Shyner's internet-shy too but that doesn't stop her from using the internet. Goggles wears goggles, Shyner is shy.
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Hi guys, I’ve been watching IR since the beginning of the channel but I’ve been kinda internet-shy until recently. I wanted to show some support for Camp Streamix, since I love all your content so much, so here’s my interpretation of the “Best Part” prompt. This scene was really beautiful. Points to Team Annihilation if it manages to win.
I love the hair and detail on this, so cool! Mmm the lines and the faces are so pretty, nice job! -Kristen
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Don't worry, Shyner's shy too.
Cami is introduced to the Internet Remix team! But it seems like she might be a little shy…
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And Shyner's a shy girl. It's in the fandom website (a Wikipedia -like website with all the character info)
There is one question I've always wondered. I coundn't ask it because it was thought to be a little bit sensitive question. If you don't like to answer it, please ignore it. So the question is : why steel doesn't talk during streaming? is there any specific reason?
He a shy boi.
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Shyner's shy too. It's even in the fandom website.
How do you figure out if you're good at singing if you're super shy?
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Bro: I feel like you could just post the Shia image 24 times to be honest.Juno: If you love singing, just do it! If it helps, do it in places where you feel you won’t be judged, like the shower.Uprising: I mean really that’s the best. Sing to urself when ur driving or alone.
Kristen: Yeah, unfortunately this is the case with any sort of art… or anything, really. You’ll never figure out if you’re good at a thing until you risk showing it to another human. Practice by yourself until you hear something you’re comfortable with, then see if anyone close to you is willing to give it a listen and give you feedback.
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I think it’s p interesting how in both of my htf kin canons everyone spoke in clear English and each had their own unique voice
Like they SORTA sounded like what you might think they would if they spoke clearly
Long message incoming
I mean Flaky had this really soft shy voice and she often stuttered
Sniffles had the most typical nerdy voice and a lisp
Toothy had a lisp too but he had a vague accent to it
Cuddles had a sort of girly voice but it still had a masculine tone at the same time
Shifty and Lifty had Brooklyn accents mixed with Italian ones and sometimes used Italian words with English ones
Flippy had a really standard American accent mostly hat a bit of gruffness to it whilst Fliqpy had a really deep growling voice and often did growl like an actual bear growl
Giggles had a sweet kind voice like the kind of voice you’d expect that kind of chick you’d hear call people sugah and darlin a lot with a bit of southern twang
Petunia had a granola girl type voice like the kind who protests about saving the trees and shit if that makes sense
Lumpy had a simpleton voice but it was really deep
Disco Bear had a really low voice like a really low baritone or should I say BEARitone (I’ll see myself out) and often used 70’s slang
Pop had the kind of tone you’d associate with 50’s sitcom voices like the friendly sort of low voice the kind you’d hear go ‘well done son’ with a chuckle
Cub had the most typical voice cutesy baby pitched voice, mostly spoke in babbles but knew a few words
Nutty had a really jittery mid tone voice like he spoke in a really speedy tone like we’d have to tell him to speak slower or at least not as fast so we could understand him
Lammy had a soft tone and a French accent, which reminded me of Mouse Kaboom the accent that is
Splendid had a deep baritone voice, like the usual heroic tone in fact I’d say he sounded like how a bunch of stereotypical heroes do.
Mime and The Mole both knew sign language and Mime actually WAS a mute and he chose to be a mime bc he loved them and it was one of the few career choices he felt he could take even if he did try to take others that one time
Handy had a sort of deep voice but I’d say like a middle pitched voice mostly with a bit of a southern twang to it
Russell had a baby-pitched voice and a lisp too and had the most typical pirate voice period he also said more than just YARR in my canon though it was a verbal tic of his like he’d say it a lot after a sentence.
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Talk like a pirate with a lithp
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