ariesjupiter · 1 month
Solar Eclipse 2024 and how it will affect YOU
Aries Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 1st house which could show major shifts in your approach to life. This is the time to take a new direction and start something you have wanted to do for a while. Main character energy - you are ready to gain more confidence in the things you do. This is a wonderful period to make changes connected to your personal presentation, self-image, how you appear.
Taurus Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 12th house so there could be drastic changes connected to your mental health and inner wellbeing. You may feel ready to overcome past struggles and focus on your healing journey. This is a good time to do activities that are more spiritual, meditate, visualize as it could be an intense and transformative time and help you find the inner strength needed to bring the change.
Gemini Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 11th house which will bring big changes connected to your friend circle, friendships, social life as well as your personal goals. If you want to receive support and attention for something you do, this is the time to put yourself out there and work towards your goals. There is an increase in opportunities so make sure to catch them.
Cancer Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 10th house so this time could bring big changes connected to your career and professional life. You may be more motivated to turns plans into action and pursue any future goals. This is the time to cultivate your image and make any changes in your image as they will be helpful in improving your reputation and other people's perception of you.
Leo Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 9th house so you are entering a more adventurous period of your life. You are ready to do activities that will push you to go out of your comfort zone and do something new and different. This is a good time to focus on education, personal development and gain more knowledge. Travel is highly recommended.
Virgo Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 8th house so this period could be deeply transformative and help you gain more inner strength, courage. Financially it could show a period of growth and bigger opportunities for a financial change. You may have deep motivation to do things that will help you gain recognition.
Libra Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 7th house so this could be a transformative time for your relationships. The people in your life could have a large impact on your approach to life. You could experience a positive shift in your personal and professional relationships. Networking is recommended.
Scorpio Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 6th house so this is a good time to make any bigger changes in your lifestyle and start your health journey. You are more productive so this is a good time to focus on any important tasks and responsibilities. You may feel more motivated at work.
Sagittarius Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 5th house which could be positive for your inspiration and pursuing any creative projects. It could be a good time for socializing, expanding your circle and meeting more people. In your dating life it could be favorable for starting a new chapter.
Capricorn Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 4th house which could be a good time to make changes connected to your home, living location and environment. Take care of your emotional wellbeing and do activities that make you feel emotionally calmer. There could be big changes in your family and close relationships.
Aquarius Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 3rd house which could make this a wonderful time to make any major decisions and focus on plans. You may receive valuable information that will help you know what to do next. This is a good time for writing, journaling and sharing your thoughts with others.
Pisces Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 2nd house which could impact you financially and show a good time to seek new financial opportunities and sources of income. You may gain more confidence and security. You are likely to reevaluate your life and focus on what is important.
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ariesjupiter · 1 month
✨Aries Season✨
🔥Aries season will be fiery. We are already have mercury in aries so the communication is much more direct maybe a little aggressive. You can also get into the fight with someone so much quicker
🔥Aries is the first sign of zodiac sign it's all about the energy it's all about you . Aries is called to be very selfish because it's much more focused on themself than on others.
🔥Aries energy helps you believe in yourself and take confident action as a leader. Throughout this Aries season, ask yourself: How can you show up with confidence? Where do you need to show leadership? When do you need to take action? Fire is the vital spark, the soul, the life-force; it embodies risk-taking, leadership, passion, confidence, action, motivation, energy, and sparkle. Aries season is an excellent time to start a new job or hobby. You may choose to break a bad habit and begin a healthy one. It's time to hit the refresh button.
✨Mercury in Aries will remain in the sign of Aries until May 15. Mercury in Aries will bring a much more direct, open and fiery energy. They will speed up events and things will develop quickly. But you can quickly quarrel with someone or say something thoughtlessly.
🔥Aries will offer an opportunity for introspection, reflection, and reassessment. Aries energy encourages us to tap into our inner courage, assertiveness and independence. Use this time to reflect on your goals, desires and personal boundaries.
☁️Take it easy during Mercury retrograde, and particularly watch out for impulsive actions in the coming weeks. While Aries energy pushes for quick decisions, remember that it may cloud your judgment, leading to potentially hasty decisions.
🫧Have introspective conversations to ensure you're honoring yourself and your personal beliefs/truths. with people that you feel good energy. Ensure your voice is heard and express your thoughts. Aries is all about expressing your thoughts out loud. Don't force your beliefs or desires onto others and don't be with people who are too negative or angry. Don't jump to conclusions or make rash decisions based on immediate reactions. Mercury can sometimes make things look different than they really are.
🌙Rising Signs🌙
Aries Rising- mercury will be in your ist house. This will affect how you express yourself, behave, and your appearance. Identity and self-perception take the spotlight during this phase. You might feel the urge to revamp your appearance or refresh how you present yourself to the world. Patience isn't always your strongest suit, but it's crucial now more than ever. Take this time to pace yourself and avoid burning out.
Taurus Rising-During this period, your dreams, imagination, and intuition will be heightened. Your spirit is intricately connected to the universe, so prioritize activities like meditation or journaling to slow down and reflect. On the financial front, you may require careful attention during Mercury retrograde as there might be unexpected expenses or financial expenses or losses could arise, particularly if proper budgeting in planning are neglected.
