#learn french
lostfeb · 6 months
language learning is such a personal thing that there is no “right” or “wrong” way of doing it. it’s whatever works on bringing YOU closer to YOUR goal.
you want to watch tv shows but don’t really care for speaking with others? yay!! no speaking practice needed.
you want to learn quickly for an upcoming trip? yay! text book phrases and simple grammar.
you’re a beginner and it’s been 10 years? 2 weeks? 6 months? it doesn’t matter. as long as you are working towards bringing YOURSELF closer to what YOU want to achieve, you have succeeded: you are succeeding; you are doing great.
i find that so much demotivation comes from comparison and/or trying to follow other's advice too closely. if anki decks don't work for you, that's fine! if duolingo works well for you, then use it!
this language learning thing, it should be enjoyed. in the sea full of deceptive polyglot stories and videos on top of videos attempting to understand how to learn languages in "the fastest way possible" sometimes we should sit back and ask ourselves, "when is just learning things, enough"?
with that i hope you all continue working towards your dreams! whether you want to become a translator or just watch a few more movies in your target language, you can do it. i know you have it in you.
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vangoghs-other-ear · 6 months
les signes de ponctuation en fraçais
le point - period (🇺🇸) full stop (🇬🇧) [ . ]
la virgule - comma [ , ]
le point-virgule - semicolon [ ; ]
les deux points - colon [ : ]
Les trois points de suspension- ellipsis [ ... ]
le point d'interrogation- question mark [ ? ]
le point d'exclamation - exclamation mark [ ! ]
l'apostrophe (f) - apostrophe [ ' ]
les guillemets - guillemets [ « » ] (En anglais, on n’emploie jamais de guillemet français)
les guillemets anglais/les guillemets en apostrophe - quotation mark [ " " ] (🇺🇸) [ ' ' ] (🇬🇧) rarely/never used in French
les parenthèses - parenthesis [ ( ) ]
les crochets - brackets [ [ ] ]
les acolades - curly brackets/braces [ { } ]
le tiret - dash [ - ]
le tiret long/tiret cadratin - em dash [ — ]
la barre oblique/le slash - slash [ / ]
la barre oblique inversée/ le backslash - backslash [ \ ]
l'esperluette (f) - ampersand [ & ]
l'arobase - at sign [ @ ]
l'astérisque - asterisk [ * ]
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peistudies · 1 year
Why learn a foreign language, you ask?
Understanding and speaking the language will at some point inevitably make you feel like a spy/important person... - Bonus points for when you can eavesdrop on public conversations.
Have those fun little moments when you catch mistakes in your target language on signs, merchandise and in media. (Especially if it’s Japanese or Chinese... People love to butcher those). 
Imagine what your crush would think if they suddenly realize you speak a different language 3 months after meeting you. They may gasp, exclaim that you’re full of surprises, and go weak in the knees from your oh-so-mysterious demeanor (bonus points if it’s French or Italian). 
Fulfill your study aesthetic dreams, because you finally have something to theme a new blog around. Time to splurge on a pretty notebook and nice pens and work on that handwriting. Get the desk set up nice and cute, grab yourself the most beautiful coffee mug you can find. You’ve just become that girl. And you love it. Can’t forget to mention the messy buns, glasses (don’t have to be prescription), cat ownership and plants. 
Increase your chances of escaping eternal loneliness TEN FOLD because learning a language just opened doors to millions of people who couldn’t speak yours. 
Your personality may shift depending on which language you’re speaking, due to cultural and linguistic differences. So, by learning a new language, you will not only become more knowledgable about the world around you, but about yourself and people in general. 
Accurately understand books, shows, and all sorts of media in your target language. (No more relying on suspicious subtitles).
Feel satisfied in knowing that you’ve picked up quite a fun and rewarding hobby that can and will expand your life in every possible way.
