chifrany · 3 years
Children of the Entity
Chapter One
It always hurts for a few moments after the Entity claims you. Perhaps he was taking a bit longer to heal than usual cause he felt like he was floating for hours till he finally felt the sinking feeling of returning down. Knowing that meant he would return to consciousness soon. Sighing and expecting to wake up among friends, Dwight opened one hesitant eye. 
The familiar crackle of the fire however didn't exist. Frowning, he opened both eyes up before sitting up more properly. The campfire was gone and wherever he was he had never been before. Did the Entity respawn him in the middle of another trial? Something like that hadn't happened since earlier in his 'career' here. When there wasn't as many survivors to work with. 
Getting to his feet, he figured he better find the generators around and help his team. However walking into the buildings and along the outside of the map. He didn't find anything out of the ordinary. But most of all no generators. A bit weirded out, he paused next to a stream that ran by close to the buildings. Dipping his hand in the running water, amazed at the feel of it. 
It had felt like centuries since he last touched water like this. The cold feels shocking and invigorating. Making him feel more alive than he had felt in a long time. Seeing no one else around he decided to do something he hadn't done in a long time. So stripping down he hopped into the river as he bathed. 
Only getting out when his body couldn't handle the cold anymore. He roughly threw his clothes in as well. Most of his clothes were covered in dirt and blood, with a new outfit appearing every so often giving him a break from the grimy feel of others. Now at least he could get some of the dirt off. He just wished this stream had some bars of soap around. 
With the clothes as clean as he could get, he decided just to pull them on, wet and all. Not wanting to risk being butt naked just in case there was something else here. Walking back to the buildings, he was surprised when he noticed the sun in the sky was starting to lower. Looking back at the building he remembered all the beds and even blankets that was within it. Deciding to go to the pink house, he explored each of the different rooms. Finally stopping at the rather large one in the attic. 
He'd always had an apartment style room and this one was immaculate compared to what he was used to. Grinning softly to himself he turned towards the door pleased when he saw it also had a lock. Locking the door behind him, he decided to take off the wet clothes now that he had some security. Hanging them up to dry before crawling into the bed. 
The softness immediately melting him and making him sigh. He wasn't sure where he was but it sure beat the trials. 
The next day was spent exploring after he woke up. One thing he was starting to notice was the familiar return of hunger and thirst. Drinking from the stream helped with the one part but he wasn't the smartest when it came to perhaps catching food. He did see animals around but even if he caught one, he wasn't sure how to cook or eat it. 
He stumbled across some berries and was about to eat it when he remembered Claudette warning him about all the poisonous berries. Nervous now, he decided to just sleep hungry. He would risk it when he was more desperate. 
The next afternoon however, things changed as fog appeared once more. He watched in awe as four sleeping forms appeared right in the middle of the road similar to him. Except these bodies he recognized. "Jake! Meg! Nea! Claudette!" He yelled out. Not afraid of attracting something at this point. He had explored and saw no evidence of killers. 
His four friends were slowly waking even before he called their names but upon hearing it they seemed to look over at him in surprise. "Dwight?" Meg was the first to speak and grinning she leaped to her feet before pulling him into a hug. "Where the hell have you been?" She demanded. 
He grinned however as slowly the other three got to his feet. "I don't know but I've been here for about two days." Dwight explained. Before having to also explain how the sun rises and sets here as well. His excitement to not be alone also caused him to show them around. 
"Theres animals, berries, a creek over there where you can wash. The rooms inside also have a large bath that you can use. I think we might even be able to boil some water to get it working." He explained. 
"How far into the woods have you gone?" Nea asked this question. Dwight however looked deep into the woods before shaking his head. 
"Not far. Here seemed safe and I didn't want to get lost." He admitted. 
Jake narrowed his eyes, "Are we still in the Entities Realm?" He questioned. 
"I think so, look over here." Dwight explained. Showing them all the temple put in place for the Entity. They recognized the symbol on the rock as one that they see in their dreams. 
"So still in the realms but no trials." Claudette spoke before seeming to smile. "Maybe, this is it? We've done enough so it's letting us live in comfort." She figured. 
"I haven't seen any killers." Dwight agreed. The other three didn't seem as convinced although Meg seemed to soften a little. 
