dariuskamaliblog · 4 years
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dariuskamaliblog · 5 years
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Impeachment Kabuki
Dems to put on impotent impeachment theater because Trump tried to investigate their own corrupt candidate, in a shady way. But NOT for Trumps truly horrific crimes, in which both parties are complicit. 
If establishments Dems had principles, brains or backbone, they would impeach Trump for any number of truly horrific crimes he's openly committing, as I write this. Crimes such as the aiding of Saudi GENOCIDE in Yemen in exchange for emoluments (kicks backs) to his hotels. The Dems problem with impeaching for such truly big crimes is that many of the establishment Dems are themselves also in the pocket of the Saudis and Israelis and are sort of okay with the Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity we are presently aiding in Yemen.
They don't want too much of a spotlight on this sort of emoluments related corruption, because hey, that's their bread and butter too. They definitely don't want to go anywhere near that. It's been the norm of the two party imperial state for decades. Can't rock the boat you're sitting in.  Instead, it will be ignored in the same transparently partisan way as the enormous corruption of the Clinton foundation--receiving hundreds of million of dollars while Hillary was awarding contracts to dictators here and there on her secret server.
Instead, establishment Dems are reduced to the Kabuki theater of an impeachment process for the relatively minor even 'chicken shit' issue of Ukraine, that's just about Trump (admittedly in a very shady way) digging into THEIR candidate Biden's shady corruption in Ukraine. They pick THIS issue to impeach, knowing that in the best case scenario, it will not get through the Senate, and so they will not be able to actually remove Trump.
The message is clear. Aiding genocide for emoluments kick backs is swept under the table, because --well, both parties are in on that!
But if the the corrupt President from one of those parties goes after the corrupt leading candidate of the other party--well now, now there will be much sound and fury--even if none of it leads to removal ;-(It remains an open and debatable question as to whether establishment Dems are more incompetent--or evil.
I only ask. You be the judge.
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dariuskamaliblog · 5 years
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Long live the Kurdish people. May they never again be used and abused as unwitting tools for fake extra-regional US/Israeli--'friends.'
You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who despises the Trump cabal more than I do or cares about the future of the Kurdish people more than I do.
So it may be a surprise to many to hear that I endorse, albeit with requisite reservations, Trumps decision to pull US forces, illegally occupying northern Syria. They were never there to help. They were there to use the Kurds for their own geopolitical interests.
I have advocated for the Kurdish people for many years, both professionally, with Joost Hilterman and Human Rights Watch, where I supervised the effort to collect visual evidence of Saddam Hussein's Anfal campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing against Iraqi Kurds and with the Simon Wiesenthal Center--and also personally, through involvement with private Kurdish-Iranian NGO's and through essays and analysis. The Kurds, as I and many others have long predicted, are today being betrayed- for the 8th time by their American patron!
'Maps and Memory' https://bit.ly/2kTDddM
'The U.S. Is Now Betraying the Kurds for the Eighth Time' https://bit.ly/2LTt2QY
The two headed Leviathan represented by the two-party American establishment parties, and it's corporate-nationalist media--that propagandizes 24/7 for the interests of US empire and it's military industrial intelligence apparatus--are squealing like stuck pigs about Trumps decision to pull US troops out of Syria. Not me. I'm happy about it.
It's well past time for Kurdish groups across borders to stop depending on fake friends and instead unite with each other and with their natural and historic regional allies and to stop allowing themselves to be serially used and abused by CIA/Mossad/MI6, for the interests of foreign empires, Israeli occupiers and Zionist expansionists.
To the US and Israeli's--fickle friends of convenience-- who've played a triple game in Syria, supporting many sides including Kurds and ISIS simultaneously, in an effort to dismantle the Syrian nation for the benefit of the Greater Israel project--Good Riddance!
Long live the Kurdish people and a Kurdistan supported by it's natural Iranian entno-linguistic cousins. May they never again be used and abused as unwitting tools for extra regional manipulators or their regional vassals and proxies.
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dariuskamaliblog · 5 years
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The Cognitive Dissonance of US backed Islamist Terror
The notion that the US is against either Islamist terror or Islamist regimes is among recent history’s more profound examples of Orwellian scale propaganda. A decades long state sponsored disinformation psy-op, directed at the American citizenry, has succeeded in creating broad cognitive dissonance among an American public who’s breathtaking ignorance on the topic can best be described as zombie-like.
Here are just a handful of fun facts to help break the mass hypnosis:
The US actually created the Islamist Mujahedeen terrorists, and the subsequent Taliban, in the 80’s in order to undermine– a secular modernizing leftist government in Afghanistan.
