bluebetaraptor · 2 years
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“ We’ve all tasted death too much it seems. “
independent multi-muse rp blog ◈ semi-selective ◈ mutuals preferred multi-fandom && multi-verse ◈ crossover // au // oc friendly
                     NSFW 18+  ◈  Written by Grass  ©
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bluebetaraptor · 2 years
This scent; it filled the mind as he chases after it with his nose. Strong legs carry the raptor across the fields and back into the forest where he leaps over a fallen log. Old and rotted in the center that’d long since collapsed from the elements. He would have stopped to investigate if not for the smell.
It grows stronger in mere seconds and enticing the beast further. Trills rumble within a throat before calling out for the other. Would they answer? Would Red see who yielded such a scent? Nostrils flare yet again when taking a deeper, more filling breath of the surrounding air that passes. 
It was exciting. Perhaps a bit too exciting as the male’s elongated talons scrape deeper into the dirt with each step. Kicking up the soil here and there when it catches upon a claw. 
Taking a few moments longer before eyes spot something in the distance, too long if he was any concerned about it. A tail whips behind him as Red slows his pace until he’s merely trotting now. Closing the distance further until a healthy 25, or so feet still remained between them. Caution filling the body despite curiosity, elation, and perhaps a touch of protectiveness.
– — ✩ @bluebetaraptor​
Blue paused, eyes focused ahead as she spotted some movement in the distance. It was not no ordinary creature, nor some blades of tall grass that moved with the wind. Her instincts were kicking in, as they always usually were, but now there was the more pressing issue of needing to survive. This smell was different, and it had all of her body feel so rigid and tense. Quietly, she watched and stared, heart beating a mile-a-minute in her chest as this creature began to slow, and she could see a better view of them. Like her. It was like her! Blue let in a short huff of air, before expelling it, and the smallest of growls left past her lips. Whoever this was, she was not certain if they were outright an enemy, just yet. That did not stop her from going into full-attack mode.
Talons tapped on the dirt, and before she could stop herself, she was lunging forward as fast as she could through the rest of the gap between them, a high-pitched scream from her throat as she leaped into the air in order to tackle the offending one. It may have been too bold of a move to take, but she had a young one to tend to, and to defend, back where she had left them.
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bluebetaraptor · 3 years
Nostrils flare; scenting the air as golden hues flit across the landscape. Taking note of a fallen tree, half submerged in water and then towards a rustling crop of grass at the water’s edge. He watches as a small reptile skitters up the bank and disappear into the tall grass.
The dino snorts alongside an exhale before turning away from the water and heading back into the trees. It’s as he turns another smell hits his nose. Something sweet, something alive. It curls along a spine and down into a tail that curls up in interest. The barest twitch of a tail tip as he turns his head towards the direction the scent drifts from. 
Could this be…? It was familiar, yet not. Another of his kind, mayhaps? A body moves before the mind can catch up and heads in this new direction in search of what he could smell. 
– — ✩ @bluebetaraptor
Padded feet ran across soft grass, and she paused only when some whiff of a new scent trickled her way. It sent a shiver through her nerves, and the large talons clacked nervously on the dirt. She shifted herself to glance back towards the cave, having not gone too far just yet. Then over to the left, where this smell came from. Immediately, she trotted off in that direction, a snarl on her lips as she went to investigate what this was.
As far as she knew, there were just packs of creature’s she’s never laid eyes on before. Her alpha, and those that were with him, would never allow herself and her siblings to venture outside of their concrete enclosure. Now with this freedom, and so far from those walls, a wilderness filled with unknown, she was more than excited to see everything. The wind alone as it trickled through treetops was always something that startled her, for with it brought new scents and sights.
