amygdalalangblr · 4 years
Language learning resources
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Easy Languages
Ba Ba Dum
Word Reference
The Great Language Game
The Language Community
Language Partners
Language Directory
Endangered Languages Project
Innovative Language
Languages Online
Digital Dialects
Oneness City
BBC Languages
Live Lingua
FSI Language Courses
Learn A Language
Language Transfer
Surface Languages
Goethe Verlag
Internet Polyglot
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amygdalalangblr · 4 years
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amygdalalangblr · 4 years
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I will die on this hill
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amygdalalangblr · 4 years
The online Japanese course that no one talks about
Okay so I’m not a langblr and I never plan to be. However. What I do know from following a ton of them is that no one talks about Minato.
Now you may be thinking, ‘What’s Minato?’. It’s a website that was recommended to me by a Japanese Studies university professor for learning Japanse at home.
It’s literally the best resource out there and it’s free (funded by the Japanese government). You can choose between self-study and tutor support-led courses.
There are courses in Hiragana, Katakana, and the general language (from levels A1 to A2), and you can download a certificate and study record after completion of a course.
Here’s the link. Or if you want to type it: https://minato-jf.jp
Go. Learn some actual Japanese.
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
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Learn German Online on DEUTSCH.TRAINING
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
Here I have for you a pretty complete list (I think) of acronyms and their corresponding English acronyms or just their translation/definition. You definitely don’t have to know what each of them stands for, just knowing the acronym itself will do (and believe me, you’ll meet them regularly in daily French). To make it easier, I underlined the ones whose complete expression/meaning you should still know if you wanna learn them; some are used in daily life, some in more specific domains like geography and economics, and some are simply known by most French people even if the complete expression is rarely used; it’s up to you to pick the ones that’ll be useful to you!
ADN (acide désoxyribonucléique) = DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
ALENA (Accord de libre-échange nord-américain) = NAFTA (North American free trade agreement)
AOP (Appellation d'origine protégée) = PDO (Protected designation of origin)
APL (Aide personnalisée au logement) = Personal housing allowance
AVC (accident vasculaire cérébral) = stroke, cerebrovascular accident
BCBG (bon chic bon genre) = posh, preppy
BD (bande-dessinée) = comic, graphic novel
BO (bande originale) = OST (original soundtrack)
BTS (Brevet de technicien supĂ©rieur) = advanced technician’s certificate
CAF (Caisse d’allocations familiales) = welfare office, family allowance department
CDD (contrat à durée déterminée) = fixed-term contract, temporary contract
CDI (contrat à durée indéterminée) = permanent contract
Or CDI (centre de documentation et d'information) = school library
CM (cours magistral) = lecture (university)
CNED (Centre national d'enseignement Ă  distance) = National distance learning center
CPE (conseiller principal d'Ă©ducation) = chief education adviser (secondary school)
CRS (Compagnie républicaine de sécurité) (un CRS) = State security police force, riot police
DDASS (Direction départementale des affaires sanitaires et sociales) = Department of health and social security
EDF (Electricité de France) = French national electricity supplier
EDT (emploi du temps) = timetable, schedule
ENA (Ecole nationale d’administration) = a business school in Strasbourg from which a lot of politicians graduate
ENT (Environnement numérique de travail) = virtual learning environment (most secondary schools and unis have it; you can check your homework, grades and timetable online, contact your teachers, see if any of them is absent
ESPT (Ă©tat de stress post-traumatique) = PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
EU[A] (Etats Unis [d’AmĂ©rique]) = US[A] (United States [of America])
DOM-TOM (DĂ©partements et territoires d'Outre-Mer) = Overseas departments and territories
FAQ (foire aux questions) = same acronym, the meaning was just adapted to still fit the letters in French
FLE (français langue étrangÚre) = French as a foreign language
FMI (Fonds monétaire international) = IMF (International monetary fund)
FN (Front national) = former name of the far-right political party (National front); now called “le Rassemblement national” (RN) = National rally
HLM (habitation à loyer modéré) (un HLM) = social housing
HS (hors service) = out of order, out of service
Or HS (hors sujet) = off topic, out of scope
IVG (interruption volontaire de grossesse) = abortion
JT (journal télévisé) = TV news
LEA (Langues Ă©trangĂšres appliquĂ©es) = AFL (Applied foreign languages) (I honestly added it mostly because it’s my major in uni hehe)
LR (Les RĂ©publicains) = the Republicans (right-wing party)
LREM (La RĂ©publique en marche) = Macron’s political party (centre party)
MJC (Maison des jeunes et de la culture) = community youth club and arts center
