#steven universe theories
calculosavulsos · 3 months
A friend of mine was remembering that scene where inner Pearl tells Steven that Rose was actually Pink Diamond and how she planned her death. The trauma inflicted on Pearl has a lot of layers, including her feelings towards Rose and other way around. Pink asked her to not tell anyone both as Pink and as someone who loved Pearl. There was love, a lot of it, but it was never the same type of love. Pearl's love had a lot of romantic feelings attached to it while Rose didn't. This got me thinking about could Rose/ Pink be aromantic?
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spacemuf · 1 year
I love Steven universe so much, I have watched it several times due to that I’ve noticed a lot. When people make theories or try to call out loop holes they kinda forget the little things, like pinks shattering is one of them. Her shattering was definitely plausible in the way it happened for many reasons it’s littered throughout the show just go back and pay attention on how the diamonds treated pink, plus pay attention to the trial
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faelapis · 9 months
sometimes i worry that *i'm* wrong and SU is bad/rushed/blah blah. then i remember whites fragile need to be perfect and ego defense of thinking she's fixing things. i remember how its perfectly mirrored by stevens need to fix others. how its both beautifully symbolic in CYM an made more explicit and heart-rending in future.
yeah that shit rules. white being reformed is great. its the ultimate rebuttal to the ideology that only good/useful/perfect people deserve to live- which is exactly the standard white held herself and everyone else to. it mirrors stevens arc of selfless heroism. it mirrors the toxic, insecure selflessness thats plagued everyone from pearl to jasper to rose about what it means to "deserve" to live it ties into "love like you" of how learning self-love is intertwined with loving others. it ties into how steven can't let go of his hero role until he's confronted by *literally* having his own mind in white's body, hating the idea of being like her yet ironically reacting exactly how she would - "this is someone bad for society, they should be shattered, this is what's best for everyone." trying to hurt her only hurting him. trying to help her helping all of gemkind - from the corrupted gems to dismantling a system that was held up by those exact ideals.
yeah no SU is fantastic. i'm so sad that its reputation is "oh well it wasn't that good, but it had some lgbt+ rep :)" which is just about the most condescending crap ever. i would gladly flip it. i think most cartoons that have come after SU haven't been that interesting, they've just been mostly generic stories with some lgbt+ rep.
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fruitsofhell · 8 months
Something I really like about Rose Quartz's characterization is how dedicated the writers were to making what she did morally grey. Idk it would have been really easy for the twist to be she was Just Evil, especially learning she was related to the main villains, but no they created this very vague character who even in her appearances feels mysterious. If anything Rose is the one thing that is less clear to me after my rewatch, because now seeing the nuance in her character pulls me out of a black-ane-white view of her and into one that is just... foggy.
But a vibe I do get from Rose, is that despite clearly being incredibly compassionate, she's someone who lacks empathy in the case of the ability to fully realize others' autonomy and thought processes. There's just a lot of decisions she makes that feel aloof in an odd way, and when combined with how childish she can be it can give the impression she sees everything as a game. But it's still clear that she cares and is genuinely moved by the Earth, and when her entire truth is revealed you can see how ideologically honest she was. Even if it feels like her beliefs are just so she can have fun, but that is part of freedom, the freedom to vibe and explore and do silly things she couldn't.
That attitude clearly just comes from her position as Pink Diamond. It was an oppressive role emotionally, but not as literally oppressive as the lives of those around her. I think her relationship with Pearl is where I find the most of the part of me that sees her as compassionate but unempathetic. Pink can't fathom what it's like to have been born to be an obedient servant and how that would cloud Pearl's judgement. How telling her "I'm going to fight for this world but you dont have to" would mean nothing to her because she is still obsessed with her, how entering a romantic relationship with something while they're still effectively your servant is unhealthy, or how spending her life flirting with other men would probably tear your servant-to-lover-to-ex up inside lmao. With the first she obviously meant to be giving her a choice because she cares about Pearl, but she can't understand how to truly give Pearl freedom of choice she can't treat her like a fully freethinking person. With the second she doesn't understand how her power has an unhealthy impact on her bond with Pearl. And with the last it's not at all that Rose isn't allowed to move on, but I just always found she has a lack of awareness of Pearl's jealousy and misery that's a bit inappropriate. Not that you can't assume she has already let Pearl down easy or cares about her coping, but it's never shown, which feels like a deliberate choice.
I'm working on a more organized theory about Rose's characterization, but it is deeply fascinating. Her and Pearl's relationship is as well, I feel like it's sometimes characterized as just a mean jealous ex situation but like it's way more fucked than that, and is a great exploration of power dynamics, obsession, and grief. Love me some toxic doomed yuri.
