altaurium-shift · 1 year
What do you get when you put one of the spindliest, slender species in the Twelve Galaxies on a planet with gravity four times what they've evolved for? Broken bones, organ failures, and a change in strategy. Given the limited genecrafting on hand, the amalgams that stumbled onto that lifeless rock had a few less-than-intended traits, most of which persist to this day. They reduced the height with inserts from a few close relatives of the modern Altaurish; but for whatever reason, they decided that adding deyrkhreynd genes into the mix was the best way to get the requisite strength. The result? A skull thicker than a brick wall, toes practically fused into hooves, and a sharp decline in intelligence to boot. The upper crust prefer to strut around in their mechshells than undergo that treatment, but the army just can't get enough of their shock troops. Soldiers that can sweep Seylisian bunkers without bending over to fit through doorways would be too sweet to pass up, even if they couldn't take a round to the face and keep running.
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Lowland Belkheyrant
Left behind by the calamity that split their kind in two, the Lowland Belkheyrant are those who by choice or necessity adapted to the new state of their home. As global temperatures plummeted and the wealthy elite of Beylkheron fled to the stars, radical measures became necessary to survive.
Extreme and untested genetic changes were induced species-wide, resulting in the new Belkheyrant form; squat, dense, and buried in thick fur and hide, their secondary arms reduced to little more than vestigial stumps. Their slowed metabolism and fat exteriors allowed them to survive the harsh climate, but their population took centuries to recover. Despite this, the greatest changes were yet to come, as it was not long before their world was discovered by Seylis and conquered like so many others.
A slower and more careful process of changes much like those forced on the Aeyshen turned the Lowland Belkheyrant more docile, productive, and supportive of the new regime; the traits that made them such perfect subjects leading inevitably to the fate of their own future nation.
-Archivist Haltorvakht
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
The Vaikh
Despite the immense energy usage, entering and travelling through the Vaikh remains the only practical means of faster than light travel. The Vaikh is a dimension parallel to normal reality and completely devoid of matter; its only interactions with real space are through the latter's gravity. In its natural state, the locations in the Vaikh correlate to those in real space, with distances being compressed up to 500 billion times. These distances however are increased by gravity, as its presence stretches the Vaikh, the interstellar space within galaxies only being compressed around 50 million times, and dropping off exponentially with proximity to sufficiently dense objects such as planets or stars. This stretching, while detrimental to travel, is the only method of entering or exiting the Vaikh, as when sufficiently stretched (a phenomenon only found naturally within black holes) the Vaikh will tear, creating a so-called eye into the Vaikh. The requisite stretching causes the entering and exiting of the Vaikh to be both the most time and power consuming part of travel, the majority of Vaikh accidents occurring during this time frame. Even within the Vaikh, any gravity exerted or created via altaurium shift will cause stretching, with usage of the latter kept to a minimum during Vaikh travel and designs made as lightweight as possible to reduce the former. Despite these efforts, many technologies core to modern space travel are shackled to altaurium shift to function, efficient fusion power being impossible without it, and vessels crumpling under the acceleration of torch drives without the countering forces it provides. The end result being that smaller craft can attain higher speeds than larger starships or fleets of smaller vessels, turning a journey that could take many hours into one of only a few minutes; even if acceleration is identical outside of the Vaikh.
-Archivist Halvortakh
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Keyrpeyrnikht Biofactories
Only once in my time have I had the opportunity to personally visit one of our great Keyrpeyrnikht's many biological factories, but it has remained as vivid in my mind as the day I saw it. A marvel of engineering - mechanical and biological - and utterly indispensable to Altaurya's economy. Animal agriculture has been long since abandoned, largely due to concerns of efficiency, but the demand its products has not receded even with the introduction of various substitutes. And so as we have engineered ourselves and our climates towards perfection, now came the turn of livestock.
Rather than assembly lines or any usual factory floor, they resemble some blend of farm and laboratory, with all the complexity that entails. Individual masses of organs and musculature supported and stimulated by a vast mechanical apparatus, either working to make further produce or cultivated for consumption themselves. Their output is not limited to purely biological products either, as similar systems are used to vastly accelerate the production of various drugs and medical compounds, although other consumer goods remain firmly in the hands of traditional manufacturing; more from an unwillingness to accept these organic alternatives than an ability to make them.