"It will be nice to not die daily." She said softly. With that they decided to attempt to settle as they all chose a room. Dwight immediately saying he's fine with giving up the big room. He only took it cause he thought he was alone. They didn't care and surprisingly they all decided to stay in the same house. With Jake and Meg taking rooms on the bottom floor, Claudette in the middle and Nea the floor right before Dwight's. 
As the day started drawing to a close Claudette showed which berries were safe and they had a pretty vegan supper. Although Jake had planted some makeshift traps for prey. 
On the two day mark after the four arrived was when more people showed up. This time being David, Quentin and Laurie. David decided to take the big room in the blue house.  Laurie and Quentin also decided to be the blue house although they both took a room on the second floor. 
Dwight was starting to consider a pattern however. Wondering if after two more days more would show up. And upon the next two days when Ace and Bill appeared. He figured that theory was sound. Both Ace and Bill were a bit special upon their arrival. Seeming a bit younger then they were before. 
Bill being the most noticeable, back wearing his army sweats. Ace decided to take a room in the pink house while Bill decided on the blue. 
The next two days after that though caused a big disturbance. Once more going out to see who was grabbed next. Dwight was shocked when he recognized the cloaked figure of the Wraith. The man's weapon even lay down next to him. 
Things were tense as they stared at his prone form. As he started to calm too Dwight grew alarmed however David immediately stepped into view. Glaring at the cloaked figure. For his part the Wraith seemed almost confused as he stared back at David. 
Seeing him here now, he almost looked more human. And not the horrific monster they had learned to fear. As he moved to stand, he just seemed wary as he looked first at David then at Bill who also was moving in closer. "Where am I?" He questioned. Dwight's eyes widened, he didn't even think the Wraith could speak. 
"You're in trouble if you even think of trying anything." Bill shot back. The Wraith just turned to look at him taking a step back as he stared at the closest 'threats'. 
Looking down at his weapon, he paused for a moment before dropping it on the ground and taking another step away from it. "I don't want to hurt you." He promised. 
"Yeah, right." David responded back. 
"Believe me or don't it's the truth. I understand why you hate me though." The Wraith responded. Sighing before lifting up the familiar bell. The familiar ringing sound as he disappeared in front of them. 
After that it definitely seemed like he was hiding. With them not seeing him for the rest of the day. As it started to approach nighttime, Dwight walked over to Claudette seeing her stare outside. "You think he meant it?" She asked softly. 
"Meant what?" He responded. 
"That he didn't mean it. Mean to kill us all that is." She clarified. 
"I don't know." Dwight admitted before remembering something he read in a journal once. "Baker said that a lot of the killers were tortured and forced into this just like us." He explained. Knowing she would know who Benedict Baker was. After all, she was the one who found the first journal entry. 
"You never told me about that one." She accused. 
Dwight looked guilty but for his part he just shrugged, "They were killing us either way. Didn't think it was that important in the grand scheme of things." He admitted. She seemed to accept that explanation before sighing. 
"I wonder if more will show up." She fretted. 
Dwight was wondering the same. After all, if one showed up, what was stopping more? 
That question was answered the next round as, now, a bit more wary. They watched as the first killer himself formed. At least the first killer to most here. The metal and glass that usually plagued his body was gone though leaving behind large, white scars. Unlike Wraith however it seemed like the intimidation feat had no effect on Trapper. 
Especially since he still had his machete. Just like Wraith however he didn't openly go to attack. Instead he just looked around, confused and angry. "What now?" He grumbled. 
Ignoring David as he started to walk around. Call him cowardly but Dwight just watched him. He seemed to not be the only one as they all seemed to be following him but staying a safe distance away. All except David that is. "Oi! Don't ignore me mate, think y' can just ignore me, huh? Yeah well let's see how tough y' are outside of the trials, yeah!" David threatened. 
"So we aren't in a trial?" Evan suddenly said, turning and focusing his full attention on David. David for his part seemed a bit startled but recovered quickly as he crossed his arms.
"No, no we aren't." David actually responded. Evans's complete disinterest perhaps caused him pause. The fact that he had his machete in his hand might have also been a key factor. 
At the response, Evan turned away from him once more as he started to explore the buildings. Dwight using this opportunity to move closer to David. "Be careful." He warned. David and him always had an off and on relationship between David sometimes liking him and sometimes being downright hostile to him. 
It seemed that he took Dwight's genuine concern though as just that. Not getting angry although shaking his head, "He isn't going to push me around anym're. Or any of y'." He said that part more loudly. Actually looking at Dwight when he said it. 