Gemini Rising-you might experience a favorable outcome in your career. You could also see advancement such as job opportunities, promotions, or even the chances of traveling overseas with great job satisfaction, the dedication and hard work may be recognised by superiors, leading to support, appreciation, and possibly even promotions. It can also bring about better relationships. You can meet or see a friend whom you haven't seen for years. Be cautious of conflicts within your community and strive for autonomy without overstepping boundaries.
Cancer Rising-Sudden change such as transfers in the job may disrupt stability and cost dissatisfaction. Increased work pressure without recognition or appreciation may lead to frustration, and some individuals may even have the possibility of job loss. But you could result in increased expenses and limited opportunities for earning. Maybe there are some things here that are related to the family or the father. Practice patience with your colleagues and yourself.
Leo Rising-New job opportunities might be possible for you during this period and due to this success may also be easily possible. During this period, you will have a good potential to meet with immense success and you will also have more efficiency in your work area. If you are in business will gain good popularity and money as luck is going to favor you completely. It can also mean some sort of spiritual journey. Be cautious when traveling or embarking on trips-while it's not forbidden, proceed with care. You might begin to question your beliefs, which is crucial for personal growth.
Virgo Rising- During this time, you might uncover some deep-seated traumas or hidden aspects of yourself. There might be lack of satisfaction and acknowledgement in your professional endeavors leading to concerns about job performance. This Mercury retrograde encourages you to examine what's holding you back from progress. 8th house is also about soul bonding, intimacy.
Libra Rising- While some might experience setbacks and lack success others might find exciting job prospects abroad, offering them a sense of fulfillment and joy. Mercury may bring mixed outcomes with a balance of expense and gains. Opportunities for financial gains. Business contracts, in particular, might be problematic, so it's crucial to thoroughly review all paperwork before signing. Be extra considerate towards your partner if you're married.
Scorpio Rising- During this Mercury retrograde, you might find yourself feeling sluggish, so it's important to slow down your pace. This could mean scaling back on work commitments, easing up at the gym, or taking extra care to avoid getting sick. Spend some time in nature particularly near plants and trees to ground yourself. Do things that don't burden you.
Sagittarius Rising-might experience tension in relationships, particularly concerning your children and family matters. Additional issues within the family may arise causing you stress. Navigating relationship challenges requires excellent communication and patience. Watch out for old flames resurfacing, Use this time to reflect on matters related to your passions. Don't indulge recklessly during this period, but do take time for yourself to reconnect with what brings you happiness.
Capricorn Rising- Patience is key to avoid unnecessary stress during this time. Many things have to do with you and the things you do. It is good not to open too many demanding and difficult conversations, because you will not feel that they are leading and you will only end up disappointed. Consider how you give and receive information. Maybe you will go somewhere or meet more people.
Aquarius Rising- there is a strong possibility of success with opportunities for promotion and salary hike. Overall, this period holds promise for career advancement and success. This period presents opportunities for growth and financial stability in your business endeavors. On the relationship front, you are likely to enjoy success in maintaining a harmonious relationship. During this period, effective communication with your life partners can contribute to a positive personal life.
Pisces Rising- you may experience tremendous peace and understanding with life partners and family members. Strong connections and perfect understanding have the potential to increase happiness and pleasure in personal relationships. This transit brings another wave of change. It's time to reassess your relationship with material possessions and finances. Don't waste money on unnecessary things.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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ariesjupiter · 2 months
Why Does Megan Thee Stallion LOVE Japan? An Astrological Analysis ❤️
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I've seen two or three posts like this or more and it makes perfect sense because through Astrocartography, we can see that she's got her Jupiter line (while its at home in Sag btw) going STRAIGHT through the country itself sitting on top of her Ascendant. So, not only does she feel SUPER lucky but her energy feels EXPANSIVE and UNTHREATENED. Like, she actually feels SEEN AND APPRECIATED and she has 0 need to prove herself, fight for her life, or be anything she's not. She can focus on feeling the vibes and being happy and abundant. Jupiter can also be associated with 'foreign' things so it being in her first in her relocated chart for Japan (I used Tokyo bc JPN has one time zone) makes sense. It's taking a special interest in what's outside of your comfort zone.
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Because she has a natal Jupiter-Saturn square between her 8H speaking to her 11H, it means that she's used to compromising her boundaries for other people's sake who want to benefit her. Like, her abundance seems to always come at the expense of others being in their feelings or that she has to sacrifice (Pisces) parts of herself around others. Like, she's always felt restricted in some way by her environment. Surrounded by people who never wanted to see her win because they felt threatened or intimidated by it. There's usually someone around her playing a victim. Her history's echoed this.
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In Hollywood, her relocated chart elevates her in the public eye at a cost. With an Aries Rising, it puts her chart ruler under duress in her 5H across from her 11H--Meaning that she's popular but her artistry (5H) is weirdly hated and seen as polarizing. That Sun-Mars Opposition also feels rather violent tbh and we've ALSO seen her history with that. A Sun-Moon and Sun-Mars opposition between Leo and Aquarius with her 10th and 11th in Saturn ruled signs answering to a 12H Saturn reads to me like male figures/patriarchs or industry 'old heads' having an issue with her sexuality being so vibrant and liberating (5H) that they actively suppress and punish her (Saturn joys in the 12th in trad astro and equals isolation and Saturn can equal male figures in power). But even with Chiron in Virgo in her 6H trining her elevated 10H planets, including her Venus, it creates a story of constantly feeling burdened to prove herself to the point where she's taught that numbers and figures determine her self worth, making her ultimately doubt herself. That's exhausting!