-Since 2013 the US has illegally invaded and occupied portions of the sovereign state of Syria in order to train and aid Islamist terror groups such as Al Nusra. This, not only against all international law and over the violent protest of Syria’s officially recognized, legally legitimate and, once again secular government but also against the will of–---wait for it–---the Christian and secular portions of the Syrian populace. Let me repeat this in case you missed it. The US CIA backs, trains and finances Islamist terrorists in Syria against the secular and Christian portions of its population, who continue to back their besieged secular government.
-As I write, the US is allied with Al Qaeda (yes, that al Qaeda!) in the Yemeni civil war.
-The US protects, defends and arms Saudi Arabia, the most extreme Islamist dictatorship on this earth–--a nation named after, and literally owned by a mob-like family whose Wahabist/Salafist ideology is the theological inspiration for ISIS.
Yet rather than bombing or invading Saudi Arabia as the US media’s anti-Islamist rhetoric would lead a rational observer to expect, the US not only does not attack or bomb Saudi Arabia, it backs the radical Islamist Saudi clan with hundreds of billions of dollars of space age weaponry. Recently the Trump cabal has even floated the idea of providing the Saudis with Nuclear reactors and given a wink and nod to the suggestion that Pakistan, another US backed Islamist nation, should sell the Saudis an atomic bomb.
The unshakable US support of the House of Saud continues decade after decade and under both Democrat and Republican administrations. It does so even after 15 of the 911 hijackers turned out to be Saudis. It continues even though the Saudis and their Emirati cousins arm and finance Jihadists around the globe and spread the puritanical Wahabist/Salafist version of Islam in madrassas across Asia and Africa. It continues even as they openly, regularly execute Christians, Jews, Shiites, and ‘Pagans’ for witchcraft, simply for practicing their religion in the rather less than magic 'Kingdom’ that is Saudi Arabia. It continues even after they cut a Washington Post journalist (a legal US person) to pieces with a bone saw, in a foreign embassy with not so much as a slap on the wrist. It continues even after they kidnap and beat the visiting Prime Minister of Lebanon. It continues even after they invade and for four years now, indiscriminately bomb and starve the impoverished pre-industrialized Yemeni people next door, killing 100,000 (and counting) and bringing millions to the edge of starvation and cholera, in what the UN terms, a genocidal brutality.
The Islamist Saudi clan does all this with not only near total silence or backing from the 'free’ US media but with a green light from Washington. In fact, it does all this with the direct, active, strategic, tactical and even operational support of the US military and intelligence apparatus.
Saudi Arabia not only backs, arms and finances Islamist radicals, it provides them with their core ideology. Saudi Arabia in fact, is ISIS, having succeeded and created a state.
It is also a US protectorate, vassal and symbiotic client state. Which means that ultimately, what the Saudis do is US approved, supported and often instigated.
What ultimately matter to US administrations, of either major political party, are the hundreds of billions of dollars from weapons sales to the Kingdom. A regime through which the West controls the supply and price of oil, maintains the dominance of the petro-Dollar as the global currency and protects, at all cost, the modern nuclear armed version of a medieval crusader state, that is Israel.
An Israel that’s both an American armed and protected nuclear fortress placed strategically to divide the Middle East at the strategic corner of Asia from Africa. And an Israel that is worshiped with religious fervor by anti-Semitic Christian evangelical know nothings whose love of the Jewish state is only equaled by their hatred of Jews.
These American end-times believing, millenarian lunatics pray for Jewish control of Palestine, despite their racial and theological anti-Semitism. They do so because their insane and ugly eschatology tells them that this will hasten the end of the world when Jesus will return they and only they, will be 'raptured’ up into the arms of their imagined German looking version of the Christ.
The Vice President of the United states is only one of countless high level American adherents to this grotesque, and world threatening, theology based foreign policy.
A. Darius Kamali
#Kurds #syriankurds #TrumppullsoutofSyria #KurdishYPG
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dariuskamaliblog · 5 years
US Saudi bombing of Yemen
The corporate media is all but silent on the five year US backed war-crimes and crimes against humanity being committed in Saudi Arabia's illegal war of aggression on the poor and mostly defenseless Yemeni people.
Suddenly, this same shameless media are collectively shitting their pants when bombs come the other way and hit a Saudis refinery.
The US participation in the Saudis massacre of 100 thousand Yemenis is boring news relegated to the page 17. But god forbid the Yemenis and their allies fight back and the price of oil goes up. Now we have a crises worthy of apoplectic US media coverage. And the breathless hack reporters fall all over themselves to speak in moralistic, hushed tones about the involvement of potential 'bad actors.'
The so called liberal mainstream media (in reality a propaganda wing of US empire) attacks Trump---not for the ongoing US involvement in the Saudi Arabia's daily massacres in Yemen but, wait for it---for not responding to the poor Yemenis hitting the Saudi's back!! Wow!!! This is a truly heroic level of propaganda.