MST (maladie sexuellement transmissible) = STD (sexually transmitted disease)
NTIC (nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication) = NICT (new information and communication technologies)
OCDE (Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques) = OECD (Organisation for economic cooperation and development)
OGM (organisme génétiquement modifié) = GMO (genetically modified organism)
OMC (Organisation mondiale du commerce) = WTO (World trade organization)
ONG (organisation non gouvernementale) = NGO (non-governmental organization)
ONU (Organisation des nations unies) = UN (United nations)
OTAN (Organisation du traitĂ© de l’Atlantique nord) = NATO (North Atlantic treaty organization)
OVNI (objet volant non-identifié) = UFO (unidentified flying object)
PDV (point de vue) = POV (point of view)
PIB (Produit intérieur brut) = GDP (Gross domestic product)
PMA (Pays les moins avancés) = LDC (least developed countries)
or PMA (Procréation médicalement assistée) = ART (Assisted reproductive technology)
PNB (Produit national brut) = GNP (Gross national product)
PS (Parti socialiste) = left-wing party (Socialist party)
PV (procĂšs-verbal) = ticket, fine (for traffic and parking)
QCM (questionnaire Ă  choix multiples) = multiple-choice questionnaire
RAS (rien Ă  signaler) = nothing to report
RIB (relevé d'identité bancaire) = bank details (document)
RNB (Revenu national brut) = GNI (Gross national income)
RSA (Revenu de solidarité active) = tax credits/welfare
SAV (service aprĂšs-vente) = after-sales service
SAMU (Service d’aide mĂ©dicale d’urgence) = paramedics ; SAMU member = EMT (Emergency medical technician)
SDF (sans domicile fixe) = homeless person
SIDA (Syndrome d’immunodĂ©ficience acquise) = AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
SMIC (Salaire minimum interprofessionel de croissance) = minimum wage
SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français) = national French rail network (I hate them lololol)
SPA (Société protectrice des animaux) = society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (UK equivalent = RSPCA)
TD (travaux dirigés) = tutorial, seminar (college class in small groups)
TDAH (trouble du dĂ©ficit de l’attention/hyperactivitĂ©) = ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) (I don’t see the acronym a lot, mostly just “hyperactivitĂ©â€ or “trouble de l’attention” but this is still the equivalent to the English acronym)
TGV (train Ă  grande vitesse) = high-speed train
TOC (trouble obsessionnel compulsif) = OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)
TP (travaux pratiques) = practical class (mostly in university or science classes in general)
TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée) = VAT (value-added tax)
UE (Union européenne) = EU (European Union)
VIH (Virus de l’immunodĂ©ficience humaine) = HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus)
VO (version originale) = original language (movie, show
VOST (version originale sous-titrée) = subtitled version (any language for the subtitles)
VOSTFR (version originale sous-titrée en français) = subtitled version (French subs)
ZEP (Zone d'Ă©ducation prioritaire) = Educational priority area
ZES (Zone économique spéciale) = SEZ (Special economic zone)
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
Anglicismes Ă  Ă©viter #1
❌: Prix d’admission ✅: Prix d’entrĂ©e (entrance fee, ticket price)
❌: Briser un record ✅: Battre un record (to break a record)
❌: Avoir un argument ✅: Se disputer (to have an argument)
❌: Digitale ✅: NumĂ©rique (digital)
❌: Vol domestique ✅: Vol intĂ©rieur/national (domestic flight)
❌: Valet ✅: Voiturier (valet [for cars])
❌: Aller en grùve ✅: Faire la grùve (to go on strike)
❌: RĂ©signation ✅: DĂ©mission (resignation [from a post])
❌: Graduer ✅: Être diplĂŽmĂ© (to graduate)
❌: Carte d’identification ✅: Carte d’identitĂ© (ID card)
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
“Alles, was schön ist, bleibt schön, auch wenn es welkt. Und unsere Liebe bleibt Liebe - auch wenn wir sterben.”
— Maxim Gorki
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
sömnig - sleepy
mysig - cozy
gosig - cuddly
bekvÀm - comfortable
skönt - comfy/nice
varm - warm
tÀcke - cover/duvet
kudde - pillow
filt - blanket
sova - (to) sleep
sömn - sleep
vila - rest
ta det lugnt - take is easy/chill
mysa - to be cozy, doing something cozy
gosa - cuddle
mjuk - soft
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
Vocabulary: Household
kitchen - kök
bathroom - badrum / duschrum
living room - vardagsrum
bedroom - sovrum / sÀngkammare
cellar - kÀllare
the shower - dusch
toilet - toalett
fridge - kyl / kylskÄp
stove - spis
oven - backugn
table - bord
chair - stol
bed - bÀdd / sÀng
cupboard - skÄp
mirror - spegel
Things to do at home
to clean - att stÀda / att putsa
to buy - att köpa / att gÄ och handla
to cook - att laga mat
to tidy - att stÀda (undan)
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
German Reading Practice
Flug zum Mond
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All words are in order of their appearance in the article
Wissenschaftler (m) | scientist
Seite (f) | side
Weltraum (m) | space
Raumsonde (f) | space probe
steuern | to steer
herumfahren | to cruise
außerdem | besides
riesig | vast
Please let me know if there are any mistakes or better translations
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
Hau dich ĂŒber die HĂ€user
“Germany German”: Verschwinde! / Geh mir aus den Augen!
