cannab30already · 1 year
Stoner Thought of The Day
Oh sweet infused jeeter blunts! With cannabis use I got to say I feel like I take on a whole different persona. Like I become more creative and lose myself in the abyss of my thoughts. I have these thoughts where I ask, "how do we know we truly are alive?", "How do I know if we lively folk aren't the ones disturbing the dead?" "What exactly happens after death?" I swear I am morbid but I truly do wonder does life ever truly end? All are questions I wish could be answered. Anyway enough jibberish oh you sassy ass sativa got me all in my feels and hey gave you a lot of life questions to think about! LOL Good night folks until next time!
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cannab30already · 1 year
Well hello reader! I thank you for stopping by my page and reading my work. Many thanks in advance!
I have made the ultimate decision as a goal for 2023 is to dive back into my craft of writing. I want this blog to be a safe space for not just me but also for my readers. Please also know you can take comfort in knowing you are not the only that has a mentally unstable, alcoholic, stoner, black sheep, that is just healing from some heavy shit. My blog will consist of "Stoner Thoughts of the Day," Discussing My Healing Journey, to talking about How I Met My Soon to be Wife. Not only that but I will also be confessing my feelings on turning 30. *cough cough my Tumblr name says it all cough cough* Excuse me I am allergic to aging shit heads! Also warning I will be cussing in my blog so if you are underage stop reading you will never understand aging!!! SO saddle up put on your good thong on and be prepared to see where this blog takes me.
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