drhindlouali · 7 days
Exploring Spoken vs. Written French with Dr. Hind Louali
Unveiling the Distinctions between Spoken and Written French with Dr. Hind Louali
Spoken French and written French have major differences, making it feel like learning two languages for many learners. This can be especially tough for those aiming for fluency. Dr. Hind Louali, founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, highlights five main differences between spoken and written French that learners need to understand. These differences significantly impact comprehension and fluency. Recognizing and adapting to these distinctions is a crucial part of learning French. While it adds complexity, it also makes learning more effective, giving learners a better understanding of the language in all its forms.
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Drop the "ne". In formal written French, the structure of negation involves two parts: the particle "ne" is placed directly before the verb, and "pas" is placed immediately after it. This construction is used to negate a statement. For example, if you want to express that you do not speak French well, you would say, "Je ne parle pas bien français." This rule is a fundamental aspect of French grammar, making the language distinct and emphasizing the formality of written communication. In spoken French, it's quite common to drop the "ne" from negative sentences, making them shorter and more conversational. This simplification does not change the meaning but makes the speech sound more natural among native speakers. For instance, in a more formal setting, one might say, "Je ne parle pas bien français," which directly translates to "I do not speak French well." However, in everyday conversation, a French speaker is likely to say, omitting the for brevity and ease. Similarly, while a formal expression of not understanding something is "Désolée, je ne comprends pas," in spoken French, it often gets shortened to "Désolée, je comprends pas," again dropping the "ne" to fit the casual spoken style. This aspect of spoken French highlights the flexibility and adaptability of language in different contexts.
Forget the "e". The examples provided can be adapted for everyday spoken language by dropping the "e" in certain phrases. In a more formal context, one might carefully articulate, "Je ne parle pas bien français," emphasizing each word. However, in a relaxed or casual conversation among friends or acquaintances, this often gets shortened to "J'parle pas bien français," where the contraction makes the speech flow more naturally and quickly. Similarly, the apologetic phrase, which is used to politely express a lack of understanding, is frequently trimmed down to "Désolée, j'comprends pas" in informal settings. This casual form reflects a more laid-back and spontaneous manner of communication, where clarity and brevity are valued over strict adherence to formal speech patterns.
"Je + s" becomes "ch." Dr. Hind Louali, , founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau points out that native French speakers often employ contractions in spoken language that diverge from formal written norms. A prime example is the transformation of "je suis" into "chuis." Thus, the formal expression "Je suis devant le café" becomes "Chuis devant le café" in everyday conversation. This trend extends to questions about locations; although one might formally ask, "Vous savez où est la rue Mouffetard?" in casual dialogue, a response like "No, I don't know, sorry" simplifies to "Non, ché pas, désolé." These spoken modifications facilitate a more natural and rapid flow of conversation, mirroring the dynamic, informal exchanges typical among French speakers.
"Tu" followed by a vowel becomes "t'". To save time and make the conversation flow more naturally, French speakers often contract "tu" into "t'" when a vowel follows it. This is a common practice in informal, spoken French. For example, the formal way to ask someone what they did yesterday, "Tu as fait quoi hier?" becomes more casual and succinct in spoken language as "T'as fait quoi hier?" This contraction is a small but significant aspect of the fluidity and dynamism present in everyday French conversation.
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"Il y a" becomes "ya." The phrase "Il y a," which translates to "there is" or "there are" in English, is frequently simplified in everyday French speech. In formal French, you might say, "Il y a beaucoup de monde dans la rue aujourd'hui," which means "There are a lot of people on the street today." However, in everyday spoken French, this often gets shortened to “Ya beaucoup de monde dans la rue aujourd’hui.” Similarly, the negative form of this phrase undergoes a casual transformation as well. In a formal setting, one might say, "Il n'y a pas de place dans ce restaurant," to convey "There is no room in this restaurant." Yet, in a more relaxed, spoken context, this statement is commonly abbreviated to "Ya pas de place dans ce restaurant."