But in Tokyo and Japan overall, that Chiron is placed ON her MC at 29 degrees (a fame degree in degree astro) and safely trines those Cap planets that have shifted to her 2H. This means that she literally not only makes money there for simply EXISTING exponentially but she feels more natural in her resourcefulness and sense of self value and worth here with the emphasis placed on the 2H opposed to feeling 'over exposed' by it being in the 10H in the other chart because it means that SHE determines how she's moving opposed to feeling the pressures of it being the other way around. Ultimately, the 2nd, 6th, and 10th are all houses we look to as money potential centers but an emphasis with planets in any of those houses is going to paint a different picture. 2H emphasis will feel more independent and the pressure will come from within, 6H will feel more like a cog in a wheel in trying to find its place but will be very successful at it but potentially overworked/overlooked, and 10H emphasis puts someone on the fast track to success but can become overburdened with always needing to prove or outdo its previous successes.
As someone who has so much Saturn in her (Aqua and Cap), she's used to working everything out on her own so the best thing for her, imo, is for her to be in an environment where people just leave her THE FUCK ALONE and let her do what she wants to do and how she wants to do it. The Sun and the Moon here are in the opposite houses of the houses they find joy in in trad astro (sun likes being in the 9th and moon likes being in the 3rd). From being someone (me) who has their moon in the 9th in whole sign, I can say from experience that it creates a pure joy and love in the unknown and in foreign places. It means you have an insatiable desire to educate yourself about your surroundings and you feel the safest around people who are very different from you bc you feel/experience that they judge you significantly less. Bc she has a natal 4H Moon opposing her Sun in the 10th, that sense of safety is vital and it means she's actually always struggled with that. With having a burning need TO put herself in the public eye and be very visible but weirdly feel attacked and unsafe the longer she's in view. It exacerbates deeper issues, imo, around fearing being vulnerable and may make a person create an outward persona as an armor they can wear to protect themselves.
So when her Moon is in a place that's opposite where it normally feels comfortable but she's USED to feeling uncomfortable, it kind of creates a sense of balance where she finds peace and freedom in what's foreign to her bc she's used to what's familiar hurting her. Then with the Sun being opposite of its joy, she's able to explore her inner child (Leo's ruled by the Sun and = children/joy), and find places that connect her to her early childhood interests (3H = early childhood education/experiences). And for her, that was always anime, among other things. So in this country, honestly, she feels the safest, on every fathomable level, esp on an inner child level, that she's ever been.
She might deadass get an apartment or property in Japan. And she SHOULD. They'll love her and she'll return it 10x over ❤️
For those curious, I offer Astrocartography readings here in my Expanded Services section.
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ariesjupiter · 3 months
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Our identity and sense of self is ruled by the Sun, it acts as a vital force within a natal chart.
House Placements
𖤓 1 𖤓 2 𖤓 3 𖤓 4 𖤓 5 𖤓 6 𖤓
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
𖤓 7 𖤓 8 𖤓 9 𖤓 10 𖤓 11 𖤓 12 𖤓
❃ Sun Conjunct Ascendant ❃ Sun Trine Ascendant ❃ Sun Sextile Ascendant ❃ Sun Square Ascendant
Moon ☽
❃ Sun Conjunct Moon ❃ Sun Square Moon
Mars ♂️
❃ Sun Sextile Mars ❃ Sun Square Mars
Jupiter ♃
❃ Sun Conjunct Jupiter ❃ Sun Sextile Jupiter
Saturn ♄
❃ Sun Conjunct Saturn ❃ Sun Trine Saturn
Uranus ♅
❃ Sun Conjunct Uranus ❃ Sun Trine Uranus
Neptune ♆
❃ Sun Conjunct Neptune ❃ Sun Trine Neptune
North Node ☊
❃ Sun Opposite North Node
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ariesjupiter · 3 months
Hello , how are you?
I wanted to ask,
In a solar return chart should I look at the actual solar return chart itself or how the solar return chart falls into my natal chart ?
for example I looked at the SRC for the year that I plan/hope to get pregnant and the my SR jupiter, mercury and venus fall in my 5th house natal (which kind of made me hopeful 😉 ) but if I look at the SRC as a standalone chart they fall into my 12&1 houses with no planets in my 5th house and the 5th house ruler in the 9th house
Thank you 🙏🏻
Great question, you should look at both! Looking at where sr planets fall in your natal chart is important. Not having planets in your 5th house is fine. There’s other things to check anyway like what house the Moon is in, aspects to the Moon, 4th house, transits, and more.
Good luck~
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ariesjupiter · 3 months
Hello, what does it mean when juno is unaspected by planets? I have sag juno at 4° in 11th (and 12th house in whole sign house system). Juno opposite black moon lilith(5°). Answer is appreciated!!!
When any planet or asteroid is unaspected, it means that energy needs to be worked on. So Juno represents commitment and partnership. However, as an asteroid, Juno being unaspected doesn’t really make an impact.
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ariesjupiter · 3 months
Heyy, appreciate all your replies ❤️, could you do Casanova 1st conjunct Pluto and ascendant, really appreciate that
Casanova in 1st conjunct Ascendant:
You can come across as very charming and flirty, sometimes even when you’re not trying to be. Bold and upfront when you’re attracted to someone. There can be an almost innocent aura to someone with this placement, even though they know what they’re doing and are self-aware lol. Even though someone with this placement may be direct, I still think they can act coy. You can have a magnetic appeal and people gravitate towards your personable and confident energy. Someone that loves the thrill of the chase.
