densi-mber · 4 months
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I Saw You Through the Smoke and Sadness
A/N: I can’t believe another Densimber, and year, are almost behind us. Thanks so much to everyone who read and participated this year. I hope this helped keep the show alive in everyone’s hearts and minds a little bit longer.
“This is a terrible idea,” Kensi hissed in between heated kisses. Marty Deeks lifted his head from her neck, his blue eyes wide and gleaming brightly under the street lamp’s glow.
“Do you want to stop?” he asked, his lip lifting in that slightly mischievous smirk that Kensi loved.
It was one of the characteristics that had drawn her to him the first day he walked into the club. She’d look out into the audience as she sang a song about love and heartbreak, and their eyes had met through the smoke clouded room.
Kensi fiddled with the collar of his suit, tucked a curl that endlessly escaped his pomade back from his forehead. “No.”
Deeks’ mouth curved into a full-blown grin as she tugged his mouth back to hers. She slid her hands up his back, beneath his jacket, dragging the material of his shirt along the way, until she felt the tantalizing warmth of bare skin.
“Oh good lord, not again,” a perturbed voice sighed, and Kensi jerked out of Deeks’ arms at the same time he dragged her further into the darkness of provided by the trash cans nearby.
“Nell,” Kensi murmured awkwardly, brushing her hands through her hair.
Nell Jones stood with her hands balanced on her hips, cigarette case extending in front of her, and an unamused expression gracing her face.
“This is the third time this week,” Nell continued, sounding annoyed, but unsurprised.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s my fault,” Deeks said at the same time.
“It’s not going to matter who started it if Sabatino finds out.” Nell rolled her eyes, adjusting her tray. “You need to be on stage in eight minutes. You might want to fix your makeup before then.”
With that, Nell turned and flounced off, her short hair bouncing underneath the ridiculous hat that comprised part of her uniform.
Kensi glanced at Deeks, who now leaned against the wall, his head tipped back as he inhaled slowly. Just one look at them and anyone would know what they’d been up to. His shirt was almost completely untucked from his pants, his hair ruffled beyond repair, and she didn’t need light to know her lipstick would be smeared across his lips and cheeks. Deeks had been more careful, yet she knew her appearance wasn’t as flawless as when she’d snuck out the back with him.
“I’m sorry,” Deeks repeated, his voice melancholy now. “I shouldn’t have pulled you out here. Again.”
“You didn’t exactly drag me out kicking and screaming,” Kensi reminded him wryly before she sobered again. She helped him tuck his shirt in against, smoothing out the wrinkles the best she could. His hair was a lost cause at this point.
When she was done, she pressed her face to his chest. They should be going in now; Kensi couldn’t find it in her to leave him just yet though.
“Why don’t we leave?” Deeks said it so quietly, Kensi barely heard him. “Run somewhere that no one knows us and start all over.”
“We’ve talked about this, baby,” Kensi told him, the pet name slipping out before she could catch herself. “If Sabatino caught us…” she left the statement unfinished, shaking her head.
She hated herself every day for not being strong enough to escape the man that all but held her prisoner. For getting in this situation in the first place. There was a point in her life where she would have fought to her last breath before anyone controlled her. She’d been different, more naive back then.
“I’ll get you out somehow,” Deeks promised, so fervently that it made Kensi pause and pull away from him.
“Deeks, don’t do anything foolish.”
“Careful, sweetheart, it almost sounds like you like me.”
She rolled her eyes at his teasing. She made it a point to never voice her affection for Marty Deeks. Necking like teenagers in the alley was perfectly acceptable; telling him she loved him beyond all reason would break her tenuous control.
“As if I would fall for a sweet-talking degenerate.” She closed her eyes and kissed Deeks one more time, swiping her thumb over his lips before she took a final step back. “Remember not to come in too soon.”
The chatter of voices and the band playing filtered into the back hallways when Kensi walked back inside. She ducked into the ladies’ room, reapplying her lipstick and fluffing her hair. It wasn’t perfect, but would have to do.
Her legs trembled slightly as she walked past happy, drunken couples. She saw Nell out on the floor, back to the sweet, innocent personality that helped charm patrons into buying overpriced cigarettes, cigars, and mints.
“Eric, give me something strong,” she told Eric, the bartender. He raised one eyebrow in concern, but wisely chose not to comment when she glared at him. He brought a shot glass back with some dark liquid and she drank it in a single gulp that burned her tongue and throat.