Dr. Hind Louali, the founder of the French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, highlights the significant divergence between written and spoken French. She notes that while written French adheres to formal grammatical and syntactical rules, spoken French often embraces shortcuts, contractions, and colloquialisms. This distinction between formal and informal language is vital for learners, as it delineates the boundaries between formal written expressions and casual spoken dialogue. By grasping and appreciating these differences, individuals studying French can enhance their ability to communicate effectively across both formal and informal settings, thereby improving their overall proficiency in the language.
At the heart of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau lies a commitment to multilingualism, multiculturalism, and academic excellence. Join the community to experience a world-class education that blends language proficiency with the joy of learning. Visit this page for more information.
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drhindlouali · 12 days
The Founding of Le Bonnet Bleu Theatre
An educator with a doctor of medicine, Dr. Hind Louali benefits from a thorough understanding of childhood and adolescent development as she directs operations at the Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Austin, Texas. Dr. Hind Louali also serves as treasurer and director of Austin’s Le Bonnet Bleu Theatre.
A longtime lover of independent theater, Austin native and Le Bonnet Bleu Theatre founder Anne-Laure Reymond-Christensen gained valuable experience acting in both French-speaking and English-speaking troupes domestically in Houston, Texas, and overseas in Norway. She also served production companies as a director, prop manager, marketing manager, and board secretary. All told, she worked for five years in Houston and four years in Norway.
After returning to Austin in the mid-2010s, Anne-Laure Reymond-Christensen leveraged her considerable breadth of theatrical knowledge and skill to establish Le Bonnet Bleu Theatre. Founded with a dual mission to present independent theater and promote the French language, Le Bonnet Bleu Theatre presented its first production, 8 Women, in October of 2018.
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drhindlouali · 14 days
Dr. Hind Louali, Founder of French School of Austin Explains Why Performing Arts Education is Important
Dr. Hind Louali: The Significance of Performing Arts Education
Dr. Hind Louali, founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau points out that performing arts education is a multifaceted avenue that brings about a myriad of benefits for individuals across all age groups. Nurturing creativity and enabling self-expression not only instills a sense of confidence but also sharpens communication skills, preparing individuals for diverse social interactions. Engaging in the performing arts can truly be a life-altering journey, providing a profound platform for collaboration, a gateway to cultural exploration, and a catalyst for personal growth. This holistic approach serves as a beacon for those seeking to enhance their lives through the enriching world of the arts.
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It boosts creativity and imagination. Engaging in performing arts is not only a form of entertainment but also a way to nurture creativity and encourage imaginative thinking. Through activities like acting, dancing, or playing musical instruments, students immerse themselves in a world of expression where they can unlock their potential and convey their emotions in unique and captivating ways. This exposure to various art forms not only enhances their artistic skills but also fosters personal growth and self-discovery, shaping them into well-rounded individuals with a deep appreciation for the arts.
It builds self-confidence. When you step onto the stage, whether it's a small local venue or a grand theater, and perform in front of an eagerly attentive audience, you not only get the chance to showcase your unique talent but also have the incredible opportunity to nurture your self-confidence. Dr. Hind Louali says the feeling of knowing that your skills are being appreciated by those watching can truly be empowering. Conquering the initial nerves and stage fright that may arise and then succeeding in delivering a captivating performance can be an immensely transformative experience. It leaves you with not only a profound sense of achievement but also a deep-seated pride in your abilities and the courage it took to share them with the world.
It cultivates discipline and focus. Engaging in regular practice and rehearsals plays a vital role in instilling discipline and focus among students. Through these activities, students not only understand the importance of hard work and dedication but also cultivate perseverance and resilience, which are crucial for their personal and academic growth.
It fosters teamwork and collaboration. Many performing arts activities, such as theater productions and dance recitals, often revolve around group performances. Dr. Hind Louali mentions that engaging in these collaborative endeavors not only allows students to showcase their talents but also fosters essential skills like teamwork, effective communication, and the ability to work harmoniously with peers. Through these group experiences, students learn to appreciate the beauty of collective creativity and the power of unified performances.
It nurtures cultural awareness, appreciation, and preservation. Exposure to a variety of art forms introduces students to diverse cultures, traditions, and historical contexts. It nurtures an appreciation for the rich tapestry of global artistic heritage, aiding individuals in cultivating a deeper understanding, respect, and preservation of the interconnectedness of the world and the importance of safeguarding cultural legacies for posterity.