Casanova in 1st conjunct Pluto: Someone with this placement definitely flirts intensely. A lot of eye contact and staring. When you find someone attractive you definitely observe and get to know them and what makes them tick, what they like, etc. Intimacy and passion is key.
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ariesjupiter · 3 months
Do you do readings as a side thing or is it your full time job?
I do readings as a side thing, I work as a teacher in an elementary school 😊
While I really like my job, I also enjoy doing readings and it’s my dream to be able to do this full time ✨
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ariesjupiter · 3 months
Can you explain profection years? I don’t really get how everyone who is 23 will have a “hard year” just because that year is 12th house focused. Like shouldn’t everyone’s ages be in a different house based on their own chart? I’m just confused about it all
Hi, good question. Someone isn’t going to have a “hard year” just because they have a 12th house protection year. Of course, there are ups and downs in everyone’s year and it doesn’t matter what protection year they’re going through. And there are positives to every house so 12h can mean a focus on dreams, creativity, and spiritual development too.
It’s worth noting what planet rules your 12th house. For example, if you have Libra in the 12th house then your 12h profection year is Venus-ruled. Maybe you find yourself in a relationship which perhaps has to be a kept a secret (12h) at first. There are other influences too but this is just an example.
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ariesjupiter · 3 months
How accurate are solar return charts? If I have no planets in my 5th or 7th house, does that really mean I won’t get into a relationship this year?
I think it’s up to how you interpret the solar return chart. Astrology is nuanced. Not having any planets in your 5th or 7th house certainly does not mean you won’t get into a relationship. Love and relationships can happen at any time regardless of whether you have the typical relationship indicators or not 💗
When looking at it from an astrology standpoint though, do you have Venus as your ASC ruler in the SR chart? Do you have Venus conjunct the ASC? Libra placements? There can also be other placements too. Like if you have your Moon and/or Venus in a cardinal sign/house (for example Venus in the 1st house) this can show new beginnings in partnerships and love. You can also consider things like transits and protection year.
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ariesjupiter · 3 months
hi! How are you doing?
I needed some insight on this aspect in my solar return chart : venus(1h) opposes Jupiter and Uranus (both in 7h)...?
Thank you💝
Venus opposite Jupiter: This aspect can be great for love, romance, and a fun social life. But it can also point to excess and overindulging. This can also manifest as being very confident and impulsive. You may be more bold and open to taking chances. Your relationships are emphasized now and can make you reflect on your values and beliefs in love, partnerships, and life overall. There can be a conflict between the desire for love & commitment and the desire for independence and freedom.
Venus opposite Uranus: A sudden change could happen in terms of your love life. If you’re in currently in a relationship there may be tension and conflicts. You may need more space now. You embrace change and may discover new values that you have. This is a time when you’ll be thinking about the future a lot and thinking about what kind of people you want to have in your life. It’s a great aspect for artists and creative people because you can be come up with brilliant ideas in an instant. The challenge here can be trying to balance expressing your individuality while also maintaining harmonious relationships.
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ariesjupiter · 4 months
Astrocartography Observations 2 🌎
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• Often you’ll find that the place your mom and/or maternal grandma was born is on a Moon line or a Moon paran line (crossing with another planet at this latitude)
• The place your dad and/or paternal grandpa was born may be on one of your Sun lines or a Sun paran line.
• Having a Moon/Jupiter crossing line can show a place where you may have a fun and relaxing vacation. It could be a place where you’ve traveled to in your childhood.
• If you’ve always wanted to live in another country, you may have been born on a North Node line. It seems that many people born on a NN line are destined to live in other places throughout their life.
• If you're looking for a new perfume, try one with notes that are native to countries on your Venus lines. For example, Italy - bergamot; Mexico - vanilla; Iran - jasmine; The Philippines - ylang ylang. You can still embrace the energy of a line and feel its effects without traveling there.
• Your favorite food/cuisine may come from a country that has a Moon line running through it (especially Moon IC).
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ariesjupiter · 4 months
Astrology: What's never talked about in Astrocartography or Locational Astrology
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Generational Karma
Like in all charts, planet lines in Astrography are not just your personal experiences of that area, but also generational experiences or karma that you have inherited.
For example, somewhere that your Mars line falls can show a place where your ancestors or relatives had to fight or had aggressive altercations.
Your Neptune line can show where your ancestors dreamed, idolised, or escaped from.
How you relate to or are impacted by people from the area
Your personal planet lines can also show how you interact with people from that area of the world or what your perception of them is.
For example,  if your pluto line runs through a city, you may perceive people from this area as being destructive or revolutionary.
Your venus line through a country, you might adore people from this country.
Where you naturally feel drawn to
Whatever planet rules your rising sign or the planet that is impacting your life the most will draw you to the area that that line is running through.
For example, Scorpio risings may be drawn to live near their pluto line.
Someone who has the Sun transiting their North Node may suddenly want to leave and visit an area where their North Node line runs through.
Natal charts have dominant planets. These are areas of our lives that we experience the most, have a profound impact on us, subconsciously (or consciously) guide us, or we feel most comfortable with. This means that how one person experiences a planet line will not be the same for another person.
