui Ux design along with the incorporation of different features for users to have a flawless and interactive experience.
User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design are persistently advancing to stay up to date with the technologies and customer behavior, While UI UX developers are adopting new features and trends to design the best way possible. Let’s understand what to take care of while creating an astonishing UI UX for your website or application and what’s popping up in 2023.
Perceive UI/UX Design: What and Why?
With the fastest growing world, people’s behavior, interaction and preferences are changing and adopting those changes is a must when it comes to your website or application.
UI is the most crucial part of the digital product design process as it is directly connecting with the user and if it is smooth to perform and easy to access then the user will get a seamless experience and complete their task while poor UI will end up losing the user due to lack of interaction.
User experience (UX) refers to the all-inclusive interaction of the user with your website or application.
Understanding the user’s journey on your website or application while looking at their experience, needs and behavior to create an interface that is accessible, engaging and appealing. The process involves user interface, user flow, user research and more to successfully create a user-friendly digital platform.
UI/UX Trends to Watch
Personalized User Experiences: While using any app or website, users are looking for personalized experiences. As AI and ML have been introduced, businesses are creating more customized interfaces based on user experience, preference and behavior.
Dark Mode: One of the most popular trends in recent times and is anticipated to be continued in the future. While dark mode on any website or app saves devices battery life, it has also been favorable for the users for easiness on the eyes.
Minimalism: The minimalist trend has gone in demand insanely and is expected to continue in 2023. Unornamented interface with breathing room which is focused on typography and iconography are becoming more popular.
Voice User Interfaces: Since voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant are becoming more omnipresent, the design of websites and apps is adopting voice user interfaces to provide users with an exceptional experience using natural language.
Augmented Reality: Designers have started utilizing Augmented reality (AR) within their designs as it has been advancing and offering an immersive experience to the users bringing virtual elements into real life.
Adobe XD to Figma: While Figma is becoming more popular for website and application development, Adobe XD users are moving towards Figma as it provides a wide range of features and makes the design process easier for the designers.
The Importance of UI/UX Design
In the era of digitalization, users are having a wide range of options for each product and service. Providing quality is the key factor to defeating the competition for businesses. To engage the users and continue them to return to your website or application.
User engagement: Users get engaged with well-designed UI UX thus it is important to create an interactive and approachable design.
Customer satisfaction: If the users are getting what exactly they want, they are more likely to come back and will recommend it as well that is why making them satisfied is the most priority.
Conversion rates: A convenient design that is easy to navigate will increase conversions as the users are having a seamless experience.
Competitive advantage: While there’s tough competition and a wide range of options it is important for businesses to have a well-designed platform to stand out from the crowd and capture user’s attention.
Reduced costs: Offering your users a design that provides them with everything in one place will lessen the cost of support, maintenance and training.
Elements of UI/UX Design
To successfully create a UI/UX design it requires heed to serval elements:
User research: Knowing users requirements, preferences and behavior is key to creating a successful UI UX design that meets users expectations.
Information architecture: For a positive user experience, it is important to assemble and structure information that allows users to navigate easily.
Visual design: Creating an appealing design by using the right colors, fonts, typography and other visual elements is a major factor in an absolute user experience.
Interaction design: Structuring buttons, links, images, videos and other elements in a way that allows users to navigate easily.
Accessibility: Make sure that the design is easy to understand and accessible for users of all abilities.
Performance: Quick loading and smoothly operating website or application keeps user engaged and satisfied.
Testing and iteration: Enhancing the performance of the design by collecting feedback from the users is key to success.
While the first impression is always essential, the same rule applies to Ui. The more your Ui is iconic and user-friendly, the more positive impression will be captured at the initial interaction and the user will be continuing the journey. Pleasant designed Ui/Ux helps hold user’s attention and grabs their engagement. Keeping the user flow simplified helps the user to navigate easily and their entire journey at your platform goes smoothly.
To give your users an advanced experience and boost your business, you will have to offer an unforgettable experience to your users by providing effective UI/UX design. To satisfy your customer and engage them well with your digital platform, it is important to design and develop your website or application accessible and interactive.
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Revolutionary ChatGPT
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An explosion AI Chatbot developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT acquired massive popularity in recent times for its capability to communicate and help users with various tasks. In this blog, we will uncover ChatGPT, including its history, abilities, and usage.
What is ChatGPT?
OpenAI developed ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) which is an AI language model that uses natural language processing (NLP) to create human-like text. ChatGPT is trained on a gigantic amount of data, including books, articles, and all online content, which lets ChatGPT understand and act like human language.
History of ChatGPT
OpenAI started developing ChatGPT back in 2018 based on a successor to their previous language model, GPT-2. ChatGPT was trained by the team on a colossal dataset of over 45 terabytes of text, which makes it the most advanced language model to date. After launching ChatGPT to the public in 2020, this weapon has been widely used in chatbots, translation, and content generation.
Capabilities of ChatGPT
While ChatGPT is one of the most used tools nowadays, it has numerous capabilities to cater to many tasks. Let’s explore the key abilities:
Natural language processing: ChatGPT is built to analyze and understand natural input-output and interpret the same way. This feature allows it to connect and communicate with users effectively.
Contextual understanding: ChatGPT understands the user’s context and communicates with relevancy.
Text generation: For content creators, ChatGPT is a boon as it produces human alike content and also assists while writing.
Multilingual support: ChatGPT can communicate in multiple languages and understands them well, which makes it helpful for language translation.
Uses of ChatGPT
ChatGPT has a huge scope of uses across several industries:
Chatbots: Most popular utilization of ChatGPT is to be used in Chatbots since it interacts with user’s question-answers while providing support.
Content creation: Name of writing and ChatGPT is the answer. It can help in the creation of blogs, articles, social media, and many more.
Language translation: ChatGPT helps translate text from one language to another.
Writing assistance: ChatGPT can be used to provide support in writing suggestions and improve the quality of writing.
ChatGPT in 2023
ChatGPT is a revolution at the current time and in 2023 it has become our new normal. The rise of this AI-powered language model is rising like a bright sun.
One of the most weighty developments of OpenAI has improved the capability to understand and interact with human language. This has happened all because of advances in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML),
ChatGPT can understand sarcasm, irony, and emotions of the input while analyzing the context, it can respond in the best manner which makes ChatGPT stand out in 2023.
This enhanced understanding of human language has led to more precise and personalized reverts from ChatGPT. For example, virtual assistants powered by ChatGPT can now give more helpful and relevant responses to user questions and chatbots can provide more natural and engaging interactions.
Another important development in ChatGPT in 2023 is its growing use in the education sector. ChatGPT-powered educational tools have become progressively popular, providing students with personalized feedback on their studies and allowing for more improved grading. Additionally, language learning platforms powered by ChatGPT are helping people learn new languages more effortlessly and swiftly than ever before.
The customer support sector has been enhanced by ChatGPT as it has become an essential tool wherein it can provide efficient and quick responses to the customer. This helps businesses improve their customer experience and increase their satisfaction level.
Perhaps most importantly, ChatGPT is building a bridge between different language speakers who was trouble with different levels of literacy or have different disabilities. ChatGPT language translation tools help people to communicate across language barriers and make it easier.
Looking at the future, this is clear that ChatGPT is and will continue to play an essential role in humankind. Its capabilities to understand and interact with humans with a natural touch make ChatGPT the new normal.
ChatGPT is a next-gen AI language model developed by OpenAI which has become a revolution in the market with its abilities and capabilities of understanding human context and interacting with natural language processing (NLP) making it the beast of AI development. ChaGPT is being used in numerous tasks while making unchallenging such as question-answers, language translations, content creation, chat support, and many more. This is absolutely clear to see more innovations powered by the AI-Language model. ChatGPT will help an individual to businesses while making their routine job trouble-free.