Dwight however just shook his head, "I don't want to see you getting hurt." He admitted. "Not anymore, this place… is safe. It can be safe." He said nervously but repeating it he felt more sure. 
"Yeah, I'll make sure it stays safe mate." David responded. 
It was at this moment that Trapper seemed to return. Spotting the mini gathering of survivors before snorting, "Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours." He said. 
David immediately seemed angry at this however Dwight took this moment to step forward. Forcing himself to be brave, "Don't hurt any of us. This place seems like a home away from the pain of the trials. I would prefer to keep it that way." He explained. 
"It's alive here. You can feel it in the air." Trapper responded back. Before nodding, "No more killing." He assured before looking off at their skinned animals. "Unless we need food. I'll set up some traps. Try not to step on them." And with that he walked away. Heading straight into the woods. 
"Well, at least he seems to want to get us food." Ace cut in. 
"Just don't step in his traps." Quentin mumbled. 
The next day was even more surprising as walking in, Evan threw down a doe in the centre of their area. So far they had only caught a few rabbits. This would easily feed them all with possible leftovers. 
Nobody said anything when Evan claimed a room in the blue house. Or when the Wraith seemed to reappear and choose his own room in that house as well. 
Dwight was a bit disappointed when the next ones that arrived were not one but four other killers. The smaller forms of the Legion appeared as they all took forms looking around warily. Unlike Trapper however once they settled they didn't seem as willing to stay on their own side. 
Often coming over and seeing what everyone else was doing. Dwight had almost tripped down the steps when the girl with the pink hair suddenly said hi behind him. That wasn't the only thing about them though. No, what bothered him more was when who he seemed to be the leader came up to him and asked him this. 
"So.. what do you want us to do? I've never skinned anything before but we could check the traps." He had said. Dwight had just stared in alarm because this Male, as he had learned, was Frank. Was asking him what he wanted him to do. He looked completely serious too, if a bit awkward. 
"Uh actually, we need to fill some buckets with water if you could do that an-" 
"Done!" And with that he just walked away. Returning to his Legion as Dwight watched them all run and grab a bucket. Shaking his head and trying to ignore how disturbing Dwight found it. He went back to work on his own project. 
Thankfully the next ones to arrive were three more survivors which was a relief to Dwight as they worked to get them settled. At this point the blue house had become the killer's house while the survivors decided to stay in the pink one. 
With more mouths to feed however it seemed like the Killers, at least Trapper was a bit more useful as one of the only ones that could bring in big prey. So they did attempt to try to work together with them. The first step was not separating their eating times. 
Although the first dinner with the killer's presence was definitely awkward. With everyone tense and on edge. "So… Do you play music?" Joey, one of the Legion, suddenly asked attention focused on Kate. 
"I.. know a few songs." Kate responded. 
"Oh! Like what I bet it's all country." Susie cut in laughing before growing awkward as others didn't join in. 
Dwight stared at those two although noticed that Frank's gaze was locked on Jeff. Jeff for his part seemed to be ignoring his gaze as he just ate slowly. "You know. I'm not that hungry going to go for a walk." Frank suddenly said loudly. Getting to his feet before turning and walking out. 
It was no surprise to Dwight when the rest of the Legion seemed to collectively take their leave as well. "About time." David muttered next to Dwight. Dwight looked at the scrapper curiously but he didn't explain himself. 
Sighing, Dwight went back to his meal. 
The next ones to arrive were Jane and Zarina but what was even more exciting than their arrival was everyone's clothes. Dwight never thought he would be that excited to see his stupid elf costume again but wearing the same thing all the time wasn't the best feeling. Although most of his clothes would definitely need to be washed of all the blood and sweat. It was still great to see them again. 
As Jill, Chris, Leon and Claire arrived a few days later did Dwight find himself stuck in a conversation with Zarina. "There's fifty." She said out loud. 
"What?" Dwight asked, glancing over at her. 
"There are fifty rooms and every two days more survivors or killers survive. So… I think eventually there are going to be fifty of us." She explained. 
Dwight blinked in surprise before looking off at the two buildings. "Wonder what's going to happen when we reach fifty." He fretted. 
"Think we will figure out why we are here." Zarina said simply. "Although there is another thing I realized. I think eventually some of us will have to live with the killers she admitted." 
"What?" Dwight questioned. 
