Orchid how about some cake?
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... someone creeps in and leaves a rose for someone very special, a note with [Have a very nice day, Sweet Willow~ xx] written on it. However they run off before it's clear who it is.
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{ Oh...! What a sweet note... I wonder who could have left this? A shame I couldn’t catch them... } Willow seems very pleased by the note. A giddy smile is planted on her face :-)
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= ... =
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Hi you should doodle everyone giving platonic love to one another :o
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((The only reason Ritz isn't there is because she’s taking a picture for later :-3c ))
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((slides in and blows dust off blog))
((you guys got any questions for these guys? my tablet has been broken for a while, but text responses are good too right? right! i can answer questions like “*slams table* WHATS THEIR SEXUALITIES” and the like!))
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(So like... When are we doing tea xD)
{ Oh, I would love for the tea party to take some time this weekend! That is, if... Someone isn’t busy~ }
She’s talking about the mun. School just started this week for her, but she’ll try and be active and do tea sometime this weekend ^^”
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:O Single Pringles! What's everyone else's type? Like...what kind of people do they like?
“Well... Eric sort of likes everyone? I mean, if you’re a decent person and you click with him then he’ll end up loving you oh so much!!! :-)”
“Orchid likes affectionate people! Also, she likes all girls/femme aligned people and is a feral lesbian.”
“Willow... Hmm... She likes cool and collected people who she can really talk to, which is why she loves holding tea parties for her friends :-)”
“I don’t know Ritz’s type, she’s pretty secretive.”
“And Mia-”
Mia suddenly burst through the door, sobbing. [I’LL TAKE ANYONE I’VE BEEN SINGLE FOR 5000 YEARS]
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Oh who's this new character??? Lilo right??? (love u wife) ~☕
">:-P Pbbbbblllt." (She loves you too)
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*slams table* IS ANYONE SINGLE?
Mun cracked her knuckles (I'm kidding, I can't actually do that). "There are indeed single Pringles! Everyone except for Eric currently has no partners! ;-3"
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((slides in and blows dust off blog))
((you guys got any questions for these guys? my tablet has been broken for a while, but text responses are good too right? right! i can answer questions like “*slams table* WHATS THEIR SEXUALITIES” and the like!))
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With all due respect, Orchid, we would like to spend time with Willow alone at some point. We are fascinated with the way her brain works. We don't mean to intrude, even if in all technicality she's single. ( @hi-it-earl )
Orchid sat up and stared at the ask. She groaned and flopped back down when she realized who it was. 
=Oh, it’s just you. Earl, was it? Yeah, listen, haven’t we already solved this problem? You all seem wonderful and all that, but I don’t think I’m exactly up for conversing with you right now. Or ever.=
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DEAR SWEET LOVELY ERIC What is your FAVORITE thing about your SPECTACULAR boyfriend?! ~Totally Not Cupid, shush 💕
Eric laughed at the ask before placing a hand on his chin. 
{ Hmm, well, I don’t think I have a favorite thing about him! There’s just so many wonderful qualities about him~ Like his good looks, and the way he gets jealous when I flirt around with people-- so cute~! }
Mia cut in before this could get any sappier. [Eric, Mr. Cupid sir, I am begging you two to please please PLEASE get a room. There’s single people here =^=;;]
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When are Willow and Orchid getting together
Orchid slid in and made sure no one else has seen the ask before groaning dramatically. She flopped on a conveniently placed couch and started messing around with one of her knives.
=I know right? I’m glad at least one other person can see my undying love for Willow~ A shame I didn’t even know there were other people who liked her... I mean, I can’t blame them. Willow is so pretty~=
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Orchid jumps up and down, waving her hands wildly. =OOOH! OOOOH! ME! IT’S ME! I WANT CAKE!= 
{ Oh, you know, cake doesn’t sound that bad right now~ }
Ritz looked up from... whatever she was doing. || Ah, I suppose I would enjoy some cake as well. ||
_...Haha, well-- I guess everyone wants cake? Don’t worry dear anon, I’ll gladly help you bake for everyone, I’m a wonderful baker!_
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Aah! Willow! I’m so glad you’re okay! I thought knife lady had killed you!
_Hello! Ah, no, I’m fine-- we all are! ...Haha, “knife lady”, that’s a cute nickname, I should call Orchid that sometime._
_Anyway, you don’t have to worry about any of that anymore! It was all an act-- a show of some sort for your entertainment. I’m a bit glad we ended up not finishing it all though, I’m not the best actor, haha._
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((slides in and blows dust off blog))
((you guys got any questions for these guys? my tablet has been broken for a while, but text responses are good too right? right! i can answer questions like “*slams table* WHATS THEIR SEXUALITIES” and the like!))
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_Oh, it’s nothing, Earl~_ Willow smiled back at him, how pretty. _We’ll have the tea party sometime next week~! See you all there!_ 
...She was gone. Hm. Orchid hesitated, looking at the others before going herself.
Well done everybody :-)
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@ask-cupidswonderland @hi-it-earl
Willow smiles. _I’m glad we’re all calm! Oh, Earl, I am so very sorry about these first impressions, I assure you everyone here is quite lovely._
=Yes, quite~!= Orchid hooked a playful arm around Willow and smiled that trademark sickeningly sweet smile at Earl and Veerah. She knows what she’s doing. Meanwhile, Mia, Eric, and Ritz are in the background making bets on who will get to Willow first discussing something.
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Orchid stared at all of them, her arm still wrapped around Willow, and her sickly sweet smile was gone. 
Before Willow could panic and say something, Orchid spoke up, a genuine smile finding her way on her face. =Ah, I guess you guys are right. Sorry I’ve been a stickler... You guys seem really nice, really! So I would be honored to attend a tea party with you riffraff~ =
Willow smiled widely and felt a huge wave of relief. _Oh, yes! Yes, a tea party with you all seems splendid! How wonderful!_ 
Eric sighs with relief in the background for not having to kick anyone’s ass
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@ask-cupidswonderland @hi-it-earl
Willow smiles. _I’m glad we’re all calm! Oh, Earl, I am so very sorry about these first impressions, I assure you everyone here is quite lovely._
=Yes, quite~!= Orchid hooked a playful arm around Willow and smiled that trademark sickeningly sweet smile at Earl and Veerah. She knows what she’s doing. Meanwhile, Mia, Eric, and Ritz are in the background making bets on who will get to Willow first discussing something.
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