Blue edged closer to where this smell lingered the strongest, and waited so cautiously.
| @aggregaticn​ |
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bluebetaraptor · 3 years
Starter | Muse: Blue ( But probably more~)
The grass was freshly covered with a recent rain, and her nostrils flared as she surveyed the area that was just beyond the opening of this little cave she had found for herself. Though, this cave was not so lonely, not anymore. The company she had was of one little hatchling, barely weeks old, and still fully relying on her for support. It was difficult to realize, but once she had noticed it, immediately her body had gone to work; milling away at finding a place to lay, the sole surviving remnant of a time that was long lost to her.
This child born from her need to have something else, something other than just herself. Nature, an abomination of nature as they all were, creations of man. Now free. This young of hers was almost of the exact markings as her own, bled in with green and grey. How likened to one of her siblings. Though, they were not truly of hers, since she was from another batch of eggs herself... Perhaps, she thought as she gazed down into these young eyes, this was a result from them... but how?
The time for that bit of thought was gone, and she knew she would need to leave once more, and go out into the woods. Food was a necessary need, and she would provide for the young one. So, off she went to try and find some, leaving the hatchling in a well-hidden nest among some bushes and carefully placed rocks within the dark cave.
| @aggregaticn |
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bluebetaraptor · 4 years
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                     HAVE I GOT YOUR ATTENTION NOW?
                                                                written by BEAR                                                    Promo Template
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bluebetaraptor · 5 years
 Vlad had been fairly uncertain over how he was going to approach this creature; her differences stood out like a sore thumb and he had never stumbled upon a dinosaur before now. Her streaks of blue made her unique.. he almost felt a kinship with her via appearance alone. No animal in all the years he had been trekking this earth from one pole to the other, had captured his interest as much as she had in these last few minutes of pure silence.
 Her stance some moments later placed the vampire on guard, his right hand lowered to his belt ; feeling for a weapon he realised too late he had not brought along with him on this journey and in hushed tones, cursed his foolishness. If she wanted to eat him for dinner, he would simply evade her every which way he could. His speed would help him in this situation, but a bite from her with no aid in healing would cost him his immortality if he bled out for too long. Raising his right hand.. away from belt level and rising it to chest level, he held his hand outstretched as if to tell her that she should continue to keep her distance. The vampire was defenseless more than he had been before on account of his lack of preparation for running into something extinct. 
In what was a tiny bout of remaining desperation, he began to softly plead with her, watching the look in her eyes as they were fixed on his every movement, no matter how small. ‘  I’m not going to hurt you– you’re safe.  ‘
Blue could tell that this wasn’t just an ordinary two-legged creature, as his scent had a trace of something long forgotten, something almost as ancient as hers and the others like her. It was completely bizarre to be stunned in this way, her movements weren’t as precise as she’d like them; The confusion was tangible in her hesitant, wonky motions of slender limbs slowly stomping forward. Her nostrils flared, taking in more of his scent that she could, and trying to figure out what was so different. The fact that he wasn’t with fear, similar to how her Alpha had been with her, was an indicator that this one had the potential to be just as strong-willed. Though, she couldn’t yet tell of that, as her nerves were on fire from uncertainty, and she needed to get control of this situation before her. Her breaths were heavy, stomach hungry for something to sate it’s pains, and still she didn’t think this one as food. The movement of his hand raising, and the words tumbling from those soft lips had her head tilting again to listen, and she stood there silently. Long forearms curling up and scratching together with their long talons, as she stood there still so lost. What broke this bout of silence was her soft chirp, and hopefully it was enough to relay to him that she wasn’t going to eat him, for now. And swiftly she turned back around, tail swishing from side to side, to give a display that she seemed uninterested so suddenly in the stranger man, but it was just a test. She fully expected this tiny bit of trust to be destroyed, and that’s when she would attack. Even this turning of her back was a risky maneuver on her part, as she always needed to be aware of her potential enemies. One glassy-amber eye glanced back at him, curiously watching. | @x-princevlad​ |
