askcupidrotg · 11 years
((My internet is back! Not entirely stable, but I graduated on Saturday so I'm free to go camp out at the library for wifi.))
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
Darki chuckled as she took the offered hand for a hand shake. "Pleased to meet you." Her smile was wry and she shrugged her shoulders. "I have a habit of ending up in the strangest of places." She also had a knack for finding many different kinds of people.
“Sounds like the sort of habit that could get you into trouble.” He didn’t sound threatening; on the contrary, he sounded as though he thought trouble seemed like a very good thing in this instance. “You said you were passing through—might I ask where you’re headed?”
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
Darki jumped slightly, the voice startled her. She turned around and gave the blindfolded man a bit of a nervous smile. "Oh, hello." Why did she have to be so awkward? "I'm, Darki. I apologize if I was disturbing you, I got curious as I walked by. I'm merely passing through." She shrugged. "Curiosity killed the cat and such things."
The freckled boy gave an easy grin as he approached, revealing slight buck teeth. He was slight, with wild reddish hair and a long red coat rigged with a pair of odd mechanical wings. “Cupid. It’s no problem, just,” he shrugged, seeming to look around idly. “I don’t tend to see many all the way out here.” He nodded. “Darki. Pleased to meet ya, kid.” He held out a hand to her.
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
Darki was walking along calmly, her hands held behind her back. She had heard rumors of a being that could fire an arrow and hit someone with it and cause them to fall in love. Through all she had seen and heard already on this planet it was one of the oddest things. Still, she wanted to see if it was true. More than likely she suspected that it was.
“Who would you be then, stranger?” Cupid spoke up from behind the girl, watching her curiously.
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
The girl finished the doodle in her book, sighing and relaxing against the blossoming tree. Looking around at all of the beautiful people around her, she couldn't help feeling out of place, and of course, her biggest crush waltz up behind her and complimented her drawing. Blushing wildly, she shifted against the tree as he walked away before yelling out "Not!" and sticking her the middle finger.
“Rude. You’re better off not wasting your affections on the likes of him, love.” A freckled boy in a long red coat swung off his perch in the tree’s branches and dropped down beside the girl. He adjusted his blindfold and seemed to peer over her shoulder at the sketch. “You’re drawing? Not bad either; see, you could do better than him.”
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
((Hey everyone. I’ve got a bit of news.
I’m thinking of deleting Cupid. I worked hard on him and I don’t regret all the fun I’ve had on the blog, but the fact is that my attempts at boosting activity have all fallen flat. I’ve only gotten asks from about four people, and while I love them dearly, I was planning to do a lot more with my character and all but one of my partners have left me… Basically I’m not sure if its worth it. Plus, I mean, there’s a Cupid now with a URL crazy similar to mine so I guess I could offer this one to her so she’ll have a proper tag.
That said, I really do want to roleplay and run an ask blog of some kind. I figure I can do better characterization, do art replies, maybe come up with someone people actually want to talk to. Right now I’m considering a genderbent Merida or an AU Hiccup, and I’d really like some input! For the AU I’m considering apocalypse survivor, future/steampunk (maybe a bit like Firefly), modern, shapeshifter, magic user, bookshop employee, coffee shop employee, ghost see-er, sees fairies/fey/mythological creatures, assistant/apprentice to someone like North or Pitch, community college AU, etc. Frankly I’m open to any suggestions for any character from the list of fandoms on my sidebar. I’d really appreciate some opinions as to what I should do!
TL;DR: Cupid may be going soon, so if you want to save him you might want to speak up. Also, it’d be cool if you could help me choose what to do next.))
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
17. 7.
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
Handwritten Post Day TMI
1: Write your URL in some writing that you thought were super cool when you were younger. Eg, bubble letters, digital clock letters, letters with lots of embellishments, or letters with smiley faces in them.
2: Write a list of all the countries or states you’ve been to. Write a comment on each of them. Or some, if you can’t be bothered.
3: List your top three statistical Tumblr crushes and draw their icons.
4: Draw a selfie.
5: Name three things you like about yourself.
6: Do you like the climate you live in? What do you like about it or what would you change?
7: What is your current mood? Write and/or draw.
8: Can you tie a bow-tie? A regular tie? If yes, how and when did you learn?
9: Pick something from your immediate surroundings and tell the story behind the item.
10: The last time you noticed you’d put a piece of clothing on incorrectly, i.e. backwards/inside out/etc?
11: What is a typical breakfast for you?
12: How do you take your favorite coffee? Eg strong or weak? Black or with cream/milk and/or sugar/sweetener? Filter, espresso, French press or instant? Hot or iced? Regular or decaf? None of the above?
13: Describe your favorite food. Who makes it?
14: List 5 movies that you love.
15: What is a wanky memory from Tumblr that still makes you blush?
16: What brought you to Tumblr?
17: Have you had any real Tumblr crushes? If you want to keep your mystery, answer with a drawing.
18: Do you prefer to text or call your friends?
19: Write an autograph version of your URL.
20: Pick up the nearest printed material in your first language and copy out a random paragraph.
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
“You’ll make me?” He shook his head. “My role is no less important than yours, I won’t give it up just because you’ve threatened me.” Cupid thought he could see something shifting on the edges of the inky mass, the barest hint of color that struck hope into his heart.
"You feel it, don't you? The pull from darkness to light." He reached out towards her, slowly. "Take my hand, red. You can still get away."
Light and Dark Don't Mix
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
Cupid frowned, considering the boy. He could see that it bothered him more than he let on, and already he didn't like to see Jamie upset. He didn't know why Jack had abandoned his very first believer that way, but he wasn't happy about it. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen the winter spirit in years... Coincidence, he was sure; they hadn't exactly been keeping in touch before. Right now the issue lay with the hint of sadness that wafted around Jamie, which Cupid decided then and there to try to remove.
"Would you like to come on an adventure with me then?" He shrugged, a smile starting to tug at his lips. "It's high time I had a break from my role, we could go anywhere, do anything." He watched Jamie, taking in the odd attire and curious eyes; he was prepared to like this kid, and if he needed a friend then who better than the matchmaker himself?
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
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Zen Pencils Comic: 96. DR. SEUSS: Those who mind, don’t matter
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
Hey Cupid, have you ever put the wrong people together by mistake?
"The wrong people? Listen, I take my job very seriously and I don't appreciate-- Nope, can't do it. Yeah, of course I've made some bad matches! I try to fix them though."
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
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Find out your Chapman’s Love Language Here: http://neurolove.me/post/49816887462/which-love-language-do-you-speak
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
"Hey, Cuball. Where ya been?"
"Hey kid!" Cupid waved the boy over. "Been busy lately, the usual job. What about you?"
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
A moment of silence for all those who lost their lives 15 years ago in the Battle of Hogwarts.
May 2, 1998: The day Tom Riddle met his end.
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askcupidrotg · 11 years
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