Zarina shrugged, "I have a feeling there is going to be more of us than them." She just said calmly. "And I think we should decide sooner, rather than later, who is going to move over." 
The next ones to arrive were Steve, Nancy and Jonathon which generally made Dwight worry about Zarinas words. He figured she had a point though and after a moment decided to organize a meeting. Explaining Zarinas fears with all survivors present. Finishing off that nobody would be forced but it was something to consider. 
It was no real surprise that after admitting that out loud a few volunteered to move over to the killer side. Those being Chris, Jill, Leon, Bill, and surprisingly Nea. After that it was just them moving over to the other rooms. 
The next ones to arrive seemed to be more killers. Who quickly settled into the blue building. It seemed after these ones however that there seemed to be a break from groups arriving at once as only the Pig arrived next time. He hoped the next arrivals would be more survivors. 
As it came the time to expect more arrivals though he suddenly felt the urge to head off to the temple. Upon arriving there he found he wasn't the only one. And seeing a bunch of passed out sleeping faces slowly start to awaken, Dwight had a bad feeling about all of this. 
He surprisingly stayed mostly calm throughout the Observers announcement. Love? This is what this place was? He seemed to not be the only one in a level of disbelief. As the minute the Observer disappeared everyone's voices started up at once. Varying degrees of alarm, confusion and even paranoia. 
"Enough." He mumbled out loud. The panic around him makes him anxious. With no response he grew frustrated before saying it even louder, "QUIET!" He yelled out. Surprised when it actually worked and people turned to look at him. 
"Panicking isn't going to solve anything. Just, help those that are new get settled. Then we'll figure out… that." Dwight said. There were a few that seemed annoyed at his order but at least some agreed. He was even relieved when he noticed a few killers moving to help the newer killers who just arrived as well. 
As everyone started going their separate ways. Dwight actually went to find his own corner. A year? To find love? It seemed unreal but he didn't doubt it was the truth in this case. 
Still, "This is not going to be easy." He muttered.
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chifrany · 3 years
Children of the Entity
So much agony. So much pain and death that were moving into centuries. Truly it was a testament to the strength of those still engaging. But the Observer could feel it, their despair, they were losing hope and soon would just become husks. Too bad, he enjoyed a lot of them.
Suddenly though a tinge, an idea put forth by the Entity. Another option, they had enough food, and it hungered for something else. Something new, Observer listened as it explained its idea and was just as intrigued. “Of course, my Entity. I’ll get to creating it right away.” And so he got to building.
The first thing he decided to make in this realm was two buildings. All three stories high with eight rooms on each floor. Much like an apartment complex. The top of the apartment having one large room, just cause he was curious to see how they would divide that. For extra aesthetics he decided that one house will be pink and one blue.
Satisfied with the look of the place, he moved on, making a long rounded building where he put an old style kitchen where they could make a fire and store food they may find, a door that would lead down to the cellar also in place. This room they also added tables and a few couches considering some recreational things but deciding against it. Another idea coming to mind.
With this he started work on the next building. A magnificent, temple looking building where he made alters and a display of the Entity the best they would know him. “If they want more blessings, then they can pray for them.” He explained simply.
After that it was just to create the world, which took the most time, most of the biome was the forest but the Entity was giving him a lot of free reign in this world. So he created a few other biomes as well as slowly starting to drag in animals from the real world. After that he slowed a little with worldbuilding refocusing on the trials as he considered who all he was going to bring in.
An obvious choice was the Survivors supposed leader Dwight. Bringing up the display of the male, he could see him there gently comforting one of the newest survivors. It was still so fascinating that this loser of a man became their leader. But the Observer could sense his wariness, so the next time the fog arrived it would claim him as well.
After looking at him he decided to instead inspect the other four that had been here longest. Meg, Nea, Claudette and the loner Jake. Claudette was the group’s resident healer often teaching other survivors how to heal themselves, while Meg got them running and Jake, well he was a unique case, highly respected by the other survivors but if he noticed he didn’t seem to care. As for Nea, she was a dedicated teammate and one of the most skilled survivors often escaping.
Yes all four were perfect. The fog would claim them next.
They wanted fifty for this to work, it was the number the Entity had given him and the hunt to find the perfect ones had finally started. After those five he then also decided to take Laurie, David and Quentin. Staring at Bill he also decided on the old man, knowing that the Entity could age him down, and decided to grab Ace as well.