Consider your predisposition to certain planets
For example, it is often said not to live on or near your Pluto line as it may be negative for your mental health or cause destructive experiences. However, heavey Pluto or Scorpio people crave to transcend destruction and to be reborn. So they may actually do well on a Pluto line, but not a Venus line (Venus being in fall in Scorpio). However, a Venus dominant person would do well on a Venus line, but not a Pluto line. Similarly, a Moon dominant might feel a Mars line is too fast-paced for them, but Mars dominants get bored on a Moon line.
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ariesjupiter · 4 months
Luck in 2024 🧡✨
Jupiter moves in to Gemini in 2024.
🌟Starting the first post of 2024, with some good news.🌟
On 25th May 2024, Jupiter moves into the sign of Gemini and this will bring much luck to the areas where Gemini is in your chart.
🧡 Read for Western charts, Whole signs.
🌟Aries rising, Gemini in 3rd house:
You can be lucky if you are in school or pursuing any education, good grades, good school I have noticed even if it doesn't go your way now, in long term it will be beneficial, meet new friends and peers, luck in learning and gaining skills, gain through friends, increased travelling, luck from traveling, education little far from home, new learning through experiences, income from hobbies, honing your talent, winning awards, achieve something significant
🌟Taurus rising, Gemini in 2nd house:
Lucky in matters of money, gain money, good time to start a business, dual income, multiple jobs, attract attention from others, family may expand, lucky time to start a family or expand family, smooth time with things you are self teaching, may eat a lot, gain luxury items, someone in family completes their education, family business thrives, luck through possessions, good time to work on self worth
🌟Gemini rising, Gemini in 1st house:
Lucky in general, anything you do will present itself with long term implications that will be beneficial, attract attention, lucky in education and learning, lucky in partnerships and making good impressions, good time to work on self worth, healing period, luck through new experiences, prosperity in career or anything new that you will start, meeting someone significant or even a long term romantic partner, new projects will be successful, gainful year
🌟Cancer rising, Gemini in 12th house:
Lucky in spiritual matters, meditation, self reflection will prove extremely beneficial, foreign travel, luck may not be evident but will be working, lucky in the company of high energy people, choose people wisely, good time to work on those dreams and make them reality, starting meditation will be beneficial, protection from higher energy, be humble and practice gratitude, meeting soulmate, spritual mentor will prove beneficial if you have any, good year to improve intuition
🌟Leo rising, Gemini in 11th house:
Lucky in friendships and networking, meeting people you will gain from, luck in group activities and charitable deeds, good time to start working on that bag and your dreams, putting efforts towards careers, dreams and aspirations will pay off, if not now in the long run, gain income, dual income, two jobs, profit from friends and peers, victory over jealous people, gain from luck siblings, better relationship with siblings, learn something from siblings or peers
🌟Virgo rising, Gemini in 10th house:
Lucky in matters of career, good promotion, getting Desired job, higher pay, good reputation, lucky through your job, might meet people you gain from, a good mentor, beneficial learning through your job, taking on more responsibility, happiness through your job, attract attention, someone will look up to you, luck in changing jobs, working on your dreams, and efforts towards your career will pay off, lucky with bosses and salary increments
🌟Libra rising, Gemini in 9th house:
You will be lucky in education, good grades, good school, lucky while travelling, lucky in foreign land, gains through foreign people, learn something beneficial through foreigners, starting education can be beneficial, starting spiritual practices will be beneficial, protection from above, have faith, gains and money from grandparents, meeting soulmate in foreign land, gains from mentors, meeting a great mentor
🌟Scorpio rising, Gemini in 8th house:
You will gain through others, businesses may earn well if you employ other people, getting loan will get approved, lucky with intimacy, luck meeting good lovers and having good s*x, introspection and solitude will bring benefits, may spend time alone, a major good change possible, lucky with relocation, money and debt, success in finding out a secret or discover something big, meeting your future spouse, good time for marriage, healing period, protection from jealousy people
🌟Sagittarius rising, Gemini in 7th house:
You will have luck with people in general, partnerships and relationships, good time to get married, start a business, start anything, success in impressing people, attracting attention and many lovers, meeting new people will be lucky and bring gains, meeting someone influential, meeting future spouse or significant partner, gain from partners, earning well from business, success at forming long lasting relationship, meeting someone you will have long term connection with
🌟Capricorn rising, Gemini in 6th house:
You will be lucky if you have a job, with your colleagues, you will see success for projects yoy will take on, success in health matters if you start something new, success in recovery from injuries, good healing period for both mental and physical health, good time to get a pet or expand your living situation, if you get a roomate they can be lucky or long term beneficial, you will be lucky from jealousy peers, success in noble acts, lucky in daily day to day activities, promotions can happen, extra income, gains from job or peers, meeting colleagues you will benefit from,
🌟Aquarius rising, Gemini in 5th house:
You will be lucky if you are in University or starting education, learning period will be beneficial, will meet some new people and make long lasting friendships, can get a part time job, joining clubs or societies will prove to be successful, gain money and income, travel for vacations, focus on leisure activities and doing things you love, focus on happiness will be major theme, creative endeavours will be successful, romance will fly, meet someone significant, may meet soulmate, can take up gambling, adopting new hobbies will prove beneficial
🌟Pisces rising, Gemini in 4th house:
You can get a car, a house or land, income may improve, family may expand, success for someone in the family, family business can prosper, feminine energy will prove to be lucky for you, you may be lucky in getting things done in your home town, doing things that will bring happiness, meeting love in home town, big gatherings or even marriage in family, good time to get married as well, matters of heart will bring you happiness, learning from someone feminine, a feminine mentor will provide their guidance, new projects related to your comforts and housing will prove successful
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🌟🌟In sidereal the transit will happen on 1st May where Jupiter will enter Taurus, if you believe in Sidereal more, check which house Taurus is in and read for that house. 🌟🌟
© notanastrologer 2024, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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ariesjupiter · 4 months
January Cosmic Calendar🧞
🪼January 1-2nd: Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius (thank gawd it’s now direct!!!😮‍💨🫠)
🪼January 4th: Mars enters Capricorn
🪼January 11th: New moon in Capricorn
🪼January 13-14th: Mercury enters Capricorn
🪼January 20th: Sun enters Aquarius (Happy Solar Return Aquarius Babes🫶🏽)
🪼January 20-21st: Pluto enters Aquarius
🪼January 23rd: Venus enters Capricorn
🪼January 25th: Full moon in Leo 🦁🌙
🪼 January 27th: Uranus turns direct in Taurus
Saturnians do ya thing it’s your time to shine this month!!! ♑️♒️
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ariesjupiter · 5 months
Uranus in houses 🔭
🎄Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. And this 30th Dec also marks 3 year anniversary of @notanastrologer. On this occasion here is last in planets in houses series. 🎄
Check my 💫masterlist💫 for other planets.