Do you have a project for AI ML development? Want to build a top-notch product that gives an exceptional experience to your customer? We at 9series offer Machine Learning & AI Development Services with a remarkable team of developers who are adept and provide splendid outcomes on your projects.
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Fascinating Flutter
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Flutter is the most popular open-source mobile application development framework which has achieved colossal popularity since its launch in 2017. Developed by Google, Flutter provides numerous features that make it a perfect choice for mobile application development. Here we will discuss why to choose Flutter.
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Cross-platform Development
Flutter offers cross-platform development, wherein you can develop applications for both Android and iOS platforms using a solitary codebase while helping developers save time and effort. This is the key reason being developers prefer Flutter over any other development framework.
Fast-moving Development
Flutter has a hot reload feature that allows developers to see changes in real time without recompiling the code. The feature helps developers to build and test applications swiftly, which improves the development process and saves time.
Pleasing UI
Flutter has a wide range of customizable widgets that can be used to create interactive and engaging user interfaces. Flutter’s UI toolkit is designed to provide a modern and gleaming look to applications, which is an essential feature in today’s competitive market to stand out.
High Performance
Flutter’s framework is built on the Dart language, which is fast and efficient and accurate. Flutter applications are assembled directly to native code, which helps them run faster than other applications. This feature makes Flutter an ideal choice for high-performance application development.
Huge Community
While more and more mobile application developers are adapting Flutter, its community has been increasing immensely. The community of developers actively contributes to its development. This community provides support, updates, and new features, which makes Flutter an authentic and sturdy framework.
Flutter’s cross-platform development feature and hot reload feature save developers time and effort, which makes the development process more cost-effective. Flutter offers time-saving and efficient features which is the primary reason for developers to switch to Flutter while it is a free open-source platform to build mobile applications and that makes it a good attractive deal for developers and businesses alike.
Flutter allows integrations with many popular backend systems, including Firebase, GraphQL, and more. This integration feature enables developers to build applications that uninterrupted connect with other systems, making it the perfect choice for developing scalable and excellent applications.
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While Flutter is developed and supported by Google it allows developers to build high-quality native apps for both android and iOS. Since Flutter is offering exceptional features and smooth integration along with a seamless experience of mobile app development, it has a bright future and stronghold.
Continued Growth
Flutter is becoming more and more popular in recent years, with a wide range of developers adopting this framework for their app development. Flutter is developed by Google and it is investing huge to keep up the regular updates and enhancements. Since more developers and companies have started using Flutter, the community is becoming larger and is believed to be increasing immensely.
Enlarging Support
While Flutter is providing support for web and app application development, it is certainly anticipated to get additional platform support in the near future. Adding up features like embedded systems and IoT devices will give Flutter more exposure and will attract more developers to jump in.
Enhanced Performance
Flutter is one of the most popular names in the market for its performance and speed however, there will be enhancements for sure. Google is persistently working on optimizing the platform to advance the features like rendering, animations, data management and so on.
Google Services Integration
Since Flutter is developed by Google, the other Google service platform integrations can be launched soon. This will help developers to encompass Google services such as Google Maps, Google Cloud, Firebase and many more within the app they will be developing.
Adoption by More Companies
Flutter is already being used widely by giant companies over the globe like BMW, Google Pay, eBay, Toyota, PUBG Mobile and many more. Smooth functioning and speeding make Flutter an attraction for companies to adapt and build quality mobile applications. Flutter Development Services are insanely increasing as the demand for this framework is at its peak.
Flutter is a dominating mobile application development framework with multifaceted and provides a wide range of features, opening doors for developers to experience the seamless, fast and effective development of applications. Flutter is and will be the best choice in the present and near future.
Do you have a project for mobile application development? Want to build an amazing app that gives a pleasant experience to your customer? We at 9series have a team of experienced, passionate and dedicated Flutter App developers who can bring life to your project.
Let’s connect!
Source: 9series
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A Brief Guide about Docker for Developer in 2023
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What is Docker? Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Docker is based on the idea of containers, which are a way of packaging software in a format that can be easily run on any platform.
Docker provides a way to manage and deploy containerized applications, making it easier for developers to create, deploy, and run applications in a consistent and predictable way. Docker also provides tools for managing and deploying applications in a multi-container environment, allowing developers to easily scale and manage the application as it grows.
What is a container? A container is a lightweight, stand-alone, and executable package that includes everything needed to run the software, including the application code, system tools, libraries, and runtime.
Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package. It allows developers to package an application with all of its dependencies into a single package, making it easier to deploy and run the application on any platform. This is especially useful in cases where an application has specific requirements, such as certain system libraries or certain versions of programming languages, that might not be available on the target platform.
What is Dockerfile, Docker Image, Docker Engine, Docker Desktop, Docker Toolbox? A Dockerfile is a text file that contains instructions for building a Docker image. It specifies the base image to use for the build, the commands to run to set up the application and its dependencies, and any other required configuration.
A Docker image is a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package that includes everything needed to run the software, including the application code, system tools, libraries, and runtime.
The Docker Engine is the runtime environment that runs the containers and provides the necessary tools and libraries for building and running Docker images. It includes the Docker daemon, which is the process that runs in the background to manage the containers, and the Docker CLI (command-line interface), which is used to interact with the Docker daemon and manage the containers.
Docker Desktop is a desktop application that provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for working with Docker. It includes the Docker Engine, the Docker CLI, and other tools and libraries for building and managing Docker containers.
Docker Toolbox is a legacy desktop application that provides an easy way to set up a Docker development environment on older versions of Windows and Mac. It includes the Docker Engine, the Docker CLI, and other tools and libraries for building and managing Docker containers. It is intended for use on older systems that do not meet the requirements for running Docker Desktop. Docker Toolbox is no longer actively maintained and is being replaced by Docker Desktop.
A Fundamental Principle of Docker: In Docker, an image is made up of a series of layers. Each layer represents an instruction in the Dockerfile, which is used to build the image. When an image is built, each instruction in the Dockerfile creates a new layer in the image.
Each layer is a snapshot of the file system at a specific point in time. When a change is made to the file system, a new layer is created that contains the changes. This allows Docker to use the layers efficiently, by only storing the changes made in each layer, rather than storing an entire copy of the file system at each point in time.
Layers are stacked on top of each other to form a complete image. When a container is created from an image, the layers are combined to create a single, unified file system for the container.
The use of layers allows Docker to create images and containers efficiently, by only storing the changes made in each layer, rather than storing an entire copy of the file system at each point in time. It also allows Docker to share common layers between different images, saving space and reducing the size of the overall image.
Some important Docker commands: – Here are some common Docker commands: – docker build: Build an image from a Dockerfile – docker run: Run a container from an image – docker ps: List running containers – docker stop: Stop a running container – docker rm: Remove a stopped container – docker rmi: Remove an image – docker pull: Pull an image from a registry – docker push: Push an image to a registry – docker exec: Run a command in a running container – docker logs: View the logs of a running container – docker system prune: Remove unused containers, images, and networks – docker tag: Tag an image with a repository name and tag There are many other Docker commands available, and you can learn more about them by referring to the Docker documentation.
How to Dockerize a simple application? Now, coming to the root cause of all the explanations stated above, how we can dockerize an application.
First, you need to create a simple Node.js application and then go for Dockerfile, Docker Image and finalize the Docker container for the application.
You need to install Docker on your device and even check and follow the official documentation on your device. To initiate the installation of Docker, you should use an Ubuntu instance. You can use Oracle Virtual Box to set up a virtual Linux instance for that case if you don’t have one already.
Caveat Emptor Docker containers simplify the API system at runtime; this comes along with the caveat of increased complexity in arranging up containers.