After this he was almost getting bored of watching the survivor, so as the fog claimed those ones and had them moved to their newest home. Where they would slowly wake up, at first not knowing why cause the Observer only wanted to explain this once to the whole finished group. No, now he set his sights on the other side of the fence. Killers.
There were many that were starting to lose their spark and will to continue on. No amount of pain and torture cutting through. So he decided those ones were the perfect candidates, first one he went for was the silent Wraith, the fog claiming him as he slept and carrying him away to the new realm. He considered Freddy but that man was restless and frankly annoying and he doubted their goals would be met if he took him.
So instead he went to one of the longest standing killers. Evan Macmillan, aka the Trapper. He seemed angry like always and the Observer couldn’t wait to see what he did in the new realm. So fog moving in it took him as well. The next killers he grabbed was the little teenage ones, the Legion, the isolation seemed to be messing with them. Whatever the Entity did to them making them too bloodthirsty and feral to even be around themselves.
He could feel their loneliness and despair though, especially in the lonely hours between trials. There was that time where they decided just to mix them up as one being but it did not go over well. Panicking them and breaking even more of their hope then was expected. So they were an obvious choice to grab.
There was a few more he considered but he decided to go back to the survivor side, this time taking Adam, Jeff and Kate. After a moment of careful consideration he also decided on Jane and Zarina. The two reporters deserving of it. It seemed that people were starting to notice that other survivors weren’t showing up again. It was amusing to see their confused and alarmed looks. To freak them out even more he decided that the ones in the new realm deserved their old clothes so he just absorbed them up as well. Chuckling at the alarm of the group.
He wondered at this point who would rise up to be the next leader and perhaps wasn’t that surprised when he saw the soldier Jill step up. Ordering for everyone to be calm. This despair and fear was addicting to watch but the Entity was impatient. Wanting him to get on with his choices. Spoil sport. The Entity thought with a sigh. Smirking as he decided Jill and her closest friends were a good choice as well.
So Jill, Chris, Leon and Claire would be the next one the fog claimed. He decided to take another set as well when he looked over and spotted Steve, grabbing him Nancy and Jonathon. With that once more he decided to see what the killers were up to. One he found interesting was Amanda, she explored occasionally, one of the killers that seemed to have no fear about it. Despite having her own realm.
He watched her as she visited Ana, deciding to take the Huntress and also after she visited the Twins and the Spirit. He hesitated on the Spirit but decided to take her. As for Charlotte she was an alright candidate but he wasn’t sure he wanted to include the brother. For obvious reasons, the entities loud voice calling the two one though solved that debate. Charlotte and Victor would be counted as one Entity.
With that he claimed them before deciding he had watched the Pig for long enough and taking her along as well. Again he felt the Entities impatience so sighing he figured he would grab the last of the killers chosen and looking around he decided on: Deathslinger aka Caleb, the young vampire Arius, the brute Kazan, the Hillbilly in the corn, the therapist Eradius, the cult leader Finch, the screaming Nurse Sally, the star Ji-Woon,  cannibalistic Lisa who they would attempt to cut through to who she once was. The last one she decided on was Talbot, who they also would allow to return to slightly more normal, not even the Entity could fix the damage that was done to this man.
The Observer was about to leave the Killers realm and return back to the survivors when he paused, staring at the cloaked figure of Danny. The killer exploring the MacMacmillian Estate before he just seemed to sit down a soft sigh escaping him. Another moment of watching the Male and he decided to bring him along as well.
And with that he returned to the survivors realms, this one he decided just to grab the last they needed, these ones being the surfer Haskell, the architect Felix, the cult girl Elodie, the quiet one Cheryl, the brave cop Cybil, the biker Yui, Yun-Jin who he was sure was going to make it interesting with her counterpart, and finally the gamer Feng. With that settled they all were dragged into the fog.
A few had been living at the little area for a few weeks. The killers mostly avoiding the survivors which was amusing for the Observer to see. Still for the first time in a long time with the fog around him he approached everyone being given the thought to come to the temple. The ones just grabbed simply awakening in said temple. Once everyone was gathered and looking quite confused did the Observer step out into view.
