bonjourfrenchwords · 8 months
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mels-notes · 5 months
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la neige sur campus est magnifique jusqu'à ce qu'il faille grimper une grande colline pour se rendre en classe :’)
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saintlermes · 5 months
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cerisep0urrie · 1 year
📺 words & expressions i have learned from french shows, movies, & tiktoks
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c’est pas grave - it’s okay / it’s no big deal
(ne) t’inquiète (pas) - don’t worry
qu’est-ce que tu fais là ? - what are you doing here?
tu me manques - i miss you
on y va - let’s go
bien sûr - of course
j’suis là - i’m here
je vous en prie - you’re welcome (formal)
mytho - liar
ouais - yeah
un truc - something
voilà - there it is, that’s right, exactly, there you go
oh là là - wow, oh my god
bof - so-so, whatever
hein - the french “huh” or “eh”
ben / bah - well… / uhh…
s’il te plaît ➭ s’te plaît - please
félicitations - congratulations
un mec - a guy (slang)
une meuf - a girl (slang)
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autumnalmess · 6 months
I hope you all know that this is the best version of Les mis ever recorded and I will not be taking criticism on that point.
I don't care that it's in french, get yourselves on Duolingo if you've got a problem with it.
In this essay I will ⤵️
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I hope you're all appreciating the chord changing to a major on the line "je prefer quitter ce monde" in Javerts suicide that symbolises his resolution because not only does it send instant chills but it makes it SO MUCH SADDER because he's completely resigned himself to his fate.
The whole album is incredible musically and has so many elements added in that aren't in any of the English versions. And all of the Amis voices are super sexy so it's a win win situation. (Esp enjolras 😫). De plus, no one has a weird voice so you don't have to put up with anyone's strange singing
Also there's a buildup in 'Seul devant ces tables vides' (empty chairs at empty tables) like I've never heard before it's insane.
ALSO the way that fantine sings j'avais rêvé is so tender and she just sounds so broken it's SO GOOD.
ALSO so obviously the English is not directly translated from the french so you get a lot of variation in lyrics and I could talk for days about this but one thing I'll point out is that in drink with me, Marius says 'j'attends, comme le délivrance, la balle qui m'est destinée' (I await, like deliverance, the bullet intended for me), which is insane because it gets across a side of Marius we see in the book of his absolute resignation to death that we hardly ever see in the English musical. And then instead of WOULD you cry if I were to fall, he goes will you cry. Which is super sad
I could talk about this album for YEARS
Anyway go listen to it if you haven't
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gavroche-le-moineau · 5 months
Today I'm thinking way too much about how to translate "permets-tu?" into English.
The verb "permettre" does literally mean "to permit/allow" but "Do you permit it?" has always felt way too formal to me, given the original French. First of all, the original phrase doesn't specify an "it" or a "me" (Le permets-tu? / Me permets-tu?). It's very short, very casual, very ambiguous.
Some alternative translations might be: "May I?" "Do you mind?" "If you'll allow?" "Is it alright with you?"
I think if I were to translate the chapter now I might go with "May I?" which keeps the casual, short, and ambiguous nature.
Also, Grantaire uses a lot of casual/ambiguous language in this chapter (maybe always? But I haven't been paying enough attention.) He says "Vive la République! J'en suis." (translated as "Long live the Republic! I'm one of them.") "J'en suis" is also a very ambiguous phrase. It's basically "I am of [something]" and the something is left unspecified. I would love for others to weigh in on this but I wasn't sure whether it could imply both "I'm a part of the Republic" and "I'm one of the insurgents." More modern translations of this phrase (on its own) would be "I'm in," or "I'm on board," but I don't know if that holds for the 19th century. (If something, such as a group of people, were specified beforehand it would still mean "I'm one of them / ...of which I am one / etc." in context) Any other French speakers with thoughts on these lines?
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vangoghs-other-ear · 6 months
les signes de ponctuation en fraçais
le point - period (🇺🇸) full stop (🇬🇧) [ . ]
la virgule - comma [ , ]
le point-virgule - semicolon [ ; ]
les deux points - colon [ : ]
Les trois points de suspension- ellipsis [ ... ]
le point d'interrogation- question mark [ ? ]
le point d'exclamation - exclamation mark [ ! ]
l'apostrophe (f) - apostrophe [ ' ]
les guillemets - guillemets [ « » ] (En anglais, on n’emploie jamais de guillemet français)
les guillemets anglais/les guillemets en apostrophe - quotation mark [ " " ] (🇺🇸) [ ' ' ] (🇬🇧) rarely/never used in French
les parenthèses - parenthesis [ ( ) ]
les crochets - brackets [ [ ] ]
les acolades - curly brackets/braces [ { } ]
le tiret - dash [ - ]
le tiret long/tiret cadratin - em dash [ — ]
la barre oblique/le slash - slash [ / ]
la barre oblique inversée/ le backslash - backslash [ \ ]
l'esperluette (f) - ampersand [ & ]
l'arobase - at sign [ @ ]
l'astérisque - asterisk [ * ]
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anisehmp3 · 28 days
comment je trouve les autres français ici?!
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*also known as français, langue française
note: this is a remake of a now-privated older poll.
reblogs are encouraged :-) please be respectful when commenting!
