depressivecooking · 6 years
Recipe: Pasta w/ Chicken
Alright y’all, I got thing for ya. It’s pasta with chicken. It’s super simple, super tasty and clean-up is kinda mediocre, just keep that in mind. But really, if you got an extra bit of energy today, then treat yo’self with this.
- 1 Bropan (non-stick sweetheart, makes everything such a breeze) - 1 Sharp knife (otherwise cutting the chicken is a nightmare) - 1 Cutting board - 1 flippity-flip palette knife thing or spoon, whatever. Random Utensil That Is Semi Clean works too.
- X things of chicken breast. I used two because the packet came with two and I didn’t want to freeze down the other, because lazy. You can use however many you want. - X things of onion. Again, however many you want. I used one big one and it was Just Right. - 1 thing of macaroni. I highly recommend macaroni pasta instead of regular pasta, but I guess regular pasta works too. I used mac. Mac is my friend. You can also use rice or noodles or whatever other thing that goes well with fried up chicken you happen to have. - 1 thing of cheese, for prettying it up and make the chicken stick to the mac/ rice/noodle/whatever. Good shit. (I personally don’t recommend cheese on rice but that’s just me. You do you, pal.) - 1 thing of butter/margarine/grease/bacon fat. - Salt - Pepper.
Step 1) Grab the onion, chop it into bits you find perfect, then fry it in the butter/margarine/grease up to about half-done ish. I did it in the wrong order and fried the chicken up first and this made it a little dry. Don’t do what I did, kids. I did it so you don’t have to. Anyway, leave it at medium to low heat.
Step 2) While it’s frying away, grab the chicken breast(s), cut ‘em up into sort of even bits and throw ‘em on the pan when the onions are half-done ish. Then wash the knife and cutting boards immediately, you really don’t want any bacteria to have a party in your kitchen. This is super important, okay? ‘Kay.
Step 3) Now that onion and chicken have met one another, leave them to dally about on medium to low heat. Remember to flip them once in a while with your fancy utensil so they get even. This is a good time to thrown your mac/pasta in a pot and let that boil. It’ll get done kinda at the same time. Ish.
Step 4) Once your chicken looks kinda done and there’s not too much fluid in your pan, throw on a splash of salt and a shake of pepper. THIS. IS. SUPER. IMPORTANT. OH MY GOD. Mates, if you want a comparison on your work, then grab a small bit of chicken before you do this and taste it. It’s tasteless. It’s not even chicken taste it’s just... sad. Then you throw in the most simplest of spices in the world and hOLY SHIT it just EXPLODES. THERE’S TASTE. IT’S EDIBLE. IT’S FRIGGEN AMAZEBALLS OKAY. AAAAAAAA--
Step 5) Take it off the fire, add mac (leftover or otherwise) to the pan to soak up the good stuff, get a bowl/plate (I recommend a bowl because bowls are superior), smack it on, add cheese, enjoy.
It is so goddamn tasty you guys. It’s tasty, it’s forgiving, it’s easy to clean up afterwards, especially if you remember to wash off that cutting-board and knife you used on the chicken. Seriously, remember that, you don’t want any bacteria to have a party in your kitchen.
This dish tastes like you have your shit together. Seriously.
TIP: If your pan has leftover grease from bacon, it’s 100 times more tasty. Just sayin’.
Bone app the teeth 8V ( Bon appétit~)
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depressivecooking · 6 years
Depression Food: Leftover Pasta
Okay, listen up y’all, cause I was making dinner and thought to myself “someone, somewhere, could benefit from the knowledge I have gained”. So here I am. I’ve had depression for a while and it still pops up and you just have no energy to do anything, whatsoever. This is also true for a lot of people with anxiety, mental disorders, other stuff, you get the point. So, here’s a recipe thing that requires minimum amounts of effort and leaves little clean-up. YOU NEED: - 1 thing of pasta/spaghetti/noodle - 1 thing of mystery meat that’s been in the fridge for almost too long now - 1 thing of butter/margarine/oil/leftover bacon fat from that one time you had energy enough to fry up bacon and you haven’t cleaned your pan since (like me >_>) - 1 pan, I recommend investing in a non-stick because they’re a basically self-cleaning honestly. Bro-pans. Best pans. Optional: Onion Cheese Tomato gunk (do not recommend if you don’t have a lot of energy to do stuff, because it’s messy af) Any vegetable that can fry (you can maybe make like a stir-fry I dunno, I’m not a culinary genius, I just survive)
Step 1) Get that mystery meat from the back of the fridge that’s still safe to eat, but you don’t remember which animal it came from. I was lucky to identify mine as chicken. It works with ham too. Dunno with beef, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers.
Step 2) Fry it up on the pan with whatever grease you got, keep it medium heat though because then you can idle elsewhere for a while in-between stirings. I recommend frying onions with it, or whatever else you have you wanna add. I didn’t have energy to cut up onions, so mine’s just chicken.
Step 3) Once almost done (read: reheated enough) you take your funky pasta that’s probably sticking together like the lips of teen-crushes who just found out that kissing is a thing, and dump it on the frying goodness. Like fucking magic, the pasta will unfuck itself if you poke it once in a while. If you want fried pasta, just leave it for X amount of time. If you want just heated pasta, keep a little eye on it. Step 4) Turn off heat, dump on plate, eat. I recommend sprinkling cheese on top.
I know this is like a beginner’s level recipe, but when your brain is working against you every damn day of your life, you might not have the brain power to actually do the math of LEFTOVER MEAT + PASTA = DELICIOUS MEAL. Because brain. Go figure.
BONUS: Requires minimal amount of clean-up. Just your plate, really. Maybe the pan if it’s really gunky. It’s that simple. Or a cutting board if you had to slice up the mystery meat, but this was chicken for me so I just plucked it off the bones and boom. Food.
That’s my 5 cents on how to survive when your brain is being derpy, and you happen to have leftover foodstuffs. It’s got fiber n shit. It’ll stave off the hunger at least. And to all my buddies out there with problems: Be cool, y’all, you can go through this. You get like, 10 gold stars for making yourself dinner. You can do this. I believe in you.
Bone app the teeth. (Or bon appétit ;D)
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