One of the most significant caveats here is Docker and understanding the concern of the system. Many developers treat Docker as a platform for development rather than an excellent optimization and streamlining tool.
The developers would be better off adopting Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) systems rather than managing the minutia of self-hosted and managed virtual or logical servers.
Benefits of using Docker for Development and Operations:
Docker is being talked about, and the adoption rate is also quite catchy for some good reason. There are some reasons to get stuck with Docker; we’ll see three: consistency, speed, and isolation.
By consistency here, we mean that Docker provides a consistent environment for your application through production.
If we discuss speed here, you can rapidly run a new process on a server, as the image is preconfigured and is already installed with the process you want it to run.
By default, the Docker container is isolated from the network, the file system, and other running processes.
Docker’s layered file system is one in which Docker tends to add a new layer every time we make a change. As a result, file system layers are cached by reducing repetitive steps during building Docker. Each Docker image is a combination of layers that adds up the layer on every successive change of adding to the picture.
The Final Words Docker is not hard to learn, and it’s easy to play and learn. If you ever face any challenges regarding application development, you should consult 9series for docker professional services.
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MATLAB® is a programming platform designed specifically for engineers and scientists to analyze and design systems and products that transform our world. The heart of MATLAB is the MATLAB language, a matrix-based language allowing the most natural expression of computational mathematics.
MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a fourth-generation high-level programming language and interactive environment for numerical computation, visualization, and programming.
MATLAB is developed by MathWorks
7 Reasons MATLAB Is the Easiest and Most Productive Environment for Engineers and Scientists
Designed for the way you think and the work you do.
MATLAB® combines a desktop environment tuned for iterative analysis and design processes with a programming language that expresses matrix and array mathematics directly. It includes the Live Editor for creating scripts that combine code, output, and formatted text in an executable notebook.
App Development Tips From Our Experienced Developer.
Professionally Built
MATLAB toolboxes are professionally developed, rigorously tested, and fully documented.
With Interactive Apps
MATLAB apps let you see how different algorithms work with your data. Iterate until you’ve got the results you want, then automatically generate a MATLAB program to reproduce or automate your work.
And the Ability to Scale
Scale your analyses to run on clusters, GPUs, and clouds with only minor code changes. There’s no need to rewrite your code or learn big data programming and out-of-memory techniques.
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Data Analysis Explore, model, and analyze data
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Graphics Visualize and explore data
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Programming Create scripts, functions, and classes
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App Building Create desktop and web apps
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External Language Interfaces Use MATLAB with Python (Hire Python Developers), C/C++, Fortran, Java, and other languages
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Hardware Connect MATLAB to hardware
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Parallel Computing Perform large-scale computations and parallelize simulations using multicore desktops, GPUs, clusters, and clouds
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Web and Desktop Deployment Share your MATLAB programs
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MATLAB in the Cloud Run in cloud environments from MathWorks Cloud to public clouds including AWS and Azure
Let’s conclude
Accelerating the pace of engineering and science MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software for engineers and scientists. Discover…
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The Platform To Power up Synchronized Digital Experiences In Real-Time With Socket io
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Our everyday digital experiences are in the midst of a real-time revolution. Whether attending an event in a virtual venue, or receiving real-time financial information, or monitoring live car performance data – consumers simply expect realtime digital experience as standard.
What Socket.IO is Socket.IO is a library that enables low-latency, bi-directional and event-based communication between a client and a server.
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It is built on top of the WebSocket protocol and provides additional guarantees, like fallback to HTTP and HTTPS long-polling or automatic reconnection. WebSocket is a communication protocol which provides a full-duplex and low-latency channel between the server and the browser.
There are several Socket.IO server implementations available:
JavaScript (which can be run either on the browser, in Node.js or in React Native)
Java: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-java
C++: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-cpp
Swift: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-swift
Dart: https://github.com/rikulo/socket.io-client-dart
Python: https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/python-socketio
.Net: https://github.com/doghappy/socket.io-client-csharp
Rust: https://github.com/1c3t3a/rust-socketio
Kotlin: https://github.com/icerockdev/moko-socket-io
Installation steps
Source code
App Development Tips From Our Experienced Developer. Also, check some of the tips shared by our developers who have experience working with top developing tools to create mobile applications with Socket.IO. Being the best mobile app development company.
What Socket.IO is not
Although Socket.IO indeed uses WebSocket for transport when possible, it adds additional metadata to each packet. That is why a WebSocket client will not be able to successfully connect to a Socket.IO server, and a Socket.IO client will not be able to connect to a plain WebSocket server either.
Connections are established even in the presence of:
proxies and load balancers.
personal firewall and antivirus software.
For this purpose, it relies on Engine.IO, which first establishes a long-polling connection, then tries to upgrade to better transports that are “tested” on the side, like WebSocket. Please see the Goals section for more information.
Auto-reconnection support Unless instructed, otherwise a disconnected client will try to reconnect forever, until the server is available again. Please see the available reconnection options here.
Disconnection detection A heartbeat mechanism is implemented at the Engine.IO level, allowing both the server and the client to know when the other one is not responding anymore.
That functionality is achieved with timers set on both the server and the client, with timeout values (the pingInterval and pingTimeout parameters) shared during the connection handshake. Those timers require any subsequent client calls to be directed to the same server, hence the sticky-session requirement when using multiple nodes.
Binary support
Any serializable data structures can be emitted, including:
ArrayBuffer and Blob in the browser
ArrayBuffer and Buffer in Node.js
Let’s conclude This module provides an easy and reliable way to set up a WebRTC connection between peers, and communicates using events (the socket.io-protocol). Socket.IO is used to transport signaling data; and as a fallback for clients where WebRTC PeerConnection is not supported.
Well, that’s how to integrate socket IO on many platforms . The package made it all easy. Thank you for reading, give it a clap or buy me a coffee!
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Why to Choose Kotlin in 2023 to Build Mobile Apps Faster?
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Kotlin is a programming language introduced by JetBrains, the official designer of the most intelligent Java IDE, named Intellij IDEA. This is a strongly statically typed language that runs on JVM. At Google I/O 2019, we announced that Android development will be increasingly Kotlin-first, and we’ve stood by that commitment.
Kotlin is an open source programming language that combines object-oriented programming and functional features into a unique platform.
What’s new in Kotlin 1.8.0
New experimental functions for JVM: recursively copy or delete directory content
Improved kotlin-reflect performance
New -Xdebug compiler option for better debugging experience
kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 and kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 merged into kotlin-stdlib
Improved Objective-C/Swift interoperability
Kotlin Multiplatform
Compatibility withGradle 7.3
Kotlin 1.8.0 includes changes to Objective-C and Swift interoperability, support for Xcode 14.1, and improvements to the CocoaPods Gradle plugin:
Support for Xcode 14.1
Improved Objective-C/Swift interoperability
Dynamic frameworks by default in the CocoaPods Gradle plugin
Kotlin Multiplatform
Kotlin Multiplatform is in Beta. It is almost stable, but migration steps may be required in the future. We’ll do our best to minimize any changes you have to make.
Android and iOS applications
Sharing code between mobile platforms is one of the major Kotlin Multiplatform use cases. With Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, you can build cross-platform mobile applications and share common code between Android and iOS, such as business logic, connectivity, and more.
Check out the Get started with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile and Create a multiplatform app using Ktor and SQLDelight tutorials, where you will create applications for Android and iOS that include a module with shared code for both platforms.
How Kotlin Multiplatform works
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Code sharing between platforms
Share code among all platforms used in your project. Use it for sharing the common business logic that applies to all platforms.
Share code among some platforms included in your project but not all. Do this when you can reuse much of the code in similar platforms:
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Few Things Make Easy to Use Kotlin/Native.
