abrightcontainer 3 days
Jennifer born 1973, one of 5 Jennifers in my 3rd grade class of 25.
because I was genuinely curious, I looked up how many babies were born in 1972 in the US. About 3.2 million. Assume about half were AFAB, so 1.6 million. Of those, 63,602 were named Jennifer.
Almost 4% of afab babies were named Jennifer that year, three times as many as the next most common name.
but 71,000 of the amab babies were named Michael.
in the 70s there were:
1 Michael 707,458 Jennifer 581,753 2 Christopher 475,526 Amy 268,996 3 Jason 462,821 Melissa 253,274 4 David 445,842 Michelle 249,138 5 James 444,823 Kimberly 229,106
out of 17,107,561 male births and 16,462,535 female births according to the social security administration. If you wonder why names got weird for a while? THIS is why. GenX had like 20 names, total, for everyone.
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abrightcontainer 11 days
I read so much shit above my reading level it wasn't even funny. The first time I got through Lord of the Rings I was 8. I mostly skipped the bits that didn't involve Hobbits, Shadowfax, or Gandalf.
When I was 9 I read Dune but for about 3 months I got stuck on the Gom Jabbar scene because it was so terrifying I had to read it about 60 times.
About that time I also tried to read G枚del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, which I only picked up because I loved Escher's art and thought there might be some in there. The only part I understood was about Zeno's Paradox.
My first experience of Alice in Wonderland was Gardner's The Annotated Alice so I had a ... very different experience with that book than most kids got.
Anyway, I have a little knowledge about a lot of weird and assorted things that stuck with me from all the strange stuff I read as a kid.
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abrightcontainer 12 days
"Caliban" by Robert Silverberg.
something about the wave of Alfred Molina thirst makes me think of that "Everyone is Beautiful and No One is Horny" essay. shan't elaborate right now but give me a moment.
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abrightcontainer 21 days
Sometimes I think my gaming group should stream our play sessions, because we're fucking hilarious and make great characters. Then I remember that we're fucking around between 50-75% of the time and we WILL bring both the Jurassic Park Theme and cloaca jokes into absolutely any campaign.
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abrightcontainer 23 days
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I mean, not bad, but I can't be a "back seat driver" if I already do all the driving.
guys hot uquiz was just discovered but I'm taking it about 100 yrs too late. anyways everyone share how wifeable you are.
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abrightcontainer 27 days
My husband: WHAT do you keep giggling at over there??
Me: hehehe I just booped Wonder Woman
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abrightcontainer 2 months
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there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop by vinay krishnan
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abrightcontainer 2 months
Friday Afternoon Tea is a queer-owned, mask-friendly local shop that does amazing blends. They've done all loose-leaf tea and are currently trying to fund a bagging machine so they can sell bagged (biodegradable) tea as well.
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abrightcontainer 2 months
Several years ago, after a lot of family jokes about bad wedding photoshops, my sister-in-law sent us this:
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We're still trying to figure out where to hang it.
I feel like there is this trope in fiction where an artist makes a painting of their love interest then gifts it to them in this big emotional moment and I am always touched but then I think, "Dear God, I hope no one ever gives me a painting of myself? What am I supposed to do with a painting of myself?"
Is this a me thing?
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abrightcontainer 3 months
Just got my first hospital bill for my valve replacement surgery. The previous one was 100% covered by insurance and I never saw a bill because we'd already met our out of pocket for that year, so I had no idea how much this was going to cost.
Most of it is still "pending insurance" but guess what folks, a bovine tissue pulmonary valve costs about $170,000 in the US. That's more than the down payment on the condo we bought last year. And it's in my chest.
Also they charged me $500 for Tylenol which is so ridiculous I can't even. Why the fuck do we think this is a better system than universal healthcare..
Anyway the primary cause of early valve failure is an infection like endocarditis. Covid causes endocarditis. So this mask is just me protecting my investment. If you had a $170,000 item, you'd insure it or something right?
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abrightcontainer 3 months
I love summer days when I'm driving south from Bothell and suddenly Rainier is THERE right in front of you smack in the middle of the horizon. Bothell is about 100 miles north of the mountain. But it's still right there.
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The Shadow Of Mount Rainier Causing A Gap In The Sunset.
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abrightcontainer 3 months
So tired of trying to figure out which layer of unintuitively named permissions the Sharepoint setting I need is hidden in.
every day i wake up and am mad at microsoft teams
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abrightcontainer 3 months
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abrightcontainer 3 months
I am not the divine masculine or the divine feminine I am the divine comedy and you will address me as such
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abrightcontainer 3 months
A block from a hospital... in Mongolia.
go to this random coordinates generator and say in the tags how you would fare if you were dropped where it generates without warning. i鈥檒l go first i鈥檇 be dropped in the middle of the fucking south atlantic ocean and perish
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abrightcontainer 4 months
I would like to wish everyone an uneventful new year
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abrightcontainer 4 months
Twice this week I've had unmasked people tell me "You're so smart to still be masking" and like... that is a thing you can also be doing? You can just do that?
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