darkharbinger · 9 months
PROMPTS FROM SURVIVOR *  assorted dialogue from the tv show, adjust as necessary
now would be the time to do so.
the tribe has spoken.
it grew legs and walked off.
you guys are quitters.
i will always wave my finger in your face.
no, go ahead. you have to say something bad about me.
making love's my sport.
i actually hate kids.
i brought my bag of tricks with me tonight.
you're garbage at rapping. you can't rap. you have no bars.
you mumbled "here we go again."
is there any way i could have your jacket?
last time i was mean. this time, i'm meaner.
i don't need a souvenir, so.
don't get booty blinded.
when it comes down to it, we don't mix. we're like chicken parm and tuna fish.
you need to get in the ocean and wash your ass.
i can get loud too! what the fuck!
i ain't finished playing just yet.
do you belong out here?
my scenario isn't really much different than yours.
i don't have a shitty apartment.
i'm against you.
you understand that better?
not to split hairs, but that's a very big difference.
i'd take my clothes off for chocolate and peanut butter.
i say, stick to the plan.
it's kinda like why elephants can't run up trees.
i ate fifty-eight chicken nuggets in five minutes.
it's that kind of cocky attitude that makes people really hate your guts.
i want to throw up.
i love seeing people cry when you crush their dreams.
my grandmother is sitting at home, watching jerry springer right now.
i'm sorry. i don't talk llama.
i don't wanna be that person. i'm tired of being hated by everybody.
i'll wear a tiara. a man tiara. do they make those?
i'm just trying to explain my side so it doesn't look like i was the mastermind behind it.
i don't think you stand a chance.
you don't deserve it because you suck at life.
we're gonna do something a little different.
it doesn't really surprise me.
you're the schemer here. i'm on to you.
i don't think you're smart enough to do it.
you have made my life hell from day one.
it's a fucking stick!
he's a snake and he lies, but he also tells the truth too.
i was watching treasure island.
i'm confused. what are you laughing at?
honestly... i'm in awe.
i'm the biggest bitch on the planet.
i need somebody who can pee on my hand.
i'll lie. i don't care. i'll make up a good lie.
choose a number between one and ten.
do you know what a reuben sandwich is, [name]?
i may be a lot of things, but i ain't no hershey bar.
you're a very openly arrogant, pompous human being.
your inability to admit your failures without going into a whiny speech makes you a bit of a loser.
you lied to me.
what goes around comes around.
i can't wait to meet this guy.
he's a stupid ass.
stupid people. let me just say that again - stupid people.
did you get the letter?
i hope you guys all get bit by a freaking crocodile.
i'm not a very openly nice person.
i was your friend at the beginning of this.
i just think it's an interesting comment, coming from you.
is that part of the problem?
i will explain this to you.
i'm gonna burn his hat.
are you with me or against me?
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darkharbinger · 9 months
" I don't know who told you of that lovely tidbit of misinformation... i can assure you, I am no 'vampire'. "
With a sneer across his lips, he replied “Do not lie to me! I know a vampire when I see it, the bodies you have left behind were more than information than I needed. Do you truly feel nothing for the innocent lives you take?” “No matter what you call yourself, if that doesn't make you a monster then I don't know what anymore. With such a trail you must have many enemies, let me join them” he said darkly as his eyes glowed an angry yellow.
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darkharbinger · 10 months
After she had finished talking he sighed heavily. “You know; it comes to something when you can't trust other wolves, witches... Well it’s what you expect but wolves, what happened to loyalty” he said shaking his head, he still wasn’t sure about her but he decided that this wasn't the right time for this conversation. “Look I'm sorry, I've just had a lot going on and not many reasons to trust people. Do you want those who did this? So do I. Let’s hunt these monsters together, after that we don't have to talk to each other again if we don't want to, deal?” he asked staring steadily into her eyes.
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Hayley took a step back, but still kept him pinned to the tree. He had no right to talk down to her like that. She was an alpha dammit! "Fine, you hate them, but you have no idea what I went through," she said a bit more calmly, but still angry. "I was having those rings made for us.. We made the mistake of trusting the ginger witch to spell them, but she was making them for Francesca who took them right in front of me. Then the ginger witch and her teenage dirt bag harvest girls kidnapped me and that's when I wound up in labor. After my baby was born, they slit my throat and took my baby away to be sacrificed in some ritual. I'm only a hybrid because I still had her blood in my system. So, again, I'm not the one who has to prove that you can trust me and don't you dare say that to me ever again. And if you really knew anything about my pain. You wouldn't have come at me with this shit."