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It alleviates stress and promotes well-being. Engaging in creative expression offers individuals a valuable outlet to release stress and cultivate a sense of inner peace. This process not only serves as a means of relaxation but also plays a significant role in enhancing one's mental and emotional wellness, ultimately contributing to an overall sense of well-being and contentment.
It offers lifelong enjoyment. Engaging in the performing arts can evolve into a lifelong passion that brings joy and fulfillment. Dr. Hind Louali, founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau stresses that whether chosen as a creative outlet or a full-time career in the long run, the sense of satisfaction derived from the process of creating and performing can leave a lasting impact, shaping not only one's artistic journey but also personal growth and self-expression over the years.
Read similar articles on education, music, art, and more from Dr. Hind Louali by clicking on this link .
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drhindlouali · 14 days
France Education International Promotes the French Language Worldwide
An experienced multilingual educator, Dr. Hind Louali has led Austin’s Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau since establishing this preschool through middle school institution more than 15 years ago. Among her other credentials, Dr. Hind Louali completed intensive training through the Centre International d’Etudes Pedagogiques (CIEP).
Now operating as France Education International (FEI), CIEP continues to support a range of academic education and vocational training initiatives around the world. A key pillar of its overarching mission is to disseminate French internationally as a second language and a language of instruction.
FEI has partnered with a wide range of government agencies and educational organizations to establish numerous local educational systems that incorporate the French language into their instructional materials and curricula. It has also played an integral role in the creation of French-speaking bilingual establishments and cultural networks worldwide.
Within France, FEI promotes high quality language-related courses and services through its FLE Quality label. Language centers must meet strict standards to obtain the FLE Quality designation.
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drhindlouali · 24 days
Educational Psychology and Its Benefits in Schools
Dr. Hind Louali is a resident of Austin, Texas, and is the founder of Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Holding a medical degree, Dr. Hind Louali utilizes educational psychology in her approach to running the French immersion school.
Educational psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses specifically on development and learning. This field of psychology incorporates other fields, such as neuroscience, to get a better understanding of how people develop, learn, and what variables may affect a person’s growth. In schools, this is crucial to engaging with children, understanding how they learn, and modifying curriculum and teaching methods to optimize outcomes.
If a student is struggling with an area of their development or education, a psychologist can be a major positive influence. The educational psychologist will be able to see if a child is dealing with any environmental issues, looking at both positive and negative stimuli, and assess their strengths and weaknesses. By doing this they can then recommend appropriate measures to ensure the child has the best possible learning opportunities. This can also help identify any emotional or mental health issues, which can be a major roadblock for development and learning in children.
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drhindlouali · 1 month
Hind Louali: Three Effective Ways to Get Girls into STEM
Hind Louali: How to Encourage Girls to Choose STEM
As a society, we learn more about the world and advance our society through science and engineering. In the United States, administrators and educators lack a strong focus on educating engineers and scientists. Many of them do not encourage female students to pursue rewarding careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
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This needs to change, says Dr. Hind Louali, founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The lack of women in STEM fields will continue to plague the U.S. until all its students, regardless of sex, have equal opportunities to explore STEM throughout elementary, middle, and high school. In order to attract the brightest minds into STEM fields, administrators and educators must look to all of the population.
Women can contribute to the field. Below are some strategies that can help get women into STEM.
Expose Young Girls to STEM
The whole country stands to gain a lot by exposing girls to STEM fields at an early age and encouraging those who show interest to follow their hearts and minds, says Hind Louali, founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Focusing attention on just one age group cannot cure numerous societal issues that influence career choices among women. However, correcting the misconceptions that girls develop at a young age can lead them to be interested in math and science when they reach high school.
Administrators and educators must create environments in high school math and science programs that are attractive to girls if they want to prevent the likelihood of girls choosing a different direction.
Encourage Participation in Special Programs
Nowadays, more workshops that encourage young girls to maintain their interest in STEM fields are sprouting up, notes Hind Louali, founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau. School programs are also becoming more and more popular, and in order for that to continue, professionals in STEM fields need to support both local and national efforts to encourage girls to pursue STEM. Without knowing the opportunities that are available to STEM students, some young women may think that facing the challenges of a STEM major is a mistake. The good news is that many excellent programs primarily focus on increasing young girls' interest in STEM.