“Rough night, Miss Blye,” a man seated one of the barstools asked. He was a frequent patron, there almost every night with either a friend, or his wife.
“No more than usual, Mr. Hanna,” she responded with a tight smile.
“Sam, remember? And if you ever change your mind about that, I’m just a call away.” He stood up from the stool, holding out a five dollar bill. “Wonderful show tonight as always.”
Kensi took the money, feeling something less pliable in the folded paper. Sam nodded once, walking away towards one of the tables.
She saw Sabatino looking towards the stage, and hurried to get backstage before he noticed her standing there. She didn’t need him to start asking questions. Somehow there were a few seconds left before her next number, so she unfolded Sam’s tip, frowning when she found a business card inside. There wasn’t a note of any sort, but she remembered what Sam had told her before leaving.
The opening notes of the next song swelled suddenly, and Kensi jerked, hastily tucking both the money and card into the front of her dress. She pushed through the curtains, holding her arms wide as the audience applauded, offering a sultry smile.
Deeks slid back into the room, unobtrusively taking a seat towards the back. She ached to run off the stage and join him. To be brave enough to run away like he’d suggested.
A/N: Yes, I kind of ripped off elements of “The Blue Butterfly” episode of Castle.
Also, Sabatino is the bad guy here.
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densi-mber · 4 months
Team LA in a future involving robots and flying cars.
Last day of @densi-mber 2023! Thank you so much to everyone who tuned into another year of my one shots! 🤗
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densi-mber · 4 months
Densimber Day 31 Creative Prompt
On New Years Eve in my family, we typically watch movies involving time travel. So The Time Machine, Somewhere in Time, etc. With that in mind, write Densi/team LA in another time period.
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densi-mber · 4 months
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“Ok baby, just three more steps and we’re there,” Kensi encouraged, supporting Deeks under the arm that wasn’t encased in a sling. He lurched to the side, throwing them both off balance, and Kensi had to fight to keep them from tumbling backwards.
“Sorry,” Deeks mumbled, bracing a hand on the wall. It took him a couple tries to find it.
“It’s ok. But maybe it would have been a good idea stay downstairs.” Tightening her grip on his arm, Kensi braced herself in case he wobbled again. She forgot sometimes how big Deeks was, not just height wise. Now that she was supporting most of his weight, he felt like a giant in comparison. She was just lucky that he was semi-mobile.
Eventually they made it to their room, and Kensi helped Deeks into bed. He rolled onto his back with a groan, wincing as he tried to wriggle farther up the bed. He gave up after a moment, cradling his injured arm.
A few hours ago, their day had gone from ordinary to terrifying when Deeks found himself hanging off the side of a cliff while engaged in a fight with an armed mercenary. Kensi’s heart had stilled when they both rolled off the cliff, and out of view. Somehow, Deeks had managed to fend off the mercenary until the rest of the team arrived, at which point he’d passed out in a pool of his own blood.
The left side of his face had developed into a mottled bruise, speckled with numerous cuts and abrasions. A larger gash along his hairline had required stitches and now had swelled considerably. The list of injuries was topped off with a badly dislocated shoulder, and a collection of bruises over a good portion of his body.
The doctor who treated Deeks kept insisting he got off easy. Kensi found it hard to agree when Deeks was clearly so miserable.
He shifted restlessly now on the bed, his legs crossing and uncrossing as he tried to find a comfortable position.
“Do you want another pill? The doctor said you could have them every four hours for the first couple days,” Kensi offered, feeling helpless. She’d never been good at caring for people when they were hurting. Not Jack and certainly not Deeks.
“Oh god no,” Deeks moaned softly, shaking his head, and then wincing again. “The rooms already shaking enough already and I think I’ll throw up if I try to swallow anything.”
“I’m so sorry, sweetie.” Leaning down, she swept Deeks’ tousled and matted curls back from his face. His skin was so unusually pale, another indicator that he felt awful. “What can I do?”
“I don’t know. Maybe just lay down with me?” He rubbed a clumsy hand over the unbruised side of his face, clamping his eyes closed, and swallowing convulsively. “Or kill me,” he croaked.
Kensi slid into bed alongside Deeks’ uninjured side, tucking his head under her chin. He sighed, relaxing into her.
“Hey Kensi, can you tell me something?” he murmured after a minute.
“Are there elves dancing on the ceiling?”
“No, baby. No elves,” Kensi assured him, hiding her mild concern at his apparent hallucinations.
“Huh. What about cows?”
“Wow. This sucks,” he sighed sleepily.