Iranian Help to Yemenis-- As for whether the Iranians helped the Houthis in Yemen. They probably did. This is geopolitical a proxi-war and they're on one end of it. No one despises the theocratic Iranian regime more than me--mostly for its repressive domestic policies, horrible corruption and repression at home, not to mention its medieval theocratic system and ideology. And yet, the fact is they are on the right side in this particular conflict. The US and Saudis are allied with Al Qaeda! Not a joke.
The Iranian regime are not the ones massacring a 100 thousand Yemenis and starving millions more!
They are not the ones bombing or invading Yemen. They may be giving aid to the Yemenis. These are all facts. Look them up. The US official media even reports it, but buries the news on page 17. Exactly the opposite of the media frenzy when the Saudi refinery gets hit.
If you do even a minimal amount of research, you will also confirm that the Iranians have had a peace proposal on the table for Yemen that they have presented through the UN for years. And for years, the US and Saudis have ignored it. Why? Because why should they go for peace when they can bomb Yemeni kids to a pulp without any cost or consequence or accountability?
Well now, now there is cost and consequence. The only kind the barbaric House of Saud and its shameless Western backers care about--namely the supply and price of oil--the very reason for the existence of this savage outpost of American empire, referred to as the Kingdom by the adorably compliant US press.
Maybe now the enablers and participants of this ongoing Saudi crime against humanity will realize they do need to sit down at the negotiating table and get out of Yemen where they have literally pulverized an entire country and generation. Even if it is only because they suddenly fear that the rest of their precious oil fields will also go up in flames--like the bodies of the Yemeni men, women and children that American built Saudi planes, refueled midair by American pilots-- set on fire every day without so much as a peep from the complicit and 'free' US press.
A. Darius Kamali
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dariuskamaliblog · 6 years
Iraq and Syria; Of Maps & Memory
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dariuskamaliblog · 7 years
US one of Worlds Worst Abusers of WMD
For the Record:
The U.S. Military Killed Hundreds of Thousands of Japanese Civilians with Napalm from 1944 - 1945
Napalm is a sticky and highly flammable gel which has been used as a weapon of terror by the U.S. military. In 1980, the UN declared the use of napalm on swaths of civilian population a war crime. That's exactly what the U.S. military did in World War II, dropping enough napalm in one bombing raid on Tokyo to burn 100,000 people to death, injure a million more, and leave a million without homes in the single deadliest air raid of World War II.
The U.S. Government Dropped Nuclear Bombs on Two Japanese Cities in 1945
Although nuclear bombs may not be considered chemical weapons, I believe we can agree they belong to the same category. They certainly disperse an awful lot of deadly radioactive chemicals. They are every bit as horrifying as chemical weapons if not more, and by their very nature, suitable for only one purpose: wiping out an entire city full of civilians.
The U.S. Military Killed Hundreds of Thousands of Japanese Civilians with Napalm from 1944 - 1945
Napalm is a sticky and highly flammable gel which has been used as a weapon of terror by the U.S. military. In 1980, the UN declared the use of napalm on swaths of civilian population a war crime. That's exactly what the U.S. military did in World War II, dropping enough napalm in one bombing raid on Tokyo to burn 100,000 people to death, injure a million more, and leave a million without homes in the single deadliest air raid of World War II.
The U.S. Military Dumped 20 Million Gallons of Chemicals on Vietnam from 1962 - 1971
During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military sprayed 20 million gallons of chemicals, including the very toxic Agent Orange, on the forests and farmlands of Vietnam and neighboring countries, deliberately destroying food supplies, shattering the jungle ecology, and ravaging the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Vietnam estimates that as a result of the decade-long chemical attack, 400,000 people were killed or maimed, 500,000 babies have been born with birth defects, and 2 million have suffered from cancer or other illnesses. In 2012, the Red Cross estimated that one million people in Vietnam have disabilities or health problems related to Agent Orange.
The CIA Helped Saddam Hussein Massacre Iranians and Kurds with Chemical Weapons in 1988
CIA records now prove that Washington knew Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons (including sarin, nerve gas, and mustard gas) in the Iran-Iraq War, yet continued to pour intelligence into the hands of the Iraqi military, informing Hussein of Iranian troop movements while knowing that he would be using the information to launch chemical attacks. At one point in early 1988, Washington warned Hussein of an Iranian troop movement that would have ended the war in a decisive defeat for the Iraqi government. By March an emboldened Hussein with new friends in Washington struck a Kurdish village occupied by Iranian troops with multiple chemical agents, killing as many as 5,000 people and injuring as many as 10,000 more, most of them civilians. Thousands more died in the following years from complications, diseases, and birth defects.