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Support Learning Opportunities in Your Community
National clubs such as Girl Scouts of the USA have started to introduce girls to STEM. There has been an enhanced focus on motivating young girls to explore traditionally male-dominated fields. This shows a crucial shift in thinking. Today, many organizations have really stepped up their programs to ensure that girls succeed in various areas.
In addition, companies that offer summer internships provide an opportunity for girls and women to learn more about potential career paths in STEM. Many firms also offer career days or job shadowing.
Read similar articles on education, music, art, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), social-emotional learning (SEL), and other related topics from Dr. Hind Louali on this page .
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drhindlouali · 2 months
Dr. Hind Louali Recommends Learning More Languages
Dr. Hind Louali: The Many Benefits of Being Bilingual
According to Dr. Hind Louali of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, being bilingual carries with it a ton of benefits. Today, we look at ten of the most important ones.
Being bilingual can increase your brain power. Learning a second language is a great way to keep your brain both healthy and sharp. Being bilingual can improve your multitasking skills and attention control, as well as problem-solving skills and creativity. It promotes outside-the-box thinking and can also help improve your memory.
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Being bilingual can give children an academic advantage. Research has shown that bilingual children can outperform monolingual children in different subject areas. The effects of bilingualism help improve a child's educational development and cognitive functions. It can also positively affect social skills, literacy, and emotional skills for many years to come.
Being bilingual can increase awareness and appreciation of other cultures. Being able to speak more than one language can expose you to diverse customs, as well as ideas and perspectives from other cultures. While you may still learn about other cultures without speaking or writing a second language, language learning allows for a much more immersive experience.
Being bilingual makes travel easier and, therefore, more enjoyable. If you're the type of person who loves to travel, learning languages is a must. Traveling is more fun and easier when there are no language barriers. Dr. Hind Louali says that you can have a more immersive and authentic experience as well. You can talk directly with the locals and make more friends while you're at it. Knowing what food to order and buy without pointing at pictures, as well as asking for directions when you're lost, is also a bonus.
Being bilingual can improve your chances of landing a job. Speaking a second language can usually open doors to more job opportunities. Communication in the workplace is important, and more companies are recognizing this. Bilingualism is a huge plus, especially in international offices. The ability to communicate with foreign clients or customers has always been considered a huge advantage.
Being bilingual can allow you to learn a third language more easily. Learning a second language helps you gain a better aptitude for languages in general. This improved understanding of how language works, combined with the experience you have already gained, makes it so much easier to learn a third or fourth language.
Being bilingual can help you raise your kids to be bilingual as well. Raising your kids to be bilingual may, in turn, help them acknowledge the importance of their own culture and heritage. It can also develop a stronger personal identity. It truly is a great gift to be able to pass on to the next generation, especially if the home language is different from the one taught at school. If you learned a second language, Dr. Hind Louali says that this knowledge can be a big help in encouraging children to become bilingual, as well.
Being bilingual can help you stay mentally stronger. Recent studies found that bilingual people's brains age more slowly, which leads to longer, more satisfying lives. It is now more widely recognized that being bilingual can help delay neurological diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's.
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Being bilingual can improve your social life. Speaking a second language opens up a range of social opportunities. It can also enhance your social skills and confidence. It's only natural that the more languages you understand, the more interesting people you can converse with.
Being bilingual can also help you have more meaningful relationships. As you use your newfound language skills to connect with a wider range of people, Dr. Hind Louali says that you'll generally see a boost in your confidence in social situations.
Now, knowing all this, it's truly a great idea to start learning a new language if you haven't started already. Who knows? It may just be the best decision you'll make all year.
Dr. Hind Louali writes articles on education, music, art, and more. Learn more about his insights by clicking on this link.
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drhindlouali · 2 months
Dr. Hind Louali: How to Improve Your STEM Skills
Dr. Hind Louali: Four Effective Ways to Improve STEM Skills
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Careers in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics (STEM) fields can be rewarding and exciting. Developing STEM skills could help you impress hiring managers and increase your chances of finding a job in one of the fastest-growing industries right now. Understanding which skills are essential to STEM careers and knowing how you can improve these skills can be helpful when starting your career. Dr. Hind Louali explains how to improve STEM skills and discusses how you may use them in the workplace.