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darkharbinger · 10 months
Watching the fellow hunters approach he was certain that this was who he had been waiting for. “No it isn’t” he said waiting for her to sit down, noticing how she didn’t relax he rolled his eyes, figuring it was time to clear the air and get the hard part over and done with. “Look, I’m not here to hurt you or anything, what you do is your business, I’m technically a hunter myself. Even though I’m not human I have as much right as any human to hunt vampires, if not more. We both want the same thing, I don’t usually work with others but I need your help on this if I repulse you that much you don’t have to ever see me again once we’re done, but I really need some help with this one, so please just listen” he said under his breath. Watching the others reaction carefully he took a small sip of his drink. “I’ve been tracking one of those things for a few months now, they recently passed through this area but then I lost their scent,” he said passing over a notebook containing everything he had learned about the victims and the vampire's movements.
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The scent of stale beer and economic depression greeted Faith along with several turned heads and lingering pairs of eyes when she entered the bar. Her steps never faltered or the hypnotic sway of her leather wrapped hips slow as the Slayer made her way to the bar and ordered a whiskey neat... A double. She deserved it. Hell, she deserved a damn medal for agreeing to meet anyone when she was on the trail of something tall, dark and fang-y. At least, all signs pointed to that, and there was nothing like the classics when it came to getting your slay on! Her black tinted nails trailed over the rim of the glass. The amber liquor rippling enticingly before Faith gripped the glass and whirled around, muscles tensing, wide eyes suddenly focused with laser precision, cutting through the murky lighting and thin crowd towards the man hunched over a glass of - Was that freakin' water?!
With her Slayer sense lighting up her nerve endings and tickling that weird part of her brain that let her know someone was nearby who wasn't 100% Grade-A human, she made her way over towards his table, confident smile in place once again, and any traces of suspicion erased from her body language. After all, if this was some sort of trap what fun would it be to let them know she was on to them already?
"Let me guess," Faith paused, hip jutting out slightly while slowly raising the whiskey towards her shimmering, red lips. "This seat's not taken, right?" Gesturing with her head towards the empty space next to him, Faith perches on the edge of the seat, not wanting to be trapped in the booth in case a quick get-a-way was needed. @darkharbinger
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darkharbinger · 10 months
GET TO KNOW ME: TOP TEN MOVIES ( list your top 10 favorite movies and tag  friends to do the same) a blah blah blah
1) Avengers (2012)
2) Star wars Series (1977-2019)
3) Venom (2018)
4) Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013)
5) Guardians of the galaxy (2014)
6) Stark trek trilogy (2009-2016)
7) Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)
8) The Hobbit trilogy (2012-2014)
9) The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-2003)
10) Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021)
Tagged by: @little-miss-buffy thank you!
Tagging: @silntimes @resignedworkaholics @faiththesinfulslayer @malumxsubest @fantasycorrupted @baby-royalty @gryfth @zigg--muses
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darkharbinger · 10 months
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Give my muse a 🌹 if you think they deserve one! Or if not , give them a 🔪
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darkharbinger · 10 months
“It’s not about territory, not this time anyway. This is between them and me, I live here I'm not going anywhere!” he shouted getting up from yet another fight, the other wolf seemed to be taking a few steps away to get a brief breather from the fighting. Everett could feel himself getting slightly dizzy from exhaustion, the world started to spin and he had to try and regain his balance. Concerned that it would be taken advantage of, he shouted “incendia” and a circle of flame quickly spread around him. With his anger and misery, the flames grew higher and higher, he started to sweat and it made him want to cough, but he knew he had to keep it up. “This is your last chance, go home, back to your families, it's not worth it!” he shouted at them, already seeing reflections of his family in the flames and not wanting anyone else to suffer the same loss as he had.