Literal Translation: Throw yourself over the houses
Meaning: Get lost
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
German Vocab: It’s snowing!
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Since it’s been snowing a lot here lately, here are a few words and sentences for winter snow days :)
der Winter - winter
kalt - cold
Der Winter ist die kÀlteste Jahreszeit! - Winter is the coldest season!
der Schnee - snow
schneien - to snow
es schneit - it is snowing.
die Schneeflocke - snowflake
der Schneeball - snowball
einen Schneeball werfen - to throw a snowball
der Schneemann - snowman
einen Schneemann bauen - to build a snowman
Willst du einen Schneemann bauen? - Do you want to build a snowman?
der Schneesturm - snowstorm / blizzard
eingeschneit sein - to be snowed in
Es hat so viel geschneit, dass unser Dorf jetzt eingeschneit ist. - It has snowed so much that our village is snowed in now.
der Schlitten - sled
Schlittenfahren - sledding
Skifahren - skiing
die Schneeballschlacht - snowball fight (A great German compound word btw: Schnee (snow) + Ball (ball) + Schlacht (battle))
warme Kleidung - warm clothes
Im Winter tragen wir warme Kleidung. - In winter we are wearing warm clothes.
der Schal - scarf
die Handschuhe (pl) - gloves
der Pullover - sweater
der Mantel - coat
die Stiefel (pl) - boots
die heiße Schokolade - hot chocolate
Lass uns eine heiße Schokolade trinken. - Let’s drink a hot chocolate.
der Kamin - fireplace
Vor dem Kamin ist es warm und gemĂŒtlich. - In front of the fireplace it’s warm and cozy.
die Lawine - avalanche
das Eis - ice
das Glatteis - black ice
der Eiszapfen - icicle 
eingefroren - frozen
rutschig - slippery
die Schneeschaufel - snow shovel
- And some German winter-themed sayings as a bonus:
es ist saukalt - that means it’s really, really cold. Literal translation: “it is pig-cold.” 
der Schneematsch - Literal: “snow mud”. When snow melts and all it leaves behind is dirty slush.
Du begibst dich auf dĂŒnnes Eis! - that actually has nothing to do with winter at all. You would use it to tell someone, that they have been acting rude and had better be careful what they say next! Literal: “you’re moving on thin ice”
kalte FĂŒĂŸe bekommen - has nothing to do with winter either. It means that you’re having second thoughts about something. Literal: “To get cold feet.”
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
German Reading Practice
Gewalt in Deutschland
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All words are in order of their appearance in the article
Gewalt (f) | violence
AuslÀnder(n) (m) | foreigner(s)
Danach | after that
Seite (f) | side
Silvesternacht (f) | night of New Year’s Eve
geistig | mental
verletzt [inf. verletzen] | hurt
TĂ€ter (m) | culprit
ablehnen | reject
Hautfarbe (f) | skin colour
Please let me know if there are any mistakes or better translations
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
German Vocabulary - Looking for a job in Germany
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If you have any questions or requests send me a message :)❀
(Plural in brackets)
die Stellenanzeige (n) - job advertisement die Stellenbeschreibung (en) - job description die Anforderung (en) - job requirement Vollzeit - full-time Teilzeit - part-time die befristete Arbeitsstelle - short-term job die unbefristete Arbeitsstelle - permanent job das Praktikum (Praktika) - internship die Bewerbung (en) - job application der Bewerber / die Bewerberin (nen) - applicant das Anschreiben - cover letter der Lebenslauf (LebenslÀufe) - curriculum vitae (CV)
das Unternehmen - company die Abteilung (en) - department die Personalabteilung - Human Resources der Arbeitgeber - employer der Arbeitnehmer - employee der Direktor / die Direktorin (nen) - director der Abteilungsleiter / die Abteilungsleiterin (nen) - head of department der Mitarbeiter /die Mitarbeiterin (nen) - staff member der Praktikant / die Praktikantin (nen) - intern
der Termin (e) - appointment das BewerbungsgesprĂ€ch (e) / das VorstellungsgesprĂ€ch (e) - job interview die Frage (n) - question die Antwort (en) - answer die StĂ€rke (e) - strength die SchwĂ€che (n) - weakness die (Arbeits)erfahrung (en) - work experience die Branche (n) - industry die Ausbildung (en) - job training das Studium - studies der Abschluss (AbschlĂŒsse) - degree der Bachelorabschluss - bachelor’s degree der Masterabschluss - master’s degree der Doktortitel - PhD die Arbeitszeit (en) - working hours die Gehaltsvorstellung (en) - salary requirements (expectation) das Gehalt (GehĂ€lter) / der Lohn (Löhne) - salary
die Zusage (n)  :) - confirmation /acceptance die Absage (n)  :( - refusal das Jobangebot (e) - job offer der Arbeitsvertrag (vertrÀge) - employment contract die Arbeitsbedingung (en) - working condition die Unterschrift (en) - signature
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amygdalalangblr · 5 years
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[PDF Download]
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