All work of @notanastrologer.
Don't steal, reword or plagiarise.
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Uranus rules innovations, freedom, independence, surprises, unexpected things, sudden changes ,upheaval, originality, scientific discoveries, It rules over aquarius and 11th house. Some say it can be exalted in either Scorpio, fall in Taurus and detriment in Leo. It’s analysis is limited to western astrology only, vedic practitioners don’t include it in their analysis(yet).
🔭 Uranus in 1st-
These natives are quite innovative and eccentric which also describes the Aquarius rising person. They are smart and one of the few interesting people when you know them. They might not seem very interested in a lot of things or like they aren't paying attention but that's usually because in their mind they are having their own conversations, that being said they may often get lost in thought. They also have some of the most unexpected changes or glow ups. They may like having tattoos or piercings. They are adventurous and want to know about a lot of things. Often they are interested in things of other cultures. Are true humanitarians and like working for a larger cause. One thing that may irk them is the sense of stubbornness others might show when it comes to matter of opinions, even though Aquarius is a fixed sign, Uranus energy in its true form is accepting and non-judgemental. They work for community and has many hobbies of their own as well. Most likely to change something in appearance or get a haircut at smallest inconvenience. Can create havoc especially in their own life, overthinks a lot. They cannot stand restrictions and just the thought of being control can be triggering.
🔭Uranus in 2nd-
These natives are eclectic when young, can be outcasts or discriminated against even, they are different from their family. They might enjoy exploring diff foods and doesn't like restrictions on their food, could also non-traditional way of eating food like eating rice with fork, (ik a lot of people who do this but ykwim), could also have eccentric foods they eat together like rice with ketchup or ice-cream and fries. Someone in their family may have been an inventor of some kind or did something new or native could be that person. They might have had a rich collection of hobbies when young, either they had so many hobbies they never got bored or it was hard to keep them from getting bored. Might have been rebellious and restless as a kid. Parents might have suspected neurodivergence or are neurodivergent. You may have something you value but others don't understand why. I feel with this one, people close to you misunderstand you or doesn't fully get you and you may feel alone. Adoption might happen in family. Can show sudden deaths in family or a sudden gain/downfall especially monetary. An action of yours might feel like a shock to family. Their self worth might be attached to something they create. May have playes with tools when young. Lack of independence can be detrimental to self esteem and financial independence is the ultimate goal for them.
🔭 Uranus in 3rd-
These tend be misunderstood when young, quite rebellious or let's just say difficult to understand by some people. They may have been treated differently than their peers or siblings. They may have been an outcasted by their peers, teachers, in school or even at home. Could have a hard time making friends. May have had a best friend come into their life unexpectedly. Says the most eccentric thing, people can be fascinated by you or the way you speak. Could have speech related issues. Your friends may be weird. You may have been the nerd kid or very smart compared to others. Eccentric hobbies. May have accidents when young or played with tools. You or some one your age could have neurodivergent behaviour or simply didn't have good attention span. Could be nail biters. Siblings might have been adopted. Could have had a special needs pets adopted at home. Some of them have great memories or their idea of learning is different from others, or diff processes had to be adopted to teach you. Good indication for programmers, engineers or people dealing with computers. Influencer placement as well. You may invent something out of a hobby or invent a new hobby. May like impromptu travel plans or had a lot of sudden travel as a child. Something unexpected might have happened with a peer,cousin or sibling. Enjoy having no rule book and are self dependent learners.