Below are some steps you could take if you're hoping to pursue a STEM career:
Pursue specialized training or education.
Most STEM professionals hold a degree in their field, says Dr. Hind Louali. Coursework in your areas of expertise may equip you with the technical skills you need in your career in STEM. Many institutions and companies offer boot camps and certifications in STEM topics like coding, debugging, and software development. Pursuing additional credentials in your field could help you improve your skills, gain practical experience, and expand your professional network.
Study the technology and tools you use every day.
You could learn more about technology and engineering by studying the devices and machines you use in your everyday life. Learning more about the algorithms your laptop uses to respond to your commands and examining the parts that power your mobile phone may expand your understanding of these devices. You could even start building simple, small machines yourself to gain experience and apply your problem-solving skills, adds Dr. Hind Louali.
Read relevant topics.
Reading can be a simple way to improve your STEM skills. Look for books, scholarly journals, and articles that delve into major innovations in science, technology, machinery, or statistics. They can deepen your understanding of your field. Watching video lectures and listening to podcasts of professionals working in the industry could also be beneficial.
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Ask for feedback.
Dr. Hind Louali also suggests learning more about your skills and understanding how to grow them by requesting personalized feedback from peers or supervisors. People who work alongside you may have valuable insights into your process, approach, and skills, and gathering feedback from them may help you accomplish your goals. For instance, the lead researcher on your team may recommend that you read internal safety policies to ensure you're minimizing the risk of incidents.
STEM skills are not just for yourself but also for others. By sharing your STEM skills and knowledge, you can inspire others to learn STEM too. You can also help in the advancement of STEM in society.
Read similar articles on education, music, art, and other related topics from Dr. Hind Louali on this page.
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drhindlouali · 2 months
Dr. Hind Louali: Why is STEM Education Important for Girls?
Dr. Hind Louali: Why Do We Need More Girls in STEM?
STEM plays an important role in every aspect of our lives. From the moment we wake up in the morning to when we sleep at night, we constantly rely on STEM for support. It is in the electrical system that brings our cooker to life and the devices we use daily, such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. Whether it is the innovative technology driving ChatGPT, the satellites enabling Google Maps, or a virtual reality tour of an Egyptian tomb, STEM is the backbone of it all. In addition, it is crucial to medical breakthroughs like COVID-19 vaccinations, the food we consume, online transactions we make, and even how we travel.
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In today's fast-paced world, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills are more necessary than ever. However, despite the increasing demand for STEM professionals, there is still a significant gender gap in STEM fields, with women still largely underrepresented. Dr. Hind Louali, founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, explores the importance of STEM education for girls.
STEM education is important for girls for these reasons:
Economic Opportunity
STEM careers generally offer higher salaries than non-STEM professions. There are numerous jobs available in STEM, and it is one of the fastest-growing fields. While there is no standard definition of a STEM job, more than 70 occupations are STEM-related. By encouraging girls to pursue STEM, we empower them to be financially independent in an area with job security and more opportunities.
Innovation and Problem-Solving
Women bring unique approaches to problem-solving, which can lead to breakthrough solutions and innovations, says Dr. Hind Louali, founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau. By hiring more women in STEM fields, we can tap into their creativity to tackle the world's most pressing issues, such as disease control, sustainable development, and climate change. Women also must participate in STEM to make sure the needs of women are included in research and the design of products and services, adds Dr. Hind Louali, founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
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Gender Equality
By breaking down gender stereotypes and encouraging girls to join STEM fields, we can challenge outdated norms and create a more equitable world. According to the Australian Academy of Science, in Australia, only 16% of the STEM workforce are women, while 90% of women with STEM qualifications work in non-STEM fields. More women in STEM roles can help form a stronger foundation for future opportunities and will help establish more career pathways for girls.
Personal Development
STEM education fosters critical thinking and collaboration skills, which are important for success in any career. By engaging girls in STEM subjects and activities, we help them build the foundation for a fulfilling future either in or beyond STEM, notes Dr. Hind Louali, founder of French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Read similar articles on education, music, art, and other related topics from Dr. Hind Louali on this page .