These factories clearly hold no intelligence or sentience, running on nothing more than a simple set of commands, yet it is hard to deny that they are, in some way, alive. A system of living tissue and surrogate life support, all operating on programmed instinct; an alien existence to our own if there ever was one.
y. y. R. Sikhanvanleon III
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Highland Beylkheyrant
Faced with the sudden cooling of their world, those that could afford it chose to abandon it in search of a new home in the stars. Without any capability for faster than light travel or means of locating a world matching the original conditions of Belkheyron, they instead pooled their resources into one great generation ship.
Abandoning terrestrial existence entirely, they became arguably the earliest Vaikhers, although such a name is at odds with their lack of Vaikh travel. It was through this new existence that the "pure" Belkheyrant was preserved, growing tall and slender under centuries of spin-gravity before ever meeting another sapient creature. The Highland Belkheyrant notably lack a traditional head, their sensory organs instead distributed through a set of three prehensile limbs, with a large mouth placed between them all. Their cognitive abilities also lack any central location, with the organ distributed through most of their body, including a pair of smaller secondary arms that originally evolved as part of a complex series of mating rituals.
Millennia later, when Highland and Lowland Belkheyrant inevitably discovered the fate of the other, it was not long before hostility grew. The Highland Belkheyrant disdainful of the warped survivors, and the Lowland stoking a long-simmering fury at being left behind. With a true Belkheyrant state emerging, I doubt there is any safe place left in the Twelve Galaxies for the nomadic Highlanders.
-Archivist Haltorvakht
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Freehold Vaikh Marines
Laughably underfunded, even by the usual standards of the Oystrakhtii excuse for a government. They're a token force that just barely slipped through all the typical corporate lobbying, and their performance reflects that. Mired in in enough red tape to make a Seylisian blush and barred from performing all but the most basic function, the day-to-day frustration of trying to get anything done means only a special breed of hardass stays on the force for long. It's that dedication you've gotta watch out for, bribes aren't going to get you nearly as far as with the typical money-grubbing corporate enforcers; if you plan on smuggling anything through Oystrakht, these are ones to avoid. Besides the standard border patrol affairs, every so often they'll get their shit together enough for a real raid and crack down on the lowlifes, corporate protection fees be damned. All in all, keep your head down and you won't attract enough attention for them to drag the consequences through all that paperwork, but if you let that fame and fortune get to your head, someone'll come knocking real soon
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Altaurish Khaughas
A traditional garb of servants and the various attendant staff of my own noble class, the Khaughas is a fittingly plain design. It consists of an ankle-length dress, typically black, with full length flared sleeves. Over this is worn a square white shawl, covering the upper chest, while a length of silver or golden cord is tied around the waist. It is intended to obscure and conceal the identity of its wearer, in order to emphasise the collective nature of the servants' work, and so a black veil across the face and a pair of elbow-length gloves frequently accompany it. Whilst many now consider it to be a regressive custom, there are those outside the nobility who mandate it wearing amongst their staff; one of their misguided attempts to cling to some equally misplaced sense of legitimacy.
-y.y. R. Sikhanvanleon III
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Gheylfan B
Back before the Strife this was one of the Keyrpeyrnikht's major assembly worlds, specialised in level III and below domestic service bots. Of course there's not much of a market for cleaners when half the Twelve Galaxies plummet into civil war, but it turns out those humanoid models are good at holding more than just brushes and buckets. The templates are too well protected to change pre-production, so you have to jury-rig them once they're off the factory floor. Bolt on as much scrap and salvaged armour as the frame can hold, then shove anything you've hacked the local forge to spit out into their hands. Most of the time they don't even get a proper AI overhaul, just drop 'em in front of whatever you want gone and tell them to shoot. So long as you don't mind them trying to mop up the guts and bolts, you don't need much more. A few other places followed in Gheylfan B's footsteps and actually ended up staking their claims for a while, before Altaurus IV finally swept up the last of the warlords; those forges might be back to work for the Keyrpeyrnikht, but the bots never changed.
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Post-Scarcity in the Twelve Galaxies
"Post-Scarcity", that wonderful term everyone loves to throw about as being just around the corner. Truth is, we've been "Just a decade away!" from anything close to a post-scarcity society for the last twenty thousand years - at minimum. Once we figured out asteroid mining, we thought we'd never need more minerals. Once we turned made the dyson swarm, we thought we'd never need more power. Once we built the Vaikh gates and went FTL, we thought we'd never need more space. And once we realised just how much altaurium was really out there, it didn't matter if we could turn dead rocks into flourishing jungles or cross the galaxy in less time than takes light to reach us from the next star over; There would never be enough. With every hurdle crossed and every need we account for, we'll always find another to take its place. Can't run from nature forever.