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whereserpentswalk · 20 days
God people don't remember what those early 2010s cartoons were like when watching them. Shows like gravity falls and adventure time didn't just waltz in as post apocalyptic fantasy series, they started out as just normal cartoons with hints of darker things that evolved into having complex plots.
Like, the later plot points and tone of these series were literally edgy fan theories and then they came true. The great mushroom was was a weird out there fan theory. The dimond authority was a weird out there fan theory. Stan having a brother and that brother writing the journals was a weird out there fan theory.
Like you have to understand how extremely weird as well as extremely cool this was. The fact that these were normal cartoons that evolved into having dark multi episode dramatic storylines is something that's so amazing, but gets kind of lost on people who go into it knowing what happened.
This is like if Ed Edd and Eddy was revealed to really take place in purgatory and they went on a well written dramatic arc dealing with demons.
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novantinuum · 15 days
Most Specialest Boy Ever Has Arrived! !!!
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After years and years of Craving a Lorge Plush Lad, my dreams have come true and he is now home! ;www;;;;;
This truly just felt like the natural conclusion of my life after kickstarting Worm Theory™ on this webbed site back in the day.
He is very large and Distinguished- here is my Rose Quartz sword WIP as a size comparison, the guy's shockingly long! Perfect for lounging across a bed or a couch as my cartoon watching buddy.
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This plush is a lovingly made one-of-a-kind from Elkkuvelkku (link leads to their Insta post about this boyo) on Instagram/Etsy- this seller doesn't currently have any other handmade plushies on their storefront, but they have a ton of cute Pokémon patterns if you're into that.
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nerdycartoongal · 3 months
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It’s so crazy how a lot of cartoon fan theories turn out to be true!!
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topazillustrates · 4 months
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Falsification AU || Pages 103
Steven realizes through his sleep, he had a traumatic event happen...again...he's becoming more aware he keeps having body failures and the corruption.
Previous >> Next
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jennyanima · 5 months
The same character
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I just notice a coincidence of crazy bloggers in three different shows
The type of characters that can traumatize someone
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thefreshprinceofjunes · 11 months
i was looking through promotional art on the su wiki, and i came across the SDCC 2016 signing card
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and i noticed that only four people in the pic have flowers
steven, greg, and pearl have roses, which of course represent rose quartz
while jasper has a hibiscus for some reason?
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so i was thinking about why jasper would have that particular flower, esp when almost everyone else in the pic doesnt have one at all
and then i realized
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... oh
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2016 comic con, huh
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calculosavulsos · 3 months
olha já vou me desculpando pq sou muito irritante quando o assunto é rose quartz 😟 mas li seu post sobre a rose talvez ser aro e essa é uma teoria que já vi sendo discutida entre fãs da rose. o principal motivo é a cena em que o greg pergunta para ela "você já esteve apaixonada por um ser humano?" e ela respondeu "como eu saberia?"
muitas pessoas interpretam esse diálogo somente como uma explicação de que a rose, no final das contas, não chegou a amar outros humanos até conhecer o greg, pois, antes dele, ela nunca havia conseguido criar uma conexão real e íntima com seus parceiros humanos (como foi dito pela rebecca anteriormente, o greg foi a primeira pessoa, entre gems ou humanos, que exigiu que ela o visse de igual para igual. antes disso, ela sempre esteve abaixo das outras diamantes e todas as outras pessoas da sua vida a colocavam em um pedestal).
(vale ressaltar também que já foi confirmado em uma entrevista com a rebecca sugar e em um dos livros oficiais que a rose amou a pérola).
voltando ao ponto, o que torna essa fala interessante é o fato da rose não saber o que significa estar apaixonada. não é como se isso fosse algo complicado para outras gems: a ruby e a sapphire ambas se apaixonaram e nunca pareceram ter problemas em entender que amavam uma a outra de forma romântica. o mesmo pode ser dito da pérola, que se declarou para rose antes mesmo da guerra sequer começar. foi algo que todas elas conseguiram entender sobre si mesmas, mas que a rose, mesmo após passar tanto tempo na terra e ter tantos relacionamentos, ainda não compreendia.
ela amava muito seus parceiros, principalmente a pérola e o greg, mas é realmente possível que talvez o amor que ela sentia por eles não fosse romântico. talvez tenha sido isso uma das coisas que também complicou o relacionamento da pérola e da rose (além das várias outras coisas que já tornam as duas complicadas). acho que é completamente possível que os relacionamentos da rose fossem algo mais queer platonic do que romântico (tratando-se tanto do greg quanto da pérola).
Nossa, que interessante! Não sabia que esse era um assunto já debatido. Agradeço pelo o que disse, deu uma sustentação a mais ao que eu havia pensado antes. Inclusive, fique a vontade para mandar mais.