As much as part of him wanted to give up he had to carry on, he had to. The only way he could get through this was to accept the stranger's offer, and he knew that. “Fine, just don't get yourself killed,” he said in a cold voice, it was his way of thanking her and telling her to be careful without making it look like he cared. Letting the flames extinguish he disappeared into the abandoned buildings, running at full speed. The buildings had indeed been abandoned but he had examined and thoroughly investigated the area since he had moved here, he knew a lot more than the newcomers and he would use it to his advantage. “Come and get me? Or are you cowards?” he shouted, wanting to draw their attention to him, giving his new ally the edge, he knew that they knew about him, but they didn’t know about her, at least he thought they didn’t. It is what made him hope, to give them the push they needed to win.
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@darkharbinger from here.
At a time when others were generally about to wake up, or were already preparing to meet the day, Hella would often be leaving work - her nighttime job, at least. Gliding along the edges of buildings where there was the most shade, she shielded her eyes from the brightness of the sun as she walked, only stopping to slide on her dark sunglasses when she leaned against the walls of a still-closed shop to rest. This time, though, she was not after a stranger’s tip. A nagging feeling that a fight between non-humans was about to break out somewhere nearby prodded Hella to keep moving.
On one hand, that was a chance to break apart the fight. On the other, though... no, she ought to stay out of this. It was not her fight to lead, she did not know any of the people involved... It was best to keep to the shadows and just watch. She had heard there may have been traps laid in the area on suspicion that strange creatures did visit it on the regular - and though she wouldn’t get caught in them, it was best to keep your distance. Best not to get involved.
Although... That was part of her work, wasn’t it? To poke her nose into things. Ghosts hated having visitors, most of them too bent on vengeance or caught up in their impossible wish to be reunited with the living to have any patience to spare to a stranger or attention to give to them. The living, if Hella thought about it for long enough, were sometimes no different than them, either. And when it came to beings like werewolves and vampires... They each came with their story. And deep down inside a part of them craved an ear to tell it to.
Looking up from a few footprints that had a very subtle hint of not having been human, Hella realised she was not alone. Whatever had left the marks on the ground could well be before her eyes now. A group of figures was beginning to gather across the street, circling a man with glowing eyes. And not just an ordinary group. Werewolves. Speak of the devil. They had to be that. Hella had ran into such beings a few times before, and they could hardly be mistaken. Dammit. She couldn’t just stand by and look on as they fought. The man could probably use a hand. He was alone against them all... Before she knew it, her gun was in her hand, and she had taken aim. “Hey! It’s unfair to be so many against just one, don’t you think?”
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darkharbinger · 10 months
Hope you like it!
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darkharbinger · 10 months
handbooks, spring buds, bamboo, forest ponds, glass, vintage sofas, fairy circles. your essence is chartreuse: curious and thoughtful, you are a surveyor of patterns. you enjoy your introversion; you feel most in your skin when you're alone, autonomous and uncontrolled. your enthusiasm comes through when expressing your passions to your close companions. you are the analyst. you are the detailer. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of moss, honeysuckle, green, and yellow, who share your natural inquisition. you are also drawn to the intense souls jade and fire, who will help you grow and not be so dependent on your knowledge. however, you may struggle to get along with the people-pleasing personalities of pink and yellow who seem too disingenuous.
Tagged by: @freak1ish thank you!
Tagging: @silntimes @resignedworkaholics @lokiwhathaveyoudone @baby-royalty @bloodysilverscream @faiththesinfulslayer
And you!
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darkharbinger · 10 months
To make communication easier I encourage those who wish to write or plot with me who use discord to please add me. Please tell me who you are if you do (there are some scary people out there)
Have a wonderful day/night as always all!
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darkharbinger · 10 months
apologized to … sentence starters
“I accept your apology.”
“It’s okay. I forgive you.”
“I want to forgive you. I want to.”
“What? That’s it? Just ‘I’m sorry’?”
“You say sorry, but you keep doing it…”
“I don’t owe you my forgiveness. Stop asking.”
“I know you’re sorry. It doesn’t change anything.”
“You hurt me. An apology isn’t going to change that.”
“You don’t have to apologize. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Okay. Just… give me time. Give me time to forgive you.”
“Why would you hurt me in the first place? I don’t understand.”
“I don’t think you’re actually sorry. I think you’re just saying that.”