🔭 Uranus in 4th-
These people are often not what people want them to be, they don't conform to standards of the people they grew up with or especially in a society they grew up in. They trigger a lot of people around them just by being themselves. Their relationship with parents can be either distant while growing up or they were controlled to the point they want an independent life away from them. Most of these people will eventually move out of their home and also probably birth land. They can't be in the same space for long and enjoy traveling and mingling with new other people. They might like solitude when dealing with emotions and feelings, like to process it than talk. Mother may have been an independent and eccentric personality who also did not conform to tradition. There may be a sudden family incident, someone in your family can be adopted. It's also possible that the family dynamic is very rare and unusual compared to your peers. You may be one of the first people to Innovate or introduce new things into your family. Can be different from other family members, your may like tech and car gadgets and invest in them, you like advanced mechanical vehicles. You may try to use technology or social media to not deal with emotional matters. Your family might keep suprising each other often.
🔭 Uranus in 5th-
I believe these natives tend to grow into their real self when they hit their 20s or there's a drastic change in personality or how others see them. They might do college education in engineering, computer science, or anything to do with machinery, computers and even heavy mathematics. There minds are brilliant and quick thinking, creative thinking is an important theme here which is why they can be quite quick to make witty comebacks. They might do an usual college education or none at all, their education might be unconventional than what they have seen. Might choose a difficult subject. There can be upheavals or shocks in education, disruption as well. Their love life can be different as well, different from others, they are attracted to people different from them, and have friends different from them, or from foreign lands. Lovers can be foreigners, innovative when it comes to sex, may like trying new things, may have long distance romance or online. Kids might be conceived using unconventional methods, suprise pregnancies is from different partners. They may also find the idea of relationship too constraining hence be single is there tea, they can be detached from romance in their 20s as well just different priorities and are busy exploring other things. Romance may unexpectedly enter your life. So it's long lasting friendships. They can do lot of things they enjoyed doing as a kid, or use tech for that. Might travel a lot or vacations or leisure times are often unexpected. They are intelligent and have vivid self expression. Considered outcasts by others, and surprises might make them happy. They are a unique friend who will suprise you even when people might not expect them to show up for support. They are busy thinking about things to try and enjoy while they get this sense of freedom, that they forget about romance. Might like heavy metal/rock music and engages themselves in humanitarian work.
🔭 Uranus in 6th-
They can be very meticulous towards their duties. They might have a hard time sticking to a routine or their routine is unconventional and sometimes unhealthy. They may sleep late or eat at odd times. They are often busy which can deter them form their normal hygiene and diet as well. They can be picky eaters or eat vivid combinations of food. They can be overthinkers and may have anxiety which is often their work related. Their jobs may involve working in fields of science, mathematics or technology. They make good programmers and Excel in fields of engineering and science. Later in life, they can become very healthy and trying healthy recipes as they cannot stick to same old same old. So they can spruce up their lifestyle as well. They can do well with having a pet, particularly cats. Their co workers may be different than them or these natives might be treated differently at work place, you are one of the smartest in your work place. Your intelligence and mind is an employer's dream, people might look to you to solve tech related issues. Might suffer from unexpected health issues. You are also likely to unexpected come across an animal and adopt them. Your charity work may involve climate, science, or philanthropy. Change is good for you mental health, and you might enjoy spending time alone or atleast away from family in your own freedom.
🔭 Uranus in 7th-
They are very intelligent and perceptive when it comes to dealing with the audience unless afflicted. Even with business and partnerships in general it's easier for them to separate personal from professional and are very clear on their boundaries. They are balanced people in it's developed form and unable to handle stress well when under-developed, they prefer specialisation over generalisation and focus on one thing at a time. They may invent something and go into business selling it, or manages product or tech related stuff of s business. As lovers and partners, they are introverted and may not seek others when under-developed or even think about romance and love as they tend to be attached from it, they may rationalise their emotions and try to make sense of it. But when developed, they are one of the caring souls, who believes in having healthy boundaries and a relationship where each has freedom to be an individual and have their own lives, they would like someone independent and a brilliant thinker as well, someone not a bore and matches their interests. These natives might gain a lot of knowledge through interacting with others or have an audience for their creation. Marriage may be unexpected or business can happen unexpectedly. You may be prone to law suit unexpectedly or even fame. You can create something related to romance or trade or law. They value originality over pretentious partners and likes honesty in relationship. Might attract intelligent and nerdy people.
🔭 Uranus in 8th-
These are likely to be introverted and shy, or socially awkward. I feel the major cause for this is others fail to recognise the true Uranus in 8th person for who they are, which is why I think they lack acceptance or people don't see them for who they are. This may be constraining for them. They may fear their independence or freedom being taken away from them. Claustrophobic possibly. They are so passionate and intelligent about certain things but this quality is likely hidden from others and people may be shocked on discovering this. These individuals might contemplate after life, spirituality, quantum physics, aliens and all other things that may not be in front of us. In an underdeveloped state, native is likely to refuse spirituality and only focus on the real world. They may also enjoy crime and forensic shows or knowing about such stuff. They are also likely to come up with innovative ways to kill, not because they are psycho but they are very creative and innovative. This placement is likely to experience sudden accidents, financial debt or even had experience of a sudden death. This placement might bring unexpected gains or inheritance as well and spiritual inclination and introspection might boost your intelligence and connect you more to your passions. They have some hidden talent. Possible indication of asexuality. Although one's sex life is likely to be experimental and may utilise toys. Sometimes freaky as well, whatever the case they will try to keep an exciting sex life. There might be sudden changes or unwelcome changes in life. Private life might have a upheaval or be a shock for some people. Might develop some sudden or unexpected fears. Private life may become known unexpectedly. Can do research in STEM, quantitative fields. You might have some minor or secretive neurodivergent behaviour which can be undetected.