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bluebetaraptor · 5 years
“ Be careful! ”
Blue’s gaze drifted over towards the other, his pale features reminding her so much of the moonlight above, and her pupils closed to tighter slits as she let out a low hiss. There wasn’t any need to give her such a warning, and she pressed forward with trodden thuds of her feet on the ground, wanting to be closer to him. A tilt of the head, her body straightening up as she regarded him carefully, still deciding if she wanted to bite or not. The raptoress’s lips curled as she let out a quiet snarl, assessing the situation, watching his movements for any sign of a threat; She almost wanted it to be a threat. The sounds of the night around them in the forest were quieting down, as if waiting for whatever to unfold here, the silence thickening.| @x-princevlad |
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bluebetaraptor · 5 years
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Blue’s eyes trained on the tall individual before her, and narrowed when they saw his arms slowly rising, in a motion that she could recall from her Alpha. Yet, this wasn’t him, and she felt highly defensive over the fact, along with the alarming coloration of his skin (Which wasn’t like anything she’s ever seen before in a two-legged one). A hiss leaving her throat in the tiniest show of aggression, with her sharpest dew-claw tapping nervously on the dirt. Still, she wasn’t going to back up and let anything find out about the fear of the unknown, for she didn’t know what this one was wanting or going to do. Her tail lashed from side to side, cautiously her gaze flicked from his hands, to his face, trying to decipher what he was thinking and what she could do to retaliate.| @devilborn |
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bluebetaraptor · 5 years
DRAGONHEART (1996) Roleplay Starters
Change pronouns and titles, adapt dialect accordingly.
Especially suitable for royalty/fairy tale/period AUs, as well as verses involving dragons, knights and/or grifters.
“Fight with your head. Not your heart.”
“Dreams die hard, and you hold them in your hands long after they’ve turned to dust.”
“Everyone’s a critic!”
“Next time stab more flesh, less cloth.”
“Oh, you’re good. Haven’t had this sort of challenge in some time.”
“You have the poet’s gift of exaggeration.”
“This could cleave a man’s skull. Like a pudding.”
“No one ever found victory in the dirt.”
“ln a few days, it’ll be just another scar.”
“Honor won’t feed my belly nor shoe my horse.”
“How do l know l can trust you?”
“The wound is deep.”
“No bright souls glitter in this darkness.”
“Have you been watching over me all night?”
“Don’t clutter up a clever scheme with morality.”
“And what’s one more scar?”
“Here, widen your stance.”
“Marvelous! Heroics befitting the days of Arthur and the Round Table!”
“Now swear!”
“I’m tired of lurking in holes and skulking in darkness.”
“Not bad. But not good enough to live.”
“l’m gonna let you up now. And if you insist, we can pursue this fracas to its final stupidity. Or you can listen to my alternative.”
“There’s nothing noble about crushing desperate men.”
“Live, and remember your oath.”
“Shall l spice it up with a poetical flourish or just the cold, hard facts?”
“Forgive a doubting fool.”
“Mind if l sit down?”
“l should have met you a long time ago.”
“Uh, you can keep your gratitude. l’ll take the gold.”
“Look good, ____. l’m the last thing you’ll ever see.”
“Call when you need of me.”
“As my friend, strike, please!”
“My sword, my service are yours.”
“Not so rebellious now.”
“You’re just trying to save your scaly hide with tricks.”
“Death should be a release, not a punishment.”
“I don’t know where you are. lf you’re coming back, when you’re coming back. You just … disappear.”
“How dare you defy me!”
“Why waste good food on bad rhetoric?”
“You’ve been bewitched.”
“Remember the Code!”
“You should never listen to minstrels’ fancies.”
“Have you forgotten everything l taught you?”
“Today l make a new vow! l will spend the rest of my life hunting you down!”
“When you are king, remember today … and the difference between battle and butchery.”
“Die! lt’s mine!”
“l give you my word.”
“There’s nothing to forgive.”
“There is much gold in the world. Perhaps when you’ve had your fill of it, you’ll no longer need me.”
