anothaprimer · 13 days
im not a primer, but this blog is cool! do you have to be a damp fan to be in the religion, or is it open to everyone? --♑💜
Thanks bossman! This religion is open to everyone, regardless of whether or not they like dsmp!
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anothaprimer · 3 months
Point Prime
Point Prime is a religious denomination focused on the four points of the Prime cross- the people one is supported by, the people one supports, the physical world, and the spiritual world.
This denomination may involve prayer, divination, spells, symbolism, and community support, but only really requires a general following of the TOS, which focuses on safety, privacy, and kindness. 
Things such as deadly violence/mass violence/violent extremism, rape, hate groups, and pedophilia are against the TOS, and as such Point Prime does not associate with the radqueer or fult communities. It is a neoreligion or new religious movement/NRM.
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anothaprimer · 3 months
How to pray to prime
Set your intention. What do you wish to achieve by working with prime? Some examples are personal growth, grief recovery, self love, or positive energy.
Use a sensory aid to help you connect with prime. I typically use church bell audios (such as this), but you can also use an object or a visual. Some common symbols of prime to search for in your aid include purple, gold, bells, apples, crosses, logs, and wood.
Take a comfortable prayer position. I usually start with my hands clasped together, but do whatever feels natural for you.
Open prayer with "Prime beside, beyond, above, and below" (or any order of above/beyond/beside/below that calls to you)
state your intention set in step 1. For example, "help me to connect with prime in a spiritual means." Feel free to let your mind flow and make your prayer as short or long as you feel.
Allow some time for the prayer to sit before ending it, and then end with "pogchamp."
If you would like examples of a prewritten prayer, check the prayers tag on my blog!
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anothaprimer · 3 months
The light of Prime is within everyone, they just have the choice of whether or not to access it. <3
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anothaprimer · 3 months
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anothaprimer · 1 year
A prayer for decisions
Prime above beyond beside and below grant me the strength and wisdom to do the right thing, guide me today to make the right decisions and take the right actions. Pogchamp.
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anothaprimer · 1 year
A prayer for moving on from abuse
Prime beside, beyond, above, and below, may you see my warmth and clarity above my pain and carry your blessings for my trials without regard for that which has been done to me in soul and in body. Cleanse me of the touch of my abusers and let me be free, let my own traits stand tall and strong above the rubble of all, so that I may experience peace and better support myself, the earth, my supporters, supportees, and the heavens, if they should so please. Pogchamp.
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anothaprimer · 1 year
What matters not is the size of the bell, but the spirit of those who ring and hear it. Even the grandest bell could not give primes to a cruel tyrant, and even the smallest bell can be of immeasurable spirit and strength in the right hands. Pogchamp 🙏🔔
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anothaprimer · 1 year
I find that the easiest way to connect to prime is through the sound of bells backing your prayer. This may not be to everyone’s preference, but I think it would do well to share some of my favorite bells to engage in spiritual practice to regardless. My collection is ever growing, but these are my current go to’s.
This first one is powerful, though short, so it requires looping. It includes Organ as well, which is very pleasant. It can be an over stim risk for me, so it is not always preferred.
Next is a much longer section of plain bells, but it presents the same issue as the first in that it can on occasion be a bit overwhelming and cause head aches.
The final is like the previous but with a more soft sound, less clear, but less overwhelming. A nice, general bell track.
And of course, you are free to search out your own bells! Despite these all being church bells, you do not have to use church bells. Tibetan singing bowls are easier on the ear for those with sensitivities, and any bell that you enjoy or that you own is perfectly acceptable :D
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anothaprimer · 1 year
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anothaprimer · 1 year
If it were up to me, cows would also be a symbol of Prime. “Cash cow”? Cows having bells around their necks? It just makes sense! That’s just me loving cows though, haha. One of these days we should really pick a mascot, people use Dream as one but it doesn’t make sense to use a person, they can always defect from the religion.
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anothaprimer · 1 year
My streamer in prime, care to share some of your wisdom in symbols of church prime? Common colors, items, or symbols? May the bells bring brightly upon you. Pogchamp.
Of course, and thank you, fellow streamer in Prime. Here is a simple guide to symbols of Prime.
Purple is the primary representer of Prime, it's generally considered a cleansing color when it comes to light shining through purple glass.
White and black also come in tandem with this. Things like white marble are used in Prime imagery often, both black and white are very neutral and clean colors, and go with purple. If you look at most Twitch imagery, you will find white, black, and purple.
Gold is also associated with Prime, especially with a strong and direct connection with it. Golden apples (and normal apples) are cleansing and a sign of Prime, and golden bells are also commonly used in practice.