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
"Veyhn" is a word frequently translated simply as "diminutive" or "small", but to do so is to divorce it from much other meaning. Rather than merely being indicative of size, to be suffixed with -veyhn can suggest that the object is non-threatening, friendly, or even cute. While fairly rare as a name applied to sapient beings, it is however common in the realm of AI and robotics.
In the case of my nation's beloved K-Veyhn, they are not simply "Little Keyrpeyrnikht", but an approachable personification of the Altareynsikht Keyrpeyrnikht. Many shipboard AIs are also referred to with similarly, most famously the AI of the now museum ship SV-511. "Esvee-Veyhn" as it became known supposedly developed a distinct "personality" from factory models, after decades of service and numerous field repairs to its computing facilities. Although the original AI's location is unknown, a simple replica remains onboard for visitors to interact with.
To be called "Veyhn'veyhn" on the other hand, is a grave insult. Rather than kindness, this word implies cowardice, supplication and spinelessness. It sees use most commonly alone as an insult but is frequently applied as a suffix to the names of unpopular politicians and public figures, or most damningly those seen as sycophants, spies and traitors.
-y.y. R. Sikhanvanleon III
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
The Kosmarlkhtian Six
The number six is of great importance to the Kosmarlkhtian faith, and by extension Altaurya as a whole. Most prominent within the Six States of Kosmarlkht, the number appears in many other places throughout our history. The six Ascendant Chosen, the six surviving colonies, even the prophesized Sixth Incarnation of Altaurus is fated to be greater even than the First. Beyond events of such mythologised status it persists; the shape of our cities and starships, my own six Deuy'Eyvglavt, such simple things as timekeeping and pricing remain built around six and its multiples. Let us not forget that it was Deykhart that blessed us with six digits to our limbs, and from that first day we have been Chosen one and all.
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
A material utterly core to our current existence, it is hard to imagine what a world without it may have looked like. While there are several varieties of altaurium, this documentation intends to cover the most common types, as well as similarities than exist between all variations. If you wish to know more about altaurium was initially created, you may wish to refer to literature on the Del'kheynfar. For security reasons, the mining and refinement of all types will only be covered in minimal detail. For more information on these, refer to [REDACTED], or inquire at your nearest IDNI office.
All altaurium shares its most notable trait: the ability to impart force on its surroundings, although it is manifested to varying degrees. This force, known as altaurium shift, also necessarily applies a counterforce in the opposite direction, although with careful shaping and manipulation of the material these can both be directed to some extent. Shift is constantly exerted at a low level, with the energy spent resulting in gradual breakdown of the material, and varying degrees of radioactivity between all types. This natural "eating" can be slowed by placing the altaurium adjacent to other dense materials, but all altaurium will eventually be spent.
An alternative source of energy (and the one most commonly used) is electricity, owing to the much finer control it allows over shift. By varying the frequency and strength of electrical impulses as well as their direction, far greater shift can be exerted than natural levels, and directed more precisely. While natural shift has historically seen much use, this was reduced sharply by the newer method, with non-electrical shift being retained in certain niche applications.
By far the most common variety, Type-1 or stable altaurium has a dull metallic sheen and a slight gold colouration, and exhibits only weak, but consistent shift. Not broadly useful on its own, this type is nonetheless valued for its role as a precursor to other, more potent derivatives.
Type-2, or unstable altaurium is not found naturally in large amounts owing to its high rate of decay. It has a greater sheen and far richer colouration than Type-1, emitting a small amount of light on its own. Large amounts of Type-1 altaurium must be refined to produce it, making it highly prized and often jealously guarded. Its shift is considerably more potent than natural, and so it sees use in almost all applications - from home appliances to Vaikh-traveling warships. Radioactivity is sufficient to be harmful with prolonged exposure, so proper shielding and care must be given when working with it. This category also includes "double-enriched" unstable altaurium, although this variety is too inconsistent in its shift and has too short a half life to be required outside of very particular circumstances.
Although small amounts occur naturally, Type-3 largely exists as a by-product of Type-2 refinement. With a dark grey, almost black colouration, Type-3 altaurium is entirely lacking in shift and far denser than previous types. It sees broad industrial usage due to its equally high tensile strength and low cost, along with frequent employment as a component of various composites. As the majority output of any Type-2 refining will be Type-3 Altaurium, it is far less frequently a component of international trade; any group that could afford the transportation fees can likely afford their own basic refining infrastructure.