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drhindlouali · 2 months
How Practicing Mindfulness Affects Education
Holding a medical degree earned in Morocco, Dr. Hind Louali has spent her career in education, and is the founder of her own school. Dr. Hind Louali is an advocate of practicing mindfulness, and understands the positive impact it can have on education and a student’s ability to learn.
In simple terms, mindfulness is the practice of being aware of your current thoughts, but not reacting and just allowing them to pass. It also consists of various techniques, such as breathing and meditation, which help relax both the body and mind. Mindfulness has proven to be beneficial in many aspects of life, including education.
When a person is experiencing stress, has a lot on their mind, or just cannot relax, they have a tendency to not be at their best. If they are trying to learn new information and skills, it can be extremely detrimental. Mindfulness helps by calming stressful thought processes and focusing the mind on a simple task. In this way the brain can comprehend and absorb new information much more effectively.
Not only will practicing mindfulness help in an immediate situation, but it is also proven to improve overall retention and learning over time. A student who is less stressed out, anxious, or worried is going to do better overall in school and retain more of their knowledge.
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drhindlouali · 3 months
Think Bilingual Promotes Bilingualism and Cultural Diversity in Austin
Dr. Hind Louali is the founder of the French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau based in Austin, Texas. Before founding the school, Dr. Hind Louali, who is from Morocco, practiced medicine in numerous teaching hospitals before taking a sabbatical. A multilingualism advocate Dr. Louali is a board member of Think Bilingual Austin.
Started in 2016 Think Bilingual is a nonprofit that promotes bilingualism and multicultural understanding in Austin, Texas, an area that has a very diverse population. It does this by providing free resources on bilingualism, acquisition of a second language, and multicultural engagement to parents, children, organizations, or anyone interested in learning more about bilingualism and cultural diversity.
Think Bilingual also holds workshops, community activities, trade shows, and culturally diverse community-based festivals that encourage the local community to take up bilingual education and multiculturalism.
To fund its activities, Think Bilingual raises funds through charitable contributions, featured listings, and sponsorship opportunities.
Learn more about this organization by visiting its website, https://austin.thinkbilingual.org/
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drhindlouali · 4 months
Three Benefits of Cooking As a Hobby
Dr. Hind Louali studied medicine at the Mohammed V Faculty of Medicine, in Rabat, Morocco. After obtaining her medical degree, Dr. Hind Louali practiced medicine before founding Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, or the French School of Austin. Today, Dr. Louali runs the day-to-day operations at the French immersion school. When she gets time off, she enjoys theater, traveling, mindfulness training, and cooking.
There are numerous benefits of cooking as a hobby. Here are just three:
You eat healthier. Most fast foods often have a lot of salt, sugar, and fat - which is not healthy. When you cook for yourself, you can control how much sugar, salt, or oil is in your meal, so you're able to make healthier food.
You can save money. Eating out is expensive, with the average restaurants having a 300 percent markup on the cost of ingredients. If you’re on a tight budget, it makes a lot of sense to try cook as a hobby.
Build stronger bonds. Studies have shown families that cook meals together are closer. So if you can get your friends or family to join you in the kitchen, it may strengthen your relationships.
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drhindlouali · 4 months
Singapore Math Shifts Focus from Memorization to Mastery
A longtime educator and school administrator, Dr. Hind Louali is the founder and director of Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, known as the French School of Austin. Dr. Hind Louali was responsible for developing a curriculum that includes French immersion, arts and music, and bilingual math instruction.
The French School of Austin’s math classes utilize both French and Singapore methods of instruction. Originally developed for Singapore public schools in the 1980s by the Singapore Ministry of Education, Singapore Math utilizes a curriculum that focuses on problem-solving through diagrams and pictures. Rather than teaching students to memorize facts and formulas, the curriculum encourages mastery of concepts by starting with concrete objects such as buttons or dice, followed by a pictorial phase to represent concrete objects. Finally, students progress to abstract equations, using previous concepts as a foundation.
Singapore math typically focuses on fewer topics in an academic year, but explores them in greater depth. Rather than simply learning equations and plugging in numbers to reach a correct answer, students learn why the equation works. According to the Program for International Student Assessment, 15 year olds in Singapore who have learned math with this method rank the highest at solving problems in unfamiliar contexts.
