crystal-theorist · 7 years
Whips in Steven Universe
Amethyst has one
And so does Holly Blue Agate.
Can we just think on this for a moment?
in the song what’s the use of feeling blue. YD says “an agate terrifies”
Holly B is shown to terrify with a whip and her loudness.
Amethyst is loud…and has a whip… In the fight between her and Jasper (*sigh* I miss big buff cheeto puff)
Amethyst raises her whip to attack. Jasper is seen reacting in fear for a moment before realising that this isnt her leader, that this whip doesnt belong to someone with authority.
We even see this same reaction when Peri is held up in Steven’s bathroom and he is a bout to jokingly snap his towel at her. Peridot cowers
So what I’m saying is.
Different weapons have different meanings to home word gems.
Let me give you some history.
Throughout history whips have been seen as a means to project power be it lesser than the rulling power. As in who ever has the whip is like a manager, a person who dishes out punishments, someone who whips others into shape and tames them.
This makes sense as to why Holly B would have a whip but Amethyst? A quartz soldier would have no need for a whip in battle except to get their platoon into shape and exrcise power.
What if our Amethyst was supposed to be the leader of the Prime Kindergarten group of amethyst?
Think about it and how it parallels to how Holly B acts and to how Ame acts.
Both are loud. This is naturally shown in how they talk. Theyre both very expressive, you would have to be in order to rally your troops in order to motivate them
Both have whips. To whip the troops into shape. And seeing as how easily they werw both able to command the amethyst, its clear they both have leader ship skills built into them.
Now the difference is how they lead.
Holly is strict, concise, and demanding. Just like Blue Diamond (we see this at the end of that will be all when BD went from crying mess to Bad bitch in like .2 seconds). She also terrifies these gems with brute strength and yelling. Physically moving them about while ordering them.
Ame isn’t like Holly at all. Its almost as if she was designed to be able to relate to her group. She’s able to level with them. In the past we’ve seen Ame teach and lead in a laid back style and with this group of Amethyst its quite clear that they responded well. The fact that Ame was able to coordinate a prank on Steven and Greg with Gems she just met is crazy and their willingness to give her their loyalty!
Which brings me to this idea. What if Pink Diamond was designing a better way for the Gem Hierarchy to function within her own court. No traditional agates just a single (or two) gems that would be same gem type managers to help level with that particular cut of gem.
Maybe Rose quartz was an archetype of this model? Sure she lacks a whip however it’s clear that her strategic planning, able to heal and other gifts would have made her stand out against other quartz. Besides it’s clear that she would have been the head medic/human care taker at the zoo.
I’m so surprised that the Crewniverse thought this through to this level! I mean at this point everything is a small detail and that makes this show so great!
Thanks for reading!
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crystal-theorist · 7 years
Actually, gems do have some sort of clothing, Jasper wore a cape similar to Lars's when we first met her. 
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So maybe only high ranking generals get capes and that why lars was able to impersonate one.
Bad news...
I’ve deduced something that made me really sad…
Keep reading
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crystal-theorist · 7 years
So Blue Diamond can influence emotions. Which. Is terrifying.
But then I thought- what if the other Diamonds can do stuff like that too?
Like, what if White or Yellow’s power is manipulation of memory and one of them made everyone remember Rose Quartz killing Pink Diamond?
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crystal-theorist · 7 years
I would like to help this theory(?) of Citrine’s acting similar to Amethyst’s by stating in the real world Citrine’s and Amethyst’s are closely related and can be found naturally fused together (this is normally called Ametrine). BTW it would be super cool for a Citrine to defect and decide she’s Amethyst’s bestie so we can see an Ametrine fusion or just Amethyst having a sister like character to bounce comedy off of like at the zoo!
Citrines are Quartzes, Right?
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In one of the trailers for Steven Universe season 5 which was shown at SDCC 2017, Emerald did say that her fastest ship was guarded by 67 “elite Citrine guards” and Lars and the Off Colors were able to get past them and steal the ship with no problem. That’s not very surprising because Citrines are quartzes, right? Yes, they are. And from what we’ve seen from Quartzes, aside from Jasper, they are like huge, playful puppy dogs who have to act big, mean, and scary when reality, they really aren’t. The Zoo arc showed us that with the Zoo Quartzes.
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Yep, the Zoo Quartzes are like a bunch of playful puppy dogs. So, we know, without a doubt that all of them are naturally like that, just big, playful gems who have to act like something they’re not, very tough. No wonder Holly Blue Agate doesn’t like them!