The U.S. Military Littered Iraq with Toxic Depleted Uranium in 2003
In Iraq, the U.S. military has littered the environment with thousands of tons of munitions made from depleted uranium, a toxic and radioactive nuclear waste product. As a result, more than half of babies born in Fallujah from 2007 - 2010 were born with birth defects. Some of these defects have never been seen before outside of textbooks with photos of babies born near nuclear tests in the Pacific. Cancer and infant mortality have also seen a dramatic rise in Iraq. According to Christopher Busby, the Scientific Secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, "These are weapons which have absolutely destroyed the genetic integrity of the population of Iraq." After authoring two of four reports published in 2012 on the health crisis in Iraq, Busby described Fallujah as having, "the highest rate of genetic damage in any population ever studied."
Washington Attacked Iraqi Civilians with White Phosphorus in 2004
In 2004, journalists embedded with the U.S. military in Iraq began reporting the use of white phosphorus in Fallujah against Iraqi insurgents. First the military lied and said that it was only using white phosphorus to create smokescreens or illuminate targets. Then it admitted to using the volatile chemical as an incendiary weapon. At the time, Italian television broadcaster RAI aired a documentary entitled, "Fallujah, The Hidden Massacre," including grim video footage and photographs, as well as eyewitness interviews with Fallujah residents and U.S. soldiers revealing how the U.S. government indiscriminately rained white chemical fire down on the Iraqi city and melted women and children to death.
A. Darius Kamali
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dariuskamaliblog · 7 years
Free will determined by laws of Physics?
There can either be causality (i.e. all events must have preceding causal antecedents) or there can be ‘free will.’ Both cannot exist at once...or twice.
A. Darius Kamali
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dariuskamaliblog · 7 years
Either there is an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God or there is free will.
There cannot be both.
A. Darius Kamali
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dariuskamaliblog · 7 years
US meddles in other countries elections just like Russia did here? Don’t believe it!
I read somewhere that the US has no right to complain about Russian interference in its election and domestic affairs because it has interfered in the internal affairs of other countries itself. I don’t really believe this to be true... except of course for that thing with the...
1846 U.S.–Mexico War The Mexican–American War was an armed conflict between the United States of America and Mexico from 1846 to 1848 in the wake of the 1845 U.S. annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory despite the 1836 Texas Revolution. American forces occupied New Mexico and California, then invaded parts of Northeastern Mexico and Northwestern Mexico; Another American army captured Mexico City, and the war ended in victory of the U.S.The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo specified the major consequence of the war: the forced Mexican Cession of the territories of Alta California and New Mexico to the U.S. in exchange for $18 million. In addition, the United States forgave debt owed by the Mexican government to U.S. citizens. Mexico accepted the loss of Texas and thereafter cited the Rio Grande as its national border. and that thing with the...
1887 Samoa The Samoan crisis was a confrontation between the United States, Germany and Great Britain from 1887–1889 over control of the Samoan Islands during the Samoan Civil War.The Samoan Civil War continued, involving Germany and the Americans, eventually resulting, via the Tripartite Convention of 1899, in the partition of the Samoan Islands into American Samoa and German Samoa and that thing with the...
1893 Hawaii The overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii refers to an event of January 17, 1893, in which anti-monarchial elements within the Kingdom of Hawaii, composed largely of American citizens, engineered the overthrow of its native monarch, Queen Lili'uokalani. Hawaii was initially reconstituted as an independent republic, but the ultimate goal of the revolutionaries was the annexation of the islands to the United States, which was finally accomplished in 1898. and that thing with the...
1898 Cuba and Puerto Rico as part of the Spanish–American War, U.S. invaded and occupied Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines in 1898. Cuba was occupied by the U.S. from 1898–1902 under military governor Leonard Wood, and again from 1906–1909, 1912 and 1917–1922; governed by the terms of the Platt Amendment through 1934.The Puerto Rican Campaign was an American military sea and land operation on the island of Puerto Rico during the Spanish–American War. The United States Navy attacked the archipelago's capital, San Juan. Though the damage inflicted on the city was minimal, the Americans were able to establish a blockade in the city's harbor, San Juan Bay. The land offensive began on July 25 with 1,300 infantry soldiers.All military actions in Puerto Rico were suspended on August 13, after U.S. President William McKinley and French Ambassador Jules Cambon, acting on behalf of the Spanish government, signed an armistice whereby Spain relinquished its sovereignty over the territories of Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines and Guam. and that thing with the...
1899 Philippines the Philippine–American War was part of a series of conflicts in the Philippine struggle for independence against United States occupation. Fighting erupted between U.S. and Filipino revolutionary forces on February 4, 1899, and quickly escalated into the 1899 Battle of Manila. On June 2, 1899, the First Philippine Republic officially declared war against the United States.The war officially ended on July 4, 1902 and that thing with the...
1900 China The Boxer Rebellion was a proto-nationalist movement in China between 1898 and 1901. The US was part of an Eight-Nation Alliance that brought 20,000 armed troops to China, defeated the Imperial Chinese Army, and captured Beijing. The Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901 ended the uprising. and that thing with the...