“Yeah. But I won’t leave you, not for a second.”
“I love you,” Deeks slurred, already half asleep.
A/N: Once when my mom was recovering from surgery at home (torn tendon in her shoulder from falling), she was seeing all kinds of pictures in the trees across the street. One of the things being a massive baby bottle.
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densi-mber · 4 months
Densimber Day 30 Creative Prompt
Kensi or Deeks sleep deprived, on medication, or otherwise loopy.
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densi-mber · 4 months
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Thinking on Your Feet
Fic idea kindly suggested by @mashmaiden.
“But is it legally wrong or just morally unacceptable? Because while both are an issue, only one is subject to legal ramifications,” Deeks said, deep in debate with Rosa over a scenario posed in one of her college classes.
They didn’t get it spend as much time together these days, so when Rosa had asked if Deeks could pick her up while her car was in the shop, he’d jumped at the chance.
“It’s definitely morally wrong,” Rosa answered, starting out slowly, but then her speech speeding up as she got into it. “Probably legally wrong since no laws were broken. Though I personally find the idea reprehensible.”
Deeks nodded in approval, a smile quirking at his lips. “A girl after my own heart. You’re going to make an amazing lawyer if you decided to go that route.”
“Thanks, but I’m not sure I’m really fit for the…cut throat aspect of it all.”
“Yeah, that kind of caused some problems for me too. Which is why I didn’t last long as a public defender,” Deeks mused. He shrugged. “You’ve still got time though, and there’s always non-criminal law like I do now.”
“That’s true.”
They were quiet for a couple minutes, the silence lasting until Deeks pulled into a speedway.
“Do you need any snacks?” Deeks asked as he waited for the tank to fill.
“I think I can wait until we get home,” Rosa said, then inclined her head. “Though some coffee would be nice. I stayed up late last night studying.”
“Yeah, I do not miss exams.” Deeks scrunched up his nose in distaste. “Here, get your coffee and can you grab me—”
“Max Gentry, I knew I recognized that voice!” a tall man growled, appearing in front of them.
Deeks had roughly three seconds to remember the name “Bart” and instinctively move in front of Rosa before his head snapped back with a brutal punch. He staggered back a few steps, raising her arm to ward off any further blows as the man shouted something else.
Deeks had a few brief encounters with him years ago, but apparently it was enough to cement Max in the guy’s mind. And not in a good way.
“He isn’t Max!” Rosa shouted, pushing in front of Deeks. “This is my dad, Jake.”
Deeks gaped at her back for a moment, squeezing Rosa’s shoulder in a silent warning to stop. Amazingly though, Bart froze in the act of throwing another punch, his hand still hanging in mid-air.
“You trying to tell me Max has a twin?” he barked out suspiciously.
Rosa started to speak again, but Deeks intervened.
“Yeah, lucky me.” Deeks wiped a trail of blood off his chin with the back of his hand, letting his arm shake a little. “Let me guess, he owes you money or something.”
“No, not exactly.” Bart’s eyes bounced between Rosa and Deeks. “You know where he is?”
“No,” Rosa answered quickly, rubbing her hands up and down her arms. Deeks couldn’t quite tell if it was an act or if she was truly afraid. “We haven’t seen him in years.”
“That the truth?”
“I wouldn’t know where to find him, and I have no reason to look,” Deeks responded, and Bart suddenly looked nervous and ready to bolt.
“Sorry about that.” He nodded to Deeks’ face.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
With another shifty glance in their direction, Bart shuffled back a few steps, then took of at an awkward run, jumping into a battered sedan parked alongside another pump.
“Are you ok?” Deeks asked, turning to Rosa, gently holding her arms. She looked a little shaken up, but remarkably unaffected.
“Yes, I’m fine. What about you?” She reached up to touch his face, and he winced instinctively before she made any contact.
“I’ll be all right. Let’s get out of here before someone thinks of calling the police.” He was slightly surprised no one had come out to investigate, though he supposed it made a certain amount of sense.
“You’re not calling the police?” Rosa asked as Deeks quickly closed the gas tank, and nudged her to get in the truck. He pulled out of the gas station almost as fast as Bart, driving towards home.
“I’ll give Bates what I have when we get home, but right now it’s better we get away from here before there’s too many questions.” He stopped the truck alongside a park, and turned to face Rosa. “Speaking of which, what the hell were you thinking engaging with him?”