“I don’t need you to apologize to me. I just need you to do better.”
“Whether or not you meant to hurt me isn’t the point. You still did it.”
“Are you really sorry? If you are, okay. I’ll forgive you. But, are you?”
“Thank you for apologizing. But, it might take me a while to trust you, again.”
“I know you apologized. And I forgive you. But, I still don’t want to be around you for a while.”
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darkharbinger · 10 months
“I never noticed your eyes were this [colour].”
“Your heartbeat’s really loud.”
“You asleep?”
“I like this, being so close to you.”
“Your hair keeps falling into your eyes, do you know that? Here, lemme just—”
“You’re so, so, so pretty.”
“I just — I’m breathless, okay? Whenever I’m with you, it happens.”
“You make my heart beat so quick.”
“You always know how to make me smile.”
“You’ll always be safe with me.”
[Kisses the other on the cheek]
“I can’t imagine being anywhere but here with you.”
“All my choices lead me to you.”
“I’ll never give you up.”
“I sleep better if you’re around.”
“You snore in your sleep. But… it’s adorable, okay?”
“I like this. A quiet breakfast with you.”
“There’re billions of people on this planet, and I love you. How incredible is that?”
“I trust you.”
[Holds the other’s hand when they think the other won’t notice]
“You keep staring at me instead of watching the film. What’s up?”
“Let’s push all of these stuff away. I wanna dance here right now with you.”
“Are we really doing this? Are we really slow-dancing?”
“When you laugh like that, it just — you’re so beautiful, you know that?”
“No, sorry, you laughed. I … I never saw it before. It’s — pretty.”
“You haven’t laughed in a long time, and I guess I was staring ‘cause I forgot how that looked like.”
[Puts head on the other’s shoulder]
“I will never let you go.”
“You’re the best thing to have ever happened to me.”
“You wrote me a song?”
“You’ve got a fever. Of course I’m not going anywhere.”
[Suddenly feels around the bed to search for the other’s hand / body when they’re sleeping]
[Extends a hand when they see the other was searching for it while they’re sleeping]
“I just feel calmer. When I’m with you.”
“You’re not in bed. I came looking for you.”
“What are you doing up? Come to bed.”
“It’s weird. I never thought I could feel like this, but you showed up. Now, it’s like I don’t wanna go on knowing I might lose the feeling.”
“I don’t mind sharing the blankets with you.”
“You’re cold. Come here.”
“You always do that. You always warm me up.”
“It’s getting crowded. Here, hold my hand.”
[Hugs for a very long time]
[Puts feet on the other’s lap]
“I’m so proud of you, you know that?”
“I love you.”
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darkharbinger · 11 months
At this point her outburst was nothing but white noise, could he really risk telling her the truth? It seemed that he had no choice. Not being able to hold back what he wanted to say he yelled “I’m not with them! I hate everything that they stand for! They aren't wolves they are nothing but murderers, I'm trying to figure out who they are using to persuade the other wolves to join them. If I had the resources I would give every wolf a moonlight ring, I don't need one of these to change!” he said taking a few deep breaths to calm down, he didn't like being cornered, not at all. “I want her dead as much as you do! They have been killing other wolves for sport, take my ring off my finger and I can prove it. If anyone knows what your anger feels like, it's me. Now take a few steps back please” he said slightly through his teeth, he did feel sympathy for her but at this moment he just wanted to go back to tracking his current target. “You know the other witches wouldn't have let me make moonlight rings if I had still listened to anything they said, it's why I left long ago. You can't trust anyone in this city” he said with a small laugh, the glare still not leaving his face, if she didn't back off then he would have no choice but to do what he needed to do to get his point across. It was something he never wished to do, after all not many could take seeing exactly what he had seen and feeling what he felt.
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@darkharbinger hit the heart for a canon line starter from Hayley.
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"Want to say that again and see what happens, Everett?"
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darkharbinger · 11 months
I have made the decision to bring my version of Moriarty to tumblr
He will be very crossover and au enabled, if anyone would be interested in having some plots with him when he's up and running let me know!