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“No need, your clarity. Not even you could have foreseen how incompetent these Amethysts are.“
So, the Citrines not being able to see a pink human and four defective and misfit gems getting past them just steal a superior ship with incredible speed is not very surprising from what we’ve seen from the Zoo arc, we know that the natural Quartz characteristic is playfulness. So, maybe like them, they were busy joking and playing around just like the Zoo Quartzes.
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“Bad news. The human zoo shut down, which means we’ll just have to throw you in space.“
If the Zoo Quartzes are like this, all Quartzes are so, Emerald’s Citrines would be just as playful as the Zoo Quartzes. Man, I bet Emerald scolds her poor Citrines just like Holly Blue does with the Zoo Quartzes, except I don’t think she’ll be just as cruel to them as Holly Blue is with the Zoo Quartzes. But, she’s probably still cruel to them but I can only see her threatening them and giving a swat across the legs or something, basically like how you would discipline a disobedient dog but a little worse.
Now, I would like to see what the Citrines would look like, but, we’ll know for fact they’ll have a body type just like the Amethyst and Jaspers, big, muscular, and bulky and have long, messy hair or short, messy hair (I swear, I saw some Amethysts and Jaspers with short messy hair during the Zoo arc) since they’re Quartzes. Except they’ll obviously be the colors of the real world Citrines gems, yellow, gold, orange, yellowish-brown, orangish-brown, and reddish-brown. Except do I see them having little hair pieces so others can tell that they belong to Emerald (aww, they’ll look like princesses just like Eme except they might have the default Homeworld uniform), I know the Zoo Quartzes are Holly Blue’s and they have the generic Blue Diamond uniform. But, I imagine that Quartzes belonging to higherups will have something special to show other gems that they belong to the higherup.
It would be so cool and awesome to see Eme’s Citrines!!!! We’ll probably see them eventually. Especially since it seems like Eme might play a somewhat big role in a certain part of season 5.
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Look, Eme appears in the background of that poster, obviously to look intimidating and tell us just how big her role will be in the upcoming episodes. So, we’ll be seeing more of Eme after this and I highly doubt Eme would show up alone. Especially since Eme’s probably scared and feels threatened, you would feel that way if thieves stole your most prized possessions. Eme would probably come with some of her Citrines for extra protection. Also, Eme’s most likely smol and her size alone would make her vulnerable so, she’ll need extra support (yes, you might argue and say that Aquamarine is strong with her wand but Topaz was able to pin her down and almost destablize her and Eme’s situation is probably different she may not be a fighter gem, I mean, she looks like a princess and looks like someone would be just chilling in the office and running things. So, Eme probably doesn’t know how to fight so she has Citrines protecting her). Anyway, I bet the next time we see Eme, we would see her sitting on the shoulder of a Citrine. So, I think we’ll probably be seeing her Citrines eventually.
Seeing them on the show would be so awesome!!!
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crystal-theorist · 7 years
To be honest they're probably using earth years since it is meant to be a children's show (But if they aren’t and explain it in show I'll be pleasantly surprised)
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So, this is going to sound kinda weird, but this is really starting to bug me.
How do gems measure “years”?
I mean, just before her big musical number, Yellow Diamond mentions that it’s been “thousands of years” since Pink Diamond was shattered. Blue Zircon mentions that Rose Quartz was a known threat for “hundreds of years” before she (presumably) shattered Pink Diamond.
Typically, a year is measured by how long is takes a planet to complete one revolution around the celestial body it orbits. A year on Earth lasts 365 Earth days, a year on Neptune lasts 88 Earth days, a year on Neptune lasts roughly 164.8 Earth years, and so on.
Presumably, a year on Homeworld isn’t going to be 365.26 days of 24 hours in length. Considering how the Diamonds and the Homeworld Gems view Earth as little more than a conquest (or the site of a tragedy), they presumably aren’t arranging their entire system of time measurement around Earth’s orbit and rotation.
So, when Garnet mentions the events of The Answer took place 5,750 years ago, is she using Earth years or Homeworld years? When Zircon mentions that Rose Quartz was a known threat for hundreds of years, was she referring to Earth years (because it happened on Earth), or Homeworld years? How much of a difference is there between the two?
When a gem like Yellow Diamond refer “thousands of years”, is the gem years number anywhere near what the Earth years number would be? Or are Homeworld years WAY longer or shorter than an Earth year would be?
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crystal-theorist · 7 years
White Diamond Theory
So, like, this is pretty short but I have a theory that White Diamond doesn’t actually exist….
