captnmerrica · 7 years
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Carrie was an utter gift.
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captnmerrica · 7 years
The signs as Star Wars characters
Aries: Han Solo Taurus: Rey Gemini: Princess Leia Cancer: Finn Leo: Poe Dameron  Virgo: Padmé Amidala Libra: BB-8 Scorpio: Kylo Ren Sagittarius: Anakin Skywalker Capricorn: Obi-Wan Kenobi Aquarius: Yoda Pisces: Luke Skywalker
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captnmerrica · 8 years
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Hello friends!
So, to make a long story short, I have a wisdom tooth extraction scheduled in January due to necessity, but I’m not exactly financially in a spot where I’m able to afford my surgery. I will also be starting to pay my student loans in the early portions of 2017 and need to build a cushion, which is hard to do paycheck-to-paycheck.
I could REALLY use a hand spreading the word so if each one of my followers would be willing to reblog this, it would help me out so, so much. <3
I make wire wrap jewelry that I sell on Etsy! And because I know that holiday shopping can be pricey, I’ve created a 25% off discount code to help out for the holidays! Use code “HOLIDAY” at checkout to receive 25% off of your total purchase thru 12/31/2016. There will me more items listed throughout the month as well!!
If jewelry doesn’t interest you, I also have open art commissions, information is posted on my art blog: @ghealachlan Please feel free to check it out!
You can also donate to me directly: paypal.me/JenyferS
Any and all reblogs are super helpful and much appreciated!!! Thank you so much!
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captnmerrica · 8 years
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Hello friends!
So, to make a long story short, I have a wisdom tooth extraction scheduled in January due to necessity, but I’m not exactly financially in a spot where I’m able to afford my surgery. I will also be starting to pay my student loans in the early portions of 2017 and need to build a cushion, which is hard to do paycheck-to-paycheck. 
I could REALLY use a hand spreading the word so if each one of my followers would be willing to reblog this, it would help me out so, so much. <3
I currently have three open slots and would love to get them filled before I go in for surgery. <3 I am able to accept WePay and PayPal, and I’m really hoping to get some work in before I get it done.  If you’d like to see more of my work or would like to inquire about commission pricing, please contact me on my art tumblr @ghealachlan
If, for any reason, you’re not interested in art but would still like to help:
I make wire wrap jewelry on Etsy and am currently offering a 25% discount when you use the code “HOLIDAY” at checkout. http://www.etsy.com/shop/pearlsandoaktrees
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Or you can simply donate:  paypal.me/JenyferS
Thank you so much for helping me spread the word, I really appreciate any and all support. 
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captnmerrica · 8 years
This Polish commercial is the purest thing I ever seen in my entire life.
I’m not crying, you’re crying.
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captnmerrica · 8 years
What if the reason a demon’s real face and body is so distorted and deformed is because once they sell their soul, or become a demon, every scar they’ve ever received, physical or otherwise, reappeared permanently on their skin?
What if Dean’s new face is damn near unrecognizable because of all the crap he’s been through. Physical scars from hunts, and broken beer bottles, and misfired rifles, and countless fights, and John’s whiskey-breath punches. Emotional scars from Mary’s death, and all the people he let down or let die, and a hundred at least for dragging Sammy into all of this again, and another for every time John told him to protect Sammy, even if it meant getting hurt (or killed) in his place. Scars for breaking the first seal and the last, for the Apocalypse, for Lucifer, for the Leviathan, for Eve, for Abaddon. Scars he inflicted on himself for protection, now burning away because there isn’t anything left in him to protect. The Mark of Cain glows on his arm, standing out above all the rest. 
When Cas sees him next, he can’t even speak. He relies on the part of him that’s losing grace, that’s becoming human, to see that it’s still Dean. He’s always seen the scars and troubles in Dean’s past, but never at such a fullness, all at once. Never as a whole. It’s heartbreaking.
And then Dean sees Castiel. Not Cas, not the awkward angel who until recently (endearingly enough) never got his jokes, but Castiel, the angel with wings and glowing blue eyes that are brighter than the sun and a halo that shines. Dean can do nothing but be totally overwhelmed.
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captnmerrica · 8 years
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captnmerrica · 8 years
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captnmerrica · 8 years
when you’re going 10 over the speed limit but the driver behind you is still riding your bumper
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captnmerrica · 8 years
when people defend the “Cis white guy is default” thing like “He’s meant to be an everyman we can all relate to and project on!” kindly remind them the largest ethnic group in the WORLD is Han Chinese and the highest gender percentage fluctuates so if you want an ACTUAL  “default” you want a 40 year old chinese person whose gender changes from year to year.  
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captnmerrica · 8 years
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captnmerrica · 8 years
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Oh my god.
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captnmerrica · 8 years
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My most popular snapchat stories of the last year.
Snapchat: itsagifnotagif
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captnmerrica · 8 years
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castiel meme ↳ favourite arcs (1) : “i’m considering disobedience”
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captnmerrica · 8 years
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(via petriomelony)
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captnmerrica · 8 years
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In case you were having a bad day, here’s a photo of Nichelle Nichols covered in tribbles.
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captnmerrica · 8 years
@ridingcatstobattle is a loser
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