The properties of this material are not well understood, let alone its production, and I myself would not believe its existence were it not for a series of unfortunately classified recordings. Type-4 or exotic altaurium seemingly posses a negative mass, with the effects of its shift similarly inverted. I believe it is the secret to accessing the Seydanvaikh, and
-Archivist Haltorvakht
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Nothing rots on Reykhtan.
A Gul'Rokh Hubnode went off the plan, like they always do away from their big "Seyprikht", and turned a lifeless rock into its own twisted ideal of nature. Can't say I've been, but the reports are grim and the pictures are enough to put me off it for life.
The Hubnode that shaped Reykhtan's ecosystem seems to have created no forms of parasitic or harmful microbes, nor even ones designed to feed on dead or dying tissue. Skin is an evolutionary abnormality, and immune systems are non-existent; continued absence of disease suggests established network of protection, possibly engineered microbes. "Reykht-Altaurish" hardly resemble the rest of their kind, likely acquired and modified by the Hubnode during the Strife, ecological purpose unknown.
Further research suggests this Hubnode lacks access to most common technology, with organic surrogates being grown for the populace of Reykhtan. Population remains free of Hubnode subjugation, ecological dependence, or pheromonal control (possibly being used as experiment?) yet do not express any desire to emigrate or "escape".
Note: Contact Duchess, request additional intel/resource allocation. Further services provided likely payment.
-T. Khauly
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Meyrdankhays, Vaikhreaver
This one has been a persistent thorn in my side for some time now. Unlike other Vaikhers, we are at least aware of some persistent "homeworlds", although of their location we are no more certain. The usual tactics of lightning raids and convoy attacks remain, however they seem intent on something beyond sustenance; intercepted transmissions and captured prisoners point to the existence of a great empire between the stars, hidden from all prying eyes. A lack of connection to existing Vaikh Gates along with potentially limitless may be a challenge too great even for my sources to surpass.
Should this Vaikhreaver not escape our snares, I wish to extract all he knows. Our own exostellar ambitions will surely benefits greatly.
-y.y. R. Sikhanvanleon III
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
K-VEYHN ASSISTED MULTITRANSLATOR TYPE 3 Greetings! Please provide translation subject. INPUT RECIEVED LOADING…
Subject status: D/A = (?) G = F/M/O/? A = 104(0(0?(0(0(5))))) L = DE…
Would you like to retry? RETRY DENIED Would you like to provide new input? INPUT DENIED SHUTTING DOWN…
Thank you for using K-VAM, an Altareynsikht Keyrpeyrnikht product. Choose the best, choose Altaurish.
File translation attempt, "Unsolved Mysteries of the Vaikh, Vol. III OMNISENSORY EXPERIENCE", 282030 SAY
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Short for COllective Defence Organisation for Aligned Democracies, (I know, they wanted something easy to pronounce) CODAD are a coalition of most of the nations that haven't been swallowed by Altaurya or Seylis yet. Despite the name, there's a few oligarchies and arguable-dictatorships in there, but they've accepted overlooking a few sapient rights violations if that means their own continued existence. While the coalition is big enough to take on either of the other superpowers individually, collective hostility means that Seylis and Altaurya might stop squabbling and put down the upstarts together. Notably, they haven't managed to sweep up Oystrakht, something which would put them at a decided advantage both militarily and economically. Something about corporate ownership disputes and "active neutrality", whatever that's supposed to mean.
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altaurium-shift · 1 year
Not everyone had the luxury of becoming the local warlord back when the Strife came, not out on the borderlands anyway. Desperation, idealism, or simple exile drove people out there when central authority collapsed, and they realised pretty fast they'd all be on some Vaikhnet list of failed states if they didn't pull something together from the ashes. A mixture of derelict salvage, outdated exports, and whatever modern equipment had the misfortune of being stationed there at the time - all held together with not much more than rust and rivets. Junker materiel doesn't stand a chance in a real war, but they stuck them together in enough volume that pirates and slavers think twice before risking a raid, and they aren't a bad choice if you need dirty work done cheap; so long as you aren't picky with salvage rights of course. Even if Junker territory isn't much more than the domain of warlords and would-be dictators, there's an odd kind of optimism in the ones that made it through the Strife. Sure, they're living on the embers of a long dead fire, and maybe they're a few centuries behind on tech, but they're free, for now. Maybe someday they'll stop squabbling long enough for a real leader to shine, pull all that salvage together and remind the powers that be who really runs the show East of Falkar.
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