It’s not much, but considering we haven’t seen her yet and no one’s really mentioned her, I figured She was more or less just a lie or a tactic that The other diamonds created to keep the homeworld gems in line.
Think about it: people don’t usually disobey orders when they think a larger, much more terrifying threat or authority figure is watching over them. WHITE DIAMOND IS THAT THREAT
She doesn’t exist, she never did, but Blue, Yellow, and Pink Diamond could have been using her as a threat.
‘White Diamond is bigger than all of us! She’s the one you REALLY need to watch out for!’
I’m sure this has been done before but Idk, maybe it’s something new.
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crystal-theorist · 7 years
Trailer Thoughts and Theories.
First things first, watch that.
Secondly, I won’t be going over the Lars and Off colors trailer since there’s nothing i can really theorize about there (other than what will happen in that episode, and I’ll leave that to the others in the community to theorize)
Third, yes that is a new icon thank’s for noticing it’s basicly the aftermath in my brian from the season five trailer. I’ll change it again once i can finally make sense of this show for good or whenever i feel like I need a new one.
Now onto my thoughts, and I won’t do these types of posts often since usually I’m one of the last theoriest to post sometihng about anything, mostly because i want to see what others are saying about things.
I’ll only talk about what stood out to me the most:
Steven’s daily dose of anxiety is increasing and his self confidence is decreasing (as per the norm latley for the poor kid, he’s only 14)
“You ran from blue and yellow diamond?!” This is obviously a big deal (not that we didn’t know that already) but now we’re probably going to learn how big of a deal it was.
Then we hear Greg talking to the gems about not knowing much about their planet/culter or anything to do with them really. THis is said over th eimage of a battle ofagians’t who we assume to be pink diamodn before flashing to the kindergarden and a house that looks like greg might be living in (?). Pearl also explains it’s not easy to explain.
Then we see some things with lapis and battles
“Earth is our home now isn’t it worth fighting for?”
Now onto the theories!
I have a feeling we are going to learn something about PD from the crystal gems. But I don’t think we’re going to hear them say it to Steven... I think Steven’s going to overhear them telling Greg. The only reason i say this is we don’t see Steven in the scenes at the odd house, But he’s obiously there since we see the series  with him as our window. 
I also forsee a possable falling out between everyones favorite pumpkin moms. Peridot want’s to protect Earth, but Lapis is affraid of being a victum of war again.
But why would I claim they’re gonna have a fall out? Well... Something struck me as I rewatched the trailer. Now the very last scene with a character is Peridot looking up around sunset, holding her hand out towards somebody talking about protecting the earth. Now this person can’t be steven because her head is angled to far up, to the point that no matter who story boarded her Steven could not be the person she was looking at. But as I rewatched the trailer i noticed soemthing ... Very odd during those actions scenes, and very out of place. You see lapis, but she isn’t fighting. She’s looking down at someone like she’s about to regret leaving them and flying off, another thing to note is it’s also sunset in that scene. Now I’m only guessing that Peridot and Lapis are together in this scene and Peridot asks Lapis to fight for their home only for lapis to fly off, giving peridot her answer.
So to sum things up:
I think Steven is going to over hear some things about the gem’s past told to Greg, and Peridot and Lapis are going to have a falling out. 
Depending on if/when new information comes out i may make a follow up post on weather or not I’m sure of these event’s, but oh boy. Season 5 is going to be a rough one.
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crystal-theorist · 7 years
This would also make the other diamonds great-aunt’s or soemthing along those lines. And most other gems his cousins.
So if Pink Diamond made all of the Rose Quartzez, including our Rose, won’t that make Pink Diamond /technically/ Steven’s grandmother?
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crystal-theorist · 7 years
Who Shattered Pink Diamond?
So I know every theorist and their grandma has already covered this. Believe it or not, that’s what I wanted to happen, so I could see everybody's thoughts on the matter. I also didn’t have time till recently to shift through all the evidance.
Let’s look at our possable Culprits:
White Diamond
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Yellow Diamond
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Rose Quartz
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I know the trial basicly confirmed it wasn’t Rose but stay with me. She’s on my list for a reason. I’ll get to her in a second. Note: Blue Diamond isn’t on the list because I don’t see any reason she’d be greiving so hard on her death.
White Diamond: 
There isn’t much we know about her. She has yet to show up and speak in the show, so we don’t know what her personality is like. But since we know so little about her people speculate she either shattered or awas a mother/sister figure to PD. I’m not going to go to deep down into this just because we have NO information on WD. If we learn more in the future before we learned how PD was shattered I’ll revisit the possablity of WD shattering PD.