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drhindlouali · 4 months
Think Bilingual Encourages Empathy and Understanding
Accredited by the French Ministry of Education as a trainer and examiner, Dr. Hind Louali founded Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau (the French School of Austin) in 2005. In addition to directing the school’s bilingual arts, music, and math curriculum, Dr. Hind Louali serves as a member of the board of directors with the organization Think Bilingual.
Created to cultivate multicultural understanding in the Austin community, Think Bilingual believes that language learning is just one aspect of building meaningful relationships. Even among individuals with a common language, differences in political, religious, and cultural beliefs can create conflict and prevent connection. To nurture empathy in a diverse society, learning to engage in difficult conversations is imperative. Listening to other people with different perspectives, even when you do not agree, requires discipline and patience.
Additionally, it helps to recognize that your own perspective likely includes personal biases that might make you less open to those of another group. Simply acknowledging these biases can go a long way toward building empathy. Finally, educate yourself on the dynamics and socioeconomic hierarchies of different social groups, as historical context often inspires insight and appreciation. For a list of resources designed to build unity, visit www.thinkbilingual.org.
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drhindlouali · 4 months
The Importance of Cultural Intelligence in Business Organizations
An accomplished educator and administrator in Austin, Texas, Dr. Hind LOuali is the founder of Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, known as the French School of Austin. Additionally, Dr. Hind Louali is a member of the board of directors for Think Bilingual, a non-profit organization that supports bilingualism.
As part of its mission to help organizations become more inclusive and diverse, Think Bilingual provides training focused on cultural intelligence (CQ) for business professionals. Increasingly, workforces across the United States include individuals from numerous backgrounds and cultures, making effective communication essential to conduct business. In the United States, nine out of ten employers have domestic employees who speak languages other than English, and 25 percent of employers have been unable to pursue a business opportunity due to their lack of second language ability.
Even among speakers of a common language, cultural differences can present problems. To integrate cross-cultural communication into a business strategy, organizations must focus on eliminating concepts of “normal” and “wrong.” Then can also use generalizations about culture as a teaching tool rather than an excuse to form stereotypes. Finally, while acknowledging cultural differences, organizations should recognize unifying similarities.
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drhindlouali · 7 months
The Benefit of Performing Arts in Language Learning
Trained at the Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques, Dr. Hind Louali founded Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau (the French School of Austin) in 2005. As the director of the school, Dr. Hind Louali, oversees a specialized language immersion program that emphasizes language, math, arts, and music for preschool through eighth-grade students.
The French School of Austin includes in its curriculum a mandatory French performing arts program, designed to reinforce French fluency and cultural education. Recent research shows the value of performing arts to learning a second language and related cognitive skills. Performing arts offer students the opportunity to express an idea using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic sensory information. Once they have developed this skill, students can more easily map concepts into more abstract forms such as oral or written language.
A 2014 study found that among second language learners, lessons that included drama components contributed to more linguistically specific and productive language. Additionally, teachers and students were more engaged with the multi-sensory learning process.
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drhindlouali · 7 months
How Learning a String Instrument Can Enhance Academic Performance
A trained medical doctor, Dr. Hind Louali gained a valuable understanding of juvenile development through her years of clinical training and practice. She has headed the Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau since founding this Austin, Texas-based school in 2005. One of the unique features of the Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau under Dr. Hind Louali’s leadership is its mandatory string instrument (violin and cello) program.
Over the years, there has been a wealth of research that links learning a musical instrument to enhanced scholastic performance. The mathematic qualities of rudimentary music theory can provide insights into lessons on fractions, division, and patterns. But music playing’s positive effects on concentration and memory have beneficial consequences in a wide range of school subjects.
Due to their unique qualities, classical stringed instruments such as violin and cello may lead to other specific benefits. Traditionally played as part of an ensemble or orchestra rather than solo, these instruments promote effective teamwork through unified interaction, which is absolutely essential in the academic and professional settings. Experts have also pointed to the bowing of stringed instruments as a way to better understand physics. After all, the musical notes produced by a violin or cello are simply the result of friction and vibrations at varying degrees.
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