“Greetings Children of the Entity.” He called, the entity seemingly pleased at the name he gave them, “The time of killing and death is over. You have all been chosen to be apart of a new step in the Entities Realm.” Someone went to speak but the fog quickly silenced anyone who dare say anything. “This will now be your new home, for one whole year starting from today, you can live, laugh, rebuild whatever you humans desire.” He assured. “However there is a catch, we want to feel something new in this realm, another powerful emotion, love.” He explained. “If you can feel true pure love by the end of this year, you will be allowed to stay indefinitely in this new world. If you do not, you will simply disappear.” He stated being purposely vague on that point.
“You may also get the Entities favor by praying in this temple. Good luck Children, and enjoy your new world.” With that the fog swallowed the Observer up as he returned to his own area. Observing the immediate aftermath of his announcement with a grin. This truly was going to be an interesting chapter in the Entities Realm.
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chifrany · 3 years
So about to start posting a fic that I've been writing for a bit. Just so you all know the six main POVs are going to be:
- Jake
- Dwight
- Quentin
- David
- Frank
- Evan
It's going to be an AU fic that I might write multiple stories in but this version. -Title Pending- will be the main arc. Keep an eye out for tomorrow when I post the prologue.
Also ships are going to happen but they aren't set in stone yet.
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chifrany · 3 years
my neighbor thought i fucking DIED because he heard a loud crash (easel & canvas fell over while i was asleep) and had been trying to contact me for like an hour anyway artistic rendition of when i opened my door
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chifrany · 3 years
Bill, setting down a card: Ace of spades
Meg, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Feng, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you
Ace, trembling: What are we playing?
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chifrany · 3 years
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Recent WiP.
TW: Violence
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chifrany · 3 years
Hi, I noticed that one of your posts said that you wanted drabble ideas? I've got a couple, but I'll give you 1 rn, I don't wanna overwhelm you in case you're busy with other things. In celebration of the new dead by daylight Greek mythology skins; What about dwight meeting a Gorgon-inspired killer, with a soft spot for cute Dwights?😉
//Yeah I can do that! I was also really tempted to continue the final scene but alas. This be tumblr and you know... xD thanks for the prompt you can suggest more if you want. I don't mind.
Dwight hated when he started off trials without his glasses. It was rare but it still happened more then he cared to admit. It made it ten times harder for himself and generally he did not survive. Regardless he tried to do his best.
He wasn't completely blind, but everything was mostly shapes. As he was walking to try to find a generator he started to hear the ever present heartbeat that warned him of danger. Attempting to hide he tried to glance around but noticed what seemed to be another survivor struggling.
With no hesitation he ran towards them. "Are you okay? We need to hurry I think the killers close." He said. Stumbling into the other survivor and reaching out towards them. They felt scaly when he touched them, a weird feeling but perhaps it was a new killer.
The heartbeat was overwhelming at this point and looking up to see the survivor he found himself squinting in confusion. Her face seemed almost serpentine and she had the greenest eyes he had ever seen. "You have beautiful eyes." He said without thinking. Shaking his head though he managed to look away. He felt slower then usual though, sluggish like he could hardly move.
"They are pretty usseful." The voice finally responded. She had a strange accent that just made Dwight awkwardly chuckle as he brought his hand up, nervously chewing on his nail.
Kind of a weird response but he let it slide. "What's your name?" He questioned. Slowly starting to get movement back.
"Ceccillia." They responded.
"Dwight get away! I'll distract it!" David's voice suddenly yelled from close by. Dwight immediately tensed. "Oh god I can't see it. Just run and hide Cecillia." Dwight explained turning and stumbling away. He was thankful David was in this trial at least.
A new survivor, blind Dwight, didn't bode well for their chances but David was an expert on fighting with the killers. So perhaps they still had a chance. He hoped he saw Cecillia and protected her though. Dying for the first time was always the worst. Managing to find a generator, experience had him working even being blindish. Generators just second nature for him.
He heard the sound of David going down and grew worried. He would have to let others get the rescue. Was too dangerous for himself. He would be most useful here. "Turn around." Cecilla suddenly said behind him.
Dwight jumped having not heard her approach. Doing as he was told though he immediately met her emerald green eyes. And once again he felt slower, like he was being frozen solid. "It keepss demanding to kill you." Cecilla said. Causing Dwight's eyes to widen.
Oh god she was the killer. He couldn't move couldn't even bite his lip as she drew closer. The feel of something wrapping around him. Constricting him scaring him even more. "But likess you. Cute. Want to keepss as pet. Lovesss my pet." She purred.