1903 Panama In 1903, Panama seceded from the Republic of Colombia, backed by the U.S. government, amidst the Thousand Days' War. The Panama Canal was under construction by then, and the Panama Canal Zone, under United States sovereignty, was then created. The zone was transferred to Panama in 2000. and that thing with the...
1903 Honduras where the United Fruit Company and Standard Fruit Company dominated the country's key banana export sector and associated land holdings and railways, saw insertion of American troops in 1903, 1907, 1911, 1912, 1919, 1924 and 1925.[12] Writer O. Henry coined the term "Banana republic" in 1904 to describe Honduras. and that thing with the...
1912 Nicaragua
which, after intermittent landings and naval bombardments in the previous decades, was occupied by the U.S. almost continuously from 1912 through 1933. and that thing with the...
1914 Mexico US troops occupied Veracruz and that thing with the...
1915 Haiti Haiti was occupied by the U.S. from 1915–1934, which led to the creation of a new Haitian constitution in 1917 that instituted changes that included an end to the prior ban on land ownership by non-Haitians. Including the First and Second Caco Wars. and that thing with the...
1916 Dominican Republic, actions in 1903, 1904, and 1914; occupied by the U.S. from 1916–1924 and that thing with the...
1918 Russia. The Allies intervened in the Russian Civil War. About 250,000 foreign troops entered Russia during the Russian civil war fought by the White Army against the new Soviet government. Western and imperial Japan government forces included 13,000 American troops invading through Arkhangelsk and Vladivostok, whose mission after the end of World War I was to topple the Soviet government. and that thing with the...
1941 Panama
The United States government used its contacts in the Panama National Guard, which the U.S. had earlier trained, to have the government of Panama overthrown in a bloodless coup. The U.S. had requested that the government of Panama allow it to build over 130 new military installations inside and outside of the Panama Canal Zone, and the government of Panama refused this request at the price suggested by the U.S. and that thing with the...
South Korea 1945-1950 As the Empire of Japan surrendered in August 1945, under the leadership of Lyuh Woon-Hyung committees throughout Korea formed to coordinate transition to Korean independence. On August 28, 1945 these committees formed the temporary national government of Korea, naming it the People's Republic of Korea (PRK) a couple of weeks later.[15][16] On September 8, 1945, the United States government landed forces in Korea and thereafter established the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGK) to govern Korea south of the 38th Parallel. The USAMGK staffed the governing administration with Japanese governors and many other Japanese officials who had been part of the brutal Japanese imperial colonial government and with Koreans who had collaborated with it, which made the government unpopular and engendered popular resistance.[17] USAMGK refused to recognize the PRK government, which had been formed to self-govern the country, and the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, which had been based in China during WWII and had fought against the Japanese, and then the USAMGK by military decree outlawed the PRK government.[18][19] In October 1948, USAMGK sent units to attack Koreans who were seeking Korean independence, and carried out several mass atrocities, including the killing hundreds of Korean civilians on Jeju Island who were suspected of supporting those in favor of independence. and that thing with the...
1950-1953 Korean War and that thing with the...
March 1949 Syrian coup d'état: The democratically elected government of Shukri al-Quwatli was overthrown by a junta led by the Syrian Army chief of staff at the time, Husni al-Za'im, who became President of Syria on 11 April 1949. The exact nature of US involvement in that coup is still highly controversial. However, it is well documented that the construction of the Trans-Arabian Pipeline, which had been held up in the Syrian parliament, was approved by Za'im just over a month after the coup. and that thing with the...
1953 Iranian coup d'état (known in Iran as the 28 Mordad coup) was the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh on 19 August 1953, orchestrated by the intelligence agencies of the United Kingdom (under the name 'Operation Boot') and the United States (under the name TPAJAX Project).[24][25][26] The coup saw the transition of Mohammad-Rezā Shāh Pahlavi from a constitutional monarch to an authoritarian one who relied heavily on United States government support to hold on to power until his own overthrow in February 1979. and that thing with the...
1954 Guatemala In a CIA operation code named Operation PBSUCCESS, the U.S. government executed a coup d'état that was successful in overthrowing the democratically-elected government of President Jacobo Árbenz and installed the first of a line of brutal right-wing dictators in its place.The perceived success of the operation made it a model for future CIA operations because the CIA lied to the president of the United States when briefing him regarding the number of casualties. and that thing with the...
1958 Lebanon crisis. The President of the United States, Eisenhower authorized Operation Blue Bat on July 15, 1958. This was the first application of the Eisenhower Doctrine under which the U.S. announced that it would intervene to protect regimes it considered threatened by international communism. The goal of the operation was to bolster the pro-Western Lebanese government of President Camille Chamoun against internal opposition and threats from Syria and Egypt and that thing with the...
