crispbake Ā· 2 months
lowkey i forgot that my tumblr account existed sorry to my (15) loyal fans
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crispbake Ā· 4 months
Johnshi headcannons?
Johnny being the stupidest guy ever and asking Kenshi the dumbest questions ever and Kenshi just being so in love with him over it
Johnny is the guy who is really into yu-gi-oh and he could talk forever to Kenshi about it who pretends to be uninterested but if anyone asked him he could recap the entire show
Kenshi purposefully setting up a joke about him being blind by going ā€˜I seeā€™ and Johnny feeling himself die in the inside before respond with ā€˜see what?ā€™
Not really a headcannon but I love how Johnny tells Kenshi ā€˜Not over your lifeā€™ about Sento and then days later he gives Kenshi the sword with ā€˜you saved my life, itā€™s yoursā€™ because AHHHRGGG
yes johnny for sure pushes kenshiā€™s buttons in that aspect heā€™s always asking the most random, stupid questions. but kenshi is very calm and collected and he does think itā€™s adorable even if it pains him to admit it
oh for sure!! i bet kenshi has a lot of random nerd facts now because of johnny and he really does enjoy listening to him ramble
kenshi FOR SUREEEE now jokes about being blind since it isnā€™t so raw anymore. johnny was probably weary of making jokes at first but now itā€™s a common occurrence but itā€™s all lighthearted
iā€™m sobbing over them rn oh my godddddd
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crispbake Ā· 4 months
once they finish dinner and do the dishes johnny loves to pull kenshi in for a slow dance he loves the domesticity after a long day of work
sorry this took so long to get around to but YES!!!!!!!! iā€™m sure kenshi was sort of adverse to it at first, and it just occurred to me that kenshi probably never officially ā€œlearnedā€ to do a lot of things since his life was consumed by the yakuza. but now he loves their routine and thinks itā€™s super romantic, even if he does still get playfully annoyed with it sometimes
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crispbake Ā· 5 months
jonhshi headcanons you say?
- kenshi pinches johnny. a lot. as a joke, as a corrective action when johnny's being odd about something, for no reason at all. it's like the urge to bite, but... pinch.
- in return johnny gets to be a biter. not even just in bed, everywhere (except for around other people). johnny's the type to just give into the urge to gently gnaw on kenshi and kenshi lets him. lovingly.
- johnny is wildly defensive of kenshi. kenshi asked that johnny just not joke about his blindness for a while, and johnny was happy to do so. that also included, apparently, johnny snarling at anyone who DOES make blind jokes at kenshi's expense.
- they're t4t and tism4tism.
- they're also, even though it doesn't have a term yet, both disabled. kenshi being blind obviously, and johnny i actually headcanon as being hypermobile. very hypermobile. and there's really only so much being very very strong can do when you're that hypermobile and your joints are determined to get weird, so johnny probably does have occasional pain flare-up days. they'll stay inside and take care of each other
- or, if the responsibilities that day are unavoidable, johnny will take a cane or crutch with him to town, and kenshi wil tag along, returning the favor of biting anyone who makes a joke at johnny's expense (that johnny obviously isn't okay with)
- kenshi is scary dog privileges
- johnny, when he's the guard, is creepy cat privileges (i made that up but there's no better way to describe it)
- to expand on johnny being hypermobile- no grown-ass man in his late 20s is hitting the splits that fucking easily, painlessly, without prior stretching. he's just death dropping in some of his animations. and i just don't think he has a stretching routine for that. it's his party trick, something he can just *do*.
- kenshi finds johnny's flexibility wildly hot
- (when it's not causing him pain, ofc)
- kenshi's tattoos weren't done himself but at some point johnny unlocks the lore that kenshi apprenticed under one of the tattoo artists in the yakuza, and actually graduated to full artist before he left the yakuza. kenshi is a seasoned tattoo artist
- johnny jokes about opening a flower shop across from him so they can be just like the stories. kenshi doesn't understand the reference.
-they have an actual conversation at one point about the after-- once kenshi has completed his quest, and johnny's career is fully winding down. the plan is to get a flat above a storefront, and turn the storefront into a tattoo shop.