Eu concordo com tudo o que foi dito e gostaria de aprofundar o tópico de reciprocidade entre o amor da Pérola e da Rose, porque eu acho válido considerar que não foi só o amor da Pérola o não correspondido, mas também o da Rose. Acho que muita coisa no sentimento delas deveria mudar quando a guerra chegou ao fim, mas parece que não teve grandes mudanças, principalmente para o lado da Pérola. O fim do status da Rose como líder revolucionária e Diamante, isto é, o fim dos pedestais sociais, deu a ela um senso de liberdade e a ideia de um sentimento regulamentado, romântico, não era uma opção e era uma coisa que ela via de forma muito atrelada ao pedestal que antes ela ocupava, sempre como algo parassocial.
São ideais de amor muito diferentes e, por um acaso, Rose soube o quanto de sofrimento isso trazia a Pérola? Como arromântico, a gente primeiro acha que sempre foi exagero ou atuação os sentimentos dos outros, depois aprende que é real, aceita que é real e continua não sabendo se um dia saberá como é se sentir assim. Querendo ou não, os sentimentos ficam classificados numa escala que vai de "tudo bem sofrer por conta disso" até "sofrer por isso é tolice". Numa ponta, temos a Pérola, na outra temos a Rose, com seu amor queerplatônico pela Pérola. Tudo isso não passa de amatonormatividade, por isso recoloco a pergunta: a Pérola soube quanto sofrimento isso poderia ter trazido a Rose? Existe, no mínimo, um desconforto nauseante de quem você mais gosta no mundo querer uma coisa de você que não é possível dar (ao menos não da forma que se espera), assim como por querer estender os limites do relacionamento para além de uma amizade comum, mas não poder por conta das expectativas.
Greg também é um personagem queer coded até onde já li de teorias. Se a Rebecca diz que o Greg foi o primeiro que exigiu que ela o visse como um igual, talvez tenha sido com ele que ela se permitiu ter intimidade num relacionamento genuíno (a música"love like you" não é da Rose para o Greg?), independente dos sentimentos dele serem românticos ou não. Posso estar errade nesse ponto, mas o conflito entre Pérola e Greg teve mais participação dela do que dele. Greg não parecia que tinha problemas com os sentimentos entre elas, não via como impedimento nem a sua mortalidade perante a elas.
Gostaria de saber o que mais você pensa sobre o que eu disse, se quiser responder 😃 Gostei de poder compartilhar mais.
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artsycooky13 · 1 year
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i just find it really sweet but also find the contrast super funny that steven always has a smol cute pic of connie by his bedside, meanwhile connie has a big hecking poster of him  (and lion <3)
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faelapis · 7 months
the SU theory posts i’ve made that have “aged the worst” are definitely the ones where i confidently assert that steven has the individual choice to forgive people you wouldn’t forgive, so don’t shame him for that, and that he would never shatter someone. because steven doesn’t want to just “kill the bad guys” as a solution.
thing is though, i’m not wrong in spirit. because what i really mean is that the show doesn’t think it’s bad to forgive. the show doesn’t think it’s good to shatter.
what makes those posts age poorly is that i did something i’ve since come to complain about - people conflating steven’s morality with the show’s morality. these are separate things.
in my defense, i think these two things were more aligned in the OG show. SU future still retains the original show’s morality, for the most part. the main thing it does differently is to just lampshade that steven himself is a flawed character. he isn’t always going to perfectly live up to the show’s ideals.
which is a good thing btw! i think a show about flawed people learning to be better is incomplete without allowing its main character to be similarly flawed. he shouldn’t always be stuck helping others + asserting his identity more based on who he’s not (his mom) rather than who he is.
so yeah. i’m not sorry about those posts - i think a lot of my old theoryposting still holds up when you see them from the pov of the show’s overall morality rather than being about steven’s feelings. but i definitely misjudged steven as living up to those moral ideals more than he did.
still, that’s something i’m happy to be wrong about. i like that steven is as flawed as everyone else.
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cheeki-tails · 1 year
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3 year apart redraw!!! woot woot!
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love-takes-work · 10 months
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Cool Gem Color Wheel boii
Can you believe it started like this:
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Over 100 layers for this
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jewishdragon · 24 days
It just occurred to me that the reason the Crystal Gem rebellion was able to stand up to home world’s forces wasn’t because their leader was secretly pink diamond
The Crystal gems were insanely out numbered and out gunned.
But they were doing one thing home world was not.
They were FUSING.
“But homeworld gems fused! The rubies fused just fine!”
They fused DIFFERENT GEMS. It’s clear that fusing the same gem makes a gem as powerful as how ever many were fused. So a fusion of five rubies is as strong as five rubies. It’s bigger so that’s nice too.
But when you fuse two or more DIFFERENT gems you get a being more powerful than the sum of their parts.
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