Have a wonderful day as always people
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darkharbinger · 11 months
To him, it was a strange question to ask but he had to remember this was a different kind of werewolf, of course, he would want to know. “No, my fur is as black as night, it does help when trying to blend in, especially in the dark. No special differences in my fur, I'm just a casual-looking wolf, just a lot faster and stronger than the usual one. I don't usually show anyone since no one ever asks but I'm curious about your wolf form too, perhaps at some point I will see it and perhaps you will see mine. It’s not that the pain bothers me it's that it’s well, personal” he replied with a small shrug. Most who saw his wolf form were terrified of him or wanted nothing more than his head on a spike, he wasn't sure how he felt about a still relative stranger seeing it any differently. He wondered if the other wolf form would be a canine form like his or a more humanoid form as he had seen in some movies.
He had heard of his title but to hear it in person was still relatively shocking. The first? He was glad that this werewolf seemed to have a comfortable life; but it also slightly angered him, he wished others had the same luxury, but he was also sure that Caspian most likely had endured hardships of his own. “I heard you were a prince but to hear it from your lips is something else. You will have to explain more about yourself for me, I’m sorry I’m not usually this curious, but I see an opportunity to learn here; and as unfeeling as I might be, I think it still counts for something” he said releasing a heavy sigh. In all honesty, he constantly walked around with a heavy weight on his chest right over his heart, it was his desperation to open up to anyone, just anyone. It’s what his secret desire was, but to him, it was nothing but a fool's errand. He didn’t want to get into too much of a conversation with the other werewolf, after all, he was sure it wouldn’t end well if he knew more about him.
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" how did you find me?"
Slowly getting up from his crouched position on the forest floor he looked at him directly in the eyes, not in a condescending way, he was looking for more clues on just who this man was since his eyes weren’t giving away any answers he knew he would have to talk. Talking, that was something Everett very much did not enjoy doing, he found great difficulty in it. To him, communication was a process in which you opened up to another person in some form or another whether you liked it or not, after all, communication shared information and that was another thing he did not approve of, there were very few he trusted if any at all. Looking at Caspian’s eyes as much as his head told him he should walk away not his heart told him he had to warn him of what could happen if he wasn’t careful, he had seen it happen too many times. If he could prevent a possible tragedy, he would.
“It was a slight challenge but I have done this before and I don’t think it will be my last,” he said sadly. “You see I helped an injured werewolf a few months ago who said she had met another werewolf who seemed otherworldly, I originally thought she was delirious but the amount of detail she went into, made me wonder. So I looked into it, let’s just say I did a spell that should not be spoken of or even done ideally, but I had to know. I heard whispers, and also shouting, then all I had to do was to find its source and it directed me here, it’s how I knew you would be here” he said with a slight shrug of his shoulders. “I don’t wish you any harm, as long as you don’t get in my way I won’t ask questions about how you are different from other werewolves.” Trying his best to put on a sympathetic expression he said “I also wanted to tell you what I tell all other wolves, be careful who you share what you truly are with. Many wolves have been hunted for much less and I would imagine some may want you even more than the average wolf, so from one wolf to another, be mindful.” It was hard for someone who constantly felt on the edge to show any other emotion other than anger or sadness, but he managed it, he had become good at showing emotionally what was needed.
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darkharbinger · 11 months
@faiththesinfulslayer liked for a starter
Sitting in a small booth at the back of the bar he waited patiently for the arrival of Faith, he had been hunting alone for so long now and although he cringed at the idea of working with someone else, he thought it might be the only way. He had been on this seemingly endless mission of his for a few years now and whilst it wasn't as much as compared to immortal beings, it truly felt that he had no other life before this, it was almost as if his past life was nothing but a dream. Staring at a full glass of water that had been placed there an hour ago, in all honesty, he wasn't sure if she would listen to him, after all, he was in many ways a monster himself. All he could do was do his best to persuade her that together the job would be done a lot quicker. Over the past few weeks, he had been tracking a group of vampires yet every time he got close they disappeared seemingly into thin air, it was as if they knew he was coming. Deciding that he couldn't just move on to another group knowing lives were being lost, asked another hunter to meet him there.
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darkharbinger · 11 months
send me  🍸 for a moodboard of our muses send me  🍷 for an aesthetic of our muses send me  🍹 for a short fanfic/headcanon of our muses send me  ☕️ for a mini playlist of our muses
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