“Law isn’t the only thing that you taught me about,” Rosa said, having the nerve to smirk. “I know you and Kensi tried to shelter me from most of what you did with NCIS, but I still saw enough. It is much harder than I thought it would be to think up lies so quickly. You’ll have to help me with that.”
“Unbelievable,” Deeks muttered, stunned. “No, no, absolutely not. I’m not training you to lie and make up aliases on the spot because this isn’t going to happen again.”
“Oh please, teach me just a little bit. Kensi always says that you were the best at undercover work,” Rosa begged.
“Did you forget the part where that guy punched me?”
“So obviously I need to be prepared.” Widening her eyes, Rosa nodded convincingly.
“Fine,” Deeks allowed with a sigh. “I will teach you some techniques on the very small, and awful, chance something like this happens again.”
“And maybe how to throw knives.”
“Oh my god, I’ve created a monster.” Deeks shook his head. “You’ll have to take up the knives debate with Kensi. Who will undoubtedly have lots of questions about this.” He made a circle to encompass his face, which what started to throb.
“Oh yeah. She won’t be happy,” Rosa said with a grimace.
“Probably not,” Deeks agreed, reaching over to pat her folded hands. “Despite everything I just said, you did good today, kiddo.”
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densi-mber · 4 months
Densimber Day 29 Creative Prompt
Kensi or Deeks is recognized as one of their aliases.
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densi-mber · 4 months
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A Gift of Joy
A/N: Yes, I’m being very self-indulgent, as usual, for my birthday.
“I scheduled the appointment to bring my SUV in for maintenance next week,” Kensi told Deeks. He glanced up from switching out a mini lightbulb from a strand of lights on the Christmas tree.
“Also, my water just broke.”
Deeks stilled, one eyebrow arching up as he processed this piece of information. “Are you having any contractions yet?”
“Yeah, but only one so far and not very strong,” Kensi answered.
“Ok, well, Sheila said we probably wouldn’t need to head to the hospital until you get to five minutes between contractions, right?” Deeks checked, clearly already three steps ahead in his head.
“Yeah. Unless I have any severe pain, get dizzy, or feel like I need to push.” She knew she wasn’t telling Deeks anything new, since he’d taken copious notes during all of their pregnancy classes provided by their midwife, Sheila. It was more to confirm that she wasn’t experiencing any unusual symptoms.
“All right. I’ll, uh, call Sheila so she’s ready when it’s time, and double check we have everything packed.”
Kensi watched him, unbelievably proud of his ability to stay calm. Aside from the first few days after finding out she was pregnant, when they’d both been in a state of shock and overwhelmed, Deeks had attacked the preparation with the same energy and focus he would a case.
“Thanks.” Kensi winced faintly as another contraction rippled through her abdomen and back. Deeks was in front of her, gently clasping her hand in a second.
“You ok, baby?”
“Yeah, that one was just a little stronger,” she explained. “It wasn’t that bad though and about 10 minutes from the last one.”
“Let me know if that changes,” Deeks said. “Do you wanna call Rosa?”
“Yeah, I will as soon as I grab something to eat.” He started to move away, but Kensi stop him with a brief tug of his hand. “Hey, thanks for taking such good care of us.”
“Alway. I love you,” Deeks murmured, kissing her softly. He sank to one knee and pressed his lips to her stomach, his touch so loving and gentle, Kensi felt her throat tighten. Standing up again, Deeks squeezed her hand one more time before rushing off to get things ready.
Caleb and Sophia Deeks entered the world 6 minutes apart and just short of four hours after Kensi went into labor. It was a remarkably uncomplicated, if fast, delivery. After checking that Kensi and the babies were all healthy, Sheila had left the family alone to bond.
“This is insane,” Deeks murmured, peering down at Caleb curled up on his bare chest. His hand looked giant against Caleb’s tiny back. For the first time today, he looked, and sounded, a touch overwhelmed. Or maybe awed was a better word.
It gave Kensi so much joy to see him realizing one of his most fervent wishes.
“Hey, come here,” Kensi called softly, not wanting to wake Sophia, who was similarly cradled in her own arms. Both babies had initially cried upon making their grand entrances into the world, then fallen asleep shortly after.
Deeks stood up carefully, keeping Caleb anchored to his chest with one hand. When he reached the side of the hospital bed, Kensi patted the mattress beside her. Deeks slid onto the bed, slipping his free arm around Kensi and Sophia once he was situated.
“I always forget how tiny and completely helpless they are at first. It’s incredible and so, so terrifying,” he said, brushing his finger over Sophia’s round cheek. She sighed in her sleep, shakily stretching one arm to the side before settling again.