- kenshi wears sleeveless turtleneck compression shirts when working out and johnny fans himself like a victorian maiden every time
- (last one i prommy) johnny once wore a clownish formal outfit to the gala celebrating the success of the ninja mime movie. to this very day, kenshi maintains that one was his favorite outfit johnny's ever worn on the red carpet.
i am going to respond to every single one of these damnit
THE PINCHING/BITING IS SO ACCURATE. like i cannot explain what it is about it but thatā€™s just so them. they do different things but itā€™s the same concept ghdjdkwkw
YES! johnny is super defensive of kenshi not because he thinks he needs to be, he knows kenshi can hold his own, but because he cares about him too much. iā€™m sure at first when it was still raw johnny never made any comments but iā€™m sure it reaches a point where kenshi starts joking about it himself and assures johnny heā€™s come to terms with it. but if anyone else makes a comment OOOH itā€™s over for them.
i rlly do love trans headcannons for them. whether itā€™s t4t or one of them is trans while the other is cis i do not care i eat that up every time. I ALSO FOR SURE SEE TISM4TISM!! johnny has the hyper fixations/knows random facts autism while kenshi has the not really sure how to handle your emotions autism. i think he gets overstimulated too which is also from his other senses being heightened once vision was gone.
I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT HIM BEING HYPERMOBILE BUT IT MAKES TOTAL SENSE! heā€™s doing the splits on the battlefield i mean come on?!?!??!? (i saw you mentioned this later on LMFAO see u get it)
yes 100% johnny gets scary dog privileges cause of kenshi. too many fans in his face? kenshi doesnā€™t even EYES for godā€™s sake and iā€™m sure a look in their direction will scare them off at least somewhat. and johnny is for sure creepy cat. itā€™s like ā€œcan i come over and be weird and offputtingā€ literally him.
oh yeah the flexibility while it has its downsides for sure comes in handy sometimes. (in bed) i know kenshi is manhandling him into wild positions and johnny loves it. so does kenshi of course.
Iā€™VE POSTED ABOUT THE FACT THAT I DO THINK KENSHI HAS AN INTEREST IN TATTOOS THAT ARENT HIS OWN! he could definitely tattoo johnny i just know he has steady hands and it would come out so awesome.
kenshi not getting the flowershop thing is so real johnny definitely then went off on a long tangent explaining it. i feel like they could just be grocery shopping and something gets johnny going and he goes off on a long spiel as theyā€™re walking around, iā€™m sure this is an often occurrence. kenshi loves listening to him talk but again, the heightened senses, he probably does occasionally need to rest his head so he kisses johnny to shut him up LMFAO (and it always works that man is so easily distracted)
oh yeah johnny loves the compression shirts for sure kenshi looks good in anything. but he does wild for kenshi in short sleeves. he doesnā€™t wear them super often to cover up his tattoos but when he does goddamn. johnny feels like the luckiest man in the world.
JOHNNY IN A CLOWN THEMED FORMAL OUTFIT FOR THE NINJA MIME PREMIERE MIGHT JUST BE MY FAVORITE ONE OF THESE LMAO. saved the best for last. johnny for sure wears eccentric and colorful outfits on the red carpet. i mean have you seen his MK skins? this man has style he isnā€™t playing around.
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crispbake Ā· 5 months
Johhny reads some books out loud for kenshi!
I LOVE THIS AND YES! this definitely does happen. and i think itā€™s an extra tender moment when it does because even if itā€™s just something small kenshi really does appreciate it. he doesnā€™t like when people do things for him out of sympathy just because heā€™s blind but he knows itā€™s different with johnny, and he loves it.
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crispbake Ā· 5 months
That's mostly just Johnny headcanon but hear me out, hear me out! I don't know why, but i love to think that Johnny was a comic book nerd as a teenager. He probably still has a big collection of comics in his room
Once Kenshi asked him about it and had to listen to three hour rant about Spiderman or Deadpool
YES! i bet johnny is the type that has them all in a box kept in plastic and panics when they get taken out. but he lets kenshi take them out and feel them because what wouldnā€™t he do for him?
and OH yeah once kenshi gets him started on it johnny has to explain every piece of lore. but kenshi rlly does love hearing johnny talk and he thinks itā€™s cute that he gets so passionate talking about literally anything.
