diaphcnous · 1 year
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PIRATES RUN THE SEA, AND THE BLUE DEVILS ARE AWAITING TO BE CROWNED THE KINGS. Monsters come in all shapes and forms but every creature abandoned and broken desires humanity’s most basic gift: survival. In an era of carnage, bloodshed and terror, it takes teeth and desperation to claw from the depths of hell to the sea. Beyond the horizon lies a promise of the greatest treasure that any human could covet - the promise of the fulfillment of any dream by the Goddess of creation herself.
For it is only she who can remake the world. 
Hungry goes the soul, anguish and rot consumes you in the prison that’s shackled you. Only hope of the divine lights a flickering blaze in your brittle heart. Condemned for your unending tragedies, a chance to escape and conquer the ocean is whispered through the ears of the world’s worst criminals. This is a chance to turn the hand of fate to your liking, to shed the grime that you call skin and bask in the warmth of the sun. To change the universe, to fulfill a shattered dream, all you need to do is hunt Genesis. 
But first, every convict needs to escape. 
⌱ BLUE DEVILS is a 21+ action adventure fantasy pirate roleplay inspired by Black Sails, One Piece, Blackbeard, The Odyssey and other sea sailing stories. This is a limited run roleplay expected to run between 8-12 months. The story begins with a group of terrible pirates forced to work together to escape the world’s strongest prison while on the run from the marines in search of a Goddess who can grant any wish. 
⌱ REBLOG this promo post to gain early access to the [  masterlist ] and for a chance to select the first skeleton to be released! 
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diaphcnous · 2 years
Lemondaydream Plagiarism
I’ll keep this very short and brief. Although I discussed my concerns with Lemon herself, I felt that her response was lacking accountability. The image on top will be Lemon’s google document and the image on bottom will be Studio Standard’s powerpoint template. 
Her defense is that
“[ .. ] many design elements and trends are used over and over again in web design, print media, etc.”
However this is more than simply using elements or trends  — this is copying someone else’s design.
“It’s not that I’m stealing their customers, we are in completely different markets and have completely different functions.  [ … ] My document is specifically created for character docs, it’s not a PowerPoint and I made every piece of it myself. The PowerPoint just inspired the style. They don’t function the same.”
It’s unethical to copy designs from other creators regardless of where it’s being used, but especially when you’re trying to profit from it. Especially when she herself has strict rules about stealing and credit.
Lemon is currently charging $5 for her template and as such I thought all of her current / potential buyers should be informed to make their own decisions on whether or not they’d like to support her. I’m not calling for her to be cancelled, but I would like to see better accountability.
More information can be found here on imgur.
Lemon’s google document template
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Studio Standard’s powerpoint template
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diaphcnous · 2 years
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"Safe Abortion for All.
No Compromise - No Apology"
Print by Bum Lung Press
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diaphcnous · 2 years
I’m putting this submission under a read more because it’s highly disturbing. I don’t even know how to describe this. I don’t even want to see the admins justify this or whatever. I won’t answer any anons defending them. They wrote that disgusting shit and then barely apologize and gaslit people. Like, that happened a lot to us in history and you used it as a plot?
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diaphcnous · 2 years
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IMPERIUM is a 21+ fantasy roleplay taking place in the kingdom of Celeia 15 years after King Lawren Maximus of Tyrus deposed their ruler and the rulers of all the neighboring kingdoms. The people in the kingdoms have grown restless. Two clashing rebel groups are presently plotting against the monarchy— while people aligned with the king and neutral allegiance pursue desires of their own. With all the conflicting motivations, what truly is in store for the kingdom of Celeia and beyond? Inspired by The Crown and The Flame, Game of Thrones, and The Cruel Prince.
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diaphcnous · 2 years
*lying* why would i lie
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diaphcnous · 2 years
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diaphcnous · 2 years
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 Lawren Maximus’s rule is spoken of like a distant memory— for 15 years under the steel tyrant felt like a lifetime. Nearly two decades have passed since Maximus made his long awaited move. The differences that once allowed the individual kingdoms to thrive became unrecognizable under the King’s totalizing rule. The kingdom of EDESSA, once known for their brilliant scholars and powerful mages, wilted under the new magic laws. The use of the elements becomes illegal in all factions— mages are rounded up, and the remainder go into hiding. Most are confronted with an impossible task; regaining some sense of normalcy, through obtaining a life wholly unlike the existence they once led before. Some would adjust without issue. The majority would not. The kingdom of FLORENTIA, once a whispered legend of wealth and luxury, became a center of greed. Their hidden pile of gold and jewels became another source of power for the royal family, a way to fuel their efforts to expand their rule even further, and the citizens could do nothing but watch as their life’s work became another jewel in the tyrant’s bloodied crown. The kingdom of CELEIA was hit the hardest. Once a center of trade and commerce, the citizens watched as their harbors got taken over by warships. Trade slowed to a near stop as traveling merchants struggled to get through the wall of ships, and the citizens grew desperate as their livelihoods disappeared across the ocean. It is this very dissatisfaction of a small majority within CELEIA that leads to the conception of FORNACE. It was started by ANDRONICUS IMBREX, who could no longer watch firsthand the continuous destruction of his community and livelihood. Many older, disillusioned members of the kingdom would join this secret group, with the intention of infiltrating the king’s ranks— and inciting a rebellion from the inside. Several years have passed since the group’s inception— and many of its members began growing restless. One member in particular was at odds with Andronicus, so much so, that AELIA VESTA, with a face reminiscent of a fallen queen, would form a group of her own, and thus, OBSTINATAM is born. A group willing to achieve their freedom by any means necessary— a group willing to resort to the lowly ways that first allowed the tyrant to secure the kingdoms in the first place. Restless, and at odds, the groups continue pursuing their respective plans— knowing that those aligned with the KING, ZENO MAXIMUS, and those of NEUTRAL allegiances possessed undertakings of their own, one’s that could present roadblocks in the path to their desired retribution. Most understand now that there is no returning to the normalcy achieved prior to the Maximus siege. There is only the promise of the future, and the potentialities it may hold. THE DIE HAS BEEN CAST—
IMPERIUM is a 21+ fantasy roleplay taking place in the kingdom of Celeia 15 years after King Lawren Maximus of Tyrus deposed their ruler and the rulers of all the neighboring kingdoms. The people in the kingdoms have grown restless. Two clashing rebel groups are presently plotting against the monarchy— while people aligned with the king and neutral allegiance pursue desires of their own. With all the conflicting motivations, what truly is in store for the kingdom of Celeia and beyond? Inspired by The Crown and The Flame, Game of Thrones, and The Cruel Prince. REBLOG this post for a SNEAK PEAK at the MASTERLIST and  for a chance to pick the skeleton of your choice to drop first!