“It is, but you’re a natural,” Kensi assured him. “You’ve always been. I mean, just look at how calm he is.” She snuggled closer to him. “I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”
Deeks scoffed. “Please. I just had to stand there while you pushed out these two.”
“You did so much more than that. You gave me the strength and courage I needed to get through labor.” Kensi smiled up at him. “Like you always do.”
“Either way, we made some cute kids,” he said with a smitten look. “I can’t wait for Rosa to meet them.”
“Yeah, just like their daddy.” Kensi tugged at one of his curls, and Deeks snorted.
“You’re ridiculous.” He gestured with his chin towards Sophia. “You wanna switch?”
They carefully made the swap, settling in once more. Kensi leaned her head against his, looking down on their two bundles of joy.
A/N: Yes, yes, yes, this time around I gave the babies my birthday. Title references my own middle name. And yes, this is incredibly cheesy.
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densi-mber · 4 months
Densimber Day 28 Creative Prompt
Write about Kensi’s pregnancy, going into labor, or the Densi family with the new addition(s).
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densi-mber · 4 months
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Team Bonding
A/N: A fic in which Sam attempts to corral the other unruly members of the team, with absolute terrible results.
“You know, when I suggested a team building trip, this is not what I had in mind,” Sam commented, standing over Deeks and Kensi, who were currently sunbathing on the deck side pool. The impressive “vacation house” Sam had scored for them creates a nice backdrop.
“Uh, Sam my man, you’re kind of creating a shadow,” Deeks replied without opening his eyes.
“This was an amazing idea,” Kensi added. “Thanks for suggesting it.” She smiled in his general direction.
Deeks still had his eyes closed, but he didn’t miss Sam’s annoyed sigh. “We’re supposed to be connecting.”
“Oh, we’ve been connecting,” Deeks assured him, the innuendo heavy in his voice as he trailed his fingers across Kensi’s shoulder. She actually giggled, wriggling closer to him.
“You know that’s not what I meant,” Sam growled. Deciding he wasn’t going to get any more peace for the moment, Deeks finally sat up.
“And that connection is why I’m glad we all have separate suites,” Nell said, walking out from the house in a loose and flowing dress and sun hat; Eric wasn’t far behind.
Sam inhaled deeply, visibly working to control his temper. “Guys, this trip is supposed to be about bonding and self-reflection,” he reminded them.
“Oh, I’m definitely reflecting,” Callen promised from his lawn chair. He looked vaguely out of place in a garish Hawaii shirt (Deeks was 99% certain Callen had brought it solely to annoy Sam), jeans, and hat even wider than Nell’s. “I’m reflecting on how much I’m enjoying this latte and croissant. You know, normally I’m not a latte kind of guy, but this one is the exception.”
“I will hurt you,” Sam promised gravely, jabbing a finger at Callen. Turning to point that same finger at each of them in turn, he sent them a disappointed look. “Listen, this is a great opportunity to reveal our weaknesses, as individuals and a group. We can become a stronger, more united team. You really want to waste that opportunity?”
“Ok, ok,” Kensi sighed, tossing the book she’d been pretending to read to the side. “You’ve convinced us, Sam.”
“Yeah, if only to stop the lectures,” Deeks added.
“Oh yes, this is so much better than swimming, tanning, and eating our weight in gourmet pastries,” Deeks said under his breath. Actually, he hadn’t spoken that quietly, but Sam, who was several yards ahead of him, seemed to be pretending not to hear any criticism.
In true Sam nature, he’d instructed them all to dress for a hike, and meet him out front. He’d then wordless led them to a heavily wooded patch of ground near the house.
Despite her earlier protests, Kensi had predictably come prepared in full hiking gear, complete with provisions, and weapons. Eric and Nell had gone with a combination of clothes that seemed more appropriate for a scenic walk around the park than whatever Sam had planned. Once again, Deeks assumed this was their silent form of protest.
“I know. But let’s just get it over with so Sam gets it out of his system,” Kensi suggested, squeezing his hand. “Then we can spend some quality time together, baby.”
“Ooh, we’re dropping babys in public now.” Grinning, Deeks leaned down to kiss her.
“Hey, stop goofing around!” Sam shouted back at them, his voice traveling through the leafy foliage. “We’ve got a five mile hike, then team activities, before we set up camp for the night.”
“Uh Sam, I didn’t bring a sleeping bag. Or my pillow,” Eric called out, picking his way around a patch of poison ivy.