🔭 Uranus in 9th-
They are intuitive, intelligent and open minded, or atleast wants to believe that they are. They crave independence and exploration, they are learn by practicality or experience. They might enjoy travelling or knowing about different cultures, heritages to make sense of the world. They might be advocates of social issues and promote justice, they are not the ones to just stand and be bullied, they stand up for the weak and had one fight response. They can be intellectually aggressive and will want to correct others if they think other person is wrong, sometimes even when it doesn't concern them or there it is a gray are. They can be self righteous and believe in the right and wrong order of things. If other things in chart supports, they are likely to travel abroad. Can have education from abroad or have a foreign teacher. Might be interested in the languages. They are rebellious and also innovative. They thrive from being free and in an environment that allows them the freedom to explore their curiosities as they have many. Might be into foreign rock artists. They can be tempted by the idea of space exploration. When under-developed they fail to accept spirituality or understand people who do. They might not be religious but likes knowing the meaning of how life comes to be. Might study higher education or research in STEM subjects or quantitative heavy subjects. There might be a sudden change in life philosophy or spiritual/religious beliefs, higher education, when you are abroad or make sudden plans to go abroad or study. There might be some upheaval during higher education. Might invent something abroad or through inspiration by foreign sources. They might be the first ones to go abroad in family or achieve something big in their family. You make people ask different questions and don't conform to standards and society.
🔭 Uranus in 10th-
While few other Uranus placements are outcasts, this one will be known as the outcast or the outlier or the undergod. People will know you for being "not-normal" "non-mainstream", something about you will be different on the public eye. This can be your looks, how you behave, how you work. You will also be seen as as an innovator and a creator, your profession might be related to being one. Your fame can be because you invented something. Most likely to work in the field of science, research, social work, mathematical fields, engineering. You will also be known for your philanthrophy. People with this placement might come across intimidating because you might present a new image or idea to them to which they may feel uncomfortable. Your work might involve dealing with computers a lot. You might get a job suddenly or sudden fame. You will be one day in the shadow and in the limelight another, your creation might get famous over night. Your public image can go through sudden changes. You are also likely to attract bad name without any hint. You like having a space to breathe in your workspace and like working independently or where your ideas are appreciated.
🔭 Uranus in 11th-
They are unique and unconventional. Their education or the way they are is unconventional to their peers. They may have a hard time setting in especially as a child or finding their tribe but they are one of the resilient and smartest people. They may come across as detached or unemotional but are emotionally rational and may decisions mostly based on the brain than the heart, they are good people to go to if you want serious practical advice. They are creators and has ability to start revolution or convince others with logic. Peera might attracted to them because of their calm demeanor as they are very nonchalant when they deal with others which borders on "idgaf about you". They do have some issues dear to them which they might promote, they do well when socially engaging and helping others. Someone in their peers could be neuro divergent. They may be known for their philanthropy and has network with people who do. They are a calculated socialiser, they know how to charm others and know exactly what to say to get inside the door. After work, your resources might go towards a lot of social work. You are a great friend. There might be upheavals in jobs and social circles. Friendship might occur unexpectedly or break suddenly. Friends might live in different countries or cities. You may enjoy talking science with friends or someone in your friends might work in STEM. You aren't a clingy friend, and have a life of their own. You are that good friend that even if you don't talk for years, friendship remains intact. Your way of friendship is different and uncommon. You like being independent and want to create through your work, one of your goals can be invent or create something.
🔭 Uranus in 12th-
Often for these natives, this can be an untapped potential placement as 12th house themes aren't well known to the outside world and also the native themselves. Uranus is a mind stimulating energy that presents in the form of over stimulated thoughts when in 12th house, which can make it harder to fall asleep or using a lot of technology and gadgets before you sleep, just about anything that tires out your brain into sleeping but contrarily it just makes it even more hard. You might enjoy reading or learning something before you sleep. These may be people who are constantly learning and perfecting or exploring their interests. They might be interested in the meta-physical world or subjects that are unknown, although they like knowing the logical and science behind some things that happen. They might think best at night or when alone. They can be late-sleepers, or likely to pull an all nighter. You might even pay attention to the engima you can be or are, you ll find out a solution to some big problem or create something that could potentially save the world and you ll be really unaware about it, unaware about your talent. You may hav felt sidelined because you were different or unique, which often makes you want to be alone. You prefer solitude than hanging with mainstream people who just gossip, you like to hang out with people who add value to your life. For some even if you are aware of your differentiating characteristics, you refer not to be treated as one. You might be into cosplays or sci-fi roleplays or games/fantasies. You may do volunteer work or help out less - privileged in your own time without telling one. You are introverted and sometimes too self-dependent, you may not seek help from others but wouldn't mind getting it. It can be hard to know the real you as you may not open your deeper selves to about anyone. You can have falling dreams or your dreams might often change. There can be unexpected changes in your sleeping, dreams and even a change in your sub-conscious self of how you are and how you feel. When under-developed you may not be open to the idea of spirituality.
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ariesjupiter · 5 months
Controversial Opinion Alert… Or is it?
New York City represents the archetype of a gemini to me.
- Up all night.
- A variety of activities available to entertain themselves.
- Trillions of accessible coffee shops.
- Everyday can be different.
- Diversity in land and people.
- Conversations can come and go like the wind (air sign things).
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