cookiedrm · 5 months
dream team forever and ever
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cookiedrm · 5 months
george's video has saved me phsyically emotionally and mentally
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cookiedrm · 5 months
im so excited for dream to make videos again i really missed it. i would sit down and discuss manhunt like it was a movie i just saw so im excited for that again. makes me happy knowing he put so much love into it
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cookiedrm · 5 months
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little red strawberries 🍓
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cookiedrm · 6 months
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cookiedrm · 6 months
So many normies now realizing Dream haters are fucking crazy. What a beautiful christmas time
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cookiedrm · 6 months
the video was great. people are reverting back to calling stans cringe. so proud of dream guys we are so fucking back.
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cookiedrm · 6 months
"omg i had such a bad dsmp phase gross" "i cant believe i even liked them" "i wasnt in *that* part of the fandom" its okay to say you had fun and have moved on, you all know that right? the pressure to resent something just because the majority of people think its weird is honestly so sad. dsmp was not perfect obviously. it wasnt even planned. But it helped so many people discover things about themselves that still stick with them today even now that they've moved on. fanfictions, edits, fanart, friendships. and you should never feel like you have to put your old self down just because you enjoyed what you did. you had fun. you should never feel bad for having fun. especially if youre a younger person in this fandom.
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cookiedrm · 6 months
people who send anons telling me off for liking dream are almost kinda funny. like, do you think i haven't seen every allegation against him? or do you think i've taken in all of that information and just decided to brush it off? or maybe you think i believe them all and just don't care? i'm sorry that you think so little of my morals, first of all, but you might not know me to begin with so i can't really fault you there i guess. i'm also genuinely sorry if this is upsetting for you to know, but i truly have taken in all of the available information and simply reached a conclusion that is different from yours. more importantly, i am completely open to changing my mind when there is new information to take in. i feel strongly about my opinion, but i also don't believe that i'm the all-knowing arbiter of truth. regardless of your opinion of dream and his alleged behavior, i truly believe that it'd be for the best if everyone was willing to take on a more "this is how i feel, but obviously i can't say for sure" kind of approach when it comes to allegations as serious as these.
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cookiedrm · 7 months
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snf my lovelies <3
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cookiedrm · 7 months
people need to have more fun with shipping again. have an otp. support multiple ships. enjoy the Big ship of the fandom. indulge in a rare pair. make a crack ship for shits n giggles and end up really into it. ship oc x canon. hell, ship an oc with your friend's oc. make a polycule of your favorite characters. have fun with it!!!!!
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cookiedrm · 7 months
there is something so genuinely evil about the way twitter has responded to these situations surrounding dream he really cannot win. he is silent so they say hes guilty but refuse to listen to whatever he says and when he eventually becomes frustrated, they use his frustration against him to say hey, HE'S the irrational one, HE needs to take his meds and shut up and be normal. He should've just x y and z'ed because I would remain calm and rational in this position i will never be in. Even after facing literal assult, it is still somehow his fault. And better yet, it's funny. And well yes the other guy is antisemetic but it was toward dream and umm i really dont like him so its alright.
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cookiedrm · 7 months
like as someone who was actually groomed online (it culminated with me meeting them in person then getting scared they were going to try something with me [because they said they would] and taking an early train home) i just do not like how 90% of people talk about this situation. especially those who believe he's guilty and are using it as a cudgel against those who disagree with them. they go "dream never addressed anything" then once he makes a single tweet they say "ok yapster we are not reading all that" it's just so painfully transparent. none of you really care about people who have been hurt by older people online, none of you really care about any of this. you only care about making sure you look morally superior. like i said earlier, you simply cannot will yourself into being a Good Person by condemning the people you've deemed to be Bad. fuck off until you're prepared to act like a person capable of basic human compassion
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cookiedrm · 7 months
drantis will be like omg support all victims and then dream comes out and is like hey i literally got assaulted and suddenly the narrative is well you probably deserved it. what happened to supporting victims ?
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cookiedrm · 7 months
i neveer actually took tumblr srsly until this blog lmao like do people expect follow backs. because i'll happily follow back. 😭 i really dont know bc i want moots n people to talk with but its different than twt
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cookiedrm · 7 months
the way ppl are handeling drituation is srsly so strange like if dream is going to come out with proof that he didnt groom anybody wouldnt u want to know that and wouldnt you want to listen to what he has to say. why are you closing your eyes and covering your ears. why are you hoping a teenager was actually groomed why are u comfortable with the idea of that instead of him being innocent. where the hell are your morals. it all comes back to do you really care or is it just nice to have a reason to hate the guy you dont like
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cookiedrm · 7 months
drantis will make a post saying they dont like dream and then go priv immedaitely and go "pls dont doxx me :(" Bitch get over your fucking self be fr.
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