“l don’t want to kill you! l never did!”
“You must stay awake, ____!”
“Your song is sad!”
“Are the stars shining tonight?”
“Marvelous, we’ll kill each other.”
“Haven’t you noticed the pickings are rather slim these days?”
“Ah, the king’s ____ … cruel and full of trickery.”
“l need your help.”
“No one is above the Code … especially the king.”
“You coward.”
“You’re the sorry scrap of dead worlds and dead beliefs.”
“Never have l seen such skill!”
“lt seems we’re in a bit of a stalemate, wouldn’t you say?”
“You belittle your talent. Modesty as well as valor.”
“Help! Help!”
“Your honor has a price, ____?”
“Dragons are partial to maiden sacrifices, l hear.”
“l’m on a pilgrimage. Might we travel together?”
“l will not be that naive again!”
“Some are good at hunting men, some are good at hunting money. Both have value for me.”
“l told you not to come here anymore.”
“Care to double the wager?”
“Stand still. Stand still.”
“l merely chewed in self-defense, but l never swallowed.”
“Peasant scum.”
“l’ve always said death is a release, not a punishment.”
“Oh, don’t concern yourself with my safety!”
“lf l were you, l’d quit while l was ahead.”
“Well, well, well, what a pleasant surprise.”
“A truce.”
“ls that the best you can do?”
“l’ve given you my final warning.”
“Only you could keep such a good brain under such a bad hat.”
“lt’s honest enough work. One must earn a living.”
“l swear.”
“Now, is there somewhere you would like me to drop you off?”
“l’ve had enough of your mischief!”
“Ask what you will of me.”
“A little overconfident, aren’t we?”
“My humble life is in debt to your exalted prowess, your dauntless courage, and your superb, swift sword.”
“And you’ll kill me for sport?”
“Get out of my mouth and let’s talk face-to-face.”
“Pride goeth before the fall.”
“l am a Knight of the Old Code. My word is my bond.”
“All my life l’ve dreamed of serving noble kings … noble ideals.”
“Why should l stick my neck out for people afraid to risk their own?”
“That’s all it is, a memory. Nothing can bring it back.”
“Only expose your back to a corpse!”
“So l no longer try to change the world, _____. l just try to get by in it.”
“We’re all going to die!”
“You gave me this scar. Didn’t you? I … owe … you.”
“You know what you ask.”
“lt’s not the profit. lt’s the pleasure.”
“l’ll pierce your heart!”
“The peasants are revolting.”
“Only a fool would join you!”
“Out of my way, peacock.”
“Oh, don’t flatter yourself.”
“l won’t let you suffer the same fate as me.”
“l would be honored to be named after those stars.”
“Aren’t we squeamish?”
“Go on. Kill me!”
“Give me your sword, Knight.”
“You have a beautiful voice.”
“Pick on someone your own size!”
“l do long for death. But fear it.”
“Be careful!”
“Strike before it’s too late!”
“You have a healer’s touch, _____.”
“Let others stand with you. You’ll see this time the end will be different.”
“Meat. Meat. Meat.”
“lt’s a divine omen.”
“My sacrifice became my sin.”
“That’s right, you don’t need me. Settle it yourself.”
“A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His might upholds the weak. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.”
“Now l know you’re completely mad.”
“Beginner’s luck.”
“l’ll give you everything. Even power.”
“Witness the wonders of an ancient glory.”
“l’m afraid of nothing! Nothing! You understand?”
“You already know the courage in your village. They’re very brave at pelting young girls with vegetables.”
“ln giving my heart, l’ve taken on every poison stirring in his evil breast. Even the pain of his death must be mine.”
“You cannot blame yourself.”
“A dragon would never hurt a soul, unless they tried to hurt him first.”
“When you squeeze the nobility, it’s the peasants who feel the pinch.”
“Forgive me if anything l said … if l upset you.”
“l wanted to correct a mistake made years ago, when l saved a creature not worth saving.”