1961 Cuba Bay of Pigs Invasion The CIA orchestrated a force composed of CIA-trained Cuban exiles to invade Cuba with support and encouragement from the US government, in an attempt to overthrow the Cuban government of Fidel Castro. The invasion was launched in April 1961, three months after John F. Kennedy assumed the presidency in the United States. The Cuban armed forces, trained and equipped by Eastern Bloc nations, defeated the invading combatants within three days and that thing with the...
1960s. Operation MONGOOSE was a US government effort to overthrow the government of Cuba. The operation included economic warfare, including an embargo against Cuba, “to induce failure of the Communist regime to supply Cuba's economic needs,” a diplomatic initiative to isolate Cuba, and psychological operations “to turn the peoples' resentment increasingly against the regime.” The economic warfare prong of the operation also included the infiltration by the CIA of operatives to carry out many acts of sabotage against civilian targets, such as a railway bridge, a molasses storage facilities, an electric power plant, and the sugar harvest, notwithstanding Cuba’s repeated requests to the United States government to cease its terrorist operations.In addition, the CIA orchestrated a number of assassination attempts against Fidel Castro, head of government of Cuba, including attempts that entailed CIA collaboration with the American mafia. and that thing with the...
1965 Dominican Republic. U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson, convinced of the defeat of the Loyalist forces and fearing the creation of "a second Cuba"[37] on America's doorstep, ordered U.S. forces to restore order. The decision to intervene militarily in the Dominican Republic was Lyndon Johnson's personal decision. All civilian advisers had recommended against immediate intervention hoping that the Loyalist side could bring an end to the civil war.President Johnson took the advice of his Ambassador in Santo Domingo, W. Tapley Bennett, who suggested that the US interpose its forces between the rebels and those of the junta, thereby effecting a cease-fire. Chief of Staff General Wheeler told a subordinate: "Your unannounced mission is to prevent the Dominican Republic from going Communist."[38] A fleet of 41 vessels was sent to blockade the island, and an invasion was launched. Ultimately, 42,000 soldiers and marines were ordered to the Dominica and that thing with the...
1973 Chilean coup d'état was the overthrow of democratically elected President Salvador Allende by the Chilean armed forces and national police. This followed an extended period of social and political unrest between the right dominated Congress of Chile and Allende, as well as economic warfare ordered by US President Richard Nixon.[39] The regime of Augusto Pinochet that followed is notable for having, by conservative estimates, disappeared some 3200 political dissidents, imprisoned 30,000 (many of whom were tortured), and forced some 200,000 Chileans into exile.[40][41][42] The CIA, through Project FUBELT (also known as Track II), worked to secretly engineer the conditions for the coup. The US initially denied any involvement, and though many relevant documents have been declassified in the decades since, a US president has yet to issue any apology for the incident. As a prelude, see the 1970 assassination of the Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army, Rene Schneider and that thing with the...
1979-1989 Afghanistan. In what was known as "Operation Cyclone," the U.S. government secretly provided weapons and funding for the Mujahadin Islamic guerillas of Afghanistan fighting to overthrow the Afghan government and the Soviet military forces that supported it. Supplies were channeled through the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan.[44][45][46] Although Operation Cyclone officially ended in 1989 with the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, U.S. government funding for the Mujahadin continued through 1992 and that thing with the...
Destabilizing Nicaragua 1982-1989. The U.S. government attempted to topple the government of Nicaragua by secretly arming, training and funding the Contras, a terrorist group based in Honduras that was created to sabotage Nicaragua and to destabilize the Nicaraguan government.[48][49][50][51] As part of the training, the CIA distributed a detailed "terror manual" entitled "Psychological Operations in Guerrilla War," which instructed the Contras, among other things, on how to blow up public buildings, to assassinate judges, to create martyrs, and to blackmail ordinary citizens.[52] In addition to orchestrating the Contras, the U.S. government also blew up bridges and mined Corinto harbor, causing the sinking of several civilian Nicaraguan and foreign ships and many civilian deaths.[53][54][55][56] After the Boland Amendment made it illegal for the U.S. government to provide funding for Contra activities, the administration of President Reagan secretly sold arms to the Iranian government to fund a secret U.S. government apparatus that continued illegally to fund the Contras, in what became known as the Iran-Contra affair.[57] The U.S. continued to arm and train the Contras even after the Sandanista government of Nicaragua won the elections of 1984 and that thing with the...
1983 Grenada In what the U.S. government called Operation Urgent Fury, the U.S. military invaded the tiny island nation of Grenada to remove the Marxist government of Grenada that the Reagan Administration found objectionable.[60][61] The United Nations General Assembly called the U.S. invasion "a flagrant violation of international law"[62] but a similar resolution widely supported in the United Nations Security Council was vetoed by the U.S. and that thing with the...
1989 Panama In December 1989, in a military operation code-named Operation Just Cause, the U.S. invaded Panama. President George H. W. Bush launched the war ten years after the Torrijos–Carter Treaties were ratified to transfer control of the Panama Canal from the United States to Panama by the year 2000.The U.S. deposed de facto Panamanian leader, general, and dictator Manuel Noriega and brought him to the United States, president-elect Guillermo Endara was sworn into office, and the Panamanian Defense Force was dissolved and that thing with the...