Jetpack Componse
Kotlin Coroutines
Asynchronous Flow
App Architecture
Material Design
Android KTX
Safer code
Support for Xcode 14.1
The Kotlin/Native compiler now supports the latest stable Xcode version, 14.1. The compatibility improvements include the following changes:
There’s a new watchosDeviceArm64 preset for the watchOS target that supports Apple watchOS on ARM64 platforms.
The Kotlin CocoaPods Gradle plugin no longer has bitcode embedding for Apple frameworks by default.
Platform libraries were updated to reflect the changes to Objective-C frameworks for Apple targets.
Kotlin 1.8.0 stabilizes the JS IR compiler backend and brings new features to JavaScript-related Gradle build scripts:
Stable JS IR compiler backend
New settings for reporting that yarn.lock has been updated
Add test targets for browsers via Gradle properties
New approach to adding CSS support to your project
Compatibility guide for Kotlin 1.8.0
Kotlin 1.8.0 is a feature release and can, therefore, bring changes that are incompatible with your code written for earlier versions of the language. Find the detailed list of these changes in the Compatibility guide for Kotlin 1.8.0.
Kotlin for beginners you’ll learn
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The Final Words
As a business owner, you must be knowing that one of the key factors that determine the success of an app is a programming language. As such, we have laid down solid cases for Kotlin to choose the one that best suits your requirements and helps you build powerful Mobile apps faster. You can also hire Mobile app developers from 9series to build future-ready native Mobile applications and accelerate your development journey like never before.
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Handpicked Top Laravel 10 Features
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Laravel is an open-source web application framework which is now one of the most popular frameworks for web applications development. Constructed on Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and provides a strong set of features to help develop powerful and efficient applications.
9series has handpicked some of the top features of Laravel 10 that make it stand out from other frameworks.
Template Engine
The template engine in Laravel 10 allows developers to quickly and easily create dynamic layouts with simple, expressive syntax. The Blade templating language provides a number of convenient shortcuts and directives to help developers write less code while still creating powerful views.
Artisan is the command line interface included with Laravel 10. It provides a number of helpful commands that can be used to speed up development tasks such as database migrations, seeding, and generating boilerplate code for controllers, models, etc. Artisan also makes it easy to perform common maintenance tasks such as clearing caches or running scheduled jobs.
MVC Architecture
Laravel 10 follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern which helps keep code organized and easy to maintain. This structure allows developers to separate business logic from presentation logic which makes it easier to test and debug applications. Additionally, following the MVC pattern helps ensure that applications are built with scalability in mind which can save time in the long run when making changes or adding new features down the road.
Eloquent ORM
Eloquent ORM is an object-relational mapper included with Laravel 10 that makes it easy for developers to interact with databases without having to write complex SQL queries. Eloquent provides an intuitive ActiveRecord implementation that simplifies working with relational data and makes it easier for developers to keep their codebase organized and maintainable over time.
Security Features
Laravel 10 brought a number of security features made to protect applications from malicious attacks such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS).
These features include input sanitization, password hashing, CSRF protection, encryption, authentication services, authorization services, etc., these all ensure that applications are secure and protected against any possible threats.
Unit Testing
Unit testing is a crucial part of any software development process as it ensures code works as it was supposed to be before releasing it into production. Laravel 10 includes a PHPUnit integration that makes it easy for developers to produce unit tests quickly and efficiently without having trouble setting up complex test suites or writing complicated assertions manually.
Packages & Modules
Laravel 10 includes a variety of packages and modules which can be used to extend its core functionality or add additional features such as payment processing or user authentication systems without having to write custom code from scratch each time they need them implemented in their projects. This saves both time and money while still allowing developers full control over how their applications work under the hood.
Localization & Internationalization Support
Laravel 10 supports localization out of the box so developers can easily build multilingual applications without having to manually handle translations themselves each time they need them implemented in their projects. This feature also allows them to easily switch between different languages on demand depending on where their users are located around the world without having to rewrite large chunks of code each time they do so. 9series has handpicked these top features from Laravel 10 so you can build powerful web apps quickly and efficiently! With the help of these tools, you will get rid of any hustle and will get everything done at your fingertips while developing your upcoming projects.
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Increasing Nuanced Traffic in 2020 With Unique SEO Tactics
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Google keeps updating its SEO algorithms quite frequently, with almost 500 changes over a one-year duration. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) means optimizing your content so that it keeps showing up more often in the search results. But SEO is a highly nuanced concept with several changes and needs to be navigated, which makes it pretty easy to miss one or the other thing. Missing something in the SEO can often lead to making your content almost invisible, but getting it right can reap you some significant benefits. These benefits include an increase in the traffic, better conversions, improvement in lead generations, and a boost in overall sales.
Every business wants more traffic, leads, and sales, because of the change in SEO ranking over the years. Hence, the Search engine optimization techniques that worked earlier might not go well in the current era. Hire the best SEO agency like 9series for your business to manage all digital and social media marketing campaign. Creating a better user experience is the single theme that unifies all of them, even if they have unique approaches.
SEO Tricks and Tips to Look for in the Year 2020
It doesn’t matter if you are just starting as a beginner or entering the field for several years. It can feel like you still have a lot to learn, especially when there are almost 200 content ranking factors that Google uses in its algorithms. The only thing that matters the most is to keep focusing on the basics of SEO that can help you build a strong foundation. Here are some of the unique SEO tactics for 2020:
BERT Algorithm
When Google launched its new BERT algorithm in 2019, it gained immense accolades. Instead of focusing on optimizing your content for this algorithm, direct your energies towards optimizing user-focused content and its technical delivery. It merely means to reassess the user access points for searching and aligning your content accordingly. Looking at the mechanics behind crawling, indexing, and serving different search settings can give a more in-depth insight into the fundamentals of clean structure and delivery of content.
Since users now have more options than they used to have for searching things, SEO experts need to keep content delivery in mind. By incorporating BERT into the SEO ranking, Google has taken a huge leap forward. It has gone from pure string matching to make the search really about intent matching. It can also eliminate the use of Keyword research tools, and they might become less relevant. Since the primary dataset for creating content comes from suggested queries, BERT can help SEO experts find out what their audience wants.
Overhauling First Pages
Since keyword research might soon become obsolete, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning (DL) are going to take over SEO. Experts can expect SEOs to shift their focus from keywords to intent-based searching in 2020. So, the tactics from both practitioners and tooling providers will also need shifting of their efforts towards user-intent and satisfying their needs. Google is continuously upgrading their algorithms so that SEOs can understand the nuances of what this means with its content. Businesses now need a better understanding of customers’ journeys from their searches to landing on a specific page. It has now become a crucial component of the landscape, that the survival and growth of several online businesses depend mainly on it.
Hence, they should now start looking for posts that almost rank high and consider to rewrite them. Giving those articles an overhaul by adding examples, statistics, images, and other details can make them better pieces of content. If you believe in quality content, adding length and key phrases should be used naturally in the content. You can check all the rankings of a page, not to affect the relevance for a better phrase, and make it even useful. When you rewrite, you would want to pay more attention to connected subtopics, visible on the search results page.
Ranking Featured Snippets
Featured snippets are the results that generally show up on search engine results pages after the ads but before the ranked results. These snippets can be alongside an image, table, or a video, to help them stand out among others even more. It helps put them in an even better position so that they can steal clicks from people even when there are the highest-ranked results. They work based on a data-driven approach by using a paragraph format. If you’re trying to rank for question keywords and prepositions, you should consider having them in a list format.
Other ways in which you can optimize the feature snippets include having clarity, using headers, ensuring cross-platform accessibility, maintaining social interactions, and using strong external sources. Maximized engagement should always be the primary focus when you update existing content to create new ones. You can do that by efficiently utilizing the white spaces, headings, shorter paragraphs, and images; so that the users can easily absorb the information. You can also include highly relevant internal links that are capable of answering a specific question. All of this can really help in reducing the bounce rates and inviting users further into visiting and remaining on your site for a longer duration.
