chikun-dev 10 years
Funk // Love2D // Auto Builder for Linux
Hi there! I've written up a bash script which will magically create distributable versions of your game for Windows, Mac and Linux, based off a .love file you provide and the sources provided. Check it out!
UPDATE: Fixed an extraction bug by putting all sources in their own .zip folders.
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chikun-dev 10 years
Funk // MiniLD 48 // PASTEL
I made a game for the current MiniLD. Check it out here! [x]
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chikun-dev 10 years
Funk // Love2D // Teaching
Making another blog post later tonight, but in case I forget, I'm just making a small post now. This week I've taught my friend Micaldom who was hanging around during the Ludum Dare how to use Love2D and Lua. He's loving it so far, so that's some fun.
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chikun-dev 10 years
Funk // HTML5 // Small Steps
I've written some pretty solid image loading code and code for checking whether a key is pressed, and i've figured out how Javascript objects work. They look like Lua tables! So far I've got a basic canvas with a controllable sprite in it.
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It works perfectly under Linux too. I'm not too sure on my player image flipping code, will need to learn how to run benchmarks on that. But so far everything's looking pretty nice.
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chikun-dev 10 years
Funk // HTML5 // MediQuest
Hi! I'm trying to port MediQuest over to HTML5 and so far it's looking interesting. Not too sure how long it'll take, but I'll post updates as it happens!
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chikun-dev 10 years
Funk // Love2D // Recursive Image Loading
I wrote some quick and simple code to load all the images in a folder. Can easily be extended to any file type.
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chikun-dev 10 years
Chia & Funk // Ludum Dare // MediQuest
Chia and I have finished our first game with a group of two other people for the LD28 game jam!
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Download and review it here: [x]
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chikun-dev 10 years
Funk // Love2D // Grid Movement Test
This simple demo has the player moving along a grid collecting coins which make a noise when touched. This is entirely grid based and slightly jumpy.
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chikun-dev 10 years
Chia // Lua // RPS
Haven't done much coding this week - mostly I've been playing with LOVE2D and getting a feel for how to make different things happen. I'm thinking of changing my generator for AI moves, programming in a strategy instead of an RNG, so we'll see how that goes.
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chikun-dev 10 years
Funk // Love2D // Tiled Loading 0.4
Collectable layers, use require() instead of dofile() for compatibility in .love files.
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chikun-dev 10 years
Chia // - // Lazy Week
So I've missed my last two posts here, which was pretty silly, and I have not done any coding this week. Funk did teach me some stuff a little while ago, which will come in handy when I finish off this RPS thing.
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chikun-dev 11 years
Funk // Love2D // Tiled Loading 0.3
Pulled an all-nighter, completely revamped the previous code. Map functions are now a separate file and there is now support for multiple tilesets. The recode has created potentially more vulnerable collision detections, and there is no vertical collision detection when jumping upwards, however this revamp is very important and great. Please test it with your own Tiled Lua exports.
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chikun-dev 11 years
Funk // Love2D // Tiled Loading 0.2
More work has been done on the Tiled Lua map loader and that means basic rectangle support and basic loading of textures from the actual map file. The code has gotten messier and that's a problem, however I have added a few comments in the update section and removed unneeded code. I coded a small sidescroller to demonstrate the rectangle import support.
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chikun-dev 11 years
Funk // Love2D // Tiled Loading 0.1
I've started work on writing a Love2D importer for Tiled Lua files. It's not very advanced, and pretty broken, but I'm rapidly progressing it as there are no alternatives for Love2D 0.9.0 yet.
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chikun-dev 11 years
Chia // Lua // Latepost + Code
Finally actually have a concrete code snippet. It's not much yet (an AI that randomly selects Scissors, Paper, or Rock) - but it's something. I should have functionality for a human player on Monday. I've been trying to figure out why this wouldn't work for a few days, turns out I needed to seed the RNG. Who knew?
download here
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chikun-dev 11 years
Funk // Love2D // ...
Hey hey! I had a test yesterday so haven't done coding for a little while, but I've got some ideas that I'm going to have done by Monday hopefully.
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chikun-dev 11 years
Funk // Love2D // Scrappy Joystick Code
As all of our code will be, this is for Love2D 0.9. What this does is it checks for any joysticks and displays names and vibration support. If you press down, any joysticks with vibration support will vibrate. The middle number is current FPS. Press up, down, left and right arrow keys to move it.
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