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diaphcnous · 3 years
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I am not a little girl anymore, dazzled by your magic. It is my magic now, too.
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diaphcnous · 3 years
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LUXURY. POWER. GLORY. PRIVILEGE. This is what it means to have the world eating out of your palm. Could you blame them for their arrogance and vainglory? Damnation was seductive, ravenous. The urge to be consumed, to be feasted upon, devoured them whole. Temptation beckoned with velvet corruption and violent revelry, slipping the blade into their hands and sharpening sacrilege into sin. The unholy covenant: he deserved to die. Reckoning dawns in blood and gilt sun, the road to perdition carved by age-old treachery. It bloomed in the garden at the beginning of everything, serpentine and blasphemous, and now it catalyses the end of days, harbinger of the last judgement. Remember this: sin eats and leaves you starving.
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diaphcnous · 3 years
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diaphcnous · 3 years
“your hunger hurts you awake. The sin is not the wanting, it’s the wanting more.”
— Traci Brimhall, from “Chthonic Lullaby”, Come the Slumberless to the Land of Nod
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diaphcnous · 3 years
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Margaret Atwood, The Animals in That Country; from ‘Speeches for Dr Frankenstein’
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diaphcnous · 3 years
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Jane Fonda in Barefoot in the Park (1967)
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diaphcnous · 3 years
She’s bi. She’s overly sensitive. She’s a big dummy. She can’t drive. She’s me!
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diaphcnous · 3 years
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There are poems written about Celestine and its Empire: countless mountains, wide rivers and glimmering golden fields have inspired written works for centuries. From tales recited over shared fires to songs sung together deep into your cups, there’s a chance you know at least one by heart. For the most part, it’s all true. Celestine is a nation as beautiful as it is deadly, as glorious to the eyes as it is wicked to the heart.
At the center of Celestine sits the capital city, Val Faim – a pillar of the arts, of progress, of the chance to become something greater than you are. Chevaliers and mages alike walk the cobbled streets, in their gold hued armor and sapphire robes. Soldiers wearing deep blue drapery with the head of a griffin on their shoulders march past, warbling out drunken anthems to the land they’ve vowed to protect. Climb the stairs at the other end of the city, up to the Summer Palace, and you’ll find yourself in the Empressian Gardens, surrounded by greenery and roses colored hues you’ve never seen before. To many, it is a paradise, a haven, a chance at renewal.
Inside the Summer Palace, you will be flocked by chittering nobles, their faces masked, swathed in finery of the highest cost. They will ask you where you are from, if you’ve come to visit for a day, a week, a month, if you will sing them any beautiful songs – and when you ask them if they will tell you anything of the Civil War between Her Imperial Majesty Calandre Valence and her once-closest friend Alain Gauthier, they will fly away from you as quickly as they’d come.
The end of Alain Gauthier and Empress Calandre’s friendship had come with flame and the ramblings of a madman convinced of a prophecy he would not share in full. Calandre will end the world, Alain insists even now, holding tight to anyone who will listen. Everyone turns their heads to her, and Calandre’s eyes are cold. It is an open taunt: if Alain wants to take the throne from her, he can certainly try, but not without paying a hefty cost.
Celestine is beautiful. It has prospered for years under the Valence family rule. It has flourished and bloomed into something no one thought it could become under Calandre, who turned her Empire from a crumbling one to a place of carefully-maintained peace when she usurped her father at sixteen. No one thinks to incur her wrath, lest the consequences kill them. But something ugly lurks under the surface: a brewing war, secrets uncovering themselves, an old prophecy come to life. Celestine has painted itself into a tapestry of gold, regality, and honor no matter the cost, but you know the truth, and you’re certain it won’t take much to see it fall as quickly as it had been rebuilt.
FAIM is an original fantasy roleplay group inspired by Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts, the Grishaverse, Star Wars, and other various pieces of fantastical media. The group follows a handful of characters within Empress Calandre Valence’s court as they contest with what side they’ll fall on should war break out, and what they’ll become after, if the country they’ve loved so dearly for so long splits at the seams. For a chance to choose which skeletons are released first, and a sneak peek of one selected skeleton, reblog this post!
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diaphcnous · 3 years
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GIF Tutorial by hvitserkk
This tutorial will show you my updated gif editing routine. I use this technique for every gif I make whether they’re 268, 540 or even for the base of pastel, b/w or pale gifs.  
I do have a masterlist of my tutorials that single out certain parts of this tutorial, which I still use. This is how I currently make all my gifs, I use an action to replicate this, but I’ve added the download to my psd pack and the psd for this specific tutorial.
Image and text heavy tutorial below!
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