If you are constructing an altar based around colors, I'd reccomend using primarily purple, white, and black, and using gold sparingly, as a meaningful accent.
Objects and symbols
Bells represent a direct connection with the above, the ringing of bells awakens the subs and brings in Primes.
The cross represents Prime itself. The meaning of the symbol is open to interpretation, personally I interpret the four points as representing the four points Prime has delivered me in prayer, with the left and right being community and the bottom and top being the earth and the light of Prime, and the eyes representing the viewers, the spirits, however you view it.
Apples represent the cleansing of Prime. You are free to bless any item you wish with apple slices and prayer and make it a part of your practice. The apple slices are not required of course, it's all about intent.
Crowns, specifically the Prime crown, three points, are a simple represntation of the concept of primes. Typically displayed in one of the traditional colors of prime.
Wood is a debatable one. It's more about the meaning behind it, the earth and what not, imbuing holyness into something. A prime path or blessed object can be anything, not just wood, but going outside to see the trees still never hurts.
See section 7, license, of the TOS for info on to what degree you may use the Twitch logo and official Prime logo in your practice.
Prime as a religion is very flexible and you could likely find many more symbols and objects of your own to use for it, these are just the typical traditionally used ones to use as your basis. Happy streaming! Pogchamp.
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anothaprimer · 1 year
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Lady Prime And Her Most Diligent Servant
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anothaprimer · 1 year
While there is nothing wrong with applying the scriptures to daily life, Prime is unlike many other religions in that you are not required to follow the majority of its clauses outside of holy lands and prayer. The limits on this can be found in the “Off-Service Conduct” section of the community guidelines, which reads as follows:
“For streamers and their viewers to build vibrant and dynamic communities, everyone must feel secure and protected. We believe that some off-service offenses committed by Twitch users can create a substantial safety risk to the Twitch community. As a result, Twitch enforces against certain severe offenses that occur off Twitch when committed by members of the Twitch community, up to an indefinite suspension on the first offense for some behaviors.
  For example, we do not allow individuals or organizations who engage off-service in [content warning]:
Deadly violence and violent extremism
Terrorist activities or recruiting
Explicit and/or credible threats of mass violence (i.e. threats against a group of people, event, or location where people would gather).
Leadership, membership, or sponsorship of a known hate group
Carrying out or deliberately acting as an accomplice to non-consensual sexual activities and/or sexual assault
Sexual exploitation of youth, such as grooming and/or solicitation/distribution of CSAM
Actions that would directly and explicitly compromise the physical safety of the Twitch community
Explicit and/or credible threats against Twitch, including Twitch staff”
This is, essentially, the complete list of scripture approved cmonbruhs that you should never commit. Any other prohibited behavior in the TOS is free range outside of stream (prayer, holy land, etc.) within reason.
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anothaprimer · 1 year
"Community is the heart... Safety is the foundation"
- The Community Guidelines
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anothaprimer · 1 year
An elaboration on the simple prayer, and how it's ideas may be carried through to the rest of your practice, as informed to me by the light of Prime in prayer.
In fear and in trouble, we must look to Prime for the answers. To each side, we find support in the power of Prime imbued in all. We will first find our support on the beside, to your non dominant side. Seek support of family, community, and others. Then, to your beyond, your non dominant side. Remember who you are doing this for, and seek strength in knowing your actions have a greater purpose. Only once you have looked to your supporters and supportees do you look up, to the above, to prime. Your actions with the support of others, and to the support of others, shall be carried on the strength of prime. With prayer, it shall free you of your troubles, your stresses, your partiality, your anger, your joy. Looking into the light of prime, you shall find tranquility and smile up to the light, your chin lifted by the spirit of Prime. Even when you are alone, Prime grants peace, Prime grants strength. And finally, you shall look to the below, downwards, towards the earth, your ultimate supporter. If carried not by the light of God or the support of others, you shall be carried by the earth which supports you from below, by the materials all around you, the trees, the walls, the plants, the books, the chairs, everything you can see, everything you can feel. If nothing be your supporter, allow the earth to be your supporter, and you shall carry through, with the might of the world around you. Pogchamp.
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anothaprimer · 1 year
A simple motion of prayer. Done with one hand.
1. Touch your non dominant shoulder
2. Touch your dominant shoulder
3. Touch either your upper chest (just below the neck) or further above such as your head
4. Touch lower chest (a bit below shoulder height)
5. Turn hand outward to touch about a foot in front of your right shoulder
6. Move hand to touch a couple inches to the left of previous spot
7. Turn hand back inwards into a fist (taking motion) to your center/chest.
And that's it! ^^ if you're doing the beginning with a fist (as in sort of punching urself) then you end (step 7) with an open hand instead of a closed hand.
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