Fuck the STF tag, I'm not looking there ever again. 馃槫
Like why are y'all pro-shippers of a minor and an adult-
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I love how Cedric gets all scary when it comes to Sofia. Like he's silly, he's unserious, he's sarcastic, but when Sofia's in danger that all goes out the window and he gets so serious and cold.
Yes, this is him
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But this is also him
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Drew this scene:
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Because it was like, so freaking cute?
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Check for C*dfia tags on people's blogs. Block users who use C*dfia tags unironically. Block the C*dfia tag and any tags relating to it.
I don't care if you age up Sofia, age down Cedric, had them meet when they're both adults, or use ANY justification to have them be together romantically.
C*dfia has always been used as a ship name. By PROSHIPPERS.
Do NOT use C*dfia for your friendship posts. Do NOT validate the use of C*dfia by using it in any other way than its original meaning. Your post will look like this:
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Using C*dfia platonically blurs the line of what's platonic and what's actually meant to be proship, leading to people REBLOGGING ACTUAL C*DFIA CONTENT THINKING IT'S PLATONIC!
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I open the Sofia the First tag and the first thing I see is some fucking C*dfia art.
My night is ruined.
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So, I've noticed lots of parrelles in the song "Dare to risk it all" from the princess Ivy episode to Cedric, his development and his relationship with Sofia. I thought I'd share in case anyone finds it interesting. (FIY, I know Rapunzel is speaking about Flynn in this song, but this is NOT a ship post.)
Once I met a man; a thief, a cad, with a selfish plan that made me mad.
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This goes without saying, Cedric was planning to take Sofia's amulet behind her back and was trying to take over the kingdom.
Love set his heart aglow; so sweet, so strange
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Cedric's heart was warmed by Sofia's love and kindness, making him change his ways and become a better man.
But first he had to show that he could change
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When I was in a spot, my back against the wall, he gave it all he got and dared to risk it all
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Cedric quite literally risked it all for Sofia in this moment, he knew full well what the outcome could be, but he did it anyway because he wanted to protect Sofia, even if it costed him.
Things were getting rough, but he answered the call. He had to stay tough and dare to risk it all. He was brave enough to finally dare to risk it all
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Cedric used near enough all of his power for Sofia in this episode to release her from the amulet and "answer the call." He needed to stay strong, otherwise the magic wouldn't work, and Sofia would remain stuck for who knows how long. He pulled through, using all his strength and successfully saving her.
@shychick-52 @bettathanyou
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Cedric is very iffy about Sofia doing magic around his father. He isn't embarrassed of her or his teaching skills, not at all, if anything he's embarrassed of his father. He fears that if Sofia makes a mistake in front of him, he'd come up with another mean "correction" or diminish her self esteem as a novice magic user. Cedric isn't entirely sure Goodwyn would say such things to a princess, but the fear is still there. He doesn't want Sofia to ever feel like he did as a child, ever. He wouldn't be able to stomach seeing her pride, passion and excitement for magic be crushed, it would be like watching himself at his sister's sorceress ball. Sometimes he looks at Goodwyn as if to say "You can insult me all you like, but say one bad word about her and I'm through."
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i was recommended to watch a cool animated series for kids that i had somehow overlooked in my childhood for some reason.
and it was pretty good and interesting 馃
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I can't decide which one I like more so have both- alternate colouring below 馃専
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Here me out, right? Cedric arguing with the protectors as they try to drag Sofia off to the 100th mission of the week, stepping in between them and threatening to call the guards if they don't leave her alone, promising that she isn't leaving the castle with them until they learn not to use an innocent child as their shield in battle, holding Sofia tightly by the wrist just in case one tries to flee with her, but is still careful not to hurt her. He doesn't let her go until he watched the protectors leave the kingdom. He's sick of seeing her come home with cuts and bruises covering her, body so worn she might just drop to the floor at any moment, of watching her deny herself food, sleep, drink, everything in favor of work, never even taking a moment to think about her and her needs. He's never seen her take a step back and think "What are my needs? Am I doing okay? Is it time for me to relax and have a day for myself?"
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didyougetyourfamilywand 11 months
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Wait, I deadass just realized are you guys being gen about this account or is this supposed to be a parody. I know that's a dumb thing to ask but I want to know before I follow
Hi! This blog is run by two people, and no, this isn't a parody.
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I love how "Cedric Be Good" is 1% Cedric actually being evil and 99% Cedric being an incompetent Mama's boy.
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Okay, let's fact-check this.
I have no control over what people say to Cedfia shippers, but I can't mind my business when a ship is annoyingly cringey and inappropriate to some people.
We should mind our business. Yes, this is a true statement, but then there are the other half of Cedfia shippers who pair Cedric with Sofia at the age she is in the show. Also, FYI, this is a fandom, so when we look for STF content, half of the stuff we see is Cedfia content, which is what we don't want to see. Yes, we can scroll past without making a fuss, but when we keep scrolling. More Cedfia content is what people see. It is like we are forced to see this content, which is inappropriate and, in some contexts, illegal. Now, this may sound like a load of bullshit to you, but that's what some of us feel.
'let shippers be shippers' nah not when it's between a literal child and a 50 year old man. pedophilia's kind of a dealbreaker for me.
Well, you can always KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND YOUR NOSE OUT OF OTHERS ' BUSINESS. The shippers don't make you look at their stuff. You are responsible for YOUR actions. If something is not your cup of tea, pass and block. And for your information, because obviously you don't have a brain in your head, most Cedfia shippers pair Sofia with Cedric when she's grown. Yes, GROWN. You know, as in AFTER the show ends. So mind your own business and leave people alone.
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this was so fun to do after the shit time I've been having lately
cedf//ia shippers don't interact
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This is fire
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"I'm finding out what being royal's all about"
Season 1
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Note: These aren't all mine some belong to me while some are all copyright to the Walt Disney Company... so enjoy!!!
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