Link Building and Landing Pages
Using LSI keywords, and answering additional questions for users that they might have after viewing the content can go a long way, instead of merely offering only the content they search. If your page provides additional information that a user seeks, it enables you to retain your users. It also tells the search engines that the page has informative content that doesn’t only answer search queries but also provides new knowledge as compared to other pages. Embedding multiple ways to help users grasp the content allows capturing the attention of readers and enhances engagement.
Often, when you search around your industry pages, your image pops up on another website. Instead of telling them to take it down, use it as an opportunity to build an inbound link to your site. An essential tactic to use in the year 2020 is ensuring that the landing page has high relevance to the intent of your users. It is no use ranking the keywords only for generating high traffic if the landing page isn’t optimized according to the user’s intent. Hence, it’s crucial to work out whether the targeted keyword and the created content matches with the needs of your users.
Closing Thoughts
Today, every business wants to achieve the goals of reaching its target audience and market. It requires gaining enhanced visibility across all the digital and online platforms by developing them according to user requirements and intent. It also needs to adopt different marketing strategies for better ranking across all the major search engines by complete website analysis. 9series is a renowned SEO service provider that consists of profound experience when it comes to optimizing the website for better results. We design all our strategies while keeping in mind the different requirements for search engine optimization and implement suitable SEO tactics that enable your business to reap maximum benefits. Our experts, with their adroit skills, tactical methodology, and vast knowledge, leave no stone unturned to deliver successful projects.
Article Source: https://www.9spl.com/blog/increasing-traffic-in-2020-with-unique-seo-tactics/
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Reasons to Hire Mean Stack Development Services
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With the advancement in technology and every product and services available at our fingertips, today every company is making an effort to create an online presence for themselves. Irrespective of the size of the company, whether it is a big, start-up, well established, or small company, every company has its focus on creating a presence on the digital platform. Out of all the approaches to achieve the goal, Mean Stack is one of the most popular approaches to reach the desired target.
MEAN stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular JS, and NodeJS. These are all individual Java Technologies that are open-source and these are put together in a highly competent JS Workframe so that they can function together.
When does the need for hiring MEAN Stack Development Services to Arise? Hiring the services of a MEAN Stack Developing team will make a difference in the development of the products and the delivery of the same. It is perfectly alright to question your decision, whether you should hire the services of a MEAN Stack Developing team or not. You should hire services of a MEAN Stack Developing team; keep the following scenarios in your mind:
When there is a need for developing an MVP for your projects.
When you hire MEAN Stack Developers, you do not require specialists. Hence, you can comfortably work even in a tight budget.
When you require a project manager, who specifically knows what the clients want and how to handle them.
The Advantages of Web developing with Mean Stack
It is a quick and easy switch between the client and the server: The presence of a common language allows one to effortlessly switch between client-side and server-side. One does not require a third-party server like the Apache any longer. Moreover, the use of NodeJS allows the individual who is developing to open the application on the server itself. It is fast and very uncomplicating, and hence a popular choice.
MEAN is a single programming Language One of the biggest advantages of MEAN is that it comprises of a single programming language. MEAN uses technologies based on JavaScript only. The use of a single programming language allows the programmers to work in an easy environment where everything is happening within the domain of a single programming language. The presence of a fast backend unit response is always beneficial as the user interaction with the application keeps on evolving with time.
An Online Community which is ever Increasing MEAN has a reputation and developers around the world work in this highly reputed framework. Enthusiastic developers working in the framework of MEAN is building and developing strong and helpful communities online. One simply needs to Google a problem, for their solution to understand how thorough the solution is and how intimately connected the harboring system is. From every start-up company to a big well established giant company, everyone is making good use of NodeJS. MEAN Stack is one tool that is proven beneficial for all developers around the world, and one can opt for MEAN Stack Development Services without giving it a second thought.
Offers incredible flexibility Let’s first clarify the meaning of flexibility in this context. Flexibility here means the ability to perform more functions that act as a platform for the development of web applications. For example, MEAN is capable of hosting the application on the cloud, in case, as a developer one wants to test the particular web application after its development. Moreover, the MongoDB is the database system in MEAN, built particularly for cloud systems. And the moment it is on the cloud it can automatically share and cluster support across the servers.
Offers help in quality assurance Any web application that is built with the help of MEAN will automatically support Automated Testing. The developers will at once know if a feature of the program breaks down or shows signs of disintegration. And, this is one of the primary reasons for hiring the services of a MEAN Stack Developing Company, is that keeping a check on the quality is a lot easier.
Isomorphic Coding The functioning of the code does not change. The code functions as it is supposed to, but it allows the developers to change from one framework to another, without changing the code. And, this is the biggest strength of MEAN Stack. It is this isomorphic feature of Mean, that sets is apart from any other web developing platform. Isomorphic coding allows the web development platform to be more reliable and inviting for the uninitiated.
MEAN allows developing a cost-effective web platform that is fast and uses a single programming language. And, these are only a few of the advantages of MEAN Stack, amongst many others, which are equally beneficial for any company. The changes that a developer can put on the table are countless, which will prove to be beneficial for the company.
SB- 9series
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Top Industry Using VR Technology for Customers
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With the advent of the next-gen VR technology, industries across the globe are working on implementing it in their workforce for enhanced productivity. You might think that VR or Virtual Reality is designed specifically for gaming, ads or entertainment, but the potential of this technology is so vast that businesses can’t afford to stay back! It is an all-new way of achieving success and has given a new dimension to industries.
Brands are turning more towards VR app development services to come up with dynamic apps, thus boosting customer engagement. As per the statistics, the worldwide consumer VR market is expected to reach $2.6 billion by December 2020.
With the help of VR, a brand can connect with their customers better in a more engaging manner than ever before. Additionally, this technology can also be extremely beneficial for employee training purposes. The spectrum of Virtual Reality, however, expands beyond to many other applications, such as in industries like healthcare, retail, marketing and advertising, education, and of course, film and entertainment.
Let’s check out the innovative ways these industries have mastered VR in a successful manner.
HealthcareWe all desperately wish to live in a perfectly Utopian world with no diseases, now in this pandemic situation more than ever. To help us stay healthy and fit, the healthcare industry is showing fascinating results in VR applications that would make our world a better place to live in. Some of the popular applications of Virtual Reality in the healthcare industry include VR surgeries, VR anatomy, and emergency training.
RetailYou can use VR in your retails store to attract more customers and improve their overall buying experience. In a research study conducted, about 70% of customers have admitted that they love virtual shopping and prefer that most of the time. Everybody loves to shop in a unique manner and tend to visit a store that offers a visually attractive and more engaging purchasing experience. For example, with VR apps, you can try out a new dress virtually while sitting at home.
Marketing and AdvertisingAdvertisers and online marketers today are continuously searching for better ways to increase their reach and to increase customer satisfaction. Instead of boring one’s customers with the typical advertising techniques, businesses are working on developing VR apps to put forward their products in a more engaging way, often simulating the showroom or retail shop style. It acts as one of the most flexible tools that bring in more traffic and promise a drastic increase in revenue.
Film and EntertainmentIsn’t it fun to watch near-to-life films or play games and have the most immersive experience? We all enjoy watching our favourite movies in 3D. Now, Virtual Reality is gradually taking over the film industry, we are sure to be a part of the fun more in the coming days. Cinematic VR, a new term in the field, used a 360-degree filming technology to enhance storytelling approaches.]