So personally I don’t think White Diamond shattered her, just for the lack of evidance. 
Yellow Diamond:
I beleive that this youtuber puts it best:
Do me a favor and like his video!
Anyways, YD is way to defensive. And she rushes the trial way to much for her to know NOTHING. She has to know something, something big, even if she isn’t the one who shattered PD.
Rose Quartz:
I know, I know: The Trial proved Rose was innocent! ...
But did it?
What if Rose wasn’t alone in the shattering? She was definatly there in some form for so many gems to blame her. 
So while she may not be completely guilty, she may not be completely innocent.
Everyones favorite, Friendly Bird Mom. We know her as she is in the present: Motherly, Strong in the real way, and a tad bit salty. But what do we know of her past?
She was a fancy Pearl, she was part of the rebelion, and she did anything to keep Rose safe.
That’s it! We don’t know who she belonged to, why she joined the rebelion or much of her back story. 
Let me repeat something we know of her past: She did ANTHING to keep Rose safe.
I’m not saying Pearl had motive to shatter PD, but I’m not NOT saying it.
And it would explain how she got so close to PD. Who would expect a pearl to do anything agaisn’t a diamond?
Anyways Until we know more I can’t say for sure who iI think shattered PD. I’ll try to go over everything once again when we know more!
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crystal-theorist · 7 years
Well gems bodies are made of light that's compressed right like an illusion? And that's why they can fuse that raises the question what's a fusion like is it like one person and 2 people make up the brain or something like 2 pilots driving a machine? My theory is its kind of like a group chat or conversation like they talk and discuss what to do and these make up the fusions. " thoughts" and personalities like different gems can have different conversations
I think this was answered in ‘the Answer’.
“I... I've seen gems fuse before. But I had no idea that's what it felt like. I always thought... I never realized that fusion... That you dissapear like that.
—"The Answer Sapphire
The become a whole new identity, like a child. It’s not like one person takes control, how they would react may influence how the fusion may react but Ruby and Sapphire aren't ‘in control’ of Garnet, Garnet is.
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crystal-theorist · 8 years
Good God the part of this SU episode that hit me the most was how they used Garnet as a visual aid for the kids’ trauma.
Sapphire and Ruby didn’t get specific fears or thoughts, even if that would’ve been very easy to include. Instead, they got imagery that very clearly focused on their reactions and the consequences of flawed coping mechanisms. Ruby is prone to self-destructive hyperfocus on one thought, completely incapable of moving past it. Sapphire is “calm and collected” because she lets thoughts pile up until she completely overloads and shuts down.
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With the mechanics of each coping flaw well-established, Ruby settles next to Connie, passing that imagery on to her. Connie was obsessing over the fact that she went into automatic panic mode and attacked that kid (understandably so). She’s scared of herself, and Ruby was there to show how heavily a single worry can weigh on someone so one-track-minded–to the point of both being blind to their partner’s distress.
Sapphire settles next to Steven. The one who’s always okay and always ready to go until he can’t push it aside any longer and completely shuts down. He didn’t even react to their falling to the presumed death. We saw Sapphire’s breakdown with the visual metaphor of that maelstrom of thoughts spiraling in on her like vultures. Now we have a sense of magnitude for what’s weighing on Steven, and how many things he’s been holding back because he doesn’t want to confront them.
Connie’s ready to tear herself apart over one butterfly. Steven didn’t acknowledge the butterflies as they showed up because if he faced one he’d have to face them all, which is far too much.
Garnet was and always is great every time I see her, but wow what a brilliant and gut-wrenching way to show how messed up these kids are…
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crystal-theorist · 8 years
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i saw this theory floating around about maybe connie being part gem bc A) how the hell can she hold that big ass sword meant for ROSE big buff mama warrior quartz??? and B) how can she fuse?? she’s human! we already know from greg that love is not enough to make fusion between a human and gem happen so i was wondering about it
and?? i think i may have figured it out??? HOHO WHO KNOWS BUT???
ok so here’s what i think
do u guys remember this:
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steven accidentally healed connie’s eyes w his SPIT
abilities CAN be passed around just like garnet giving steven future vision for a bit, but that was just from a kiss. Connie literally drank steven’s spit. GROSS BUT EFFECTIVE BC I THINK THIS ALSO GAVE CONNIE STEVEN’S STRENGTH TO LIFT THAT SWORD, I THINK THIS GAVE HER THE ABILITY TO FUSE
I dont think connie is part gem as in like …her ancestor or anything…but i do think that she is a human that straight up ABSORBED A GEM’S POWER INTO HER BODY
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crystal-theorist · 8 years
Another Pink Diamond Theory.. sorta
A stupid thought came to me while re watching back to the moon.
