brekkerzkazz · 4 years
also now that we’re on the subject where’s that post that’s like ‘the best album in the world is black parade but black parade isn’t mcr’s best album’ because it’s right
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
absolutely terrified by any and all zutara/kataang discourse, like can’t u guys just watch the boiling rock episode and ship zuko/sokka like normal people
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
Important question: how do you say "hlvrai" in your head
I go "half life vee-rye" for example
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
I wish TMA was just a *bit* more mainstream not because I have any desire for it to have more recognition but because I wish there was a small subculture of elias stans who genuinely believe he had done nothing wrong and defend him aggressively I just think it would be kind of funny. Like watching a group of clowns at a subpar circus while you’re eating stale peanuts.
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
i need critical mutual aid
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[image description: me! a tanned person wearing nasal cannula, quill encased in resin earrings, and dark eye makeup. i sit in front of a wall of pink LED faerie lights. my black turtleneck reads, “it’s your funeral!” and in rainbow text over the image i’ve written, “hi, it’s will.”]
hi, im will, im critically ill, and now im at my wits end. im a 22 year old disability educator living out in the south. im the co-chair for a handful of local events, involved closely with several LGBT/disability orgs, and well known-ish for being the Local Blind Person with the Pink Cane.
in late march i was sent to the ER by my clinics nursing hotline due to what sounded to them like a ruptured ovarian cyst. long story short: an ultrasound showed it wasnt, and thus i was referred to a gastroenterologist for abdominal pain. since then ive been cycled through three meds.
one worsened symptoms,
the next did nothing,
and the third made me sicker after i waited the allotted week to see if itd work.
the gastroenterologist also ordered a CT scan, bloodwork, etc—ruling out celiac or gastritis or what-have-you—and then abruptly left her practice without warning. my followup was with a nurse practitioner at the same clinic, who responded to my problems with the 3rd medication by upping the dosage from 72mg to 290mg.
this landed me in the ER because i misguidedly believed medical professionals always know what theyre doing. in a fit of nausea i crawled into a hot bath, where my hair started falling out in fistfuls. i developed what i was worried was tardive dyskinesia, something im still risking with essentially every medication i take. the next thing internal medicine tried me on had similarly awful effects, given that it interacts with each and every one of my other meds while also being known to make even mentally stable people uncontrollably suicidal.
now my psychiatrist wants to put me on fucking levodopa, im seeing another specialist today to try to cover all my medical blanks while i triage with a teaching hospital, and in the meantime im losing massive amounts of weight because eating puts me in pain. im taking my meds crushed in applesauce and drinking a metric fuckton of clear ensure with various nutritional powders added into it. ive gone from weighing 95lbs to 70lbs. the last time i worked was in mid april, im on a payment plan for 5 different ER visits, and i have no idea what im going to do moving forward.
i also just got diagnosed with hearing loss, to top it all off.
right now im trying to put together around $1500 to cover one month of rent, co-pays, medication, bills, gas money, and replacing things like nasal cannula or oxygen concentrator parts. its a steep goal, but two doctors appointments is $100. going to physical therapy twice a week is $100. co-pays are kicking my ass, payment plans are still expensive, and thats after hitting my first deductible three months into the year. between all of the bullshit i havent worked in nearly a month, and my savings are slim. weve been lucky enough to receive grocery help from a local org, but we are in crisis here.
i can provide proof of hospitalization, co-pay, medications, and all other expenses via DM.
paypal: (link 1)
venmo: (link 2)
buy my lesbian sherlock holmes adaptation i co-wrote with my partner: (link 3)
ko-fi: (link 4)
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
rb this and in the tags write your opinion on these
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
i get jokingly making fun of theatre kids, especially because i was the “annoying theatre kid”, but a lot of jokes are getting more and more ableist (mocking physical stims) and homophobic (mimicking theatre boys with high pitched voices, mocking theatre boys that act feminine, etc) and seriously just open your fucking eyes for two seconds and just admit you never got over the thrill of being mean to the girl that sang grease for the elementary school talent show
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
Guys this is epic quarantine entertainment.
“EW can exclusively debut an epic at-home performance of the uplifting and high-energy “You Can’t Stop the Beat” from the Broadway musical Hairspray. In a video created in partnership with Marc Shaiman — who wrote the music and co-wrote the lyrics for the musical adaptation of the John Waters movie — actors, singers, dancers, and musicians from Hairspray on Broadway, Hollywood Bowl, London, the original 1988 movie, the 2007 remake, and the 2016 NBC live rendition, virtually gather to perform the iconic song from their kitchens, closets, and even from the bathtub. There are hairbrushes and kitchen utensils as impromptu microphones, family-member cameos, and pilates-inspired choreography.“
The editing on this thing is crazy-pants good, and the performances are sublimely joyful. 
If you’re not chair-dancing by the end, I don’t know what to tell you. Let this thing brighten your day.
(The purpose of the video is to raise money for The Actors Fund, so if this video made you happy and you have some spare change, you can drop it here.)
(Also if Tumblr video isn’t big enough for you, click on the double-arrow thingy to make it full-screen.)
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
you can take the man out of the spirit phone you can't take the spirit phone out of the man
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
gym class was about getting so good at not being noticed that you were always the last one left on your team during dodgeball and everyone was begging you to throw balls at people but you simply could not and did not want to throw balls at people
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
ppl be like “im intellectual bc i dont drink or go to parties” literally all your favourite authors were doing cocaine all the time. except actually probably not bc we know u only read harry potter and jk rowling’s drug of choice is transmisogyny
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
i rlly need a new vocabulary i cant keep saying iconic and king over and over again
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
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#sailormoonredraw is trending on twitter rn so i had to give it a go
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
I’m curious. Reblog in the tags the last exciting thing you did before social distancing / lockdown/ quarantine / whatever you wanna call it started.
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brekkerzkazz · 4 years
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My half of an art trade with @lavendaury. Our characters from the discord Frankenstein RP server, Page and Petro, getting married like they DESERVE after all the shit we’ve put them through.
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