EducationEducation is gradually being made more interesting and fascinating, especially for young learners. Living during the tough times after the COVID-19 outbreak, online learning has become the new normal and it is being developed as a more interesting and efficient field. Both young and adults love to have an immersive learning experience and increase participation through workshops, webinars, and simulators. Starting from the law of physics to mathematical formulae, VR simulators can enable you to upgrade your skills and end up getting better grades. Children would like to be a part of a stimulating environment, such as that of a plant growing, how a machine works, or even how our Solar System looks like!
Construction and Real EstateVR technology is one of the most widely used technologies in the real estate and construction industry that enables visitors and potential consumers to look up a particular site or building. Virtual Reality helps them to have a better visualisation of the interior and exterior design, thus persuading a person to buy a property. According to reports, about 75% of the users implement VR apps and platforms to help the target people have better viewing experience.
SportsNeedless to say, sports attract millions of enthusiasts who can’t wait to watch their favourite matches on TV or live on the field. Simulating a real match with VR technology can let you have a live match-watching experience at the comfort of your home. It uses 360-degree cameras to record a match and broadcasts live events, allowing you to have an on-field environment.
TourismTourism is one of those industries that makes the most use of VR technology. With the help of VR app development services, they can introduce a smart application that guides tourists and visitors to a particular place in real-time. With the new 360-degree videos, one can visualise a location better even from a remote place. This allows the potential visitor to have a virtual tour before visiting a destination so as to make better vacation plans.
The FutureVirtual Reality is definitely going to take over the better portion of all known industries worldwide, thus changing the way businesses work. Moreover, the virtual world has become our sole marketplace in times like these when we are staying back at home. People have started exploring new ways to harness the many applications of VR and make the digital world a better place for the next generation.
SB- 9series
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How Hyperledger Fabric Empowers Flexible Application Development
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Hyperledger Fabric is a platform used to build enterprise blockchains. It intends to advance the development of enterprise blockchains by creating an open-source enterprise-scale blockchain framework with code bases. Hyperledger empowers business applications by fostering an open infrastructure overseen with the technical and business governance models. Building an enterprise blockchain using this technology also helps in organizing professional communities for trial cases.
By promoting an ecosystem with enterprise blockchains, it becomes easier to educate communities about them. Using fabric for building business blockchain applications, you can take advantage of integrating components like consensus algorithms and smart contracts. Businesses can create confidential transactions by using container and channel technology. It also enables businesses in developing services which deliver transactions to the node groups that have the responsibility of recording transactions in the ledger. All of this can facilitate a firm endorsement policy for validating transactions and database services.
Why Businesses Need Hyperledger Fabric for Developing Blockchain Applications? A blockchain is defined as an immutable ledger of all transactions. Distributed networks with node groups are used for hosting these blockchains. The central node groups are essential for maintaining the consensus protocol for validating all the transactions in the ledger. Blockchains comprise of different blocks bound with the hash, under which there lies a group of various transactions. A Hyperledger Fabric uses distributed ledger technology for developing high-end smart contracts for all enterprises. It aims to deliver different capabilities on a distributed ledger and enhances the development process by addressing the following common issues:
Businesses find it challenging to use public blockchains mainly because of the privacy issues, scalability of apps, appropriate execution of smart contracts, storage issues, and lacking adequate governance.
Since public blockchains don’t require permissions, anonymous users can often join it. Many firms have strict privacy requirements, and they can’t allow unknown users to access sensitive information.
Apart from that, public blockchains also have the disadvantage of being not scalable enough as they require all the nodes in the network to process the transactions. Due to this, they can also face low throughput of transactions.
Smart contracts are rigidly structured and can’t be changed once deployed. Since it is not possible to revert the results of their execution, it’s essential to figure out ways for identifying bugs and deploying bug-free structures.
It is also significant for creating adequate storage spaces. But all the data is stored by each node on the public blockchain that highly increases the storage. Excess of a room can prove to be redundant and impractical for businesses in the long run.
The consensus algorithm is also difficult to sustain as they require a lot of computing prowess and requires high intensity too. Over time, this can often increase the necessary processing power and energy, which can be harder to deal with.
Since there is no control over public blockchains, lack of governance makes individual developers more responsible for executing projects.
How Hyperledger Fabric Solves the Specific Requirements for Building Blockchains for Businesses Businesses need a blockchain where they have control over the people or groups who joint the network. Hence, they must have proper authority for validating the identities of new users with their system for managing the organizational identities. Organizations need scalable and fast executable transactions to access control over sensitive information. Hyperledger Fabric has a consensus mechanism where the business workflow is separated according to the authorities of requesters, approvers, and record keepers. It is a platform that businesses can use to address these issues and meet their business requirements of high network resilience, automate troubleshooting, high maintenance, a proactive governing approach for developing right tools, and long-term operational success. It is beneficial for enterprise blockchain applications in the following ways:
Being the basis for decentralized networks, Hyperledger fabric is a system where all participants have identifiers. If a business wants to implement a decentralized network, its essential for them to understand whether they need to develop a chain that complies with data protection rules. Each member of the network requires obtaining a certificate and identifying themselves as each of them having different rights, restrictions and privileges.
Hyperledger Fabric has a modular infrastructure which means that it separates itself into three phases of processing transactions. These stages start from distributed logical processing and agreement, transaction ordering, and transaction verification and validation. The division of transaction processing holds many benefits for businesses. The most significant of them include – reduced levels for authorizing trust and verification for nodes, decentralization of the network, and an optimized level of performance. Hence, Hyperledger Fabric has an entirely different way of processing transactions. It is based on the concept of decreasing the levels of trust and the number of checks while processing them that enables a quicker and efficient transactional operation.
The decentralized environment facilitates an orderly procedure of recording digital information while developing a blockchain. Result of each transaction ends in a key-value that is defined and linked with the register and can be created, updated, or removed. Then, an Immutable trust source is added to the file system of nodes that also consists of a built-in module. These modules can either be primary or complex depending upon your simple or composite key-queries, key-ranges, and data-rich queries.
With additional document database support and fully requested content, the data model can be made compatible with the current programming model for keys. Such a format also helps in minimizing the workload required for creating simple reports and performing audits. In supply chains, such documentation style can help in displaying specific data for various products. Businesses can find it easier to use such documentation as it makes preparing reports easier for the products from different locations and delivering them to their final destinations.
Closing Thoughts The infrastructure of Hyperledger Fabric and the benefits it provides for the businesses to demonstrate that it is a highly viable option for developing enterprise blockchain applications. Since Hyperledger does not need any cryptocurrency built in it, it enables the development of smart contracts that are also known as chain codes. The most significant aspect is that these intelligent contracts help in building complex logic, which forms a crucial component for many sectors.
9series is a leading blockchain development company that provides, implements, speculates, classifies, and then shortlists the best Hyperledger fabric solutions to embellish the significance. Hence an organization preferring to build blockchain applications can powerfully choose Hyperledger framework under the blockchain development services by 9series that has expertise in developing such projects. Our modular technology enhances the execution of smart contracts in a shared ledger with various integrated features to skyrocket the business.
SB- 9series
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A Multi-Device Approach to Enhance Mobile Commerce Conversions
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Whenever a new communication or selling medium comes along, our initial reaction is to apply the old media conventions and see the impact. Online shopping malls dominated our first encounters with ecommerce. While a few are still prominent, they are by no means the model of current ecommerce. Even after almost 20 years of e-commerce digital marketing services, we yet haven’t learned enough about it to get average conversion rates into the high single digits. The reasons are very much likely because of our dependence on applying old strategies and patterns to the new ways of selling.
Earlier, the retail sector was pretty straightforward, starting from opening a store, advertising, shoppers visiting your store, and buying. The concept behind it was creating awareness, instilling interest, desire, and action. Before online browsing and shopping, bricks and mortar retail was a relatively straightforward concept. And that’s the mind-shift that we are only just beginning to grasp.