“Even then l knew his bloodthirsty nature, but l thought my heart could change him.”
“Lo, l’m immortal.”
“We’re going to die!”
“Well, how many dragons do you know?”
“You tricked me, ____! No matter where you fly, no matter where you go, l will find you!”
“Through the heart, we share each other’s pains and power.”
“Once you swore your sword and service were mine; to call when l had need of you, to ask what l would of you. l hold you to your vow, ____!”
“Half my heart to make you whole. lts strength to purify your weakness.”
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bluebetaraptor · 6 years
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                     HAVE I GOT YOUR ATTENTION NOW?
                                                                written by BEAR                                                    Promo Template
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bluebetaraptor · 6 years
– — ☆ 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕖!!
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ℝ𝕀ℂ𝕂 𝔾ℝ𝕀𝕄𝔼𝕊. ☆  average activity. primary blog. comic based with some show influences. lots of side verses. ┈ @shininqbeacon
𝔾𝔸ℝℝ𝔼𝕋 𝔹𝕌ℂ𝕂ℕ𝔼ℝ. ☆  average activity. secondary blog. fandomless werewolf oc with lots of verses. ┈ @niiighthawk
𝕄𝕀𝕊ℍ𝕂𝔸. ☆  low activity. tertiary blog. fandomless anthro oc with lots of verses and the flexibility to throw him everywhere. ┈ @localcryptiid
𝕍𝔼𝔾𝔼𝕋𝔸. ☆  low activity. quaternary blog. manga based with limited anime influences. primarily dbz verses. ┈ @pridefulsaiyan
𝕄𝕌𝕃𝕋𝕀-𝕄𝕌𝕊𝔼. ☆  low activity. 18+ muses present. primarily dinosaur muses. literally let me throw them everywhere. idc where. ┈ @aggregaticn
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bluebetaraptor · 6 years
[Continued from Here]
– — ☆ He remembered seeing on the news about the horrible disaster with the dinosaurs that’d been brought back from that island. Such a disgusting thing to happen; knowing that these beings weren’t being treated like they were living creatures. Something that should never have been made, yet here they were in the flesh and so very close to human society than before.
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Close enough golden hues meet the way light gleams across the very real teeth being bared in a growl right at him. It made hackles stand on end; long fur made longer in the tense situation. Tail flicks high over his back while ears flatten atop the wolf’s head. A defensive posture he’d been thrust into before lips peal back in order to bare his own teeth and growls softly.
                          « @bluebetaraptor​┊ 🌑 »
Her thudding steps ceased once she picked up a scent that was unlike most of the beasts she had come across in this jungle, and a snort left her nostrils as it wafted through them with a musk that seemed thicker than what she was used to. Canine, but... She didn’t know why it smelled so different, and her amber eyes scanned the surrounding area to try and find it, knowing it was nearby. Once she managed to lock eyes with the beast, taking note of it’s massive size, she knew it was vastly different. There was a wise stare behind those golden hues, and Blue wondered even more why this was.
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Lips curled back in a show of baring teeth, joined by a hiss in the back of her throat, hostility towards the creature she couldn’t readily understand. Her tail swayed from side to side, and her hefty legs shifted to stalk in a half-circle around the furry beast, never letting her guard up. The noise he gave back made her more anxious, though if it were for wanting to sink her teeth into his hide, or to bolt and flee, Blue had to stomp her taloned foot to the ground to keep her in place. She was not going to run from this, no matter the size, she’s dealt with bigger foes. Still, she didn’t move in, merely sizing him up with her eyes. | @niiighthawk |
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bluebetaraptor · 6 years
Reblog this if your muse is protective of their loved ones.
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bluebetaraptor · 6 years
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bluebetaraptor · 6 years
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Blue Is Best Girl 
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bluebetaraptor · 6 years
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Art from July - Blue
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bluebetaraptor · 6 years
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When your short and you bump into someone WAY taller than you
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