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crispbake Ā· 5 months
transfem Johnny going all dom on Kenshi šŸ§ŽšŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø
i LOVEEEEE trans headcannons for them whether itā€™s ftm or mtf, johnny or kenshi, they scratch my brain just the right way. kenshi probably takes a lot of coaxing into being dommed but johnny is persistent and he also trusts him an unbelievable amount and I MIGHT JUST HAVE TO WRITE A FIC FOR THIS.
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crispbake Ā· 5 months
Not sure if this is consider a hc but, Johnny gets Kenshi (after getting on his nerves lol) to use his telekinesis to make him float around.
LMAOOOO AFTER GETTING ON HIS NERVES IS SO REAL because iā€™m sure he kept pestering kenshi about it and it took a lot of convincing but if johnny is anything itā€™s dedicated. very often (jokingly of course) kenshi is like wow! this is the man iā€™ve chosen to love. i feel like theyā€™re both very strong-headed and never want to give in but with each other they just canā€™t help it. so maybe kenshi agrees just so that johnny will leave him alone about it, or maybe itā€™s because deep down heā€™d do anything for him, but heā€™ll never tell!
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crispbake Ā· 5 months
Not really headcanons but I feel like Kenshi would take advantage of Johnny's flexibility when having sex. Like please. The man can do the splits please someone throw some kinky poses in there šŸ˜­. Also consensual somnophilia? IDK why but it's something I see them exploring??
OH FOR SURE. doing splits on the dick but LITERALLY LMAO. yes 100% kenshi uses this to his advantage and johnny probably does enjoy being manhandled from time to time tbh. iā€™m sure that johnny has in fact tested the theory and wanted to see if he could actually do a split on it, and while kenshi thought that was a ridiculous idea at first, it ended up being the hottest thing heā€™s ever seen.
ALSO!!!! sleepy sex i totally see that too, i bet on days where they both have no plans they take their time getting out of bed in the morning and enjoy morning sex!
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crispbake Ā· 5 months
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crispbake Ā· 5 months
deleting a post feels like taking a piece of bread away from an orphan but iā€™m sorry sometimes i canā€™t stand looking at them anymore and itā€™s got me feeling like this
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crispbake Ā· 6 months
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is this not their dynamic
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crispbake Ā· 6 months
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crispbake Ā· 6 months
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i am not immune to puppy eyed dilfs
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crispbake Ā· 7 months
something tells me that even though kenshi of course, reasonably, hates his yakuza tattoos and covers them up, he still thinks tattoos as a whole are pretty neat
i imagine kenshi, when he had eyes (sorry!), would like to sketch sometimes in his free time, and those sketches would sometimes include tattoo ideas that he wouldā€™ve gotten at some point in life had he been given the option to choose
(i also think with him regaining his vision partially with sento he does still sketch sometimes, more just to keep his hands busy, and while he of course knows his drawings canā€™t be THAT good with no eyesight, and mainly likes to keep them private, johnny did get a glimpse of one once and was shocked that kenshi could draw as well as he did given the circumstances)
oh yeah and speaking of johnny, HIS CHEST TATTOO HELLO?!!? (even though he doesnā€™t seem to have it in the new timeline) i can only imagine kenshiā€™s reaction to seeing it when he was still able to, during training or something (wink), and couldnā€™t believe that johnny had the opportunity to get ANYTHING tattooed and chose that. although he sort of can believe it, johnny has his narcissistic tendencies after all. deep down maybe kenshi is just SORT of jealous that johnny at least got to choose his tattoos, but heā€™ll never admit it. heā€™ll also never admit that while incredibly self-absorbed, he does find the chest tattoo sort of charming.
kenshi of course has made peace with his tattoos, he has to, but heā€™s only a man, and sometimes of course his mind does wander and wonder what couldā€™ve been.
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crispbake Ā· 7 months
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was on noahā€™s live and he said he ships johnshi do with that what u will
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crispbake Ā· 7 months
i need an edit of kenshi takahashi with how you remind me by nickelback
ā€œcouldnā€™t cut it as a poor man stealing, tired of living like a blind manā€
i need a kenshi edit that starts at the beginning of the song and then goes all the way to the chorus and fades out like halfway through it please and thank u
i need an editor to get on this
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