cyberhermits · 5 years
Hate pt3
You know what? No.
I’m going back on this promise, that was the promise of a desperate man. I won’t let people who hate me tell me what I can and can’t do. I will respect them and I will learn from my mistakes but I won’t be silenced.
I will be writing.
I will continue the fics I love to write
And I certainly will follow my whims to write the bullshit that I love.
Writing is one of the things that has kept me alive for so long now, and the time I’ve had trying to oppress my need to do it has been the most miserable week of my life. I’ve dealt with so much much shit lately and where I’d normally be writing I’m just left staring into space. I simply refuse to force myself to suffer for other peoples praise, especially when I know it’s a lost cause.
So yeah, I’ve had enough of this shit. Y'all be expecting updates on my fics now. And if you have any issues with what I write then I IMPLORE you to message me, don’t just cancel me as a person.
Thank you kindly. :)
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cyberhermits · 5 years
Hate pt2
I’m so sorry guys, I’ll no longer be writing fan fictions. It’s come to my attention that people who I thought were my friends actually hate me for my writings. So to avoid losing anymore friend I will no longer by writing indefinitely.
I’m sorry for anyone who was looking forward to the next part of Glass tower/Paper crown, The chicken bro stories, The CyberHermits au or really any of my stories. I will no longer be writing any of those and there will never be any new ones, if anyone wants me to delete the fics already on my blog then please say so and I will do as such.
If anyone want me to stop with my art or even just coming up with aus then I would like for you to tell me. The last thing I want to for people to hate me or feel uncomfortable around me. I do apologize greatly if my content has offended any of you and please rest assured that there will be nothing new to be offended about.
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cyberhermits · 5 years
Grian: Agent Icarus
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According to our records, Agent Icarus is a type 5 human from the Concrete Forests of the planet Canripre of the 25th system. As he is from the jungle, he is not used to the company of other humans so can appear jumpy and/or excitable.
He has obtained some permanent injuries since beginning the experiment but has not allowed this fact to slow down his productivity. He in a surprisingly skilled architect for having lived in the wild all his life, he appears to be quite judgmental of his own builds however and has been seen taking them down completely in order to rebuild them. He does however, show no skill at redstone whatsoever and should be kept far away from it.
He has a habit of waking up before sunrise and waking up his fellow agents as well, this is most likely due to his survival instinct and not understanding that he and the other agents have no predators in that world. Unfortunately the agents don't take kindly to his wake up calls.
In response to his many complaints and threats, he has been permitted to bring his birds along with him. There are seven in total, the one he has deemed his favorite is an iron green male he calls Ari. He appears to be a fan of most of the fauna he comes across, unfortunately most creatures seems hostile, towards him at least.
In conclusion, the facility finds Agent Icarus an intriguing being and looks forward to testing with him.
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cyberhermits · 5 years
One good thing about music
One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain. Grian sighed in bliss as the bass hit him, making him fizz and throw his wings up to the rhythm. He danced with his birds, letting the music take over his mind, the neon lights of his wings soaking the concrete forest in green and gold. He felt his hairs stand on end as the bass swelled, he shut his eyes tight and counted to three. "One, two, THREE!" The bass dropped and his wings flashed red and white, dipping and rising into the air alongside Ari and the other birds. They swirled and dipped to the beat, legs kicking and pumping to the rhythm. He felt the air vibrate around him as he danced, the bass taking hold of his heart and making him feel every pounding boom. He reached to the sky with his left wing, in sinc with his birds and twirled. He shook his feathered blades and threw his head back, flipping back as the birds swooped around him. He was just about to rise back up when the music was cut.
He looked behind him to see Mumbo having cut off the music, he pouted at the mustached man and landed back on the floor. "Why'd you cut the music dude! I was enjoying that!" He crossed his arms and huffed. Mumbo sighed and rolled his eyes at the blonde, shaking his head and putting the radio back in the cupboard. "You weren't answering X's messages, not shaping up very good are you huh?" Grian sighed, gesturing to his birds to get in their travel crates and stepped towards Mumbo. "You think I wanted to be picked for this? I'm just being plucked from my home and forced to take part in these dumb experiments! I never asked for this!" He stomped his foot, causing his birds to squeak at Mumbo in unison as Grian glared up at the taller man. Mumbo rolled his eyes and tutted, grabbing Grian by his collar. "None of us asked for it, you'll get used to it. Not stop being a brat and let's get going, we're almost late." He began to drags Grian towards the space pod when the blonde whined and complained. "My birds..." Mumbo huffed through gritted teeth, he was starting to get really annoyed. Why did they decide that he had to fetch the new kid? He tossed Grian towards the pod and sighed, hacking the travel crates to hover into the pod. "I'll get your birds."
Grian looked over the world from the start of his flying coratse, his birds soaring above his head. He placed the radio down on the floor, connecting it to his ear piece and the mini speakers attached to his birds. He activates his wings and switches to the first song on the playlist, soaring into the sky to join his birds before swooping down through the first hole. He dips and weaves to the rythm, heart matching the beat and red and white flashing neon lighting up the island as the sun rose. The crack of dawn hit at the exact moment the bass dropped and his heart swelled with his birds singing perfectly to the rythm, giggling at the annoyed noises of the other hermits who were woken by the noise. He waved his arms in gesture for his feathered friends to wake the others up, it was morning time and a musical wake up time. Grian checked the nearest clock and laughed. "Yes! We beat their alarm clocks by five seconds! That's a new record Ari!" Ari nodded in agreement, perching on Grians shoulder and pulling a leaf out of his hair for him.
He loved this, being the morning bird to wake them all up. Beating the alarm clocks was his only goal before breakfast, then it was to talk the others into giving him their food. He wasn't exactly sure what the point of him joining the experiments was but he didn't really mind, he was glad he got picked for the experiments as he was so close with his friends. He sat back down and looked out at the rising sun, sighing happily and ignoring the chat as the other hermits complain that he got them up so early every morning. He smiled, it was for their own good. How on earth would they get anything done if they weren't awake to do it?
He hummed along to the music when it was suddenly cut of in the same instant that he was smacked around the back of his head. "Ow!" He turned around to see Iskall standing there, still half asleep with a scowl. "Can you STOP waking us up at the crack of dawn? It's getting annoying." Grian smiled at him, nursing his head. "Well are you going to go back to sleep?" Iskall sighed and shook his head. "No, I can't." Grian chuckled and jumps to his feet. "Exactly, now if you're attacked then you'll be awake to counter it!" Iskall stared with a frown, blinking in confusion. "Was...was that a threat?" But Grian had already soared off, to switch his radio back on. Iskall sighed and counted the seconds before the beat hit the island once more. That was one good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain.
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