“‘We’ll be connecting,’ he said. ‘It’s a bonding experience.’,” Nell said, managing a fair comparison of Sam’s voice. She glared up from under her hood, raindrops soaking into the fabric.
It had started drizzling sometime around six, but Sam had insisted it would clear up. So, they’d pushed on, making it through another two miles before the drizzle increased to a steady downpour.
“I’m sorry, Nell. The forecast said nothing about rain,” Sam apologized, having the good grace to look contrite as he pounded a stake into the soggy ground. Kensi, Deeks, and Callen were each working on one of the three other sides while Eric and Nell made sure their “provisions” stayed dry.
“This is good for your character,” Sam continued. “We don’t want to get too soft.”
“Sam, I say this with full love, but shut up,” Deeks said pleasantly. “I think after our multiple unsanctioned treks through foreign countries in less-than-ideal circumstances has given us more than enough character. Some might even say too much.”
“Ok, before we say something we’ll all regret, how about we stop to eat?” Kensi suggested.
“Kensi, we need to set up shelter before anything else.”
“That’s a good idea. What do we have, Nell?” Callen asked, ignoring Sam.
“Uh, granola bars, trail mix, beef jerky, pairs, water, and instant coffee,” Nell rattled off.
“And I may have snuck a few Twix bars into my pack,” Kensi added.
A few minutes later, everyone besides Sam had gathered on bits of damp log to enjoy their meager dinner. Once they’d broken into Kensi’s chocolate stash, the mood lifted considerably, even though they were all still soggy and chilly.
“God bless you, Kensi,” Eric said fervently around his candy bar.
“Now you better not tease me about my food habits anymore.” Kensi poked Deeks in the side, and he nodded agreeably.
“I won’t make fun of you for at least a month.” Looking past Kensi’s shoulder, he found Sam still stubbornly working at the tent. “Hey Sam, why don’t you join us?”
“Yeah, you’ll feel better if you eat something,” Callen coaxed him.
Making a disgusted sound, Sam tossed down a handful of stakes, and wiped his damp hands on his jeans.
“Fine. Give me a damn candy bar,” he grumbled, sitting next to Callen, and begrudgingly accepting a packet. He tore off the wrapper, taking a healthy bite. “Just so you know, I’m not taking any of you out on one of these ever again.”
“And for that, we thank you,” Deeks said happily.
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densi-mber · 4 months
Hilarity ensues when the team gets tasked with looking after Hetty's cars while she's away.
Day 27 of @densi-mber 2023
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densi-mber · 4 months
Densimber Day 27 Creative Prompt
Write about team LA getting into trouble, going out together, or generally spending time together. Could be any version/combination of the team.
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densi-mber · 4 months
Special Agent Plant Killer Blye
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AN: Hi there¡ Set in 4x12, Paper Soldiers. This deleted scene pic is still one of my biggest missing scenes for Densi. It would have been adorable to watch them banter and then create a more intimate/friendly moment.
*Pic source: Jacqniv’ IG, 4x12 Deleted scen
e. (Hope I uploaded it as it should, lol)
Densimber. Day 17 Prompt: Write a missing Kensi, Deeks, or Densi scene.
The case was solved, the day was over. It’s been a long and stressful week so the team began gathering up all their belongings to go home for the weekend. They were skipping their usual Friday’ night beer this time, still they stayed inside the mission for about an hour talking about their plans and of course, they took that moment to deepen into Kensi’s misfortune with gardening.
As usual, Deeks began naming all the plants that she killed since they first met, coming up with ridiculous stories about their death cause. Kensi tried to defend herself but Callen and Sam joined the party on Deeks’ side, so her fight was completely lost.
“Okay, I’m leaving. Please be careful and do a favor to human kind, do not get close to any living creature, plant or animal.” Callen was the first to leave, followed by his partner who also gave her a charismatic good-bye. They both hugged her as usual and she took advantage and pinched them.
“You also have something to say before leaving? Because I’m won’t be be so kind to you.” Her look was dangerous but mischievous, she was really having fun.
“Well, I think all the evidence is enough to close the Serial Plant Killer case…” He began picking up his bag, but sat in the chair looking for something in his drawer. “But as I am a charming and benevolent person, I’ll give you a chance to correct your sad history.”
“I think we need to reevaluate that charming part you’re talking about because…” She stopped talking as Deeks pulled out a box. Her curious self took her next to his partner, to investigate the box as if trying to find out what it content was.