1991 Kuwait - The Persian Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), codenamed Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a UN-authorized coalition force from 34 nations led by the United States, against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait. The U.S. led coalition repelled the Iraqi forces from Kuwait and returned the emir into power and that thing with the...
1991 Haiti. Eight months after what was widely reckoned as the first honest election held in Haiti, the newly elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was deposed by the Haitian army. The CIA "paid key members of the coup regime forces, identified as drug traffickers, for information from the mid-1980s at least until the coup.” Coup leaders Cédras and François had received military training in the United States. and that thing with the...
1991-2003 Iraq Following the Persian Gulf War in 1991, the U.S. government successfully advocated that the pre-war sanctions be made more comprehensive, which the UN Security Council did in April 1991 by adopting Resolution 687.] After the UN imposed the tougher sanctions, select U.S. officials stated in May 1991—when it was widely expected that the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein faced imminent collapse—that the sanctions would not be lifted until after Saddam's ouster. However, numerous U.S. officials subsequently clarified that the sanctions could be lifted if Iraq complied with all of the UN resolutions it was violating, but not just with UN weapons inspections.[76] Studies dispute the number of people who died in south and central Iraq during the years of the sanctions.However, an oil for food program was established in 1996 to ease the effects of sanctions. and that thing with the...
1994-2003 Iraq. The CIA launched DBACHILLES, a coup d'état operation against the Iraqi government, recruiting Ayad Allawi, who headed the Iraqi National Accord, a network of Iraqis who opposed the Saddam Hussein government, as part of the operation. The network included Iraqi military and intelligence officers but was penetrated by people loyal to the Iraqi government.[80][81][82] Also using Ayad Allawi and his network, the CIA directed a government sabotage and bombing campaign in Baghdad between 1992 and 1995, against targets that—according to the Iraqi government at the time—killed many civilians including people in a crowded movie theater.[83] The CIA bombing campaign may have been merely a test of the operational  capacity of the CIA's network of assets on the ground and not intended to be the launch of the coup strike itself.[83] The coup was unsuccessful, but Ayad Allawi was later installed as prime minister of Iraq by the Iraq Interim Governing Council, which had been created by the U.S.-led coalition following the invasion and occupation of Iraq. In 1998 the U.S. enacted the "Iraq Liberation Act," which states, in part, that "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq," and appropriated funds for U.S. aid "to the Iraqi democratic opposition organizations. and that thing with the...
Iran After 2003, news outlets reported that the U.S. was supporting Iranian opposition groups. However, a later study of Iran–United States relations argued that while Israeli officials had proposed such "extreme measures," "Washington completely rejected these scheme and that thing with the...
2005-2017 Syria Starting in 2005, the US government launched a policy of regime change against the Syrian government by funding Syrian opposition groups working to topple the Syrian government, attempting to block foreign direct investment in Syria, attempting to frustrate Syrian government efforts at economic reform and prosperity and thus legitimacy for the regime, and getting other governments diplomatically to isolate Syria.[91] The Obama administration starting in 2009 continued such policies while taking steps toward diplomatic engagement with the Syrian government and denying that it was engaging in regime change. After the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, the U.S. government called on Syrian President Bashar Al Assad to “step aside” and imposed an oil embargo against the Syrian government to bring it to its knees.[92] Starting in 2013, the U.S. also provided training, weapons and cash to Syrian Islamic and secular insurgents fighting to topple the Syrian government.[95][96]On the 30th March 2017, Ambassador Nikki Haley told a group of reporters that the US's priority in Syria was no longer on "getting Assad out." Earlier that day at a news conference in Ankara, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson also said that the "longer term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people and that thing with the...
2011 Libya The US was part of a multi-state coalition that began a military intervention in Libya to implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, which was taken in response to events during the Libyan Civil War,[and military operations began, with US and British naval forces firing over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles,[101] the French and British Air Forces undertaking sorties across Libya and a naval blockade by Coalition forces. Air strikes against Libyan Army tanks and vehicles by French jets were since confirmed and that thing with the...
2006-2007 Palestinian territories. In the Fatah-Hamas conflict, the U.S. government pressured the Fatah faction of the Palestinian leadership to topple the Hamas government of Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. The Bush Administration was displeased with the government that the majority of the Palestinian people elected in the January Palestinian legislative election of 2006. The U.S. government set up a secret training and armaments program that received tens of millions of dollars in Congressional funding, but also, like in the Iran-contra scandal, a more secret Congress-circumventing source of funding for Fatah to launch a bloody war against the Haniyeh government.] The war was brutal, with many casualties and with Fatah kidnapping and  torturing civilian leaders of Hamas, sometimes in front of their own families, and setting fire to a university in Gaza. When the government of Saudi Arabia attempted to negotiate a truce between the sides so as to avoid a wide-scale Palestinian civil war, the U.S. government pressured Fatah to reject the Saudi plan and to continue the effort to topple the Faniyeh government. Ultimately, the Faniyeh government was prevented from ruling over all of the Palestinian territories, with Hamas retreating to the Gaza strip and Fatah retreating to the West Bank and that thing with the...