Pink Diamond’s mural is drastically different from the murals of the other three diamonds.
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White, yellow and Blue all have an ethereal floating stance. 
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Pink’s mural is standing almost as if she’s freshly bursting out of the ground. To me it looks like a mural of a newly emerged diamond.
Stewing on that thought I wondered where she was and what she was doing as her “sisters” gained control of so many planets. Then the thought hit me. What if the Earth was truly hers. Diamonds are quite large and are supposed to have a lot of power. A planet that had enough life to bring a diamond to life might truly be rare. A planet that was lush with life to the extreme and have vast resources would be needed.
Considering the size and power of a diamond I can imagine it would create quite the impressive emergence hole on the planet they were born on. Now where on Earth has there been a enormous change in geography that is missing?
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Making earth the place of a diamond’s possible birth and death.
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crystal-theorist · 8 years
The Truth About Big Bird
In the episode Giant woman we are introduced to the corrupted gem Big Bird. Inside of Big Bird there are several bubbled gems. 
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My theory is that Big Bird is not a corrupted gem, but a corrupted fusion, the gems found inside itself being its gem components.
This would explain Big Bird’s :
- Size (its much bigger than even Opal, a Giant Woman)
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- Detailed color scheme (its gem shards, wings, and body alone look like a combination of gem color schemes)
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- Lack of physical gem placements (most likely caused by being fused for too long, corrupted, or a combination of the two)
In addition, when Big Bird splits, its gem shards seem to fuse together to form the smaller birds.
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It’s like Big Bird is in a fusion it can’t escape from. Even when ‘poofed’, it can’t completely defuse, only divide its form into several smaller versions of its once healthy fusion.
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crystal-theorist · 8 years
What is your theory on what/who lion is?
 I was personally always into the Lion is Pink Diamond (Or at least her Pearl) But given the latest episode I’ve had to rethink my theory.
I think Lion could’ve been an experiment (or test) To see if an organic being could meld with a gem. So either Rose found some way to meld either Pink Diamond or her Pearl’s shattered remains(if Pink Pearl Ended up Shattered somehow) with one of her seven lions or Lion accidentally ate or melded somehow with those shattered remains.
A lot of my theory depends on if Pink Diamond’s Pearl is still intact, If the Shattered Remains of Pink Diamond (Or her Pearl) are just lying around or If either Rose or Homeworld has them.
Lion’s just too odd to not be gem related. And Givin what we’ve learned he could’ve had some sort of connection to Pink Diamond.
But we’ll just find out with time (probably, this show is great with consistency after all!)
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crystal-theorist · 8 years
So, with Fusions, i think the same combination of gems make the same fusion, but the fusion themselves are separate beings. Smoky Quartz said that "Amethyst knows who i am." so when Amethyst fused with Rose Quartz they made a different Smoky Quartz. So when a sapphire and ruby fuse, they will always make a garnet, just not the same Garnet. and if our Garnet fused with another Pearl they'd still make a Sardonix, just not the same Sardonix. (sorry if you already got something like this)
First off, I appreciate every ask I get, and with how little I get, there is almost no chance of me getting the same one twice…
Now, what Gem a fusion is is determined by the component Gems. Personality is entirely seperate. So, it is almost certain that any Ruby fusing with any Sapphire results in a Garnet, with a personality being determined by that of the individual components.
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crystal-theorist · 8 years
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The Palanquin Theory:
Crewniverse obviously showed this image to us for a reason, clearly meaning it will come back and have some significance to the story
I believe that Steven will come across the Palanquin and find a severely cracked gem inside, near the point of shattering.
Steven would likely try to save this gem, but who would it be?
None other than Blue Pearl.
It would be Blue Pearl for 4 main reasons-
1) Deedee herself said that Blue Pearl will be getting lines in the upcoming season
2) Blue Diamond would want to eliminate her Pearl after the events of “The Answer” because Blue Pearl witnesses our Pearl rebelling and going against her original purpose. Blue Diamond wouldn’t want her Pearl to rebel.
3) Plus, what better way to express our Pearl’s past and her struggles than to bring in another Pearl who was under similar upbringings (going by the Pearl was once White Diamond’s Pearl theory).
4) We would get Homweorld’s perspective on the War through Blue Pearl’s experiences with her Diamond, giving us a new outlook on the past
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