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bonjourfrenchwords · 9 months
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lemonadeandlanguages · 5 months
My current favourite language thing in Quebec right now is how English news outlets censor the word fuck but the francophone outlets have no problem spelling it out in full
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(if you're wondering why, it's that while fuck is used in Quebec french, it generally isn't considered as strong an expletive as in English, hence the difference in how it's spelled in news articles)
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i-am-aprl · 3 months
Audio recording of the moment gunfire was directed at 15-year-old Layan Hamadeh while she was speaking on the phone with the Palestine Red Crescent team. Layan was killed, and 6-year-old Hind remained trapped inside the car surrounded by the occupation tanks and soldiers.
‎‏PRCS ambulance team went to rescue her yesterday evening, but they have not returned as of now. PRCS have lost contact with them about 18 hours ago, and they still remain unaware of their fate and whether they succeeded in evacuating her or not.
Thanks @freepalestinetogether for translating it to Russian and French.
تسجيل صوتي لحظة اطلاق النار على الطفلة ليان حمادة، 15 عاما حينما كانت تتحدث على الهاتف مع طاقم الهلال الأحمر الفلسطيني طالبة النجدة، فاستشهدت ليان وبقيت هند، 6 اعوام محاصرة داخل المركبة التي تحيط بها دبابات الاحتلال وجنوده.
‏ذهب طاقم اسعاف الهلال الاحمر لانقاذها مساء امس، ولكنه لم يعود حتى اللحظة حيث فقدنا الاتصال معهم منذ حوالي 18 ساعة ولا زلنا نجهل مصيرهم ولا علم لنا ان كانوا قد نجحوا في اخلائها ام لا.
Enregistrement audio du moment où des tirs ont été dirigés sur Layan Hamadeh, âgée de 15 ans, alors qu'elle parlait au téléphone avec l'équipe du Croissant-Rouge palestinien. Layan a été tuée, et Hind, âgée de 6 ans, est restée piégée à l'intérieur de la voiture entourée par les tanks et les soldats de l'occupation.
L'équipe d'ambulance du CRP est allée la secourir hier soir, mais ils ne sont pas revenus jusqu'à présent. Le CRP a perdu le contact avec eux il y a environ 18 heures, et ils ignorent toujours leur sort et s'ils ont réussi à l'évacuer ou non.
Аудиозапись момента, когда 15-летнюю Лайан Хамаде обстреляли во время разговора по телефону с командой Палестинского Красного Полумесяца. Лайан погибла, а 6-летняя Хинд оказалась в ловушке внутри машины, окруженной танками и солдатами оккупационных сил.
Команда скорой помощи ПКП отправилась на её спасение вчера вечером, но до сих пор не вернулась. С ПКП потеряли связь примерно 18 часов назад, и до сих пор не известно, какова их судьба и удалось ли им эвакуировать её или нет.
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manoelt-finisterrae · 2 months
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et se répand comme une vague La liberté danse, légère et insaisissable, elle se glisse entre les mots, comme un souffle d'ailes.
© Manoel T, 2024
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int0xic4tedbyou · 7 months
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Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point
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nyancrimew · 2 months
Je n'arrive pas à trouver l'info, est-ce que vous parlez français ?
D'ailleurs, je sais que ce n'est pas le propos de votre Blog, mais est ce que vous recommenderiez des musée en Suisse ?
mon français est tres mal lmao, je suis en suisse allemande.
i tried my best to formulate an answer to the second question in french as well, but am actually even worse at it by now than i realized (i should get at least a little bit of a refresh sometime tbh, but im already proud of the fact that i at least still mostly understand french and am able to read it). but yea i don't really have museum recommendations really unfortunately, it's been like forever since i've really been to one, but maybe some of my swiss followers do (and feel free to flex with your better french if u do :p)
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alexar60 · 8 months
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Juliette traversait, tous les matins,
Les champs de blé et les jardins,
Afin d’éviter les ragots des voisins,
Même si l’air gardait son parfum.
Affichant un visage impassible,
Elle roulait le plus vite possible.
Son cœur, pourtant si sensible,
Cognait tel un tambour invisible.
Les paysans l’admiraient.
Dans sa petite robe d’été,
Elle leur faisait un joli effet.
Et ils connaissaient son secret.
Tout le monde disait en souriant:
« V’la la jolie fille à vélo
Qui va rejoindre impatiemment,
A l’orée de la forêt, Tonio.
Comme il a de la chance.
Elle va encore l’inonder de baisers.
Mon dieu, quelle inconscience
Car il ne va rien faire de la journée ! »
Tonio se levait avec le soleil
Pour labourer son champ.
Sa main éloignait une abeille
Quand elle l’appelait en freinant.
Pendant que son vélo tombait,
Juliette courait pour se jeter
Dans les bras de son amant
Qui n’en demandait jamais tant.
Puis, ils s’embrassaient goulument,
Avant de quitter son champ
Pour le plus proche grenier,
Et y passer la journée.
Le soir, heureuse, la belle Juliette
Remontait sur sa bicyclette.
Alors, les gens la voyaient rentrer
Avec, dans les cheveux, de la paille dorée.
Tout le monde disait en riant
Que la jolie fille à vélo
A encore passé un bon moment
Dans les bras de son Tonio.
Alex@r60 – août 2023
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