Covert involvementsDuring the modern era, Americans were involved in numerous covert regime change efforts. During the Cold War in particular, the U.S. government secretly supported military coups that overthrew democratically elected governments in Syria in 1949, Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, Brazil in 1964 and Chile in 1973.
But other than these few things with these few things, I don’t see how you can say the US interferes much in other countries internal affairs!
A. Darius Kamali
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dariuskamaliblog · 7 years
Of Bulls & Bull: A Poetic Essay in Prose [travel, manliness & abandonment; as seen through the eyes of the older than younger man…as a con-artist]
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My Mother attended a bullfight when she traveled to Europe alone with a tour She said it made her cry the bullfight–not the tour
My thought has long been thought not as my thought… that the bloody, savage, unjust fight with (read: butchering) of the bull originating with the sons of Remus & Romulus   coming out as gay (en Espaniol) to Catholic parents   and living a life rather (un-aquatic) dependent as it were on the kindness of morally outraged so all the more titillated, terrorized…tourists
This barbaric dance   To be honest (if only for the sheer novelty) Would have been better if suffocated in its crib or baptized or circumcised into a ritual that softens some the savagery on the Bull [who presumably has not volunteered, at least in the less generous interpretations of that most generous word]
let’s put the risk where the profit…lies on man/matador run with the bulls in Pamplona add chivalry take on the risk all to himself …say I/Aye!
strange culture of the strong   strong culture of the strange Let flamboyant/machismo…flare on.
Add chivalry Take on the risk The Persians have a concept more manly called (Far) see It’s practitioners soft spoken Atticus Finchi from Arkansastan Presumably embulldened by the confidence that comes from being in the right–in the grateful tradition of the ages if not in the fanciful graffiti of law– to both conceal and carry a very big stick a morally weighty an ethically large stick to be less precise
Perpendicular to all this it occurs that my Father for all his ills and bills saw fit in 1970’s Iran to send his beautiful young bride on a trip to Europe…sans him
[better not to insult the power of above sentence with the anti-climax of an exclamation mark–Sometimes we undermine- when first we seek to underline.]
to travel that rump-continent.
Do we insist on calling it ‘continental’ Europe to choke down the geographic dis-consistency that threatens to cough out from deep in our collective esophageal unconscious…that ‘Europe’ is nothing more or less than the geographic promontory of the Asian mass… not to say masses.
Except–or is it accept (I’ve never been much for spellin) in this case she went not just without him but without me triggering (seemingly) bottom     less          fear of abandonment (or Not) a pit that’s grown steadily deeper or is it wider? What is it they used to not say… this too shall… last? It’s hard to judge fairly in matters requiring either fairness…or judgment.
But I digress Or I regress? I suppose it’s all the self/same/sane just so long as I don't…progress.
Suffice it to say that if life is… strange. empty with beauty full with fear And who could pretend not to see that this spells the word… sublime?
And so it may be asked, what it was   that I was how shall we put it…'saying?’
Never fear, I’m sure as they say (and they say a lot) if it was that unimportant it wouldn’t have come back to me far earlier… than this.
And so it did not.
This poetic transgression has been reluctantly approved–if not improved–by:
A. Darius Kamali
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dariuskamaliblog · 7 years
Have You Ever
W(a/o)ndered down escalier
of bon bons mots…
to find
-even if you did not seek
you’ve slid down the slippy slope
a bit too slow
to keep up
with your mate Jacob climbing the ladder
a bit too fast?
…neither have I
A. Darius Kamali
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dariuskamaliblog · 7 years
Rush to Judgement
No law strict enough to hide in No invention fails to widen the natural inequality of men (don’t get me started on women). And he who ever said -freedom & equality- are natural mates in bed seeks a pruning by law presumably to keep equal by... 'Hacket, Axe and Saw.'
A. Darius Kamali
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dariuskamaliblog · 7 years
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dariuskamaliblog · 7 years
What is?
a part lesser than the sum of it’s wholes a hole
greater than it’s resident heart a heart
torn between a sweet and a tart a craft
greater than a want to be...
A. Darius Kamali
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dariuskamaliblog · 7 years
A. Darius Kamali
Samantha Power and the  Shameless Asymmetry of Shame
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dariuskamaliblog · 8 years
I was at that little hole in the wall again, as usual. I winced at the sensation of cool droplets trickling down my back and sides, yet didn’t doff my twe
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