“What’s this?”
“It’s a gift.”
“I can see that. Who’s that for?”
“For you.” His smile was different. She knew it was for her, but she wanted to hear him saying that. “You can open it here, or at home. Either way, I have to be there.”
“And why is that?” The way she continued to challenge him was encouraging Deeks to make it more difficult for her.
“Because those are the rules. You take it or leave it.”
Kensi looked serious for a brief moment, as if pondering her choices. She obviously accepted his request and chose open it at home. Deeks was tempting his fate, and physical integrity, and he also made her stop to buy dinner.
“Will I ever get home today? Can you stop coming up with ridiculous conditions?” Deeks was really enjoying having his partner on her nerves.
“Be patient Kensalina. You’ll thank me later for spending so much quality time with me.”
“You’re delusional.”
After arriving home and eating the Chinese take-out, Kensi was finally given her box. She began inspecting it, trying to find out shape and size of what was inside. “Will you open it as a normal person?” He earned a cold look.
As she opened the box, her stern face turned into a soft smile. Kensi let out a small laugh while pulling out a fake plant with a bow. After admiring it, she looked up to Deeks.
“You’ll never kill this one, and no one will ever notice it’s fake.” He was also smiling, trying to memorize her face. Her reaction was adorable.
“I should be offended.” Kensi tried to act tough but the softness in her body was hard to hide.
“It’s just like you. It’s forever strong and radiant and no one will ever crush it down, no matter how hard life is to this plant, it’ll survive anyway. And the bow it just like me, spectacular, shining and essential.” He continued smiling after his clever description of their partnership/whatever else they were. “I don’t want you to be sad about this, maybe gardening it’s not your thing but you’re great in many other.”
She didn’t expected that, though she knew he was not trying to mock her, Kensi was grateful for his words. Maybe it was the beer, the tiredness or his gesture what made her to stop her “thank-you” mid-sentence and approach him, still with the plant in her hand.
“Come here.”
“Oh you wanna a hug?” Deeks’s face of disbelief made him look so naïve, she quickly realized that he was completely taken aback.
They hugged then, taking time to relax on each other. “I really appreciate you trying to make me feel better. And I really appreciate having you as my partner.” Kensi’s face was still in his neck. He felt a tickle that made him feel so much more.
“Just as your partner? Because this bad boy could…” They both began laughing at his innuendo as Kensi tried to shut him up with failed threats.   
 AN 2: Hope you like it and sorry for any mistakes¡ Let’s continue enjoying Densimber¡ :D
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densi-mber · 4 months
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A/N: Set in season 6, after “Humbug”, but before everyone knows Kensi and Deeks are together.
“Deeks, are you and Kensi clear on what you’re doing tonight?” Callen asked, coming up behind Deeks as he stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his bow tie.
Deeks shot Callen’s reflection a glare. “We’re the distraction. We go in, dance, get an intel we can, but otherwise don’t get involved. I think we can handle it, Callen.”
“All right. Just don’t pull any of your usual stuff. You guys need to be focused.”
“G, relax. This isn’t their first time,” Sam intervened. “Stop being so antsy.”
“There’s a lot riding on this one.”
“So it’s a good thing that Kensi and I are involved,” Deeks said smugly, glancing towards OPS.
Deeks stilled, immediately forgetting what he’d been saying as Kensi appeared. She descended the stair, dressed in a long, dark blue dress, the material perfectly sculpted to her body. The bodice dipped low enough to give a tantalizing glimpse of skin, her hair curled and framing her tanned shoulders.
This was hardly the first time he’d seen Kensi dressed up, and many times in far less. Something had changed though, because he couldn’t take his eyes off her, and he felt as breathless as a sixteen year old on his first date.
As Kensi reached the bottom of the stairs, she paused, looking directly at Deeks.
“Well, what do you think?” she asked, giving Deeks a coy smile before she spun in a small circle that made the short train of her skirt flare out. Deeks was entranced.
He recovered himself enough to offer one of his usual grins. “Not bad,” he said, aware of both Callen and Sam watching them. Kensi gave him a brief searching look that made him wonder how obvious his reaction was.
She stepped close enough that Deeks could have easily drawn her into his arms.
“I guess you’re not terrible either,” she teased. She straightened one side of his collar, giving him a once-over that sent a shiver through him. When she reached his eyes again, Kensi nodded approvingly, her expression shifting to something more seductive. “Now you’re perfect.”