Changes Brought by Mobile Commerce
The regular retail and current e-commerce have exponentially more tipping points. Some of them can often go on tangents when it comes to comparing online shoppers and their conversion. Each point has its own set of issues that no retailer had to deal with earlier. Until recently, when it has become more about the security of personal data and the ability of shoppers to move from one store to another in mere seconds.
The old retail concept hadn’t been disintegrated and torn up enough by ecommerce when mobile devices came and shifted our thought processes again. Mobile commerce has since then, has almost redefined the playing field, even if the owners haven’t been able to grasp it fully. Hence, the potential to convert more mobile users is quite vast. According to Google reports of the last couple of years, more users and more searches originate from mobile than desktop. Yet, most websites still view more income arising from the desktop.
Undoubtedly, several users window shop on mobile and then select gadgets to purchase on desktop. Most of the smartphone users purchase from a company or brand other than the one they intend to. On the other hand, only a few of them would remain on a site or application that doesn’t meet their requirements.
Most importantly, usually, the users promptly go to a competitor’s site if they don’t find what they are seeking. All of this indicated that businesses have an extraordinary opportunity on mobile to gain a share of the overall industry. It can also result in getting a competitive edge over their rivals by offering a superior user experience.
Ways in Which E-commerce Store Owners Can Gain Better Conversions
It has been more than a decade since smartphones became a necessity for everyone. And every day since that moment, shoppers have become more and more aware, experienced, and adept at using them to find and shop for products and services online. Apps have also raised the bar for customer experience and expectations regarding frictionless transactions, speed, and ease of use. Shoppers expect the same experience from all businesses, irrespective of the services or products that they offer.
Surprisingly, many ecommerce websites are not optimized to deliver a hiccup-less ecommerce experience on phones, and shoppers struggle to interact with these sites. All of the above information raises a question that, if shoppers spend more time on their phones browsing the sites, why do they fail to purchase their phone? Here are some ways and practical techniques that can help in improving the mobile experience of an ecommerce website:
Creating a Mobile-First Experience
This does not mean you need to discard the site and start afresh with a mobile approach to begin again. It merely means prioritizing the experience on mobile, rather than making it a gateway for the desktop site purchases. Mobile-specific sites might have fallen somewhat out of support in recent years because of SEO concerns. And today, responsive websites have taken that place as the new standard. Experts recommend and adaptive mobile website design, which is highly popular as a hybrid approach.
A mobile plan uses a differential part of code and resources from the original site, like a responsive outline. This is due to the changed display, which is independently improved for mobile. You can build a better website by getting an idea about the essential things on mobile because it differs from site to site. You can use survey snap and parchment maps of your present site and see what the engaging components for the users are. Advance things help users make the final decision, and ensure there is a dependable and accessible CTA. If your product display page is long, you can rearrange things wherever conceivable, so users have a clear way ahead whenever ready.
Faster Speed and Navigation
One of the most significant aspects that can help determine if a user buys is how quickly they can find an item they need. Mobile screens can substantially restrict how much a user can see immediately. However, site owners can use heat maps and research analytics to reliably observe the features driving the more significant part of engagement on customers’ destinations. Such an experience can often end up noticeably pivotal for encouraging users to find products and then eventually purchase them. It also helps companies to guide users in a way that they can predict possible sales opportunities.
Users are usually anxious and impatient, and if your site is slow, you might lose users even before they have observed your products. Such things imply that analytics is likely not catching them either. Hence, you can also reference your data from paid and natural organic search to see who is unable to reach your site. If you want to perceive how extensive this opportunity could be, you can also use several tools to keep an eye on site performance. Such tools can help you gain the speed insights about your pages and offer you choices for recording a visual load execution. Additionally, it can also help you in demonstrating how much faster you can make your site load by making suggested enhancements.
Improving User Experience
As store owners and store creators, you can improve user experience, which, in turn, improves mobile conversion rates. It is less about UI hacks and tricks, and more-so about root causes that generate conversions. The biggest hindrance for mobile ecommerce conversions is website performance. It is crucial to ensure the compression of the website assets like CSS/JavaScript/HTML, wherever necessary. You can shrink images down in bulk and immediately create an uptick in mobile conversions. Websites can also take longer to load because of the number of requests a website must make to render the page fully. And it can often go overlooked. Each request requires the session to loop, which draws on the server and the ISP. Hence, this process of the loop takes time, and it can add up quickly.
Such a problem can often get more difficult to fix, as all on-page assets such as images, videos, scripts, and style sheets create these loops. It’s easy for ecommerce websites to get out of control with these types of assets. An average online store typically requires several third-party tools to operate smoothly. Over time this issue can also become exaggerated as things get tacked onto the platform. Focused design and development planning can help in tackling these issues. Regular audits of the website’s performance can help ensure that these things are in line, and the site is as lean as possible.
Closing Thoughts
Mobile e-commerce keeps getting bigger day by day, making it crucial for business owners always to stay ahead of the game. There can never be a right time to claim your mobile revenue. However, by implementing these small adjustments, you can start converting more mobile visitors into customers and increase your sales. You can enhance your mobile commerce sales and rates without the need to drive more traffic. 9series is a leading digital marketing company that can help your business improve conversion rates and expand the aggregate number of sales for the truck. Improving or advancing your e-commerce conversion rate can be a standout amongst the best approaches to enhance your e-commerce sales.
Original article source: https://www.9spl.com/blog/multi-device-approach-enhance-mobile-commerce-conversions/
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Achieving Online Expertise with Lead Generation in 2020
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A lead could be anyone who shows interest in a company’s product or service in some way, shape, or form. After they communicate with a business organization, they usually hear from them when they submit personal information for an offer or subscription. As the world evolves, new business development models come to the fore for generating significant flows of qualified leads for companies and clients. The adoption of the latest online lead generation techniques has been relatively slow in the industry. It is still a misconception that referrals and networking are the only ways to generate traffic and convert them into leads.
When you turn a site visitor into a lead, and it becomes a customer, you’ve done your job. However, you also need to follow up on that accomplishment. An engine that runs on successful lead generation is the primary reason behind keeping the funnel full of sales prospects. A successful lead generation process involves many moving parts, and it can become easy to lose sight of the tactics available for use. Traditional lead generation techniques can get a new makeover with the new model that runs on the concept of demonstrating expertise and building trusting relationships.
Importance of Lead Generation and Marketing it
When a visitor starts a relationship with your business by showing an organic interest, the transition feels quite natural from stranger to customer. The importance of lead generation appears when the second stage of inbound marketing starts. When the audience has already been attracted, and you’re ready to convert those visitors into leads. So, when someone visits your site and clicks on a Call-to-Action (CTA) button, it takes them to a landing page. That page pushes out a fill-in form for the offer, which they can submit, making them a lead.
Once all of these components are put together, a business can apply different marketing techniques and channels. These channels can enable your business to drive traffic to your landing page and start generating leads.
Types of Leads
Marketing Qualified Lead is a type of leads are the contacts who decided to engage with your business initially but aren’t ready to receive a call. Sales qualified points are contacts who’ve taken actions that expressly indicate their interest in becoming a paying customer. Product qualified leads are contacts who’ve used your product and taken actions that interest them in becoming a paying customer. Service qualified leads are contacts or customers who’ve indicated to your service team that they’re interested in becoming a paying customer.