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theyearof39 · 4 months
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How do I learn French:
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this-is-beanstalk · 1 year
Currently learning a new language
It's hard
But I keep telling myself "I'm a toddler, scratch that, a baby, learning a new language, hearing it for the first time, trying to piece the words together"
It takes native speakers months, no years, to learn their native language.
I've been at it for a month
I'm not gonna get it in a month
It's gonna take me years
But if I'm willing to put the work in.........
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er-cryptid · 10 months
Mettre Phrases
mettre au jour = to bring to light
mettre de l’argent de coté = to put money aside
mettre fin à = to put an end to
mettre la main à la pâte = to pitch in
mettre le contact = to start the car
mettre le couvert = to set the table
se mettre à table = to sit down to eat
se mettre d’accord = to agree
se mettre en forme = to get in shape
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...poisson d'avril...april fool...
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warandpeas · 6 months
Release Day: Salut la Terre
We couldn’t be happier to tell you that our new book “Salut la Terre” is out today in French!
It’s a world premier and we think this is an incredibly beautiful and funny book that everyone should read! It will be out – at some point – in English, too. So if you don’t speak French yourself and don’t know anyone to give the book to, you’ll have to be patient a little bit longer.
If you want to learn the Language of Love, this is perfect for you. It features some of your favorite characters from the War and Peas world and each comic strip is self-contained and completed. Find details and order links here.
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studynorwegian · 2 years
That feeling when you slowly start to piece together/understand lines from a song in your target language. That “oh shit wait I get it now” moment
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europeanlanguages · 2 years
Hi Language Enthusiasts,
Do you want to learn French but don't know where to start? Then I've got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its links below. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. I hope everyone can enjoy it and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me.
Here is what the resource list contains;
Handmade resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
Resources on learning pronunciation.
Websites to practice reading.
Documents to enhance your vocabulary.
Notes on Colloquial Language.
Music playlists
List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of grammar!
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lostfeb · 6 months
one thing about learning languages is that yes, learning in itself is fun but what’s even greater is the fact that all your other interests and hobbies can be looked at with another shade of light. I personally love philosophy and to be able to read another language’s nuances and concepts and understand it more than you ever could with a translation? incredible.
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vangoghs-other-ear · 5 months
l'ours blanc- polar bear l'éléphant de mer- elephant seal l'ours kodiak- alaskan brown bear la banquise- ice floe la chaleur corporelle- body heat le pôle nord- north pole l'océan arctique- arctic ocean
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kohstudy · 1 year
your phone in french — photos
masterlist here.
Photothéque — Photo library
Pour vous — For you
Rechercher — Search (for)
Récentes — Recent
Sélectionner — Select
Mes albums — My albums
Tout afficher — See all
Personnes et lieux — People and places
Types de média — Types of media
Vidéos — Videos
Accélérés — Time lapse
Rafales — Burst
Captures d’écran — Screenshots
Enregistrements d’écran — Screen recordings
Autres — Others
Doublons — Duplicates
Masquées — Hidden
Supprimées récemment — Recently deleted
Fusionner — Merge
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culturefrancaise · 7 months
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How to Maximize your reading in a Language
Hey folks! As a follow up to my other post on the matter, I’ve made a video which is a bit more comprehensible and I’ve added some new tips. 
In this video I discuss:
- what you should be focussing on your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
- out of the box reading suggestions that aren’t just kids books
- the vocabulary to focus on
I hope this helps ! Let me know what kind of content you want to see from me!
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er-cryptid · 1 year
Grades in French
12th grade = classe terminale
11th grade = la premiére classe
10th grade = la deuxiéme classe
9th grade = la troisiéme classe
8th grade = la quatriéme classe
7th grade = la cinquiéme classe
6th grade = la sixiéme classe
5th grade = cours moyen 2
4th grade = cours moyen 1
3rd grade = cours élémentaire 2
2nd grade = cours élémentaire 1
1st grade = cours préparatoire
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