Dwight shivered slightly at her words, forcing himself to look away from her eyes. A small gasp escaping as clawed fingers still wet with blood reached down. Tilting his face back up so he was forced to look at her. "Cute." She repeated while Dwight felt her loosen her body.
"Must kill otherss." She said.
"No..." Dwight managed to whimper. A kiss on his cheek was his only response as he heard the distinct sound of her slithering away. Slowly he started to get feeling in his limbs back. Till he was able to walk around again.
He immediately hopped back on the generator. Completing it before stumbling away. Why did he have to forget his glasses? Hearing the sound of someone being taken down again he headed towards it. He needed to help. By the time he finally made it to the hook though the heartbeat was already gone.
She seemed to be able to move quickly. "Here I got you." He said reaching up before having to put more effort then he expected as he lifted the much heavier man off the hook. The hook breaking as who he now recognized as Jeff landed.
"No glasses?" Jeff grunted out. Dwight nodded.
"Broke last trial, Entity always takes longer to fix them." He admitted. Shivering when he remembered how exactly they broke. Oni was brutal when he wanted to be.
Trying his best to patch up Jeff. Finally the other seemed fine enough. "Here theres a generator over here." Jeff said gently helping lead Dwight as they both made it to a generator. The sounds of another survivor being targeted could be heard but it was best for them to stick with their generator goal.
"What is she?" Dwight questioned as they got to work.
"Some snake woman. The more you look at her the slower you become. I almost became completely still as I stared at her." Jeff explained.
Dwight nodded, "Yeah, guess we need to avoid looking at her." He mused.
"Think she can also block your senses a little. Not sight but hmm... you know when Cannibal downs you and you have that ringing slow sensation?" Dwight nods. "I think she can do that." He explained. Dwight nodded again, it was good to discuss this. Knowing how to beat your enemy made it easier later.
Gen completed Jeff immediately reached out to help Dwight. Which he was thankful for. The person going down though drew their attention. Followed by the sound of a female scream being thrown on the hook. Different then the one that was just down. "Sounded like Feng. Bet she stayed on the generator and was grabbed. She always does that." Jeff sighed. Dwight felt him pat his back and looked up at Jeff's blurry face. Seeing his scared but comforting smile.
"Gonna do my best. You stay hidden okay?" Jeff ordered. Dwight just frowned as Jeff turned to race away. He hoped that Jeff could help. But reluctantly again started stumbling around trying to find the next generator. Trying to just focus on this he bit his lip as he worked. David screaming again followed by the loud boom made him flinch.
Focus. He reminded himself. David would be back at the fire once this was all over. A second boom though drew his attention. He couldn't tell who that one was Feng or Jeff. He honestly had no idea what was happening. Looking back at the gen and calculating how much more they needed he shook his head. They wouldn't be able to do it just the two of them.
Deciding he was done hiding he pulled away from the generator in search of his friends. No sooner was he walking when he stepped over the hatch. The change of elevation almost making him trip before he managed to catch himself. "Ooo whatss that?" Cecilla suddenly questioned in front of him.
Dwight jumped before looking up before away quickly remembering what Jeff said. "Nothing." He responded quietly.
"Mm liar." She responded back.
He frowned but didn't respond as she drew dangerously close. "Big man sshould be dead sssoon. Left him there."
She explained. Dwight winced. Bleeding out, it was a terrible way to go. He hated when it happened to him.
"What are you waiting for then?" Dwight questioned nervously. He hated it when killers singled him out.
"Look at me." She demanded but Dwight just shook his head. "Pleassse?" She asked softly.
That got his attention and without thinking he looked over at her. Meeting her green eyes and immediately feeling the freezing effect. He was close enough that he could see her mocking smile. "Cute." She purred. Once more sliding her body over his. Holding him close before nuzzling into his neck.
Dwight tensed and went to pull away but couldn't, feeling helpless as she actually moved his head resting it against her neck and her rather large breast. Even frozen his face reddened in embarrassment. "Come pet. We'll look after you." She purred. A hissing sound intensifying as she pulled away from the hatch. Just at the sound of it clicking open. Dwight helplessly watching as it disappeared from sight.
//Honestly might post this on my AO3 and continue the scene. We'll see
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chifrany · 3 years
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Frank after Chimeric Horde
I commissioned this piece cause I wanted to see what he would look like after that event. Also the look he has in my upcoming fic.
Art by Magni Thorson(Facebook)
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