Lead Generation Techniques and Channels that can Bring Transformation
This is where you spend your more focused time and effort. If you’re bringing the right people into the funnel, costs will be lower at this stage. You have fewer leads you’re nurturing than you did at the top. People who get to this part of the funnel are very likely to convert. It’s worth your time to personalize and nurture them into not only new customers but repeat customers and advocates for your brand. Here are some of these techniques to transform lead generation:
Offers for Different Stages
Most websites have a section on their page where visitors can contact them. Though it is understandable that businesses ultimately want visitors to talk to sales representatives, everyone who visits the site isn’t ready to talk yet. Buyers usually do their research before even engaging with anyone, and each prospect is at a different stage of exploration. Some may need more education than others. That’s why it’s essential to develop various offers at different buying cycles. You don’t need to pick and choose them, depending on the products or services they seek. Instead, you can create offers for each phase, and include a primary and secondary CTA to these offers on various pages throughout your site.
Keywords and Optimization
Many prospects also visit the site to learn and know how to solve the challenges they face. If a candidate even remotely knows how to search, the first thing they do is Google their question, problem, or issue. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) gives you the tools to match qualified clients with your online content. And if everything goes well, you end up on their shortlist when they are looking to purchase services.
Another surefire way to be visible for your potential clients is to buy and use advertising onto search engine results pages for relevant keywords. It can give you greater control over the keywords with which you want to associate your brand. It is called Pay Per Click, which enables you only to pay when someone clicks on your link. Often, such leads are of higher quality because the potential client is often searching for a specific solution. Additionally, it is entirely trackable and typically less expensive than traditional print advertising. That’s an attractive combination.
Networking and Events
Today many websites are mostly concerned about providing jargon-filled, firm-centric professional services, which makes them wholly passive and unhelpful. If visitors do not understand what you do or what problems you can solve for them, they will go elsewhere. A lead generating website is designed to make it easy for clients to understand your value proposition. It eventually helps them download valuable information and request a proposal, which can have a dramatic impact on online lead generation.
You can also use social media channels for generating leads regardless of the platform you choose. While the style of interaction may vary significantly from Twitter to LinkedIn to Facebook, it is still about making the right connections with the right people. Online networking can produce the reputation and referrals associated with traditional business networking. The results you will get would be in proportion to the level of your investment of time and attention. Similarly, organizing online events can be a great source of lead generation as these can be offered free of charge. These need educational content instead of just a sales pitch. The key is to select topics that are of great interest and value to your target audience. Over time, attendees can build trust in your firm and be likely to consider you when they have a relevant need.
Concluding Lines
As a marketer, your time and resources are valuable as your most efforts go into achieving your aim of generating the most qualified leads for your client in a cost- and time-effective way. Utilizing offers, calls-to-action, landing pages, and forms across several channels allow targeting audiences and drive better leads to your site. Continual improvements and adjustments to your marketing strategy can benefit you in the long term. 9series is a leading SEO service providing company that has a team of experts which continuously works towards delivering results regarding the targeted traffic and channeling qualified visitors immediately towards your marketing funnel. Using various ad platforms, you can zero in your targeted customers through the specific criteria and develop better leads over time.
Article source: https://www.9spl.com/blog/achieving-online-expertise-lead-generation-2020/
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Creating a Revolutionary Education System Through Next-Gen Technology
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Education has always been a crucial part of transforming an entire generation of society. Since it is such an essential part of our daily lives, there is a considerable need to improve the way it is imparted to the masses. Educational mobile app development has the potential to enhance student engagement and make learning even more productive. Learning management systems not only help in student growth but also inspire them to ideate and succeed in modern jobs.
The Impact of Education Software and Apps
Modern educational technology can set new teaching benchmarks by making classroom learning beyond the school’s boundaries. The most prominent way technology has changed education is in the form of easy access to information. Easily accessible information also simplifies the information exchange between teachers, students and parents. Compilation of programs and syllabus is now accessible through education software and apps.
Diverse Curriculum for Building Learning Culture
Text documents are now available as online material that can be peer-reviewed online. The most significant benefit of online peer reviews is that these texts are only available on virtual platforms – and hence, can be updated and on a real-time basis. The apps now have integrated educational audio stories to help children overcome language challenges. Apart from this, such software systems also enhance creating a culture of collaborative learning. The Economist Intelligence Unit report says that more than 2/3rds of academic institutions have online courses in the offering for their students.
Some of the most revolutionary benefits are multimodal teaching methods that are capable of creating a rich and diverse form of curriculum. The diverse curriculum encourages professors to teach the courses in more than one language, shaping up the students’ cognitive power to understand many languages at once. And students, on the other hand, can either review the entire class lecture or concentrate on the areas that interest them. Hence, it has a long-term two-way effect on the future – improving the quality of education, and supporting the individually-paced learning of students.
Better Communication Between Schools and Universities
Apart from keeping parents updated with the students’ performance, training, and management processes between the staff of two schools also simplifies. Video conferencing replaced the methods used by schools to collaborate that were time-consuming and costly. It solves challenges related to scheduling meetings and travel expenses. The learning management system is a major driving force behind a robust communication workflow channel. Such systems help in keeping everyone in the loop right from teachers, students, and parents. It not only encourages smoother operations but also boosts learning outcomes while introducing new ways.
Now, staff can hone their skills of imparting quality education with real-time interaction, sharing screens, and instant chatting. Video conferencing forms a significant part of the 4th industrial revolution that doesn’t limit itself to classroom teaching only. It can connect most of the remotest and rural areas where proper infrastructure for quality education isn’t readily available. It makes the learning experience more exciting and understandable, increasing the grasping power of students. Moreover, these lecture sessions are saved in the archives for students if they miss some of them.
Artificial Intelligence and Personalized Learning
The most significant advantage of using AI in education institutes is the automation of every administrative task. Assigning grades to exam sheets, home and class assignments, and even providing feedback to students has been automated by AI. Also, e-learning web and mobile apps are implementing even better ways to assess and grade answers and essays. All of this minimizes the hassles related to paperwork and processing.
Robots are now capable of producing better quality content to help write better essays. AI replaces the traditional textbook syllabus by creating customized subject matter to build better learning interfaces. Digital textbooks now have easy navigation through chapter summaries with illustrative videos, audios, and tests. Personalized learning is another hugely transformative teaching method that AI has brought into the education system.
The traditional teaching system cannot provide equal attention to each studentAI solves this problem by implementing personalized recommendations for class assignments and final exams. It doesn’t replace teachers; Instead, it enables them to perform better and help the struggling students reach their maximum potential. Plus, students also receive targeted responses as teachers can turn lessons into smart guides. It allows teachers to solve the challenges of students in a much better way, providing a more significant opportunity for two-way interaction.
How 9series is Reshaping the Education System
9series is increasingly becoming an excellent e-learning solutions provider company in USA. Industrial revolution 4.0 has given an immense opportunity for such companies to influence the demands and expectations. The education sector isn’t left behind when it comes to deploying digital and cloud-based solutions. 9series has expertise in working with Moodle, considered to be one of the best solutions for e-learning application development. Its a great platform to lay the foundation for building a better future job market that is highly influenced by today’s education system. Hence, the company drives such aspirations by developing education software solutions that facilitate learning through any location.
The biggest concern for education institutes is streamlining administration and management. 9series develops solutions that make it easier to keep each student’s record from admission to their performance on a digital platform. These can be accessed by parents and teachers anywhere and anytime, helping to bridge the communication gaps. Plus, all these can be monitored by an admin web portal that manages various roles, syllabus, events, and inquiries. Teachers are easily able to track attendance, exam, and lecture schedules – enabling a discipline in the classroom. Most importantly, it fosters a sense of responsibility among students, along with making learning an exciting process.
Though we are known as a top e-learning application development company, we also offer web-based training solutions that minimize the consumption of time and resources for schools, colleges, and academies. As technology is evolving, the education sector is in for a significant transformation in terms of security, collaboration, and even newer challenges. 9series educational solutions aim to achieve a world where everyone has a right to get an education irrespective of where they reside.
Article source: https://www.9spl.com/blog/creating-revolutionary-education-system-next-gen-technology/
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