Her hand lingered on his chest, burning through the thin layer of his shirt. A sudden image of sliding the zipper down Kensi’s dress, revealing the silky skin he now knew so intimately, running his lips down her neck, and beyond.
Deeks inhaled sharply to bring himself out of the unexpected fantasy.
“Deeks?” Kensi whispered softly, dropping the slight barrier they’d put between themselves.
“Right. Yeah, we better get going,” he managed, holding his arm out to Kensi. She placed her hand in the crux of his arm after a moment, her touch sending yet another wave of warmth and electricity up his spine.
Yeah, he was completely focused.
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densi-mber · 4 months
Deeks randomly tells Kensi he appreciates her.
Day 26 of @densi-mber 2023
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densi-mber · 4 months
Densimber Day 26 Creative Prompt
Kensi or Deeks, ahem, appreciating the other.
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densi-mber · 4 months
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Hand-Knitted Hats and Christmas Lights
A/N: I hope everyone celebrating has a wonderful Christmas!
“You know, I think this is the first Christmas that we haven’t spent rushing around doing last minute things,” Kensi observed, staring up at the decorated Christmas tree. She sat on the couch with Deeks, cuddled up with mugs of hot chocolate while Rosa sat cross-legged on the floor, knitting a tiny hat.
“Yeah, that surprised me,” Rosa admitted. “I expected it to be a lot more organized.”
“We always hope to be, but somehow we never seem to get around to putting around the last few decorations or wrapping presents.”
Deeks cleared his throat pointedly, and Kensi amended,
“I never get my presents wrapped. Mr. Marie Kondo always has his presents wrapped by Thanksgiving.”
“Thank you,” Deeks said with a smirk and a gentle nudge. “You know I find your perplexing messiness and disorganization endearing at this point.”
“Right.” Kensi kissed his cheek. “I accept that we have very different views on that matter.”
“So, what was different this year?” Rosa pointed to the neat stacks of packages.
“Well, it’s possible I could go into labor at any time, so we wanted to be ready,” Kensi explained. “Especially since twins tend to come early. So, we thought it would be a good idea to have everything ready.”
“Well, unless they come in the next 10 hours, I don’t think we have to worry,” Rosa said, to which Deeks immediately gave her a mock stern look.
“Hey, do not tempt fate. We don’t need them to arrive in the middle of serving the mashed potatoes.”
“Ooh, mashed potatoes,” Kensi sighed. Rosa giggled at the reverence in her voice, and Kensi shrugged. “I told you, your siblings have very particular tastes. I have to honor them.”
“Uh-huh, like with those gourmet donuts that cost more than a coffee,” Deeks teased.
“Hey, I once bought you a cronut. From another state.”
“Ok, touché.”
Turning back to Rosa as though they hadn’t just had a mini debate, Deeks asked,
“Is there anything you want to do in particular today, Rosamund?”
“I thought it might be nice to go and look at lights after dinner,” Rosa suggested. “Although I know sitting in the car so long isn’t comfortable for you, Kensi.”
“I’ll be fine for an hour or so,” Kensi assured her, patting roundest part of her stomach. “Besides, at this point most things are at least a little uncomfortable.”
“Alrighty, then Christmas lights it is.” Deeks checked his watch. “Which means we should probably get dinner started.” He started to get up, but Rosa waved him back down.
“No, relax. I can start the chicken and water.”
“You don’t need to do that. You’re supposed to be on break, remember,” Deeks said.
“I know. I really do not mind though, especially since I barely get to cook when I’m at school,” she insisted.
“Thanks, kiddo.”
“We’re pretty lucky, aren’t we?” Kensi murmured after Rosa had gathered up her knitting supplies and headed into the kitchen.
“We are,” Deeks agreed. “We got one amazing kid, and two more on the way, we’re here. I don’t think it could be better.”
Smiling, Kensi curled her fingers around the back of Deeks’ neck, and his head down to hers. “Merry Christmas, Deeks.”
“Merry Christmas.”
They kissed for a couple minutes, settling into one another comfortably. Kensi noticed Deeks looking towards the kitchen a couple times, and shook her head.
“You’re going to go in there, aren’t you?”
“It just feel wrong to leave her all alone to cook on Christmas,” he reasoned. “Besides, Rosa still doesn’t know the recipe for green bean casserole.”
“Fine. Let’s go.” Kensi reached for Deeks’ hand so she could get off the couch. When Deeks started to protest, she rolled her eyes. “Hey, we do things as a family, right?“
“Always,” Deeks agreed.
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